[Python-modules-commits] [pytest] 01/10: Import pytest_2.8.5.orig.tar.gz
Barry Warsaw
barry at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 17 00:08:02 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
barry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pytest.
commit f2240a070184f58f07c3c5ff1a3c76703ac198ff
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
Date: Mon Dec 14 10:00:41 2015 -0500
Import pytest_2.8.5.orig.tar.gz
.coveragerc | 7 +
.gitignore | 32 -
.hgignore | 39 -
.hgtags | 77 -
.travis.yml | 37 -
AUTHORS | 128 +-
CHANGELOG | 4481 ++++++++--------
CONTRIBUTING.rst | 420 +-
ISSUES.txt | 364 --
LICENSE | 38 +-
MANIFEST.in | 41 +-
Makefile | 25 -
PKG-INFO | 180 +-
README.rst | 119 +-
_pytest/__init__.py | 4 +-
_pytest/_argcomplete.py | 208 +-
_pytest/_pluggy.py | 11 +
_pytest/assertion/__init__.py | 332 +-
_pytest/assertion/newinterpret.py | 730 +--
_pytest/assertion/oldinterpret.py | 1132 ++---
_pytest/assertion/reinterpret.py | 104 +-
_pytest/assertion/rewrite.py | 1754 +++----
_pytest/assertion/util.py | 651 +--
_pytest/cacheprovider.py | 243 +
_pytest/capture.py | 886 ++--
_pytest/config.py | 2114 ++++----
_pytest/core.py | 543 --
_pytest/doctest.py | 416 +-
_pytest/genscript.py | 260 +-
_pytest/helpconfig.py | 271 +-
_pytest/hookspec.py | 562 +-
_pytest/impl | 254 -
_pytest/junitxml.py | 604 ++-
_pytest/main.py | 1470 +++---
_pytest/mark.py | 622 +--
_pytest/monkeypatch.py | 442 +-
_pytest/nose.py | 142 +-
_pytest/pastebin.py | 180 +-
_pytest/pdb.py | 216 +-
_pytest/pytester.py | 1745 ++++---
_pytest/python.py | 4385 ++++++++--------
_pytest/recwarn.py | 306 +-
_pytest/resultlog.py | 208 +-
_pytest/runner.py | 1014 ++--
_pytest/skipping.py | 606 +--
_pytest/standalonetemplate.py | 174 +-
_pytest/terminal.py | 1113 ++--
_pytest/tmpdir.py | 205 +-
_pytest/unittest.py | 396 +-
_pytest/vendored_packages/README.md | 13 +
_pytest/vendored_packages/__init__.py | 0
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst | 10 +
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/METADATA | 39 +
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/RECORD | 8 +
.../vendored_packages/pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/WHEEL | 6 +
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/metadata.json | 1 +
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/pbr.json | 1 +
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/top_level.txt | 1 +
_pytest/vendored_packages/pluggy.py | 777 +++
appveyor.yml | 82 -
appveyor/install.ps1 | 180 -
appveyor/run_with_env.cmd | 47 -
bench/bench.py | 24 +-
bench/bench_argcomplete.py | 38 +-
bench/empty.py | 6 +-
bench/manyparam.py | 24 +-
bench/skip.py | 20 +-
doc/en/Makefile | 321 +-
doc/en/_getdoctarget.py | 32 +-
doc/en/_templates/globaltoc.html | 34 +-
doc/en/_templates/layout.html | 36 +-
doc/en/_templates/links.html | 22 +-
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doc/en/_themes/flask/relations.html | 38 +-
doc/en/_themes/flask/static/flasky.css_t | 1114 ++--
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.../{release-2.6.1.txt => release-2.6.1.rst} | 118 +-
.../{release-2.6.2.txt => release-2.6.2.rst} | 104 +-
.../{release-2.6.3.txt => release-2.6.3.rst} | 104 +-
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.../{bash-completion.txt => bash-completion.rst} | 56 +-
doc/en/{builtin.txt => builtin.rst} | 252 +-
doc/en/cache.rst | 278 +
doc/en/{capture.txt => capture.rst} | 234 +-
doc/en/{changelog.txt => changelog.rst} | 14 +-
doc/en/check_sphinx.py | 34 +-
doc/en/conf.py | 652 +--
doc/en/conftest.py | 2 +-
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doc/en/{contents.txt => contents.rst} | 61 +-
doc/en/{contributing.txt => contributing.rst} | 6 +-
doc/en/{customize.txt => customize.rst} | 420 +-
doc/en/{doctest.txt => doctest.rst} | 161 +-
doc/en/example/assertion/failure_demo.py | 474 +-
.../assertion/global_testmodule_config/conftest.py | 20 +-
.../global_testmodule_config/test_hello.py | 10 +-
doc/en/example/assertion/test_failures.py | 28 +-
.../example/assertion/test_setup_flow_example.py | 84 +-
doc/en/example/{attic.txt => attic.rst} | 158 +-
doc/en/example/conftest.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/conftest.py | 36 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub1/__init__.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub1/test_quick.py | 6 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub2/__init__.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub2/test_two.py | 12 +-
doc/en/example/{index.txt => index.rst} | 68 +-
doc/en/example/layout1/setup.cfg | 8 +-
doc/en/example/{markers.txt => markers.rst} | 1176 ++---
doc/en/example/multipython.py | 102 +-
doc/en/example/{nonpython.txt => nonpython.rst} | 177 +-
doc/en/example/nonpython/conftest.py | 80 +-
doc/en/example/nonpython/test_simple.yml | 14 +-
.../example/{parametrize.txt => parametrize.rst} | 897 ++--
doc/en/example/py2py3/conftest.py | 32 +-
doc/en/example/py2py3/test_py2.py | 14 +-
doc/en/example/py2py3/test_py3.py | 14 +-
doc/en/example/pythoncollection.py | 22 +-
.../{pythoncollection.txt => pythoncollection.rst} | 345 +-
.../{reportingdemo.txt => reportingdemo.rst} | 1196 ++---
doc/en/example/{simple.txt => simple.rst} | 1498 +++---
doc/en/example/{special.txt => special.rst} | 144 +-
doc/en/example/xfail_demo.py | 60 +-
doc/en/{faq.txt => faq.rst} | 332 +-
doc/en/feedback.rst | 16 +-
doc/en/{fixture.txt => fixture.rst} | 1954 +++----
.../{funcarg_compare.txt => funcarg_compare.rst} | 434 +-
doc/en/{funcargs.txt => funcargs.rst} | 28 +-
doc/en/genapi.py | 82 +-
.../{getting-started.txt => getting-started.rst} | 470 +-
doc/en/{goodpractises.txt => goodpractises.rst} | 567 +--
doc/en/{index.txt => index.rst} | 118 +-
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doc/en/{nose.txt => nose.rst} | 110 +-
doc/en/{overview.txt => overview.rst} | 28 +-
doc/en/{parametrize.txt => parametrize.rst} | 442 +-
doc/en/plugins.rst | 159 +
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doc/en/plugins_index/github.png | Bin 734 -> 0 bytes
doc/en/plugins_index/index.txt | 227 -
doc/en/plugins_index/plugins_index.py | 308 --
doc/en/{projects.txt => projects.rst} | 169 +-
doc/en/pytest.ini | 4 +-
doc/en/recwarn.rst | 124 +
doc/en/recwarn.txt | 42 -
doc/en/release.txt | 54 -
doc/en/{setup.txt => setup.rst} | 20 +-
doc/en/{skipping.txt => skipping.rst} | 603 +--
doc/en/{status.txt => status.rst} | 10 +-
doc/en/{talks.txt => talks.rst} | 223 +-
doc/en/test/{attic.txt => attic.rst} | 234 +-
doc/en/test/config.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/dist.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/extend.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/{index.txt => index.rst} | 70 +-
doc/en/test/{mission.txt => mission.rst} | 26 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{cov.txt => cov.rst} | 460 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{coverage.txt => coverage.rst} | 102 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{django.txt => django.rst} | 14 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{figleaf.txt => figleaf.rst} | 88 +-
.../test/plugin/{genscript.txt => genscript.rst} | 56 +-
.../test/plugin/{helpconfig.txt => helpconfig.rst} | 76 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{index.txt => index.rst} | 136 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{links.txt => links.rst} | 94 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{nose.txt => nose.rst} | 112 +-
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doc/en/test/plugin/{terminal.txt => terminal.rst} | 80 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/{xdist.txt => xdist.rst} | 344 +-
doc/en/test/test.html | 36 +-
doc/en/{tmpdir.txt => tmpdir.rst} | 185 +-
doc/en/{unittest.txt => unittest.rst} | 372 +-
doc/en/{usage.txt => usage.rst} | 508 +-
doc/en/{plugins.txt => writing_plugins.rst} | 1082 ++--
doc/en/{xdist.txt => xdist.rst} | 394 +-
doc/en/{xunit_setup.txt => xunit_setup.rst} | 180 +-
doc/en/{yieldfixture.txt => yieldfixture.rst} | 223 +-
extra/get_issues.py | 148 +-
extra/setup-py.test/setup.py | 22 +-
plugin-test.sh | 40 +-
pytest.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 180 +-
pytest.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 228 +-
pytest.egg-info/entry_points.txt | 2 +-
pytest.egg-info/not-zip-safe | 2 +-
pytest.egg-info/pbr.json | 1 -
pytest.py | 46 +-
requirements-docs.txt | 5 +-
runtox.py | 16 +-
setup.cfg | 38 +-
setup.py | 244 +-
testing/acceptance_test.py | 1348 ++---
testing/conftest.py | 126 -
testing/cx_freeze/install_cx_freeze.py | 20 +-
testing/cx_freeze/tests/test_doctest.txt | 12 +-
testing/python/collect.py | 1998 ++++----
testing/python/fixture.py | 5343 ++++++++++----------
testing/python/integration.py | 707 +--
testing/python/metafunc.py | 1997 ++++----
testing/python/raises.py | 143 +-
testing/test_argcomplete.py | 188 +-
testing/test_assertinterpret.py | 702 +--
testing/test_assertion.py | 1230 ++---
testing/test_assertrewrite.py | 1390 ++---
testing/test_cache.py | 373 ++
testing/test_capture.py | 2116 ++++----
testing/test_collection.py | 1255 ++---
testing/test_config.py | 945 ++--
testing/test_conftest.py | 756 +--
testing/test_core.py | 881 ----
testing/test_doctest.py | 954 ++--
testing/test_genscript.py | 99 +-
testing/test_helpconfig.py | 137 +-
testing/test_junitxml.py | 1210 +++--
testing/test_mark.py | 1298 ++---
testing/test_monkeypatch.py | 561 +-
testing/test_nose.py | 750 +--
testing/test_parseopt.py | 577 +--
testing/test_pastebin.py | 202 +-
testing/test_pdb.py | 577 +--
testing/test_pluginmanager.py | 336 ++
testing/test_pytester.py | 245 +-
testing/test_recwarn.py | 302 +-
testing/test_resultlog.py | 464 +-
testing/test_runner.py | 1140 +++--
testing/test_runner_xunit.py | 504 +-
testing/test_session.py | 487 +-
testing/test_skipping.py | 1477 +++---
testing/test_terminal.py | 1521 +++---
testing/test_tmpdir.py | 286 +-
testing/test_unittest.py | 1457 +++---
tox.ini | 300 +-
273 files changed, 50084 insertions(+), 47177 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abaf147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+omit =
+ # standlonetemplate is read dynamically and tested by test_genscript
+ *standalonetemplate.py
+ # oldinterpret could be removed, as it is no longer used in py26+
+ *oldinterpret.py
+ vendored_packages
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b7c267..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically generated by `hgimportsvn`
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-# Feel free to enable them by uncommenting them
diff --git a/.hgignore b/.hgignore
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--- a/.hgignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically generated by `hgimportsvn`
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-# These lines are suggested according to the svn:ignore property
-# Feel free to enable them by uncommenting them
diff --git a/.hgtags b/.hgtags
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diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5bcea..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-sudo: false
-language: python
- - '3.5.0b3'
-# command to install dependencies
-install: "pip install -U tox"
-# # command to run tests
- matrix:
- - TESTENV=flakes
- - TESTENV=py26
- - TESTENV=py27
- - TESTENV=py33
- - TESTENV=py34
- - TESTENV=py35
- - TESTENV=pypy
- - TESTENV=py27-pexpect
- - TESTENV=py34-pexpect
- - TESTENV=py27-nobyte
- - TESTENV=py27-xdist
- - TESTENV=py34-xdist
- - TESTENV=py27-trial
- - TESTENV=py33
- - TESTENV=py34-trial
- # inprocess tests by default were introduced in 2.8 only;
- # this TESTENV should be enabled when merged back to master
- #- TESTENV=py27-subprocess
- - TESTENV=doctesting
- - TESTENV=py27-cxfreeze
- - TESTENV=coveralls
-script: tox --recreate -i ALL=https://devpi.net/hpk/dev/ -e $TESTENV
- irc:
- - "chat.freenode.net#pytest-dev"
- email:
- - pytest-commit at python.org
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index ca82b48..84c35d3 100644
@@ -1,54 +1,74 @@
-Holger Krekel, holger at merlinux eu
-merlinux GmbH, Germany, office at merlinux eu
-Contributors include::
-Anatoly Bubenkoff
-Andreas Zeidler
-Andy Freeland
-Anthon van der Neut
-Armin Rigo
-Aron Curzon
-Benjamin Peterson
-Bob Ippolito
-Brian Dorsey
-Brian Okken
-Brianna Laugher
-Carl Friedrich Bolz
-Charles Cloud
-Chris Lamb
-Christian Theunert
-Christian Tismer
-Christopher Gilling
-Daniel Grana
-Daniel Nuri
-Dave Hunt
-David Mohr
-Edison Gustavo Muenz
-Floris Bruynooghe
-Graham Horler
-Grig Gheorghiu
-Guido Wesdorp
-Harald Armin Massa
-Ian Bicking
-Jaap Broekhuizen
-Jan Balster
-Jason R. Coombs
-Jurko Gospodnetić
-Katarzyna Jachim
-Maciek Fijalkowski
-Marc Schlaich
-Mark Abramowitz
-Martijn Faassen
-Nicolas Delaby
-Pieter Mulder
-Piotr Banaszkiewicz
-Punyashloka Biswal
-Ralf Schmitt
-Ronny Pfannschmidt
-Ross Lawley
-Samuele Pedroni
-Tom Viner
-Trevor Bekolay
-Wouter van Ackooy
+Holger Krekel, holger at merlinux eu
+merlinux GmbH, Germany, office at merlinux eu
+Contributors include::
+Abhijeet Kasurde
+Anatoly Bubenkoff
+Andreas Zeidler
+Andy Freeland
+Anthon van der Neut
+Armin Rigo
+Aron Curzon
+Benjamin Peterson
+Bob Ippolito
+Brian Dorsey
+Brian Okken
+Brianna Laugher
+Bruno Oliveira
+Carl Friedrich Bolz
+Charles Cloud
+Chris Lamb
+Christian Theunert
+Christian Tismer
+Christopher Gilling
+Daniel Grana
+Daniel Nuri
+Dave Hunt
+David Mohr
+Edison Gustavo Muenz
+Eduardo Schettino
+Elizaveta Shashkova
+Eric Hunsberger
+Eric Siegerman
+Florian Bruhin
+Floris Bruynooghe
+Gabriel Reis
+Graham Horler
+Grig Gheorghiu
+Guido Wesdorp
+Harald Armin Massa
+Ian Bicking
+Jaap Broekhuizen
+Jan Balster
+Janne Vanhala
+Jason R. Coombs
+Jurko Gospodnetić
+Katarzyna Jachim
+Kevin Cox
+Lee Kamentsky
+Maciek Fijalkowski
+Marc Schlaich
+Mark Abramowitz
+Markus Unterwaditzer
+Martijn Faassen
+Michael Birtwell
+Michael Droettboom
+Nicolas Delaby
+Pieter Mulder
+Piotr Banaszkiewicz
+Punyashloka Biswal
+Ralf Schmitt
+Ronny Pfannschmidt
+Ross Lawley
+Samuele Pedroni
+Tom Viner
+Trevor Bekolay
+Wouter van Ackooy
+David Díaz-Barquero
+Eric Hunsberger
+Simon Gomizelj
+Russel Winder
+Ben Webb
+Alexei Kozlenok
index c42743d..1b84057 100644
@@ -1,2079 +1,2402 @@
-2.7.3 (compared to 2.7.2)
-- Allow 'dev', 'rc', or other non-integer version strings in `importorskip`.
- Thanks to Eric Hunsberger for the PR.
-- fix issue856: consider --color parameter in all outputs (for example
- --fixtures). Thanks Barney Gale for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue855: passing str objects as `plugins` argument to pytest.main
- is now interpreted as a module name to be imported and registered as a
- plugin, instead of silently having no effect.
- Thanks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue744: fix for ast.Call changes in Python 3.5+. Thanks
- Guido van Rossum, Matthias Bussonnier, Stefan Zimmermann and
- Thomas Kluyver.
-- fix issue842: applying markers in classes no longer propagate this markers
- to superclasses which also have markers.
- Thanks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- preserve warning functions after call to pytest.deprecated_call. Thanks
- Pieter Mulder for PR.
-- fix issue854: autouse yield_fixtures defined as class members of
- unittest.TestCase subclasses now work as expected.
- Thannks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue833: --fixtures now shows all fixtures of collected test files, instead of just the
- fixtures declared on the first one.
- Thanks Florian Bruhin for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue863: skipped tests now report the correct reason when a skip/xfail
- condition is met when using multiple markers.
- Thanks Raphael Pierzina for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- optimized tmpdir fixture initialization, which should make test sessions
- faster (specially when using pytest-xdist). The only visible effect
- is that now pytest uses a subdirectory in the $TEMP directory for all
- directories created by this fixture (defaults to $TEMP/pytest-$USER).
- Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-2.7.2 (compared to 2.7.1)
-- fix issue767: pytest.raises value attribute does not contain the exception
- instance on Python 2.6. Thanks Eric Siegerman for providing the test
- case and Bruno Oliveira for PR.
-- Automatically create directory for junitxml and results log.
- Thanks Aron Curzon.
-- fix issue713: JUnit XML reports for doctest failures.
- Thanks Punyashloka Biswal.
-- fix issue735: assertion failures on debug versions of Python 3.4+
- Thanks Benjamin Peterson.
-- fix issue114: skipif marker reports to internal skipping plugin;
- Thanks Floris Bruynooghe for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue748: unittest.SkipTest reports to internal pytest unittest plugin.
- Thanks Thomas De Schampheleire for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
-- fix issue718: failed to create representation of sets containing unsortable
- elements in python 2. Thanks Edison Gustavo Muenz.
-- fix issue756, fix issue752 (and similar issues): depend on py-1.4.29
- which has a refined algorithm for traceback generation.
-2.7.1 (compared to 2.7.0)
-- fix issue731: do not get confused by the braces which may be present
- and unbalanced in an object's repr while collapsing False
- explanations. Thanks Carl Meyer for the report and test case.
-- fix issue553: properly handling inspect.getsourcelines failures in
- FixtureLookupError which would lead to to an internal error,
- obfuscating the original problem. Thanks talljosh for initial
- diagnose/patch and Bruno Oliveira for final patch.
-- fix issue660: properly report scope-mismatch-access errors
- independently from ordering of fixture arguments. Also
- avoid the pytest internal traceback which does not provide
- information to the user. Thanks Holger Krekel.
-- streamlined and documented release process. Also all versions
- (in setup.py and documentation generation) are now read
- from _pytest/__init__.py. Thanks Holger Krekel.
-- fixed docs to remove the notion that yield-fixtures are experimental.
- They are here to stay :) Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- Support building wheels by using environment markers for the
- requirements. Thanks Ionel Maries Cristian.
-- fixed regression to 2.6.4 which surfaced e.g. in lost stdout capture printing
- when tests raised SystemExit. Thanks Holger Krekel.
-- reintroduced _pytest fixture of the pytester plugin which is used
- at least by pytest-xdist.
-2.7.0 (compared to 2.6.4)
-- fix issue435: make reload() work when assert rewriting is active.
- Thanks Daniel Hahler.
-- fix issue616: conftest.py files and their contained fixutres are now
- properly considered for visibility, independently from the exact
- current working directory and test arguments that are used.
- Many thanks to Eric Siegerman and his PR235 which contains
- systematic tests for conftest visibility and now passes.
- This change also introduces the concept of a ``rootdir`` which
- is printed as a new pytest header and documented in the pytest
- customize web page.
-- change reporting of "diverted" tests, i.e. tests that are collected
- in one file but actually come from another (e.g. when tests in a test class
- come from a base class in a different file). We now show the nodeid
- and indicate via a postfix the other file.
-- add ability to set command line options by environment variable PYTEST_ADDOPTS.
-- added documentation on the new pytest-dev teams on bitbucket and
- github. See https://pytest.org/latest/contributing.html .
- Thanks to Anatoly for pushing and initial work on this.
-- fix issue650: new option ``--docttest-ignore-import-errors`` which
- will turn import errors in doctests into skips. Thanks Charles Cloud
- for the complete PR.
-- fix issue655: work around different ways that cause python2/3
- to leak sys.exc_info into fixtures/tests causing failures in 3rd party code
-- fix issue615: assertion re-writing did not correctly escape % signs
- when formatting boolean operations, which tripped over mixing
- booleans with modulo operators. Thanks to Tom Viner for the report,
- triaging and fix.
-- implement issue351: add ability to specify parametrize ids as a callable
- to generate custom test ids. Thanks Brianna Laugher for the idea and
- implementation.
-- introduce and document new hookwrapper mechanism useful for plugins
- which want to wrap the execution of certain hooks for their purposes.
- This supersedes the undocumented ``__multicall__`` protocol which
- pytest itself and some external plugins use. Note that pytest-2.8
- is scheduled to drop supporting the old ``__multicall__``
- and only support the hookwrapper protocol.
-- majorly speed up invocation of plugin hooks
-- use hookwrapper mechanism in builtin pytest plugins.
-- add a doctest ini option for doctest flags, thanks Holger Peters.
-- add note to docs that if you want to mark a parameter and the
- parameter is a callable, you also need to pass in a reason to disambiguate
- it from the "decorator" case. Thanks Tom Viner.
-- "python_classes" and "python_functions" options now support glob-patterns
- for test discovery, as discussed in issue600. Thanks Ldiary Translations.
-- allow to override parametrized fixtures with non-parametrized ones and vice versa (bubenkoff).
-- fix issue463: raise specific error for 'parameterize' misspelling (pfctdayelise).
-- On failure, the ``sys.last_value``, ``sys.last_type`` and
- ``sys.last_traceback`` are set, so that a user can inspect the error
- via postmortem debugging (almarklein).
-- Improve assertion failure reporting on iterables, by using ndiff and
- pprint.
-- removed outdated japanese docs from source tree.
-- docs for "pytest_addhooks" hook. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- updated plugin index docs. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- fix issue557: with "-k" we only allow the old style "-" for negation
- at the beginning of strings and even that is deprecated. Use "not" instead.
- This should allow to pick parametrized tests where "-" appeared in the parameter.
-- fix issue604: Escape % character in the assertion message.
-- fix issue620: add explanation in the --genscript target about what
- the binary blob means. Thanks Dinu Gherman.
-- fix issue614: fixed pastebin support.
-- fix issue620: add explanation in the --genscript target about what
- the binary blob means. Thanks Dinu Gherman.
-- fix issue614: fixed pastebin support.
-- fix issue575: xunit-xml was reporting collection errors as failures
- instead of errors, thanks Oleg Sinyavskiy.
-- fix issue582: fix setuptools example, thanks Laszlo Papp and Ronny
- Pfannschmidt.
-- Fix infinite recursion bug when pickling capture.EncodedFile, thanks
- Uwe Schmitt.
-- fix issue589: fix bad interaction with numpy and others when showing
- exceptions. Check for precise "maximum recursion depth exceed" exception
- instead of presuming any RuntimeError is that one (implemented in py
- dep). Thanks Charles Cloud for analysing the issue.
-- fix conftest related fixture visibility issue: when running with a
- CWD outside a test package pytest would get fixture discovery wrong.
- Thanks to Wolfgang Schnerring for figuring out a reproducable example.
-- Introduce pytest_enter_pdb hook (needed e.g. by pytest_timeout to cancel the
- timeout when interactively entering pdb). Thanks Wolfgang Schnerring.
-- check xfail/skip also with non-python function test items. Thanks
- Floris Bruynooghe.
-- Added function pytest.freeze_includes(), which makes it easy to embed
- pytest into executables using tools like cx_freeze.
- See docs for examples and rationale. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- Improve assertion rewriting cache invalidation precision.
-- fixed issue561: adapt autouse fixture example for python3.
-- fixed issue453: assertion rewriting issue with __repr__ containing
- "\n{", "\n}" and "\n~".
-- fix issue560: correctly display code if an "else:" or "finally:" is
- followed by statements on the same line.
-- Fix example in monkeypatch documentation, thanks t-8ch.
-- fix issue572: correct tmpdir doc example for python3.
-- Do not mark as universal wheel because Python 2.6 is different from
- other builds due to the extra argparse dependency. Fixes issue566.
- Thanks sontek.
-- Implement issue549: user-provided assertion messages now no longer
- replace the py.test introspection message but are shown in addition
- to them.
-- No longer show line numbers in the --verbose output, the output is now
- purely the nodeid. The line number is still shown in failure reports.
- Thanks Floris Bruynooghe.
-- fix issue437 where assertion rewriting could cause pytest-xdist slaves
- to collect different tests. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- fix issue555: add "errors" attribute to capture-streams to satisfy
- some distutils and possibly other code accessing sys.stdout.errors.
-- fix issue547 capsys/capfd also work when output capturing ("-s") is disabled.
-- address issue170: allow pytest.mark.xfail(...) to specify expected exceptions via
- an optional "raises=EXC" argument where EXC can be a single exception
- or a tuple of exception classes. Thanks David Mohr for the complete
- PR.
-- fix integration of pytest with unittest.mock.patch decorator when
- it uses the "new" argument. Thanks Nicolas Delaby for test and PR.
-- fix issue with detecting conftest files if the arguments contain
- "::" node id specifications (copy pasted from "-v" output)
-- fix issue544 by only removing "@NUM" at the end of "::" separated parts
- and if the part has an ".py" extension
-- don't use py.std import helper, rather import things directly.
- Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
-- Cache exceptions from fixtures according to their scope (issue 467).
-- fix issue537: Avoid importing old assertion reinterpretation code by default.
-- fix issue364: shorten and enhance tracebacks representation by default.
- The new "--tb=auto" option (default) will only display long tracebacks
- for the first and last entry. You can get the old behaviour of printing
- all entries as long entries with "--tb=long". Also short entries by
- default are now printed very similarly to "--tb=native" ones.
-- fix issue514: teach assertion reinterpretation about private class attributes
-- change -v output to include full node IDs of tests. Users can copy
- a node ID from a test run, including line number, and use it as a
- positional argument in order to run only a single test.
-- fix issue 475: fail early and comprehensible if calling
- pytest.raises with wrong exception type.
-- fix issue516: tell in getting-started about current dependencies.
-- cleanup setup.py a bit and specify supported versions. Thanks Jurko
- Gospodnetic for the PR.
-- change XPASS colour to yellow rather then red when tests are run
- with -v.
-- fix issue473: work around mock putting an unbound method into a class
- dict when double-patching.
-- fix issue498: if a fixture finalizer fails, make sure that
- the fixture is still invalidated.
-- fix issue453: the result of the pytest_assertrepr_compare hook now gets
- it's newlines escaped so that format_exception does not blow up.
-- internal new warning system: pytest will now produce warnings when
- it detects oddities in your test collection or execution.
- Warnings are ultimately sent to a new pytest_logwarning hook which is
- currently only implemented by the terminal plugin which displays
- warnings in the summary line and shows more details when -rw (report on
- warnings) is specified.
-- change skips into warnings for test classes with an __init__ and
- callables in test modules which look like a test but are not functions.
-- fix issue436: improved finding of initial conftest files from command
- line arguments by using the result of parse_known_args rather than
- the previous flaky heuristics. Thanks Marc Abramowitz for tests
- and initial fixing approaches in this area.
-- fix issue #479: properly handle nose/unittest(2) SkipTest exceptions
- during collection/loading of test modules. Thanks to Marc Schlaich
- for the complete PR.
-- fix issue490: include pytest_load_initial_conftests in documentation
- and improve docstring.
-- fix issue472: clarify that ``pytest.config.getvalue()`` cannot work
- if it's triggered ahead of command line parsing.
-- merge PR123: improved integration with mock.patch decorator on tests.
... 98356 lines suppressed ...
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