[Python-modules-commits] r32753 - in packages/jpylyzer/trunk (12 files)

malat at users.alioth.debian.org malat at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu May 21 13:26:08 UTC 2015

    Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015 @ 13:26:07
  Author: malat
Revision: 32753

prepare package

  packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/	(properties)

Property changes on: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian
Added: mergeWithUpstream
   + 1

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/changelog	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/changelog	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+jpylyzer (1.14.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release
+  * Update new code location. Closes: #770432
+  * Bump Std-Vers to 3.9.6, no changes needed
+  * Need to build PDF file from scratch
+ -- Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>  Thu, 21 May 2015 11:55:07 +0200
 jpylyzer (1.13.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/control	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/control	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
-Build-Depends-Indep: python (>= 2.6.6-3~)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), python (>= 2.6.6-3~), texlive-xetex, pandoc, lmodern, texlive-fonts-recommended
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
 X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
-Homepage: https://github.com/openplanets/jpylyzer
+Homepage: https://github.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer
 Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-modules/packages/jpylyzer/trunk/
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/jpylyzer/trunk/

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/copyright
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/copyright	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/copyright	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
 Upstream-Name: jpylyzer
-Source: https://github.com/openplanets/jpylyzer
+Source: https://github.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer
 Files: *
 Copyright: 2011, 2012 Johan van der Knijff, Koninklijke Bibliotheek -

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzer.pod
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzer.pod	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzer.pod	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 JP2 (JPEG 2000 Part 1) image validator and properties extractor
-    (C) National Library of the Netherlands / Open Planets Foundation
+    (C) National Library of the Netherlands / Open Preservation Foundation
 =head1 OPTIONS
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
 Report test results in verbose format.
+=item B<--recurse, -r>
+When analysing a directory, recurse into subdirectories (implies --wrapper).
 =item B<--wrapper, -w>
 Wrap output for individual image(s) in 'results' XML element.
@@ -54,7 +58,7 @@
 =head1 BUGS
-Please report bugs at https://github.com/openplanets/jpylyzer/issues.
+Please report bugs at https://github.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer/issues.
 =head1 AUTHORS

Deleted: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzerUserManual.txt
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzerUserManual.txt	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/jpylyzerUserManual.txt	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -1,3245 +0,0 @@
-        jpylyzer: validator and properties extractor for JPEG 2000 Part 1
-        (JP2)
-        User Manual
-        jpylyzer version: 1.13
-        Johan van der Knijff
-        KB/ National Library of the Netherlands
-        Open Planets Foundation
-        This work was partially supported by the SCAPE Project. The SCAPE
-        project is co-funded by the European Union under FP7 ICT-2009.4.1
-        (Grant Agreement number 270137).
-        Disclaimer
-        Both the program code and this manual have been carefully inspected
-        before printing. However, no warranties, either expressed or
-        implied, are made concerning the accuracy, completeness,
-        reliability, usability, performance, or fitness for any particular
-        purpose of the information contained in this manual, to the
-        software described in this manual, and to other material supplied
-        in connection therewith. The material is provided "as is". The
-        entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the user.
-                              Table of Contents
-        1  Introduction     1
-        1.1      About jpylyzer   1
-        1.2      Validation: scope and restrictions     1
-        ‘Valid’ means ‘probably valid’ 1
-        No check on compressed bitstreams    1
-        Recommendations for use in quality assurance workflows      2
-        Note on ICC profile support    2
-        1.3      Outline of this User Manual 2
-        1.4      Funding    2
-        1.5      License    2
-        2  Installation and set-up     3
-        2.1      Obtaining the software      3
-        2.2      Installation of Python script (Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac OS
-        X) 3
-        Testing the installation  3
-        Troubleshooting     4
-        2.3      Installation of Windows binaries (Windows only)    4
-        Testing the installation  4
-        Running jpylyzer without typing the full path   5
-        2.4      Installation of Debian packages (Ubuntu/Linux)     5
-        3  Using jpylyzer   7
-        3.1      Overview   7
-        3.2      Command-line usage    7
-        Synopsis 7
-        Output redirection  8
-        Creating well-formed XML with multiple images   8
-        ‘nullxml’ option    8
-        User warnings  8
-        3.3      Using jpylyzer as a Python module 9
-        4  Structure of a JP2 file     11
-        4.1      Scope of this chapter 11
-        4.2      General format structure    11
-        4.3      General structure of a box  12
-        4.4      Defined boxes in JP2  12
-        5  Output format    15
-        5.1      Overview   15
-        5.2      toolInfo element 16
-        5.3      fileInfo element 16
-        5.4      isValidJP2 element    16
-        5.5      tests element    16
-        Default and verbose reporting of test results   17
-        5.6      properties element    17
-        6  JP2: box by box  19
-        6.1      About the properties and tests trees   19
-        Naming of properties      19
-        6.2      JPEG 2000 Signature box     19
-        Element name   19
-        Reported properties 19
-        Tests    20
-        6.3      File Type box    20
-        Element name   20
-        Reported properties 20
-        Tests    20
-        6.4      JP2 Header box (superbox)   20
-        Element name   20
-        Reported properties 20
-        Tests    21
-        6.5      Image Header box (child of JP2 Header box)   21
-        Element name   21
-        Reported properties 22
-        Tests    22
-        6.6      Bits Per Component box (child of JP2 Header box)   22
-        Element name   22
-        Reported properties 22
-        Tests    23
-        6.7      Colour Specification box (child of JP2 Header box) 23
-        Element name   23
-        Reported properties 23
-        Reported properties of ICC profiles  23
-        Tests    25
-        6.8      Palette box (child of JP2 Header box)  25
-        Element name   25
-        Reported properties 25
-        Tests    26
-        6.9      Component Mapping box (child of JP2 Header box)    26
-        Element name   26
-        Reported properties 26
-        Tests    26
-        6.10     Channel Definition box (child of JP2 Header box)   26
-        Element name   26
-        Reported properties 27
-        Tests    27
-        6.11     Resolution box (child of JP2 Header box, superbox) 27
-        Element name   27
-        Reported properties 27
-        Tests    27
-        6.12     Capture Resolution box (child of Resolution box)   28
-        Element name   28
-        Reported properties 28
-        Tests    28
-        6.13     Default Display Resolution box (child of Resolution box)
-        29
-        Element name   29
-        Reported properties 29
-        Tests    30
-        6.14     Contiguous Codestream box   30
-        6.15     Intellectual Property box   30
-        6.16     XML box    30
-        Element name   30
-        Reported properties 30
-        Tests    30
-        6.17     UUID box   31
-        Element name   31
-        Reported properties 31
-        Tests    31
-        6.18     UUID Info box (superbox)    32
-        Element name   32
-        Reported properties 32
-        Tests    32
-        6.19     UUID List box (child of UUID Info box) 32
-        Element name   32
-        Reported properties 32
-        Tests    32
-        6.20     Data Entry URL box (child of UUID Info box)  32
-        Element name   33
-        Reported properties 33
-        Tests    33
-        6.21     Unknown box      33
-        Element name   33
-        Reported properties 33
-        6.22     Top-level tests and properties    33
-        Element name   33
-        Reported properties 34
-        Tests    35
-        7  Contiguous Codestream box   37
-        7.1      General codestream structure      37
-        Markers and marker segments    37
-        General structure of the codestream  37
-        7.2      Limitations of codestream validation   38
-        Main codestream header    38
-        Tile parts     39
-        Bit streams    40
-        Detection of incomplete or truncated codestreams      40
-        Current limitations of comment extraction  40
-        7.3      Structure of reported output      40
-        7.4      Contiguous Codestream box   41
-        Element name   41
-        Reported properties 41
-        Tests    42
-        7.5      Image and tile size (SIZ) marker segment (child of
-        Contiguous Codestream box)     43
-        Element name   43
-        Reported properties 43
-        Tests    44
-        7.6      Coding style default (COD) marker segment    45
-        Element name   45
-        Reported properties 45
-        Tests    46
-        7.7      Quantization default (QCD) marker segment    47
-        Element name   47
-        Reported properties 47
-        Tests    47
-        7.8      Comment (COM) marker segment      48
-        Element name   48
-        Reported properties 48
-        Tests    48
-        7.9      Tile part (child of Contiguous Codestream box)     49
-        Element name   49
-        Reported properties 49
-        Tests    49
-        7.10     Start of tile part (SOT) marker segment (child of tile
-        part)    49
-        Element name   49
-        Reported properties 50
-        Tests    50
-        7.11     Coding style component (COC) marker segment  50
-        Element name   50
-        Reported properties 50
-        Tests    50
-        7.12     Region-of-interest (RGN) marker segment      51
-        Element name   51
-        Reported properties 51
-        Tests    51
-        7.13     Quantization component (QCC) marker segment  51
-        Element name   51
-        Reported properties 51
-        Tests    51
-        7.14     Progression order change (POC) marker segment      51
-        Element name   51
-        Reported properties 52
-        Tests    52
-        7.15     Packet length, main header (PLM) marker segment    52
-        Element name   52
-        Reported properties 52
-        Tests    52
-        7.16     Packed packet headers, main header (PPM) marker segment 52
-        Element name   52
-        Reported properties 52
-        Tests    53
-        7.17     Tile-part lengths (TLM) marker segment 53
-        Element name   53
-        Reported properties 53
-        Tests    53
-        7.18     Component registration (CRG) marker segment  53
-        Element name   53
-        Reported properties 53
-        Tests    53
-        7.19     Packet length, tile-part header (PLT) marker segment    54
-        Element name   54
-        Reported properties 54
-        Tests    54
-        7.20     Packed packet headers, tile-part header (PPT) marker
-        segment  54
-        Element name   54
-        Reported properties 54
-        Tests    54
-        8  References  55
-        1 About jpylyzer
-        This User Manual documents jpylyzer, a validator and feature
-        extractor for JP2 images.  JP2 is the still image format that is
-        defined by JPEG 2000 Part 1 (ISO/IEC 15444-1).  Jpylyzer was
-        specifically created to answer the following questions that you
-        might have about any JP2 file:
-     1. Is this really a JP2 and does it really conform to the format's
-        specifications (validation)?
-     2. What are the technical characteristics of this image (feature
-        extraction)?
-2 Validation: scope and restrictions
-        Since the word ‘validation’ means different things to different
-        people, a few words about the overall scope of jpylyzer. First of
-        all, it is important to stress that jpylyzer is not a ‘one stop
-        solution’ that will tell you that an image is 100% perfect. What
-        jpylyzer does is this: based on the JP2 format specification
-        (ISO/IEC 15444-1), it parses a file. It then subjects the file’s
-        contents to a large number of tests, each of which is based on the
-        requirements and restrictions that are defined by the standard. If
-        a file fails one or more tests, this implies that it does not
-        conform to the standard, and is no valid JP2. Importantly, this
-        presumes that jpylyzer’s tests accurately reflect the format
-        specification, without producing false positives.
-‘Valid’ means ‘probably valid’
-        If a file passes all tests, this is an indication that it is
-        probably valid JP2. This (intentionally) implies a certain degree
-        of remaining uncertainty, which is related to the following.
-        First of all, jpylyzer (or any other format validator for that
-        matter) ‘validates’ a file by trying to prove that it does not
-        conform to the standard. It cannot prove that that a file does
-        conform to the standard.
-        Related to this, even though jpylyzer’s validation process is very
-        comprehensive, it is not complete. For instance, the validation of
-        JPEG 2000 codestreams at this moment is still somewhat limited.
-        Section 7.2 discusses these limitations in detail. Some of these
-        limitations (e.g. optional codestream segment markers that are only
-        minimally supported at this stage) may be taken away in upcoming
-        versions of the tool.
-No check on compressed bitstreams
-        One important limitation that most certainly will not be addressed
-        in any upcoming versions is that jpylyzer does not analyse the data
-        in the compressed bitstream segments. Doing so would involve
-        decoding the whole image, and this is completely out of jpylyzer’s
-        scope. As a result, it is possible that a JP2 that passes each of
-        jpylyzer’s tests will nevertheless fail to render correctly in a
-        viewer application.
-Recommendations for use in quality assurance workflows
-        Because of the foregoing, a thorough JP2 quality assurance workflow
-        should not rely on jpylyzer (or any other format validator) alone,
-        but it should include other tests as well. Some obvious examples
-        are:
-      • A rendering test that checks if a file renders at all
-      • Format migration workflows (e.g. TIFF to JP2) should ideally also
-        include some comparison between source and destination images (e.g.
-        a pixel-wise comparison)
-        Conversely, an image that successfully passes a rendering test or
-        pixel-wise comparison may still contain problematic features (e.g.
-        incorrect colour space information), so validation, rendering tests
-        and pixel-wise comparisons are really complementary to each other.
-Note on ICC profile support
-        At the time of writing an amendment is in preparation that will
-        extend the support for embedded ICC profiles in JP2. Jpylyzer is
-        already anticipating these changes, and as a result there is a
-        minor discrepancy here between jpylyzer and the current standard
-        text.
-3 Outline of this User Manual
-        Chapter 2 describes the installation process of jpylyzer for
-        Windows and Unix-based systems. Chapter 3 explains the usage of
-        jpylyzer as a command-line tool, or as an importable Python module.
-        Chapter 4 gives a brief overview of the structure of JP2 and its
-        ‘box’ structure. Jpylyzer’s output format is explained in chapter
-        5. The final chapters give a detailed description of the tests that
-        jpylyzer performs for validation, and its reported properties.
-        Chapter 6 does this for all ‘boxes’, except for the ‘Contiguous
-        Codestream’ box, which is given a chapter (7) of its own.
-4 Funding
-        The development of jpylyzer was funded by the EU FP 7 project SCAPE
-        (SCAlabable Preservation Environments). More information about this
-        project can be found here:
-        http://www.scape-project.eu/
-5 License
-        Jpylyzer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-        under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-        published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-        License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is
-        distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-        WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   MERCHANTABILITY or
-        FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
-        Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
-        the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If
-        not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-        On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General
-        Public License version 3 can be found in "/usr/share/common-
-        licenses/LGPL-3".
-        Installation and set-up
-1 Obtaining the software
-        To obtain the latest version of the software please use the
-        download links at the jpylyzer homepage:
-        http://openplanets.github.io/jpylyzer/
-        You have three options:
-     1. Use the Python source code. This allows you to run the software as
-        a Python script on most popular platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac,
-        etc.). However, this requires that you have a recent version of the
-        Python interpreter available on your system.
-     2. Alternatively, for Windows users there is also a set of stand-alone
-        binaries[1]. These allow you to run jpylyzer as an executable
-        Windows application, without any need for installing Python. This
-        option is particularly useful for Windows users who cannot (or
-        don’t want to) install software on their system.
-     3. For Linux users Debian packages are available. These allow you to
-        run jpylyzer without any need for installing Python.
-        These options are described in the following sections.
-2 Installation of Python script (Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac OS X)
-        First, download the source files using one of the ‘Source Code
-        Downloads’ links on the OPF jpylyzer page.
-        Then unzip the contents of the ZIP file to an empty directory. If
-        you are working on a Linux/Unix based system you may need to make
-        the scripts executable, and convert any line breaks to Unix-style
-        ones. To do this, use the following commands:
-        chmod 755 *.py
-        dos2unix *.py
-        In order to run the script you will need either Python 2.7, or
-        Python 3.2 (or more recent)[2]. Python can be downloaded from:
-        http://python.org/
-Testing the installation
-        To test your installation, open a console window (or command
-        prompt) and type:
-        %jpylyzerPath%/jpylyzer.py -h
-        In the above command, replace %jpylyzerPath% with the full path to
-        the jpylyzer installation directory (i.e. the directory that
-        contains ‘jpylyzer.py’ and its associated files). For example, if
-        you extracted the files to directory ‘/home/jpylyzer’, the command
-        would become:
-        /home/jpylyzer/jpylyzer.py -h
-        Executing this command should result in the following screen
-        output:
-        usage: jpylyzer.py [-h] [--verbose] [--wrapper] [--version] ...
-        JP2 image validator and properties extractor
-        positional arguments:
-          jp2In          input JP2 image(s) or folder(s), prefix wildcard
-                         (*) with backslash (\) in Linux
-        optional arguments:
-          -h, --help     show this help message and exit
-          --verbose      report test results in verbose format
-          --wrapper, -w  wraps the output for individual image(s)
-                         in'results' XML element
-          --nullxml      extract null-terminated XML content from XML and
-                         UUID boxes (doesn't affect validation)
-          --version      show program's version number and exit
-        If the above test didn’t run successfully, first verify the
-        following possible causes:
-      • On Windows: check if files with a .py extension are associated with
-        the Python interpreter. If you have multiple versions of Python on
-        your system, make sure that the association does not link to a
-        Python version that is incompatible with jpylyzer (e.g. Python 2.6
-        or older, or Python 3.0/3.1).
-      • On Unix/Linux: by default, jpylyzer uses the command interpreter
-        that is defined by the ‘python’ environment variable. If this is
-        linked to some (very) old version of Python, things may not work as
-        expected. If you run into problems because of this, update the
-        command interpreter references in  jpylyzer.py, i.e. change:
-              #! /usr/bin/env python
-           into:
-              #! /usr/bin/env python27
-3 Installation of Windows binaries (Windows only)
-        Download the binary using the link on the jpylyzer homepage. Unzip
-        the contents of this file to an empty folder on your PC.  Jpylyzer
-        should now be ready for use.
-Testing the installation
-        To test your installation, open a Command Prompt (‘DOS prompt’) and
-        type:
-        %jpylyzerPath%\jpylyzer -h
-        In the above command, replace %jpylyzerPath% with the full path to
-        the jpylyzer installation directory (i.e. the directory that
-        contains ‘jpylyzer.exe’ and its associated files). For example, if
-        you extracted the files to directory ‘c:\tools\jpylyzer’, the
-        command would become:
-        c:\tools\jpylyzer\jpylyzer -h
-        Executing this command should result in the following screen
-        output:
-        usage: jpylyzer.py [-h] [--verbose] [--wrapper] [--version] ...
-        JP2 image validator and properties extractor
-        positional arguments:
-          jp2In          input JP2 image(s) or folder(s), prefix wildcard
-                         (*) with backslash (\) in Linux
-        optional arguments:
-          -h, --help     show this help message and exit
-          --verbose      report test results in verbose format
-          --wrapper, -w  wraps the output for individual image(s) in
-                         'results' XML element
-          --nullxml      extract null-terminated XML content from XML and
-                         UUID boxes (doesn't affect validation)
-          --version      show program's version number and exit
-Running jpylyzer without typing the full path
-        Optionally, you may also want to add the full path of the jpylyzer
-        installation directory to the Windows ’Path’ environment variable.
-        Doing so allows you to run jpylyzer from any directory on your PC
-        without having to type the full path. In Windows XP you can do this
-        by selecting ‘settings’ from the ‘Start’ menu; then go to ‘control
-        panel’/’system’ and go to the ‘advanced’ tab. Click on the
-        ‘environment variables’ button. Finally, locate the ‘Path’ variable
-        in the ‘system variables’ window, click on ‘Edit’ and add the full
-        jpylyzer path (this requires local Administrator privileges). The
-        settings take effect on any newly opened command prompt.
-4 Installation of Debian packages (Ubuntu/Linux)
-        For a number of Linux architectures Debian packages of jpylyzer
-        exist. To install, simply download the .deb file, double-click on
-        it and select Install Package.  Alternatively you can also do this
-        in the command terminal by typing:
-        sudo dpkg -i jpylyzer_1.9.0_i386.deb
-        In both cases you need to have administrative privileges.
-        Using jpylyzer
-1 Overview
-        This chapter describes the general use of jpylyzer. The first
-        sections cover the use of jpylyzer as a command-line tool and as an
-        importable Python module.
-2 Command-line usage
-        This section explains jpylyzer’s general command-line interface.
-        For the sake of brevity, all command-line examples assume the use
-        of the Python script; moreover, full paths are omitted. This means
-        that, depending on your system and settings, you may have to
-        substitute each occurrence of ‘jpylyzer.py’ with its full path, the
-        corresponding Windows binary, or a combination of both. The
-        following examples illustrate this:
-|This User Manual             |jpylyzer.py                  |
-|Substitution example Linux   |/home/jpylyzer/jpylyzer.py   |
-|Substitution example Windows |c:\tools\jpylyzer\jpylyzer   |
-|binaries                     |                             |
-        Furthermore, command line arguments that are given between square
-        brackets (example: [-h]) are optional.
-        Jpylyzer can be invoked using the following command-line arguments:
-           jpylyzer.py [-h] [--verbose] [--wrapper] [--version]
-           [--nullxml] [--nopretty] ...
-        With:
-|…                       |: input JP2 image(s)              |
-|[-h, --help]            |: show help message and exit      |
-|[--verbose]             |: report test results in verbose  |
-|                        |format                            |
-|[--wrapper, -w]         |: wraps the output for individual |
-|                        |image(s) in 'results' XML element |
-|[--nullxml]             |: extract null-terminated XML     |
-|                        |content from XML and UUID         |
-|                        |boxes(doesn't affect validation)  |
-|[--nopretty]            |: suppress pretty-printing of XML |
-|                        |output                            |
-|[-v, --version]         |: show program's version number   |
-|                        |and exit                          |
-        Note that the input can either be a single image, a space-separated
-        sequence of images, a pathname expression that includes multiple
-        images, or any combination of the above. For example, the following
-        command will process one single image:
-        jpylyzer.py rubbish.jp2
-        The next example shows how to process all files with a ‘jp2’
-        extension in the current directory:
-        jpylyzer.py *.jp2
-        Note that on Unix/Linux based systems pathname expressions may not
-        work properly unless you wrap them in quotation marks:
-        jpylyzer.py “*.jp2”
-Output redirection
-        All output (except warning and system error messages) is directed
-        to the standard output device (stdout).  By default this is the
-        console screen. Use your platform’s standard output redirection
-        operators to redirect output to a file. The most common situation
-        will be to redirect the output of one invocation of jpylyzer to an
-        XML file, which can be done with the ‘>’ operator (both under
-        Windows and Linux):
-        jpylyzer.py jp2In > outputFile
-        E.g. the following command will run jpylyzer on image ‘rubbish.jp2’
-        and redirects the output to file ‘rubbish.xml’:
-        jpylyzer.py rubbish.jp2 > rubbish.xml
-        The format of the XML output is described in Chapter 5.
-Creating well-formed XML with multiple images
-        By default, jpylyzer creates a separate XML tree for each analysed
-        image, without any  overarching hierarchy. If you use a pathname
-        expression to process multiple images and redirect the output to a
-        file, the resulting file will not be a well-formed XML document. An
-        example:
-        jpylyzer.py rubbish.jp2 garbage.jp2 > rubbish.xml
-        In this case, the output for these 2 images is redirected to
-        ‘rubbish.xml’, but the file will be a succession of two XML trees,
-        which by itself is not well-formed XML.  Use the --wrapper option
-        if you want to create well-formed XML instead:
-        jpylyzer.py --wrapper rubbish.jp2 garbage.jp2 > rubbish.xml
-        In the above case the XML trees of the individual images are
-        wrapped inside a ‘results’ element.
-‘nullxml’ option
-        The nullxml option was added to enable extraction of XML content
-        that is terminated by a null-byte. By default jpylyzer doesn’t
-        report the XML in that case, because it throws an exception in the
-        XML parser. Apparently some old versions of the Kakadu demo
-        applications would erroneously add a null-byte to embedded XML, so
-        this option can be used to force extraction for images that are
-        affected by this.
-User warnings
-        Under the following conditions jpylyzer will print a user warning
-        to the standard error device (typically the console screen):
-     1. If there are no input images to check (typically because the value
-        of jp2In refers to a non-existent file), the  following  warning
-        message is shown:
-              User warning: no images to check!
-     2. In some cases you will see the following warning message:
-              User warning: ignoring 'boxName' (validator function not yet
-              implemented)
-              The reason for this: a JP2 file is made up of units that are
-              called ‘boxes’. This is explained in more detail in Chapter
-              4. Each ‘box’ has its own dedicated validator function. At
-              this stage validator functions are still missing for a small
-              number of (optional) boxes. Jpylyzer will display the above
-              warning message if it encounters a (yet) unsupported box. Any
-              unsupported boxes are simply ignored, and the remainder of
-              the file will be analyzed (and validated) normally.
-     3. Finally, you may occasionally see this warning message:
-              User warning: ignoring unknown box
-              This happens if jpylyzer encounters a box that is not defined
-              by JPEG 2000 Part 1. It should be noted that, to a large
-              extent, JPEG 2000 Part 1 permits the presence of boxes that
-              are defined outside the standard. Again, jpylyzer will simply
-              ignore these and process all other boxes normally.
-3 Using jpylyzer as a Python module
-        Instead of using jpylyzer from the command-line, you can also
-        import it as a module in your own Python programs. To do so, put
-        all the jpylyzer source files in the same directory as your own
-        code. Then import jpylyzer into your code by adding:
-        import jpylyzer
-        Subsequently you can call any function that is defined in
-        jpylyzer.py. In practice you will most likely only need the
-        checkOneFile function, which can be called in the following way:
-        jpylyzer.checkOneFile(file)
-        Here, file is the path to a file object. The function returns an
-        element object that can either be used directly, or converted to
-        XML using the ElementTree module[3]. The structure of the element
-        object follows the XML output that described in Chapter 5.
-        Alternatively, you may only want to import the checkOneFile
-        function, in which case the import statement becomes:
-        from jpylyzer import checkOneFile
-        This will allow you to call the function as follows:
-        checkOneFile(file)
-        Structure of a JP2 file
-1 Scope of this chapter
-        This chapter gives a brief overview of the JP2 file format. A basic
-        understanding of the general structure of JP2 is helpful for
-        appreciating how jpylyzer performs its validation. It will also
-        make it easier to understand jpylyzer‘s extracted properties, as
-        these are reported as a hierarchical tree that corresponds to the
-        internal structure of JP2.
-        For an exhaustive description of every detail of the format you are
-        advised to consult Annex I (‘JP2 file format syntax’) and Annex A
-        (‘Codestream syntax’) of ISO/IEC 15444-1.
-2 General format structure
-        At the highest level, a JP2 file is made up of a collection of
-        boxes. A box can be thought of as the fundamental building block of
-        the format. Some boxes (‘superboxes’) are containers for other
-        boxes. Figure 4-1 gives an overview of the top-level boxes in a JP2
-        file.
-        [pic]
-        Figure 4-1  Top-level overview of a JP2 file (based on Figure I.1
-        in ISO/IEC 15444-1). Boxes with dashed borders are optional.
-        'Superbox' denotes a box that contains other box(es).
-        A number of things here are noteworthy to point out:
-      • Some of these boxes are required, whereas others (indicated with
-        dashed lines in Figure 4-1) are optional.
-      • The order in which the boxes appear in the file is subject to some
-        constraints (e.g. the first box in a JP2 must always be a
-        ‘Signature’ box, followed by a ‘File Type’ box).
-      •  Some boxes may have multiple instances (e.g. ‘Contiguous
-        Codestream’ box), whereas others must be unique (e.g.  ‘JP2 Header’
-        box).
-        More specific details can be found in the standard. The important
-        thing here is that requirements like the above are something that
-        should be verified by a validator, and this is exactly what
-        jpylyzer does at the highest level of its validation procedure.
-3 General structure of a box
-        All boxes are defined by a generic binary structure, which is
-        illustrated by Figure 4-2. Most boxes are made up of the following
-        three components:
-     1. A fixed-length ‘box length’ field that indicates the total size of
-        the box (in bytes).
-     2. A fixed-length ‘box type’ field which specifies the type of
-        information that can be found in this box
-     3. The box contents, which contains the actual information within the
-        box. Its internal format depends on the box type. The box contents
-        of a ‘superbox’ will contain its child boxes (which can be parsed
-        recursively).
-        In some cases a box will also contain an ‘extended box length
-        field’. This field is needed if the size of a box exceeds 232-1
-        bytes, which is the maximum value that can be stored in the 4-byte
-        ‘box length’ field.
-        [pic]
-        Figure 4-2 General structure of a box (based on Figure I.4 in
-        ISO/IEC 15444-1).
-4 Defined boxes in JP2
-        Table 4-1 lists all boxes that are defined in  ISO/IEC  15444-1.  A
-        JP2 file may contain boxes that are not defined  by  the  standard.
-        Such boxes are simply skipped  and  ignored  by  conforming  reader
-        applications.
-        Table 4-1 Defined boxes in JP2 (taken from Table I.2 in ISO/IEC
-        15444-1, with minor modifications). Indentation in ‘box name’
-        column indicates hierarchical structure.
-|Box name               |Superbox  |Required? |Purpose                 |
-|JPEG 2000 Signature box|No        |Required  |Identifies the file as  |
-|                       |          |          |being part of the JPEG  |
-|                       |          |          |2000 family of files.   |
-|File Type box          |No        |Required  |Specifies file type,    |
-|                       |          |          |version and             |
-|                       |          |          |compatibility           |
-|                       |          |          |information, including  |
-|                       |          |          |specifying if this file |
-|                       |          |          |is a conforming JP2 file|
-|                       |          |          |or if it can be read by |
-|                       |          |          |a conforming JP2 reader.|
-|JP2 Header box         |Yes       |Required  |Contains a series of    |
-|                       |          |          |boxes that contain      |
-|                       |          |          |header-type information |
-|                       |          |          |about the file.         |
-| - Image Header box    |No        |Required  |Specifies the size of   |
-|                       |          |          |the image and other     |
-|                       |          |          |related fields.         |
-| - Bits Per Component  |No        |Optional  |Specifies the bit depth |
-|box                    |          |          |of the components in the|
-|                       |          |          |file in cases where the |
-|                       |          |          |bit depth is not        |
-|                       |          |          |constant across all     |
-|                       |          |          |components.             |
-| - Colour Specification|No        |Required  |Specifies the           |
-|box                    |          |          |colourspace of the      |
-|                       |          |          |image.                  |
-| - Palette box         |No        |Optional  |Specifies the palette   |
-|                       |          |          |which maps a single     |
-|                       |          |          |component in index space|
-|                       |          |          |to a multiple-component |
-|                       |          |          |image.                  |
-| - Component Mapping   |No        |Optional  |Specifies the mapping   |
-|box                    |          |          |between a palette and   |
-|                       |          |          |codestream components.  |
-| - Channel Definition  |No        |Optional  |Specifies the type and  |
-|box                    |          |          |ordering of the         |
-|                       |          |          |components within the   |
-|                       |          |          |codestream, as well as  |
-|                       |          |          |those created by the    |
-|                       |          |          |application of a        |
-|                       |          |          |palette.                |
-|  - Resolution box     |Yes       |Optional  |Contains the grid       |
-|                       |          |          |resolution.             |
-|  - Capture            |No        |Optional  |Specifies the grid      |
-|Resolution box         |          |          |resolution at which the |
-|                       |          |          |image was captured.     |
-|  - Default Display    |No        |Optional  |Specifies the default   |
-|Resolution box         |          |          |grid resolution at which|
-|                       |          |          |the image should be     |
-|                       |          |          |displayed.              |
-|Contiguous Codestream  |No        |Required  |Contains the codestream.|
-|box                    |          |          |                        |
-|Intellectual Property  |No        |Optional  |Contains intellectual   |
-|box                    |          |          |property information    |
-|                       |          |          |about the image.        |
-|XML box                |No        |Optional  |Provides a tool by which|
-|                       |          |          |vendors can add XML     |
-|                       |          |          |formatted information to|
-|                       |          |          |a JP2 file.             |
-|UUID box               |No        |Optional  |Provides a tool by which|
-|                       |          |          |vendors can add         |
-|                       |          |          |additional information  |
-|                       |          |          |to a file without       |
-|                       |          |          |risking conflict with   |
-|                       |          |          |other vendors.          |
-|UUID Info box          |Yes       |Optional  |Provides a tool by which|
-|                       |          |          |a vendor may provide    |
-|                       |          |          |access to additional    |
-|                       |          |          |information associated  |
-|                       |          |          |with a UUID.            |
-| - UUID List box       |No        |Optional  |Specifies a list of     |
-|                       |          |          |UUIDs.                  |
-| - URL box             |No        |Optional  |Specifies a URL.        |
-        Output format
-        This chapter explains jpylyzer’s output format.
-1 Overview
-        Jpylyzer generates its output in XML format. Figure 5-1 shows the
-        output structure.
-        [pic]
-        Figure 5-1 Jpylyzer’s XML output structure. Note that ‘box’
-        elements under ‘tests’ and ‘properties’ contain further sub-
-        elements.
-        The root element (jpylyzer) contains 5 child elements:
-     1. toolInfo: information about jpylyzer
-     2. fileInfo: general information about the analysed file
-     3. isValidJP2: outcome of the validation
-     4. tests:  outcome of the individual tests that are part of the
-        validation process (organised by box)
-     5. properties: image properties  (organised by box)
-        If jpylyzer is executed with the --wrapper option, the root element
-        is results, which contains one or more jpylyzer elements which
-        otherwise follow the above structure. From version 1.12 onward, the
-        XML output is pretty-printed. You can use the --nopretty switch to
-        disable pretty-printing (this produces smaller files and may give a
-        slightly better performance).
-2 toolInfo element
-        This element holds information about jpylyzer. Currently it
-        contains the following sub-elements:
-      • toolName: name of the analysis tool (i.e. jpylyzer.py or jpylyzer,
-        depending on whether the Python script or the Windows binaries were
-        used)
-      • toolVersion: version of jpylyzer (jpylyzer uses a date versioning
-        scheme)
-3 fileInfo element
-        This element holds general information about the analysed file.
-        Currently it contains the following sub-elements:
-      • filename: name of the analysed file without its path (e.g.
-        “rubbish.jp2”)
-      • filePath: name of the analysed file, including its full absolute
-        path (e.g. “d:\data\images\rubbish.jp2”)
-      • fileSizeInBytes: file size in bytes
-      • fileLastModified: last modified date and time
-4 isValidJP2 element
-        This element contains the results of the validation. If a file
-        passed all the tests (i.e. all tests returned “True”, see section
-        5.5) it is most likely valid JP2, and the value of isValidJP2 will
-        be “True”.  Its value is “False” otherwise.
-5 tests element
-        This element is reserved to hold the outcomes of all the individual
-        tests that jpylyzer performs to assess whether a file is valid JP2.
-        The results are organised in a hierarchical tree that corresponds
-        to JP2’s box structure. Each individual test can have two values:
-      • “True” if a file passed the test.
-      • “False” if a file failed the test.
-        If a file passed all tests, this is an indication that it is most
-        likely valid JP2. In that case, the isValidJP2 element (section
-        5.4) has a value of “True” (and “False” in all other cases). These
-        tests are all explained in chapters 6 and 7.
-Default and verbose reporting of test results
-        By default, jpylyzer only reports any tests that failed (i.e.
-        returned “False”), including the corresponding part of the box
-        structure. For a valid JP2 the tests element will be empty.  If the
-        --verbose flag is used, the results of all tests are included
-        (including those that returned “True”)[4].
-6 properties element
-        This element contains the extracted image properties, which are
-        organised in a hierarchical tree that corresponds to JP2’s box
-        structure. See chapters 6 and 7 for a description of the reported
-        properties.
-        JP2: box by box
-        The following two chapters provide a detailed explanation of
-        jpylyzer’s functionality and its output. In particular, the
-        following two aspects are addressed:
-     1. The reported properties
-     2. The tests that jpylyzer performs to establish the validity of a
-        file.
-1 About the properties and tests trees
-        The ‘properties’ element in jpylyzer’s output holds a hierarchical
-        tree structure that contains all extracted properties. The ‘tests’
-        tree follows the same structure. The hierarchy reflects JP2’s box
-        structure (explained in Chapter 4): each box is represented by a
-        corresponding output element that contains the corresponding
-        property entries. If a box is a superbox, the output element will
-        contain child elements for each child box. For some boxes, the
-        output contains further sub-elements. This applies in particular to
-        the Contiguous Codestream box, since its contents are more complex
-        than any of the other boxes. Also, if a Colour Specification box
-        contains an embedded ICC profile, the properties of the ICC profile
-        are stored in a separate sub-element. In addition to this, one
-        ‘property’ that is reported by jpylyzer (the compression ratio) is
-        not actually extracted from any particular box. Instead, it is
-        calculated from the file size and some properties from the Header
-        boxes. As a result, it is reported separately in the root of the
-        properties tree.
-Naming of properties
-        The naming of the reported properties largely follows the standard
-        (ISO/IEC 15444-1). Some minor differences follow from the fact that
-        the standard does have any consistent use of text case, whereas
-        jpylyzer uses lower camel case. In addition, some parameters in the
-        standard are compound units that aggregate a number of Boolean
-        ‘switches’, where no names are provided for each individual switch.
-        An example of this is the Scod (coding style) parameter in the
-        codestream header, which contains three switches that define the
-        use of precincts, start-of-packet markers and end-of-packet
-        markers. For cases like these jpylyzer uses its own (largely self-
-        descriptive) names (which are all documented in these chapters).
-2 JPEG 2000 Signature box
-        This box contains information that allows identification of the
-        file as being part of the JPEG 2000 family of file formats.
-Element name
-        signatureBox
-Reported properties
-        None (box only holds JPEG 2000 signature, which includes non-
-        printable characters)
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box contents equals 4 bytes|
-|signatureIsValid          |Signature equals 0x0d0a870a        |
-3 File Type box
-        This box specifies file type, version and compatibility
-        information, including specifying if this file is a conforming JP2
-        file or if it can be read by a conforming JP2 reader.
-Element name
-        fileTypeBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|br                        |Brand                              |
-|minV                      |Minor version                      |
-|cL*                       |Compatibility field (repeatable)   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |(Size of box – 8) /4 is  a whole   |
-|                          |number (integer)                   |
-|brandIsValid              |br equals 0x6a703220 (“jp2 ”)      |
-|minorVersionIsValid       |minV equals 0                      |
-|compatibilityListIsValid  |Sequence of compatibility (cL)     |
-|                          |fields includes one entry that     |
-|                          |equals 0x6a703220 (“jp2 ”)         |
-4 JP2 Header box (superbox)
-        This box is a superbox that holds a series of boxes that contain
-        header-type information about the file.
-Element name
-        jp2HeaderBox
-Reported properties
-        Since this is a superbox, it contains a number of child boxes.
-        These are represented as child elements in the properties tree:
-        |Child element             |Description                        |
-|imageHeaderBox (section   |Properties from Image Header box   |
-|6.5)                      |(required)                         |
-|bitsPerComponentBox       |Properties from Bits Per Component |
-|(section 6.6)             |box (optional)                     |
-|ColourSpecificationBox    |Properties from Colour             |
-|(section 6.7)             |Specification box (required)       |
-|paletteBox (section 6.8)  |Properties from Palette box        |
-|                          |(optional)                         |
-|componentMappingBox       |Properties from Component Mapping  |
-|(section 6.9)             |box (optional)                     |
-|channelDefinitionBox      |Properties from Channel Definition |
-|(section 6.10)            |box (optional)                     |
-|resolutionBox (section    |Properties from Resolution box     |
-|6.11)                     |(optional)                         |
-|Test name                  |True if                           |
-|containsImageHeaderBox     |Box contains required Image Header|
-|                           |box                               |
-|containsColourSpecification|Box contains required Colour      |
-|Box                        |Specification box                 |
-|containsBitsPerComponentBox|Box contains Bits Per Component   |
-|                           |Box, which is required if bPCSign |
-|                           |and bPCDepth in Image Header Box  |
-|                           |equal 1 and 128, respectively     |
-|                           |(test is skipped otherwise)       |
-|firstJP2HeaderBoxIsImageHea|First child box is Image Header   |
-|derBox                     |Box                               |
-|noMoreThanOneImageHeaderBox|Box contains no more than one     |
-|                           |Image Header box                  |
-|noMoreThanOneBitsPerCompone|Box contains no more than one Bits|
-|ntBox                      |Per Component box                 |
-|noMoreThanOnePaletteBox    |Box contains no more than one     |
-|                           |Palette box                       |
-|noMoreThanOneComponentMappi|Box contains no more than one     |
-|ngBox                      |Component Mapping box             |
-|noMoreThanOneChannelDefinit|Box contains no more than one     |
-|ionBox                     |Channel Definition box            |
-|noMoreThanOneResolutionBox |Box contains no more than one     |
-|                           |Resolution box                    |
-|colourSpecificationBoxesAre|In case of multiple Colour        |
-|Contiguous                 |Specification boxes, they appear  |
-|                           |contiguously in the JP2 Header box|
-|paletteAndComponentMappingB|Box contains a Palette box (only  |
-|oxes                       |if Component Mapping box is       |
-|OnlyTogether               |present); box contains a Component|
-|                           |Mapping box (only if Palette box  |
-|                           |is present)                       |
-        5 Image Header box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This box specifies the size of the image and other related fields.
-Element name
-        imageHeaderBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|height                    |Image height in pixels             |
-|width                     |Image width in pixels              |
-|nC                        |Number of image components         |
-|bPCSign                   |Indicates whether image components |
-|                          |are signed or unsigned             |
-|bPCDepth                  |Number of bits per component       |
-|c                         |Compression type                   |
-|unkC                      |Colourspace Unknown field (“yes” if|
-|                          |colourspace of image data is       |
-|                          |unknown; “no” otherwise)           |
-|iPR                       |Intellectual Property field (“yes” |
-|                          |if  image contains intellectual    |
-|                          |property rights information; “no”  |
-|                          |otherwise)                         |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box contents equals 14     |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|heightIsValid             |height is within range [1, 232 - 1]|
-|widthIsValid              |width is within range [1, 232 - 1] |
-|nCIsValid                 |nC is within range [1, 16384]      |
-|bPCIsValid                |bPCDepth is within range [1,38] OR |
-|                          |bPCSign equals 255 (in the latter  |
-|                          |case the bit depth is variable)    |
-|cIsValid                  |c equals 7 (“jpeg2000”)            |
-|unkCIsValid               |unkC equals 0 (“no”) or 1 (“yes”)  |
-|iPRIsValid                |iPR equals  0 (“no”) or 1 (“yes”)  |
-        6 Bits Per Component box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the bit depth of the components in
-        the file in cases where the bit depth is not constant across all
-        components.
-Element name
-        bitsPerComponentBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|bPCSign*                  |Indicates whether image component  |
-|                          |is signed or unsigned (repeated for|
-|                          |each component)                    |
-|bPCDepth*                 |Number of bits for this component  |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|bPCIsValid*               |bPCDepth is within range [1,38]    |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-        7 Colour Specification box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This box specifies the colourspace of the image.
-Element name
-        colourSpecificationBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|meth                      |Specification method. Indicates    |
-|                          |whether colourspace of this image  |
-|                          |is defined as an enumerated        |
-|                          |colourspace or using a (restricted)|
-|                          |ICC profile.                       |
-|prec                      |Precedence                         |
-|approx                    |Colourspace approximation          |
-|enumCS (if meth equals    |Enumerated colourspace (as         |
-|“Enumerated”)             |descriptive text string)           |
-|icc  (if meth equals      |Properties of ICC profile as child |
-|“Restricted ICC” or “Any  |element (see below)                |
-|ICC”[5])                  |                                   |
-Reported properties of ICC profiles
-        If the colour specification box contains an embedded ICC profile,
-        jpylyzer will also report the following properties (which are all
-        grouped in an “icc” sub-element in the properties tree). An
-        exhaustive explanation of these properties is given in the ICC
-        specification (ISO 15076-1 / ICC.1:2004-10). Note that jpylyzer
-        does not validate embedded ICC profiles (even though it does check
-        if a specific ICC profile is allowed in JP2)!
-        |Property                  |Description                        |
-|profileSize               |Size of ICC profile in bytes       |
-|preferredCMMType          |Preferred CMM type                 |
-|profileVersion            |Profile version. Format:           |
-|                          |“majorRevision.minorRevision.bugFix|
-|                          |Revision”                          |
-|profileClass              |Profile/device class               |
-|colourSpace               |Colourspace                        |
-|profileConnectionSpace    |Profile connection space           |
-|dateTimeString            |Date / time string. Format:        |
-|                          |“YYYY/MM/DD, h:m:s”                |
-|profileSignature          |Profile signature                  |
-|primaryPlatform           |Primary platform                   |
-|embeddedProfile           |Flag that indicates whether profile|
-|                          |is embedded in file (“yes”/”no”)   |
-|profileCannotBeUsedIndepen|Flag that indicates whether profile|
-|dently                    |cannot (!) be used independently   |
-|                          |from the embedded colour data      |
-|                          |(“yes”/”no”)                       |
-|deviceManufacturer        |Identifies a device manufacturer   |
-|deviceModel               |Identifies a device model          |
-|transparency              |Indicates whether device medium is |
-|                          |reflective or transparent          |
-|glossiness                |Indicates whether device medium is |
-|                          |glossy or matte                    |
-|polarity                  |Indicates whether device medium is |
-|                          |positive or negative               |
-|colour                    |Indicates whether device medium is |
-|                          |colour or black and white          |
-|renderingIntent           |Rendering intent                   |
-|connectionSpaceIlluminantX|Profile connection space illuminant|
-|                          |X                                  |
-|connectionSpaceIlluminantY|Profile connection space illuminant|
-|                          |Y                                  |
-|connectionSpaceIlluminantZ|Profile connection space illuminant|
-|                          |Z                                  |
-|profileCreator            |Identifies  creator of profile     |
-|profileID                 |Profile checksum (as hexadecimal   |
-|                          |string)                            |
-|tag*                      |Signature of profile tag (repeated |
-|                          |for each tag in the profile)       |
-|description               |Profile description (extracted from|
-|                          |‘desc’ tag)                        |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|methIsValid               |meth equals 1 (enumerated          |
-|                          |colourspace) or 2 (restricted ICC  |
-|                          |profile)                           |
-|precIsValid               |prec equals 0                      |
-|approxIsValid             |approx equals 0                    |
-|enumCSIsValid  (if meth   |enumCS equals 16 (“sRGB”), 17      |
-|equals “Enumerated”)      |(“greyscale”)  or 18 (“sYCC”)      |
-|iccSizeIsValid (if meth   |Actual size of embedded ICC profile|
-|equals “Restricted ICC”)  |equals value of profileSize field  |
-|                          |in ICC header                      |
-|iccPermittedProfileClass  |ICC profile class is  “input       |
-|(if meth equals           |device” or “display device”[6]     |
-|“Restricted ICC”)         |                                   |
-|iccNoLUTBasedProfile (if  |ICC profile type is not N-component|
-|meth equals “Restricted   |LUT based (which is not allowed in |
-|ICC”)                     |JP2)                               |
-        8 Palette box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the palette which maps a single
-        component in index space to a multiple-component image.
-Element name
-        paletteBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|nE                        |Number of entries in the table     |
-|nPC                       |Number of palette columns          |
-|bSign*                    |Indicates whether values created by|
-|                          |this palette column are signed or  |
-|                          |unsigned (repeated for each column)|
-|bDepth*                   |Bit depth of values created by this|
-|                          |palette column (repeated for each  |
-|                          |column)                            |
-|cP**                      |Value for this entry (repeated for |
-|                          |each column, and for the number of |
-|                          |entries)                           |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|nEIsValid                 |nE is within range [0,1024]        |
-|nPCIsValid                |nPC is within range [1,255]        |
-|bDepthIsValid*            |bDepth is within range [1,38]      |
-|                          |(repeated for each column)         |
-9 Component Mapping box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the mapping between a palette and
-        codestream components.
-Element name
-        componentMappingBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|cMP*                      |Component index (repeated for each |
-|                          |channel)                           |
-|mTyp*                     |Specifies how channel is generated |
-|                          |from codestream component (repeated|
-|                          |for each channel)                  |
-|pCol*                     |Palette component index (repeated  |
-|                          |for each channel)                  |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|cMPIsValid                |cMP is within range [0,16384]      |
-|mTypIsValid*              |mTyp is within range [0,1]         |
-|                          |(repeated for each channel)        |
-|pColIsValid*              |pCol is 0 if  mTyp is 0  (repeated |
-|                          |for each channel)                  |
-10 Channel Definition box (child of JP2 Header box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the type and ordering of the
-        components within the codestream, as well as those created by the
-        application of a palette.
-Element name
-        channelDefinitionBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|n                         |Number of channel descriptions     |
-|cN*                       |Channel index (repeated for each   |
-|                          |channel)                           |
-|cTyp*                     |Channel type (repeated for each    |
-|                          |channel)                           |
-|cAssoc*                   |Channel association  (repeated for |
-|                          |each channel)                      |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|nIsValid                  |n is within range [1, 65535]       |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |(Size of box – 2) / equals 6*n     |
-|cNIsValid*                |cN is within range [0, 65535]      |
-|                          |(repeated for each channel)        |
-|cTypIsValid*              |cType is within range [0, 65535]   |
-|                          |(repeated for each channel)        |
-|cAssocIsValid*            |cAssoc is within range [0, 65535]  |
-|                          |(repeated for each channel)        |
-11 Resolution box (child of JP2 Header box, superbox)
-        This (optional) box contains the grid resolution.
-Element name
-        resolutionBox
-Reported properties
-        Since this is a superbox, it contains one or two child boxes. These
-        are represented as child elements in the properties tree:
-|Child element             |Description                        |
-|captureResolutionBox      |Properties from Capture Resolution |
-|(section 6.12)            |box                                |
-|displayResolutionBox      |Properties from Default Display    |
-|(section 6.13)            |Resolution box                     |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|containsCaptureOrDisplayRe|Box contains either a Capture      |
-|solutionBox               |Resolution box or a Default Display|
-|                          |Resolution box, or both            |
-|noMoreThanOneCaptureResolu|Box contains no more than one      |
-|tionBox                   |Capture Resolution box             |
-|noMoreThanOneDisplayResolu|Box contains no more than one      |
-|tionBox                   |Default Display Resolution box     |
-12 Capture Resolution box (child of Resolution box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the grid resolution at which the
-        image was captured.
-Element name
-        captureResolutionBox
-Reported properties
-        Resolution information in this box is stored as a set of vertical
-        and horizontal numerators, denominators and exponents. Jpylyzer
-        also reports the corresponding grid resolutions in pixels per meter
-        and pixels per inch, which are calculated from these values.
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|vRcN                      |Vertical grid resolution numerator |
-|vRcD                      |Vertical grid resolution           |
-|                          |denominator                        |
-|hRcN                      |Horizontal grid resolution         |
-|                          |numerator                          |
-|hRcD                      |Horizontal grid resolution         |
-|                          |denominator                        |
-|vRcE                      |Vertical grid resolution exponent  |
-|hRcE                      |Horizontal grid resolution exponent|
-|vRescInPixelsPerMeter     |Vertical grid resolution, expressed|
-|                          |in pixels per meter[7]             |
-|hRescInPixelsPerMeter     |Horizontal grid resolution,        |
-|                          |expressed in pixels per meter[8]   |
-|vRescInPixelsPerInch      |Vertical grid resolution, expressed|
-|                          |in pixels per inch[9]              |
-|hRescInPixelsPerInch      |Horizontal grid resolution,        |
-|                          |expressed in pixels per inch[10]   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box contents equals 10     |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|vRcNIsValid               |vRcN is within range [1,65535]     |
-|vRcDIsValid               |vRcD is within range [1,65535]     |
-|hRcNIsValid               |hRcN is within range [1,65535]     |
-|hRcDIsValid               |hRcD is within range [1,65535]     |
-|vRcEIsValid               |vRcE is within range [-127,128]    |
-|hRcEIsValid               |hRcE is within range [-127,128]    |
-13 Default Display Resolution box (child of Resolution box)
-        This (optional) box specifies the default grid resolution at which
-        the image should be displayed.
-Element name
-        displayResolutionBox
-Reported properties
-        Resolution information in this box is stored as a set of vertical
-        and horizontal numerators, denominators and exponents. Jpylyzer
-        also reports the corresponding grid resolutions in pixels per meter
-        and pixels per inch, which are calculated from these values.
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|vRdN                      |Vertical grid resolution numerator |
-|vRdD                      |Vertical grid resolution           |
-|                          |denominator                        |
-|hRdN                      |Horizontal grid resolution         |
-|                          |numerator                          |
-|hRdD                      |Horizontal grid resolution         |
-|                          |denominator                        |
-|vRdE                      |Vertical grid resolution exponent  |
-|hRdE                      |Horizontal grid resolution exponent|
-|vResdInPixelsPerMeter     |Vertical grid resolution, expressed|
-|                          |in pixels per meter[11]            |
-|hResdInPixelsPerMeter     |Horizontal grid resolution,        |
-|                          |expressed in pixels per meter[12]  |
-|vResdInPixelsPerInch      |Vertical grid resolution, expressed|
-|                          |in pixels per inch[13]             |
-|hResdInPixelsPerInch      |Horizontal grid resolution,        |
-|                          |expressed in pixels per inch[14]   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box contents equals 10     |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|vRdNIsValid               |vRdN is within range [1,65535]     |
-|vRdDIsValid               |vRdD is within range [1,65535]     |
-|hRdNIsValid               |hRdN is within range [1,65535]     |
-|hRdDIsValid               |hRdD is within range [1,65535]     |
-|vRdEIsValid               |vRdE is within range [-127,128]    |
-|hRdEIsValid               |hRdE is within range [-127,128]    |
-14 Contiguous Codestream box
-        This box contains the codestream. See chapter 7.
-15 Intellectual Property box
-        This (optional) box contains intellectual property information
-        about the image. The JP2 format specification (ISO/IEC 15444-1)
-        does not provide any specific information about this box, other
-        than stating that “the definition of the format of [its] contents
-        […] is reserved for ISO”.  As a result, jpylyzer does not currently
-        include a validator function for this box, which is now simply
-        ignored. Jpylyzer will display a user warning message in that case.
-16 XML box
-        This (optional) box contains XML formatted information.
-Element name
-        xmlBox
-Reported properties
-        If the contents of this box are well-formed XML (see ‘tests’
-        below), the ‘xmlBox’ element in the properties tree will contain
-        the contents of the XML box. Note that, depending on the character
-        encoding of the original XML, it may contain characters that are
-        not allowed in the encoding that is used for jpylyzer’s output. Any
-        such characters will be represented by numerical entity references
-        in the output. If the box contents are not well-formed XML, no
-        properties are reported for this box.
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|containsWellformedXML     |Contents of box are parsable,      |
-|                          |well-formed XML                    |
-        Note that jpylyzer does not check whether the XML is valid, as this
-        is not required by the standard. Besides, doing so would make
-        jpylyzer significantly slower for XML that contains references to
-        external schemas and DTDs.
-17 UUID box
-        This (optional) box contains additional (binary) information, which
-        may be vendor-specific. Some applications (e.g. Kakadu and
-        ExifTool) also use this box for storing XMP metadata (see Section
-        1.1.4 in Part 3 of the XMP specification[15]).
-Element name
-        uuidBox
-Reported properties
-        If the value of uuid indicates the presence of XMP metadata and the
-        contents of this box are well-formed XML, (see ‘tests’ below), the
-        ‘uuidBox’ element in the properties tree will contain the XMP data.
-        Note that, depending on the character encoding of the original XML,
-        it may contain characters that are not allowed in the encoding that
-        is used for jpylyzer’s output. Any such characters will be
-        represented by numerical entity references in the output. In all
-        other cases, the ‘uuidBox’ element will contain a standard string
-        representation the of UUID.
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|uuid                      |Standard string representation of  |
-|                          |UUID (only if uuid has value other |
-|                          |than                               |
-|                          |be7acfcb-97a9-42e8-9c71-999491e3afa|
-|                          |c). For an explanation of UUIDs see|
-|                          |e.g. Leach et al., 2005.           |
-|XMP data                  |XMP metadata (only if uuid has     |
-|                          |value                              |
-|                          |be7acfcb-97a9-42e8-9c71-999491e3afa|
-|                          |c)                                 |
-        Note that except for the XMP case, jpylyzer will not be able to
-        report any information on the actual contents of this box, since it
-        is defined outside of the scope of JPEG 2000.
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box contents is greater    |
-|                          |than 16 bytes                      |
-|containsWellformedXML     |Contents of box are parsable,      |
-|                          |well-formed XML (this test is only |
-|                          |performed if uuid has value        |
-|                          |be7acfcb-97a9-42e8-9c71-999491e3afa|
-|                          |c)                                 |
-18 UUID Info box (superbox)
-        This (optional) box contains additional information associated with
-        a UUID.
-Element name
-        uuidInfoBox
-Reported properties
-        This is a superbox which contains two child boxes. These are
-        represented as child elements in the properties tree:
-|Child element             |Description                        |
-|uuidListBox (section 6.19)|Properties from UUID List box      |
-|urlBox (section 6.20)     |Properties from Data Entry URL box |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|containsOneListBox        |Box contains exactly one UUID List |
-|                          |box                                |
-|containsOneURLBox         |Box contains exactly one Data Entry|
-|                          |URL box                            |
-19 UUID List box (child of UUID Info box)
-        This (optional) box specifies a list of UUIDs.
-Element name
-        uuidListBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|nU                        |Number of UUIDs                    |
-|uuid*                     |Standard string representation of  |
-|                          |UUID  (repeated nU times)          |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|boxLengthIsValid          |Size of box equals nU*16 + 2       |
-20 Data Entry URL box (child of UUID Info box)
-        This (optional) box specifies a URL.
-Element name
-        urlBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|version                   |Version number                     |
-|loc                       |Location, which specifies a URL of |
-|                          |the additional information         |
-|                          |associated with the UUIDs in the   |
-|                          |UUID List box that resides in the  |
-|                          |same UUID Info box                 |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|flagIsValid               |Three bytes that make up “flag”    |
-|                          |field equal 0x00 00 00 (‘flag’ is  |
-|                          |not reported to output because it  |
-|                          |only contains null bytes)          |
-|locIsUTF8                 |Location (URL) can be decoded to   |
-|                          |UTF-8                              |
-|locHasNullTerminator      |Location (URL) is a null-terminated|
-|                          |string                             |
-21 Unknown box
-        An image may contain boxes that are not defined by ISO/IEC 15444-1.
-        Although jpylyzer ignores such boxes, it will report some minimal
-        info that will allow interested users to identify them to a limited
-        extent.
-Element name
-        unknownBox
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|boxType                   |Four-character text string that    |
-|                          |specifies the type of information  |
-|                          |that is found in this box          |
-|                          |(corresponds to TBox in section I.4|
-|                          |of  ISO/IEC 15444-1).              |
-22 Top-level tests and properties
-        This section describes the tests and output for the top file level.
-Element name
-        properties
-Reported properties
-        The metrics that are listed here are not ‘properties’ in a strict
-        sense; instead they are secondary or derived metrics that are
-        calculated by combining information from different parts / boxes of
-        the file.
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|compressionRatio          |Compression ratio                  |
-        The compression ratio is calculated as the ratio between the size
-        of the uncompressed image data and the actual file size:
-        [pic]
-         Here, sizeCompressed is simply the file size (fileSizeInBytes in
-        output file’s ‘fileInfo’ element). The uncompressed size (in bytes)
-        can be calculated by multiplying the number of bytes per pixel by
-        the total number of pixels:
-        [pic]
-        With:
-|nC       |: number of image components (from Image Header box)|
-|i        |: component index                                   |
-|bPCDepthi|: bits per component for component i (from Image    |
-|         |Header box or Bits Per                              |
-|         |Component box)                                      |
-|height   |: image height (from Image Header box)              |
-|width    |: image width (from Image Header box)               |
-        In addition, the root of the properties tree contains the elements
-        for all top-level boxes:
-        |Child element             |Description                        |
-|signatureBox (section 6.2)|Properties from JPEG 2000 Signature|
-|                          |box                                |
-|fileTypeBox (section 6.3) |Properties from File Type box      |
-|jp2HeaderBox (section 6.4)|Properties from JP2 Header box     |
-|contiguousCodestreamBox   |Properties from Contiguous         |
-|(chapter 7)               |Codestream box                     |
-|intellectualPropertyBox   |Properties from Intellectual       |
-|(section 6.15)            |Property box (optional)            |
-|xmlBox (section 6.16)     |Properties from XML box (optional) |
-|uuidBox (section 6.17)    |Properties from UUID box (optional)|
-|uuidInfoBox (section 6.18)|Properties from UUID Info box      |
-|                          |(optional)                         |
-        The tests that jpylyzer performs at the root level fall in either
-        of the following two categories:
-     1. Tests for the presence of required top-level boxes, the order in
-        which they appear and restrictions on the number of instances for
-        specific boxes
-     2. Tests for consistency of information in different parts of the
-        file. In particular, a lot of the information in the Image Header
-        box is redundant with information in the codestream header, and
-        jpylyzer performs a number of tests to verify the consistency
-        between these two.
-        |Test name                 |True if                            |
-|containsSignatureBox      |File root contains a JPEG 2000     |
-|                          |Signature box                      |
-|containsFileTypeBox       |File root contains a File Type box |
-|containsJP2HeaderBox      |File root contains a JP2 Header box|
-|containsContiguousCodestre|File root contains a Contiguous    |
-|amBox                     |Codestream box                     |
-|containsIntellectualProper|File root contains an Intellectual |
-|tyBox                     |Property box, which is required if |
-|                          |iPR field in Image Header Box      |
-|                          |equals 1 (test is skipped          |
-|                          |otherwise)                         |
-|firstBoxIsSignatureBox    |First box is JPEG 2000 Signature   |
-|                          |box                                |
-|secondBoxIsFileTypeBox    |Second box is File Type box        |
-|locationJP2HeaderBoxIsVali|JP2 Header box is located after    |
-|d                         |File Type Box and before (first)   |
-|                          |Contiguous Codestream box          |
-|noMoreThanOneSignatureBox |File root contains no more than one|
-|                          |JPEG 2000 Signature box            |
-|noMoreThanOneFileTypeBox  |File root contains no more than one|
-|                          |File Type box                      |
-|noMoreThanOneJP2HeaderBox |File root contains no more than one|
-|                          |JP2 Header box                     |
-|heightConsistentWithSIZ   |Value of height from Image Header  |
-|                          |Box equals ysiz –yOsiz from        |
-|                          |codestream SIZ header              |
-|widthConsistentWithSIZ    |Value of width from Image Header   |
-|                          |Box equals xsiz –xOsiz from        |
-|                          |codestream SIZ header              |
-|nCConsistentWithSIZ       |Value of nC from Image Header Box  |
-|                          |equals csiz from codestream SIZ    |
-|                          |header                             |
-|bPCSignConsistentWithSIZ  |Values of bPCSign from Image Header|
-|                          |box (or Bits Per Component box) are|
-|                          |equal to corresponding ssizSign    |
-|                          |values from codestream SIZ header  |
-|bPCDepthConsistentWithSIZ |Values of bPCDepth from Image      |
-|                          |Header box (or Bits Per Component  |
-|                          |box) are equal to corresponding    |
-|                          |ssizDepth values from codestream   |
-|                          |SIZ header                         |
-        Contiguous Codestream box
-1 General codestream structure
-        The Contiguous Codestream box holds the JPEG 2000 codestream, which
-        contains the actual image data in a JP2.
-Markers and marker segments
-        A codestream is made up of a number of functional entities which
-        are called markers and marker segments. A marker is essentially a 2-
-        byte delimiter that delineates the start or end position of a
-        functional entity. A marker segment is the combination of a marker
-        and a set of associated parameters (segment parameters). However,
-        not every marker has any associated parameters.
-General structure of the codestream
-        The codestream is made up of the following components (illustrated
-        in Figure 7-1):
-     1. A start of codestream marker that indicates the start of the
-        codestream
-     2. A main codestream header (which includes a number of header marker
-        segments)
-     3. A sequence of one or more tile parts. Each tile part consists of
-        the following components:
-     a. A start of tile-part marker segment, which indicates the start of a
-        tile part and which also contains index information of the tile
-        part and its associated tile
-     b. Optionally this may be followed by one or more additional tile-part
-        header marker segments
-     c. A start of data marker that indicates the start of   the bitstream
-        for the current tile part
-     d. The bitstream
-     4. An ‘end of codestream’ marker that indicates the end of the
-        codestream.
-        [pic]
-        Figure 7-1 General structure of a JPEG 2000 codestream.
-2 Limitations of codestream validation
-        It is important to stress here that jpylyzer currently doesn’t
-        support the full set of marker segments that can occur in a
-        codestream. As a result, the validation of codestreams is somewhat
-        limited. These limitations are discussed in this section.
-Main codestream header
-        Annex A of ISO/IEC 15444-1 lists a total of 13 marker segments that
-        can occur in the main codestream header. Most of these are
-        optional. The current version of jpylyzer only offers full support
-        (i.e. reads and validates) for the following main header marker
-        segments (which includes all the required ones):
-      • Start of codestream (SOC) marker segment (required)
-      • Image and tile size (SIZ) marker segment (required)
-      • Coding style default (COD) marker segment (required)
-      • Quantization default (QCD) marker segment (required)
-      • Comment (COM) marker segment (optional)
-        In addition the codestream header may also contain any of the
-        following marker segments, which are all optional:
-      • Coding style component (COC) marker segment (optional)*
-      • Region-of-interest (RGN) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Quantization component (QCC) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Progression order change (POC) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Packet length, main header (PLM) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Packed packet headers, main header (PPM) marker segment (optional)
-        *
-      • Tile-part lengths (TLM) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Component registration (CRG) marker segment (optional) *
-        The above marker segments (which are marked with an asterisk) are
-        only minimally supported at this stage: if jpylyzer encounters any
-        of them, it will include the corresponding element in the
-        properties element of the output. However, jpylyzer currently does
-        not analyse the contents of these marker segments, which means that
-        the respective elements in the output will be empty.
-Tile parts
-        The tile part validation has similar limitations. The standard
-        lists 11 marker segments that can occur in the tile part header.
-        Currently, jpylyzer only fully supports the following ones:
-      • Start of tile part (SOT) marker segment (required)
-      • Coding style default (COD) marker segment (optional)
-      • Quantization default (QCD) marker segment (optional)
-      • Comment (COM) marker segment (optional)
-      • Start of data (SOD) marker segment (required)
-        In addition the following optional marker segments may also occur:
-      • Coding style component (COC) marker segment (optional)*
-      • Region-of-interest (RGN) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Quantization component (QCC) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Progression order change (POC) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Packet length, tile-part header (PLT) marker segment (optional) *
-      • Packed packet headers, tile-part header (PPT) marker segment
-        (optional) *
-        These marker segments (which are marked with an asterisk) are only
-        minimally supported at this stage: if jpylyzer encounters any of
-        them, it will include the corresponding element in the properties
-        element of the output. However, jpylyzer currently does not analyse
-        their contents, and the respective elements in the output will be
-        empty.
-Bit streams
-        In addition to the above limitations, jpylyzer can not be used to
-        establish whether the data in the bitstream are correct (this would
-        require decoding the compressed image data, which is completely out
-        of jpylyzer’s scope)[16].  As a result, if jpylyzer is used as part
-        of a quality assurance workflow, it is recommended to also include
-        an additional check on the image contents[17].  Also, jpylyzer does
-        not perform any checks on marker segments within the bit-stream:
-        start-of packet (SOP) and end-of-packet (EPH) markers.
-Detection of incomplete or truncated codestreams
-        A JP2’s tile part header contains information that makes it
-        possible to detect incomplete and truncated codestreams in most
-        cases. Depending on the encoder software used, this method may fail
-        for images that only contain one single tile part (i.e. images that
-        do not contain tiling).
-Current limitations of comment extraction
-        Both the codestream header and the tile part header can contain
-        comment marker segments, which are used for embedding arbitrary
-        binary data or text. Jpylyzer will extract the contents of any
-        comments that are text.
-3 Structure of reported output
-        Figure 7-2 illustrates the structure of jpylyzer’s codestream-level
-        output. At the top level, the SIZ, COD, QCD and COM marker segments
-        are each represented as individual sub elements. The tile part
-        properties are nested in a tileParts element, where each individual
-        tile part is represented as a separate tilePart sub element.
-        [pic]
-        Figure 7-2 Structure of codestream-level XML output
-        4 Contiguous Codestream box
-Element name
-        contiguousCodestreamBox
-Reported properties
-        The reported properties for this box are organised into a number
-        groups, which are represented as child elements in the properties
-        tree:
-        |Child element             |Description                        |
-|siz (section 7.5)         |Properties from the image and tile |
-|                          |size (SIZ) marker segment          |
-|                          |(codestream main header)           |
-|cod (section 7.6)         |Properties from the coding style   |
-|                          |default (COD) marker segment       |
-|                          |(codestream main header)           |
-|qcd (section 7.7)         |Properties from the quantization   |
-|                          |default (QCD) marker segment       |
-|                          |(codestream main header)           |
-|com (section 7.8)         |Properties from the (optional)     |
-|                          |comment (COM) marker segment       |
-|                          |(codestream main header)           |
-|tileParts (section 7.9)   |Properties from individual tile    |
-|                          |parts                              |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|codestreamStartsWithSOCMar|First 2 bytes in codestream        |
-|ker                       |constitute a start of codestream   |
-|                          |(SOC) marker segment               |
-|foundSIZMarker            |Second marker segment in codestream|
-|                          |is image and tile size  (SIZ)      |
-|                          |marker segment                     |
-|foundCODMarker            |Codestream main header contains    |
-|                          |coding style default (COD) marker  |
-|                          |segment                            |
-|foundQCDMarker            |Codestream main header contains    |
-|                          |quantization default (QCD) marker  |
-|                          |segment                            |
-|quantizationConsistentWith|Values of quantization parameters  |
-|Levels                    |from QCD marker segment are        |
-|                          |consistent with levels from COD    |
-|                          |marker segment[18]                 |
-|foundExpectedNumberOfTiles|Number of encountered tiles is     |
-|                          |consistent with expected number of |
-|                          |tiles (as calculated from SIZ      |
-|                          |marker, see section 7.5)           |
-|foundExpectedNumberOfTileP|For all tiles, number of           |
-|arts                      |encountered tile parts is          |
-|                          |consistent with expected number of |
-|                          |tile parts (values of tnsot from   |
-|                          |SOT marker, see section 7.10)      |
-|foundEOCMarker            |Last 2 bytes in codestream         |
-|                          |constitute an end of codestream    |
-|                          |(EOC) marker segment               |
-5 Image and tile size (SIZ) marker segment (child of Contiguous Codestream
-        box)
-Element name
-        siz
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|lsiz                      |Length of SIZ marker segment in    |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|rsiz                      |Decoder capabilities               |
-|xsiz                      |Width of reference grid            |
-|ysiz                      |Heigth of reference grid           |
-|xOsiz                     |Horizontal offset from origin of   |
-|                          |reference grid to left of image    |
-|                          |area                               |
-|yOsiz                     |Vertical offset from origin of     |
-|                          |reference grid to top of image area|
-|xTsiz                     |Width of one reference tile with   |
-|                          |respect to the reference grid      |
-|yTsiz                     |Height of one reference tile with  |
-|                          |respect to the reference grid      |
-|xTOsiz                    |Horizontal offset from origin of   |
-|                          |reference grid to left side of     |
-|                          |first tile                         |
-|yTOsiz                    |Vertical offset from origin of     |
-|                          |reference grid to top side of first|
-|                          |tile                               |
-|numberOfTiles             |Number of tiles[19]                |
-|csiz                      |Number of components               |
-|ssizSign*                 |Indicates whether image component  |
-|                          |is signed or unsigned (repeated for|
-|                          |each component)                    |
-|ssizDepth*                |Number of bits for this component  |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-|xRsiz*                    |Horizontal separation of sample of |
-|                          |this component with respect to     |
-|                          |reference grid  (repeated for each |
-|                          |component)                         |
-|yRsiz*                    |Vertical separation of sample of   |
-|                          |this component with respect to     |
-|                          |reference grid  (repeated for each |
-|                          |component)                         |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|lsizIsValid               |lsiz is within range [41,49190]    |
-|rsizIsValid               |rsiz equals 0 (“ISO/IEC 15444-1”), |
-|                          |1 (“Profile 0”) or 2 (“Profile 1”) |
-|xsizIsValid               |xsiz is within range [1,232 - 1]   |
-|ysizIsValid               |ysiz is within range [1,232 - 1]   |
-|xOsizIsValid              |xOsiz is within range [0,232 - 2]  |
-|yOsizIsValid              |yOsiz is within range [0,232 - 2]  |
-|xTsizIsValid              |xTsiz  is within range [1,232 - 1] |
-|yTsizIsValid              |yTsiz  is within range [1,232 - 1] |
-|xTOsizIsValid             |xTOsiz  is within range [0,232 - 2]|
-|yTOsizIsValid             |yTOsiz  is within range [0,232 - 2]|
-|csizIsValid               |csiz is within range [1,16384]     |
-|lsizConsistentWithCsiz    |lsiz equals 38 + 3*csiz            |
-|ssizIsValid*              |ssizDepth is within range [1,38]   |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-|xRsizIsValid*             |xRsiz is within range [1,255]      |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-|yRsizIsValid*             |yRsiz is within range [1,255]      |
-|                          |(repeated for each component)      |
-6 Coding style default (COD) marker segment
-Element name
-        cod
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|lcod                      |Length of COD marker segment in    |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|precincts                 |Indicates use of precincts         |
-|                          |(“yes”/“no”)                       |
-|sop                       |Indicates use of start of packet   |
-|                          |marker segments (“yes”/“no”)       |
-|eph                       |Indicates use of end of packet     |
-|                          |marker segments (“yes”/“no”)       |
-|order                     |Progression order                  |
-|layers                    |Number of layers                   |
-|multipleComponentTransform|Indicates use of multiple component|
-|ation                     |transformation (“yes”/“no”)        |
-|levels                    |Number of decomposition levels     |
-|codeBlockWidth            |Code block width                   |
-|codeBlockHeight           |Code block height                  |
-|codingBypass              |Indicates use of coding bypass     |
-|                          |(“yes”/“no”)                       |
-|resetOnBoundaries         |Indicates reset of context         |
-|                          |probabilities on coding pass       |
-|                          |boundaries  (“yes”/“no”)           |
-|termOnEachPass            |Indicates termination on each      |
-|                          |coding pass  (“yes”/“no”)          |
-|vertCausalContext         |Indicates vertically causal context|
-|                          |(“yes”/“no”)                       |
-|predTermination           |Indicates predictable termination  |
-|                          |(“yes”/“no”)                       |
-|segmentationSymbols       |Indicates use of segmentation      |
-|                          |symbols  (“yes”/“no”)              |
-|transformation            |Wavelet transformation: “9-7       |
-|                          |irreversible” or “5-3 reversible”  |
-|precinctSizeX*            |Precinct width (repeated for each  |
-|                          |resolution level; order: low to    |
-|                          |high) (only if precincts is “yes”) |
-|precinctSizeY*            |Precinct heigth (repeated for each |
-|                          |resolution level; order: low to    |
-|                          |high) (only if precincts is “yes”) |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|lcodIsValid               |lcod is within range [12,45]       |
-|orderIsValid              |order equals 0 (“LRCP”), 1         |
-|                          |(“RLCP”), 2 (“RPCL”), 3 (“PCRL”) or|
-|                          |4 (“CPRL”)                         |
-|layersIsValid             |layers is within range [1,65535]   |
-|multipleComponentTransform|multipleComponentTransformation    |
-|ation                     |equals 0 or 1                      |
-|IsValid                   |                                   |
-|levelsIsValid             |levels is within range [0,32]      |
-|lcodConsistentWithLevelsPr|lcod equals 12 (precincts = “no”)  |
-|ecincts                   |or lcod equals 13 + levels         |
-|                          |(precincts = “yes”)                |
-|codeBlockWidthExponentIsVa|codeBlockWidthExponent is within   |
-|lid                       |range [2,10]                       |
-|codeBlockHeightExponentIsV|codeBlockHeightExponent is within  |
-|alid                      |range [2,10]                       |
-|sumHeightWidthExponentIsVa|codeBlockWidthExponent +           |
-|lid                       |codeBlockHeightExponent  ≤  12     |
-|precinctSizeXIsValid*     |precinctSizeX ≥ 2 (except lowest   |
-|                          |resolution level) (repeated for    |
-|                          |each resolution level; order: low  |
-|                          |to high) (only if precincts is     |
-|                          |“yes”)                             |
-|precinctSizeYIsValid*     |precinctSizeY ≥ 2 (except lowest   |
-|                          |resolution level) (repeated for    |
-|                          |each resolution level; order: low  |
-|                          |to high) (only if precincts is     |
-|                          |“yes”)                             |
-        7 Quantization default (QCD) marker segment
-Element name
-        qcd
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|lqcd                      |Length of QCD marker segment in    |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|qStyle                    |Quantization style for all         |
-|                          |components                         |
-|guardBits                 |Number of guard bits               |
-|epsilon*                  |If qStyle equals 0 (“no            |
-|                          |quantization”): Epsilon exponent in|
-|                          |Eq E-5 of ISO/IEC 15444-1          |
-|                          |(repeated for all decomposition    |
-|                          |levels; order: low to high)        |
-|                          |If qStyle equals 1 (“scalar        |
-|                          |derived”): Epsilon exponent in Eq  |
-|                          |E-3 of ISO/IEC 15444-1             |
-|                          |If qStyle equals 2 (“scalar        |
-|                          |expounded”): Epsilon exponent in Eq|
-|                          |E-3 of ISO/IEC 15444-1 (repeated   |
-|                          |for all decomposition levels;      |
-|                          |order: low to high)                |
-|mu*                       |If qStyle equals 1 (“scalar        |
-|                          |derived”): mu constant in Eq E-3 of|
-|                          |ISO/IEC 15444-1                    |
-|                          |if qStyle equals 2 (“scalar        |
-|                          |expounded”) : mu constant in Eq E-3|
-|                          |of ISO/IEC 15444-1 (repeated for   |
-|                          |all decomposition levels; order:   |
-|                          |low to high)                       |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|lqcdIsValid               |lqcd is within range [4,197]       |
-|qStyleIsValid             |qStyle equals 0 (“no               |
-|                          |quantization”), 1 (“scalar         |
-|                          |derived”), or 2 (“scalar           |
-|                          |expounded”)                        |
-        8 Comment (COM) marker segment
-Element name
-        com
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|lcom                      |Length of COM marker segment in    |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|rcom                      |Registration value of marker       |
-|                          |segment (indicates whether this    |
-|                          |comment contains binary data or    |
-|                          |text)                              |
-|comment                   |Embedded comment as text (only if  |
-|                          |rcom = 1 )                         |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|lcomIsValid               |lqcd is within range [5,65535]     |
-|rcomIsValid               |rcom equals 0 (“binary”) or 1      |
-|                          |(“ISO/IEC 8859-15 (Latin”))        |
-|commentIsValid            |Comment is valid ISO/IEC8859-15 and|
-|                          |does not contain control           |
-|                          |characters, other than tab, newline|
-|                          |or carriage return                 |
-9 Tile part (child of Contiguous Codestream box)
-        Tile-part level properties and tests. This is not a box or a marker
-        segment!
-Element name
-        tilePart (child of tileParts)
-Reported properties
-        Each tile part element can contain a number of child elements:
-|Child element             |Description                        |
-|sot (section 7.10)        |Properties from start of tile (SOT)|
-|                          |marker segment                     |
-|cod (section 7.6)         |Properties from the (optional)     |
-|                          |coding style default (COD) marker  |
-|                          |segment (tile part header)         |
-|qcd (section 7.7)         |Properties from the (optional)     |
-|                          |quantization default (QCD) marker  |
-|                          |segment (tile part header)         |
-|com (section 7.8)         |Properties from the (optional)     |
-|                          |comment (COM) marker segment (tile |
-|                          |part header)                       |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|foundNextTilePartOrEOC    |Tile part start offset +           |
-|                          |tilePartLength points to either    |
-|                          |start of new tile or EOC marker    |
-|                          |(useful for detecting              |
-|                          |within-codestream byte corruption) |
-|foundSODMarker            |Last marker segment of tile part is|
-|                          |a start-of-data (SOD) marker       |
-10 Start of tile part (SOT) marker segment (child of tile part)
-Element name
-        sot
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|lsot                      |Length of SOT marker segment in    |
-|                          |bytes                              |
-|isot                      |Tile index                         |
-|psot                      |Length of tile part                |
-|tpsot                     |Tile part index                    |
-|tnsot                     |Number of tile-parts of a tile in  |
-|                          |the codestream (value of 0         |
-|                          |indicates that number of tile-parts|
-|                          |of tile in the codestream is not   |
-|                          |defined in current header)         |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|lsotIsValid               |lsot equals 10                     |
-|isotIsValid               |isot is within range [0,65534]     |
-|psotIsValid               |psot is not within range [1,13]    |
-|tpsotIsValid              |tpsot is within range [0,254]      |
-The following marker segments are only minimally supported: jpylyzer will
-report their presence in the properties element, but it does not perform
-any further tests or analyses. This may change in upcoming versions of the
-11 Coding style component (COC) marker segment
-Element name
-        coc
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        12 Region-of-interest (RGN) marker segment
-Element name
-        rgn
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        13 Quantization component (QCC) marker segment
-Element name
-        qcc
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        14 Progression order change (POC) marker segment
-Element name
-        poc
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        15 Packet length, main header (PLM) marker segment
-Element name
-        plm
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        16 Packed packet headers, main header (PPM) marker segment
-Element name
-        ppm
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        17 Tile-part lengths (TLM) marker segment
-Element name
-        tlm
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        18 Component registration (CRG) marker segment
-Element name
-        crg
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        19 Packet length, tile-part header (PLT) marker segment
-Element name
-        plt
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        20 Packed packet headers, tile-part header (PPT) marker segment
-Element name
-        ppt
-Reported properties
-|Property                  |Description                        |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-|Test name                 |True if                            |
-|                          |                                   |
-|                          |                                   |
-        References
-        ICC. Specification ICC.1:1998-09 – File Format for Color Profiles.
-        International Color Consortium, 1998. 29 December 2010
-        <http://www.color.org/ICC-1_1998-09.pdf>.
-        ISO/IEC. Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system:
-        Core coding system. ISO/IEC 15444-1, Second edition. Geneva:
-        ISO/IEC, 2004a. 28 Dec 2010 <http://www.jpeg.org/public/15444-
-        1annexi.pdf> (“Annex I: JP2 file format syntax” only).
-        ISO/IEC. Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system:
-        Extensions. ISO/IEC 15444-2, First edition. Geneva: ISO/IEC, 2004b.
-        28 Dec 2010 <http://www.jpeg.org/public/15444-2annexm.pdf> (“Annex
-        M: JPX extended file format syntax” only).
-        Leach, P., Mealling, M. & Salz, R. A Universally Unique IDentifier
-        (UUID) URN namespace. Memo, IETF.  July 2005
-        <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122.html>.
-        -----------------------
-        [1] The jpylyzer binaries were created using the PyInstaller
-        package: http://www.pyinstaller.org/
-        [2] Note that jpylyzer will not work under Python versions 3.0-3.1!
-        [3] Note that jpylyzer versions 1.8 and earlier returned a
-        formatted XML string instead of an element object!
-        [4] Note that jpylyzer versions 1.4 and earlier used the verbose
-        output format by default. This behaviour has changed in version 1.5
-        onwards, as the lengthy output turned out to be slightly confusing
-        to some users.
-        [5] The “Any ICC” method is defined in ISO/IEC 15444-2 (the JPX
-        format), and is not allowed in JP2. However, jpylyzer offers
-        limited support for JPX here by also reporting the properties of
-        ICC profiles that were embedded using this method. Note that any
-        file that uses this method will fail the “methIsValid” test (and
-        thereby the validation).
-        [6] Important: ISO/IEC 15444-1 only allows “input device” profiles.
-        Support of “display device” profiles will most likely be added soon
-        through an amendment to the standard. Jpylyzer is already
-        anticipating these changes, but by doing so it is deviating from
-        the existing standard in the interim period.
-        [7] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [8] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [9] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [10] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [11] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [12] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [13] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [14] Calculated as: [pic]
-        [15] Link:
-        http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet
-        /xmp/pdfs/cs6/XMPSpecificationPart3.pdf
-        [16] However, support for start of packet (SOP) and end of packet
-        (EPH) markers may be included in future versions.
-        [17][pic][18]2MNZ[opqrstuvyz{?¶· For example, in a TIFF to JP2
-        conversion workflow one could include a pixel-by-pixel comparison
-        of the values in the TIFF and the JP2.
-        [19] The consistency check verifies if the length of the
-        quantization default marker segment (lqcd from qcd) is consistent
-        with the quantization style (qStyle from qcd) and the  number of
-        decomposition levels (levels from cod). They are consistent if the
-        following equation is true:
-         [pic]
-        [20] Calculated as [pic]

Added: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/readme.patch
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/readme.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/readme.patch	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Description: Fix install
+Author: Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://github.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer/pull/69
+--- jpylyzer-1.14.2.orig/setup.py
++++ jpylyzer-1.14.2/setup.py
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from distutils.core import setup
+ # TO DO: figure out how to import version number automatically from code!
+-readme = open('README.txt', 'r')
++readme = open('README.md', 'r')
+ README_TEXT = readme.read()
+ readme.close()

Added: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/patches/series	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/python-jpylyzer-doc.docs
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/python-jpylyzer-doc.docs	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/python-jpylyzer-doc.docs	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/rules	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/rules	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 	dh $@ --with python2
 VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Version' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -f1 -d-)
 	pod2man --section=1 --release=$(VERSION) --center "" debian/jpylyzer.pod > jpylyzer.1
@@ -11,8 +12,14 @@
 	dh_clean Makefile
 	dh_clean jpylyzer.1
+	dh_clean doc/jpylyzerUserManual.pdf
+	dh_auto_build
+	(cd doc && pandoc -s --toc --toc-depth=2 -N --chapters --latex-engine=xelatex -o jpylyzerUserManual.pdf jpylyzerUserManual.md)
+	(cd doc && pandoc -o jpylyzerUserManual.txt jpylyzerUserManual.md)
 	dh_compress -X.pdf
@@ -20,7 +27,4 @@
 	uscan --verbose --force-download --rename
-	wget -O debian/jpylyzer.pod https://raw.github.com/openplanets/jpylyzer/master/debian/jpylyzer.pod
-	antiword doc/jpylyzerUserManual.doc > debian/jpylyzerUserManual.txt
+	wget -O debian/jpylyzer.pod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer/master/debian/jpylyzer.pod

Modified: packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/watch
--- packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/watch	2015-05-21 05:15:16 UTC (rev 32752)
+++ packages/jpylyzer/trunk/debian/watch	2015-05-21 13:26:07 UTC (rev 32753)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-https://github.com/openplanets/jpylyzer/tags .*/(\d[\d\.]+).tar.gz
+https://github.com/openpreserve/jpylyzer/tags .*/(\d[\d\.]+).tar.gz

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