[Python-modules-commits] [pychromecast] branch upstream created (now 9d14219)
Ruben Undheim
rubund-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon May 25 08:41:09 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rubund-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository pychromecast.
at 9d14219 Merge pull request #42 from am0s/master
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 355738a Initial version
new 8247156 Create LICENSE.md
new 2805e3e Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 5ac7a65 Added app_id for Hulu Plus
new b972ba4 Added __init__.py so Git repo can be included as module
new 6b89995 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 22af258 PyLint won't whine as much anymore when checking the style.
new b9bb1eb Renamed LICENSE file
new d1084d2 PEP8
new f6e26a3 Added APP IDs for Pandora and HBO
new 8f294e6 PyChromecast returns None instead of raising exceptions.
new 7a83d3e Add more APP IDs
new 1ecc07f Bugfix within quit_app
new aad5948 Code style fixes
new 95c9439 PEP8 styling fixes
new c033b2c bugfix: quit_app() crashes if chromecast in standby (no app id)
new 3d697b5 Fixed an UnicodeEncoding issue that sometimes arose
new 786d7fc Revamped code, added initial websocket and RAMP support
new 949a4dd Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new ac72b47 Added a YouTube as idle screen replacement.
new 4330bd8 Added dependencies to the README
new 7d41498 Added requirements.txt for easier dependency management
new 0bd02db Added setup.py to enable adding the package on PyPI.
new 29deb74 Merge pull request #1 from jaapz/requirements
new d17bcf4 Merge pull request #2 from jaapz/setup
new 6654925 Remove the call to set logging to INFO-level
new 11b075a Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 38fe7d2 Better reporting if a subprotocol is active
new b7eac4d Added UPNP support to discover Chromecasts.
new 3f389fd Version bump because of added UPNP support.
new 77d19e2 Updated README.md with UPNP support
new 3825ac1 Cleaning up the Twisted code
new 1672adc Wrong call to launch YouTube video in examples
new ccb7488 Use ws4p instead of Twisted for Websocket implementation
new 744307f Use ws4p instead of Twisted for Websocket implementation
new 90cad55 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 4de9f3d Update README.md to reflect changed dependencies
new 11254b5 Make better decisions when to start a new websocket client
new c5db37e Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 2305f1a Update dial.py
new 95e3276 Merge pull request #5 from parksddd/patch-1
new 3d9f302 Proper UTF-8 encoding in DIAL protocol + version bump
new 6f6bbed Bugfix for crash if new and old app status were both none
new 541ad6d Bugfix for crash if new and old app status were both none
new 912a079 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/balloob/pychromecast
new 2a24caa App IDs now use v2 API urls
new 693498a Version bump to release bugfix in last commit
new 0bdbf5d Minor code cleanup
new 082b971 Add support for Python 3
new ad59bc5 Make requirements.txt more flexible
new a5a3667 Added filtering for finding local chromecasts.
new 17aa25a Updated documentation
new be133c7 Added get_chromecasts_with_friendly_name()
new 8583566 Make threads daemon threads
new 57ffbf4 'filter' is a python keyword. Use 'filters'.
new 24b140e Code cleanups
new 42f62cb Added filters to play_youtube_*
new 40088bd Fixing example
new c11f185 Merge pull request #14 from rcludwick/master
new 96dc47c Code cleanup/minor reorg and version bump to 0.5
new 7e40426 Fixed the ConnectionError name errors. Simple typo
new acc59e2 Merge pull request #17 from dkkline/master
new 309fa35 RAMP expects no value given for duration. Bump to 0.5.1
new b7da77a support for loading URL on whitelisted cast devices
new c1929a9 added notes and example for development devices
new 9bcf3cc pylint/pep8 cleanup
new 7bbf334 Merge pull request #19 from minektur/master
new 3cb5ff4 Added support for Chromecast api v2 - clean up needed
new c3b0250 Major clean up. No Python 3 support yet.
new 67a84a7 Disabled developer console stuff as it is blocked by google.
new e7e41c0 Merge branch 'chromecast_api_v2'
new ce11fd0 Detecting chromecasts while using filters was broken
new 3379120 Added support for media.seek
new ca46e05 Added method to change volume on Chromecast
new 69839a2 MediaStatus would crash if media=None
new 7125dc6 Added initial plex support
new 7d92d2a DIAL requests will timeout if unresponsive Chromecast
new aef6fe3 Added support for Plex customData in mediaStatus
new 211cfeb Fixing requirements.txt
new d626843 Updated example.py to be in line with example from README.md
new 17c9cc3 README.md: Added instructions to discover namespaces
new f33609d Add volume controls/validation.
new 11f4167 Fix mistake in docs.
new 969be4f Merge pull request #22 from Raynes/master
new d422a8e MediaController.play_media: made stream_type an optional parameter.
new 9b448ff adding controllers module
new 0565dc5 Merge pull request #23 from touchandgo-devs/master
new 702017d Update requirements setup.py
new 9539f78 First pass at reconnection logic.
new beb79aa Move these back into init so we don't clobber registered objects.
new c38adeb Clean up and improve connection and error handling.
new bd10426 Pass tries to all the usual suspects.
new 3504d3e Document tries.
new eaee09d Stop excluded chromecasts.
new 18ce44e Don't round in set_volume, do round in volume_up/down.
new 6cc984c Merge pull request #31 from Raynes/volume_fix
new a70b1b7 Minor controller improvements
new a4489d5 Add travis style checking
new 1b62306 Greater than 0.
new 31effba Move sender id back to constructor.
new daf5fcd Style fixes to pass Pylint/PEP8
new ef2b437 Move handlers back into the constructor.
new edbc9c1 Use logger.error rather than logger.exception.
new 71abdea Call all waiting requests.
new dac1afa Fix pylint notes.
new 7f2e3ad Improved logging output
new 6544d4f Added basic YouTube controller
new 903ebe8 Merge pull request #30 from Raynes/reconnection
new dc11822 Fix incorrect variable name 'filter'
new ac4eb58 Merge pull request #33 from chrisvis/master
new 9a38db0 Code style test with Flake8 instead of PEP8
new e250c80 Discovery is now done using zeroconf/mDNS
new e85bd75 Make Flake8 happy
new 9caff9c Added some error checking to discovery
new 2bee546 Discovery was broken in some cases.
new d32ec08 Convert hostnames to IPs inside discovery.py
new 1700988 Fix error in example in README.
new 8e3d2d1 JSON data should not be enforced to ASCII, just dump to a string and the output will be utf8
new 3e051fc Don't send received message to controllers if the socket connection is meant to stop
new cea0bb2 Allow the disconnect channel message to be sent even if the connection is stopped
new 0d14a08 Added property is_stopped to SocketClient
new 0e57fad Make the heartbeat more resilient against exceptions/errors
new 4e38d61 Avoid having the message loop in the SocketClient being interrupted by errors in controllers
new 673077f Catch any exceptions which might occur when tearing down controllers and closing channels
new a646af6 Fixed compatibility with Python 3, don't use unicode() to enforce type
new ec6bc3f Encode JSON data differently on Python 2.x vs 3.x
new 9d14219 Merge pull request #42 from am0s/master
The 127 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/pychromecast.git
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