[Python-modules-commits] [python-social-auth] branch master updated (7cb1eb6 -> 5242f19)
Wolfgang Borgert
debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 01:10:42 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
debacle pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-social-auth.
from 7cb1eb6 Fix Vcs field, .git-dpm tag names
new 82e3ea0 record new upstream branch created by importing python-social-auth_0.2.13.orig.tar.gz
new 12a7871 Import python-social-auth_0.2.13.orig.tar.gz
new 2ed9a8f append uncompressed bootstrap as its source
new adf33a5 merge patched into master
new 5242f19 prepare 0.2.13-1
The 5 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 5 +-
.travis.yml | 22 +-
Changelog | 896 +++++++++++++++++++++
LICENSE | 2 +-
MANIFEST.in | 14 +
Makefile | 17 +-
README.rst | 37 +-
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/changelog | 6 +
...pend-uncompressed-bootstrap-as-its-source.patch | 2 +-
debian/watch | 3 -
docs/backends/amazon.rst | 3 +
docs/backends/azuread.rst | 20 +
docs/backends/battlenet.rst | 30 +
docs/backends/behance.rst | 8 +
docs/backends/bitbucket.rst | 56 +-
docs/backends/changetip.rst | 22 +
docs/backends/coursera.rst | 26 +
docs/backends/digitalocean.rst | 24 +
docs/backends/dribbble.rst | 23 +
docs/backends/eveonline.rst | 23 +
docs/backends/facebook.rst | 8 +-
docs/backends/github.rst | 30 +-
docs/backends/github_enterprise.rst | 55 ++
docs/backends/google.rst | 158 ++--
docs/backends/index.rst | 24 +
docs/backends/kakao.rst | 2 +-
docs/backends/khanacademy.rst | 25 +
docs/backends/launchpad.rst | 11 +
docs/backends/meetup.rst | 14 +
docs/backends/mineid.rst | 25 +
docs/backends/naszaklasa.rst | 26 +
docs/backends/nationbuilder.rst | 30 +
docs/backends/oauth.rst | 4 +-
docs/backends/orbi.rst | 17 +
docs/backends/qiita.rst | 23 +
docs/backends/salesforce.rst | 44 +
docs/backends/saml.rst | 169 ++++
docs/backends/shopify.rst | 2 +-
docs/backends/slack.rst | 23 +
docs/backends/spotify.rst | 4 +-
docs/backends/trello.rst | 10 +
docs/backends/uber.rst | 28 +
docs/backends/vend.rst | 24 +
docs/backends/vk.rst | 2 +-
docs/backends/withings.rst | 13 +
docs/backends/wunderlist.rst | 13 +
docs/backends/yahoo.rst | 14 +-
docs/backends/zotero.rst | 25 +
docs/configuration/django.rst | 18 +
docs/configuration/flask.rst | 26 +
docs/configuration/settings.rst | 17 +-
docs/developer_intro.rst | 170 ++++
docs/index.rst | 4 +-
docs/installing.rst | 12 +-
docs/intro.rst | 10 +-
docs/logging_out.rst | 25 +
docs/pipeline.rst | 9 +-
docs/storage.rst | 11 +-
docs/use_cases.rst | 125 ++-
.../cherrypy_example/local_settings.py.template | 2 +
examples/cherrypy_example/templates/home.html | 1 +
examples/django_example/example/settings.py | 13 +-
.../django_example/example/templates/home.html | 90 ++-
.../example/app/decorators.py | 0
examples/django_me_example/example/app/mail.py | 16 +-
examples/django_me_example/example/app/models.py | 7 -
examples/django_me_example/example/app/pipeline.py | 7 +-
.../example/app/templatetags}/__init__.py | 0
.../example/app/templatetags/backend_utils.py | 5 +-
examples/django_me_example/example/app/views.py | 73 +-
examples/django_me_example/example/settings.py | 17 +-
.../django_me_example/example/templates/base.html | 14 -
.../django_me_example/example/templates/done.html | 25 -
.../django_me_example/example/templates/email.html | 11 -
.../example/templates/email_signup.html | 19 -
.../django_me_example/example/templates/home.html | 532 +++++++++---
.../example/templates/username_signup.html | 19 -
.../example/templates/validation_sent.html | 6 -
examples/django_me_example/example/urls.py | 4 +-
examples/django_me_example/example/wsgi.py | 2 +-
examples/django_me_example/requirements.txt | 2 +-
examples/flask_example/__init__.py | 20 +-
examples/flask_example/manage.py | 10 +-
examples/flask_example/models/user.py | 23 +-
examples/flask_example/requirements.txt | 3 +-
examples/flask_example/settings.py | 12 +-
examples/flask_example/templates/home.html | 1 +
examples/flask_me_example/routes/main.py | 2 +-
examples/flask_me_example/settings.py | 3 +
examples/pyramid_example/example/__init__.py | 1 +
examples/pyramid_example/example/auth.py | 4 +-
examples/pyramid_example/example/models.py | 1 -
examples/pyramid_example/example/settings.py | 3 +
examples/pyramid_example/setup.py | 1 +
examples/tornado_example/settings.py | 3 +
examples/tornado_example/templates/home.html | 1 +
examples/webpy_example/app.py | 3 +
examples/webpy_example/templates/home.html | 1 +
requirements-python3.txt | 4 +-
requirements.txt | 6 +-
setup.cfg | 11 +
setup.py | 76 +-
site/index.html | 2 +-
social/__init__.py | 2 +-
social/actions.py | 14 +-
social/apps/django_app/__init__.py | 12 +-
social/apps/django_app/default/__init__.py | 3 +
social/apps/django_app/default/admin.py | 2 +-
social/apps/django_app/default/config.py | 14 +
social/apps/django_app/default/managers.py | 12 +
.../django_app/default/migrations/0001_initial.py | 56 +-
.../default/migrations/0002_add_related_name.py | 20 +
.../migrations/0003_alter_email_max_length.py | 19 +
social/apps/django_app/default/models.py | 25 +-
social/apps/django_app/me/__init__.py | 2 +
social/apps/django_app/me/config.py | 14 +
social/apps/django_app/middleware.py | 7 +-
social/apps/django_app/urls.py | 17 +-
social/apps/django_app/utils.py | 1 -
social/apps/django_app/views.py | 13 +-
social/apps/flask_app/default/models.py | 103 ++-
social/apps/flask_app/routes.py | 10 +-
social/apps/pyramid_app/models.py | 2 -
social/apps/pyramid_app/utils.py | 10 +-
social/apps/tornado_app/routes.py | 2 +-
social/backends/amazon.py | 3 +
social/backends/azuread.py | 118 +++
social/backends/base.py | 19 +-
social/backends/battlenet.py | 50 ++
social/backends/beats.py | 25 +-
social/backends/behance.py | 5 +-
social/backends/bitbucket.py | 123 ++-
social/backends/changetip.py | 27 +
social/backends/clef.py | 14 +-
social/backends/coursera.py | 39 +
social/backends/digitalocean.py | 41 +
social/backends/disqus.py | 5 +-
social/backends/dribbble.py | 62 ++
social/backends/echosign.py | 24 +
social/backends/eveonline.py | 41 +
social/backends/evernote.py | 4 +-
social/backends/exacttarget.py | 28 +-
social/backends/facebook.py | 31 +-
social/backends/fitbit.py | 2 +-
social/backends/flickr.py | 2 +-
social/backends/github.py | 56 +-
social/backends/github_enterprise.py | 42 +
social/backends/goclioeu.py | 14 +
social/backends/google.py | 55 +-
social/backends/jawbone.py | 24 +
social/backends/kakao.py | 10 +-
social/backends/khanacademy.py | 125 +++
social/backends/lastfm.py | 2 +
social/backends/launchpad.py | 11 +
social/backends/linkedin.py | 2 +-
social/backends/live.py | 1 +
social/backends/meetup.py | 34 +
social/backends/mendeley.py | 12 +-
social/backends/mineid.py | 38 +
social/backends/nationbuilder.py | 48 ++
social/backends/nk.py | 74 ++
social/backends/oauth.py | 112 +--
social/backends/odnoklassniki.py | 4 +-
social/backends/open_id.py | 27 +-
social/backends/orbi.py | 42 +
social/backends/orkut.py | 50 --
social/backends/persona.py | 6 +-
social/backends/pocket.py | 4 +-
social/backends/professionali.py | 55 ++
social/backends/pushbullet.py | 0
social/backends/qiita.py | 66 ++
social/backends/reddit.py | 1 +
social/backends/salesforce.py | 48 ++
social/backends/saml.py | 323 ++++++++
social/backends/shopify.py | 29 +-
social/backends/slack.py | 66 ++
social/backends/spotify.py | 9 +-
social/backends/strava.py | 6 +
social/backends/trello.py | 7 +
social/backends/twitter.py | 2 +
social/backends/uber.py | 39 +
social/backends/vend.py | 39 +
social/backends/vk.py | 14 +-
social/backends/weibo.py | 26 +-
social/backends/weixin.py | 101 +++
social/backends/withings.py | 14 +
social/backends/wunderlist.py | 29 +
social/backends/yahoo.py | 111 ++-
social/backends/zotero.py | 29 +
social/exceptions.py | 6 +
social/p3.py | 7 +-
social/pipeline/debug.py | 4 +
social/pipeline/social_auth.py | 7 +-
social/pipeline/user.py | 31 +-
social/pipeline/utils.py | 11 +-
social/storage/base.py | 16 +-
social/storage/django_orm.py | 15 +-
social/storage/sqlalchemy_orm.py | 31 +-
social/strategies/base.py | 26 +-
social/strategies/django_strategy.py | 34 +-
social/strategies/pyramid_strategy.py | 15 +-
social/strategies/tornado_strategy.py | 16 +-
social/tests/actions/actions.py | 29 +-
social/tests/actions/test_associate.py | 22 +-
social/tests/actions/test_disconnect.py | 27 +-
social/tests/actions/test_login.py | 14 +-
social/tests/backends/base.py | 43 +-
social/tests/backends/data/saml_config.json | 23 +
social/tests/backends/data/saml_response.txt | 1 +
social/tests/backends/legacy.py | 8 +-
social/tests/backends/oauth.py | 10 +-
social/tests/backends/open_id.py | 12 +-
social/tests/backends/test_azuread.py | 73 ++
social/tests/backends/test_bitbucket.py | 165 +++-
social/tests/backends/test_box.py | 7 +-
social/tests/backends/test_broken.py | 30 +-
social/tests/backends/test_clef.py | 6 +-
social/tests/backends/test_coursera.py | 38 +
social/tests/backends/test_digitalocean.py | 34 +
.../{test_dailymotion.py => test_dribbble.py} | 11 +-
social/tests/backends/test_dummy.py | 11 +-
social/tests/backends/test_evernote.py | 12 +-
social/tests/backends/test_facebook.py | 13 +-
social/tests/backends/test_github.py | 13 +-
social/tests/backends/test_github_enterprise.py | 243 ++++++
.../{test_thisismyjam.py => test_khanacademy.py} | 16 +-
social/tests/backends/test_livejournal.py | 20 +-
.../{test_dailymotion.py => test_mineid.py} | 12 +-
social/tests/backends/test_nationbuilder.py | 232 ++++++
social/tests/backends/test_orbi.py | 30 +
.../{test_dailymotion.py => test_qiita.py} | 12 +-
social/tests/backends/test_reddit.py | 4 +-
social/tests/backends/test_saml.py | 117 +++
social/tests/backends/test_steam.py | 40 +-
social/tests/backends/test_uber.py | 36 +
social/tests/backends/test_utils.py | 22 +-
social/tests/backends/test_vk.py | 2 +-
social/tests/backends/test_wunderlist.py | 26 +
social/tests/backends/test_yahoo.py | 26 +-
.../backends/{test_flickr.py => test_zotero.py} | 12 +-
social/tests/models.py | 6 +-
social/tests/pipeline.py | 16 +
.../{requirements.txt => requirements-python3.txt} | 5 +-
social/tests/requirements.txt | 6 +-
social/tests/strategy.py | 20 +
social/tests/test_exceptions.py | 5 +-
social/tests/test_pipeline.py | 69 +-
social/tests/test_storage.py | 143 ++--
social/tests/test_utils.py | 86 +-
social/utils.py | 61 +-
tox.ini | 8 +-
252 files changed, 7148 insertions(+), 1337 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 MANIFEST.in
create mode 100644 docs/backends/azuread.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/battlenet.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/changetip.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/coursera.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/digitalocean.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/dribbble.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/eveonline.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/github_enterprise.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/khanacademy.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/launchpad.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/meetup.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/mineid.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/naszaklasa.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/nationbuilder.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/orbi.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/qiita.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/salesforce.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/saml.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/slack.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/uber.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/vend.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/withings.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/wunderlist.rst
create mode 100644 docs/backends/zotero.rst
create mode 100644 docs/developer_intro.rst
create mode 100644 docs/logging_out.rst
copy examples/{django_example => django_me_example}/example/app/decorators.py (100%)
copy examples/{django_example/example => django_me_example/example/app/templatetags}/__init__.py (100%)
copy examples/{django_example => django_me_example}/example/app/templatetags/backend_utils.py (91%)
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/base.html
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/done.html
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/email.html
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/email_signup.html
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/username_signup.html
delete mode 100644 examples/django_me_example/example/templates/validation_sent.html
create mode 100644 setup.cfg
create mode 100644 social/apps/django_app/default/config.py
create mode 100644 social/apps/django_app/default/managers.py
create mode 100644 social/apps/django_app/default/migrations/0002_add_related_name.py
create mode 100644 social/apps/django_app/default/migrations/0003_alter_email_max_length.py
create mode 100644 social/apps/django_app/me/config.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/azuread.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/battlenet.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/changetip.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/coursera.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/digitalocean.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/dribbble.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/echosign.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/eveonline.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/github_enterprise.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/goclioeu.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/khanacademy.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/launchpad.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/meetup.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/mineid.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/nationbuilder.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/nk.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/orbi.py
delete mode 100644 social/backends/orkut.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/professionali.py
mode change 100755 => 100644 social/backends/pushbullet.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/qiita.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/salesforce.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/saml.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/slack.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/uber.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/vend.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/weixin.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/withings.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/wunderlist.py
create mode 100644 social/backends/zotero.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/data/saml_config.json
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/data/saml_response.txt
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_azuread.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_coursera.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_digitalocean.py
copy social/tests/backends/{test_dailymotion.py => test_dribbble.py} (65%)
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_github_enterprise.py
copy social/tests/backends/{test_thisismyjam.py => test_khanacademy.py} (62%)
copy social/tests/backends/{test_dailymotion.py => test_mineid.py} (57%)
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_nationbuilder.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_orbi.py
copy social/tests/backends/{test_dailymotion.py => test_qiita.py} (61%)
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_saml.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_uber.py
create mode 100644 social/tests/backends/test_wunderlist.py
copy social/tests/backends/{test_flickr.py => test_zotero.py} (64%)
copy social/tests/{requirements.txt => requirements-python3.txt} (55%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-social-auth.git
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