[Python-modules-commits] [django-fsm] 04/10: Import django-fsm_2.3.0.orig.tar.gz

Michael Fladischer fladi at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 16 09:55:54 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fladi pushed a commit to branch master
in repository django-fsm.

commit 4165236913c0855fec34700027328bf5021aeb56
Author: Michael Fladischer <FladischerMichael at fladi.at>
Date:   Fri Oct 16 11:14:12 2015 +0200

    Import django-fsm_2.3.0.orig.tar.gz
 .travis.yml                                        |   1 +
 README.md                                          | 394 -----------------
 README.rst                                         | 484 +++++++++++++++++++++
 django_fsm/__init__.py                             |  67 ++-
 .../management/commands/graph_transitions.py       |  81 +++-
 django_fsm/tests/test_key_field.py                 |  12 +-
 setup.py                                           |   4 +-
 tests/settings.py                                  |   4 +-
 .../{initial_data.json => test_states_data.json}   |   0
 tests/testapp/models.py                            |   8 +
 tests/testapp/tests/test_custom_data.py            |   3 +
 tests/testapp/tests/test_exception_transitions.py  |   5 +-
 tests/testapp/tests/test_mixin_support.py          |  31 ++
 tests/testapp/tests/test_multidecorators.py        |  34 ++
 tests/testapp/tests/test_object_permissions.py     |  44 ++
 tests/testapp/tests/test_permissions.py            |   5 +
 .../tests/test_transition_all_except_target.py     |  31 ++
 tox.ini                                            |   9 +-
 18 files changed, 776 insertions(+), 441 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 53806c6..0f4a34f 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ env:
     - $TOX_ENV=py26
     - $TOX_ENV=py27
     - $TOX_ENV=py33
+    - $TOX_ENV=py34
     - pip install tox
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ac8234..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-Django friendly finite state machine support
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kmmbvnr/django-fsm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/kmmbvnr/django-fsm)
-django-fsm adds declarative states management for django models.
-Instead of adding some state field to a django model, and managing its
-values by hand, you could use FSMState field and mark model methods
-with the `transition` decorator. Your method could contain the side-effects
-of the state change.
-Nice introduction is available here: https://gist.github.com/Nagyman/9502133
-You may also take a look at django-fsm-admin project
-containing a mixin and template tags to integrate django-fsm
-state transitions into the django admin.
-Transition logging support could be achived with help of django-fsm-log package
-FSM really helps to structure the code, especially when a new
-developer comes to the project.  FSM is most effective when you use it
-for some sequential steps.
-If you need parallel task execution, view and background task code reuse
-over different flows - check my new project django-viewflow
-$ pip install django-fsm
-Or, for the latest git version
-$ pip install -e git://github.com/kmmbvnr/django-fsm.git#egg=django-fsm
-The library has full Python 3 support
-Add FSMState field to your model
-from django_fsm import FSMField, transition
-class BlogPost(models.Model):
-	state = FSMField(default='new')
-Use the `transition` decorator to annotate model methods
- at transition(field=state, source='new', target='published')
-def publish(self):
-	"""
-	This function may contain side-effects,
-	like updating caches, notifying users, etc.
-	The return value will be discarded.
-	"""
-`source` parameter accepts a list of states, or an individual state.
-You can use `*` for source, to allow switching to `target` from any state.
-If calling publish() succeeds without raising an exception, the state field
-will be changed, but not written to the database.
-from django_fsm import can_proceed
-def publish_view(request, post_id):
-    post = get_object__or_404(BlogPost, pk=post_id)
-    if not can_proceed(post.publish):
-        raise PermissionDenied
-    post.publish()
-    post.save()
-    return redirect('/')
-If some conditions are required to be met before changing the state, use the
-`conditions` argument to `transition`. `conditions` must be a list of functions
-taking one argument, the model instance.  The function must return either
-`True` or `False` or a value that evaluates to `True` or `False`. If all functions
-return `True`, all conditions are considered to be met and the transition
-is allowed to happen. If one of the functions returns `False`, the transition
-will not happen. These functions should not have any side effects.
-You can use ordinary functions
-def can_publish(instance):
-    # No publishing after 17 hours
-    if datetime.datetime.now().hour > 17:
-        return False
-    return True
-Or model methods
-def can_destroy(self):
-	return self.is_under_investigation()
-Use the conditions like this:
- at transition(field=state, source='new', target='published', conditions=[can_publish])
-    def publish(self):
-    """
-    Side effects galore
-    """
- at transition(field=state, source='*', target='destroyed', conditions=[can_destroy])
-    def destroy(self):
-    """
-    Side effects galore
-    """
-You could instantiate a field with protected=True option, that prevents direct state field modification
-class BlogPost(models.Model):
-    state = FSMField(default='new', protected=True)
-model = BlogPost()
-model.state = 'invalid' # Raises AttributeError
-### `custom` properties
-Custom properties can be added by providing a dictionary to the `custom` keyword on the `transition` decorator.
- at transition(field=state,
-            source='*',
-            target='onhold',
-            custom=dict(verbose='Hold for legal reasons'), transition_type='manual')
-def legal_hold(self):
-    """
-    Side effects galore
-    """
-### `on_error` state
-In case of transition method would raise exception, you can provide specific target state
- at transition(field=state, source='new', target='published', on_error='failed')
-def publish(self):
-   """
-   Some exceptio could happends here
-   """
-### `state_choices`
-Instead of passing two elements list `choices` you could use three elements `state_choices`,
-the last element states for string reference to model proxy class.
-Base class instance would be dynamically changed to corresponding Proxy class instance, depending on the state.
-Even for queryset results, you will get Proxy class instances, even if QuerySet executed on base class.
-Check the [test case](https://github.com/kmmbvnr/django-fsm/blob/master/tests/testapp/tests/test_state_transitions.py)
-for example usage. Or read about [implementation internals](http://schinckel.net/2013/06/13/django-proxy-model-state-machine/)
-### Permissions
-It is common to have permissions attached to each model transition. `django-fsm` handles this with
-`permission` keyword on the `transition` decorator. `permission` accepts a permission string, or
-callable that expects `user` argument and returns True if user can perform the transition
- at transition(field=state, source='*', target='publish',
-            permission=lambda user: not user.has_perm('myapp.can_make_mistakes'))
-def publish(self):
-    pass
- at transition(field=state, source='*', target='publish',
-            permission='myapp.can_remove_post')
-def remove(self):
-    pass
-You can check permission with `has_transition_permission` method
-``` python
-from django_fsm import has_transition_perm
-def publish_view(request, post_id):
-    post = get_object_or_404(BlogPost, pk=post_id)
-    if not has_transition_perm(post.publish, request.user):
-        raise PermissionDenied
-    post.publish()
-    post.save()
-    return redirect('/')
-### Model methods
-Enumerates all declared transitions
-Returns all transitions data available in current state
-Enumerates all transitions data available in current state for provided user
-### Foreign Key constraints support
-If you store the states in the db table you could use FSMKeyField to
-ensure Foreign Key database integrity.
-In your model :
-class DbState(models.Model):
-    id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=50)
-    label = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return self.label
-class BlogPost(models.Model):
-    state = FSMKeyField(DbState, default='new')
-    @transition(field=state, source='new', target='published')
-    def publish(self):
-        pass
-In your fixtures/initial_data.json :
-    {
-        "pk": "new",
-        "model": "myapp.dbstate",
-        "fields": {
-            "label": "_NEW_"
-        }
-    },
-    {
-        "pk": "published",
-        "model": "myapp.dbstate",
-        "fields": {
-            "label": "_PUBLISHED_"
-        }
-    }
-Note : source and target parameters in @transition decorator use pk values of DBState model
-as names, even if field "real" name is used, without _id postfix, as field parameter.
-### Integer Field support
-You can also use `FSMIntegerField`. This is handy when you want to use enum style constants.
-class BlogPostStateEnum(object):
-    NEW = 10
-    PUBLISHED = 20
-    HIDDEN = 30
-class BlogPostWithIntegerField(models.Model):
-    state = FSMIntegerField(default=BlogPostStateEnum.NEW)
-    @transition(field=state, source=BlogPostStateEnum.NEW, target=BlogPostStateEnum.PUBLISHED)
-    def publish(self):
-        pass
-### Signals
-`django_fsm.signals.pre_transition` and `django_fsm.signals.post_transition` are called before
-and after allowed transition. No signals on invalid transition are called.
-Arguments sent with these signals:
-   The model class.
-   The actual instance being procceed
-   Transition name
-   Source model state
-   Target model state
-## Optimistic locking
-`django-fsm` provides optimistic locking mixin, to avoid concurent model state changes.
-If model state was changed in database `django_fsm.ConcurrentTransition` exception would be raised
-on model.save()
-from django_fsm import FMSField, ConcurrentTransitionMixin
-class BlogPost(ConcurrentTransitionMixin, models.Model):
-    state = FSMField(default='new')
-For guaranteed protection against race conditions caused by concurrently executed transitions, make sure:
-* Your transitions do not have any side effects except for changes in the database,
-* You always run the save() method on the object within `django.db.transaction.atomic()` block.
-Following these recommendations, you can rely on ConcurrentTransitionMixin to cause a rollback of all the changes
-that have been executed in an inconsistent (out of sync) state, thus practically negating their effect.
-## Drawing transitions
-Renders a graphical overview of your models states transitions
-You need `pip install graphviz>=0.4` library
-# Create a dot file
-$ ./manage.py graph_transitions > transitions.dot
-# Create a PNG image file only for specific model
-$ ./manage.py graph_transitions -o blog_transitions.png myapp.Blog
-<img src="https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/41479/2227946/a9e77760-9ad0-11e3-804f-301d075470fe.png" alt="django-fsm" width="100px"/>
-### django-fsm 2.2.1 2015-04-27
-* Improved exception message for unmet transition conditions.
-* Don't send post transiton signal in case of no state chnages on exception
-* Allow empty string as correct state value
-* Imporved graphviz fsm visualisation
-* Clean django 1.8 warnings
-### django-fsm 2.2.0 2014-09-03
-* Support for [class substitution](http://schinckel.net/2013/06/13/django-proxy-model-state-machine/) to proxy classes depending on the state
-* Added ConcurrentTransitionMixin with optimistic locking support
-* Default db_index=True for FSMIntegerField removed
-* Graph transition code migrated to new graphviz library with python 3 support
-* Ability to change state on transition exception
-### django-fsm 2.1.0 2014-05-15
-* Support for attaching permission checks on model transitions
-### django-fsm 2.0.0 2014-03-15
-* Backward incompatible release
-* All public code import moved directly to django_fsm package
-* Correct support for several @transitions decorator with different source states and conditions on same method
-* save parameter from transition decorator removed
-* get_available_FIELD_transitions return Transition data object instead of tuple
-* Models got get_available_FIELD_transitions, even if field specified as string reference
-* New get_all_FIELD_transitions method contributed to class
-### django-fsm 1.6.0 2014-03-15
-* FSMIntegerField and FSMKeyField support
-### django-fsm 1.5.1 2014-01-04
-* Ad-hoc support for state fields from proxy and inherited models
-### django-fsm 1.5.0 2013-09-17
-* Python 3 compatibility
-### django-fsm 1.4.0 2011-12-21
-* Add graph_transition command for drawing state transition picture
-### django-fsm 1.3.0 2011-07-28
-* Add direct field modification protection
-### django-fsm 1.2.0 2011-03-23
-* Add pre_transition and post_transition signals
-### django-fsm 1.1.0 2011-02-22
-* Add support for transition conditions
-* Allow multiple FSMField in one model
-* Contribute get_available_FIELD_transitions for model class
-### django-fsm 1.0.0 2010-10-12
-* Initial public release
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cbe137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+Django friendly finite state machine support
+|Build Status| |Downloads| |Gitter|
+django-fsm adds declarative states management for django models.
+Instead of adding some state field to a django model, and managing its
+values by hand, you could use FSMState field and mark model methods with
+the ``transition`` decorator. Your method could contain the side-effects
+of the state change.
+Nice introduction is available here:
+You may also take a look at django-fsm-admin project containing a mixin
+and template tags to integrate django-fsm state transitions into the
+django admin.
+Transition logging support could be achived with help of django-fsm-log
+FSM really helps to structure the code, especially when a new developer
+comes to the project. FSM is most effective when you use it for some
+sequential steps.
+If you need parallel task execution, view and background task code reuse
+over different flows - check my new project django-viewflow
+.. code:: bash
+    $ pip install django-fsm
+Or, for the latest git version
+.. code:: bash
+    $ pip install -e git://github.com/kmmbvnr/django-fsm.git#egg=django-fsm
+The library has full Python 3 support
+Add FSMState field to your model
+.. code:: python
+    from django_fsm import FSMField, transition
+    class BlogPost(models.Model):
+        state = FSMField(default='new')
+Use the ``transition`` decorator to annotate model methods
+.. code:: python
+    @transition(field=state, source='new', target='published')
+    def publish(self):
+        """
+        This function may contain side-effects,
+        like updating caches, notifying users, etc.
+        The return value will be discarded.
+        """
+``source`` parameter accepts a list of states, or an individual state.
+You can use ``*`` for source, to allow switching to ``target`` from any
+If calling publish() succeeds without raising an exception, the state
+field will be changed, but not written to the database.
+.. code:: python
+    from django_fsm import can_proceed
+    def publish_view(request, post_id):
+        post = get_object__or_404(BlogPost, pk=post_id)
+        if not can_proceed(post.publish):
+            raise PermissionDenied
+        post.publish()
+        post.save()
+        return redirect('/')
+If some conditions are required to be met before changing the state, use
+the ``conditions`` argument to ``transition``. ``conditions`` must be a
+list of functions taking one argument, the model instance. The function
+must return either ``True`` or ``False`` or a value that evaluates to
+``True`` or ``False``. If all functions return ``True``, all conditions
+are considered to be met and the transition is allowed to happen. If one
+of the functions returns ``False``, the transition will not happen.
+These functions should not have any side effects.
+You can use ordinary functions
+.. code:: python
+    def can_publish(instance):
+        # No publishing after 17 hours
+        if datetime.datetime.now().hour > 17:
+            return False
+        return True
+Or model methods
+.. code:: python
+    def can_destroy(self):
+        return self.is_under_investigation()
+Use the conditions like this:
+.. code:: python
+    @transition(field=state, source='new', target='published', conditions=[can_publish])
+        def publish(self):
+        """
+        Side effects galore
+        """
+    @transition(field=state, source='*', target='destroyed', conditions=[can_destroy])
+        def destroy(self):
+        """
+        Side effects galore
+        """
+You could instantiate a field with protected=True option, that prevents
+direct state field modification.
+.. code:: python
+    class BlogPost(models.Model):
+        state = FSMField(default='new', protected=True)
+    model = BlogPost()
+    model.state = 'invalid' # Raises AttributeError
+Note that calling
+```refresh_from_db`` <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/models/instances/#django.db.models.Model.refresh_from_db>`__
+on a model instance with a protected FSMField will cause an exception.
+``custom`` properties
+Custom properties can be added by providing a dictionary to the
+``custom`` keyword on the ``transition`` decorator.
+.. code:: python
+    @transition(field=state,
+                source='*',
+                target='onhold',
+                custom=dict(verbose='Hold for legal reasons'))
+    def legal_hold(self):
+        """
+        Side effects galore
+        """
+``on_error`` state
+In case of transition method would raise exception, you can provide
+specific target state
+.. code:: python
+    @transition(field=state, source='new', target='published', on_error='failed')
+    def publish(self):
+       """
+       Some exceptio could happends here
+       """
+Instead of passing two elements list ``choices`` you could use three
+elements ``state_choices``, the last element states for string reference
+to model proxy class.
+Base class instance would be dynamically changed to corresponding Proxy
+class instance, depending on the state. Even for queryset results, you
+will get Proxy class instances, even if QuerySet executed on base class.
+Check the `test
+case <https://github.com/kmmbvnr/django-fsm/blob/master/tests/testapp/tests/test_state_transitions.py>`__
+for example usage. Or read about `implementation
+internals <http://schinckel.net/2013/06/13/django-proxy-model-state-machine/>`__
+It is common to have permissions attached to each model transition.
+``django-fsm`` handles this with ``permission`` keyword on the
+``transition`` decorator. ``permission`` accepts a permission string, or
+callable that expects ``user`` argument and returns True if user can
+perform the transition
+.. code:: python
+    @transition(field=state, source='*', target='publish',
+                permission=lambda user: not user.has_perm('myapp.can_make_mistakes'))
+    def publish(self):
+        pass
+    @transition(field=state, source='*', target='publish',
+                permission='myapp.can_remove_post')
+    def remove(self):
+        pass
+You can check permission with ``has_transition_permission`` method
+.. code:: python
+    from django_fsm import has_transition_perm
+    def publish_view(request, post_id):
+        post = get_object_or_404(BlogPost, pk=post_id)
+        if not has_transition_perm(post.publish, request.user):
+            raise PermissionDenied
+        post.publish()
+        post.save()
+        return redirect('/')
+Model methods
+``get_all_FIELD_transitions`` Enumerates all declared transitions
+``get_available_FIELD_transitions`` Returns all transitions data
+available in current state
+``get_available_user_FIELD_transitions`` Enumerates all transitions data
+available in current state for provided user
+Foreign Key constraints support
+If you store the states in the db table you could use FSMKeyField to
+ensure Foreign Key database integrity.
+In your model :
+.. code:: python
+    class DbState(models.Model):
+        id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=50)
+        label = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+        def __unicode__(self):
+            return self.label
+    class BlogPost(models.Model):
+        state = FSMKeyField(DbState, default='new')
+        @transition(field=state, source='new', target='published')
+        def publish(self):
+            pass
+In your fixtures/initial\_data.json :
+.. code:: json
+    [
+        {
+            "pk": "new",
+            "model": "myapp.dbstate",
+            "fields": {
+                "label": "_NEW_"
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "pk": "published",
+            "model": "myapp.dbstate",
+            "fields": {
+                "label": "_PUBLISHED_"
+            }
+        }
+    ]
+Note : source and target parameters in @transition decorator use pk
+values of DBState model as names, even if field "real" name is used,
+without \_id postfix, as field parameter.
+Integer Field support
+You can also use ``FSMIntegerField``. This is handy when you want to use
+enum style constants.
+.. code:: python
+    class BlogPostStateEnum(object):
+        NEW = 10
+        PUBLISHED = 20
+        HIDDEN = 30
+    class BlogPostWithIntegerField(models.Model):
+        state = FSMIntegerField(default=BlogPostStateEnum.NEW)
+        @transition(field=state, source=BlogPostStateEnum.NEW, target=BlogPostStateEnum.PUBLISHED)
+        def publish(self):
+            pass
+``django_fsm.signals.pre_transition`` and
+``django_fsm.signals.post_transition`` are called before and after
+allowed transition. No signals on invalid transition are called.
+Arguments sent with these signals:
+**sender** The model class.
+**instance** The actual instance being procceed
+**name** Transition name
+**source** Source model state
+**target** Target model state
+Optimistic locking
+``django-fsm`` provides optimistic locking mixin, to avoid concurent
+model state changes. If model state was changed in database
+``django_fsm.ConcurrentTransition`` exception would be raised on
+.. code:: python
+    from django_fsm import FSMField, ConcurrentTransitionMixin
+    class BlogPost(ConcurrentTransitionMixin, models.Model):
+        state = FSMField(default='new')
+For guaranteed protection against race conditions caused by concurrently
+executed transitions, make sure: \* Your transitions do not have any
+side effects except for changes in the database, \* You always run the
+save() method on the object within ``django.db.transaction.atomic()``
+Following these recommendations, you can rely on
+ConcurrentTransitionMixin to cause a rollback of all the changes that
+have been executed in an inconsistent (out of sync) state, thus
+practically negating their effect.
+Drawing transitions
+Renders a graphical overview of your models states transitions
+You need ``pip install graphviz>=0.4`` library and add ``django_fsm`` to
+.. code:: python
+        ...
+        'django_fsm',
+        ...
+    )
+.. code:: bash
+    # Create a dot file
+    $ ./manage.py graph_transitions > transitions.dot
+    # Create a PNG image file only for specific model
+    $ ./manage.py graph_transitions -o blog_transitions.png myapp.Blog
+django-fsm 2.3.0 2015-10-15
+-  Add source state shortcut '+' to specify transitions from all states except the target
+-  Add object-level permission checks
+-  Fix translated labels for graph of FSMIntegerField
+-  Fix multiple signals for several transition decorators
+django-fsm 2.2.1 2015-04-27
+-  Improved exception message for unmet transition conditions.
+-  Don't send post transiton signal in case of no state chnages on
+   exception
+-  Allow empty string as correct state value
+-  Imporved graphviz fsm visualisation
+-  Clean django 1.8 warnings
+django-fsm 2.2.0 2014-09-03
+-  Support for `class
+   substitution <http://schinckel.net/2013/06/13/django-proxy-model-state-machine/>`__
+   to proxy classes depending on the state
+-  Added ConcurrentTransitionMixin with optimistic locking support
+-  Default db\_index=True for FSMIntegerField removed
+-  Graph transition code migrated to new graphviz library with python 3
+   support
+-  Ability to change state on transition exception
+django-fsm 2.1.0 2014-05-15
+-  Support for attaching permission checks on model transitions
+django-fsm 2.0.0 2014-03-15
+-  Backward incompatible release
+-  All public code import moved directly to django\_fsm package
+-  Correct support for several @transitions decorator with different
+   source states and conditions on same method
+-  save parameter from transition decorator removed
+-  get\_available\_FIELD\_transitions return Transition data object
+   instead of tuple
+-  Models got get\_available\_FIELD\_transitions, even if field
+   specified as string reference
+-  New get\_all\_FIELD\_transitions method contributed to class
+django-fsm 1.6.0 2014-03-15
+-  FSMIntegerField and FSMKeyField support
+django-fsm 1.5.1 2014-01-04
+-  Ad-hoc support for state fields from proxy and inherited models
+django-fsm 1.5.0 2013-09-17
+-  Python 3 compatibility
+django-fsm 1.4.0 2011-12-21
+-  Add graph\_transition command for drawing state transition picture
+django-fsm 1.3.0 2011-07-28
+-  Add direct field modification protection
+django-fsm 1.2.0 2011-03-23
+-  Add pre\_transition and post\_transition signals
+django-fsm 1.1.0 2011-02-22
+-  Add support for transition conditions
+-  Allow multiple FSMField in one model
+-  Contribute get\_available\_FIELD\_transitions for model class
+django-fsm 1.0.0 2010-10-12
+-  Initial public release
+.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/kmmbvnr/django-fsm.svg?branch=master
+   :target: https://travis-ci.org/kmmbvnr/django-fsm
+.. |Downloads| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/django-fsm.svg
+   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-fsm
+.. |Gitter| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg
+   :target: https://gitter.im/kmmbvnr/django-fsm?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge
diff --git a/django_fsm/__init__.py b/django_fsm/__init__.py
index 373d795..56c8457 100644
--- a/django_fsm/__init__.py
+++ b/django_fsm/__init__.py
@@ -3,20 +3,23 @@
 State tracking functionality for django models
 import inspect
-from functools import wraps
 import sys
+import warnings
+from functools import wraps
 from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.signals import class_prepared
+from django.utils.functional import curry
+from django_fsm.signals import pre_transition, post_transition
     from django.apps import apps as django_apps
     def get_model(app_label, model_name):
         app = django_apps.get_app_config(app_label)
         return app.get_model(model_name)
 except ImportError:
     from django.db.models.loading import get_model
-from django.db.models.signals import class_prepared
-from django.utils.functional import curry
-from django_fsm.signals import pre_transition, post_transition
 __all__ = ['TransitionNotAllowed', 'ConcurrentTransition',
@@ -56,6 +59,11 @@ else:
 class TransitionNotAllowed(Exception):
     """Raised when a transition is not allowed"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.object = kwargs.pop('object', None)
+        self.method = kwargs.pop('method', None)
+        super(TransitionNotAllowed, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 class ConcurrentTransition(Exception):
@@ -79,10 +87,16 @@ class Transition(object):
     def name(self):
         return self.method.__name__
-    def has_perm(self, user):
+    def has_perm(self, instance, user):
         if not self.permission:
             return True
-        elif callable(self.permission) and self.permission(user):
+        elif callable(self.permission):
+            try:
+                return bool(self.permission(instance, user))
+            except TypeError:
+                warnings.warn('Callable permissions without instance parameter is depricated')
+                return bool(self.permission(user))
+        elif user.has_perm(self.permission, instance):
             return True
         elif user.has_perm(self.permission):
             return True
@@ -101,7 +115,7 @@ def get_available_FIELD_transitions(instance, field):
     for name, transition in transitions.items():
         meta = transition._django_fsm
-        for state in [curr_state, '*']:
+        for state in [curr_state, '*', '+']:
             if state in meta.transitions:
                 transition = meta.transitions[state]
                 if all(map(lambda condition: condition(instance), transition.conditions)):
... 588 lines suppressed ...

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/django-fsm.git

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