[Python-modules-commits] [python-pyramid] 02/06: Import python-pyramid_1.5.7+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Barry Warsaw
barry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 30 14:57:22 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
barry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-pyramid.
commit e356bfbd4749ea0bc4c5bb1af9b2ca1dfc4e06aa
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
Date: Fri Oct 30 10:26:25 2015 -0400
Import python-pyramid_1.5.7+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
.gitignore | 1 +
.gitmodules | 3 -
.travis.yml | 2 +
CHANGES.txt | 107 +++-
HACKING.txt | 1 +
PKG-INFO | 845 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
README.rst | 7 +
RELEASING.txt | 6 +
pyramid.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 845 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
pyramid.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 8 +-
pyramid.egg-info/requires.txt | 7 +-
pyramid/config/routes.py | 6 +
pyramid/config/views.py | 4 -
pyramid/interfaces.py | 8 +-
pyramid/path.py | 10 +-
pyramid/renderers.py | 32 +-
pyramid/response.py | 10 +-
pyramid/scripts/proutes.py | 380 +++++++++++--
pyramid/scripts/pserve.py | 33 ++
pyramid/security.py | 14 +-
pyramid/session.py | 4 +-
pyramid/tests/test_renderers.py | 26 +-
pyramid/tests/test_response.py | 32 +-
pyramid/tests/test_scripts/dummy.py | 2 +-
pyramid/tests/test_scripts/test_proutes.py | 618 ++++++++++++++++++++-
pyramid/tests/test_wsgi.py | 6 +
pyramid/url.py | 4 +-
pyramid/urldispatch.py | 9 +-
pyramid/wsgi.py | 7 +
rtd.txt | 5 +-
setup.cfg | 2 +-
setup.py | 8 +-
33 files changed, 2946 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8dca206..1e3f68f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
deleted file mode 100644
index 4539794..0000000
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "docs/_themes"]
- path = docs/_themes
- url = git://github.com/Pylons/pylons_sphinx_theme.git
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 29e499e..4ca998c 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ python:
- pypy
- 3.2
- 3.3
+ - 3.4
+ - pypy3
install: python setup.py dev
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 742f371..4dcf826 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,102 @@
+.. _changes_1.5.7:
+1.5.7 (2015-04-28)
+- Further fix the JSONP renderer by prefixing the returned content with
+ a comment. This should mitigate attacks from Flash (See CVE-2014-4671).
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1648
+- Allow periods and brackets (``[]``) in the JSONP callback. The original
+ fix was overly-restrictive and broke Angular.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1648
+.. _changes_1.5.6:
+1.5.6 (2015-04-14)
+- 1.5.5 was a brown-bag release which was missing files.
+.. _changes_1.5.5:
+1.5.5 (2015-04-14)
+- The JSONP renderer created JavaScript code in such a way that a callback
+ variable could be used to arbitrarily inject javascript into the response
+ object. https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1626
+.. _changes_1.5.4:
+1.5.4 (2015-02-24)
+- Fix regression where ``pserve --reload`` would not work when running
+ as a daemon.
+ Backported from https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1592
+.. _changes_1.5.3:
+1.5.3 (2015-02-22)
+- Work around an issue where ``pserve --reload`` would leave terminal echo
+ disabled if it reloaded during a pdb session.
+ Backported from https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1577
+- Fixed a failing unittest caused by differing mimetypes on various
+ OS platforms. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1405
+- Overall improvments for the ``proutes`` command. Added ``--format`` and
+ ``--glob`` arguments to the command, introduced the ``method``
+ column for displaying available request methods, and improved the ``view``
+ output by showing the module instead of just ``__repr__``.
+ See: https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1542
+- The ``pyramid.renderers.JSONP`` renderer would raise an exception if used
+ without a request object. It will now fallback to behave like
+ the ``pyramid.renderers.JSON`` renderer if there is no request object to
+ derive a callback from. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1562
+- Prevent "parameters to load are deprecated" ``DeprecationWarning``
+ from setuptools>=11.3. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1541
+- Avoiding timing attacks against CSRF tokens. Backported from
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1574
+- ``pserve`` can now take a ``-b`` or ``--browser`` option to open the server
+ URL in a web browser. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1533
+.. _changes_1.5.2:
+1.5.2 (2014-11-09)
+Bug Fixes
+- ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp`` and ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2`` now raise
+ ``ValueError`` when accidentally passed ``None``.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1320
+- Work around a bug introduced in Python 2.7.7 on Windows where
+ ``mimetypes.guess_type`` returns Unicode rather than str for the content
+ type, unlike any previous version of Python. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1360 for more information.
+- Removed logging configuration from Quick Tutorial ini files except for
+ scaffolding- and logging-related chapters to avoid needing to explain it too
+ early.
+- Clarify a previously-implied detail of the ``ISession.invalidate`` API
+ documentation.
+.. _changes_1.5.1:
1.5.1 (2014-05-31)
@@ -8,13 +107,15 @@
- Fix an issue whereby predicates would be resolved as maybe_dotted in the
introspectable but not when passed for registration. This would mean that
- add_route_predicate for example can not take a string and turn it into the
- actual callable function.
+ ``add_route_predicate`` for example can not take a string and turn it into
+ the actual callable function.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1306
- Fix ``pyramid.testing.setUp`` to return a ``Configurator`` with a proper
package. Previously it was not possible to do package-relative includes
using the returned ``Configurator`` during testing. There is now a
``package`` argument that can override this behavior as well.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1322
- Removed non-ascii copyright symbol from templates, as this was
causing the scaffolds to fail for project generation on some systems.
@@ -22,6 +123,8 @@
- Fix an issue where a ``pyramid.response.FileResponse`` may apply a charset
where it does not belong. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1251
+.. _changes_1.5:
1.5 (2014-04-08)
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS.txt b/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
index c77d3e9..49a9172 100644
@@ -232,3 +232,7 @@ Contributors
- Amit Mane, 2014/01/23
- Fenton Travers, 2014/05/06
+- Geoffrey T. Dairiki, 2015/02/06
+- David Glick, 2015/02/12
diff --git a/HACKING.txt b/HACKING.txt
index 93b1c04..a0c15df 100644
--- a/HACKING.txt
+++ b/HACKING.txt
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ for this use case) and inside that a simple pyramid application named
``hacking`` that you can then fire up like so:
cd env27/hacking
+ ../bin/python setup.py develop
../bin/pserve development.ini
Adding Features
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index b02a062..fc07da8 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,12 +1,853 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: pyramid
-Version: 1.5.1
+Version: 1.5.7
Summary: The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project
Home-page: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest/docs/pyramid.html
Author: Chris McDonough, Agendaless Consulting
Author-email: pylons-discuss at googlegroups.com
License: BSD-derived (http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt)
+Description: Pyramid
+ =======
+ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Pylons/pyramid.png?branch=1.5-branch
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/Pylons/pyramid
+ .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pyramid/badge/?version=latest
+ :target: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/
+ :alt: Documentation Status
+ Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework.
+ It makes real-world web application development and
+ deployment more fun, more predictable, and more productive.
+ Pyramid is produced by the `Pylons Project <http://pylonsproject.org/>`_.
+ Support and Documentation
+ -------------------------
+ See the `Pylons Project website <http://pylonsproject.org/>`_ to view
+ documentation, report bugs, and obtain support.
+ License
+ -------
+ Pyramid is offered under the BSD-derived `Repoze Public License
+ <http://repoze.org/license.html>`_.
+ Authors
+ -------
+ Pyramid is made available by `Agendaless Consulting <http://agendaless.com>`_
+ and a team of contributors.
+ .. _changes_1.5.7:
+ 1.5.7 (2015-04-28)
+ ==================
+ - Further fix the JSONP renderer by prefixing the returned content with
+ a comment. This should mitigate attacks from Flash (See CVE-2014-4671).
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1648
+ - Allow periods and brackets (``[]``) in the JSONP callback. The original
+ fix was overly-restrictive and broke Angular.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1648
+ .. _changes_1.5.6:
+ 1.5.6 (2015-04-14)
+ ==================
+ - 1.5.5 was a brown-bag release which was missing files.
+ .. _changes_1.5.5:
+ 1.5.5 (2015-04-14)
+ ==================
+ - The JSONP renderer created JavaScript code in such a way that a callback
+ variable could be used to arbitrarily inject javascript into the response
+ object. https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1626
+ .. _changes_1.5.4:
+ 1.5.4 (2015-02-24)
+ ==================
+ - Fix regression where ``pserve --reload`` would not work when running
+ as a daemon.
+ Backported from https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1592
+ .. _changes_1.5.3:
+ 1.5.3 (2015-02-22)
+ ==================
+ - Work around an issue where ``pserve --reload`` would leave terminal echo
+ disabled if it reloaded during a pdb session.
+ Backported from https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1577
+ - Fixed a failing unittest caused by differing mimetypes on various
+ OS platforms. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1405
+ - Overall improvments for the ``proutes`` command. Added ``--format`` and
+ ``--glob`` arguments to the command, introduced the ``method``
+ column for displaying available request methods, and improved the ``view``
+ output by showing the module instead of just ``__repr__``.
+ See: https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1542
+ - The ``pyramid.renderers.JSONP`` renderer would raise an exception if used
+ without a request object. It will now fallback to behave like
+ the ``pyramid.renderers.JSON`` renderer if there is no request object to
+ derive a callback from. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1562
+ - Prevent "parameters to load are deprecated" ``DeprecationWarning``
+ from setuptools>=11.3. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1541
+ - Avoiding timing attacks against CSRF tokens. Backported from
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1574
+ - ``pserve`` can now take a ``-b`` or ``--browser`` option to open the server
+ URL in a web browser. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1533
+ .. _changes_1.5.2:
+ 1.5.2 (2014-11-09)
+ ==================
+ Bug Fixes
+ ---------
+ - ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp`` and ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2`` now raise
+ ``ValueError`` when accidentally passed ``None``.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1320
+ - Work around a bug introduced in Python 2.7.7 on Windows where
+ ``mimetypes.guess_type`` returns Unicode rather than str for the content
+ type, unlike any previous version of Python. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1360 for more information.
+ Docs
+ ----
+ - Removed logging configuration from Quick Tutorial ini files except for
+ scaffolding- and logging-related chapters to avoid needing to explain it too
+ early.
+ - Clarify a previously-implied detail of the ``ISession.invalidate`` API
+ documentation.
+ .. _changes_1.5.1:
+ 1.5.1 (2014-05-31)
+ ==================
+ - Update scaffold generating machinery to return the version of pyramid and
+ pyramid docs for use in scaffolds. Updated starter, alchemy and zodb
+ templates to have links to correctly versioned documentation and reflect
+ which pyramid was used to generate the scaffold.
+ - Fix an issue whereby predicates would be resolved as maybe_dotted in the
+ introspectable but not when passed for registration. This would mean that
+ ``add_route_predicate`` for example can not take a string and turn it into
+ the actual callable function.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1306
+ - Fix ``pyramid.testing.setUp`` to return a ``Configurator`` with a proper
+ package. Previously it was not possible to do package-relative includes
+ using the returned ``Configurator`` during testing. There is now a
+ ``package`` argument that can override this behavior as well.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1322
+ - Removed non-ascii copyright symbol from templates, as this was
+ causing the scaffolds to fail for project generation on some systems.
+ - Fix an issue where a ``pyramid.response.FileResponse`` may apply a charset
+ where it does not belong. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1251
+ .. _changes_1.5:
+ 1.5 (2014-04-08)
+ ================
+ - Avoid crash in ``pserve --reload`` under Py3k, when iterating over possibly
+ mutated ``sys.modules``.
+ - ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig`` failed if the secret contained
+ higher order characters. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1246
+ - Fixed a bug in ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig`` and
+ ``SignedCookieSessionFactory`` where ``timeout=None`` would cause a new
+ session to always be created. Also in ``SignedCookieSessionFactory`` a
+ ``reissue_time=None`` would cause an exception when modifying the session.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1247
+ - Updated docs and scaffolds to keep in step with new 2.0 release of
+ ``Lingua``. This included removing all ``setup.cfg`` files from scaffolds
+ and documentation environments.
+ 1.5b1 (2014-02-08)
+ ==================
+ Features
+ --------
+ - We no longer eagerly clear ``request.exception`` and ``request.exc_info`` in
+ the exception view tween. This makes it possible to inspect exception
+ information within a finished callback. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1223.
+ 1.5a4 (2014-01-28)
+ ==================
+ Features
+ --------
+ - Updated scaffolds with new theme, fixed documentation and sample project.
+ Bug Fixes
+ ---------
+ - Depend on a newer version of WebOb so that we pull in some crucial bug-fixes
+ that were showstoppers for functionality in Pyramid.
+ - Add a trailing semicolon to the JSONP response. This fixes JavaScript syntax
+ errors for old IE versions. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1205
+ - Fix a memory leak when the configurator's ``set_request_property`` method was
+ used or when the configurator's ``add_request_method`` method was used with
+ the ``property=True`` attribute. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1212 .
+ 1.5a3 (2013-12-10)
+ ==================
+ Features
+ --------
+ - An authorization API has been added as a method of the
+ request: ``request.has_permission``.
+ ``request.has_permission`` is a method-based alternative to the
+ ``pyramid.security.has_permission`` API and works exactly the same. The
+ older API is now deprecated.
+ - Property API attributes have been added to the request for easier access to
+ authentication data: ``request.authenticated_userid``,
+ ``request.unauthenticated_userid``, and ``request.effective_principals``.
+ These are analogues, respectively, of
+ ``pyramid.security.authenticated_userid``,
+ ``pyramid.security.unauthenticated_userid``, and
+ ``pyramid.security.effective_principals``. They operate exactly the same,
+ except they are attributes of the request instead of functions accepting a
+ request. They are properties, so they cannot be assigned to. The older
+ function-based APIs are now deprecated.
+ - Pyramid's console scripts (``pserve``, ``pviews``, etc) can now be run
+ directly, allowing custom arguments to be sent to the python interpreter
+ at runtime. For example::
+ python -3 -m pyramid.scripts.pserve development.ini
+ - Added a specific subclass of ``HTTPBadRequest`` named
+ ``pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFToken`` which will now be raised in response
+ to failures in ``check_csrf_token``.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1149
+ - Added a new ``SignedCookieSessionFactory`` which is very similar to the
+ ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig`` but with a clearer focus on signing
+ content. The custom serializer arguments to this function should only focus
+ on serializing, unlike its predecessor which required the serializer to also
+ perform signing. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1142 . Note
+ that cookies generated using ``SignedCookieSessionFactory`` are not
+ compatible with cookies generated using ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactory``,
+ so existing user session data will be destroyed if you switch to it.
+ - Added a new ``BaseCookieSessionFactory`` which acts as a generic cookie
+ factory that can be used by framework implementors to create their own
+ session implementations. It provides a reusable API which focuses strictly
+ on providing a dictionary-like object that properly handles renewals,
+ timeouts, and conformance with the ``ISession`` API.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1142
+ - The anchor argument to ``pyramid.request.Request.route_url`` and
+ ``pyramid.request.Request.resource_url`` and their derivatives will now be
+ escaped via URL quoting to ensure minimal conformance. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1183
+ - Allow sending of ``_query`` and ``_anchor`` options to
+ ``pyramid.request.Request.static_url`` when an external URL is being
+ generated.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1183
+ - You can now send a string as the ``_query`` argument to
+ ``pyramid.request.Request.route_url`` and
+ ``pyramid.request.Request.resource_url`` and their derivatives. When a
+ string is sent instead of a list or dictionary. it is URL-quoted however it
+ does not need to be in ``k=v`` form. This is useful if you want to be able
+ to use a different query string format than ``x-www-form-urlencoded``. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1183
+ - ``pyramid.testing.DummyRequest`` now has a ``domain`` attribute to match the
+ new WebOb 1.3 API. Its value is ``example.com``.
+ Bug Fixes
+ ---------
+ - Fix the ``pcreate`` script so that when the target directory name ends with a
+ slash it does not produce a non-working project directory structure.
+ Previously saying ``pcreate -s starter /foo/bar/`` produced different output
+ than saying ``pcreate -s starter /foo/bar``. The former did not work
+ properly.
+ - Fix the ``principals_allowed_by_permission`` method of
+ ``ACLAuthorizationPolicy`` so it anticipates a callable ``__acl__``
+ on resources. Previously it did not try to call the ``__acl__``
+ if it was callable.
+ - The ``pviews`` script did not work when a url required custom request
+ methods in order to perform traversal. Custom methods and descriptors added
+ via ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_request_method`` will now be present,
+ allowing traversal to continue.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1104
+ - Remove unused ``renderer`` argument from ``Configurator.add_route``.
+ - Allow the ``BasicAuthenticationPolicy`` to work with non-ascii usernames
+ and passwords. The charset is not passed as part of the header and different
+ browsers alternate between UTF-8 and Latin-1, so the policy now attempts
+ to decode with UTF-8 first, and will fallback to Latin-1.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1170
+ - The ``@view_defaults`` now apply to notfound and forbidden views
+ that are defined as methods of a decorated class.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1173
+ Documentation
+ -------------
+ - Added a "Quick Tutorial" to go with the Quick Tour
+ - Removed mention of ``pyramid_beaker`` from docs. Beaker is no longer
+ maintained. Point people at ``pyramid_redis_sessions`` instead.
+ - Add documentation for ``pyramid.interfaces.IRendererFactory`` and
+ ``pyramid.interfaces.IRenderer``.
+ Backwards Incompatibilities
+ ---------------------------
+ - The key/values in the ``_query`` parameter of ``request.route_url`` and the
+ ``query`` parameter of ``request.resource_url`` (and their variants), used
+ to encode a value of ``None`` as the string ``'None'``, leaving the resulting
+ query string to be ``a=b&key=None``. The value is now dropped in this
+ situation, leaving a query string of ``a=b&key=``.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1119
+ Deprecations
+ ------------
+ - Deprecate the ``pyramid.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer`` interface. It was
+ ill-defined and became unused when Mako and Chameleon template bindings were
+ split into their own packages.
+ - The ``pyramid.session.UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig`` API has been
+ deprecated and is superseded by the
+ ``pyramid.session.SignedCookieSessionFactory``. Note that while the cookies
+ generated by the ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig``
+ are compatible with cookies generated by old releases, cookies generated by
+ the SignedCookieSessionFactory are not. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1142
+ - The ``pyramid.security.has_permission`` API is now deprecated. Instead, use
+ the newly-added ``has_permission`` method of the request object.
+ - The ``pyramid.security.effective_principals`` API is now deprecated.
+ Instead, use the newly-added ``effective_principals`` attribute of the
+ request object.
+ - The ``pyramid.security.authenticated_userid`` API is now deprecated.
+ Instead, use the newly-added ``authenticated_userid`` attribute of the
+ request object.
+ - The ``pyramid.security.unauthenticated_userid`` API is now deprecated.
+ Instead, use the newly-added ``unauthenticated_userid`` attribute of the
+ request object.
+ Dependencies
+ ------------
+ - Pyramid now depends on WebOb>=1.3 (it uses ``webob.cookies.CookieProfile``
+ from 1.3+).
+ 1.5a2 (2013-09-22)
+ ==================
+ Features
+ --------
+ - Users can now provide dotted Python names to as the ``factory`` argument
+ the Configurator methods named ``add_{view,route,subscriber}_predicate``
+ (instead of passing the predicate factory directly, you can pass a
+ dotted name which refers to the factory).
+ Bug Fixes
+ ---------
+ - Fix an exception in ``pyramid.path.package_name`` when resolving the package
+ name for namespace packages that had no ``__file__`` attribute.
+ Backwards Incompatibilities
+ ---------------------------
+ - Pyramid no longer depends on or configures the Mako and Chameleon templating
+ system renderers by default. Disincluding these templating systems by
+ default means that the Pyramid core has fewer dependencies and can run on
+ future platforms without immediate concern for the compatibility of its
+ templating add-ons. It also makes maintenance slightly more effective, as
+ different people can maintain the templating system add-ons that they
+ understand and care about without needing commit access to the Pyramid core,
+ and it allows users who just don't want to see any packages they don't use
+ come along for the ride when they install Pyramid.
+ This means that upon upgrading to Pyramid 1.5a2+, projects that use either
+ of these templating systems will see a traceback that ends something like
+ this when their application attempts to render a Chameleon or Mako template::
+ ValueError: No such renderer factory .pt
+ Or::
+ ValueError: No such renderer factory .mako
+ Or::
+ ValueError: No such renderer factory .mak
+ Support for Mako templating has been moved into an add-on package named
+ ``pyramid_mako``, and support for Chameleon templating has been moved into
+ an add-on package named ``pyramid_chameleon``. These packages are drop-in
+ replacements for the old built-in support for these templating langauges.
+ All you have to do is install them and make them active in your configuration
+ to register renderer factories for ``.pt`` and/or ``.mako`` (or ``.mak``) to
+ make your application work again.
+ To re-add support for Chameleon and/or Mako template renderers into your
+ existing projects, follow the below steps.
+ If you depend on Mako templates:
+ * Make sure the ``pyramid_mako`` package is installed. One way to do this
+ is by adding ``pyramid_mako`` to the ``install_requires`` section of your
+ package's ``setup.py`` file and afterwards rerunning ``setup.py develop``::
+ setup(
+ #...
+ install_requires=[
+ 'pyramid_mako', # new dependency
+ 'pyramid',
+ #...
+ ],
+ )
+ * Within the portion of your application which instantiates a Pyramid
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` (often the ``main()`` function in
+ your project's ``__init__.py`` file), tell Pyramid to include the
+ ``pyramid_mako`` includeme::
+ config = Configurator(.....)
+ config.include('pyramid_mako')
+ If you depend on Chameleon templates:
+ * Make sure the ``pyramid_chameleon`` package is installed. One way to do
+ this is by adding ``pyramid_chameleon`` to the ``install_requires`` section
+ of your package's ``setup.py`` file and afterwards rerunning
+ ``setup.py develop``::
+ setup(
+ #...
+ install_requires=[
+ 'pyramid_chameleon', # new dependency
+ 'pyramid',
+ #...
+ ],
+ )
+ * Within the portion of your application which instantiates a Pyramid
+ ``~pyramid.config.Configurator`` (often the ``main()`` function in
+ your project's ``__init__.py`` file), tell Pyramid to include the
+ ``pyramid_chameleon`` includeme::
+ config = Configurator(.....)
+ config.include('pyramid_chameleon')
+ Note that it's also fine to install these packages into *older* Pyramids for
+ forward compatibility purposes. Even if you don't upgrade to Pyramid 1.5
+ immediately, performing the above steps in a Pyramid 1.4 installation is
+ perfectly fine, won't cause any difference, and will give you forward
+ compatibility when you eventually do upgrade to Pyramid 1.5.
+ With the removal of Mako and Chameleon support from the core, some
+ unit tests that use the ``pyramid.renderers.render*`` methods may begin to
+ fail. If any of your unit tests are invoking either
+ ``pyramid.renderers.render()`` or ``pyramid.renderers.render_to_response()``
+ with either Mako or Chameleon templates then the
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` instance in effect during
+ the unit test should be also be updated to include the addons, as shown
+ above. For example::
+ class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.config = pyramid.testing.setUp()
+ self.config.include('pyramid_mako')
+ def test_it(self):
+ result = pyramid.renderers.render('mypkg:templates/home.mako', {})
+ Or::
+ class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.config = pyramid.testing.setUp()
+ self.config.include('pyramid_chameleon')
+ def test_it(self):
+ result = pyramid.renderers.render('mypkg:templates/home.pt', {})
+ - If you're using the Pyramid debug toolbar, when you upgrade Pyramid to
+ 1.5a2+, you'll also need to upgrade the ``pyramid_debugtoolbar`` package to
+ at least version 1.0.8, as older toolbar versions are not compatible with
+ Pyramid 1.5a2+ due to the removal of Mako support from the core. It's
+ fine to use this newer version of the toolbar code with older Pyramids too.
+ - Removed the ``request.response_*`` varying attributes. These attributes
+ have been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1, and as per the deprecation policy,
+ have now been removed.
+ - ``request.response`` will no longer be mutated when using the
+ ``pyramid.renderers.render()`` API. Almost all renderers mutate the
+ ``request.response`` response object (for example, the JSON renderer sets
+ ``request.response.content_type`` to ``application/json``), but this is
+ only necessary when the renderer is generating a response; it was a bug
+ when it was done as a side effect of calling ``pyramid.renderers.render()``.
+ - Removed the ``bfg2pyramid`` fixer script.
+ - The ``pyramid.events.NewResponse`` event is now sent **after** response
+ callbacks are executed. It previously executed before response callbacks
+ were executed. Rationale: it's more useful to be able to inspect the response
+ after response callbacks have done their jobs instead of before.
+ - Removed the class named ``pyramid.view.static`` that had been deprecated
+ since Pyramid 1.1. Instead use ``pyramid.static.static_view`` with
+ ``use_subpath=True`` argument.
+ - Removed the ``pyramid.view.is_response`` function that had been deprecated
+ since Pyramid 1.1. Use the ``pyramid.request.Request.is_response`` method
+ instead.
+ - Removed the ability to pass the following arguments to
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route``: ``view``, ``view_context``.
+ ``view_for``, ``view_permission``, ``view_renderer``, and ``view_attr``.
+ Using these arguments had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Instead of
+ passing view-related arguments to ``add_route``, use a separate call to
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`` to associate a view with a route
+ using its ``route_name`` argument. Note that this impacts the
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view`` function too, because it
+ delegates to ``add_route``.
+ - Removed the ability to influence and query a ``pyramid.request.Request``
+ object as if it were a dictionary. Previously it was possible to use methods
+ like ``__getitem__``, ``get``, ``items``, and other dictlike methods to
+ access values in the WSGI environment. This behavior had been deprecated
+ since Pyramid 1.1. Use methods of ``request.environ`` (a real dictionary)
+ instead.
+ - Removed ancient backwards compatibily hack in
+ ``pyramid.traversal.DefaultRootFactory`` which populated the ``__dict__`` of
+ the factory with the matchdict values for compatibility with BFG 0.9.
+ - The ``renderer_globals_factory`` argument to the
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor and its ``setup_registry`` method
+ has been removed. The ``set_renderer_globals_factory`` method of
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` has also been removed. The (internal)
+ ``pyramid.interfaces.IRendererGlobals`` interface was also removed. These
+ arguments, methods and interfaces had been deprecated since 1.1. Use a
+ ``BeforeRender`` event subscriber as documented in the "Hooks" chapter of the
+ Pyramid narrative documentation instead of providing renderer globals values
+ to the configurator.
+ Deprecations
+ ------------
+ - The ``pyramid.config.Configurator.set_request_property`` method now issues
+ a deprecation warning when used. It had been docs-deprecated in 1.4
+ but did not issue a deprecation warning when used.
+ 1.5a1 (2013-08-30)
+ ==================
+ Features
+ --------
+ - A new http exception subclass named ``pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPSuccessful``
+ was added. You can use this class as the ``context`` of an exception
+ view to catch all 200-series "exceptions" (e.g. "raise HTTPOk"). This
+ also allows you to catch *only* the ``HTTPOk`` exception itself; previously
+ this was impossible because a number of other exceptions
+ (such as ``HTTPNoContent``) inherited from ``HTTPOk``, but now they do not.
+ - You can now generate "hybrid" urldispatch/traversal URLs more easily
+ by using the new ``route_name``, ``route_kw`` and ``route_remainder_name``
+ arguments to ``request.resource_url`` and ``request.resource_path``. See
+ the new section of the "Combining Traversal and URL Dispatch" documentation
+ chapter entitled "Hybrid URL Generation".
+ - It is now possible to escape double braces in Pyramid scaffolds (unescaped,
+ these represent replacement values). You can use ``\{\{a\}\}`` to
+ represent a "bare" ``{{a}}``. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/862
+ - Add ``localizer`` and ``locale_name`` properties (reified) to the request.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/508. Note that the
+ ``pyramid.i18n.get_localizer`` and ``pyramid.i18n.get_locale_name`` functions
+ now simply look up these properties on the request.
+ - Add ``pdistreport`` script, which prints the Python version in use, the
+ Pyramid version in use, and the version number and location of all Python
+ distributions currently installed.
+ - Add the ability to invert the result of any view, route, or subscriber
+ predicate using the ``not_`` class. For example::
+ from pyramid.config import not_
+ @view_config(route_name='myroute', request_method=not_('POST'))
+ def myview(request): ...
+ The above example will ensure that the view is called if the request method
+ is not POST (at least if no other view is more specific).
+ The ``pyramid.config.not_`` class can be used against any value that is
+ a predicate value passed in any of these contexts:
+ - ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view``
+ - ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route``
+ - ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_subscriber``
+ - ``pyramid.view.view_config``
+ - ``pyramid.events.subscriber``
+ - ``scripts/prequest.py``: add support for submitting ``PUT`` and ``PATCH``
+ requests. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1033. add support for
+ submitting ``OPTIONS`` and ``PROPFIND`` requests, and allow users to specify
+ basic authentication credentials in the request via a ``--login`` argument to
+ the script. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1039.
+ - ``ACLAuthorizationPolicy`` supports ``__acl__`` as a callable. This
+ removes the ambiguity between the potential ``AttributeError`` that would
+ be raised on the ``context`` when the property was not defined and the
+ ``AttributeError`` that could be raised from any user-defined code within
+ a dynamic property. It is recommended to define a dynamic ACL as a callable
+ to avoid this ambiguity. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/735.
+ - Allow a protocol-relative URL (e.g. ``//example.com/images``) to be passed to
+ ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view``. This allows
+ externally-hosted static URLs to be generated based on the current protocol.
+ - The ``AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`` has two new options to configure its
+ domain usage:
+ * ``parent_domain``: if set the authentication cookie is set on
+ the parent domain. This is useful if you have multiple sites sharing the
+ same domain.
+ * ``domain``: if provided the cookie is always set for this domain, bypassing
+ all usual logic.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1028,
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1072 and
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1078.
+ - The ``AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`` now supports IPv6 addresses when using
+ the ``include_ip=True`` option. This is possibly incompatible with
+ alternative ``auth_tkt`` implementations, as the specification does not
+ define how to properly handle IPv6. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/831.
+ - Make it possible to use variable arguments via
+ ``pyramid.paster.get_appsettings``. This also allowed the generated
+ ``initialize_db`` script from the ``alchemy`` scaffold to grow support
+ for options in the form ``a=1 b=2`` so you can fill in
+ values in a parameterized ``.ini`` file, e.g.
+ ``initialize_myapp_db etc/development.ini a=1 b=2``.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/911
+ - The ``request.session.check_csrf_token()`` method and the ``check_csrf`` view
+ predicate now take into account the value of the HTTP header named
+ ``X-CSRF-Token`` (as well as the ``csrf_token`` form parameter, which they
+ always did). The header is tried when the form parameter does not exist.
+ - View lookup will now search for valid views based on the inheritance
+ hierarchy of the context. It tries to find views based on the most
+ specific context first, and upon predicate failure, will move up the
+ inheritance chain to test views found by the super-type of the context.
+ In the past, only the most specific type containing views would be checked
+ and if no matching view could be found then a PredicateMismatch would be
+ raised. Now predicate mismatches don't hide valid views registered on
+ super-types. Here's an example that now works::
+ class IResource(Interface):
+ ...
+ @view_config(context=IResource)
+ def get(context, request):
+ ...
+ @view_config(context=IResource, request_method='POST')
+ def post(context, request):
+ ...
+ @view_config(context=IResource, request_method='DELETE')
+ def delete(context, request):
+ ...
+ @implementer(IResource)
+ class MyResource:
+ ...
+ @view_config(context=MyResource, request_method='POST')
+ def override_post(context, request):
+ ...
+ Previously the override_post view registration would hide the get
+ and delete views in the context of MyResource -- leading to a
+ predicate mismatch error when trying to use GET or DELETE
+ methods. Now the views are found and no predicate mismatch is
+ raised.
+ See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/786 and
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1004 and
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1046
+ - The ``pserve`` command now takes a ``-v`` (or ``--verbose``) flag and a
+ ``-q`` (or ``--quiet``) flag. Output from running ``pserve`` can be
+ controlled using these flags. ``-v`` can be specified multiple times to
+ increase verbosity. ``-q`` sets verbosity to ``0`` unconditionally. The
+ default verbosity level is ``1``.
+ - The ``alchemy`` scaffold tests now provide better coverage. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/1029
+ - The ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`` method now supports being
+ called with an external URL as pattern. See
+ https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/611 and the documentation section
+ in the "URL Dispatch" chapter entitled "External Routes" for more information.
+ Bug Fixes
+ ---------
+ - It was not possible to use ``pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPException`` as
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