[Python-modules-commits] [djoser] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.3.1

Michael Fladischer fladi at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 8 10:21:29 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fladi pushed a commit to branch master
in repository djoser.

commit f6479f5eb268b8b6dc72584fdf473e7006d9c29f
Author: Michael Fladischer <FladischerMichael at fladi.at>
Date:   Mon Sep 7 20:43:37 2015 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.3.1
 MANIFEST.in                                       |   3 +
 PKG-INFO                                          | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 README.md                                         | 569 +++++++++++++++++++
 djoser.egg-info/PKG-INFO                          | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 djoser.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                       |  21 +
 djoser.egg-info/dependency_links.txt              |   1 +
 djoser.egg-info/requires.txt                      |   2 +
 djoser.egg-info/top_level.txt                     |   1 +
 djoser/__init__.py                                |   0
 djoser/constants.py                               |   8 +
 djoser/serializers.py                             | 229 ++++++++
 djoser/settings.py                                |  18 +
 djoser/signals.py                                 |   8 +
 djoser/templates/activation_email_body.txt        |  13 +
 djoser/templates/activation_email_subject.txt     |   3 +
 djoser/templates/password_reset_email_body.txt    |  14 +
 djoser/templates/password_reset_email_subject.txt |   3 +
 djoser/urls.py                                    |  18 +
 djoser/utils.py                                   | 108 ++++
 djoser/views.py                                   | 227 ++++++++
 requirements.txt                                  |   2 +
 setup.cfg                                         |   5 +
 setup.py                                          |  34 ++
 23 files changed, 2611 insertions(+)

diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee9760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include README.md
+include djoser/templates/*
+include requirements.txt
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7c988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: djoser
+Version: 0.3.1
+Summary: REST version of Django authentication system.
+Home-page: https://github.com/sunscrapers/djoser
+Author-email: info at sunscrapers.com
+License: MIT
+Description: djoser
+        ======
+        |Build Status| |Coverage Status|
+        REST implementation of `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__
+        authentication system. **Djoser** library provides a set of `Django Rest
+        Framework <http://www.django-rest-framework.org/>`__ views to handle
+        basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and
+        account activation. It works with `custom user
+        model <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/>`__.
+        Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. ``PasswordResetForm``), we
+        reimplemented few things to fit better into `Single Page
+        App <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-page_application>`__
+        architecture.
+        We use **token based authentication**. The concept is simple - first of
+        all, users obtain a token by providing their credentials (e.g. username,
+        password) during logging in. Once the token is obtained users can offer
+        it in order to retrieve a specific resource. Django REST framework
+        supports `token based
+        authentication <http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication#tokenauthentication>`__
+        but you might be interested in other authentication mechanisms like
+        OAuth or session-based authentication.
+        Developed by `SUNSCRAPERS <http://sunscrapers.com/>`__ with passion &
+        patience.
+        Available endpoints:
+        -  ``/me/``
+        -  ``/register/``
+        -  ``/login/``
+        -  ``/logout/``
+        -  ``/activate/``
+        -  ``/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/``
+        -  ``/password/``
+        -  ``/password/reset/``
+        -  ``/password/reset/confirm/``
+        Supported Python versions:
+        -  Python 2.6
+        -  Python 2.7
+        -  Python 3.4
+        Supported Django versions:
+        -  Django 1.5
+        -  Django 1.6
+        -  Django 1.7
+        -  Django 1.8
+        Supported Django Rest Framework versions:
+        -  Django Rest Framework 2.4
+        -  Django Rest Framework 3.x
+        Installation
+        ------------
+        Use ``pip``:
+        ::
+            $ pip install djoser
+        Usage
+        -----
+        Configure ``INSTALLED_APPS``:
+        .. code:: python
+            INSTALLED_APPS = (
+                'django.contrib.auth',
+                (...),
+                'rest_framework',
+                'rest_framework.authtoken',
+                'djoser',
+                (...),
+            )
+        Configure ``urls.py``:
+        .. code:: python
+            urlpatterns = patterns('',
+                (...),
+                url(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls')),
+            )
+        Use ``TokenAuthentication`` as default Django Rest Framework
+        authentication strategy:
+        .. code:: python
+            REST_FRAMEWORK = {
+                    'rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication',
+                ),
+            }
+        Run migrations (if you are using Django 1.7+ or South) - this step will
+        create tables for ``auth`` and ``authtoken`` apps:
+        ::
+            $ ./manage.py migrate
+        Optionally add ``DJOSER`` settings:
+        .. code:: python
+            DJOSER = {
+                'DOMAIN': 'frontend.com',
+                'SITE_NAME': 'Frontend',
+                'PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL': '#/password/reset/confirm/{uid}/{token}',
+                'ACTIVATION_URL': '#/activate/{uid}/{token}',
+                'LOGIN_AFTER_ACTIVATION': True,
+                'SEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL': True,
+            }
+        Check "Settings" section for more info.
+        Endpoints
+        ---------
+        User
+        ~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to retrieve/update user.
+        ``GET``
+        ^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/me/``
+        Retrieve user.
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``{{ User._meta.pk.name }}``
+              ``{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}``
+        ``PUT``
+        ^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/me/``
+        Update user.
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``{{ User._meta.pk.name }}``
+              ``{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}``
+        Register
+        ~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to register new user. Your user model manager should
+        implement
+        `create\_user <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/auth/#django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager.create_user>`__
+        method and have
+        `USERNAME\_FIELD <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.USERNAME_FIELD>`__
+        and
+        `REQUIRED\_FIELDS <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.REQUIRED_FIELDS>`__
+        fields.
+        If ``LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION`` is ``True``, you will receive
+        authentication token within response.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/register/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}``
+              ``password``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_201_CREATED`` (success)
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``{{ User._meta.pk.name }}``
+              ``{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}``
+              ``auth_token`` (if ``LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION`` is ``True``)
+        Login
+        ~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to obtain user `authentication
+        token <http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication#tokenauthentication>`__.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/login/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``password``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+           -  data:
+              ``auth_token``
+        Logout
+        ~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to logout user (remove user authentication token).
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/logout/``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+        Activate
+        ~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to activate user account. This enpoint is not a URL
+        which will be directly exposed to your users - you should provide site
+        in your frontend application (cofigured by ``ACTIVATION_URL``) which
+        will send ``POST`` request to activate endpoint.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/activate/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``uid``
+              ``token``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+           -  data:
+              ``auth_token`` (if ``LOGIN_AFTER_ACTIVATION`` is ``True``)
+        Set username
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to change user username (``USERNAME_FIELD``).
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}``
+              ``re_new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`` (if ``SET_USERNAME_RETYPE``
+              is ``True``)
+              ``current_password``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+        Set password
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to change user password.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/password/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``new_password``
+              ``re_new_password`` (if ``SET_PASSWORD_RETYPE`` is ``True``)
+              ``current_password``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+        Reset password
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to send email to user with password reset link. You
+        have to setup ``PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL``.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/password/reset/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``email``
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+        Reset password confirmation
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        Use this endpoint to finish reset password process. This enpoint is not
+        a URL which will be directly exposed to your users - you should provide
+        site in your frontend application (cofigured by
+        ``PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL_URL``) which will send ``POST`` request to
+        reset password confirmation endpoint.
+        ``POST``
+        ^^^^^^^^
+        URL: ``/password/reset/confirm/``
+        -  **request**
+           -  data:
+              ``uid``
+              ``token``
+              ``new_password``
+              ``re_new_password`` (if ``PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_RETYPE`` is
+              ``True``)
+        -  **response**
+           -  status: ``HTTP_200_OK`` (success)
+        Settings
+        --------
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, register endpoint will return ``auth_token`` within
+        response.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        DOMAIN
+        ~~~~~~
+        Domain of your frontend app. If not provided, domain of current site
+        will be used.
+        **Required**: ``False``
+        SITE\_NAME
+        ~~~~~~~~~~
+        Name of your frontend app. If not provided, name of current site will be
+        used.
+        **Required**: ``False``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        URL to your frontend password reset page. It should contain ``{uid}``
+        and ``{token}`` placeholders, e.g. ``#/password-reset/{uid}/{token}``.
+        You should pass ``uid`` and ``token`` to reset password confirmation
+        endpoint.
+        **Required**: ``True``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, register endpoint will send activation email to user.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        URL to your frontend activation page. It should contain ``{uid}`` and
+        ``{token}`` placeholders, e.g. ``#/activate/{uid}/{token}``. You should
+        pass ``uid`` and ``token`` to activation endpoint.
+        **Required**: ``True``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, activate endpoint will return ``auth_token`` within
+        response.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, you need to pass ``re_new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`` to
+        ``/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/`` endpoint, to validate username equality.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, you need to pass ``re_new_password`` to ``/password/``
+        endpoint, to validate password equality.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        If ``True``, you need to pass ``re_new_password`` to
+        ``/password/reset/confirm/`` endpoint in order to validate password
+        equality.
+        **Default**: ``False``
+        Emails
+        ------
+        There are few email templates which you may want to override:
+        -  ``activation_email_body.txt``
+        -  ``activation_email_subject.txt``
+        -  ``password_reset_email_body.txt``
+        -  ``password_reset_email_subject.txt``
+        All of them have following context:
+        -  ``user``
+        -  ``domain``
+        -  ``site_name``
+        -  ``url``
+        -  ``uid``
+        -  ``token``
+        -  ``protocol``
+        Sample usage
+        ------------
+        We provide a standalone test app for you to start easily, see how
+        everything works with basic settings. It might be useful before
+        integrating **djoser** into your backend application.
+        In this extremely short tutorial we are going to mimic the simplest
+        flow: register user, log in and log out. We will also check resource
+        access on each consecutive step. Let's go!
+        -  Clone repository and install **djoser** to your virtualenv:
+           ``$ git clone git at github.com:sunscrapers/djoser.git``
+           ``$ cd djoser``
+           ``$ pip install -e .``
+        -  Go to the ``testproject`` directory, migrate the database and start
+           the development server:
+           ``$ cd testproject``
+           ``$ ./manage.py migrate``
+           ``$ ./manage.py runserver 8088``
+        -  Register a new user:
+           ``$ curl -X POST --data 'username=djoser&password=djoser'``
+           ``{"email": "", "username": "djoser"}``
+           So far, so good. We have just created a new user using REST API.
+        -  Let's access user's details:
+           ``$ curl -X GET``
+           ``{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}``
+           As we can see, we cannot access user profile without logging in.
+           Pretty obvious.
+        -  Let's log in:
+           ``curl -X POST --data 'username=djoser&password=djoser'``
+           ``{"auth_token": "b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139"}``
+           We have just obtained an authorization token that we may use later in
+           order to retrieve specific resources.
+        -  Let's access user's details again:
+           ``$ curl -X GET``
+           ``{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}``
+           Access is still forbidden but let's offer the token we obtained:
+           ``$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'``
+           ``{"email": "", "username": "djoser"}``
+           Yay, it works!
+        -  Now let's log out:
+           ``curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'``
+           And try access user profile again:
+           ``$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'``
+           ``{"detail": "Invalid token"}``
+           As we can see, user has been logged out successfully and the proper
+           token has been removed.
+        Customization
+        -------------
+        If you need to override some ``djoser`` behaviour, you could define your
+        custom view/serializer.
+        Define custom urls instead of reusing ``djoser.urls``:
+        .. code:: python
+            urlpatterns = patterns('',
+                (...),
+                url(r'^register/$', views.CustomRegistrationView.as_view()),
+            )
+        Define custom view/serializer (inherit from one of ``djoser`` class) and
+        override necessary method/field:
+        .. code:: python
+            class CustomRegistrationView(djoser.views.RegistrationView):
+                def send_email(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                    your_custom_email_sender(*args, **kwargs)
+        You could check ``djoser`` API in source code:
+        -  `djoser.views <https://github.com/sunscrapers/djoser/blob/master/djoser/views.py>`__
+        -  `djoser.serializers <https://github.com/sunscrapers/djoser/blob/master/djoser/serializers.py>`__
+        Development
+        -----------
+        To start developing on **djoser**, clone the repository:
+        ``$ git clone git at github.com:sunscrapers/djoser.git``
+        In order to run the tests create virtualenv, go to repo directory and
+        then:
+        ``$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt``
+        ``$ cd testproject``
+        ``$ ./manage.py migrate``
+        ``$ ./manage.py test``
+        Similar projects
+        ----------------
+        List of projects related to Django, REST and authentication:
+        -  `django-rest-auth <https://github.com/Tivix/django-rest-auth>`__
+        -  `django-rest-framework-digestauth <https://github.com/juanriaza/django-rest-framework-digestauth>`__
+        -  `django-oauth-toolkit <https://github.com/evonove/django-oauth-toolkit>`__
+        -  `doac <https://github.com/Rediker-Software/doac>`__
+        -  `django-rest-framework-jwt <https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwt>`__
+        -  `django-rest-framework-httpsignature <https://github.com/etoccalino/django-rest-framework-httpsignature>`__
+        -  `hawkrest <https://github.com/kumar303/hawkrest>`__
+        .. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/sunscrapers/djoser.svg?branch=master
+           :target: https://travis-ci.org/sunscrapers/djoser
+        .. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/sunscrapers/djoser/badge.png?branch=master
+           :target: https://coveralls.io/r/sunscrapers/djoser?branch=master
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
+Classifier: Framework :: Django
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a65494f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+# djoser
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sunscrapers/djoser.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sunscrapers/djoser)
+[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/sunscrapers/djoser/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/sunscrapers/djoser?branch=master)
+REST implementation of [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) authentication
+system. **Djoser** library provides a set of [Django Rest Framework](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/)
+views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password
+reset and account activation. It works with [custom user model](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/).
+Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. `PasswordResetForm`), we reimplemented
+few things to fit better into [Single Page App](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-page_application)
+We use **token based authentication**. The concept is simple - first of all, users obtain a token by
+providing their credentials (e.g. username, password) during logging in. Once the token is obtained
+users can offer it in order to retrieve a specific resource. Django REST framework
+supports [token based authentication](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication#tokenauthentication)
+but you might be interested in other authentication mechanisms like OAuth or session-based authentication.
+Developed by [SUNSCRAPERS](http://sunscrapers.com/) with passion & patience.
+Available endpoints:
+ * `/me/`
+ * `/register/`
+ * `/login/`
+ * `/logout/`
+ * `/activate/`
+ * `/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/`
+ * `/password/`
+ * `/password/reset/`
+ * `/password/reset/confirm/`
+Supported Python versions:
+ * Python 2.6
+ * Python 2.7
+ * Python 3.4
+Supported Django versions:
+ * Django 1.5
+ * Django 1.6
+ * Django 1.7
+ * Django 1.8
+Supported Django Rest Framework versions:
+ * Django Rest Framework 2.4
+ * Django Rest Framework 3.x
+## Installation
+Use `pip`:
+    $ pip install djoser
+## Usage
+Configure `INSTALLED_APPS`:
+    'django.contrib.auth',
+    (...),
+    'rest_framework',
+    'rest_framework.authtoken',
+    'djoser',
+    (...),
+Configure `urls.py`:
+urlpatterns = patterns('',
+    (...),
+    url(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls')),
+Use `TokenAuthentication` as default Django Rest Framework authentication
+        'rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication',
+    ),
+Run migrations (if you are using Django 1.7+ or South) - this step will create tables for `auth` and `authtoken` apps:
+    $ ./manage.py migrate
+Optionally add `DJOSER` settings:
+    'DOMAIN': 'frontend.com',
+    'SITE_NAME': 'Frontend',
+    'PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL': '#/password/reset/confirm/{uid}/{token}',
+    'ACTIVATION_URL': '#/activate/{uid}/{token}',
+Check "Settings" section for more info.
+## Endpoints
+### User
+Use this endpoint to retrieve/update user.
+#### `GET`
+URL: `/me/`
+Retrieve user.
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `{{ User._meta.pk.name }}`
+        `{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}`
+#### `PUT`
+URL: `/me/`
+Update user.
+* **request**
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `{{ User._meta.pk.name }}`
+        `{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}`
+### Register
+Use this endpoint to register new user. Your user model manager should
+implement [create_user](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/auth/#django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager.create_user)
+method and have [USERNAME_FIELD](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.USERNAME_FIELD)
+and [REQUIRED_FIELDS](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.REQUIRED_FIELDS)
+If `LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION` is `True`, you will receive authentication token
+within response.
+#### `POST`
+URL: `/register/`
+* **request**
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}`
+        `password`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_201_CREATED` (success)
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `{{ User._meta.pk.name }}`
+        `{{ User.REQUIRED_FIELDS }}`
+        `auth_token` (if `LOGIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION` is `True`)
+### Login
+Use this endpoint to obtain user [authentication token](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication#tokenauthentication).
+#### `POST`
+URL: `/login/`
+* **request**
+    * data:
+        `{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `password`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+    * data:
+        `auth_token`
+### Logout
+Use this endpoint to logout user (remove user authentication token).
+#### `POST`
+URL: `/logout/`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+### Activate
+Use this endpoint to activate user account. This enpoint is not a URL which
+will be directly exposed to your users - you should provide site in your
+frontend application (cofigured by `ACTIVATION_URL`) which will send `POST`
+request to activate endpoint.
+#### `POST`
+URL: `/activate/`
+* **request**
+    * data:
+        `uid`
+        `token`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+    * data:
+        `auth_token` (if `LOGIN_AFTER_ACTIVATION` is `True`)
+### Set username
+Use this endpoint to change user username (`USERNAME_FIELD`).
+#### `POST`
+URL: `/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/`
+* **request**
+    * data:
+        `new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`
+        `re_new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}` (if `SET_USERNAME_RETYPE` is `True`)
+        `current_password`
+* **response**
+    * status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)
+### Set password
... 1781 lines suppressed ...

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