[Python-modules-commits] [python-marshmallow] 01/03: import python-marshmallow_2.6.1.orig.tar.gz
Adrian Alves
alvesadrian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 24 16:29:15 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
alvesadrian-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-marshmallow.
commit 76ae7c54af3d6b2598d5fbc39c56e7416dc645cd
Author: Adrian Alves <aalves at gmail.com>
Date: Sun Apr 24 13:26:30 2016 -0300
import python-marshmallow_2.6.1.orig.tar.gz
.gitignore | 68 ++
.travis.yml | 21 +
AUTHORS.rst | 64 ++
CHANGELOG.rst | 659 +++++++++++++
CONTRIBUTING.rst | 116 +++
LICENSE | 19 +
MANIFEST.in | 11 +
NOTICE | 108 +++
README.rst | 86 ++
dev-requirements.txt | 18 +
docs/Makefile | 177 ++++
docs/_static/marshmallow-logo.png | Bin 0 -> 13908 bytes
docs/_templates/useful-links.html | 7 +
docs/about.rst.inc | 41 +
docs/api_reference.rst | 67 ++
docs/authors.rst | 1 +
docs/changelog.rst | 3 +
docs/conf.py | 100 ++
docs/contributing.rst | 1 +
docs/custom_fields.rst | 139 +++
docs/ecosystem.rst | 6 +
docs/examples.rst | 210 +++++
docs/extending.rst | 379 ++++++++
docs/index.rst | 57 ++
docs/install.rst | 50 +
docs/kudos.rst | 12 +
docs/license.rst | 4 +
docs/make.bat | 242 +++++
docs/nesting.rst | 222 +++++
docs/quickstart.rst | 499 ++++++++++
docs/requirements.txt | 3 +
docs/upgrading.rst | 623 +++++++++++++
docs/why.rst | 97 ++
examples/flask_example.py | 131 +++
examples/peewee_example.py | 186 ++++
examples/textblob_example.py | 30 +
marshmallow/__init__.py | 33 +
marshmallow/base.py | 49 +
marshmallow/class_registry.py | 76 ++
marshmallow/compat.py | 51 ++
marshmallow/decorators.py | 164 ++++
marshmallow/exceptions.py | 48 +
marshmallow/fields.py | 1238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
marshmallow/marshalling.py | 309 +++++++
marshmallow/ordereddict.py | 130 +++
marshmallow/orderedset.py | 90 ++
marshmallow/schema.py | 868 ++++++++++++++++++
marshmallow/utils.py | 350 +++++++
marshmallow/validate.py | 467 ++++++++++
setup.cfg | 10 +
setup.py | 64 ++
tasks.py | 88 ++
tests/__init__.py | 1 +
tests/base.py | 284 ++++++
tests/conftest.py | 20 +
tests/foo_serializer.py | 5 +
tests/test_decorators.py | 520 +++++++++++
tests/test_deserialization.py | 1262 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/test_exceptions.py | 31 +
tests/test_fields.py | 167 ++++
tests/test_marshalling.py | 262 ++++++
tests/test_options.py | 226 +++++
tests/test_registry.py | 122 +++
tests/test_schema.py | 1836 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/test_serialization.py | 726 +++++++++++++++
tests/test_utils.py | 224 +++++
tests/test_validate.py | 701 ++++++++++++++
tox.ini | 7 +
68 files changed, 14886 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd8eb17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
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+# C extensions
+# Packages
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Mr Developer
+# IDE
+# Coverage
+# Sphinx
+# Virtualenvs
+# Other
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4cb15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Config file for automatic testing at travis-ci.org
+language: python
+# http://blog.travis-ci.com/2014-12-17-faster-builds-with-container-based-infrastructure/
+sudo: false
+ - "3.5"
+ - "3.4"
+ - "3.3"
+ - "2.7"
+ - "2.6"
+ - "pypy"
+ - pip install -U pip
+ - pip install -U .[reco]
+ - pip install -U -r dev-requirements.txt
+script: invoke test
diff --git a/AUTHORS.rst b/AUTHORS.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eec83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AUTHORS.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+- Steven Loria `@sloria <https://github.com/sloria>`_
+Contributors (chronological)
+- Sebastian Vetter `@elbaschid <https://github.com/elbaschid>`_
+- Eduard Carreras `@ecarreras <https://github.com/ecarreras>`_
+- Joakim Ekberg `@kalasjocke <https://github.com/kalasjocke>`_
+- Mark Grey `@DeaconDesperado <https://github.com/DeaconDesperado>`_
+- Anders Steinlein `@asteinlein <https://github.com/asteinlein>`_
+- Cyril Thomas `@Ketouem <https://github.com/Ketouem>`_
+- Austin Macdonald `@asmacdo <https://github.com/asmacdo>`_
+- Josh Carp `@jmcarp <https://github.com/jmcarp>`_
+- `@amikholap <https://github.com/amikholap>`_
+- Sven-Hendrik Haase `@svenstaro <https://github.com/svenstaro>`_
+- Eric Wang `@ewang <https://github.com/ewang>`_
+- `@philtay <https://github.com/philtay>`_
+- `@malexer <https://github.com/malexer>`_
+- Andriy Yurchuk `@Ch00k <https://github.com/Ch00k>`_
+- Vesa Uimonen `@vesauimonen <https://github.com/vesauimonen>`_
+- David Lord `@davidism <https://github.com/davidism>`_
+- Daniel Castro `@0xDCA <https://github.com/0xDCA>`_
+- Ben Jones `@RealSalmon <https://github.com/RealSalmon>`_
+- Patrick Woods `@hakjoon <https://github.com/hakjoon>`_
+- Lukas Heiniger `@3rdcycle <https://github.com/3rdcycle>`_
+- Ryan Lowe `@ryanlowe0 <https://github.com/ryanlowe0>`_
+- Jimmy Jia `@taion <https://github.com/taion>`_
+- `@lustdante <https://github.com/lustdante>`_
+- Sergey Aganezov, Jr. `@sergey-aganezov-jr <https://github.com/sergey-aganezov-jr>`_
+- Kevin Stone `@kevinastone <https://github.com/kevinastone>`_
+- Alex Morken `@alexmorken <https://github.com/alexmorken>`_
+- Sergey Polzunov `@traut <https://github.com/traut>`_
+- Kelvin Hammond `@kelvinhammond <https://github.com/kelvinhammond>`_
+- Matt Stobo `@mwstobo <https://github.com/mwstobo>`_
+- Max Orhai `@max-orhai <https://github.com/max-orhai>`_
+- Praveen `@praveen-p <https://github.com/praveen-p>`_
+- Stas Sușcov `@stas <https://github.com/stas>`_
+- Florian `@floqqi <https://github.com/floqqi>`_
+- Evgeny Sureev `@evgeny-sureev <https://github.com/evgeny-sureev>`_
+- Matt Bachmann `@Bachmann1234 <https://github.com/Bachmann1234>`_
+- Daniel Imhoff `@dwieeb <https://github.com/dwieeb>`_
+- Juan Rossi `@juanrossi <https://github.com/juanrossi>`_
+- Andrew Haigh `@nelfin <https://github.com/nelfin>`_
+- `@Mise <https://github.com/Mise>`_
+- Taylor Edmiston `@tedmiston <https://github.com/tedmiston>`_
+- Francisco Demartino `@franciscod <https://github.com/franciscod>`_
+- Eric Wang `@ewang <https://github.com/ewang>`_
+- Eugene Prikazchikov `@eprikazc <https://github.com/eprikazc>`_
+- Damian Heard `@DamianHeard <https://github.com/DamianHeard>`_
+- Alec Reiter `@justanr <https://github.com/justanr>`_
+- Dan Sutherland `@d-sutherland <https://github.com/d-sutherland>`_
+- Jeff Widman `@jeffwidman <https://github.com/jeffwidman>`_
+- Simeon Visser `@svisser <https://github.com/svisser>`_
+- Taylan Develioglu `@tdevelioglu <https://github.com/tdevelioglu>`_
+- Danilo Akamine `@daniloakamine <https://github.com/daniloakamine>`_
+- Maxim Kulkin `@maximkulkin <https://github.com/maximkulkin>`_
+- Mike Yumatov `@yumike <https://github.com/yumike>`_
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b982a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+2.6.1 (2016-03-17)
+Bug fixes:
+- Respect `load_from` when reporting errors for nested required fields (:issue:`414`). Thanks :user:`yumike`.
+2.6.0 (2016-02-01)
+- Add ``partial`` argument to ``Schema.validate`` (:issue:`379`). Thanks :user:`tdevelioglu` for the PR.
+- Add ``equal`` argument to ``validate.Length``. Thanks :user:`daniloakamine`.
+- Collect all validation errors for each item deserialized by a ``List`` field (:issue:`345`). Thanks :user:`maximkulkin` for the report and the PR.
+2.5.0 (2016-01-16)
+- Allow a tuple of field names to be passed as the ``partial`` argument to ``Schema.load`` (:issue:`369`). Thanks :user:`tdevelioglu` for the PR.
+- Add ``schemes`` argument to ``validate.URL`` (:issue:`356`).
+2.4.2 (2015-12-08)
+Bug fixes:
+- Prevent duplicate error messages when validating nested collections (:issue:`360`). Thanks :user:`alexmorken` for the catch and patch.
+2.4.1 (2015-12-07)
+Bug fixes:
+- Serializing an iterator will not drop the first item (:issue:`343`, :issue:`353`). Thanks :user:`jmcarp` for the patch. Thanks :user:`edgarallang` and :user:`jmcarp` for reporting.
+2.4.0 (2015-12-06)
+- Add ``skip_on_field_errors`` parameter to ``validates_schema`` (:issue:`323`). Thanks :user:`jjvattamattom` for the suggestion and :user:`d-sutherland` for the PR.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix ``FormattedString`` serialization (:issue:`348`). Thanks :user:`acaird` for reporting.
+- Fix ``@validates`` behavior when used when ``attribute`` is specified and ``strict=True`` (:issue:`350`). Thanks :user:`density` for reporting.
+2.3.0 (2015-11-22)
+- Add ``dump_to`` parameter to fields (:issue:`310`). Thanks :user:`ShayanArmanPercolate` for the suggestion. Thanks :user:`franciscod` and :user:`ewang` for the PRs.
+- The ``deserialize`` function passed to ``fields.Function`` can optionally receive a ``context`` argument (:issue:`324`). Thanks :user:`DamianHeard`.
+- The ``serialize`` function passed to ``fields.Function`` is optional (:issue:`325`). Thanks again :user:`DamianHeard`.
+- The ``serialize`` function passed to ``fields.Method`` is optional (:issue:`329`). Thanks :user:`justanr`.
+- The ``func`` argument of ``fields.Function`` has been renamed to ``serialize``.
+- The ``method_name`` argument of ``fields.Method`` has been renamed to ``serialize``.
+``func`` and ``method_name`` are still present for backwards-compatibility, but they will both be removed in marshmallow 3.0.
+2.2.1 (2015-11-11)
+Bug fixes:
+- Skip field validators for fields that aren't included in ``only`` (:issue:`320`). Thanks :user:`carlos-alberto` for reporting and :user:`eprikazc` for the PR.
+2.2.0 (2015-10-26)
+- Add support for partial deserialization with the ``partial`` argument to ``Schema`` and ``Schema.load`` (:issue:`290`). Thanks :user:`taion`.
+- ``Query`` and ``QuerySelect`` fields are removed.
+- Passing of strings to ``required`` and ``allow_none`` is removed. Pass the ``error_messages`` argument instead.
+- Add example of Schema inheritance in docs (:issue:`225`). Thanks :user:`martinstein` for the suggestion and :user:`juanrossi` for the PR.
+- Add "Customizing Error Messages" section to custom fields docs.
+2.1.3 (2015-10-18)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix serialization of collections for which `iter` will modify position, e.g. Pymongo cursors (:issue:`303`). Thanks :user:`Mise` for the catch and patch.
+2.1.2 (2015-10-14)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix passing data to schema validator when using ``@validates_schema(many=True)`` (:issue:`297`). Thanks :user:`d-sutherland` for reporting.
+- Fix usage of ``@validates`` with a nested field when ``many=True`` (:issue:`298`). Thanks :user:`nelfin` for the catch and patch.
+2.1.1 (2015-10-07)
+Bug fixes:
+- ``Constant`` field deserializes to its value regardless of whether its field name is present in input data (:issue:`291`). Thanks :user:`fayazkhan` for reporting.
+2.1.0 (2015-09-30)
+- Add ``Dict`` field for arbitrary mapping data (:issue:`251`). Thanks :user:`dwieeb` for adding this and :user:`Dowwie` for the suggestion.
+- Add ``Field.root`` property, which references the field's Schema.
+- The ``extra`` param of ``Schema`` is deprecated. Add extra data in a ``post_load`` method instead.
+- ``UnmarshallingError`` and ``MarshallingError`` are removed.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix storing multiple schema-level validation errors (:issue:`287`). Thanks :user:`evgeny-sureev` for the patch.
+- If ``missing=None`` on a field, ``allow_none`` will be set to ``True``.
+Other changes:
+- A ``List's`` inner field will have the list field set as its parent. Use ``root`` to access the ``Schema``.
+2.0.0 (2015-09-25)
+- Make error messages configurable at the class level and instance level (``Field.default_error_messages`` attribute and ``error_messages`` parameter, respectively).
+- Remove ``make_object``. Use a ``post_load`` method instead (:issue:`277`).
+- Remove the ``error`` parameter and attribute of ``Field``.
+- Passing string arguments to ``required`` and ``allow_none`` is deprecated. Pass the ``error_messages`` argument instead. **This API will be removed in version 2.2**.
+- Remove ``Arbitrary``, ``Fixed``, and ``Price`` fields (:issue:`86`). Use ``Decimal`` instead.
+- Remove ``Select`` / ``Enum`` fields (:issue:`135`). Use the ``OneOf`` validator instead.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix error format for ``Nested`` fields when ``many=True``. Thanks :user:`alexmorken`.
+- ``pre_dump`` methods are invoked before implicit field creation. Thanks :user:`makmanalp` for reporting.
+- Return correct "required" error message for ``Nested`` field.
+- The ``only`` argument passed to a ``Schema`` is bounded by the ``fields`` option (:issue:`183`). Thanks :user:`lustdante` for the suggestion.
+Changes from 2.0.0rc2:
+- ``error_handler`` and ``accessor`` options are replaced with the ``handle_error`` and ``get_attribute`` methods :issue:`284`.
+- Remove ``marshmallow.compat.plain_function`` since it is no longer used.
+- Non-collection values are invalid input for ``List`` field (:issue:`231`). Thanks :user:`density` for reporting.
+- Bug fix: Prevent infinite loop when validating a required, self-nested field. Thanks :user:`Bachmann1234` for the fix.
+2.0.0rc2 (2015-09-16)
+- ``make_object`` is deprecated. Use a ``post_load`` method instead (:issue:`277`). **This method will be removed in the final 2.0 release**.
+- ``Schema.accessor`` and ``Schema.error_handler`` decorators are deprecated. Define the ``accessor`` and ``error_handler`` class Meta options instead.
+Bug fixes:
+- Allow non-field names to be passed to ``ValidationError`` (:issue:`273`). Thanks :user:`evgeny-sureev` for the catch and patch.
+Changes from 2.0.0rc1:
+- The ``raw`` parameter of the ``pre_*``, ``post_*``, ``validates_schema`` decorators was renamed to ``pass_many`` (:issue:`276`).
+- Add ``pass_original`` parameter to ``post_load`` and ``post_dump`` (:issue:`216`).
+- Methods decorated with the ``pre_*``, ``post_*``, and ``validates_*`` decorators must be instance methods. Class methods and instance methods are not supported at this time.
+2.0.0rc1 (2015-09-13)
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``fields.Field._deserialize`` now takes ``attr`` and ``data`` as arguments (:issue:`172`). Thanks :user:`alexmic` and :user:`kevinastone` for the suggestion.
+- Allow a ``Field's`` ``attribute`` to be modified during deserialization (:issue:`266`). Thanks :user:`floqqi`.
+- Allow partially-valid data to be returned for ``Nested`` fields (:issue:`269`). Thanks :user:`jomag` for the suggestion.
+- Add ``Schema.on_bind_field`` hook which allows a ``Schema`` to modify its fields when they are bound.
+- Stricter validation of string, boolean, and number fields (:issue:`231`). Thanks :user:`touilleMan` for the suggestion.
+- Improve consistency of error messages.
+- ``Schema.validator``, ``Schema.preprocessor``, and ``Schema.data_handler`` are removed. Use ``validates_schema``, ``pre_load``, and ``post_dump`` instead.
+- ``QuerySelect`` and ``QuerySelectList`` are deprecated (:issue:`227`). **These fields will be removed in version 2.1.**
+- ``utils.get_callable_name`` is removed.
+Bug fixes:
+- If a date format string is passed to a ``DateTime`` field, it is always used for deserialization (:issue:`248`). Thanks :user:`bartaelterman` and :user:`praveen-p`.
+- Documentation: Add "Using Context" section to "Extending Schemas" page (:issue:`224`).
+- Include tests and docs in release tarballs (:issue:`201`).
+- Test against Python 3.5.
+2.0.0b5 (2015-08-23)
+- If a field corresponds to a callable attribute, it will be called upon serialization. Thanks :user:`alexmorken`.
+- Add ``load_only`` and ``dump_only`` class Meta options. Thanks :user:`kelvinhammond`.
+- If a ``Nested`` field is required, recursively validate any required fields in the nested schema (:issue:`235`). Thanks :user:`max-orhai`.
+- Improve error message if a list of dicts is not passed to a ``Nested`` field for which ``many=True``. Thanks again :user:`max-orhai`.
+Bug fixes:
+- `make_object` is only called after all validators and postprocessors have finished (:issue:`253`). Thanks :user:`sunsongxp` for reporting.
+- If an invalid type is passed to ``Schema`` and ``strict=False``, store a ``_schema`` error in the errors dict rather than raise an exception (:issue:`261`). Thanks :user:`density` for reporting.
+Other changes:
+- ``make_object`` is only called when input data are completely valid (:issue:`243`). Thanks :user:`kissgyorgy` for reporting.
+- Change default error messages for ``URL`` and ``Email`` validators so that they don't include user input (:issue:`255`).
+- ``Email`` validator permits email addresses with non-ASCII characters, as per RFC 6530 (:issue:`221`). Thanks :user:`lextoumbourou` for reporting and :user:`mwstobo` for sending the patch.
+2.0.0b4 (2015-07-07)
+- ``List`` field respects the ``attribute`` argument of the inner field. Thanks :user:`jmcarp`.
+- The ``container`` field ``List`` field has access to its parent ``Schema`` via its ``parent`` attribute. Thanks again :user:`jmcarp`.
+- Legacy validator functions have been removed (:issue:`73`). Use the class-based validators in ``marshmallow.validate`` instead.
+Bug fixes:
+- ``fields.Nested`` correctly serializes nested ``sets`` (:issue:`233`). Thanks :user:`traut`.
+Changes from 2.0.0b3:
+- If ``load_from`` is used on deserialization, the value of ``load_from`` is used as the key in the errors dict (:issue:`232`). Thanks :user:`alexmorken`.
+2.0.0b3 (2015-06-14)
+- Add ``marshmallow.validates_schema`` decorator for defining schema-level validators (:issue:`116`).
+- Add ``marshmallow.validates`` decorator for defining field validators as Schema methods (:issue:`116`). Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Performance improvements.
+- Defining ``__marshallable__`` on complex objects is no longer necessary.
+- Add ``fields.Constant``. Thanks :user:`kevinastone`.
+- Remove ``skip_missing`` class Meta option. By default, missing inputs are excluded from serialized output (:issue:`211`).
+- Remove optional ``context`` parameter that gets passed to methods for ``Method`` fields.
+- ``Schema.validator`` is deprecated. Use ``marshmallow.validates_schema`` instead.
+- ``utils.get_func_name`` is removed. Use ``utils.get_callable_name`` instead.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix serializing values from keyed tuple types (regression of :issue:`28`). Thanks :user:`makmanalp` for reporting.
+Other changes:
+- Remove unnecessary call to ``utils.get_value`` for ``Function`` and ``Method`` fields (:issue:`208`). Thanks :user:`jmcarp`.
+- Serializing a collection without passing ``many=True`` will not result in an error. Be very careful to pass the ``many`` argument when necessary.
+- Documentation: Update Flask and Peewee examples. Update Quickstart.
+Changes from 2.0.0b2:
+- ``Boolean`` field serializes ``None`` to ``None``, for consistency with other fields (:issue:`213`). Thanks :user:`cmanallen` for reporting.
+- Bug fix: ``load_only`` fields do not get validated during serialization.
+- Implicit passing of original, raw data to Schema validators is removed. Use ``@marshmallow.validates_schema(pass_original=True)`` instead.
+2.0.0b2 (2015-05-03)
+- Add useful ``__repr__`` methods to validators (:issue:`204`). Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: By default, ``NaN``, ``Infinity``, and ``-Infinity`` are invalid values for ``fields.Decimal``. Pass ``allow_nan=True`` to allow these values. Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+Changes from 2.0.0b1:
+- Fix serialization of ``None`` for `Time`, `TimeDelta`, and `Date` fields (a regression introduced in 2.0.0a1).
+Includes bug fixes from 1.2.6.
+2.0.0b1 (2015-04-26)
+- Errored fields will not appear in (de)serialized output dictionaries (:issue:`153`, :issue:`202`).
+- Instantiate ``OPTIONS_CLASS`` in ``SchemaMeta``. This makes ``Schema.opts`` available in metaclass methods. It also causes validation to occur earlier (upon ``Schema`` class declaration rather than instantiation).
+- Add ``SchemaMeta.get_declared_fields`` class method to support adding additional declared fields.
+- Remove ``allow_null`` parameter of ``fields.Nested`` (:issue:`203`).
+Changes from 2.0.0a1:
+- Fix serialization of `None` for ``fields.Email``.
+2.0.0a1 (2015-04-25)
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: When ``many=True``, the errors dictionary returned by ``dump`` and ``load`` will be keyed on the indices of invalid items in the (de)serialized collection (:issue:`75`). Add ``index_errors=False`` on a Schema's ``class Meta`` options to disable this behavior.
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: By default, fields will raise a ValidationError if the input is ``None``. The ``allow_none`` parameter can override this behavior.
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: A ``Field's`` ``default`` parameter is only used if explicitly set and the field's value is missing in the input to `Schema.dump`. If not set, the key will not be present in the serialized output for missing values . This is the behavior for *all* fields. ``fields.Str`` no longer defaults to ``''``, ``fields.Int`` no longer defaults to ``0``, etc. (:issue:`199`). Thanks :user:`jmcarp` for the feedback.
+- In ``strict`` mode, a ``ValidationError`` is raised. Error messages are accessed via the ``ValidationError's`` ``messages`` attribute (:issue:`128`).
+- Add ``allow_none`` parameter to ``fields.Field``. If ``False`` (the default), validation fails when the field's value is ``None`` (:issue:`76`, :issue:`111`). If ``allow_none`` is ``True``, ``None`` is considered valid and will deserialize to ``None``.
+- Schema-level validators can store error messages for multiple fields (:issue:`118`). Thanks :user:`ksesong` for the suggestion.
+- Add ``pre_load``, ``post_load``, ``pre_dump``, and ``post_dump`` Schema method decorators for defining pre- and post- processing routines (:issue:`153`, :issue:`179`). Thanks :user:`davidism`, :user:`taion`, and :user:`jmcarp` for the suggestions and feedback. Thanks :user:`taion` for the implementation.
+- Error message for ``required`` validation is configurable. (:issue:`78`). Thanks :user:`svenstaro` for the suggestion. Thanks :user:`0xDCA` for the implementation.
+- Add ``load_from`` parameter to fields (:issue:`125`). Thanks :user:`hakjoon`.
+- Add ``load_only`` and ``dump_only`` parameters to fields (:issue:`61`, :issue:`87`). Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Add `missing` parameter to fields (:issue:`115`). Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Schema validators can take an optional ``raw_data`` argument which contains raw input data, incl. data not specified in the schema (:issue:`127`). Thanks :user:`ryanlowe0`.
+- Add ``validate.OneOf`` (:issue:`135`) and ``validate.ContainsOnly`` (:issue:`149`) validators. Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Error messages for validators can be interpolated with `{input}` and other values (depending on the validator).
+- ``fields.TimeDelta`` always serializes to an integer value in order to avoid rounding errors (:issue:`105`). Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Add ``include`` class Meta option to support field names which are Python keywords (:issue:`139`). Thanks :user:`nickretallack` for the suggestion.
+- ``exclude`` parameter is respected when used together with ``only`` parameter (:issue:`165`). Thanks :user:`lustdante` for the catch and patch.
+- ``fields.List`` works as expected with generators and sets (:issue:`185`). Thanks :user:`sergey-aganezov-jr`.
+- ``MarshallingError`` and ``UnmarshallingError`` error are deprecated in favor of a single ``ValidationError`` (:issue:`160`).
+- ``context`` argument passed to Method fields is deprecated. Use ``self.context`` instead (:issue:`184`).
+- Remove ``ForcedError``.
+- Remove support for generator functions that yield validators (:issue:`74`). Plain generators of validators are still supported.
+- The ``Select/Enum`` field is deprecated in favor of using `validate.OneOf` validator (:issue:`135`).
+- Remove legacy, pre-1.0 API (``Schema.data`` and ``Schema.errors`` properties) (:issue:`73`).
+- Remove ``null`` value.
+Other changes:
+- ``Marshaller``, ``Unmarshaller`` were moved to ``marshmallow.marshalling``. These should be considered private API (:issue:`129`).
+- Make ``allow_null=True`` the default for ``Nested`` fields. This will make ``None`` serialize to ``None`` rather than a dictionary with empty values (:issue:`132`). Thanks :user:`nickrellack` for the suggestion.
+1.2.6 (2015-05-03)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix validation error message for ``fields.Decimal``.
+- Allow error message for ``fields.Boolean`` to be customized with the ``error`` parameter (like other fields).
+1.2.5 (2015-04-25)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix validation of invalid types passed to a ``Nested`` field when ``many=True`` (:issue:`188`). Thanks :user:`juanrossi` for reporting.
+- Fix pep8 dev dependency for flake8. Thanks :user:`taion`.
+1.2.4 (2015-03-22)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix behavior of ``as_string`` on ``fields.Integer`` (:issue:`173`). Thanks :user:`taion` for the catch and patch.
+Other changes:
+- Remove dead code from ``fields.Field``. Thanks :user:`taion`.
+- Correction to ``_postprocess`` method in docs. Thanks again :user:`taion`.
+1.2.3 (2015-03-15)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix inheritance of ``ordered`` class Meta option (:issue:`162`). Thanks :user:`stephenfin` for reporting.
+1.2.2 (2015-02-23)
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix behavior of ``skip_missing`` and ``accessor`` options when ``many=True`` (:issue:`137`). Thanks :user:`3rdcycle`.
+- Fix bug that could cause an ``AttributeError`` when nesting schemas with schema-level validators (:issue:`144`). Thanks :user:`vovanbo` for reporting.
+1.2.1 (2015-01-11)
+Bug fixes:
+- A ``Schema's`` ``error_handler``--if defined--will execute if ``Schema.validate`` returns validation errors (:issue:`121`).
+- Deserializing `None` returns `None` rather than raising an ``AttributeError`` (:issue:`123`). Thanks :user:`RealSalmon` for the catch and patch.
+1.2.0 (2014-12-22)
+- Add ``QuerySelect`` and ``QuerySelectList`` fields (:issue:`84`).
+- Convert validators in ``marshmallow.validate`` into class-based callables to make them easier to use when declaring fields (:issue:`85`).
+- Add ``Decimal`` field which is safe to use when dealing with precise numbers (:issue:`86`).
+Thanks :user:`philtay` for these contributions.
+Bug fixes:
+- ``Date`` fields correctly deserializes to a ``datetime.date`` object when ``python-dateutil`` is not installed (:issue:`79`). Thanks :user:`malexer` for the catch and patch.
+- Fix bug that raised an ``AttributeError`` when using a class-based validator.
+- Fix ``as_string`` behavior of Number fields when serializing to default value.
+- Deserializing ``None`` or the empty string with either a ``DateTime``, ``Date``, ``Time`` or ``TimeDelta`` results in the correct unmarshalling errors (:issue:`96`). Thanks :user:`svenstaro` for reporting and helping with this.
+- Fix error handling when deserializing invalid UUIDs (:issue:`106`). Thanks :user:`vesauimonen` for the catch and patch.
+- ``Schema.loads`` correctly defaults to use the value of ``self.many`` rather than defaulting to ``False`` (:issue:`108`). Thanks :user:`davidism` for the catch and patch.
+- Validators, data handlers, and preprocessors are no longer shared between schema subclasses (:issue:`88`). Thanks :user:`amikholap` for reporting.
+- Fix error handling when passing a ``dict`` or ``list`` to a ``ValidationError`` (:issue:`110`). Thanks :user:`ksesong` for reporting.
+- The validator functions in the ``validate`` module are deprecated in favor of the class-based validators (:issue:`85`).
+- The ``Arbitrary``, ``Price``, and ``Fixed`` fields are deprecated in favor of the ``Decimal`` field (:issue:`86`).
+- Update docs theme.
+- Update contributing docs (:issue:`77`).
+- Fix namespacing example in "Extending Schema" docs. Thanks :user:`Ch00k`.
+- Exclude virtualenv directories from syntax checking (:issue:`99`). Thanks :user:`svenstaro`.
+1.1.0 (2014-12-02)
+- Add ``Schema.validate`` method which validates input data against a schema. Similar to ``Schema.load``, but does not call ``make_object`` and only returns the errors dictionary.
+- Add several validation functions to the ``validate`` module. Thanks :user:`philtay`.
+- Store field name and instance on exceptions raised in ``strict`` mode.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix serializing dictionaries when field names are methods of ``dict`` (e.g. ``"items"``). Thanks :user:`rozenm` for reporting.
+- If a Nested field is passed ``many=True``, ``None`` serializes to an empty list. Thanks :user:`nickretallack` for reporting.
+- Fix behavior of ``many`` argument passed to ``dump`` and ``load``. Thanks :user:`svenstaro` for reporting and helping with this.
+- Fix ``skip_missing`` behavior for ``String`` and ``List`` fields. Thanks :user:`malexer` for reporting.
+- Fix compatibility with python-dateutil 2.3.
+- More consistent error messages across DateTime, TimeDelta, Date, and Time fields.
+- Update Flask and Peewee examples.
+1.0.1 (2014-11-18)
+Hotfix release.
+- Ensure that errors dictionary is correctly cleared on each call to Schema.dump and Schema.load.
+1.0.0 (2014-11-16)
+Adds new features, speed improvements, better error handling, and updated documentation.
+- Add ``skip_missing`` ``class Meta`` option.
+- A field's ``default`` may be a callable.
+- Allow accessor function to be configured via the ``Schema.accessor`` decorator or the ``__accessor__`` class member.
+- ``URL`` and ``Email`` fields are validated upon serialization.
+- ``dump`` and ``load`` can receive the ``many`` argument.
+- Move a number of utility functions from fields.py to utils.py.
+- More useful ``repr`` for ``Field`` classes.
+- If a field's default is ``fields.missing`` and its serialized value is ``None``, it will not be included in the final serialized result.
+- Schema.dumps no longer coerces its result to a binary string on Python 3.
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: Schema output is no longer an ``OrderedDict`` by default. If you want ordered field output, you must explicitly set the ``ordered`` option to ``True``.
+- *Backwards-incompatible*: `error` parameter of the `Field` constructor is deprecated. Raise a `ValidationError` instead.
+- Expanded test coverage.
+- Updated docs.
+1.0.0-a (2014-10-19)
+Major reworking and simplification of the public API, centered around support for deserialization, improved validation, and a less stateful ``Schema`` class.
+* Rename ``Serializer`` to ``Schema``.
+* Support for deserialization.
+* Use the ``Schema.dump`` and ``Schema.load`` methods for serializing and deserializing, respectively.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove ``Serializer.json`` and ``Serializer.to_json``. Use ``Schema.dumps`` instead.
+* Reworked fields interface.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: ``Field`` classes implement ``_serialize`` and ``_deserialize`` methods. ``serialize`` and ``deserialize`` comprise the public API for a ``Field``. ``Field.format`` and ``Field.output`` have been removed.
+* Add ``exceptions.ForcedError`` which allows errors to be raised during serialization (instead of storing errors in the ``errors`` dict).
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: ``DateTime`` field serializes to ISO8601 format by default (instead of RFC822).
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove ``Serializer.factory`` method. It is no longer necessary with the ``dump`` method.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Allow nesting a serializer within itself recursively. Use ``exclude`` or ``only`` to prevent infinite recursion.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Multiple errors can be stored for a single field. The errors dictionary returned by ``load`` and ``dump`` have lists of error messages keyed by field name.
+* Remove ``validated`` decorator. Validation occurs within ``Field`` methods.
+* ``Function`` field raises a ``ValueError`` if an uncallable object is passed to its constructor.
+* ``Nested`` fields inherit context from their parent.
+* Add ``Schema.preprocessor`` and ``Schema.validator`` decorators for registering preprocessing and schema-level validation functions respectively.
+* Custom error messages can be specified by raising a ``ValidationError`` within a validation function.
+* Extra keyword arguments passed to a Field are stored as metadata.
+* Fix ordering of field output.
+* Fix behavior of the ``required`` parameter on ``Nested`` fields.
+* Fix serializing keyed tuple types (e.g. ``namedtuple``) with ``class Meta`` options.
+* Fix default value for ``Fixed`` and ``Price`` fields.
+* Fix serialization of binary strings.
+* ``Schemas`` can inherit fields from non-``Schema`` base classes (e.g. mixins). Also, fields are inherited according to the MRO (rather than recursing over base classes). Thanks :user:`jmcarp`.
+* Add ``Str``, ``Bool``, and ``Int`` field class aliases.
+0.7.0 (2014-06-22)
+* Add ``Serializer.error_handler`` decorator that registers a custom error handler.
+* Add ``Serializer.data_handler`` decorator that registers data post-processing callbacks.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: ``process_data`` method is deprecated. Use the ``data_handler`` decorator instead.
+* Fix bug that raised error when passing ``extra`` data together with ``many=True``. Thanks :user:`buttsicles` for reporting.
+* If ``required=True`` validation is violated for a given ``Field``, it will raise an error message that is different from the message specified by the ``error`` argument. Thanks :user:`asteinlein`.
+* More generic error message raised when required field is missing.
+* ``validated`` decorator should only wrap a ``Field`` class's ``output`` method.
+0.6.0 (2014-06-03)
+* Fix bug in serializing keyed tuple types, e.g. ``namedtuple`` and ``KeyedTuple``.
+* Nested field can load a serializer by its class name as a string. This makes it easier to implement 2-way nesting.
+* Make Serializer.data override-able.
+0.5.5 (2014-05-02)
+* Add ``Serializer.factory`` for creating a factory function that returns a Serializer instance.
+* ``MarshallingError`` stores its underlying exception as an instance variable. This is useful for inspecting errors.
+* ``fields.Select`` is aliased to ``fields.Enum``.
+* Add ``fields.__all__`` and ``marshmallow.__all__`` so that the modules can be more easily extended.
+* Expose ``Serializer.OPTIONS_CLASS`` as a class variable so that options defaults can be overridden.
+* Add ``Serializer.process_data`` hook that allows subclasses to manipulate the final output data.
+0.5.4 (2014-04-17)
+* Add ``json_module`` class Meta option.
+* Add ``required`` option to fields . Thanks :user:`DeaconDesperado`.
+* Tested on Python 3.4 and PyPy.
+0.5.3 (2014-03-02)
+* Fix ``Integer`` field default. It is now ``0`` instead of ``0.0``. Thanks :user:`kalasjocke`.
+* Add ``context`` param to ``Serializer``. Allows accessing arbitrary objects in ``Function`` and ``Method`` fields.
+* ``Function`` and ``Method`` fields raise ``MarshallingError`` if their argument is uncallable.
+0.5.2 (2014-02-10)
+* Enable custom field validation via the ``validate`` parameter.
+* Add ``utils.from_rfc`` for parsing RFC datestring to Python datetime object.
+0.5.1 (2014-02-02)
+* Avoid unnecessary attribute access in ``utils.to_marshallable_type`` for improved performance.
+* Fix RFC822 formatting for localized datetimes.
+0.5.0 (2013-12-29)
+* Can customize validation error messages by passing the ``error`` parameter to a field.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Rename ``fields.NumberField`` -> ``fields.Number``.
+* Add ``fields.Select``. Thanks :user:`ecarreras`.
+* Support nesting a Serializer within itself by passing ``"self"`` into ``fields.Nested`` (only up to depth=1).
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: No implicit serializing of collections. Must set ``many=True`` if serializing to a list. This ensures that marshmallow handles singular objects correctly, even if they are iterable.
+* If Nested field ``only`` parameter is a field name, only return a single value for the nested object (instead of a dict) or a flat list of values.
+* Improved performance and stability.
+0.4.1 (2013-12-01)
+* An object's ``__marshallable__`` method, if defined, takes precedence over ``__getitem__``.
+* Generator expressions can be passed to a serializer.
+* Better support for serializing list-like collections (e.g. ORM querysets).
+* Other minor bugfixes.
+0.4.0 (2013-11-24)
+* Add ``additional`` `class Meta` option.
+* Add ``dateformat`` `class Meta` option.
+* Support for serializing UUID, date, time, and timedelta objects.
+* Remove ``Serializer.to_data`` method. Just use ``Serialize.data`` property.
+* String field defaults to empty string instead of ``None``.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: ``isoformat`` and ``rfcformat`` functions moved to utils.py.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Validation functions moved to validate.py.
+* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove types.py.
+* Reorder parameters to ``DateTime`` field (first parameter is dateformat).
+* Ensure that ``to_json`` returns bytestrings.
+* Fix bug with including an object property in ``fields`` Meta option.
+* Fix bug with passing ``None`` to a serializer.
+0.3.1 (2013-11-16)
+* Fix bug with serializing dictionaries.
+* Fix error raised when serializing empty list.
+* Add ``only`` and ``exclude`` parameters to Serializer constructor.
+* Add ``strict`` parameter and option: causes Serializer to raise an error if invalid data are passed in, rather than storing errors.
+* Updated Flask + SQLA example in docs.
+0.3.0 (2013-11-14)
+* Declaring Serializers just got easier. The *class Meta* paradigm allows you to specify fields more concisely. Can specify ``fields`` and ``exclude`` options.
+* Allow date formats to be changed by passing ``format`` parameter to ``DateTime`` field constructor. Can either be ``"rfc"`` (default), ``"iso"``, or a date format string.
+* More useful error message when declaring fields as classes (instead of an instance, which is the correct usage).
+* Rename MarshallingException -> MarshallingError.
+* Rename marshmallow.core -> marshmallow.serializer.
+0.2.1 (2013-11-12)
+* Allow prefixing field names.
+* Fix storing errors on Nested Serializers.
+* Python 2.6 support.
+0.2.0 (2013-11-11)
+* Field-level validation.
+* Add ``fields.Method``.
+* Add ``fields.Function``.
+* Allow binding of extra data to a serialized object by passing the ``extra`` param when initializing a ``Serializer``.
+* Add ``relative`` paramater to ``fields.Url`` that allows for relative URLs.
+0.1.0 (2013-11-10)
+* First release.
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+Contributing Guidelines
+In General
+- `PEP 8`_, when sensible.
+- Test ruthlessly. Write docs for new features.
+- Even more important than Test-Driven Development--*Human-Driven Development*.
+.. _`PEP 8`: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+In Particular
+Questions, Feature Requests, Bug Reports, and Feedback. . .
+. . .should all be reported on the `Github Issue Tracker`_ .
+.. _`Github Issue Tracker`: https://github.com/marshmallow-code/marshmallow/issues?state=open
+Setting Up for Local Development
+1. Fork marshmallow_ on Github. ::
+ $ git clone https://github.com/marshmallow-code/marshmallow.git
+ $ cd marshmallow
+2. Install development requirements. It is highly recommended that you use a virtualenv. ::
+ # After activating your virtualenv
+ $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
+3. Install marshmallow in develop mode. ::
+ $ pip install -e .
+Git Branch Structure
+Marshmallow abides by the following branching model:
+ Current development branch. **New features should branch off here**.
+ Current production release on PyPI.
+ Maintenance branch for release ``X.Y``. **Bug fixes should be sent to the most recent release branch.**. The maintainer will forward-port the fix to ``dev``. Note: exceptions may be made for bug fixes that introduce large code changes.
+**Always make a new branch for your work**, no matter how small. Also, **do not put unrelated changes in the same branch or pull request**. This makes it more difficult to merge your changes.
+Pull Requests
+1. Create a new local branch.
+ # For a new feature
+ $ git checkout -b name-of-feature dev
+ # For a bugfix
+ $ git checkout -b fix-something 1.2-line
+2. Commit your changes. Write `good commit messages <http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html>`_.
+ $ git commit -m "Detailed commit message"
+ $ git push origin name-of-feature
+3. Before submitting a pull request, check the following:
+- If the pull request adds functionality, it is tested and the docs are updated.
+- You've added yourself to ``AUTHORS.rst``.
+4. Submit a pull request to ``marshmallow-code:dev`` or the appropriate maintenance branch. The `Travis CI <https://travis-ci.org/marshmallow-code/marshmallow>`_ build must be passing before your pull request is merged.
+Running tests
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