[Python-modules-commits] [dbf] branch master updated (0b391ab -> da7ab48)
Sandro Tosi
morph at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 16 22:05:22 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
morph pushed a change to branch master
in repository dbf.
from 0b391ab Fixed VCS URL (https)
new 210c0ee record new upstream branch created by importing dbf_0.96.8.orig.tar.gz
new 1a210a0 Import dbf_0.96.8.orig.tar.gz
new 3f10173 fix tests so that they don't require a main.
new 082f7a5 merge patched into master
new 24a646d New upstream release
new 938f3b6 add copyright notice for myself
new ff94490 bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes needed)
new 216767b fix tests so that they don't require a main.
new 68cae52 merge patched into master
new da7ab48 removed, doc files no longer shipped upstream
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
PKG-INFO | 8 +-
PKG-INFO => dbf.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 8 +-
dbf.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 12 +
dbf.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 +
dbf.egg-info/requires.txt | 1 +
dbf.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 +
dbf/README.md | 128 ---------
dbf/WHATSNEW | 293 ---------------------
dbf/__init__.py | 2 +-
dbf/_index.py | 185 +++++++++++++
dbf/{tests.py => test.py} | 149 +++++++++--
dbf/ver_2.py | 54 ++--
dbf/ver_32.py | 255 ++++++++++++++++--
dbf/ver_33.py | 255 ++++++++++++++++--
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/changelog | 14 +-
debian/control | 2 +-
debian/copyright | 1 +
...x-tests-so-that-they-don-t-require-a-main.patch | 142 +++++-----
debian/python-dbf.docs | 2 -
debian/python3-dbf.docs | 2 -
setup.cfg | 5 +
setup.py | 44 ++--
23 files changed, 957 insertions(+), 621 deletions(-)
copy PKG-INFO => dbf.egg-info/PKG-INFO (87%)
create mode 100644 dbf.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
create mode 100644 dbf.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
create mode 100644 dbf.egg-info/requires.txt
create mode 100644 dbf.egg-info/top_level.txt
delete mode 100644 dbf/README.md
delete mode 100644 dbf/WHATSNEW
create mode 100644 dbf/_index.py
rename dbf/{tests.py => test.py} (97%)
delete mode 100644 debian/python-dbf.docs
delete mode 100644 debian/python3-dbf.docs
create mode 100644 setup.cfg
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/dbf.git
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