[Python-modules-commits] [python-psutil] 01/12: Import python-psutil_5.0.0.orig.tar.gz

Ondřej Nový onovy at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 11 17:25:30 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

onovy pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-psutil.

commit 1e8831423569075965a2c16727ccd5b28f43a9dd
Author: Ondřej Nový <onovy at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 11 17:49:06 2016 +0100

    Import python-psutil_5.0.0.orig.tar.gz
 .ci/travis/install.sh                              |    4 +-
 .ci/travis/run.sh                                  |   16 +-
 .git-pre-commit                                    |   79 +-
 CREDITS                                            |   18 +
 DEVGUIDE.rst                                       |   15 +-
 HISTORY.rst                                        | 2213 +++++++++++++++-----
 IDEAS                                              |   16 +-
 INSTALL.rst                                        |   48 +-
 MANIFEST.in                                        |    1 +
 Makefile                                           |  123 +-
 PKG-INFO                                           |   63 +-
 README.rst                                         |   59 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |   23 +
 docs/_static/copybutton.js                         |   57 -
 docs/_static/favicon.ico                           |  Bin 15086 -> 0 bytes
 docs/_static/logo.png                              |  Bin 4922 -> 0 bytes
 docs/_static/sidebar.js                            |  161 --
 docs/index.rst                                     |  309 ++-
 docs/make.bat                                      |  274 +--
 make.bat                                           |  216 +-
 psutil.egg-info/PKG-INFO                           |   63 +-
 psutil.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                        |   13 +-
 psutil/__init__.py                                 |  174 +-
 psutil/_common.py                                  |   53 +
 psutil/_psbsd.py                                   |  127 +-
 psutil/_pslinux.py                                 |  287 ++-
 psutil/_psosx.py                                   |  108 +-
 psutil/_pssunos.py                                 |   53 +-
 psutil/_psutil_bsd.c                               |  419 ++--
 psutil/_psutil_common.c                            |   89 +
 psutil/_psutil_common.h                            |    5 +
 psutil/_psutil_linux.c                             |   40 +-
 psutil/_psutil_osx.c                               |  531 ++---
 psutil/_psutil_posix.c                             |  114 +-
 psutil/_psutil_posix.h                             |   10 -
 psutil/_psutil_sunos.c                             |    3 +-
 psutil/_psutil_windows.c                           |  330 +--
 psutil/_pswindows.py                               |   81 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/freebsd.c                          |   79 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/freebsd.h                          |    2 -
 psutil/arch/bsd/freebsd_socks.c                    |    6 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/netbsd.c                           |   87 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/netbsd.h                           |    4 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/netbsd_socks.c                     |  503 ++---
 psutil/arch/bsd/openbsd.c                          |   47 +-
 psutil/arch/bsd/openbsd.h                          |    2 -
 psutil/arch/osx/process_info.c                     |   90 +-
 psutil/arch/osx/process_info.h                     |    6 +-
 psutil/arch/windows/process_handles.c              |    6 +-
 psutil/arch/windows/process_info.c                 |   20 +-
 psutil/arch/windows/process_info.h                 |    7 +
 psutil/arch/windows/services.c                     |    1 +
 psutil/tests/__init__.py                           |  384 ++--
 psutil/tests/runner.py                             |    2 +
 psutil/tests/test_bsd.py                           |  141 +-
 psutil/tests/test_linux.py                         |  450 ++--
 psutil/tests/test_memory_leaks.py                  |  467 +++--
 psutil/tests/test_misc.py                          |  244 ++-
 psutil/tests/test_osx.py                           |   87 +-
 psutil/tests/test_posix.py                         |   13 +-
 psutil/tests/test_process.py                       |  545 +++--
 psutil/tests/test_sunos.py                         |    2 +-
 psutil/tests/test_system.py                        |   99 +-
 psutil/tests/test_windows.py                       |  453 ++--
 scripts/disk_usage.py                              |    1 +
 scripts/free.py                                    |    1 +
 scripts/ifconfig.py                                |   83 +-
 scripts/internal/README                            |    2 +
 scripts/internal/bench_oneshot.py                  |  151 ++
 scripts/internal/bench_oneshot_2.py                |   53 +
 .../appveyor => scripts/internal}/download_exes.py |   10 +-
 scripts/internal/print_announce.py                 |  116 +
 scripts/internal/winmake.py                        |  381 ++++
 scripts/iotop.py                                   |   19 +-
 scripts/killall.py                                 |    4 +-
 scripts/meminfo.py                                 |    1 +
 scripts/netstat.py                                 |    1 +
 scripts/nettop.py                                  |    1 +
 scripts/pidof.py                                   |   36 +-
 scripts/pmap.py                                    |    1 +
 scripts/procinfo.py                                |  359 +++-
 scripts/procsmem.py                                |   36 +-
 scripts/ps.py                                      |    1 +
 scripts/top.py                                     |   15 +-
 scripts/who.py                                     |    1 +
 setup.py                                           |   88 +-
 86 files changed, 6912 insertions(+), 4391 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.ci/travis/install.sh b/.ci/travis/install.sh
index 5735b7a..677dc46 100755
--- a/.ci/travis/install.sh
+++ b/.ci/travis/install.sh
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if [[ "$(uname -s)" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
 if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.6' ]] || [[ $PYVER == 'py26' ]]; then
-    pip install -U ipaddress unittest2 mock==1.0.1
+    pip install -U ipaddress unittest2 argparse mock==1.0.1
 elif [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]] || [[ $PYVER == 'py27' ]]; then
     pip install -U ipaddress mock
 elif [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '3.2' ]] || [[ $PYVER == 'py32' ]]; then
@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ elif [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '3.3' ]] || [[ $PYVER == 'py33' ]]; then
     pip install -U ipaddress
-pip install coverage coveralls flake8 pep8 setuptools
+pip install -U coverage coveralls flake8 pep8 setuptools
diff --git a/.ci/travis/run.sh b/.ci/travis/run.sh
index 4269f30..b3a6a4a 100755
--- a/.ci/travis/run.sh
+++ b/.ci/travis/run.sh
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 set -e
 set -x
+PYVER=`python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))'`
+# setup OSX
 if [[ "$(uname -s)" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
     if which pyenv > /dev/null; then
         eval "$(pyenv init -)"
@@ -10,15 +13,22 @@ if [[ "$(uname -s)" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
     pyenv activate psutil
+# install psutil
 python setup.py build
 python setup.py develop
+# run tests (with coverage)
 if [[ "$(uname -s)" != 'Darwin' ]]; then
     coverage run psutil/tests/runner.py --include="psutil/*" --omit="test/*,*setup*"
     python psutil/tests/runner.py
-python psutil/tests/test_memory_leaks.py
+if [ "$PYVER" == "2.7" ] || [ "$PYVER" == "3.5" ]; then
+    # run mem leaks test
+    python psutil/tests/test_memory_leaks.py
+    # run linter (on Linux only)
+    if [[ "$(uname -s)" != 'Darwin' ]]; then
+        python -m flake8
+    fi
diff --git a/.git-pre-commit b/.git-pre-commit
index 9938772..e15884d 100755
--- a/.git-pre-commit
+++ b/.git-pre-commit
@@ -1,20 +1,60 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# This gets executed on 'git commit' and rejects the commit in case the
-# submitted code does not pass validation.
-# Install it with "make install-git-hooks"
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+This gets executed on 'git commit' and rejects the commit in case the
+submitted code does not pass validation.
+Install it with "make install-git-hooks".
+from __future__ import print_function
 import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
+def term_supports_colors():
+    try:
+        import curses
+        assert sys.stderr.isatty()
+        curses.setupterm()
+        assert curses.tigetnum("colors") > 0
+    except Exception:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def hilite(s, ok=True, bold=False):
+    """Return an highlighted version of 'string'."""
+    attr = []
+    if ok is None:  # no color
+        pass
+    elif ok:   # green
+        attr.append('32')
+    else:   # red
+        attr.append('31')
+    if bold:
+        attr.append('1')
+    return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), s)
+def exit(msg):
+    if term_supports_colors():
+        msg = hilite(msg, ok=False)
+    print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.exit(1)
 def main():
     out = subprocess.check_output("git diff --cached --name-only", shell=True)
-    files = [x for x in out.split(b'\n') if x.endswith(b'.py') and
-             os.path.exists(x)]
+    py_files = [x for x in out.split(b'\n') if x.endswith(b'.py') and
+                os.path.exists(x)]
-    for path in files:
+    for path in py_files:
         with open(path) as f:
             data = f.read()
@@ -23,8 +63,8 @@ def main():
             for lineno, line in enumerate(data.split('\n'), 1):
                 line = line.rstrip()
                 if "pdb.set_trace" in line:
-                    print("%s: %s" % (lineno, line))
-                    sys.exit(
+                    print("%s:%s %s" % (path, lineno, line))
+                    return exit(
                         "commit aborted: you forgot a pdb in your python code")
         # bare except clause
@@ -32,16 +72,23 @@ def main():
             for lineno, line in enumerate(data.split('\n'), 1):
                 line = line.rstrip()
                 if "except:" in line and not line.endswith("# NOQA"):
-                    print("%s: %s" % (lineno, line))
-                    sys.exit("commit aborted: bare except clause")
+                    print("%s:%s %s" % (path, lineno, line))
+                    return exit("commit aborted: bare except clause")
     # flake8
-    failed = False
-    for path in files:
-        ret = subprocess.call("python -m flake8 %s" % path, shell=True)
+    if py_files:
+        try:
+            import flake8  # NOQA
+        except ImportError:
+            return exit("commit aborted: flake8 is not installed; "
+                        "run 'make setup-dev-env'")
+        # XXX: we should scape spaces and possibly other amenities here
+        ret = subprocess.call(
+            "%s -m flake8 %s" % (sys.executable, " ".join(py_files)),
+            shell=True)
         if ret != 0:
-            failed = True
-    if failed:
-        sys.exit("commit aborted: python code is not flake8-compliant")
+            return exit("commit aborted: python code is not flake8 compliant")
diff --git a/CREDITS b/CREDITS
index ab555ef..4dcb888 100644
@@ -398,3 +398,21 @@ I: 863
 N: Ilya Georgievsky
 W: https://github.com/xBeAsTx
 I: 870
+N: Yago Jesus
+W: https://github.com/YJesus
+I: 798
+N: Andre Caron
+C: Montreal, QC, Canada
+E: andre.l.caron at gmail.com
+W: https://github.com/AndreLouisCaron
+I: 880
+N: ewedlund
+W: https://github.com/ewedlund
+I: 874
+N: Arcadiy Ivanov
+W: https://github.com/arcivanov
+I: 919
diff --git a/DEVGUIDE.rst b/DEVGUIDE.rst
index ebd919a..95bea79 100644
--- a/DEVGUIDE.rst
+++ b/DEVGUIDE.rst
@@ -141,16 +141,11 @@ Documentation
 Releasing a new version
-These are note for myself (Giampaolo):
-- make sure all tests pass and all builds are green.
-- upload source tarball on PYPI with ``make upload-src``.
-- upload exe and wheel files for windows on PYPI with ``make upload-all``.
-  - ...or by using atrifacts hosted on AppVeyor with ``make win-download-exes``
-    and ``make win-upload-exes``,
-- upload updated doc on http://pythonhosted.org/psutil with ``make upload-doc``.
-- GIT tag the new release with ``make git-tag-release``.
-- post on psutil and python-announce mailing lists, twitter, g+, blog.
+These are notes for myself (Giampaolo):
+- ``make release``
+- post announce (``make print-announce``) on psutil and python-announce mailing
+  lists, twitter, g+, blog.
 FreeBSD notes
diff --git a/HISTORY.rst b/HISTORY.rst
index 3a75c75..c6388c5 100644
--- a/HISTORY.rst
+++ b/HISTORY.rst
@@ -1,34 +1,113 @@
-Bug tracker at https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues
+*Bug tracker at https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues*
-4.3.1 - XXXX-XX-XX
+- 799_: new Process.oneshot() context manager making Process methods around
+  +2x faster in general and from +2x to +6x faster on Windows.
+- 943_: better error message in case of version conflict on import.
+**Bug fixes**
+- 932_: [NetBSD] net_connections() and Process.connections() may fail without
+  raising an exception.
+- 933_: [Windows] memory leak in cpu_stats() and WindowsService.description().
+**Bug fixes**
+- 931_: psutil no longer compiles on Solaris.
+**Bug fixes**
+- 927_: ``Popen.__del__`` may cause maximum recursion depth error.
-- #881: "make install" now works also when using a virtual env.
+- 874_: [Windows] net_if_addrs() returns also the netmask.
+- 887_: [Linux] virtual_memory()'s 'available' and 'used' values are more
+  precise and match "free" cmdline utility.  "available" also takes into
+  account LCX containers preventing "available" to overflow "total".
+- 891_: procinfo.py script has been updated and provides a lot more info.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #854: Process.as_dict() raises ValueError if passed an erroneous attrs name.
-- #857: [SunOS] Process cpu_times(), cpu_percent(), threads() amd memory_maps()
+- 514_: [OSX] possibly fix Process.memory_maps() segfault (critical!).
+- 783_: [OSX] Process.status() may erroneously return "running" for zombie
+  processes.
+- 798_: [Windows] Process.open_files() returns and empty list on Windows 10.
+- 825_: [Linux] cpu_affinity; fix possible double close and use of unopened
+  socket.
+- 880_: [Windows] Handle race condition inside psutil_net_connections.
+- 885_: ValueError is raised if a negative integer is passed to cpu_percent()
+  functions.
+- 892_: [Linux] Process.cpu_affinity([-1]) raise SystemError with no error
+  set; now ValueError is raised.
+- 906_: [BSD] disk_partitions(all=False) returned an empty list. Now the
+  argument is ignored and all partitions are always returned.
+- 907_: [FreeBSD] Process.exe() may fail with OSError(ENOENT).
+- 908_: [OSX, BSD] different process methods could errounesuly mask the real
+  error for high-privileged PIDs and raise NoSuchProcess and AccessDenied
+  instead of OSError and RuntimeError.
+- 909_: [OSX] Process open_files() and connections() methods may raise
+  OSError with no exception set if process is gone.
+- 916_: [OSX] fix many compilation warnings.
+- 881_: "make install" now works also when using a virtual env.
+**Bug fixes**
+- 854_: Process.as_dict() raises ValueError if passed an erroneous attrs name.
+- 857_: [SunOS] Process cpu_times(), cpu_percent(), threads() amd memory_maps()
   may raise RuntimeError if attempting to query a 64bit process with a 32bit
   python. "Null" values are returned as a fallback.
-- #858: Process.as_dict() should not return memory_info_ex() because it's
+- 858_: Process.as_dict() should not return memory_info_ex() because it's
-- #863: [Windows] memory_map truncates addresses above 32 bits
-- #866: [Windows] win_service_iter() and services in general are not able to
+- 863_: [Windows] memory_map truncates addresses above 32 bits
+- 866_: [Windows] win_service_iter() and services in general are not able to
   handle unicode service names / descriptions.
-- #869: [Windows] Process.wait() may raise TimeoutExpired with wrong timeout
+- 869_: [Windows] Process.wait() may raise TimeoutExpired with wrong timeout
   unit (ms instead of sec).
-- #870: [Windows] Handle leak inside psutil_get_process_data.
+- 870_: [Windows] Handle leak inside psutil_get_process_data.
-4.3.0 - 2016-06-18
-- #819: [Linux] different speedup improvements:
+- 819_: [Linux] different speedup improvements:
   Process.ppid() is 20% faster
   Process.status() is 28% faster
   Process.name() is 25% faster
@@ -36,24 +115,26 @@ Bug tracker at https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues
 **Bug fixes**
-- #810: [Windows] Windows wheels are incompatible with pip 7.1.2.
-- #812: [NetBSD] fix compilation on NetBSD-5.x.
-- #823: [NetBSD] virtual_memory() raises TypeError on Python 3.
-- #829: [UNIX] psutil.disk_usage() percent field takes root reserved space
+- 810_: [Windows] Windows wheels are incompatible with pip 7.1.2.
+- 812_: [NetBSD] fix compilation on NetBSD-5.x.
+- 823_: [NetBSD] virtual_memory() raises TypeError on Python 3.
+- 829_: [UNIX] psutil.disk_usage() percent field takes root reserved space
   into account.
-- #816: [Windows] fixed net_io_counter() values wrapping after 4.3GB in
+- 816_: [Windows] fixed net_io_counter() values wrapping after 4.3GB in
   Windows Vista (NT 6.0) and above using 64bit values from newer win APIs.
-4.2.0 - 2016-05-14
-- #795: [Windows] new APIs to deal with Windows services: win_service_iter()
+- 795_: [Windows] new APIs to deal with Windows services: win_service_iter()
   and win_service_get().
-- #800: [Linux] psutil.virtual_memory() returns a new "shared" memory field.
-- #819: [Linux] speedup /proc parsing:
+- 800_: [Linux] psutil.virtual_memory() returns a new "shared" memory field.
+- 819_: [Linux] speedup /proc parsing:
   - Process.ppid() is 20% faster
   - Process.status() is 28% faster
   - Process.name() is 25% faster
@@ -61,164 +142,180 @@ Bug tracker at https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues
 **Bug fixes**
-- #797: [Linux] net_if_stats() may raise OSError for certain NIC cards.
-- #813: Process.as_dict() should ignore extraneous attribute names which gets
+- 797_: [Linux] net_if_stats() may raise OSError for certain NIC cards.
+- 813_: Process.as_dict() should ignore extraneous attribute names which gets
   attached to the Process instance.
-4.1.0 - 2016-03-12
-- #777: [Linux] Process.open_files() on Linux return 3 new fields: position,
+- 777_: [Linux] Process.open_files() on Linux return 3 new fields: position,
   mode and flags.
-- #779: Process.cpu_times() returns two new fields, 'children_user' and
+- 779_: Process.cpu_times() returns two new fields, 'children_user' and
   'children_system' (always set to 0 on OSX and Windows).
-- #789: [Windows] psutil.cpu_times() return two new fields: "interrupt" and
+- 789_: [Windows] psutil.cpu_times() return two new fields: "interrupt" and
   "dpc". Same for psutil.cpu_times_percent().
-- #792: new psutil.cpu_stats() function returning number of CPU ctx switches
+- 792_: new psutil.cpu_stats() function returning number of CPU ctx switches
   interrupts, soft interrupts and syscalls.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #774: [FreeBSD] net_io_counters() dropout is no longer set to 0 if the kernel
+- 774_: [FreeBSD] net_io_counters() dropout is no longer set to 0 if the kernel
   provides it.
-- #776: [Linux] Process.cpu_affinity() may erroneously raise NoSuchProcess.
+- 776_: [Linux] Process.cpu_affinity() may erroneously raise NoSuchProcess.
   (patch by wxwright)
-- #780: [OSX] psutil does not compile with some gcc versions.
-- #786: net_if_addrs() may report incomplete MAC addresses.
-- #788: [NetBSD] virtual_memory()'s buffers and shared values were set to 0.
-- #790: [OSX] psutil won't compile on OSX 10.4.
+- 780_: [OSX] psutil does not compile with some gcc versions.
+- 786_: net_if_addrs() may report incomplete MAC addresses.
+- 788_: [NetBSD] virtual_memory()'s buffers and shared values were set to 0.
+- 790_: [OSX] psutil won't compile on OSX 10.4.
-4.0.0 - 2016-02-17
-- #523: [Linux, FreeBSD] disk_io_counters() return a new "busy_time" field.
-- #660: [Windows] make.bat is smarter in finding alternative VS install
+- 523_: [Linux, FreeBSD] disk_io_counters() return a new "busy_time" field.
+- 660_: [Windows] make.bat is smarter in finding alternative VS install
   locations.  (patch by mpderbec)
-- #732: Process.environ().  (patch by Frank Benkstein)
-- #753: [Linux, OSX, Windows] Process USS and PSS (Linux) "real" memory stats.
+- 732_: Process.environ().  (patch by Frank Benkstein)
+- 753_: [Linux, OSX, Windows] Process USS and PSS (Linux) "real" memory stats.
   (patch by Eric Rahm)
-- #755: Process.memory_percent() "memtype" parameter.
-- #758: tests now live in psutil namespace.
-- #760: expose OS constants (psutil.LINUX, psutil.OSX, etc.)
-- #756: [Linux] disk_io_counters() return 2 new fields: read_merged_count and
+- 755_: Process.memory_percent() "memtype" parameter.
+- 758_: tests now live in psutil namespace.
+- 760_: expose OS constants (psutil.LINUX, psutil.OSX, etc.)
+- 756_: [Linux] disk_io_counters() return 2 new fields: read_merged_count and
-- #762: new scripts/procsmem.py script.
+- 762_: new scripts/procsmem.py script.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #685: [Linux] virtual_memory() provides wrong results on systems with a lot
+- 685_: [Linux] virtual_memory() provides wrong results on systems with a lot
   of physical memory.
-- #704: [Solaris] psutil does not compile on Solaris sparc.
-- #734: on Python 3 invalid UTF-8 data is not correctly handled for process
+- 704_: [Solaris] psutil does not compile on Solaris sparc.
+- 734_: on Python 3 invalid UTF-8 data is not correctly handled for process
   name(), cwd(), exe(), cmdline() and open_files() methods resulting in
   UnicodeDecodeError exceptions. 'surrogateescape' error handler is now
   used as a workaround for replacing the corrupted data.
-- #737: [Windows] when the bitness of psutil and the target process was
+- 737_: [Windows] when the bitness of psutil and the target process was
   different cmdline() and cwd() could return a wrong result or incorrectly
   report an AccessDenied error.
-- #741: [OpenBSD] psutil does not compile on mips64.
-- #751: [Linux] fixed call to Py_DECREF on possible Null object.
-- #754: [Linux] cmdline() can be wrong in case of zombie process.
-- #759: [Linux] Process.memory_maps() may return paths ending with " (deleted)"
-- #761: [Windows] psutil.boot_time() wraps to 0 after 49 days.
-- #764: [NetBSD] fix compilation on NetBSD-6.x.
-- #766: [Linux] net_connections() can't handle malformed /proc/net/unix file.
-- #767: [Linux] disk_io_counters() may raise ValueError on 2.6 kernels and it's
+- 741_: [OpenBSD] psutil does not compile on mips64.
+- 751_: [Linux] fixed call to Py_DECREF on possible Null object.
+- 754_: [Linux] cmdline() can be wrong in case of zombie process.
+- 759_: [Linux] Process.memory_maps() may return paths ending with " (deleted)"
+- 761_: [Windows] psutil.boot_time() wraps to 0 after 49 days.
+- 764_: [NetBSD] fix compilation on NetBSD-6.x.
+- 766_: [Linux] net_connections() can't handle malformed /proc/net/unix file.
+- 767_: [Linux] disk_io_counters() may raise ValueError on 2.6 kernels and it's
   broken on 2.4 kernels.
-- #770: [NetBSD] disk_io_counters() metrics didn't update.
+- 770_: [NetBSD] disk_io_counters() metrics didn't update.
-3.4.2 - 2016-01-20
-- #728: [Solaris] exposed psutil.PROCFS_PATH constant to change the default
+- 728_: [Solaris] exposed psutil.PROCFS_PATH constant to change the default
   location of /proc filesystem.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #724: [FreeBSD] psutil.virtual_memory().total is incorrect.
-- #730: [FreeBSD] psutil.virtual_memory() crashes.
+- 724_: [FreeBSD] psutil.virtual_memory().total is incorrect.
+- 730_: [FreeBSD] psutil.virtual_memory() crashes.
-3.4.1 - 2016-01-15
-- #557: [NetBSD] added NetBSD support.  (contributed by Ryo Onodera and
+- 557_: [NetBSD] added NetBSD support.  (contributed by Ryo Onodera and
   Thomas Klausner)
-- #708: [Linux] psutil.net_connections() and Process.connections() on Python 2
+- 708_: [Linux] psutil.net_connections() and Process.connections() on Python 2
   can be up to 3x faster in case of many connections.
   Also psutil.Process.memory_maps() is slightly faster.
-- #718: process_iter() is now thread safe.
+- 718_: process_iter() is now thread safe.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #714: [OpenBSD] virtual_memory().cached value was always set to 0.
-- #715: don't crash at import time if cpu_times() fail for some reason.
-- #717: [Linux] Process.open_files fails if deleted files still visible.
-- #722: [Linux] swap_memory() no longer crashes if sin/sout can't be determined
+- 714_: [OpenBSD] virtual_memory().cached value was always set to 0.
+- 715_: don't crash at import time if cpu_times() fail for some reason.
+- 717_: [Linux] Process.open_files fails if deleted files still visible.
+- 722_: [Linux] swap_memory() no longer crashes if sin/sout can't be determined
   due to missing /proc/vmstat.
-- #724: [FreeBSD] virtual_memory().total is slightly incorrect.
+- 724_: [FreeBSD] virtual_memory().total is slightly incorrect.
-3.3.0 - 2015-11-25
-- #558: [Linux] exposed psutil.PROCFS_PATH constant to change the default
+- 558_: [Linux] exposed psutil.PROCFS_PATH constant to change the default
   location of /proc filesystem.
-- #615: [OpenBSD] added OpenBSD support.  (contributed by Landry Breuil)
+- 615_: [OpenBSD] added OpenBSD support.  (contributed by Landry Breuil)
 **Bug fixes**
-- #692: [UNIX] Process.name() is no longer cached as it may change.
+- 692_: [UNIX] Process.name() is no longer cached as it may change.
-3.2.2 - 2015-10-04
 **Bug fixes**
-- #517: [SunOS] net_io_counters failed to detect network interfaces
+- 517_: [SunOS] net_io_counters failed to detect network interfaces
   correctly on Solaris 10
-- #541: [FreeBSD] disk_io_counters r/w times were expressed in seconds instead
+- 541_: [FreeBSD] disk_io_counters r/w times were expressed in seconds instead
   of milliseconds.  (patch by dasumin)
-- #610: [SunOS] fix build and tests on Solaris 10
-- #623: [Linux] process or system connections raises ValueError if IPv6 is not
+- 610_: [SunOS] fix build and tests on Solaris 10
+- 623_: [Linux] process or system connections raises ValueError if IPv6 is not
   supported by the system.
-- #678: [Linux] can't install psutil due to bug in setup.py.
-- #688: [Windows] compilation fails with MSVC 2015, Python 3.5. (patch by
+- 678_: [Linux] can't install psutil due to bug in setup.py.
+- 688_: [Windows] compilation fails with MSVC 2015, Python 3.5. (patch by
   Mike Sarahan)
-3.2.1 - 2015-09-03
 **Bug fixes**
-- #677: [Linux] can't install psutil due to bug in setup.py.
+- 677_: [Linux] can't install psutil due to bug in setup.py.
-3.2.0 - 2015-09-02
-- #644: [Windows] added support for CTRL_C_EVENT and CTRL_BREAK_EVENT signals
+- 644_: [Windows] added support for CTRL_C_EVENT and CTRL_BREAK_EVENT signals
   to use with Process.send_signal().
-- #648: CI test integration for OSX. (patch by Jeff Tang)
-- #663: [UNIX] net_if_addrs() now returns point-to-point (VPNs) addresses.
-- #655: [Windows] different issues regarding unicode handling were fixed. On
+- 648_: CI test integration for OSX. (patch by Jeff Tang)
+- 663_: [UNIX] net_if_addrs() now returns point-to-point (VPNs) addresses.
+- 655_: [Windows] different issues regarding unicode handling were fixed. On
   Python 2 all APIs returning a string will now return an encoded version of it
   by using sys.getfilesystemencoding() codec. The APIs involved are:
   - psutil.net_if_addrs()
@@ -231,258 +328,280 @@ Bug tracker at https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues
 **Bug fixes**
-- #513: [Linux] fixed integer overflow for RLIM_INFINITY.
-- #641: [Windows] fixed many compilation warnings.  (patch by Jeff Tang)
-- #652: [Windows] net_if_addrs() UnicodeDecodeError in case of non-ASCII NIC
+- 513_: [Linux] fixed integer overflow for RLIM_INFINITY.
+- 641_: [Windows] fixed many compilation warnings.  (patch by Jeff Tang)
+- 652_: [Windows] net_if_addrs() UnicodeDecodeError in case of non-ASCII NIC
-- #655: [Windows] net_if_stats() UnicodeDecodeError in case of non-ASCII NIC
+- 655_: [Windows] net_if_stats() UnicodeDecodeError in case of non-ASCII NIC
-- #659: [Linux] compilation error on Suse 10. (patch by maozguttman)
-- #664: [Linux] compilation error on Alpine Linux. (patch by Bart van Kleef)
-- #670: [Windows] segfgault of net_if_addrs() in case of non-ASCII NIC names.
+- 659_: [Linux] compilation error on Suse 10. (patch by maozguttman)
+- 664_: [Linux] compilation error on Alpine Linux. (patch by Bart van Kleef)
+- 670_: [Windows] segfgault of net_if_addrs() in case of non-ASCII NIC names.
   (patch by sk6249)
-- #672: [Windows] compilation fails if using Windows SDK v8.0. (patch by
+- 672_: [Windows] compilation fails if using Windows SDK v8.0. (patch by
   Steven Winfield)
-- #675: [Linux] net_connections(); UnicodeDecodeError may occur when listing
+- 675_: [Linux] net_connections(); UnicodeDecodeError may occur when listing
   UNIX sockets.
-3.1.1 - 2015-07-15
 **Bug fixes**
-- #603: [Linux] ionice_set value range is incorrect.  (patch by spacewander)
-- #645: [Linux] psutil.cpu_times_percent() may produce negative results.
-- #656: 'from psutil import *' does not work.
+- 603_: [Linux] ionice_set value range is incorrect.  (patch by spacewander)
+- 645_: [Linux] psutil.cpu_times_percent() may produce negative results.
+- 656_: 'from psutil import *' does not work.
-3.1.0 - 2015-07-15
-- #534: [Linux] disk_partitions() added support for ZFS filesystems.
-- #646: continuous tests integration for Windows with
+- 534_: [Linux] disk_partitions() added support for ZFS filesystems.
+- 646_: continuous tests integration for Windows with
-- #647: new dev guide:
+- 647_: new dev guide:
-- #651: continuous code quality test integration with
+- 651_: continuous code quality test integration with
 **Bug fixes**
-- #340: [Windows] Process.open_files() no longer hangs. Instead it uses a
+- 340_: [Windows] Process.open_files() no longer hangs. Instead it uses a
   thred which times out and skips the file handle in case it's taking too long
   to be retrieved.  (patch by Jeff Tang, PR #597)
-- #627: [Windows] Process.name() no longer raises AccessDenied for pids owned
+- 627_: [Windows] Process.name() no longer raises AccessDenied for pids owned
   by another user.
-- #636: [Windows] Process.memory_info() raise AccessDenied.
-- #637: [UNIX] raise exception if trying to send signal to Process PID 0 as it
+- 636_: [Windows] Process.memory_info() raise AccessDenied.
+- 637_: [UNIX] raise exception if trying to send signal to Process PID 0 as it
   will affect os.getpid()'s process group instead of PID 0.
-- #639: [Linux] Process.cmdline() can be truncated.
-- #640: [Linux] *connections functions may swallow errors and return an
+- 639_: [Linux] Process.cmdline() can be truncated.
+- 640_: [Linux] *connections functions may swallow errors and return an
   incomplete list of connnections.
-- #642: repr() of exceptions is incorrect.
-- #653: [Windows] Add inet_ntop function for Windows XP to support IPv6.
-- #641: [Windows] Replace deprecated string functions with safe equivalents.
+- 642_: repr() of exceptions is incorrect.
+- 653_: [Windows] Add inet_ntop function for Windows XP to support IPv6.
+- 641_: [Windows] Replace deprecated string functions with safe equivalents.
-3.0.1 - 2015-06-18
 **Bug fixes**
-- #632: [Linux] better error message if cannot parse process UNIX connections.
-- #634: [Linux] Proces.cmdline() does not include empty string arguments.
-- #635: [UNIX] crash on module import if 'enum' package is installed on python
+- 632_: [Linux] better error message if cannot parse process UNIX connections.
+- 634_: [Linux] Proces.cmdline() does not include empty string arguments.
+- 635_: [UNIX] crash on module import if 'enum' package is installed on python
   < 3.4.
-3.0.0 - 2015-06-13
-- #250: new psutil.net_if_stats() returning NIC statistics (isup, duplex,
+- 250_: new psutil.net_if_stats() returning NIC statistics (isup, duplex,
   speed, MTU).
-- #376: new psutil.net_if_addrs() returning all NIC addresses a-la ifconfig.
-- #469: on Python >= 3.4 ``IOPRIO_CLASS_*`` and ``*_PRIORITY_CLASS`` constants
+- 376_: new psutil.net_if_addrs() returning all NIC addresses a-la ifconfig.
+- 469_: on Python >= 3.4 ``IOPRIO_CLASS_*`` and ``*_PRIORITY_CLASS`` constants
   returned by psutil.Process' ionice() and nice() methods are enums instead of
   plain integers.
-- #581: add .gitignore. (patch by Gabi Davar)
-- #582: connection constants returned by psutil.net_connections() and
+- 581_: add .gitignore. (patch by Gabi Davar)
+- 582_: connection constants returned by psutil.net_connections() and
   psutil.Process.connections() were turned from int to enums on Python > 3.4.
-- #587: Move native extension into the package.
-- #589: Process.cpu_affinity() accepts any kind of iterable (set, tuple, ...),
+- 587_: Move native extension into the package.
+- 589_: Process.cpu_affinity() accepts any kind of iterable (set, tuple, ...),
   not only lists.
-- #594: all deprecated APIs were removed.
-- #599: [Windows] process name() can now be determined for all processes even
+- 594_: all deprecated APIs were removed.
+- 599_: [Windows] process name() can now be determined for all processes even
   when running as a limited user.
-- #602: pre-commit GIT hook.
-- #629: enhanced support for py.test and nose test discovery and tests run.
-- #616: [Windows] Add inet_ntop function for Windows XP.
+- 602_: pre-commit GIT hook.
+- 629_: enhanced support for py.test and nose test discovery and tests run.
+- 616_: [Windows] Add inet_ntop function for Windows XP.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #428: [all UNIXes except Linux] correct handling of zombie processes;
+- 428_: [all UNIXes except Linux] correct handling of zombie processes;
   introduced new ZombieProcess exception class.
-- #512: [BSD] fix segfault in net_connections().
-- #555: [Linux] psutil.users() correctly handles ":0" as an alias for
+- 512_: [BSD] fix segfault in net_connections().
+- 555_: [Linux] psutil.users() correctly handles ":0" as an alias for
-- #579: [Windows] Fixed open_files() for PID>64K.
-- #579: [Windows] fixed many compiler warnings.
-- #585: [FreeBSD] net_connections() may raise KeyError.
-- #586: [FreeBSD] cpu_affinity() segfaults on set in case an invalid CPU
+- 579_: [Windows] Fixed open_files() for PID>64K.
+- 579_: [Windows] fixed many compiler warnings.
+- 585_: [FreeBSD] net_connections() may raise KeyError.
+- 586_: [FreeBSD] cpu_affinity() segfaults on set in case an invalid CPU
   number is provided.
-- #593: [FreeBSD] Process().memory_maps() segfaults.
-- #606: Process.parent() may swallow NoSuchProcess exceptions.
-- #611: [SunOS] net_io_counters has send and received swapped
-- #614: [Linux]: cpu_count(logical=False) return the number of physical CPUs
+- 593_: [FreeBSD] Process().memory_maps() segfaults.
+- 606_: Process.parent() may swallow NoSuchProcess exceptions.
+- 611_: [SunOS] net_io_counters has send and received swapped
+- 614_: [Linux]: cpu_count(logical=False) return the number of physical CPUs
   instead of physical cores.
-- #618: [SunOS] swap tests fail on Solaris when run as normal user
-- #628: [Linux] Process.name() truncates process name in case it contains
+- 618_: [SunOS] swap tests fail on Solaris when run as normal user
+- 628_: [Linux] Process.name() truncates process name in case it contains
   spaces or parentheses.
-2.2.1 - 2015-02-02
 **Bug fixes**
-- #496: [Linux] fix "ValueError: ambiguos inode with multiple PIDs references"
+- 496_: [Linux] fix "ValueError: ambiguos inode with multiple PIDs references"
   (patch by Bruno Binet)
-2.2.0 - 2015-01-06
-- #521: drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.
-- #553: new examples/pstree.py script.
-- #564: C extension version mismatch in case the user messed up with psutil
+- 521_: drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.
+- 553_: new examples/pstree.py script.
+- 564_: C extension version mismatch in case the user messed up with psutil
   installation or with sys.path is now detected at import time.
-- #568: New examples/pidof.py script.
-- #569: [FreeBSD] add support for process CPU affinity.
+- 568_: New examples/pidof.py script.
+- 569_: [FreeBSD] add support for process CPU affinity.
 **Bug fixes**
-- #496: [Solaris] can't import psutil.
-- #547: [UNIX] Process.username() may raise KeyError if UID can't be resolved.
-- #551: [Windows] get rid of the unicode hack for net_io_counters() NIC names.
-- #556: [Linux] lots of file handles were left open.
-- #561: [Linux] net_connections() might skip some legitimate UNIX sockets.
+- 496_: [Solaris] can't import psutil.
+- 547_: [UNIX] Process.username() may raise KeyError if UID can't be resolved.
+- 551_: [Windows] get rid of the unicode hack for net_io_counters() NIC names.
+- 556_: [Linux] lots of file handles were left open.
+- 561_: [Linux] net_connections() might skip some legitimate UNIX sockets.
   (patch by spacewander)
-- #565: [Windows] use proper encoding for psutil.Process.username() and
+- 565_: [Windows] use proper encoding for psutil.Process.username() and
   psutil.users(). (patch by Sylvain Mouquet)
-- #567: [Linux] in the alternative implementation of CPU affinity PyList_Append
+- 567_: [Linux] in the alternative implementation of CPU affinity PyList_Append
   and Py_BuildValue return values are not checked.
-- #569: [FreeBSD] fix memory leak in psutil.cpu_count(logical=False).
-- #571: [Linux] Process.open_files() might swallow AccessDenied exceptions and
+- 569_: [FreeBSD] fix memory leak in psutil.cpu_count(logical=False).
+- 571_: [Linux] Process.open_files() might swallow AccessDenied exceptions and
   return an incomplete list of open files.
-2.1.3 - 2014-09-26
-- #536: [Linux]: fix "undefined symbol: CPU_ALLOC" compilation error.
... 16130 lines suppressed ...

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