[Python-modules-commits] [pywavelets] 07/07: merge patched into master
Daniele Tricoli
eriol-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 13 00:21:20 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eriol-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pywavelets.
commit fbf4143ac2f7058e731a800e1cf7ffa4185bb9ff
Merge: f137db8 d7710cd
Author: Daniele Tricoli <eriol at mornie.org>
Date: Tue Dec 13 01:19:03 2016 +0100
merge patched into master
CHANGES.txt | 10 +
COPYING.txt | 20 -
MANIFEST.in | 2 +-
PKG-INFO | 11 +-
PKG-INFO => PyWavelets.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 11 +-
PyWavelets.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 166 +
PyWavelets.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 +
PyWavelets.egg-info/requires.txt | 1 +
PyWavelets.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 +
README => README.rst | 105 +-
THANKS.txt | 0
cythonize.dat | 1 -
debian/.git-dpm | 6 +-
debian/patches/01-get_version_from_source.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/02-remove_privacy_offenders.patch | 13 +-
.../do_not_rewrite_git_revision_on_build.patch | 6 +-
demo/_dwt_decompose.c | 2 +-
demo/batch_processing.py | 101 +
demo/benchmark.py | 2 +-
demo/cwt_analysis.py | 35 +
demo/data/aero.png | Bin 229482 -> 0 bytes
demo/dwt2_dwtn_image.py | 4 +-
demo/dwt_signal_decomposition.py | 7 +-
demo/dwt_swt_show_coeffs.py | 8 +-
demo/image_blender.py | 12 +-
demo/plot_wavelets.py | 0
demo/swt2.py | 7 +-
demo/waveinfo.py | 58 +-
demo/wp_2d.py | 8 +-
demo/wp_scalogram.py | 2 +-
demo/wp_visualize_coeffs_distribution.py | 4 +-
doc/Makefile | 0
doc/doc2html.bat | 0
doc/make.bat | 0
doc/release/0.3.0-notes.rst | 0
doc/release/0.4.0-notes.rst | 166 +
doc/release/0.5.0-notes.rst | 240 +
doc/release/0.5.1-notes.rst | 34 +
doc/source/COPYING.txt | 19 -
doc/source/_static/comments.png | Bin
doc/source/_static/favicon.ico | Bin
doc/source/_static/github.png | Bin
doc/source/_static/page_edit.png | Bin
doc/source/_static/twitter.png | Bin
doc/source/_static/wave.png | Bin
doc/source/_templates/editdocument.html | 6 +-
doc/source/_templates/page.html | 0
doc/source/_templates/quicklinks.html | 5 +-
doc/source/conf.py | 3 +-
doc/source/contents.rst | 0
doc/source/dev/building_extension.rst | 6 +-
doc/source/dev/how_to_release.rst | 113 +
doc/source/dev/index.rst | 3 +-
doc/source/dev/installing_build_dependencies.rst | 23 +-
.../dev/preparing_linux_build_environment.rst | 0
.../dev/preparing_windows_build_environment.rst | 18 +-
doc/source/dev/testing.rst | 9 +-
doc/source/index.rst | 27 +-
doc/source/overview.rst | 0
doc/source/ref/2d-dwt-and-idwt.rst | 144 +-
doc/source/ref/cwt.rst | 19 +
doc/source/ref/dwt-coefficient-handling.rst | 20 +
doc/source/ref/dwt-discrete-wavelet-transform.rst | 153 +-
.../idwt-inverse-discrete-wavelet-transform.rst | 97 +-
doc/source/ref/index.rst | 4 +
.../iswt-inverse-stationary-wavelet-transform.rst | 26 +
doc/source/ref/nd-dwt-and-idwt.rst | 24 +
doc/source/ref/other-functions.rst | 89 +-
doc/source/ref/signal-extension-modes.rst | 60 +-
.../ref/swt-stationary-wavelet-transform.rst | 85 +-
doc/source/ref/thresholding-functions.rst | 61 +-
doc/source/ref/wavelet-packets.rst | 48 +-
doc/source/ref/wavelets.rst | 206 +-
doc/source/regression/dwt-idwt.rst | 87 +-
doc/source/regression/gotchas.rst | 2 +-
doc/source/regression/index.rst | 0
doc/source/regression/modes.rst | 108 +-
doc/source/regression/multilevel.rst | 24 +-
doc/source/regression/wavelet.rst | 72 +-
doc/source/regression/wp.rst | 117 +-
doc/source/regression/wp2d.rst | 122 +-
doc/source/release.0.3.0.rst | 0
doc/source/release.0.4.0.rst | 1 +
doc/source/release.0.5.0.rst | 1 +
doc/source/release.0.5.1.rst | 1 +
doc/source/releasenotes.rst | 3 +
doc/source/resources.rst | 0
doc/source/substitutions.rst | 5 +-
pywt/__init__.py | 25 +-
pywt/_cwt.py | 95 +
pywt/_dwt.py | 343 +
{util => pywt/_extensions}/__init__.py | 0
pywt/_extensions/_cwt.c | 26237 +++++++++++
pywt/_extensions/_cwt.pxd | 6 +
pywt/_extensions/_cwt.pyx | 124 +
pywt/_extensions/_dwt.c | 32430 +++++++++++++
pywt/_extensions/_dwt.pxd | 3 +
pywt/_extensions/_dwt.pyx | 349 +
pywt/_extensions/_pywt.c | 39763 ++++++++++++++++
pywt/_extensions/_pywt.h | 63 +
pywt/_extensions/_pywt.pxd | 26 +
pywt/_extensions/_pywt.pyx | 980 +
pywt/_extensions/_swt.c | 27343 +++++++++++
pywt/_extensions/_swt.pyx | 197 +
pywt/_extensions/c/common.c | 106 +
pywt/{src => _extensions/c}/common.h | 70 +-
pywt/_extensions/c/convolution.c | 15 +
pywt/_extensions/c/convolution.h | 17 +
pywt/_extensions/c/convolution.template.c | 557 +
pywt/_extensions/c/convolution.template.h | 95 +
pywt/_extensions/c/cwt.c | 16 +
pywt/_extensions/c/cwt.h | 21 +
pywt/_extensions/c/cwt.template.c | 227 +
pywt/_extensions/c/cwt.template.h | 43 +
pywt/_extensions/c/templating.h | 4 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wavelets.c | 686 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wavelets.h | 115 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wavelets_coeffs.h | 30 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wavelets_coeffs.template.h | 3061 ++
pywt/_extensions/c/wt.c | 15 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wt.h | 19 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wt.template.c | 512 +
pywt/_extensions/c/wt.template.h | 83 +
pywt/_extensions/c_wt.pxd | 129 +
pywt/_extensions/common.pxd | 42 +
pywt/_extensions/wavelet.pxd | 80 +
pywt/_extensions/wavelets_list.pxi | 186 +
pywt/{functions.py => _functions.py} | 173 +-
pywt/_multidim.py | 286 +
pywt/_multilevel.py | 775 +
pywt/_swt.py | 399 +
pywt/{thresholding.py => _thresholding.py} | 5 +-
pywt/{wavelet_packets.py => _wavelet_packets.py} | 34 +-
pywt/data/__init__.py | 1 +
pywt/data/_readers.py | 185 +
pywt/data/aero.npz | Bin 0 -> 227784 bytes
pywt/data/ascent.npz | Bin 0 -> 170883 bytes
pywt/data/camera.npz | Bin 0 -> 160418 bytes
pywt/data/create_dat.py | 39 +
{demo => pywt}/data/ecg.npy | Bin
pywt/data/sst_nino3.npz | Bin 0 -> 64200 bytes
pywt/multidim.py | 423 -
pywt/multilevel.py | 222 -
pywt/setup.py | 28 -
pywt/src/_pywt.c | 45330 -------------------
pywt/src/_pywt.h | 44 -
pywt/src/_pywt.pyx | 1273 -
pywt/src/c_wt.pxd | 132 -
pywt/src/common.c | 75 -
pywt/src/convolution.c | 1859 -
pywt/src/convolution.c.src | 929 -
pywt/src/convolution.h | 163 -
pywt/src/convolution.h.src | 84 -
pywt/src/wavelets.c | 1357 -
pywt/src/wavelets.c.src | 463 -
pywt/src/wavelets.h | 81 -
pywt/src/wavelets_coeffs.h | 880 -
pywt/src/wavelets_coeffs.h.src | 449 -
pywt/src/wavelets_list.pxi | 98 -
pywt/src/wt.c | 449 -
pywt/src/wt.c.src | 225 -
pywt/src/wt.h | 113 -
pywt/src/wt.h.src | 64 -
pywt/tests/data/cwt_matlabR2015b_result.npz | Bin 0 -> 1819506 bytes
pywt/tests/data/dwt_matlabR2012a_result.npz | Bin 0 -> 2488918 bytes
pywt/tests/data/generate_matlab_data.py | 94 +
pywt/tests/data/generate_matlab_data_cwt.py | 86 +
pywt/tests/test__pywt.py | 116 +-
pywt/tests/test_cwt_wavelets.py | 314 +
pywt/tests/test_data.py | 42 +
pywt/tests/test_deprecations.py | 98 +
pywt/tests/test_doc.py | 0
pywt/tests/test_dwt_idwt.py | 164 +-
pywt/tests/test_functions.py | 18 +-
pywt/tests/test_matlab_compatibility.py | 214 +-
pywt/tests/test_matlab_compatibility_cwt.py | 185 +
pywt/tests/test_modes.py | 89 +-
pywt/tests/test_multidim.py | 273 +-
pywt/tests/test_multilevel.py | 566 +-
pywt/tests/test_perfect_reconstruction.py | 14 +-
pywt/tests/test_swt.py | 266 +
pywt/tests/test_thresholding.py | 14 +-
pywt/tests/test_wavelet.py | 114 +
pywt/tests/test_wp.py | 18 +-
pywt/tests/test_wp2d.py | 18 +-
pywt/version.py | 8 +-
runtests.py | 262 -
setup.cfg | 10 +
setup.py | 215 +-
tox.ini | 4 +-
util/__init__.py | 0
util/appveyor/build.cmd | 21 +
util/appveyor/install.ps1 | 101 -
util/appveyor/run_with_env.cmd | 47 -
util/authors.py | 7 +-
util/cythonize.py | 188 -
util/{appveyor => readthedocs}/requirements.txt | 1 +
util/refguide_check.py | 858 +
util/setenv_build32.bat | 0
util/setenv_build64.bat | 0
util/templating_src.py | 40 -
201 files changed, 141117 insertions(+), 56960 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index c066203,0000000..8960eff
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
+# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- a3f05a1086c7b196793009c650fc20254b011d9e
- a3f05a1086c7b196793009c650fc20254b011d9e
- 34b87011e29e8813e694f2805d58d9d64c6849b5
diff --cc debian/patches/01-get_version_from_source.patch
index c8b783f,0000000..6383f64
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/01-get_version_from_source.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/01-get_version_from_source.patch
@@@ -1,38 -1,0 +1,38 @@@
- From 5822f996b490e2a8527ca951d52240a121491ab3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From 6ac11d83ef75240348f63d0d150dd4a834b16f1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniele Tricoli <eriol at mornie.org>
+Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 02:20:57 +0200
+Subject: Grab version from the source code instead of importing pywt to
+ build documentation at package build time.
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2015-09-13
+Patch-Name: 01-get_version_from_source.patch
+ doc/source/conf.py | 13 ++++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
- index 21d21ee..9c4ae7a 100644
++index ed49133..7544027 100755
+--- a/doc/source/conf.py
++++ b/doc/source/conf.py
- @@ -48,9 +48,16 @@ copyright = jinja2.filters.do_mark_safe('2006-%s, <a href="https://groups.google
++@@ -49,9 +49,16 @@ copyright = jinja2.filters.do_mark_safe('2006-%s, <a href="https://groups.google
+ # The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
+ # other places throughout the built documents.
+-import pywt
+-version = re.sub(r'\.dev0+.*$', r'.dev', pywt.__version__)
+-release = pywt.__version__
++# On Debian we want to build docs at package build time, when pywt is not
++# installed.
++import os
++base_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
++fp = open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, '..', '..', 'pywt', 'version.py')))
++VERSION = re.compile(r".*full_version = '(.*?)'",
++ re.S).match(fp.read()).group(1)
++version = re.sub(r'\.dev0+.*$', r'.dev', VERSION)
++release = VERSION
+ print "PyWavelets (VERSION %s)" % (version,)
diff --cc debian/patches/02-remove_privacy_offenders.patch
index 4ba6e53,0000000..afef0cf
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/02-remove_privacy_offenders.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/02-remove_privacy_offenders.patch
@@@ -1,57 -1,0 +1,56 @@@
- From e6e88770db15ea4d97661875617f771dbe7f9155 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From f974a871fd17bc8c14e664d2c7eefaa8843378a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniele Tricoli <eriol at mornie.org>
+Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 02:20:58 +0200
+Subject: Remove Google Analitics and Travis build badge.
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2015-09-30
+Patch-Name: 02-remove_privacy_offenders.patch
+ doc/source/_templates/page.html | 13 -------------
- doc/source/dev/testing.rst | 8 --------
- 2 files changed, 21 deletions(-)
++ doc/source/dev/testing.rst | 7 -------
++ 2 files changed, 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/source/_templates/page.html b/doc/source/_templates/page.html
- index 8a049aa..37c5625 100644
++index 8a049aa..37c5625 100755
+--- a/doc/source/_templates/page.html
++++ b/doc/source/_templates/page.html
+@@ -21,19 +21,6 @@
+ });
+ })(jQuery);
+ </script>
+-<script type="text/javascript">
+- var _gaq = _gaq || [];
+- _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-3396395-3']);
+- _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
+- (function () {
+- var ga = document.createElement('script');
+- ga.type = 'text/javascript';
+- ga.async = true;
+- ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
+- var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
+- s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
+- })();
+ {% endblock %}
+ {# Remove version number from the top and bottom path bars #}
+diff --git a/doc/source/dev/testing.rst b/doc/source/dev/testing.rst
- index 7decb45..0c0a638 100644
++index 0ac2d9c..23a9981 100755
+--- a/doc/source/dev/testing.rst
++++ b/doc/source/dev/testing.rst
- @@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ Continous integration with Travis-CI
++@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ Continous integration with Travis-CI
+ The project is using `Travis-CI <https://travis-ci.org/PyWavelets/pywt>`_ service
+ for continous integration and testing.
+-Current build status is:
+-.. image::
+- https://secure.travis-ci.org/PyWavelets/pywt.png?branch=master
+- :alt: Build Status
+- :target: https://secure.travis-ci.org/PyWavelets/pywt
- -
+ If you are submitting a patch or pull request please make sure it
+ does not break the build.
diff --cc debian/patches/do_not_rewrite_git_revision_on_build.patch
index 48c3013,0000000..29c81d3
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/do_not_rewrite_git_revision_on_build.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/do_not_rewrite_git_revision_on_build.patch
@@@ -1,29 -1,0 +1,29 @@@
- From a3f05a1086c7b196793009c650fc20254b011d9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From d7710cd5df96dc1bfd985e9638ae0a8c938ea0de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniele Tricoli <eriol at mornie.org>
+Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 19:39:08 +0100
+Subject: Don't rewrite git revision during build
+Upstream uses git revision to report it inside version string. In Debian
+we want to take it from source distribution to show same revision as upstream,
+not Debian packaging repository revision.
+Patch-Name: do_not_rewrite_git_revision_on_build.patch
+ setup.py | 4 +---
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
- index 8e02b7f..7c6063d 100755
++index de6b661..b50e3e7 100755
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
- @@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ def get_version_info():
++@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@ def get_version_info():
+ # write_version_py(), otherwise the import of pywt.version messes
+ # up the build under Python 3.
+- if os.path.exists('.git'):
+- GIT_REVISION = git_version()
+- elif os.path.exists('pywt/version.py'):
++ if os.path.exists('pywt/version.py'):
+ # must be a source distribution, use existing version file
+ # load it as a separate module to not load pywt/__init__.py
+ import imp
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/pywavelets.git
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