[Python-modules-commits] [sphinx] 06/06: Merge upstream release 1.5.1.
Dmitry Shachnev
mitya57 at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 15 08:54:29 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mitya57 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sphinx.
commit 82c03e22f0ca8c998bab07bf96dd2d12cfd1800a
Merge: 04623b0 937c76c
Author: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Dec 15 11:50:28 2016 +0300
Merge upstream release 1.5.1.
AUTHORS | 12 +-
CHANGES | 317 +
MANIFEST.in | 4 +-
Makefile | 8 +-
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
Sphinx.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 2 +-
Sphinx.egg-info/requires.txt | 2 +
debian/.git-dpm | 6 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/patches/disable_js_version_check.diff | 8 +-
debian/patches/docutils_0.13.diff | 41 -
debian/patches/no_external_css.diff | 2 +-
debian/patches/no_snowballstemmer.diff | 18 +-
debian/patches/series | 1 -
doc/Makefile | 8 +-
doc/_static/bookcover.png | Bin 29597 -> 27523 bytes
doc/_static/conf.py.txt | 360 +
doc/_static/pocoo.png | Bin 2003 -> 1498 bytes
doc/_static/sphinx.png | Bin 36665 -> 34213 bytes
doc/_templates/index.html | 21 +-
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/bodybg.png | Bin 513 -> 429 bytes
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/footerbg.png | Bin 220 -> 180 bytes
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/headerbg.png | Bin 230 -> 189 bytes
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/listitem.png | Bin 207 -> 149 bytes
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/relbg.png | Bin 223 -> 183 bytes
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/sphinx13.css | 6 +
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/sphinxheader.png | Bin 12567 -> 11719 bytes
doc/builders.rst | 15 +-
doc/conf.py | 3 +-
doc/config.rst | 299 +-
doc/contents.rst | 17 +-
doc/devguide.rst | 57 +
doc/domains.rst | 108 +
doc/ext/builtins.rst | 24 +
doc/ext/doctest.rst | 23 +-
doc/ext/example_google.py | 65 +-
doc/ext/example_numpy.py | 79 +-
doc/ext/graphviz.rst | 4 +
doc/ext/inheritance.rst | 5 +
doc/ext/intersphinx.rst | 11 +
doc/ext/napoleon.rst | 85 +-
doc/{extensions.rst => ext/thirdparty.rst} | 38 -
doc/ext/todo.rst | 15 +
doc/ext/viewcode.rst | 28 +
doc/extdev/appapi.rst | 2 +-
doc/extdev/nodes.rst | 1 +
doc/extensions.rst | 61 +-
doc/faq.rst | 40 +-
doc/glossary.rst | 5 +
doc/install.rst | 6 +-
doc/installpython.jpg | Bin 28408 -> 25206 bytes
doc/intro.rst | 2 +-
doc/invocation.rst | 65 +-
doc/latex.rst | 445 +
doc/man/sphinx-apidoc.rst | 1 +
doc/markup/code.rst | 2 +-
doc/markup/inline.rst | 15 +-
doc/markup/misc.rst | 11 +-
doc/markup/toctree.rst | 10 +
doc/more.png | Bin 1473 -> 1351 bytes
doc/pythonorg.png | Bin 153185 -> 149780 bytes
doc/rest.rst | 8 +-
doc/themes/agogo.png | Bin 29278 -> 25792 bytes
doc/themes/alabaster.png | Bin 33972 -> 32356 bytes
doc/themes/bizstyle.png | Bin 36234 -> 27139 bytes
doc/themes/classic.png | Bin 43969 -> 39927 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/agogo.png | Bin 61906 -> 56954 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/alabaster.png | Bin 55934 -> 40248 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/bizstyle.png | Bin 103961 -> 75192 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/classic.png | Bin 78947 -> 72597 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/haiku.png | Bin 88689 -> 84200 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/nature.png | Bin 36087 -> 32266 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/pyramid.png | Bin 107322 -> 102717 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/scrolls.png | Bin 97121 -> 88111 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/sphinx_rtd_theme.png | Bin 57187 -> 39411 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/sphinxdoc.png | Bin 91063 -> 84439 bytes
doc/themes/fullsize/traditional.png | Bin 99337 -> 91744 bytes
doc/themes/haiku.png | Bin 44727 -> 43184 bytes
doc/themes/nature.png | Bin 32041 -> 28536 bytes
doc/themes/pyramid.png | Bin 40085 -> 38805 bytes
doc/themes/scrolls.png | Bin 31717 -> 27800 bytes
doc/themes/sphinx_rtd_theme.png | Bin 31686 -> 29138 bytes
doc/themes/sphinxdoc.png | Bin 33091 -> 30225 bytes
doc/themes/traditional.png | Bin 35367 -> 32258 bytes
doc/theming.rst | 2 +-
doc/translation.png | Bin 14572 -> 13791 bytes
setup.cfg | 2 +-
setup.py | 45 +-
sphinx/__init__.py | 27 +-
sphinx/addnodes.py | 67 +-
sphinx/apidoc.py | 64 +-
sphinx/application.py | 95 +-
sphinx/builders/__init__.py | 27 -
sphinx/builders/applehelp.py | 63 +-
sphinx/builders/changes.py | 53 +-
sphinx/builders/devhelp.py | 38 +-
sphinx/builders/dummy.py | 10 +
sphinx/builders/epub.py | 80 +-
sphinx/builders/epub3.py | 93 +-
sphinx/builders/gettext.py | 32 +-
sphinx/builders/html.py | 187 +-
sphinx/builders/htmlhelp.py | 42 +-
sphinx/builders/latex.py | 146 +-
sphinx/builders/linkcheck.py | 146 +-
sphinx/builders/manpage.py | 17 +
sphinx/builders/qthelp.py | 35 +-
sphinx/builders/texinfo.py | 30 +-
sphinx/builders/text.py | 18 +-
sphinx/builders/websupport.py | 10 +
sphinx/builders/xml.py | 18 +-
sphinx/cmdline.py | 114 +-
sphinx/config.py | 245 +-
sphinx/deprecation.py | 21 +
sphinx/directives/__init__.py | 32 +-
sphinx/directives/code.py | 67 +-
sphinx/directives/other.py | 52 +-
sphinx/directives/patches.py | 32 +-
sphinx/domains/__init__.py | 17 -
sphinx/domains/c.py | 10 +
sphinx/domains/cpp.py | 495 +-
sphinx/domains/javascript.py | 10 +
sphinx/domains/python.py | 41 +-
sphinx/domains/rst.py | 10 +
sphinx/domains/std.py | 293 +-
sphinx/{environment.py => environment/__init__.py} | 1001 +--
sphinx/environment/managers/__init__.py | 37 +
sphinx/environment/managers/indexentries.py | 176 +
sphinx/environment/managers/toctree.py | 561 ++
sphinx/errors.py | 5 +-
sphinx/ext/autodoc.py | 53 +-
sphinx/ext/autosummary/__init__.py | 33 +-
sphinx/ext/coverage.py | 20 +-
sphinx/ext/doctest.py | 7 +-
sphinx/ext/graphviz.py | 38 +-
sphinx/ext/imgmath.py | 5 +-
sphinx/ext/inheritance_diagram.py | 14 +-
sphinx/ext/intersphinx.py | 119 +-
sphinx/ext/jsmath.py | 6 +-
sphinx/ext/mathbase.py | 186 +-
sphinx/ext/mathjax.py | 5 +-
sphinx/ext/napoleon/__init__.py | 95 +-
sphinx/ext/napoleon/docstring.py | 129 +-
sphinx/ext/todo.py | 7 +
sphinx/ext/viewcode.py | 5 +
sphinx/highlighting.py | 3 +-
sphinx/io.py | 30 +-
sphinx/jinja2glue.py | 4 +-
sphinx/locale/__init__.pyc | Bin 0 -> 9704 bytes
sphinx/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 13904 -> 14336 bytes
sphinx/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10846 -> 11323 bytes
sphinx/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10993 -> 11471 bytes
sphinx/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10905 -> 11380 bytes
sphinx/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 346 +-
sphinx/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10738 -> 11231 bytes
sphinx/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 352 +-
sphinx/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11054 -> 11555 bytes
sphinx/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 357 +-
sphinx/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 14388 -> 14824 bytes
sphinx/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10675 -> 11147 bytes
sphinx/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 344 +-
sphinx/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11406 -> 11933 bytes
sphinx/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 353 +-
sphinx/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10873 -> 11325 bytes
sphinx/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 356 +-
sphinx/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10931 -> 11410 bytes
sphinx/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 346 +-
sphinx/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11418 -> 11888 bytes
sphinx/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 340 +-
sphinx/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10489 -> 10971 bytes
sphinx/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 340 +-
sphinx/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11353 -> 11836 bytes
sphinx/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 359 +-
sphinx/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11250 -> 11691 bytes
sphinx/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 344 +-
sphinx/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10768 -> 11591 bytes
sphinx/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 370 +-
sphinx/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10863 -> 11339 bytes
sphinx/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 374 +-
sphinx/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11350 -> 11793 bytes
sphinx/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10744 -> 11216 bytes
sphinx/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 354 +-
sphinx/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11108 -> 11635 bytes
sphinx/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 349 +-
sphinx/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11715 -> 12237 bytes
sphinx/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 358 +-
sphinx/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10705 -> 11185 bytes
sphinx/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 338 +-
sphinx/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11167 -> 11626 bytes
sphinx/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11067 -> 11546 bytes
sphinx/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10989 -> 11469 bytes
sphinx/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 338 +-
sphinx/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10566 -> 11045 bytes
sphinx/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 13415 -> 13874 bytes
sphinx/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 349 +-
sphinx/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10811 -> 11445 bytes
sphinx/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 463 +-
sphinx/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11052 -> 11578 bytes
sphinx/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 354 +-
sphinx/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11153 -> 11674 bytes
sphinx/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 350 +-
sphinx/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11202 -> 11678 bytes
sphinx/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 349 +-
sphinx/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11196 -> 11655 bytes
sphinx/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 349 +-
sphinx/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 13829 -> 14547 bytes
sphinx/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 359 +-
sphinx/locale/si/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11504 -> 11984 bytes
sphinx/locale/si/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 338 +-
sphinx/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11000 -> 11507 bytes
sphinx/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 351 +-
sphinx/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10811 -> 11265 bytes
sphinx/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/sphinx.pot | 336 +-
sphinx/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10615 -> 11087 bytes
sphinx/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11185 -> 11658 bytes
sphinx/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 350 +-
sphinx/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 12384 -> 12847 bytes
sphinx/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 348 +-
sphinx/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 11232 -> 11688 bytes
sphinx/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 342 +-
sphinx/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10309 -> 10778 bytes
sphinx/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 350 +-
sphinx/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.mo | Bin 10487 -> 10945 bytes
sphinx/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | 361 +-
sphinx/make_mode.py | 48 +-
sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2-sphinx1.4.pickle | Bin 18675 -> 18705 bytes
sphinx/pycode/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/pycode/pgen2/driver.py | 46 +-
sphinx/pycode/pgen2/pgen.py | 5 +-
sphinx/quickstart.py | 1158 +--
sphinx/roles.py | 25 +-
sphinx/search/__init__.py | 68 +-
sphinx/search/en.py | 2 +-
sphinx/setup_command.py | 48 +-
sphinx/templates/latex/content.tex_t | 52 +
.../templates/quickstart/Makefile.new_t | 20 +-
sphinx/templates/quickstart/Makefile_t | 242 +
sphinx/templates/quickstart/conf.py_t | 193 +
sphinx/templates/quickstart/make.bat.new_t | 37 +
sphinx/templates/quickstart/make.bat_t | 285 +
sphinx/templates/quickstart/master_doc.rst_t | 21 +
sphinx/texinputs/{Makefile => Makefile_t} | 14 +-
sphinx/texinputs/footnotehyper-sphinx.sty | 156 +
sphinx/texinputs/sphinx.sty | 891 +-
sphinx/texinputs/sphinxhowto.cls | 37 +-
sphinx/texinputs/sphinxmanual.cls | 44 +-
sphinx/texinputs/tabulary.sty | 452 -
sphinx/themes/agogo/static/agogo.css_t | 14 +-
sphinx/themes/agogo/static/bgfooter.png | Bin 434 -> 276 bytes
sphinx/themes/agogo/static/bgtop.png | Bin 430 -> 266 bytes
sphinx/themes/basic/defindex.html | 8 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/domainindex.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/genindex-single.html | 16 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/genindex.html | 16 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/layout.html | 7 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/basic.css_t | 57 +-
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sphinx/themes/basic/static/comment.png | Bin 3445 -> 641 bytes
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sphinx/themes/basic/static/file.png | Bin 358 -> 286 bytes
.../static/{jquery-1.11.1.js => jquery-3.1.0.js} | 8724 ++++++++++----------
sphinx/themes/basic/static/minus.png | Bin 173 -> 90 bytes
sphinx/themes/basic/static/plus.png | Bin 173 -> 90 bytes
sphinx/themes/basic/static/searchtools.js_t | 13 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/up-pressed.png | Bin 345 -> 214 bytes
sphinx/themes/basic/static/up.png | Bin 345 -> 203 bytes
sphinx/themes/bizstyle/static/background_b01.png | Bin 87 -> 78 bytes
sphinx/themes/classic/layout.html | 4 +-
sphinx/themes/classic/static/classic.css_t | 4 +-
sphinx/themes/epub/layout.html | 11 +-
sphinx/themes/epub/static/{epub.css => epub.css_t} | 57 +-
sphinx/themes/haiku/static/alert_info_32.png | Bin 1168 -> 1128 bytes
sphinx/themes/haiku/static/alert_warning_32.png | Bin 1060 -> 944 bytes
sphinx/themes/haiku/static/bg-page.png | Bin 147 -> 82 bytes
sphinx/themes/haiku/static/bullet_orange.png | Bin 365 -> 165 bytes
sphinx/themes/{epub => nonav}/layout.html | 17 +-
.../static/epub.css => nonav/static/nonav.css} | 50 +-
sphinx/themes/nonav/theme.conf | 8 +
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/dialog-note.png | Bin 1461 -> 1394 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/dialog-seealso.png | Bin 1473 -> 1351 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/dialog-todo.png | Bin 1311 -> 1186 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/dialog-topic.png | Bin 1910 -> 1798 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/dialog-warning.png | Bin 1365 -> 1280 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/headerbg.png | Bin 203 -> 190 bytes
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/middlebg.png | Bin 2763 -> 101 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/darkmetal.png | Bin 25389 -> 25238 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/headerbg.png | Bin 298 -> 172 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/logo.png | Bin 8654 -> 8305 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/metal.png | Bin 7939 -> 7547 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/navigation.png | Bin 216 -> 124 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/scrolls.css_t | 16 +-
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/watermark.png | Bin 53916 -> 44483 bytes
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/watermark_blur.png | Bin 8970 -> 8049 bytes
sphinx/themes/sphinxdoc/static/contents.png | Bin 202 -> 107 bytes
sphinx/themes/sphinxdoc/static/navigation.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
sphinx/themes/traditional/static/traditional.css_t | 14 +-
sphinx/theming.py | 5 +-
sphinx/transforms/__init__.py | 223 +
sphinx/transforms/compact_bullet_list.py | 82 +
sphinx/{transforms.py => transforms/i18n.py} | 226 +-
sphinx/util/__init__.py | 57 +-
sphinx/util/compat.py | 2 +
sphinx/util/docfields.py | 28 +-
sphinx/util/docutils.py | 103 +
sphinx/util/fileutil.py | 82 +
sphinx/util/i18n.py | 17 +-
sphinx/util/images.py | 1 +
sphinx/util/inspect.py | 14 +-
sphinx/util/matching.py | 21 +
sphinx/util/nodes.py | 49 +
sphinx/util/osutil.py | 90 +-
sphinx/util/png.py | 15 +-
sphinx/util/pycompat.py | 15 +-
sphinx/util/requests.py | 114 +
sphinx/util/template.py | 61 +
sphinx/util/texescape.py | 1 +
sphinx/websupport/__init__.py | 12 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/__init__.py | 8 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/nullsearch.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/whooshsearch.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/html.py | 63 +-
sphinx/writers/latex.py | 569 +-
sphinx/writers/manpage.py | 13 +-
sphinx/writers/texinfo.py | 7 +-
sphinx/writers/text.py | 20 +-
tests/coverage.py | 16 +-
tests/root/Makefile | 2 +-
tests/root/autodoc_missing_imports.py | 9 +
tests/root/contents.txt | 2 +
tests/root/img.foo.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/root/img.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/root/objects.txt | 8 +-
tests/root/pep_0420/a/b/c/__init__.py | 1 +
tests/root/pep_0420/a/b/c/d.py | 1 +
tests/root/pep_0420/a/b/x/y.py | 1 +
tests/root/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/root/subdir/img.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/root/subdir/simg.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/root/testtheme/static/staticimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-add_enumerable_node/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-config/conf.py | 3 +-
tests/roots/test-directive-code/lineno_match.rst | 6 +
.../roots/test-ext-autodoc/autodoc_dummy_module.py | 6 +
tests/roots/test-ext-autodoc/conf.py | 12 +
tests/roots/test-ext-autodoc/contents.rst | 3 +
tests/roots/test-ext-graphviz/index.rst | 6 +
tests/roots/test-ext-inheritance_diagram/index.rst | 3 +
tests/roots/test-ext-math/index.rst | 4 +
tests/roots/test-ext-todo/bar.rst | 4 +
tests/roots/test-ext-todo/conf.py | 4 +
tests/roots/test-ext-todo/foo.rst | 4 +
tests/roots/test-ext-todo/index.rst | 9 +
tests/roots/test-footnotes/index.rst | 28 +-
tests/roots/test-footnotes/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
.../conf.py | 3 +
.../extra/.htaccess | 0
.../extra/.htpasswd | 0
tests/roots/test-html_assets/extra/API.html_t | 1 +
.../extra/css/style.css | 0
tests/roots/test-html_assets/extra/rimg.png | Bin 0 -> 120 bytes
.../extra/subdir}/.htaccess | 0
.../extra/subdir}/.htpasswd | 0
.../index.rst | 0
.../extra => test-html_assets/static}/.htaccess | 0
.../extra => test-html_assets/static}/.htpasswd | 0
tests/roots/test-html_assets/static/API.html_t | 1 +
.../static/css/style.css} | 0
tests/roots/test-html_assets/static/rimg.png | Bin 0 -> 120 bytes
.../static/subdir}/.htaccess | 0
.../static/subdir}/.htpasswd | 0
.../subdir/_build/index.html | 0
tests/roots/test-html_assets/subdir/background.png | Bin 0 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-html_extra_path/extra/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 0 bytes
.../test-html_extra_path/subdir/background.png | Bin 218 -> 0 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/img.ja.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/img.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/img.zh.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/rimg.xx.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/subdir/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-glob/subdir/rimg.xx.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
.../roots/test-image-glob/testima\314\210ge.png" | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-image-in-section/pic.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-intl/contents.po | 26 +
tests/roots/test-intl/contents.txt | 5 +
tests/roots/test-intl/i18n.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-intl/img.png | Bin 67765 -> 66247 bytes
tests/roots/test-intl/only.po | 29 +
tests/roots/test-intl/only.txt | 14 +
tests/roots/test-keep_warnings/conf.py | 4 +
tests/roots/test-keep_warnings/index.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-linkcheck/conf.py | 4 +
tests/roots/test-linkcheck/links.txt | 11 +
tests/roots/test-maxlistdepth/conf.py | 14 +
tests/roots/test-maxlistdepth/index.rst | 57 +
tests/roots/test-numfig/bar.rst | 8 +
tests/roots/test-numfig/baz.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-numfig/foo.rst | 10 +
tests/roots/test-numfig/index.rst | 7 +
tests/roots/test-numfig/rimg.png | Bin 218 -> 120 bytes
tests/roots/test-refonly_bullet_list/conf.py | 8 +
tests/roots/test-refonly_bullet_list/index.rst | 14 +
tests/roots/test-search/conf.py | 3 +
tests/roots/test-search/index.rst | 30 +
tests/roots/test-search/tocitem.rst | 10 +
tests/roots/test-toctree-glob/index.rst | 16 +
tests/roots/test-toctree-maxdepth/qux.rst | 9 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/bar.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/baz.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/conf.py | 7 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/foo.rst | 15 +
.../contents.txt => roots/test-toctree/index.rst} | 56 +-
tests/roots/test-toctree/quux.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/qux.rst | 1 +
tests/roots/test-toctree/tocdepth.rst | 15 +
tests/run.py | 4 +-
tests/test_api_translator.py | 2 +-
tests/test_apidoc.py | 88 +
tests/test_application.py | 29 +-
tests/test_autodoc.py | 75 +-
tests/test_build.py | 40 +-
tests/test_build_html.py | 186 +-
tests/test_build_latex.py | 571 +-
tests/test_build_linkcheck.py | 38 +
tests/test_build_texinfo.py | 5 +-
tests/test_build_text.py | 2 +-
tests/test_config.py | 16 +-
tests/test_directive_code.py | 46 +-
tests/test_directive_only.py | 3 +-
tests/test_domain_cpp.py | 85 +-
tests/test_domain_std.py | 4 +-
tests/test_environment_indexentries.py | 136 +
tests/test_environment_toctree.py | 332 +
tests/test_ext_autodoc.py | 25 +
tests/test_ext_graphviz.py | 9 +
tests/test_ext_inheritance_diagram.py | 25 +
tests/test_ext_intersphinx.py | 97 +-
tests/test_ext_math.py | 18 +-
tests/test_ext_napoleon.py | 3 +-
tests/test_ext_napoleon_docstring.py | 63 +-
tests/test_ext_todo.py | 85 +
tests/test_intl.py | 69 +-
tests/test_markup.py | 54 +-
tests/test_quickstart.py | 13 +
tests/test_search.py | 73 +-
tests/test_searchadapters.py | 2 +-
tests/test_setup_command.py | 22 +
tests/test_theming.py | 8 +-
tests/test_util.py | 5 +
tests/test_util_fileutil.py | 114 +
tests/test_util_i18n.py | 12 +
tests/test_util_matching.py | 91 +
tests/test_writer_latex.py | 36 +
tests/typing_test_data.py | 14 +-
tests/util.py | 40 +-
utils/check_sources.py | 5 +-
utils/reindent.py | 9 +-
utils/release-checklist | 2 +
469 files changed, 23841 insertions(+), 16869 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index 63a728b,0000000..e1fdc5d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
+# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- c2bcd19943e2639518693f6516a2ff2976cec3ef
- c2bcd19943e2639518693f6516a2ff2976cec3ef
- 183a2a71071b8ed33cb0afc7f6153c7804ebebb6
diff --cc debian/changelog
index df8a8af,0000000..8c8ba0f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,1089 -1,0 +1,1097 @@@
++sphinx (1.5.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
++ * New upstream release.
++ * Drop docutils_0.13.diff, applied upstream.
++ * Rebase other patches.
++ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 15 Dec 2016 11:52:28 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.9-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Backport upstream patch to add compatibility with docutils 0.13
+ (docutils_0.13.diff).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Sun, 11 Dec 2016 11:42:43 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release (closes: #846149).
+ * Drop fix_autodoc_new_python.diff, applied upstream.
+ * Remove unwanted file sphinx/locale/.DS_Store in clean target.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 29 Nov 2016 13:37:31 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Relax the check in dh_sphinxdoc to allow different locations of
+ searchindex.js file (closes: #841141).
+ * Sort $(scripts) variable in Makefile, to fix a reproducibility issue.
+ * Backport upstream patch to fix autodoc failures with new Python 3.5
+ and Python 3.6 snapshots (fix_autodoc_new_python.diff). Fixes FTBFS.
+ * Drop build-dependencies on python[3]-xapian (closes: #842903).
+ * Add more tests dependencies to the autopkgtests.
+ * Update dh_sphinxdoc manpage for the latest changes (closes: #836248).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 17 Nov 2016 21:10:30 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Stop running jstest during build (but still run it in the autopkgtest).
+ * Update debian/watch to track only stable versions.
+ * Make dh_sphinxdoc generate ${sphinxdoc:Built-Using} substvar (closes:
+ #836248).
+ * Call dh_strip_nondeterminism during build.
+ * Build-depend on python3-xapian again, now it is in unstable.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Mon, 03 Oct 2016 17:24:50 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release (closes: #835026).
+ * Bump python[3]-six dependency to 1.5, following upstream.
+ * dh_sphinxdoc: Include the list of packages in the error message about
+ documentation not found (closes: #833799).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Wed, 24 Aug 2016 21:04:54 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Drop upstream patches:
+ - fix_ltz_utcoffset.diff
+ - latex_code_robust.diff
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:56:54 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Backport upstream patch (latex_code_robust.diff) to fix the \code
+ command in generated LaTeX files (closes: #829118).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Fri, 01 Jul 2016 20:59:46 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Update Python 2 autopkgtest to not run tests that require Python 3.
+ * Add a patch to fix return type of LocalTimeZone.utcoffset when
+ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set (fix_ltz_utcoffset.diff).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:33:28 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ - Autodoc now removes all memory addresses (closes: #822197).
+ * Drop python3-xapian build-dependency for unstable upload: it is not
+ yet available in unstable.
+ * Build-depend on graphviz so that the corresponding tests are not
+ skipped.
+ * Do not install the bundled TeX files from texinput directory:
+ - fncychap.sty (available in texlive-latex-extra)
+ - iftex.sty (available in texlive-generic-extra)
+ - needspace.sty (available in texlive-latex-extra)
+ - newfloat.sty (available in texlive-latex-recommended)
+ * Suggest texlive-generic-extra instead (the other packages are already in
+ the Suggests list).
+ * Upload to unstable.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Fri, 17 Jun 2016 18:42:56 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.3-1) experimental; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
+ - 0004-Extend-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-support.patch
+ - 0005-Adapt-to-typing-private-API-change-in-Python-3.5.2.patch
+ - 0006-Make-custom-compile_catalog-command-work-with-Babel-.patch
+ - 0007-Load-compatibility-patch-for-LuaTeX-0.85.patch
+ - 0008-Make-Xapian-search-work-with-Python-3.patch
+ * Add Takeshi KOMIYA’s signing key to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.
+ * Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
+ * Build-depend on texlive-generic-extra (for iftex package).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Mon, 06 Jun 2016 19:47:32 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium
+ * Add a patch to make Xapian search tests pass with Python 3.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 26 May 2016 13:45:43 +0300
+sphinx (1.4.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release (closes: #824375).
+ * Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
+ - disable_distribute_setup.diff
+ - source_date_epoch.diff
+ - reproducible_grammar.diff
+ - reproducible_inventory.diff
+ - reproducible_js_locale.diff
+ - reproducible_searchindex.diff
+ * Refresh and rebase other patches.
+ * Update debian/watch to correctly mangle upstream alpha releases.
+ * Demote sphinx-rtd-theme to Suggests, it has become optional.
+ * Add dependency on python[3]-imagesize packages.
+ * Bump Pygments build- and test dependencies to 2.1.1.
+ * Demote python-sphinx recommendation of sphinx-doc to a suggestion.
+ * Refactor the command to run tests to better match upstream.
+ * Build-depend on dvipng to get the pngmath test run.
+ * Update numbers in jstest/run-tests for the new version.
+ * Add a patch from Alexis Bienvenüe to extend SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH support
+ (closes: #820895).
+ * Add a patch to fix a typing-related test failure with Python 3.5.2.
+ * Update debian/copyright based on upstream LICENSE and AUTHORS files.
+ * Add a patch to make compile_catalog code work with python-babel 2.3.
+ * Add a patch to support LuaTeX 0.85.
+ * Build-depend on texlive-luatex for tests.
+ * Adapt dh-sphinxdoc/install-js for doctools.js changes.
+ * Update sphinx-autogen manpage.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
+ * Build-depend on python3-xapian (closes: #649488).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 17 May 2016 18:57:02 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Use implementation of jstest from Iain Lane in hope it succeeds on
+ buildds.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 03 Mar 2016 20:17:15 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Port jstest to WebKit2 (closes: #814909).
+ * Remove the now obsolete debian/TODO file.
+ * Update debian/source/lintian-overrides for new Lintian versions.
+ * Use https in Vcs-Git field.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:24:30 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Build-depend on Pygments 2.1, the testsuite now requires it.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 26 Jan 2016 12:57:34 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Clean and ignore auto-generated files.
+ * jstest.py: Add gi.require_version() calls to fix warnings from PyGI.
+ * Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 14 Jan 2016 19:01:44 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 03 Dec 2015 18:35:09 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
+ - py35compat.diff
+ - no_theme_rename_warning.diff
+ - addto_only_babel.diff
+ - print_help.diff
+ - compat_css.diff
+ * Refresh and rebase other patches.
+ * Stop exporting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in debian/rules.
+ Debhelper does it automatically since version 9.20151004.
+ * Update sphinx-autogen.1 man page.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:31:36 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Do not fail on removing SOURCES.txt file when it does not exist.
+ Fixes build with dh-python ≥ 2.20151103.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Sun, 08 Nov 2015 16:13:14 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Make libjs-sphinxdoc depend on libjs-jquery ≥ 1.11.1 and libjs-underscore
+ ≥ 1.3.1, as these are the versions used by upstream.
+ * Fix command in autopkgtests to make them pass.
+ * Update Vcs fields for Git migration.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Sun, 18 Oct 2015 18:38:38 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Update reproducibility patches to the latest version from Val Lorentz:
+ - Update reproducible_grammar.diff.
+ - Make searchindex generation deterministic (reproducible_searchindex.diff).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 03 Sep 2015 16:54:07 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix remaining reproducibility issues (closes: #795976):
+ - Export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in debian/rules.
+ - Set PYTHONHASHSEED=0 when generating grammar files.
+ - Make grammar generation deterministic (reproducible_grammar.diff).
+ - Make inventory generation deterministic (reproducible_inventory.diff).
+ - Make JavaScript locales deterministic (reproducible_js_locale.diff).
+ Many thanks to Val Lorentz for the patches.
+ * Drop XS-Testsuite header, no longer needed with dpkg ≥ 1.17.11.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Thu, 20 Aug 2015 11:56:56 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix message when calling sphinx-build without arguments
+ (print_help.diff; closes: #792715).
+ * Add compatibility default.css file (compat_css.diff).
+ * Upload to unstable.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Sat, 15 Aug 2015 18:04:49 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-3) experimental; urgency=medium
+ * Update debian/TODO with the actual information.
+ * Backport upstream patch to disable warning about renamed default theme
+ (no_theme_rename_warning.diff).
+ * Backport upstream patch to not insert babel-specific code to generated
+ LaTeX files when babel is not in use (addto_only_babel.diff).
+ * Add support for $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable, to make
+ the documentation builds reproducible (source_date_epoch.diff).
+ * dh_sphinxdoc: Symlink css3-mediaqueries.js, thanks to Jakub Wilk
+ for the patch (closes: #793045).
+ * dh_sphinxdoc: Add support for symlinking files specific to the RTD
+ theme (closes: #781849).
+ * Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
+ * Drop initialize_autodoc.diff, the bug seems to be fixed differently
+ upstream.
+ * Update bug URL in a comment in debian/rules for move to GitHub.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 28 Jul 2015 22:19:39 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium
+ [ Dmitry Shachnev ]
+ * debian/patches/no_snowballstemmer.diff: Exclude snowballstemmer
+ from setup.py and egg-info requirements.
+ * Move the signing keys to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.
+ [ Barry Warsaw ]
+ * debian/patches/py35compat.diff: Python 3.5 compatibility.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:02:36 +0300
+sphinx (1.3.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
+ [ Helmut Grohne ]
+ * Mark libjs-sphinxdoc Multi-Arch: foreign (closes: #779458).
+ [ Dmitry Shachnev ]
+ * New upstream release.
+ - The codebase now works with Python 3 with no need to run 2to3.
+ - Output is now reproducible (closes: #776443).
+ * Remove patches:
+ - python3_test_build_dir.diff (no longer needed)
+ - parallel_2to3.diff (no longer needed)
+ - fix_latex_hlines.diff (applied upstream)
+ * Bump required versions of python, docutils and pygments.
+ * Build-depend and depend on:
+ - python[3]-six
+ - python[3]-babel
+ - python[3]-sphinx-rtd-theme
+ - python[3]-alabaster
+ * Add python[3]-mock to build-dependencies and test dependencies.
+ * Use upstream tarball, which now contains non-minified versions of
+ jquery.js and underscore.js.
+ * Update debian/watch to use pypi.debian.net redirector.
+ * Simplify debian/rules:
+ - Adjust for using upstream tarballs.
+ - Do not mention site-packages anymore.
+ * Update JS tests for the new version.
+ * Add a patch to skip JS libraries versions check.
+ * Drop 2to3 call from debian/tests/python3-sphinx.
+ * Properly clean up after running tests.
+ * Bring debian/copyright in sync with upstream AUTHORS file.
+ * Disable snowballstemmer-based search until upstream implements
+ it correctly (without JS blobs) and we get snowballstemmer packaged.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes needed.
+ * Override lintian false positive warnings about missing sources for
+ minified files (jquery.js, underscore.js, and css3-mediaqueries.js).
+ * debian/dh-sphinxdoc/install-js: Update list of files to be installed.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Sat, 02 May 2015 22:18:56 +0300
+sphinx (1.2.3+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Drop websupport_todo.diff, applied upstream.
+ * Update date and version in sphinx-autogen.1.
+ * Add Takayuki Shimizukawa’s signing key to upstream-signing-key.pgp.
+ * Replace links to online docutils docs with links to packaged
+ docutils docs.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:49:40 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.2+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Build-depend on python3-whoosh, now when it is available.
+ * Drop sphinxcontrib_namespace.diff, all sphinxcontrib packages
+ are using dh_python2 now. Break old versions of issuetracker and
+ spelling packages.
+ * Update my e-mail address.
+ * Override false-positive Lintian errors about sourceless files.
+ * Generate compiled translations using compile_catalog command.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org> Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:58:18 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.2+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Remove obsolete Recommends: on python-simplejson and Suggests:
+ on jsmath.
+ * debian/patches/websupport_todo.diff: Make websupport work with
+ todolist directives (closes: #754408).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:50:20 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.2+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Downgrade error about documentation not found to a warning
+ (closes: #745690).
+ * Cleanup dh_compress arguments.
+ * Export NO_PKG_MANGLE, needed to build on Ubuntu.
+ * Update version number and URL in sphinx-autogen man page.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Sun, 18 May 2014 15:13:18 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.2+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream bugfix release.
+ * Drop html_logo_path_fix.diff, applied upstream.
+ * Refresh and rebase other patches.
+ * Update numbers in jstest/run-tests to match docs updates in the new
+ version.
+ * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
+ * Backport upstream patch to fix writing table hlines in LaTeX writer
+ (closes: #732585).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:28:04 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.1+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add html_logo_path_fix.diff to fix path check for HTML logo,
+ backported from upstream hg (thanks James Cowgill, closes: #738741).
+ * Add missing xauth depencency for sphinx-doc autopkgtest.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:54:23 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.1+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Move Grammar files to /usr/share/sphinx, the code still expects
+ that thay are in that location (closes: #736239).
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Tue, 21 Jan 2014 19:47:34 +0400
+sphinx (1.2.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Drop fix_jinja_recursion.diff, applied upstream.
+ * Drop unversioned_grammar_pickle.diff, a different fix was applied
+ upstream.
+ * No longer move Grammar.txt and Grammar.pickle to shared location,
+ upstream is now shipping different versions of grammar for Python 2
+ and Python 3.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:28:47 +0400
+sphinx (1.2+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Backport upstream patch (fix_jinja_recursion.diff) to fix infinite
+ recursion when building python-numpy docs.
+ * Add explicit build-dependency on dh-python.
+ * JS tests: use WebView.load_uri() instead of deprecated open().
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Sun, 12 Jan 2014 13:00:20 +0400
+sphinx (1.2+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upload to unstable.
+ * New upstream stable release.
+ * Drop fix_setup_command_test.diff, applied upstream.
+ * Refresh sphinxcontrib_namespace.diff.
+ * Fix package names in Recommends: python(3)-imaging → python(3)-pil.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes needed.
+ * Bump python-all build-dependency to 2.6.6-3~.
+ * Verify upstream PGP signature in debian/watch.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Wed, 18 Dec 2013 17:25:19 +0400
+sphinx (1.2~b3+dfsg-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Really switch from dh_pysupport to dh_python2.
+ * Remove unwanted files from python-sphinx package (closes: #726754).
+ * Remove useless imports in jstest/jstest.py.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:55:27 +0400
+sphinx (1.2~b3+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Dmitry Shachnev ]
+ * New upstream beta release.
+ - Correctly handles errors when repr()-ing objects (closes: #706581).
+ * Drop upstream patches.
+ * Refresh and rebase other patches.
+ * Add a patch to make sure setup_command tests can import sphinx module.
+ * Switch debian/watch to use HTTPS.
+ * JS tests:
+ - Port from deprecated static bindings and Python 2 to PyGI and
+ Python 3. Update the dependencies accordingly.
+ - Do not use web server, instead set a WebKit option that will allow
+ us to access files directly. Now the pages should load faster
+ (closes: #724472).
+ * Switch from deprecated dh_pysupport to dh_python2 (closes: #659196).
+ * Add XS-Testsuite header, and replace XS-Python-Version with preferred
+ X-Python-Version (closes: #685508).
+ * Add myself to Uploaders.
+ [ Jakub Wilk ]
+ * Remove myself from Uploaders.
+ -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com> Sat, 05 Oct 2013 19:29:41 +0400
+sphinx (1.2~b1+dfsg-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Export http_proxy= in debian/rules to prevent Internet
+ access at build time.
+ * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
+ * Add texinfo to Build-Depends.
+ * Add patch (fix_copying_imgs_singlehtml_builder.diff) to fix copying images
+ in the singlehtml builder (closes: #706563).
+ * Add patch (fix_globaltoc_and_hidden_toctree.diff) to fix combination of
+ globaltoc and hidden toctree causing an exception (closes: #706586).
+ * Add patch (fix_missing_citation_target_assert.diff) to fix missing
+ citation target causing AssertionError (closes: #706565).
+ * Rename skiptest_latex.diff as skiptest.diff; fix more cases when a missing
+ tool was silently ignored.
+ * Set Debian Python Modules Team as Maintainer; move myself to Uploaders.
+ -- Jakub Wilk <jwilk at debian.org> Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:57:47 +0200
+sphinx (1.2~b1+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream beta release.
+ + Drop fix_nepali_po.diff; applied upstream.
+ + Drop fix_shorthandoff.diff; different fix applied upstream.
+ + Drop l10n_fixes.diff; applied upstream.
+ + Drop manpage_writer_docutils_0.10_api.diff; applied upstream.
+ + Drop pygments_byte_strings.diff; different fix applied upstream.
+ + Drop show_more_stack_frames.diff; an option to show full traceback (-T)
+ is now available.
+ + Drop sort_stopwords.diff; applied upstream.
+ + Drop support_python_3.3.diff; applied upstream.
+ + Drop test_build_html_rb.diff; applied upstream.
... 793 lines suppressed ...
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/sphinx.git
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