[Python-modules-commits] [pytest] 04/06: merge patched into master
Barry Warsaw
barry at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 8 22:21:47 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
barry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pytest.
commit 12d1f372a55697d21a25b8febd51000edf22ecee
Merge: 1969756 82d23da
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
Date: Mon Feb 8 16:18:01 2016 -0500
merge patched into master
.coveragerc | 14 +-
AUTHORS | 151 +-
CHANGELOG | 4841 +++++++++---------
CONTRIBUTING.rst | 442 +-
LICENSE | 38 +-
MANIFEST.in | 68 +-
PKG-INFO | 227 +-
README.rst | 165 +-
_pytest/__init__.py | 4 +-
_pytest/_argcomplete.py | 208 +-
_pytest/_pluggy.py | 22 +-
_pytest/assertion/__init__.py | 334 +-
_pytest/assertion/newinterpret.py | 730 +--
_pytest/assertion/oldinterpret.py | 1132 ++--
_pytest/assertion/reinterpret.py | 104 +-
_pytest/assertion/rewrite.py | 1760 +++----
_pytest/assertion/util.py | 659 ++-
_pytest/cacheprovider.py | 486 +-
_pytest/capture.py | 916 ++--
_pytest/config.py | 2326 ++++-----
_pytest/doctest.py | 520 +-
_pytest/genscript.py | 264 +-
_pytest/helpconfig.py | 278 +-
_pytest/hookspec.py | 591 ++-
_pytest/junitxml.py | 755 +--
_pytest/main.py | 1478 +++---
_pytest/mark.py | 622 +--
_pytest/monkeypatch.py | 481 +-
_pytest/nose.py | 142 +-
_pytest/pastebin.py | 184 +-
_pytest/pdb.py | 218 +-
_pytest/pytester.py | 2218 ++++----
_pytest/python.py | 4600 ++++++++---------
_pytest/recwarn.py | 422 +-
_pytest/resultlog.py | 208 +-
_pytest/runner.py | 1014 ++--
_pytest/skipping.py | 606 +--
_pytest/standalonetemplate.py | 178 +-
_pytest/terminal.py | 1154 ++---
_pytest/tmpdir.py | 246 +-
_pytest/unittest.py | 411 +-
_pytest/vendored_packages/README.md | 26 +-
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst | 20 +-
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/METADATA | 78 +-
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/RECORD | 16 +-
.../vendored_packages/pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/WHEEL | 12 +-
.../pluggy-0.3.1.dist-info/top_level.txt | 2 +-
_pytest/vendored_packages/pluggy.py | 1554 +++---
bench/bench.py | 24 +-
bench/bench_argcomplete.py | 38 +-
bench/empty.py | 6 +-
bench/manyparam.py | 24 +-
bench/skip.py | 20 +-
debian/.git-dpm | 6 +-
debian/patches/remove_google_js | 50 +-
doc/en/Makefile | 328 +-
doc/en/_getdoctarget.py | 32 +-
doc/en/_templates/globaltoc.html | 34 +-
doc/en/_templates/links.html | 22 +-
doc/en/_templates/sidebarintro.html | 10 +-
doc/en/_themes/.gitignore | 6 +-
doc/en/_themes/LICENSE | 74 +-
doc/en/_themes/README | 62 +-
doc/en/_themes/flask/layout.html | 48 +-
doc/en/_themes/flask/relations.html | 38 +-
doc/en/_themes/flask/static/flasky.css_t | 1114 ++--
doc/en/_themes/flask/theme.conf | 18 +-
doc/en/_themes/flask_theme_support.py | 172 +-
doc/en/adopt.rst | 156 +-
doc/en/announce/index.rst | 89 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.0.0.rst | 258 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.0.1.rst | 134 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.0.2.rst | 146 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.0.3.rst | 80 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.1.0.rst | 94 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.1.1.rst | 74 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.1.2.rst | 66 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.1.3.rst | 64 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.2.0.rst | 190 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.2.1.rst | 82 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.2.2.rst | 86 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.2.4.rst | 78 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.0.rst | 268 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.1.rst | 78 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.2.rst | 114 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.3.rst | 124 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.4.rst | 78 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.3.5.rst | 194 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.4.0.rst | 450 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.4.1.rst | 50 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.4.2.rst | 78 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.5.0.rst | 350 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.5.1.rst | 94 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.5.2.rst | 128 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.6.0.rst | 306 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.6.1.rst | 118 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.6.2.rst | 104 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.6.3.rst | 104 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.7.0.rst | 202 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.7.1.rst | 116 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.7.2.rst | 116 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.2.rst | 88 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.3.rst | 118 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.4.rst | 104 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.5.rst | 78 +-
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.6.rst | 67 +
doc/en/announce/release-2.8.7.rst | 31 +
doc/en/assert.rst | 586 +--
doc/en/bash-completion.rst | 56 +-
doc/en/builtin.rst | 268 +-
doc/en/cache.rst | 556 +-
doc/en/capture.rst | 236 +-
doc/en/changelog.rst | 14 +-
doc/en/check_sphinx.py | 34 +-
doc/en/conf.py | 652 +--
doc/en/conftest.py | 2 +-
doc/en/contact.rst | 102 +-
doc/en/contents.rst | 68 +-
doc/en/contributing.rst | 6 +-
doc/en/customize.rst | 456 +-
doc/en/doctest.rst | 178 +-
doc/en/example/assertion/failure_demo.py | 474 +-
.../assertion/global_testmodule_config/conftest.py | 20 +-
.../global_testmodule_config/test_hello.py | 10 +-
doc/en/example/assertion/test_failures.py | 28 +-
.../example/assertion/test_setup_flow_example.py | 84 +-
doc/en/example/attic.rst | 158 +-
doc/en/example/conftest.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/conftest.py | 36 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub1/__init__.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub1/test_quick.py | 6 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub2/__init__.py | 2 +-
doc/en/example/costlysetup/sub2/test_two.py | 12 +-
doc/en/example/index.rst | 68 +-
doc/en/example/layout1/setup.cfg | 8 +-
doc/en/example/markers.rst | 1184 ++---
doc/en/example/multipython.py | 102 +-
doc/en/example/nonpython.rst | 182 +-
doc/en/example/nonpython/conftest.py | 80 +-
doc/en/example/nonpython/test_simple.yml | 14 +-
doc/en/example/parametrize.rst | 947 ++--
doc/en/example/py2py3/conftest.py | 32 +-
doc/en/example/py2py3/test_py2.py | 14 +-
doc/en/example/py2py3/test_py3.py | 14 +-
doc/en/example/pythoncollection.py | 22 +-
doc/en/example/pythoncollection.rst | 384 +-
doc/en/example/reportingdemo.rst | 1196 ++---
doc/en/example/simple.rst | 1502 +++---
doc/en/example/special.rst | 144 +-
doc/en/example/xfail_demo.py | 60 +-
doc/en/faq.rst | 332 +-
doc/en/feedback.rst | 16 +-
doc/en/fixture.rst | 1974 +++----
doc/en/funcarg_compare.rst | 434 +-
doc/en/funcargs.rst | 28 +-
doc/en/genapi.py | 82 +-
doc/en/getting-started.rst | 474 +-
doc/en/{goodpractises.rst => goodpractices.rst} | 556 +-
doc/en/index.rst | 120 +-
doc/en/links.inc | 42 +-
doc/en/mark.rst | 80 +-
doc/en/monkeypatch.rst | 164 +-
doc/en/naming20.rst | 40 +-
doc/en/nose.rst | 110 +-
doc/en/overview.rst | 27 +-
doc/en/parametrize.rst | 438 +-
doc/en/plugins.rst | 318 +-
doc/en/projects.rst | 170 +-
doc/en/pytest.ini | 4 +-
doc/en/recwarn.rst | 248 +-
doc/en/setup.rst | 20 +-
doc/en/skipping.rst | 604 +--
doc/en/status.rst | 10 +-
doc/en/talks.rst | 226 +-
doc/en/test/attic.rst | 234 +-
doc/en/test/config.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/dist.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/extend.html | 36 +-
doc/en/test/index.rst | 70 +-
doc/en/test/mission.rst | 26 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/cov.rst | 460 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/coverage.rst | 102 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/django.rst | 14 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/figleaf.rst | 88 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/genscript.rst | 56 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/helpconfig.rst | 76 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/index.rst | 136 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/links.rst | 94 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/nose.rst | 112 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/oejskit.rst | 24 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/terminal.rst | 80 +-
doc/en/test/plugin/xdist.rst | 344 +-
doc/en/test/test.html | 36 +-
doc/en/tmpdir.rst | 222 +-
doc/en/unittest.rst | 380 +-
doc/en/usage.rst | 546 +-
doc/en/writing_plugins.rst | 1142 ++---
doc/en/xdist.rst | 394 +-
doc/en/xunit_setup.rst | 180 +-
doc/en/yieldfixture.rst | 200 +-
extra/get_issues.py | 148 +-
extra/setup-py.test/setup.py | 22 +-
plugin-test.sh | 40 +-
pytest.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 227 +-
pytest.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 4 +-
pytest.egg-info/entry_points.txt | 2 +-
pytest.egg-info/not-zip-safe | 2 +-
pytest.py | 56 +-
requirements-docs.txt | 6 +-
runtox.py | 16 +-
setup.cfg | 38 +-
setup.py | 244 +-
testing/acceptance_test.py | 1362 ++---
testing/cx_freeze/tests/test_doctest.txt | 12 +-
testing/python/collect.py | 2202 ++++----
testing/python/fixture.py | 5378 ++++++++++----------
testing/python/integration.py | 736 +--
testing/python/metafunc.py | 2174 ++++----
testing/python/raises.py | 142 +-
testing/test_argcomplete.py | 188 +-
testing/test_assertinterpret.py | 702 +--
testing/test_assertion.py | 1246 ++---
testing/test_assertrewrite.py | 1404 ++---
testing/test_cache.py | 746 +--
testing/test_capture.py | 2134 ++++----
testing/test_collection.py | 1282 ++---
testing/test_config.py | 982 ++--
testing/test_conftest.py | 812 +--
testing/test_doctest.py | 1222 ++---
testing/test_genscript.py | 102 +-
testing/test_helpconfig.py | 138 +-
testing/test_junitxml.py | 1454 +++---
testing/test_mark.py | 1316 ++---
testing/test_monkeypatch.py | 613 ++-
testing/test_nose.py | 790 +--
testing/test_parseopt.py | 586 +--
testing/test_pastebin.py | 230 +-
testing/test_pdb.py | 600 +--
testing/test_pluginmanager.py | 672 +--
testing/test_pytester.py | 244 +-
testing/test_recwarn.py | 434 +-
testing/test_resultlog.py | 464 +-
testing/test_runner.py | 1164 ++---
testing/test_runner_xunit.py | 504 +-
testing/test_session.py | 488 +-
testing/test_skipping.py | 1514 +++---
testing/test_terminal.py | 1627 +++---
testing/test_tmpdir.py | 366 +-
testing/test_unittest.py | 1472 +++---
tox.ini | 317 +-
250 files changed, 50499 insertions(+), 49973 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index 51c4568,0000000..676e3a7
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
+# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- 15c25bf715e58fb1ff1016bbbf7c631c2f54c749
- 15c25bf715e58fb1ff1016bbbf7c631c2f54c749
- f2240a070184f58f07c3c5ff1a3c76703ac198ff
diff --cc debian/patches/remove_google_js
index 193a65a,0000000..8e79df6
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/remove_google_js
+++ b/debian/patches/remove_google_js
@@@ -1,41 -1,0 +1,35 @@@
- From 15c25bf715e58fb1ff1016bbbf7c631c2f54c749 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From 82d23da686d6109b288056ab42dc3b0a88efc476 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Simon Chopin <chopin.simon at gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 11:04:33 -0700
+Subject: Remove Google Analytics and Google+ javascript.
+It is not relevant for an offline and private installation.
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2012-04-09
+Patch-Name: remove_google_js
- doc/en/_templates/layout.html | 23 +++++------------------
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
++ doc/en/_templates/layout.html | 13 -------------
++ 1 file changed, 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/en/_templates/layout.html b/doc/en/_templates/layout.html
- index dfb77af..35b0b58 100644
++index 5ec94fd..35b0b58 100644
+--- a/doc/en/_templates/layout.html
++++ b/doc/en/_templates/layout.html
- @@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
- -{% extends "!layout.html" %}
- -
- -{% block footer %}
- -{{ super() }}
- -<script type="text/javascript">
- -
- - var _gaq = _gaq || [];
- - _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-7597274-13']);
- - _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
- -
- - (function() {
- - var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
- - ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
- - var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
- - })();
- -
- -</script>
- -{% endblock %}
- +{% extends "!layout.html" %}
- +
- +{% block footer %}
- +{{ super() }}
- +{% endblock %}
++@@ -2,17 +2,4 @@
++ {% block footer %}
++ {{ super() }}
++-<script type="text/javascript">
++- var _gaq = _gaq || [];
++- _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-7597274-13']);
++- _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
++- (function() {
++- var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
++- ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
++- var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
++- })();
++ {% endblock %}
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/pytest.git
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