[Python-modules-commits] [elasticsearch-curator] 07/14: Restore es_repo_mgr endpoint
Apollon Oikonomopoulos
apoikos at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 5 16:22:09 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
apoikos pushed a commit to branch master
in repository elasticsearch-curator.
commit b913036b27edebc272e6b3712c2ec6366d37a9f9
Author: Aaron Mildenstein <aaron at mildensteins.com>
Date: Wed Jun 29 15:25:40 2016 -0600
Restore es_repo_mgr endpoint
This is a stopgap measure until I either add other scripts based on this API, or add repository creation/deletion actions, or both.
It remains undocumented as it was never documented fully before.
curator/__init__.py | 1 +
curator/es_repo_mgr.py | 4 +
curator/repomgrcli.py | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
run_es_repo_mgr.py | 8 ++
setup.py | 6 +-
test/integration/test_es_repo_mgr.py | 170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/curator/__init__.py b/curator/__init__.py
index 4e4f3d8..a9b39d3 100644
--- a/curator/__init__.py
+++ b/curator/__init__.py
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ from .indexlist import IndexList
from .snapshotlist import SnapshotList
from .actions import *
from .cli import *
+from .repomgrcli import *
diff --git a/curator/es_repo_mgr.py b/curator/es_repo_mgr.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..39be573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curator/es_repo_mgr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from . import repomgrcli
+def main():
+ repomgrcli.repo_mgr_cli()
diff --git a/curator/repomgrcli.py b/curator/repomgrcli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfc8c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curator/repomgrcli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+import elasticsearch
+import click
+import re
+import sys
+import logging
+from .exceptions import *
+from .utils import *
+from ._version import __version__
+from .logtools import LogInfo
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from logging import NullHandler
+except ImportError:
+ from logging import Handler
+ class NullHandler(Handler):
+ def emit(self, record):
+ pass
+def delete_callback(ctx, param, value):
+ if not value:
+ ctx.abort()
+def fix_hosts(ctx):
+ if "host" in ctx.parent.params:
+ ctx.parent.params['hosts'] = ctx.parent.params['host']
+def show_repos(client):
+ for repository in sorted(get_repository(client, '_all').keys()):
+ print('{0}'.format(repository))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ at click.command(short_help='Filesystem Repository')
+ at click.option('--repository', required=True, type=str, help='Repository name')
+ at click.option('--location', required=True, type=str,
+ help='Shared file-system location. Must match remote path, & be accessible to all master & data nodes')
+ at click.option('--compression', type=bool, default=True, show_default=True,
+ help='Enable/Disable metadata compression.')
+ at click.option('--chunk_size', type=str,
+ help='Chunk size, e.g. 1g, 10m, 5k. [unbounded]')
+ at click.option('--max_restore_bytes_per_sec', type=str, default='20mb',
+ show_default=True,
+ help='Throttles per node restore rate (per second).')
+ at click.option('--max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec', type=str, default='20mb',
+ show_default=True,
+ help='Throttles per node snapshot rate (per second).')
+ at click.pass_context
+def fs(
+ ctx, repository, location, compression, chunk_size,
+ max_restore_bytes_per_sec, max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec):
+ """
+ Create a filesystem repository.
+ """
+ fix_hosts(ctx)
+ client = get_client(**ctx.parent.parent.params)
+ try:
+ create_repository(client, repo_type='fs', **ctx.params)
+ except FailedExecution as e:
+ logger.critical(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ at click.command(short_help='S3 Repository')
+ at click.option('--repository', required=True, type=str, help='Repository name')
+ at click.option('--bucket', required=True, type=str, help='S3 bucket name')
+ at click.option('--region', type=str, help='S3 region. [US Standard]')
+ at click.option('--base_path', type=str, help='S3 base path. [root]')
+ at click.option('--access_key', type=str,
+ help='S3 access key. [value of cloud.aws.access_key]')
+ at click.option('--secret_key', type=str,
+ help='S3 secret key. [value of cloud.aws.secret_key]')
+ at click.option('--compression', type=bool, default=True, show_default=True,
+ help='Enable/Disable metadata compression.')
+ at click.option('--chunk_size', type=str,
+ help='Chunk size, e.g. 1g, 10m, 5k. [unbounded]')
+ at click.option('--max_restore_bytes_per_sec', type=str, default='20mb',
+ show_default=True,
+ help='Throttles per node restore rate (per second).')
+ at click.option('--max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec', type=str, default='20mb',
+ show_default=True,
+ help='Throttles per node snapshot rate (per second).')
+ at click.pass_context
+def s3(
+ ctx, repository, bucket, region, base_path, access_key, secret_key,
+ compression, chunk_size, max_restore_bytes_per_sec,
+ max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec):
+ """
+ Create an S3 repository.
+ """
+ fix_hosts(ctx)
+ client = get_client(**ctx.parent.parent.params)
+ try:
+ create_repository(client, repo_type='s3', **ctx.params)
+ except FailedExecution as e:
+ logger.critical(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ at click.group()
+ at click.option(
+ '--host', help='Elasticsearch host.', default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['hosts'])
+ at click.option(
+ '--url_prefix', help='Elasticsearch http url prefix.',
+ default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['url_prefix']
+ at click.option('--port', help='Elasticsearch port.', default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['port'], type=int)
+ at click.option('--use_ssl', help='Connect to Elasticsearch through SSL.', is_flag=True, default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['use_ssl'])
+ at click.option('--certificate', help='Path to certificate to use for SSL validation. (OPTIONAL)', type=str, default=None)
+ at click.option('--client-cert', help='Path to file containing SSL certificate for client auth. (OPTIONAL)', type=str, default=None)
+ at click.option('--client-key', help='Path to file containing SSL key for client auth. (OPTIONAL)', type=str, default=None)
+ at click.option('--ssl-no-validate', help='Do not validate server\'s SSL certificate', is_flag=True)
+ at click.option('--http_auth', help='Use Basic Authentication ex: user:pass', default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['http_auth'])
+ at click.option('--timeout', help='Connection timeout in seconds.', default=CLIENT_DEFAULTS['timeout'], type=int)
+ at click.option('--master-only', is_flag=True, help='Only operate on elected master node.')
+ at click.option('--debug', is_flag=True, help='Debug mode')
+ at click.option('--loglevel', help='Log level', default=LOGGING_DEFAULTS['loglevel'])
+ at click.option('--logfile', help='log file', default=LOGGING_DEFAULTS['logfile'])
+ at click.option('--logformat', help='Log output format [default|logstash].', default=LOGGING_DEFAULTS['logformat'])
+ at click.version_option(version=__version__)
+ at click.pass_context
+def repo_mgr_cli(
+ ctx, host, url_prefix, port, use_ssl, certificate, client_cert,
+ client_key, ssl_no_validate, http_auth, timeout, master_only, debug,
+ loglevel, logfile, logformat):
+ """
+ Repository manager for Elasticsearch Curator.
+ """
+ # Set up logging
+ if debug:
+ loglevel = 'DEBUG'
+ log_opts = {'loglevel':loglevel, 'logfile':logfile, 'logformat':logformat}
+ loginfo = LogInfo(log_opts)
+ logging.root.addHandler(loginfo.handler)
+ logging.root.setLevel(loginfo.numeric_log_level)
+ # Setting up NullHandler to handle nested elasticsearch.trace Logger
+ # instance in elasticsearch python client
+ logging.getLogger('elasticsearch.trace').addHandler(NullHandler())
+ at repo_mgr_cli.group('create')
+ at click.pass_context
+def _create(ctx):
+ """Create an Elasticsearch repository"""
+ at repo_mgr_cli.command('show')
+ at click.pass_context
+def show(ctx):
+ """
+ Show all repositories
+ """
+ fix_hosts(ctx)
+ client = get_client(**ctx.parent.params)
+ show_repos(client)
+ at repo_mgr_cli.command('delete')
+ at click.option('--repository', required=True, help='Repository name', type=str)
+ at click.option('--yes', is_flag=True, callback=delete_callback,
+ expose_value=False,
+ prompt='Are you sure you want to delete the repository?')
+ at click.pass_context
+def _delete(ctx, repository):
+ """Delete an Elasticsearch repository"""
+ fix_hosts(ctx)
+ client = get_client(**ctx.parent.params)
+ try:
+ logger.info('Deleting repository {0}...'.format(repository))
+ client.snapshot.delete_repository(repository=repository)
+ # sys.exit(0)
+ except elasticsearch.NotFoundError:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Unable to delete repository: {0} Not Found.'.format(repository))
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/run_es_repo_mgr.py b/run_es_repo_mgr.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44e0e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run_es_repo_mgr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Wrapper for running es_repo_mgr from source."""
+from curator.es_repo_mgr import main
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f478cb7..dcbc3d2 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ try:
packages = ["curator"],
entry_points = {
- "console_scripts" : ["curator = curator.curator:main"]
+ "console_scripts" : ["curator = curator.curator:main",
+ "es_repo_mgr = curator.es_repo_mgr:main"]
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ except ImportError:
packages = ["curator"],
entry_points = {
- "console_scripts" : ["curator = curator.curator:main"]
+ "console_scripts" : ["curator = curator.curator:main",
+ "es_repo_mgr = curator.es_repo_mgr:main"]
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
diff --git a/test/integration/test_es_repo_mgr.py b/test/integration/test_es_repo_mgr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6a36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/test_es_repo_mgr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import elasticsearch
+import curator
+import os
+import json
+import click
+import string, random, tempfile
+from click import testing as clicktest
+from mock import patch, Mock, MagicMock
+from . import CuratorTestCase
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+host, port = os.environ.get('TEST_ES_SERVER', 'localhost:9200').split(':')
+port = int(port) if port else 9200
+class TestLoggingModules(CuratorTestCase):
+ def test_logger_without_null_handler(self):
+ mock = Mock()
+ modules = {'logger': mock, 'logger.NullHandler': mock.module}
+ with patch.dict('sys.modules', modules):
+ self.create_repository()
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'show'
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(self.args['repository'], result.output.rstrip())
+class TestCLIRepositoryCreate(CuratorTestCase):
+ def test_create_fs_repository_success(self):
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'create',
+ 'fs',
+ '--repository', self.args['repository'],
+ '--location', self.args['location']
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertTrue(1, len(self.client.snapshot.get_repository(repository=self.args['repository'])))
+ self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
+ def test_create_fs_repository_fail(self):
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'create',
+ 'fs',
+ '--repository', self.args['repository'],
+ '--location', os.devnull
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
+ def test_create_s3_repository_fail(self):
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'create',
+ 's3',
+ '--bucket', 'mybucket',
+ '--repository', self.args['repository'],
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
+class TestCLIDeleteRepository(CuratorTestCase):
+ def test_delete_repository_success(self):
+ self.create_repository()
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'delete',
+ '--yes', # This ensures no prompting will happen
+ '--repository', self.args['repository']
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertFalse(curator.get_repository(self.client, self.args['repository']))
+ def test_delete_repository_notfound(self):
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--debug',
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'delete',
+ '--yes', # This ensures no prompting will happen
+ '--repository', self.args['repository']
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
+class TestCLIShowRepositories(CuratorTestCase):
+ def test_show_repository(self):
+ self.create_repository()
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', os.devnull,
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'show'
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(self.args['repository'], result.output.rstrip())
+class TestRepoMGR_CLIOptions(CuratorTestCase):
+ def test_debug_logging(self):
+ dirname = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
+ logfile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=dirname) + 'logfile'
+ self.create_repository()
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logfile', logfile,
+ '--debug',
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'show'
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
+ def test_logstash_formatting(self):
+ dirname = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
+ logfile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=dirname) + 'logfile'
+ self.create_repository()
+ test = clicktest.CliRunner()
+ result = test.invoke(
+ curator.repo_mgr_cli,
+ [
+ '--logformat', 'logstash',
+ '--debug',
+ '--host', host,
+ '--port', str(port),
+ 'show'
+ ],
+ obj={"filters":[]})
+ d = json.loads(result.output.splitlines()[:1][0])
+ keys = sorted(list(d.keys()))
+ self.assertEqual(['@timestamp','function','linenum','loglevel','message','name'], keys)
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