[Python-modules-commits] [u-msgpack-python] 01/03: Import u-msgpack-python_2.1.orig.tar.gz
Orestis Ioannou
oorestisime-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 23 09:52:21 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
oorestisime-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository u-msgpack-python.
commit 61c71982097535f221e8f48cdae470589d4dab9d
Author: Orestis Ioannou <orestis at oioannou.com>
Date: Sat Jul 16 23:03:58 2016 +0200
Import u-msgpack-python_2.1.orig.tar.gz
PKG-INFO | 19 ++
setup.py | 25 ++
umsgpack.py | 881 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 925 insertions(+)
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67063be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: u-msgpack-python
+Version: 2.1
+Summary: A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python.
+Home-page: https://github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python
+Author: vsergeev
+Author-email: vsergeev at gmail
+License: MIT
+Description: u-msgpack-python is a lightweight `MessagePack <http://msgpack.org/>`_ serializer and deserializer module written in pure Python, compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, as well as CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest `MessagePack specification <https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md>`_. In particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application-defined ext types. See https://github. [...]
+Keywords: msgpack serialization deserialization
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa314b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from distutils.core import setup
+ name='u-msgpack-python',
+ version='2.1',
+ description='A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python.',
+ author='vsergeev',
+ author_email='vsergeev at gmail',
+ url='https://github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python',
+ py_modules=['umsgpack'],
+ long_description="""u-msgpack-python is a lightweight `MessagePack <http://msgpack.org/>`_ serializer and deserializer module written in pure Python, compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, as well as CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest `MessagePack specification <https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md>`_. In particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application-defined ext types. See http [...]
+ classifiers=[
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",
+ ],
+ license='MIT',
+ keywords='msgpack serialization deserialization',
+ )
diff --git a/umsgpack.py b/umsgpack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c2120c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umsgpack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+# u-msgpack-python v2.1 - vsergeev at gmail
+# https://github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python
+# u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer
+# module, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy
+# implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the
+# latest MessagePack specification.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md). In
+# particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application ext
+# types.
+# MIT License
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Ivan A. Sergeev
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+u-msgpack-python v2.1 - vsergeev at gmail
+u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer
+module, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy
+implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the
+latest MessagePack specification.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md). In
+particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application ext
+License: MIT
+__version__ = "2.1"
+"Module version string"
+version = (2,1)
+"Module version tuple"
+import struct
+import collections
+import sys
+import io
+### Ext Class
+# Extension type for application-defined types and data
+class Ext:
+ """
+ The Ext class facilitates creating a serializable extension object to store
+ an application-defined type and data byte array.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type, data):
+ """
+ Construct a new Ext object.
+ Args:
+ type: application-defined type integer from 0 to 127
+ data: application-defined data byte array
+ Raises:
+ TypeError:
+ Specified ext type is outside of 0 to 127 range.
+ Example:
+ >>> foo = umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x01\x02\x03")
+ >>> umsgpack.packb({u"special stuff": foo, u"awesome": True})
+ '\x82\xa7awesome\xc3\xadspecial stuff\xc7\x03\x05\x01\x02\x03'
+ >>> bar = umsgpack.unpackb(_)
+ >>> print(bar["special stuff"])
+ Ext Object (Type: 0x05, Data: 01 02 03)
+ >>>
+ """
+ # Application ext type should be 0 <= type <= 127
+ if not isinstance(type, int) or not (type >= 0 and type <= 127):
+ raise TypeError("ext type out of range")
+ # Check data is type bytes
+ elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and not isinstance(data, bytes):
+ raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'bytes\'")
+ elif sys.version_info[0] == 2 and not isinstance(data, str):
+ raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'str\'")
+ self.type = type
+ self.data = data
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare this Ext object with another for equality.
+ """
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
+ self.type == other.type and
+ self.data == other.data)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare this Ext object with another for inequality.
+ """
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ String representation of this Ext object.
+ """
+ s = "Ext Object (Type: 0x%02x, Data: " % self.type
+ for i in range(min(len(self.data), 8)):
+ if i > 0:
+ s += " "
+ if isinstance(self.data[i], int):
+ s += "%02x" % (self.data[i])
+ else:
+ s += "%02x" % ord(self.data[i])
+ if len(self.data) > 8:
+ s += " ..."
+ s += ")"
+ return s
+### Exceptions
+# Base Exception classes
+class PackException(Exception):
+ "Base class for exceptions encountered during packing."
+ pass
+class UnpackException(Exception):
+ "Base class for exceptions encountered during unpacking."
+ pass
+# Packing error
+class UnsupportedTypeException(PackException):
+ "Object type not supported for packing."
+ pass
+# Unpacking error
+class InsufficientDataException(UnpackException):
+ "Insufficient data to unpack the encoded object."
+ pass
+class InvalidStringException(UnpackException):
+ "Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking."
+ pass
+class ReservedCodeException(UnpackException):
+ "Reserved code encountered during unpacking."
+ pass
+class UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException):
+ """
+ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking.
+ The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary.
+ """
+ pass
+class DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException):
+ "Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking."
+ pass
+# Backwards compatibility
+KeyNotPrimitiveException = UnhashableKeyException
+KeyDuplicateException = DuplicateKeyException
+### Exported Functions and Globals
+# Exported functions and variables, set up in __init()
+pack = None
+packb = None
+unpack = None
+unpackb = None
+dump = None
+dumps = None
+load = None
+loads = None
+compatibility = False
+Compatibility mode boolean.
+When compatibility mode is enabled, u-msgpack-python will serialize both
+unicode strings and bytes into the old "raw" msgpack type, and deserialize the
+"raw" msgpack type into bytes. This provides backwards compatibility with the
+old MessagePack specification.
+>>> umsgpack.compatibility = True
+>>> umsgpack.packb([u"some string", b"some bytes"])
+b'\x92\xabsome string\xaasome bytes'
+>>> umsgpack.unpackb(_)
+[b'some string', b'some bytes']
+### Packing
+# You may notice struct.pack("B", obj) instead of the simpler chr(obj) in the
+# code below. This is to allow for seamless Python 2 and 3 compatibility, as
+# chr(obj) has a str return type instead of bytes in Python 3, and
+# struct.pack(...) has the right return type in both versions.
+def _pack_integer(obj, fp):
+ if obj < 0:
+ if obj >= -32:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("b", obj))
+ elif obj >= -2**(8-1):
+ fp.write(b"\xd0" + struct.pack("b", obj))
+ elif obj >= -2**(16-1):
+ fp.write(b"\xd1" + struct.pack(">h", obj))
+ elif obj >= -2**(32-1):
+ fp.write(b"\xd2" + struct.pack(">i", obj))
+ elif obj >= -2**(64-1):
+ fp.write(b"\xd3" + struct.pack(">q", obj))
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge signed int")
+ else:
+ if obj <= 127:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("B", obj))
+ elif obj <= 2**8-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xcc" + struct.pack("B", obj))
+ elif obj <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xcd" + struct.pack(">H", obj))
+ elif obj <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xce" + struct.pack(">I", obj))
+ elif obj <= 2**64-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xcf" + struct.pack(">Q", obj))
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge unsigned int")
+def _pack_nil(obj, fp):
+ fp.write(b"\xc0")
+def _pack_boolean(obj, fp):
+ fp.write(b"\xc3" if obj else b"\xc2")
+def _pack_float(obj, fp):
+ if _float_size == 64:
+ fp.write(b"\xcb" + struct.pack(">d", obj))
+ else:
+ fp.write(b"\xca" + struct.pack(">f", obj))
+def _pack_string(obj, fp):
+ obj = obj.encode('utf-8')
+ if len(obj) <= 31:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**8-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xd9" + struct.pack("B", len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge string")
+def _pack_binary(obj, fp):
+ if len(obj) <= 2**8-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc4" + struct.pack("B", len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc5" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc6" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge binary string")
+def _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp):
+ if len(obj) <= 31:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj)
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge raw string")
+def _pack_ext(obj, fp):
+ if len(obj.data) == 1:
+ fp.write(b"\xd4" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) == 2:
+ fp.write(b"\xd5" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) == 4:
+ fp.write(b"\xd6" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) == 8:
+ fp.write(b"\xd7" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) == 16:
+ fp.write(b"\xd8" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) <= 2**8-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc7" + struct.pack("BB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc8" + struct.pack(">HB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ elif len(obj.data) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xc9" + struct.pack(">IB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge ext data")
+def _pack_array(obj, fp):
+ if len(obj) <= 15:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x90 | len(obj)))
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xdc" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)))
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xdd" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)))
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array")
+ for e in obj:
+ pack(e, fp)
+def _pack_map(obj, fp):
+ if len(obj) <= 15:
+ fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x80 | len(obj)))
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**16-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xde" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)))
+ elif len(obj) <= 2**32-1:
+ fp.write(b"\xdf" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)))
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array")
+ for k,v in obj.items():
+ pack(k, fp)
+ pack(v, fp)
+# Pack for Python 2, with 'unicode' type, 'str' type, and 'long' type
+def _pack2(obj, fp):
+ """
+ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes.
+ Args:
+ obj: a Python object
+ fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object
+ Returns:
+ None.
+ Raises:
+ UnsupportedType(PackException):
+ Object type not supported for packing.
+ Example:
+ >>> f = open('test.bin', 'w')
+ >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, f)
+ >>>
+ """
+ global compatibility
+ if obj is None:
+ _pack_nil(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, bool):
+ _pack_boolean(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long):
+ _pack_integer(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, float):
+ _pack_float(obj, fp)
+ elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, unicode):
+ _pack_oldspec_raw(bytes(obj), fp)
+ elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes):
+ _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
+ _pack_string(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ _pack_binary(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
+ _pack_array(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ _pack_map(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, Ext):
+ _pack_ext(obj, fp)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj)))
+# Pack for Python 3, with unicode 'str' type, 'bytes' type, and no 'long' type
+def _pack3(obj, fp):
+ """
+ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes.
+ Args:
+ obj: a Python object
+ fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object
+ Returns:
+ None.
+ Raises:
+ UnsupportedType(PackException):
+ Object type not supported for packing.
+ Example:
+ >>> f = open('test.bin', 'w')
+ >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, fp)
+ >>>
+ """
+ global compatibility
+ if obj is None:
+ _pack_nil(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, bool):
+ _pack_boolean(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, int):
+ _pack_integer(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, float):
+ _pack_float(obj, fp)
+ elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, str):
+ _pack_oldspec_raw(obj.encode('utf-8'), fp)
+ elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes):
+ _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ _pack_string(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
+ _pack_binary(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
+ _pack_array(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ _pack_map(obj, fp)
+ elif isinstance(obj, Ext):
+ _pack_ext(obj, fp)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj)))
+def _packb2(obj):
+ """
+ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes.
+ Args:
+ obj: a Python object
+ Returns:
+ A 'str' containing serialized MessagePack bytes.
+ Raises:
+ UnsupportedType(PackException):
+ Object type not supported for packing.
+ Example:
+ >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0})
+ '\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00'
+ >>>
+ """
+ fp = io.BytesIO()
+ _pack2(obj, fp)
+ return fp.getvalue()
+def _packb3(obj):
+ """
+ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes.
+ Args:
+ obj: a Python object
+ Returns:
+ A 'bytes' containing serialized MessagePack bytes.
+ Raises:
+ UnsupportedType(PackException):
+ Object type not supported for packing.
+ Example:
+ >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0})
+ b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00'
+ >>>
+ """
+ fp = io.BytesIO()
+ _pack3(obj, fp)
+ return fp.getvalue()
+### Unpacking
+def _read_except(fp, n):
+ data = fp.read(n)
+ if len(data) < n:
+ raise InsufficientDataException()
+ return data
+def _unpack_integer(code, fp):
+ if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xe0:
+ return struct.unpack("b", code)[0]
+ elif code == b'\xd0':
+ return struct.unpack("b", _read_except(fp, 1))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xd1':
+ return struct.unpack(">h", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xd2':
+ return struct.unpack(">i", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xd3':
+ return struct.unpack(">q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0]
+ elif (ord(code) & 0x80) == 0x00:
+ return struct.unpack("B", code)[0]
+ elif code == b'\xcc':
+ return struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xcd':
+ return struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xce':
+ return struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xcf':
+ return struct.unpack(">Q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0]
+ raise Exception("logic error, not int: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+def _unpack_reserved(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xc1':
+ raise ReservedCodeException("encountered reserved code: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ raise Exception("logic error, not reserved code: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+def _unpack_nil(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xc0':
+ return None
+ raise Exception("logic error, not nil: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+def _unpack_boolean(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xc2':
+ return False
+ elif code == b'\xc3':
+ return True
+ raise Exception("logic error, not boolean: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+def _unpack_float(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xca':
+ return struct.unpack(">f", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xcb':
+ return struct.unpack(">d", _read_except(fp, 8))[0]
+ raise Exception("logic error, not float: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+def _unpack_string(code, fp):
+ if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xa0:
+ length = ord(code) & ~0xe0
+ elif code == b'\xd9':
+ length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xda':
+ length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xdb':
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("logic error, not string: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ # Always return raw bytes in compatibility mode
+ global compatibility
+ if compatibility:
+ return _read_except(fp, length)
+ try:
+ return bytes.decode(_read_except(fp, length), 'utf-8')
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ raise InvalidStringException("unpacked string is not utf-8")
+def _unpack_binary(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xc4':
+ length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xc5':
+ length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xc6':
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("logic error, not binary: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ return _read_except(fp, length)
+def _unpack_ext(code, fp):
+ if code == b'\xd4':
+ length = 1
+ elif code == b'\xd5':
+ length = 2
+ elif code == b'\xd6':
+ length = 4
+ elif code == b'\xd7':
+ length = 8
+ elif code == b'\xd8':
+ length = 16
+ elif code == b'\xc7':
+ length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xc8':
+ length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xc9':
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("logic error, not ext: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ return Ext(ord(_read_except(fp, 1)), _read_except(fp, length))
+def _unpack_array(code, fp):
+ if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x90:
+ length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0)
+ elif code == b'\xdc':
+ length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xdd':
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("logic error, not array: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ return [_unpack(fp) for i in xrange(length)]
+def _deep_list_to_tuple(obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return tuple([_deep_list_to_tuple(e) for e in obj])
+ return obj
+def _unpack_map(code, fp):
+ if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x80:
+ length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0)
+ elif code == b'\xde':
+ length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0]
+ elif code == b'\xdf':
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("logic error, not map: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
+ d = {}
+ for i in xrange(length):
+ # Unpack key
+ k = _unpack(fp)
+ if isinstance(k, list):
+ # Attempt to convert list into a hashable tuple
+ k = _deep_list_to_tuple(k)
+ elif not isinstance(k, collections.Hashable):
+ raise UnhashableKeyException("encountered unhashable key: %s, %s" % (str(k), str(type(k))))
+ elif k in d:
+ raise DuplicateKeyException("encountered duplicate key: %s, %s" % (str(k), str(type(k))))
+ # Unpack value
+ v = _unpack(fp)
+ try:
+ d[k] = v
+ except TypeError:
+ raise UnhashableKeyException("encountered unhashable key: %s" % str(k))
+ return d
+def _unpack(fp):
+ code = _read_except(fp, 1)
+ return _unpack_dispatch_table[code](code, fp)
+def _unpack2(fp):
+ """
+ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object.
+ Args:
+ fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object
+ Returns:
+ A Python object.
+ Raises:
+ InsufficientDataException(UnpackException):
+ Insufficient data to unpack the encoded object.
+ InvalidStringException(UnpackException):
+ Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking.
+ ReservedCodeException(UnpackException):
+ Reserved code encountered during unpacking.
+ UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking.
+ The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary.
+ DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking.
+ Example:
+ >>> f = open("test.bin")
+ >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f)
+ {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}
+ >>>
+ """
+ return _unpack(fp)
+def _unpack3(fp):
+ """
+ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object.
+ Args:
+ fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object
+ Returns:
+ A Python object.
+ Raises:
+ InsufficientDataException(UnpackException):
+ Insufficient data to unpack the encoded object.
+ InvalidStringException(UnpackException):
+ Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking.
+ ReservedCodeException(UnpackException):
+ Reserved code encountered during unpacking.
+ UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking.
+ The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary.
+ DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking.
+ Example:
+ >>> f = open("test.bin")
+ >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f)
+ {'compact': True, 'schema': 0}
+ >>>
+ """
+ return _unpack(fp)
+# For Python 2, expects a str object
+def _unpackb2(s):
+ """
+ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object.
+ Args:
+ s: a 'str' containing serialized MessagePack bytes
+ Returns:
+ A Python object.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError:
+ Packed data is not type 'str'.
+ InsufficientDataException(UnpackException):
+ Insufficient data to unpack the encoded object.
+ InvalidStringException(UnpackException):
+ Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking.
+ ReservedCodeException(UnpackException):
+ Reserved code encountered during unpacking.
+ UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking.
+ The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary.
+ DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking.
+ Example:
+ >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00')
+ {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}
+ >>>
+ """
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ raise TypeError("packed data is not type 'str'")
+ return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s))
+# For Python 3, expects a bytes object
+def _unpackb3(s):
+ """
+ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object.
+ Args:
+ s: a 'bytes' containing serialized MessagePack bytes
+ Returns:
+ A Python object.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError:
+ Packed data is not type 'bytes'.
+ InsufficientDataException(UnpackException):
+ Insufficient data to unpack the encoded object.
+ InvalidStringException(UnpackException):
+ Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking.
+ ReservedCodeException(UnpackException):
+ Reserved code encountered during unpacking.
+ UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking.
+ The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary.
+ DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException):
+ Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking.
+ Example:
+ >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00')
+ {'compact': True, 'schema': 0}
+ >>>
+ """
+ if not isinstance(s, bytes):
+ raise TypeError("packed data is not type 'bytes'")
+ return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s))
+### Module Initialization
+def __init():
+ global pack
+ global packb
+ global unpack
+ global unpackb
+ global dump
+ global dumps
+ global load
+ global loads
+ global compatibility
+ global _float_size
+ global _unpack_dispatch_table
+ global xrange
+ # Compatibility mode for handling strings/bytes with the old specification
+ compatibility = False
+ # Auto-detect system float precision
+ if sys.float_info.mant_dig == 53:
+ _float_size = 64
+ else:
+ _float_size = 32
+ # Map packb and unpackb to the appropriate version
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ pack = _pack3
+ packb = _packb3
+ dump = _pack3
+ dumps = _packb3
+ unpack = _unpack3
+ unpackb = _unpackb3
+ load = _unpack3
+ loads = _unpackb3
+ xrange = range
+ else:
+ pack = _pack2
+ packb = _packb2
+ dump = _pack2
+ dumps = _packb2
+ unpack = _unpack2
+ unpackb = _unpackb2
+ load = _unpack2
+ loads = _unpackb2
+ # Build a dispatch table for fast lookup of unpacking function
+ _unpack_dispatch_table = {}
+ # Fix uint
+ for code in range(0, 0x7f+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer
+ # Fix map
+ for code in range(0x80, 0x8f+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_map
+ # Fix array
+ for code in range(0x90, 0x9f+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_array
+ # Fix str
+ for code in range(0xa0, 0xbf+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string
+ # Nil
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc0'] = _unpack_nil
+ # Reserved
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc1'] = _unpack_reserved
+ # Boolean
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc2'] = _unpack_boolean
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc3'] = _unpack_boolean
+ # Bin
+ for code in range(0xc4, 0xc6+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_binary
+ # Ext
+ for code in range(0xc7, 0xc9+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext
+ # Float
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xca'] = _unpack_float
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xcb'] = _unpack_float
+ # Uint
+ for code in range(0xcc, 0xcf+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer
+ # Int
+ for code in range(0xd0, 0xd3+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer
+ # Fixext
+ for code in range(0xd4, 0xd8+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext
+ # String
+ for code in range(0xd9, 0xdb+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string
+ # Array
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdc'] = _unpack_array
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdd'] = _unpack_array
+ # Map
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xde'] = _unpack_map
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdf'] = _unpack_map
+ # Negative fixint
+ for code in range(0xe0, 0xff+1):
+ _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer
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