[Python-modules-commits] [keyrings.alt] 11/14: Port tests from keyring 7.3
Dmitry Shachnev
mitya57 at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 2 07:21:14 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mitya57 pushed a commit to tag 1.0
in repository keyrings.alt.
commit b73375a3e769314483a828e52de4f803bcd80842
Author: Jason R. Coombs <jaraco at jaraco.com>
Date: Thu Jan 14 06:30:26 2016 -0500
Port tests from keyring 7.3
tests/__init__.py | 0
tests/test_Gnome.py | 35 ++++++
tests/test_Google.py | 331 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/test_Windows.py | 49 ++++++++
tests/test_crypto.py | 32 +++++
tests/test_file.py | 52 ++++++++
tests/test_keyczar.py | 76 ++++++++++++
tests/test_kwallet.py | 81 ++++++++++++
tests/test_multi.py | 58 +++++++++
tests/test_pyfs.py | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++
10 files changed, 850 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_Gnome.py b/tests/test_Gnome.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d2117e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_Gnome.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import types
+import sys
+import unittest
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests
+from keyring.tests.util import NoNoneDictMutator
+from keyrings.alt import Gnome
+def ImportBlesser(*names, **changes):
+ """A context manager to temporarily make it possible to import a module"""
+ for name in names:
+ changes[name] = types.ModuleType(name)
+ return NoNoneDictMutator(sys.modules, **changes)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(Gnome.Keyring.viable, "Need GnomeKeyring")
+class GnomeKeyringTestCase(BackendBasicTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ k = Gnome.Keyring()
+ # Store passwords in the session (in-memory) keyring for the tests. This
+ # is going to be automatically cleared when the user logoff.
+ k.KEYRING_NAME = 'session'
+ return k
+ def test_supported(self):
+ with ImportBlesser('gi.repository'):
+ self.assertTrue(Gnome.Keyring.viable)
+ def test_supported_no_module(self):
+ with NoNoneDictMutator(Gnome.__dict__, GnomeKeyring=None):
+ self.assertFalse(Gnome.Keyring.viable)
diff --git a/tests/test_Google.py b/tests/test_Google.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339c191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_Google.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+import codecs
+import base64
+import unittest
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests
+from keyrings.alt import Google
+from keyring.credentials import SimpleCredential
+from keyring.backend import NullCrypter
+from keyring import errors
+from keyring.py27compat import input, pickle
+from keyring.tests import mocks
+def is_gdata_supported():
+ try:
+ __import__('gdata.service')
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def init_google_docs_keyring(client, can_create=True,
+ input_getter=input):
+ credentials = SimpleCredential('foo', 'bar')
+ return Google.DocsKeyring(credentials,
+ 'test_src',
+ NullCrypter(),
+ client=client,
+ can_create=can_create,
+ input_getter=input_getter
+ )
+ at unittest.skipUnless(is_gdata_supported(),
+ "Need Google Docs (gdata)")
+class GoogleDocsKeyringTestCase(BackendBasicTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Run all the standard tests on a new keyring"""
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ client = mocks.MockDocumentService()
+ client.SetClientLoginToken('foo')
+ return init_google_docs_keyring(client)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(is_gdata_supported(),
+ "Need Google Docs (gdata)")
+class GoogleDocsKeyringInteractionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Additional tests for Google Doc interactions"""
+ def _init_client(self, set_token=True):
+ client = mocks.MockDocumentService()
+ if set_token:
+ client.SetClientLoginToken('interaction')
+ return client
+ def _init_keyring(self, client):
+ self.keyring = init_google_docs_keyring(client)
+ def _init_listfeed(self):
+ listfeed = mocks.MockListFeed()
+ listfeed._entry = [mocks.MockDocumentListEntry(),
+ mocks.MockDocumentListEntry()
+ ]
+ return listfeed
+ def _encode_data(self, data):
+ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pickle.dumps(data))
+ def test_handles_auth_failure(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client(set_token=False)
+ client._login_err = gdata.service.BadAuthentication
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.InitError):
+ self.keyring.client
+ def test_handles_auth_error(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client(set_token=False)
+ client._login_err = gdata.service.Error
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.InitError):
+ self.keyring.client
+ def test_handles_login_captcha(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client(set_token=False)
+ client._login_err = gdata.service.CaptchaRequired
+ client.captcha_url = 'a_captcha_url'
+ client.captcha_token = 'token'
+ self.get_input_called = False
+ def _get_input(prompt):
+ self.get_input_called = True
+ delattr(client, '_login_err')
+ return 'Foo'
+ self.keyring = init_google_docs_keyring(client, input_getter=_get_input)
+ self.keyring.client
+ self.assertTrue(self.get_input_called, 'Should have got input')
+ def test_retrieves_existing_keyring_with_and_without_bom(self):
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(section1=dict(user1='pwd1'))
+ no_utf8_bom_entries = self._encode_data(dummy_entries)
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=no_utf8_bom_entries)
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('section1', 'user1'), 'pwd1')
+ utf8_bom_entries = codecs.BOM_UTF8 + no_utf8_bom_entries
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=utf8_bom_entries)
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('section1', 'user1'), 'pwd1')
+ def test_handles_retrieve_failure(self):
+ client = self._init_client()
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ client._request_response = dict(status=400,
+ reason='Data centre explosion')
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InitError, self.keyring.get_password, 'any', 'thing')
+ def test_handles_corrupt_retrieve(self):
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(section1=dict(user1='pwd1'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data='broken' + self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InitError, self.keyring.get_password, 'any', 'thing')
+ def test_no_create_if_requested(self):
+ client = self._init_client()
+ self.keyring = init_google_docs_keyring(client, can_create=False)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InitError, self.keyring.get_password, 'any', 'thing')
+ def test_no_set_if_create_folder_fails_on_new_keyring(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ client._create_folder_err = gdata.service.RequestError
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'), None,
+ 'No password should be set in new keyring')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PasswordSetError, self.keyring.set_password,
+ 'service-a', 'user-A', 'password-A')
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'), None,
+ 'No password should be set after write fail')
+ def test_no_set_if_write_fails_on_new_keyring(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ client._upload_err = gdata.service.RequestError
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'), None,
+ 'No password should be set in new keyring')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PasswordSetError, self.keyring.set_password,
+ 'service-a', 'user-A', 'password-A')
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'), None,
+ 'No password should be set after write fail')
+ def test_no_set_if_write_fails_on_existing_keyring(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionB=dict(user9='pwd9'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = gdata.service.RequestError
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('sectionB', 'user9'), 'pwd9',
+ 'Correct password should be set in existing keyring')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PasswordSetError, self.keyring.set_password,
+ 'sectionB', 'user9', 'Not the same pwd')
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('sectionB', 'user9'), 'pwd9',
+ 'Password should be unchanged after write fail')
+ def test_writes_correct_data_to_google_docs(self):
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteChk=dict(userWriteChk='pwd'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.keyring.set_password('sectionWriteChk',
+ 'userWritechk',
+ 'new_pwd')
+ self.assertIsNotNone(client._put_data, 'Should have written data')
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'new_pwd',
+ client._put_data.get('sectionWriteChk').get('userWritechk'),
+ 'Did not write updated password!')
+ def test_handles_write_conflict_on_different_service(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteConflictA=dict(
+ userwriteConflictA='pwdwriteConflictA'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = [(gdata.service.RequestError,
+ {'status': '406',
+ 'reason': 'Conflict'}),]
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.keyring.get_password('sectionWriteConflictA',
+ 'userwriteConflictA'),
+ 'pwdwriteConflictA',
+ 'Correct password should be set in existing keyring')
+ dummy_entries['diffSection'] = dict(foo='bar')
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ new_pwd = 'Not the same pwd'
+ self.keyring.set_password('sectionWriteConflictA',
+ 'userwriteConflictA',
+ new_pwd)
+ self.assertEquals(self.keyring.get_password('sectionWriteConflictA',
+ 'userwriteConflictA'),
+ new_pwd
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(1, client._put_count,
+ 'Write not called after conflict resolution')
+ def test_handles_write_conflict_on_same_service_and_username(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteConflictB=dict(
+ userwriteConflictB='pwdwriteConflictB'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = (gdata.service.RequestError,
+ {'status': '406',
+ 'reason': 'Conflict'})
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.keyring.get_password('sectionWriteConflictB',
+ 'userwriteConflictB'),
+ 'pwdwriteConflictB',
+ 'Correct password should be set in existing keyring')
+ conflicting_dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteConflictB=dict(
+ userwriteConflictB='pwdwriteConflictC'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(conflicting_dummy_entries))
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PasswordSetError, self.keyring.set_password,
+ 'sectionWriteConflictB', 'userwriteConflictB', 'new_pwd')
+ def test_handles_write_conflict_with_identical_change(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteConflictC=dict(
+ userwriteConflictC='pwdwriteConflictC'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = [(gdata.service.RequestError,
+ {'status': '406',
+ 'reason': 'Conflict'}),]
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.keyring.get_password('sectionWriteConflictC',
+ 'userwriteConflictC'),
+ 'pwdwriteConflictC',
+ 'Correct password should be set in existing keyring')
+ new_pwd = 'Not the same pwd'
+ conflicting_dummy_entries = dict(sectionWriteConflictC=dict(
+ userwriteConflictC=new_pwd))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(conflicting_dummy_entries))
+ self.keyring.set_password('sectionWriteConflictC',
+ 'userwriteConflictC',
+ new_pwd)
+ self.assertEquals(self.keyring.get_password('sectionWriteConflictC',
+ 'userwriteConflictC'),
+ new_pwd
+ )
+ def test_handles_broken_google_put_when_non_owner_update_fails(self):
+ """Google Docs has a bug when putting to a non-owner
+ see GoogleDocsKeyring._save_keyring()
+ """
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionBrokenPut=dict(
+ userBrokenPut='pwdBrokenPut'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = [(
+ gdata.service.RequestError,
+ { 'status': '400',
+ 'body': 'Sorry, there was an error saving the file. Please try again.',
+ 'reason': 'Bad Request'}),]
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ new_pwd = 'newPwdBrokenPut'
+ correct_read_entries = dict(sectionBrokenPut=dict(
+ userBrokenPut='pwdBrokenPut'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200,
+ data=self._encode_data(correct_read_entries))
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PasswordSetError, self.keyring.set_password,
+ 'sectionBrokenPut', 'userBrokenPut', new_pwd)
+ def test_handles_broken_google_put_when_non_owner_update(self):
+ """Google Docs has a bug when putting to a non-owner
+ see GoogleDocsKeyring._save_keyring()
+ """
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ dummy_entries = dict(sectionBrokenPut=dict(
+ userBrokenPut='pwdBrokenPut'))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200, data=self._encode_data(dummy_entries))
+ client._put_err = [(
+ gdata.service.RequestError,
+ { 'status': '400',
+ 'body': 'Sorry, there was an error saving the file. Please try again.',
+ 'reason': 'Bad Request'}),]
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ new_pwd = 'newPwdBrokenPut'
+ correct_read_entries = dict(sectionBrokenPut=dict(
+ userBrokenPut=new_pwd))
+ client._request_response = dict(status=200,
+ data=self._encode_data(correct_read_entries))
+ self.keyring.set_password('sectionBrokenPut',
+ 'userBrokenPut',
+ new_pwd)
+ self.assertEquals(self.keyring.get_password('sectionBrokenPut',
+ 'userBrokenPut'),
+ new_pwd)
+ def test_uses_existing_folder(self):
+ import gdata
+ client = self._init_client()
+ # should not happen
+ client._create_folder_err = gdata.service.RequestError
+ self._init_keyring(client)
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'), None,
+ 'No password should be set in new keyring')
+ client._listfeed = self._init_listfeed()
+ self.keyring.set_password('service-a', 'user-A', 'password-A')
+ self.assertIsNotNone(client._upload_data, 'Should have written data')
+ self.assertEqual(self.keyring.get_password('service-a', 'user-A'),
+ 'password-A',
+ 'Correct password should be set')
diff --git a/tests/test_Windows.py b/tests/test_Windows.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c93c3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_Windows.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import unittest
+from keyrings.alt import Windows
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests
+from .test_file import FileKeyringTests
+def is_win32_crypto_supported():
+ try:
+ __import__('keyring.backends._win_crypto')
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+ return sys.platform in ['win32'] and sys.getwindowsversion()[-2] == 2
+def is_winvault_supported():
+ try:
+ __import__('win32cred')
+ has_pywin32 = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_pywin32 = False
+ return (
+ sys.platform in ['win32'] and sys.getwindowsversion().major >= 6
+ and has_pywin32
+ )
+ at unittest.skipUnless(is_win32_crypto_supported(),
+ "Need Windows")
+class Win32CryptoKeyringTestCase(FileKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return Windows.EncryptedKeyring()
+ at unittest.skipUnless(Windows.RegistryKeyring.viable
+ and sys.version_info > (3,), "RegistryKeyring not viable")
+class RegistryKeyringTestCase(BackendBasicTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # clean up any credentials created
+ for cred in self.credentials_created:
+ try:
+ self.keyring.delete_password(*cred)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return Windows.RegistryKeyring()
diff --git a/tests/test_crypto.py b/tests/test_crypto.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04dfae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_crypto.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import unittest
+import mock
+from .test_file import FileKeyringTests
+from keyrings.alt import file
+def is_crypto_supported():
+ try:
+ __import__('Crypto.Cipher.AES')
+ __import__('Crypto.Protocol.KDF')
+ __import__('Crypto.Random')
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+ return True
+ at unittest.skipUnless(is_crypto_supported(),
+ "Need Crypto module")
+class CryptedFileKeyringTestCase(FileKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(self.__class__, self).setUp()
+ fake_getpass = mock.Mock(return_value='abcdef')
+ self.patcher = mock.patch('getpass.getpass', fake_getpass)
+ self.patcher.start()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.patcher.stop()
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return file.EncryptedKeyring()
diff --git a/tests/test_file.py b/tests/test_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3037061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import os
+import tempfile
+import sys
+import errno
+import unittest
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests
+from keyring.tests.util import random_string
+from keyrings.alt import file
+class FileKeyringTests(BackendBasicTests):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(FileKeyringTests, self).setUp()
+ self.keyring = self.init_keyring()
+ self.keyring.file_path = self.tmp_keyring_file = tempfile.mktemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ try:
+ os.unlink(self.tmp_keyring_file)
+ except (OSError,):
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # No such file or directory
+ raise
+ def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
+ password = random_string(20)
+ # keyring.encrypt expects bytes
+ password = password.encode('utf-8')
+ encrypted = self.keyring.encrypt(password)
+ self.assertEqual(password, self.keyring.decrypt(encrypted))
+class UncryptedFileKeyringTestCase(FileKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return file.PlaintextKeyring()
+ @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32',
+ "Group/World permissions aren't meaningful on Windows")
+ def test_keyring_not_created_world_writable(self):
+ """
+ Ensure that when keyring creates the file that it's not overly-
+ permissive.
+ """
+ self.keyring.set_password('system', 'user', 'password')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.keyring.file_path))
+ group_other_perms = os.stat(self.keyring.file_path).st_mode & 0o077
+ self.assertEqual(group_other_perms, 0)
diff --git a/tests/test_keyczar.py b/tests/test_keyczar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e1bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_keyczar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from keyrings.alt import keyczar
+from keyring.tests import mocks
+def is_keyczar_supported():
+ return hasattr(keyczar, 'keyczar')
+ at unittest.skipUnless(is_keyczar_supported(),
+ "Need Keyczar")
+class KeyczarCrypterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the keyczar crypter"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._orig_keyczar = keyczar.keyczar
+ keyczar.keyczar = mocks.MockKeyczar()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ keyczar.keyczar = self._orig_keyczar
+ if keyczar.EnvironCrypter.KEYSET_ENV_VAR in os.environ:
+ del os.environ[keyczar.EnvironCrypter.KEYSET_ENV_VAR]
+ if keyczar.EnvironCrypter.ENC_KEYSET_ENV_VAR in os.environ:
+ del os.environ[keyczar.EnvironCrypter.ENC_KEYSET_ENV_VAR]
+ def testKeyczarCrypterWithUnencryptedReader(self):
+ """
+ """
+ location = 'bar://baz'
+ kz_crypter = keyczar.Crypter(location)
+ self.assertEquals(location, kz_crypter.keyset_location)
+ self.assertIsNone(kz_crypter.encrypting_keyset_location)
+ self.assertIsInstance(kz_crypter.crypter, mocks.MockKeyczarCrypter)
+ self.assertIsInstance(kz_crypter.crypter.reader, mocks.MockKeyczarReader)
+ self.assertEquals(location, kz_crypter.crypter.reader.location)
+ def testKeyczarCrypterWithEncryptedReader(self):
+ """
+ """
+ location = 'foo://baz'
+ encrypting_location = 'castle://aaargh'
+ kz_crypter = keyczar.Crypter(location, encrypting_location)
+ self.assertEquals(location, kz_crypter.keyset_location)
+ self.assertEquals(encrypting_location,
+ kz_crypter.encrypting_keyset_location)
+ self.assertIsInstance(kz_crypter.crypter, mocks.MockKeyczarCrypter)
+ self.assertIsInstance(kz_crypter.crypter.reader,
+ mocks.MockKeyczarEncryptedReader)
+ self.assertEquals(location, kz_crypter.crypter.reader._reader.location)
+ self.assertEquals(encrypting_location,
+ kz_crypter.crypter.reader._crypter.reader.location)
+ def testKeyczarCrypterEncryptDecryptHandlesEmptyNone(self):
+ location = 'castle://aargh'
+ kz_crypter = keyczar.Crypter(location)
+ self.assertEquals('', kz_crypter.encrypt(''))
+ self.assertEquals('', kz_crypter.encrypt(None))
+ self.assertEquals('', kz_crypter.decrypt(''))
+ self.assertEquals('', kz_crypter.decrypt(None))
+ def testEnvironCrypterReadsCorrectValues(self):
+ location = 'foo://baz'
+ encrypting_location = 'castle://aaargh'
+ kz_crypter = keyczar.EnvironCrypter()
+ os.environ[kz_crypter.KEYSET_ENV_VAR] = location
+ self.assertEqual(location, kz_crypter.keyset_location)
+ self.assertIsNone(kz_crypter.encrypting_keyset_location)
+ os.environ[kz_crypter.ENC_KEYSET_ENV_VAR] = encrypting_location
+ self.assertEqual(encrypting_location, kz_crypter.encrypting_keyset_location)
+ def testEnvironCrypterThrowsExceptionOnMissingValues(self):
+ kz_crypter = keyczar.EnvironCrypter()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ kz_crypter.keyset_location
+ self.assertIsNone(kz_crypter.encrypting_keyset_location)
diff --git a/tests/test_kwallet.py b/tests/test_kwallet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab2589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_kwallet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import unittest
+from keyrings.alt import kwallet
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests
+def is_qt4_supported():
+ try:
+ __import__('PyQt4.QtGui')
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+ return True
+ at unittest.skipUnless(kwallet.QtKeyring.viable, "Need KWallet")
+class KDEKWalletTestCase(BackendBasicTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return kwallet.QtKeyring()
+class UnOpenableKWallet(object):
+ """A module-like object used to test KDE wallet fall-back."""
+ Synchronous = None
+ def openWallet(self, *args):
+ return None
+ def NetworkWallet(self):
+ return None
+class FauxQtGui(object):
+ """A fake module-like object used in testing the open_kwallet function."""
+ class qApp:
+ @staticmethod
+ def instance():
+ pass
+ class QApplication(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def exit(self):
+ pass
+ class QWidget(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def winId(self):
+ pass
+class KDEWalletCanceledTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_user_canceled(self):
+ # If the user cancels either the "enter your password to unlock the
+ # keyring" dialog or clicks "deny" on the "can this application access
+ # the wallet" dialog then openWallet() will return None. The
+ # open_wallet() function should handle that eventuality by returning
+ # None to signify that the KWallet backend is not available.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ kwallet.open_kwallet(UnOpenableKWallet(), FauxQtGui()),
+ None)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(kwallet.QtKeyring.viable and
+ is_qt4_supported(),
+ "Need KWallet and Qt4")
+class KDEKWalletInQApplication(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_QApplication(self):
+ try:
+ from PyKDE4.kdeui import KWallet
+ from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
+ except:
+ return
+ app = QApplication([])
+ wallet = kwallet.open_kwallet()
+ self.assertIsInstance(wallet, KWallet.Wallet)
+ app.exit()
diff --git a/tests/test_multi.py b/tests/test_multi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38fd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_multi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import unittest
+from keyring.backend import KeyringBackend
+from keyrings.alt import multi
+import keyring.errors
+class MultipartKeyringWrapperTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the wrapper that breaks passwords into smaller chunks"""
+ class MockKeyring(KeyringBackend):
+ priority = 1
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.passwords = {}
+ def get_password(self, service, username):
+ return self.passwords.get(service+username)
+ def set_password(self, service, username, password):
+ self.passwords[service+username] = password
+ def delete_password(self, service, username):
+ try:
+ del self.passwords[service+username]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise keyring.errors.PasswordDeleteError('not found')
+ def testViablePassThru(self):
+ kr = multi.MultipartKeyringWrapper(self.MockKeyring())
+ self.assertTrue(kr.viable)
+ def testMissingPassword(self):
+ wrapped_kr = self.MockKeyring()
+ kr = multi.MultipartKeyringWrapper(wrapped_kr)
+ self.assertIsNone(kr.get_password('s1', 'u1'))
+ def testSmallPasswordSetInSinglePart(self):
+ wrapped_kr = self.MockKeyring()
+ kr = multi.MultipartKeyringWrapper(wrapped_kr)
+ kr.set_password('s1', 'u1', 'p1')
+ self.assertEquals(wrapped_kr.passwords, {'s1u1':'p1'})
+ # should be able to read it back
+ self.assertEquals(kr.get_password('s1', 'u1'), 'p1')
+ def testLargePasswordSetInMultipleParts(self):
+ wrapped_kr = self.MockKeyring()
+ kr = multi.MultipartKeyringWrapper(wrapped_kr,
+ max_password_size=2)
+ kr.set_password('s2', 'u2', '0123456')
+ self.assertEquals(wrapped_kr.passwords, {'s2u2':'01',
+ 's2u2{{part_1}}':'23',
+ 's2u2{{part_2}}':'45',
+ "s2u2{{part_3}}":'6'})
+ # should be able to read it back
+ self.assertEquals(kr.get_password('s2', 'u2'), '0123456')
diff --git a/tests/test_pyfs.py b/tests/test_pyfs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..361c4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_pyfs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+import keyring.backend
+from keyrings.alt import pyfs
+from keyring.tests.test_backend import BackendBasicTests, random_string
+class ReverseCrypter(keyring.backend.Crypter):
+ """Very silly crypter class"""
+ def encrypt(self, value):
+ return value[::-1]
+ def decrypt(self, value):
+ return value[::-1]
+class PyfilesystemKeyringTests(BackendBasicTests):
+ """Base class for Pyfilesystem tests"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(PyfilesystemKeyringTests, self).setUp()
+ self.keyring = self.init_keyring()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.keyring
+ def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
+ password = random_string(20)
+ encrypted = self.keyring.encrypt(password)
+ self.assertEqual(password, self.keyring.decrypt(encrypted))
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class UnencryptedMemoryPyfilesystemKeyringNoSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test in memory with no encryption"""
+ keyring_filename = 'mem://unencrypted'
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.PlaintextKeyring(
+ filename=self.keyring_filename)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class UnencryptedMemoryPyfilesystemKeyringSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test in memory with no encryption"""
+ keyring_filename = 'mem://some/sub/dir/unencrypted'
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.PlaintextKeyring(
+ filename=self.keyring_filename)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class UnencryptedLocalPyfilesystemKeyringNoSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test using local temp files with no encryption"""
+ keyring_filename = '%s/keyring.cfg' %tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.PlaintextKeyring(
+ filename=self.keyring_filename)
+ def test_handles_preexisting_keyring(self):
+ from fs.opener import opener
+ fs, path = opener.parse(self.keyring_filename, writeable=True)
+ keyring_file = fs.open(path, 'w')
+ file_data = textwrap.dedent("""
+ [svc1]
+ user1 = cHdkMQ==
+ """).lstrip()
+ keyring_file.write(file_data)
+ keyring_file.close()
+ pyf_keyring = keyring.backends.pyfs.PlaintextKeyring(
+ filename=self.keyring_filename)
+ self.assertEquals('pwd1', pyf_keyring.get_password('svc1', 'user1'))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.keyring
+ if os.path.exists(self.keyring_filename):
+ os.remove(self.keyring_filename)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class UnencryptedLocalPyfilesystemKeyringSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test using local temp files with no encryption"""
+ keyring_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'more', 'sub', 'dirs')
+ keyring_filename = os.path.join(keyring_dir, 'keyring.cfg')
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.keyring_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.keyring_dir)
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.PlaintextKeyring(
+ filename=self.keyring_filename)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class EncryptedMemoryPyfilesystemKeyringTestCase(PyfilesystemKeyringTests,
+ unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test in memory with encryption"""
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.EncryptedKeyring(
+ ReverseCrypter(),
+ filename='mem://encrypted/keyring.cfg')
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class EncryptedLocalPyfilesystemKeyringNoSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test using local temp files with encryption"""
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.EncryptedKeyring(
+ ReverseCrypter(),
+ filename='temp://keyring.cfg')
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pyfs.BasicKeyring.viable, "Need Pyfilesystem")
+class EncryptedLocalPyfilesystemKeyringSubDirTestCase(
+ PyfilesystemKeyringTests, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test using local temp files with encryption"""
+ def init_keyring(self):
+ return keyring.backends.pyfs.EncryptedKeyring(
+ ReverseCrypter(),
+ filename='temp://a/sub/dir/hierarchy/keyring.cfg')
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