[Python-modules-commits] [python-virtualenv] 01/10: Import python-virtualenv_15.0.0+ds.orig.tar.gz

Barry Warsaw barry at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 7 22:20:25 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

barry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-virtualenv.

commit c02459dd1d36bb3e005424d9d7c5c84e81a64005
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 7 11:36:16 2016 -0500

    Import python-virtualenv_15.0.0+ds.orig.tar.gz
 PKG-INFO                             |  25 +-
 docs/changes.rst                     |  28 +-
 setup.cfg                            |   2 +-
 setup.py                             |   9 +-
 tests/test_cmdline.py                |  44 ++
 virtualenv.egg-info/PKG-INFO         |  25 +-
 virtualenv.egg-info/SOURCES.txt      |  10 +-
 virtualenv.egg-info/entry_points.txt |   1 -
 virtualenv.py                        | 109 +++--
 virtualenv_embedded/new_site.py      | 814 -----------------------------------
 virtualenv_embedded/site.26.py       | 577 -------------------------
 virtualenv_embedded/site.27.py       | 600 --------------------------
 12 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 2062 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index fdb1cd7..5482498 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: virtualenv
-Version: 14.0.5
+Version: 15.0.0
 Summary: Virtual Python Environment builder
 Home-page: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/
 Author: Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer and Brian Rosner
@@ -47,18 +47,29 @@ Description: Virtualenv
         Release History
-        14.0.5 (2016-02-01)
+        15.0.0 (2016-03-05)
-        * Homogenize drive letter casing for both prefixes and filenames. #858
+        * Remove the `virtualenv-N.N` script from the package; this can no longer be correctly created from a wheel installation.
+          Resolves #851, #692
-        14.0.4 (2016-01-31)
+        * Remove accidental runtime dependency on pip by extracting certificate in the
+          subprocess.
+        * Upgrade setuptools 20.2.2.
+        * Upgrade pip to 8.1.0.
+        14.0.6 (2016-02-07)
-        * Upgrade setuptools to 19.6.2
+        * Upgrade setuptools to 20.0
+        * Upgrade wheel to 0.29.0
-        * Revert ac4ea65; only correct drive letter case.
-          Fixes #856, #815
+        * Fix an error where virtualenv didn't pass in a working ssl certificate for
+          pip, causing "weird" errors related to ssl.
         `Full Changelog <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/changes.html>`_.
diff --git a/docs/changes.rst b/docs/changes.rst
index 1c1ce65..e8d7bb4 100644
--- a/docs/changes.rst
+++ b/docs/changes.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,37 @@
 Release History
+15.0.0 (2016-03-05)
+* Remove the `virtualenv-N.N` script from the package; this can no longer be correctly created from a wheel installation.
+  Resolves :issue:`851`, :issue:`692`
+* Remove accidental runtime dependency on pip by extracting certificate in the
+  subprocess.
+* Upgrade setuptools 20.2.2.
+* Upgrade pip to 8.1.0.
+14.0.6 (2016-02-07)
+* Upgrade setuptools to 20.0
+* Upgrade wheel to 0.29.0
+* Fix an error where virtualenv didn't pass in a working ssl certificate for
+  pip, causing "weird" errors related to ssl.
 14.0.5 (2016-02-01)
 * Homogenize drive letter casing for both prefixes and filenames. :issue:`858`
 14.0.4 (2016-01-31)
@@ -68,7 +94,7 @@ Release History
 * Make sure not to run a --user install when creating the virtualenv (:pull:`803`)
-* Remove virtualenv file's path from directory when executing with a new
+* Remove virtualenv.py's path from sys.path when executing with a new
   python. Fixes issue :issue:`779`, :issue:`763` (:pull:`805`)
 * Remove use of () in .bat files so ``Program Files (x86)`` works :issue:`35`
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 6f08d0e..6662fa5 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 universal = 1
-tag_build = 
 tag_date = 0
+tag_build = 
 tag_svn_revision = 0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 71261e0..ee03bc5 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@ try:
     setup_params = {
         'entry_points': {
-            'console_scripts': [
-                'virtualenv=virtualenv:main',
-                'virtualenv-%s.%s=virtualenv:main' % sys.version_info[:2]
-            ],
+            'console_scripts': ['virtualenv=virtualenv:main'],
         'zip_safe': False,
         'cmdclass': {'test': PyTest},
@@ -46,9 +43,7 @@ except ImportError:
         setup_params = {}
         script = 'scripts/virtualenv'
-        script_ver = script + '-%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2]
-        shutil.copy(script, script_ver)
-        setup_params = {'scripts': [script, script_ver]}
+        setup_params = {'scripts': [script]}
 def read_file(*paths):
diff --git a/tests/test_cmdline.py b/tests/test_cmdline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9682ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_cmdline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import virtualenv
+import pytest
+VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT = virtualenv.__file__
+def test_commandline_basic(tmpdir):
+    """Simple command line usage should work"""
+    subprocess.check_call([
+        sys.executable,
+        str(tmpdir.join('venv'))
+    ])
+def test_commandline_explicit_interp(tmpdir):
+    """Specifying the Python interpreter should work"""
+    subprocess.check_call([
+        sys.executable,
+        '-p', sys.executable,
+        str(tmpdir.join('venv'))
+    ])
+# The registry lookups to support the abbreviated "-p 3.5" form of specifying
+# a Python interpreter on Windows don't seem to work with Python 3.5. The
+# registry layout is not well documented, and it's not clear that the feature
+# is sufficiently widely used to be worth fixing.
+# See https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/864
+ at pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,5)")
+def test_commandline_abbrev_interp(tmpdir):
+    """Specifying abbreviated forms of the Python interpreter should work"""
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        fmt = '%s.%s'
+    else:
+        fmt = 'python%s.%s'
+    abbrev = fmt % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
+    subprocess.check_call([
+        sys.executable,
+        '-p', abbrev,
+        str(tmpdir.join('venv'))
+    ])
diff --git a/virtualenv.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/virtualenv.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index fdb1cd7..5482498 100644
--- a/virtualenv.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/virtualenv.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: virtualenv
-Version: 14.0.5
+Version: 15.0.0
 Summary: Virtual Python Environment builder
 Home-page: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/
 Author: Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer and Brian Rosner
@@ -47,18 +47,29 @@ Description: Virtualenv
         Release History
-        14.0.5 (2016-02-01)
+        15.0.0 (2016-03-05)
-        * Homogenize drive letter casing for both prefixes and filenames. #858
+        * Remove the `virtualenv-N.N` script from the package; this can no longer be correctly created from a wheel installation.
+          Resolves #851, #692
-        14.0.4 (2016-01-31)
+        * Remove accidental runtime dependency on pip by extracting certificate in the
+          subprocess.
+        * Upgrade setuptools 20.2.2.
+        * Upgrade pip to 8.1.0.
+        14.0.6 (2016-02-07)
-        * Upgrade setuptools to 19.6.2
+        * Upgrade setuptools to 20.0
+        * Upgrade wheel to 0.29.0
-        * Revert ac4ea65; only correct drive letter case.
-          Fixes #856, #815
+        * Fix an error where virtualenv didn't pass in a working ssl certificate for
+          pip, causing "weird" errors related to ssl.
         `Full Changelog <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/changes.html>`_.
diff --git a/virtualenv.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/virtualenv.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 6a63143..8e16da6 100644
--- a/virtualenv.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/virtualenv.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ scripts/virtualenv
@@ -35,13 +36,10 @@ virtualenv_embedded/activate_this.py
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/virtualenv.egg-info/entry_points.txt b/virtualenv.egg-info/entry_points.txt
index 56a94e1..60fab42 100644
--- a/virtualenv.egg-info/entry_points.txt
+++ b/virtualenv.egg-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 virtualenv = virtualenv:main
-virtualenv-2.7 = virtualenv:main
diff --git a/virtualenv.py b/virtualenv.py
index c669b36..68a5d87 100755
--- a/virtualenv.py
+++ b/virtualenv.py
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ import glob
 import distutils.sysconfig
 import struct
 import subprocess
+import pkgutil
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
 from distutils.util import strtobool
 from os.path import join
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     import configparser as ConfigParser
-__version__ = "14.0.5"
+__version__ = "15.0.0"
 virtualenv_version = __version__  # legacy
 if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
@@ -351,22 +354,19 @@ def copyfile(src, dest, symlink=True):
 def writefile(dest, content, overwrite=True):
     if not os.path.exists(dest):
         logger.info('Writing %s', dest)
-        f = open(dest, 'wb')
-        f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
-        f.close()
+        with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
-        f = open(dest, 'rb')
-        c = f.read()
-        f.close()
+        with open(dest, 'rb') as f:
+            c = f.read()
         if c != content.encode("utf-8"):
             if not overwrite:
                 logger.notify('File %s exists with different content; not overwriting', dest)
             logger.notify('Overwriting %s with new content', dest)
-            f = open(dest, 'wb')
-            f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
-            f.close()
+            with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
+                f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
             logger.info('Content %s already in place', dest)
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ def main():
 def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True,
                     filter_stdout=None, cwd=None,
                     raise_on_returncode=True, extra_env=None,
-                    remove_from_env=None):
+                    remove_from_env=None, stdin=None):
     cmd_parts = []
     for part in cmd:
         if len(part) > 45:
@@ -737,7 +737,9 @@ def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True,
         env = None
         proc = subprocess.Popen(
-            cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=None, stdout=stdout,
+            cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+            stdin=None if stdin is None else subprocess.PIPE,
+            stdout=stdout,
             cwd=cwd, env=env)
     except Exception:
         e = sys.exc_info()[1]
@@ -746,6 +748,10 @@ def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True,
     all_output = []
     if stdout is not None:
+        if stdin is not None:
+            proc.stdin.write(stdin)
+            proc.stdin.close()
         stdout = proc.stdout
         encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
         fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
@@ -769,7 +775,7 @@ def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True,
-        proc.communicate()
+        proc.communicate(stdin)
     if proc.returncode:
         if raise_on_returncode:
@@ -837,10 +843,35 @@ def install_wheel(project_names, py_executable, search_dirs=None,
         return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(os.path.abspath(p)))
     findlinks = ' '.join(space_path2url(d) for d in search_dirs)
-    cmd = [
-        py_executable, '-c',
-        'import sys, pip; sys.exit(pip.main(["install", "--ignore-installed"] + sys.argv[1:]))',
-    ] + project_names
+    SCRIPT = textwrap.dedent("""
+        import sys
+        import pkgutil
+        import tempfile
+        import os
+        import pip
+        cert_data = pkgutil.get_data("pip._vendor.requests", "cacert.pem")
+        if cert_data is not None:
+            cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+            cert_file.write(cert_data)
+            cert_file.close()
+        else:
+            cert_file = None
+        try:
+            args = ["install", "--ignore-installed"]
+            if cert_file is not None:
+                args += ["--cert", cert_file.name]
+            args += sys.argv[1:]
+            sys.exit(pip.main(args))
+        finally:
+            if cert_file is not None:
+                os.remove(cert_file.name)
+    """).encode("utf8")
+    cmd = [py_executable, '-'] + project_names
     logger.start_progress('Installing %s...' % (', '.join(project_names)))
     logger.indent += 2
@@ -858,11 +889,12 @@ def install_wheel(project_names, py_executable, search_dirs=None,
         env["PIP_NO_INDEX"] = "1"
-        call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, extra_env=env)
+        call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, extra_env=env, stdin=SCRIPT)
         logger.indent -= 2
 def create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=False, clear=False,
                        prompt=None, search_dirs=None, download=False,
@@ -1563,16 +1595,14 @@ def fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir):
         if not os.path.isfile(filename):
             # ignore subdirs, e.g. .svn ones.
-        f = open(filename, 'rb')
-        try:
+        lines = None
+        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                 lines = f.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 # This is probably a binary program instead
                 # of a script, so just ignore it.
-        finally:
-            f.close()
         if not lines:
             logger.warn('Script %s is an empty file' % filename)
@@ -1591,9 +1621,9 @@ def fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir):
         logger.notify('Making script %s relative' % filename)
         script = relative_script([new_shebang] + lines[1:])
-        f = open(filename, 'wb')
-        f.write('\n'.join(script).encode('utf-8'))
-        f.close()
+        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+            f.write('\n'.join(script).encode('utf-8'))
 def relative_script(lines):
     "Return a script that'll work in a relocatable environment."
@@ -1640,9 +1670,8 @@ def fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir, sys_path=None):
 def fixup_pth_file(filename):
     lines = []
     prev_lines = []
-    f = open(filename)
-    prev_lines = f.readlines()
-    f.close()
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        prev_lines = f.readlines()
     for line in prev_lines:
         line = line.strip()
         if (not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('import ')
@@ -1657,22 +1686,19 @@ def fixup_pth_file(filename):
         logger.info('No changes to .pth file %s' % filename)
     logger.notify('Making paths in .pth file %s relative' % filename)
-    f = open(filename, 'w')
-    f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
-    f.close()
+    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+        f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
 def fixup_egg_link(filename):
-    f = open(filename)
-    link = f.readline().strip()
-    f.close()
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        link = f.readline().strip()
     if os.path.abspath(link) != link:
         logger.debug('Link in %s already relative' % filename)
     new_link = make_relative_path(filename, link)
     logger.notify('Rewriting link %s in %s as %s' % (link, filename, new_link))
-    f = open(filename, 'w')
-    f.write(new_link)
-    f.close()
+    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+        f.write(new_link)
 def make_relative_path(source, dest, dest_is_directory=True):
@@ -1755,9 +1781,8 @@ def create_bootstrap_script(extra_text, python_version=''):
     filename = __file__
     if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
         filename = filename[:-1]
-    f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
-    content = f.read()
-    f.close()
+    with codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        content = f.read()
     py_exe = 'python%s' % python_version
     content = (('#!/usr/bin/env %s\n' % py_exe)
                + '## WARNING: This file is generated\n'
@@ -2277,7 +2302,9 @@ def mach_o_change(path, what, value):
             do_macho(file, 64, LITTLE_ENDIAN)
     assert(len(what) >= len(value))
-    do_file(open(path, 'r+b'))
+    with open(path, 'r+b') as f:
+        do_file(f)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/virtualenv_embedded/new_site.py b/virtualenv_embedded/new_site.py
deleted file mode 100644
index caa6847..0000000
--- a/virtualenv_embedded/new_site.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-"""Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.
-* This module is automatically imported during initialization. *
-In earlier versions of Python (up to 1.5a3), scripts or modules that
-needed to use site-specific modules would place ``import site''
-somewhere near the top of their code.  Because of the automatic
-import, this is no longer necessary (but code that does it still
-This will append site-specific paths to the module search path.  On
-Unix, it starts with sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix (if different) and
-appends lib/python<version>/site-packages as well as lib/site-python.
-It also supports the Debian convention of
-lib/python<version>/dist-packages.  On other platforms (mainly Mac and
-Windows), it uses just sys.prefix (and sys.exec_prefix, if different,
-but this is unlikely).  The resulting directories, if they exist, are
-appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files.
-FOR DEBIAN, this sys.path is augmented with directories in /usr/local.
-Local addons go into /usr/local/lib/python<version>/site-packages
-(resp. /usr/local/lib/site-python), Debian addons install into
-A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form
-<package>.pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line)
-to be added to sys.path.  Non-existing directories (or
-non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to
-sys.path more than once.  Blank lines and lines beginning with
-'#' are skipped. Lines starting with 'import' are executed.
-For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to
-/usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages
-with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path
-configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth.  Assume foo.pth contains the
-  # foo package configuration
-  foo
-  bar
-  bletch
-and bar.pth contains:
-  # bar package configuration
-  bar
-Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order:
-  /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/bar
-  /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/foo
-Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn't exist; bar precedes foo
-because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is
-omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file.
-After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module
-named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional
-site-specific customizations.  If this import fails with an
-ImportError exception, it is silently ignored.
-import sys
-import os
-    import __builtin__ as builtins
-except ImportError:
-    import builtins
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import Set as set
-# Prefixes for site-packages; add additional prefixes like /usr/local here
-PREFIXES = [sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix]
-# Enable per user site-packages directory
-# set it to False to disable the feature or True to force the feature
-# for distutils.commands.install
-# These values are initialized by the getuserbase() and getusersitepackages()
-# functions, through the main() function when Python starts.
-_is_64bit = (getattr(sys, 'maxsize', None) or getattr(sys, 'maxint')) > 2**32
-_is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
-_is_jython = sys.platform[:4] == 'java'
-if _is_jython:
-    ModuleType = type(os)
-def makepath(*paths):
-    dir = os.path.join(*paths)
-    if _is_jython and (dir == '__classpath__' or
-                       dir.startswith('__pyclasspath__')):
-        return dir, dir
-    try:
-        dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
-    except OSError:
-        pass
-    return dir, os.path.normcase(dir)
-def abs__file__():
-    """Set all module' __file__ attribute to an absolute path"""
-    for m in sys.modules.values():
-        if hasattr(m, '__loader__'):
-            continue   # don't mess with a PEP 302-supplied __file__
-        if _is_jython and not isinstance(m, ModuleType):
-            continue   # only modules need the abspath in Jython.
-        try:
-            m.__file__ = os.path.abspath(m.__file__)
-        except (AttributeError, OSError):
-            pass
-def removeduppaths():
-    """ Remove duplicate entries from sys.path along with making them
-    absolute"""
-    # This ensures that the initial path provided by the interpreter contains
-    # only absolute pathnames, even if we're running from the build directory.
-    L = []
-    known_paths = set()
-    for dir in sys.path:
-        # Filter out duplicate paths (on case-insensitive file systems also
-        # if they only differ in case); turn relative paths into absolute
-        # paths.
-        dir, dircase = makepath(dir)
-        if not dircase in known_paths:
-            L.append(dir)
-            known_paths.add(dircase)
-    sys.path[:] = L
-    return known_paths
-# XXX This should not be part of site.py, since it is needed even when
-# using the -S option for Python.  See http://www.python.org/sf/586680
-def addbuilddir():
-    """Append ./build/lib.<platform> in case we're running in the build dir
-    (especially for Guido :-)"""
-    from distutils.util import get_platform
-    s = "build/lib.%s-%.3s" % (get_platform(), sys.version)
-    if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
-        s += '-pydebug'
-    s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[-1]), s)
-    sys.path.append(s)
-def _init_pathinfo():
-    """Return a set containing all existing directory entries from sys.path"""
-    d = set()
-    for dir in sys.path:
-        try:
-            if os.path.isdir(dir):
-                dir, dircase = makepath(dir)
-                d.add(dircase)
-        except TypeError:
-            continue
-    return d
-def addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths):
-    """Process a .pth file within the site-packages directory:
-       For each line in the file, either combine it with sitedir to a path
-       and add that to known_paths, or execute it if it starts with 'import '.
-    """
-    if known_paths is None:
-        _init_pathinfo()
-        reset = 1
-    else:
-        reset = 0
-    fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name)
-    try:
-        f = open(fullname, "rU")
-    except IOError:
-        return
-    with f:
-        for n, line in enumerate(f):
-            if line.startswith("#"):
-                continue
-            try:
-                if line.startswith(("import ", "import\t")):
-                    exec(line)
-                    continue
-                line = line.rstrip()
-                dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line)
-                if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir):
-                    sys.path.append(dir)
-                    known_paths.add(dircase)
-            except Exception as err:
-                sys.stderr.write("Error processing line {:d} of {}:\n".format(
-                    n+1, fullname))
-                for record in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()):
-                    for line in record.splitlines():
-                        sys.stderr.write('  '+line+'\n')
-                sys.stderr.write("\nRemainder of file ignored\n")
-                break
-    if reset:
-        known_paths = None
-    return known_paths
-def addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths=None):
-    """Add 'sitedir' argument to sys.path if missing and handle .pth files in
-    'sitedir'"""
-    if known_paths is None:
-        known_paths = _init_pathinfo()
-        reset = 1
-    else:
-        reset = 0
-    sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(sitedir)
-    if not sitedircase in known_paths:
-        sys.path.append(sitedir)        # Add path component
-    try:
-        names = os.listdir(sitedir)
-    except os.error:
-        return
-    dotpth = os.extsep + "pth"
-    names = [name for name in names if name.endswith(dotpth)]
-    for name in sorted(names):
-        addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths)
-    if reset:
-        known_paths = None
-    return known_paths
-def check_enableusersite():
-    """Check if user site directory is safe for inclusion
-    The function tests for the command line flag (including environment var),
-    process uid/gid equal to effective uid/gid.
-    None: Disabled for security reasons
-    False: Disabled by user (command line option)
-    True: Safe and enabled
-    """
-    if hasattr(sys, 'flags') and getattr(sys.flags, 'no_user_site', False):
-        return False
-    if hasattr(os, "getuid") and hasattr(os, "geteuid"):
-        # check process uid == effective uid
-        if os.geteuid() != os.getuid():
-            return None
-    if hasattr(os, "getgid") and hasattr(os, "getegid"):
-        # check process gid == effective gid
-        if os.getegid() != os.getgid():
-            return None
-    return True
-def getuserbase():
-    """Returns the `user base` directory path.
-    The `user base` directory can be used to store data. If the global
-    variable ``USER_BASE`` is not initialized yet, this function will also set
-    it.
-    """
-    global USER_BASE
-    if USER_BASE is not None:
-        return USER_BASE
-    from sysconfig import get_config_var
-    USER_BASE = get_config_var('userbase')
-    return USER_BASE
-def getusersitepackages():
-    """Returns the user-specific site-packages directory path.
-    If the global variable ``USER_SITE`` is not initialized yet, this
-    function will also set it.
-    """
-    global USER_SITE
-    user_base = getuserbase() # this will also set USER_BASE
-    if USER_SITE is not None:
-        return USER_SITE
-    from sysconfig import get_path
-    import os
-    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-        from sysconfig import get_config_var
-        if get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'):
-            USER_SITE = get_path('purelib', 'osx_framework_user')
-            return USER_SITE
-    USER_SITE = get_path('purelib', '%s_user' % os.name)
-    return USER_SITE
-def addusersitepackages(known_paths):
-    """Add a per user site-package to sys.path
-    Each user has its own python directory with site-packages in the
-    home directory.
-    USER_BASE is the root directory for all Python versions
-    USER_SITE is the user specific site-packages directory
-    USER_SITE/.. can be used for data.
-    """
-    env_base = os.environ.get("PYTHONUSERBASE", None)
-    def joinuser(*args):
-        return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(*args))
-    #if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos'):
-    #    # Don't know what to put here
-    #    USER_BASE = ''
-    #    USER_SITE = ''
-    if os.name == "nt":
-        base = os.environ.get("APPDATA") or "~"
-        if env_base:
-            USER_BASE = env_base
-        else:
-            USER_BASE = joinuser(base, "Python")
-        USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE,
-                                 "Python" + sys.version[0] + sys.version[2],
-                                 "site-packages")
-    else:
-        if env_base:
-            USER_BASE = env_base
-        else:
-            USER_BASE = joinuser("~", ".local")
-        USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE, "lib",
-                                 "python" + sys.version[:3],
-                                 "site-packages")
-    if ENABLE_USER_SITE and os.path.isdir(USER_SITE):
-        addsitedir(USER_SITE, known_paths)
-        for dist_libdir in ("lib", "local/lib"):
-            user_site = os.path.join(USER_BASE, dist_libdir,
-                                     "python" + sys.version[:3],
-                                     "dist-packages")
-            if os.path.isdir(user_site):
-                addsitedir(user_site, known_paths)
-    return known_paths
-def addsitepackages(known_paths, sys_prefix=sys.prefix, exec_prefix=sys.exec_prefix):
-    """Add site-packages (and possibly site-python) to sys.path"""
-    prefixes = [os.path.join(sys_prefix, "local"), sys_prefix]
-    if exec_prefix != sys_prefix:
-        prefixes.append(os.path.join(exec_prefix, "local"))
-    for prefix in prefixes:
-        if prefix:
-            if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos') or _is_jython:
-                sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "Lib", "site-packages")]
-            elif _is_pypy:
-                sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, 'site-packages')]
-            elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and prefix == sys_prefix:
-                if prefix.startswith("/System/Library/Frameworks/"): # Apple's Python
-                    sitedirs = [os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"),
-                                os.path.join(prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python")]
-                else: # any other Python distros on OSX work this way
-                    sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "lib",
-                                             "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages")]
-            elif os.sep == '/':
-                sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix,
-                                         "lib",
-                                         "python" + sys.version[:3],
-                                         "site-packages"),
-                            os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-python"),
-                            os.path.join(prefix, "python" + sys.version[:3], "lib-dynload")]
-                lib64_dir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib64", "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages")
-                if (os.path.exists(lib64_dir) and
-                    os.path.realpath(lib64_dir) not in [os.path.realpath(p) for p in sitedirs]):
-                    if _is_64bit:
-                        sitedirs.insert(0, lib64_dir)
-                    else:
-                        sitedirs.append(lib64_dir)
-                try:
-                    # sys.getobjects only available in --with-pydebug build
-                    sys.getobjects
-                    sitedirs.insert(0, os.path.join(sitedirs[0], 'debug'))
-                except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-                # Debian-specific dist-packages directories:
-                sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "local/lib",
-                                             "python" + sys.version[:3],
-                                             "dist-packages"))
-                if sys.version[0] == '2':
-                    sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib",
-                                                 "python" + sys.version[:3],
-                                                 "dist-packages"))
-                else:
-                    sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib",
-                                                 "python" + sys.version[0],
-                                                 "dist-packages"))
-                sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "dist-python"))
-            else:
-                sitedirs = [prefix, os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-packages")]
-            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-                # for framework builds *only* we add the standard Apple
-                # locations. Currently only per-user, but /Library and
-                # /Network/Library could be added too
-                if 'Python.framework' in prefix:
-                    home = os.environ.get('HOME')
-                    if home:
-                        sitedirs.append(
-                            os.path.join(home,
-                                         'Library',
-                                         'Python',
-                                         sys.version[:3],
-                                         'site-packages'))
-            for sitedir in sitedirs:
-                if os.path.isdir(sitedir):
-                    addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths)
-    return None
-    """The OS/2 EMX port has optional extension modules that do double duty
-    as DLLs (and must use the .DLL file extension) for other extensions.
-    The library search path needs to be amended so these will be found
-    during module import.  Use BEGINLIBPATH so that these are at the start
-    of the library search path.
-    """
-    dllpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "lib-dynload")
-    libpath = os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'].split(';')
-    if libpath[-1]:
-        libpath.append(dllpath)
-    else:
-        libpath[-1] = dllpath
-    os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'] = ';'.join(libpath)
-def setquit():
-    """Define new built-ins 'quit' and 'exit'.
-    These are simply strings that display a hint on how to exit.
-    """
-    if os.sep == ':':
-        eof = 'Cmd-Q'
-    elif os.sep == '\\':
-        eof = 'Ctrl-Z plus Return'
-    else:
-        eof = 'Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF)'
-    class Quitter(object):
-        def __init__(self, name):
-            self.name = name
-        def __repr__(self):
-            return 'Use %s() or %s to exit' % (self.name, eof)
-        def __call__(self, code=None):
-            # Shells like IDLE catch the SystemExit, but listen when their
-            # stdin wrapper is closed.
-            try:
-                sys.stdin.close()
... 1548 lines suppressed ...

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