[Python-modules-commits] [python-mongoengine] 04/13: Import python-mongoengine_0.10.6.orig.tar.gz
Orestis Ioannou
oorestisime-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 9 01:14:15 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
oorestisime-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-mongoengine.
commit dee8f65c630add7886c28ec95948712fcdc6c620
Author: Orestis Ioannou <orestis at oioannou.com>
Date: Wed Mar 9 00:57:44 2016 +0100
Import python-mongoengine_0.10.6.orig.tar.gz
.gitignore | 17 -
.travis.yml | 12 -
AUTHORS | 138 +-
LICENSE | 8 +-
PKG-INFO | 160 +
README.rst | 63 +-
benchmark.py | 182 --
docs/_themes/nature/static/nature.css_t | 229 --
docs/_themes/nature/static/pygments.css | 54 -
docs/_themes/nature/theme.conf | 4 -
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.../sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/badge_only.css | 1 +
docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/theme.css | 1 +
docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/favicon.ico | Bin 0 -> 6261 bytes
.../static/font/fontawesome_webfont.eot | Bin 0 -> 37405 bytes
.../static/font/fontawesome_webfont.svg | 399 +++
.../static/font/fontawesome_webfont.ttf | Bin 0 -> 79076 bytes
.../static/font/fontawesome_webfont.woff | Bin 0 -> 43572 bytes
docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js/theme.js | 16 +
docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf | 8 +
docs/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/versions.html | 37 +
docs/apireference.rst | 109 +-
docs/changelog.rst | 467 ++-
docs/code/tumblelog.py | 7 +-
docs/conf.py | 24 +-
docs/django.rst | 97 +-
docs/guide/connecting.rst | 93 +-
docs/guide/defining-documents.rst | 381 ++-
docs/guide/document-instances.rst | 55 +-
docs/guide/gridfs.rst | 26 +-
docs/guide/index.rst | 2 +
docs/guide/installing.rst | 4 +-
docs/guide/mongomock.rst | 21 +
docs/guide/querying.rst | 222 +-
docs/guide/signals.rst | 129 +-
docs/guide/text-indexes.rst | 51 +
docs/index.rst | 59 +-
docs/tutorial.rst | 96 +-
docs/upgrade.rst | 475 ++-
mongoengine.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 160 +
mongoengine.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 70 +
mongoengine.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 +
mongoengine.egg-info/requires.txt | 1 +
mongoengine.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 +
mongoengine/__init__.py | 15 +-
mongoengine/base.py | 1336 --------
mongoengine/base/__init__.py | 8 +
mongoengine/base/common.py | 26 +
mongoengine/base/datastructures.py | 481 +++
mongoengine/base/document.py | 1022 ++++++
mongoengine/base/fields.py | 624 ++++
mongoengine/base/metaclasses.py | 442 +++
mongoengine/common.py | 55 +
mongoengine/connection.py | 129 +-
mongoengine/context_managers.py | 221 ++
mongoengine/dereference.py | 138 +-
mongoengine/django/__init__.py | 0
mongoengine/django/auth.py | 159 -
mongoengine/django/sessions.py | 74 -
mongoengine/django/shortcuts.py | 46 -
mongoengine/django/storage.py | 112 -
mongoengine/django/tests.py | 21 -
mongoengine/document.py | 768 ++++-
mongoengine/errors.py | 143 +
mongoengine/fields.py | 1203 +++++--
mongoengine/python_support.py | 37 +
mongoengine/queryset.py | 1886 -----------
mongoengine/queryset/__init__.py | 11 +
mongoengine/queryset/base.py | 1822 +++++++++++
mongoengine/queryset/field_list.py | 85 +
mongoengine/queryset/manager.py | 57 +
mongoengine/queryset/queryset.py | 163 +
mongoengine/queryset/transform.py | 384 +++
mongoengine/queryset/visitor.py | 159 +
mongoengine/signals.py | 7 +-
mongoengine/tests.py | 59 -
python-mongoengine.spec | 54 -
requirements.txt | 1 -
setup.cfg | 19 +-
setup.py | 53 +-
tests/__init__.py | 0
tests/fixtures.py | 23 -
tests/mongoengine.png | Bin 8313 -> 0 bytes
tests/test_connection.py | 98 -
tests/test_dereference.py | 843 -----
tests/test_django.py | 110 -
tests/test_document.py | 3142 ------------------
tests/test_dynamic_document.py | 502 ---
tests/test_fields.py | 2119 ------------
tests/test_queryset.py | 3366 --------------------
tests/test_replicaset_connection.py | 32 -
tests/test_signals.py | 230 --
98 files changed, 11005 insertions(+), 15624 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c0a917..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e38053f..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# http://travis-ci.org/#!/MongoEngine/mongoengine
-language: python
- - 2.6
- - 2.7
- - sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev
- - sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so /usr/lib/
- - pip install PIL --use-mirrors ; true
- - python setup.py install
- - python setup.py test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 90dadcf..b087f41 100644
@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@ Florian Schlachter <flori at n-schlachter.de>
Steve Challis <steve at stevechallis.com>
Wilson Júnior <wilsonpjunior at gmail.com>
Dan Crosta https://github.com/dcrosta
+Laine Herron https://github.com/LaineHerron
-Dervived from the git logs, inevitably incomplete but all of whom and others
+Derived from the git logs, inevitably incomplete but all of whom and others
have submitted patches, reported bugs and generally helped make MongoEngine
that much better:
- * Harry Marr
- * Ross Lawley
* blackbrrr
* Florian Schlachter
* Vincent Driessen
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ that much better:
* flosch
* Deepak Thukral
* Colin Howe
- * Wilson Júnior
+ * Wilson Júnior (https://github.com/wpjunior)
* Alistair Roche
* Dan Crosta
* Viktor Kerkez
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ that much better:
* Adam Parrish
* jpfarias
* jonrscott
- * Alice Zoë Bevan-McGregor
+ * Alice Zoë Bevan-McGregor (https://github.com/amcgregor/)
* Stephen Young
* tkloc
* aid
@@ -105,8 +104,133 @@ that much better:
* Adam Reeve
* Anthony Nemitz
* deignacio
- * shaunduncan
+ * Shaun Duncan
* Meir Kriheli
* Andrey Fedoseev
* aparajita
- * Tristan Escalada
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Tristan Escalada
+ * Alexander Koshelev
+ * Jaime Irurzun
+ * Alexandre González
+ * Thomas Steinacher
+ * Tommi Komulainen
+ * Peter Landry
+ * biszkoptwielki
+ * Anton Kolechkin
+ * Sergey Nikitin
+ * psychogenic
+ * Stefan Wójcik (https://github.com/wojcikstefan)
+ * dimonb
+ * Garry Polley
+ * James Slagle
+ * Adrian Scott
+ * Peter Teichman
+ * Jakub Kot
+ * Jorge Bastida
+ * Aleksandr Sorokoumov
+ * Yohan Graterol
+ * bool-dev
+ * Russ Weeks
+ * Paul Swartz
+ * Sundar Raman
+ * Benoit Louy
+ * Loic Raucy (https://github.com/lraucy)
+ * hellysmile
+ * Jaepil Jeong
+ * Daniil Sharou
+ * Pete Campton
+ * Martyn Smith
+ * Marcelo Anton
+ * Aleksey Porfirov (https://github.com/lexqt)
+ * Nicolas Trippar
+ * Manuel Hermann
+ * Gustavo Gawryszewski
+ * Max Countryman
+ * caitifbrito
+ * lcya86 刘春洋
+ * Martin Alderete (https://github.com/malderete)
+ * Nick Joyce
+ * Jared Forsyth
+ * Kenneth Falck
+ * Lukasz Balcerzak
+ * Nicolas Cortot
+ * Alex (https://github.com/kelsta)
+ * Jin Zhang
+ * Daniel Axtens
+ * Leo-Naeka
+ * Ryan Witt (https://github.com/ryanwitt)
+ * Jiequan (https://github.com/Jiequan)
+ * hensom (https://github.com/hensom)
+ * zhy0216 (https://github.com/zhy0216)
+ * istinspring (https://github.com/istinspring)
+ * Massimo Santini (https://github.com/mapio)
+ * Nigel McNie (https://github.com/nigelmcnie)
+ * ygbourhis (https://github.com/ygbourhis)
+ * Bob Dickinson (https://github.com/BobDickinson)
+ * Michael Bartnett (https://github.com/michaelbartnett)
+ * Alon Horev (https://github.com/alonho)
+ * Kelvin Hammond (https://github.com/kelvinhammond)
+ * Jatin Chopra (https://github.com/jatin)
+ * Paul Uithol (https://github.com/PaulUithol)
+ * Thom Knowles (https://github.com/fleat)
+ * Paul (https://github.com/squamous)
+ * Olivier Cortès (https://github.com/Karmak23)
+ * crazyzubr (https://github.com/crazyzubr)
+ * FrankSomething (https://github.com/FrankSomething)
+ * Alexandr Morozov (https://github.com/LK4D4)
+ * mishudark (https://github.com/mishudark)
+ * Joe Friedl (https://github.com/grampajoe)
+ * Daniel Ward (https://github.com/danielward)
+ * Aniket Deshpande (https://github.com/anicake)
+ * rfkrocktk (https://github.com/rfkrocktk)
+ * Gustavo Andrés Angulo (https://github.com/woakas)
+ * Dmytro Popovych (https://github.com/drudim)
+ * Tom (https://github.com/tomprimozic)
+ * j0hnsmith (https://github.com/j0hnsmith)
+ * Damien Churchill (https://github.com/damoxc)
+ * Jonathan Simon Prates (https://github.com/jonathansp)
+ * Thiago Papageorgiou (https://github.com/tmpapageorgiou)
+ * Omer Katz (https://github.com/thedrow)
+ * Falcon Dai (https://github.com/falcondai)
+ * Polyrabbit (https://github.com/polyrabbit)
+ * Sagiv Malihi (https://github.com/sagivmalihi)
+ * Dmitry Konishchev (https://github.com/KonishchevDmitry)
+ * Martyn Smith (https://github.com/martynsmith)
+ * Andrei Zbikowski (https://github.com/b1naryth1ef)
+ * Ronald van Rij (https://github.com/ronaldvanrij)
+ * François Schmidts (https://github.com/jaesivsm)
+ * Eric Plumb (https://github.com/professorplumb)
+ * Damien Churchill (https://github.com/damoxc)
+ * Aleksandr Sorokoumov (https://github.com/Gerrrr)
+ * Clay McClure (https://github.com/claymation)
+ * Bruno Rocha (https://github.com/rochacbruno)
+ * Norberto Leite (https://github.com/nleite)
+ * Bob Cribbs (https://github.com/bocribbz)
+ * Jay Shirley (https://github.com/jshirley)
+ * David Bordeynik (https://github.com/DavidBord)
+ * Axel Haustant (https://github.com/noirbizarre)
+ * David Czarnecki (https://github.com/czarneckid)
+ * Vyacheslav Murashkin (https://github.com/a4tunado)
+ * André Ericson https://github.com/aericson)
+ * Mikhail Moshnogorsky (https://github.com/mikhailmoshnogorsky)
+ * Diego Berrocal (https://github.com/cestdiego)
+ * Matthew Ellison (https://github.com/seglberg)
+ * Jimmy Shen (https://github.com/jimmyshen)
+ * J. Fernando Sánchez (https://github.com/balkian)
+ * Michael Chase (https://github.com/rxsegrxup)
+ * Eremeev Danil (https://github.com/elephanter)
+ * Catstyle Lee (https://github.com/Catstyle)
+ * Kiryl Yermakou (https://github.com/rma4ok)
+ * Matthieu Rigal (https://github.com/MRigal)
+ * Charanpal Dhanjal (https://github.com/charanpald)
+ * Emmanuel Leblond (https://github.com/touilleMan)
+ * Breeze.Kay (https://github.com/9nix00)
+ * Vicki Donchenko (https://github.com/kivistein)
+ * Emile Caron (https://github.com/emilecaron)
+ * Amit Lichtenberg (https://github.com/amitlicht)
+ * Lars Butler (https://github.com/larsbutler)
+ * George Macon (https://github.com/gmacon)
+ * Ashley Whetter (https://github.com/AWhetter)
+ * Paul-Armand Verhaegen (https://github.com/paularmand)
+ * Steven Rossiter (https://github.com/BeardedSteve)
+ * Luo Peng (https://github.com/RussellLuo)
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index e33b2c5..45f233c 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Harry Marr
+Copyright (c) 2009 See AUTHORS
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e1e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: mongoengine
+Version: 0.10.6
+Summary: MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB.
+Home-page: http://mongoengine.org/
+Author: Ross Lawley
+Author-email: ross.lawley@{nospam}gmail.com
+License: MIT
+Download-URL: https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine/tarball/master
+Description: ===========
+ MongoEngine
+ ===========
+ :Info: MongoEngine is an ORM-like layer on top of PyMongo.
+ :Repository: https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine
+ :Author: Harry Marr (http://github.com/hmarr)
+ :Maintainer: Ross Lawley (http://github.com/rozza)
+ .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/MongoEngine/mongoengine.png?branch=master
+ :target: http://travis-ci.org/MongoEngine/mongoengine
+ .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/MongoEngine/mongoengine/badge.png?branch=master
+ :target: https://coveralls.io/r/MongoEngine/mongoengine?branch=master
+ .. image:: https://landscape.io/github/MongoEngine/mongoengine/master/landscape.png
+ :target: https://landscape.io/github/MongoEngine/mongoengine/master
+ :alt: Code Health
+ About
+ =====
+ MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB.
+ Documentation available at http://mongoengine-odm.rtfd.org - there is currently
+ a `tutorial <http://readthedocs.org/docs/mongoengine-odm/en/latest/tutorial.html>`_, a `user guide
+ <https://mongoengine-odm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/guide/index.html>`_ and an `API reference
+ <http://readthedocs.org/docs/mongoengine-odm/en/latest/apireference.html>`_.
+ Installation
+ ============
+ We recommend the use of `virtualenv <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/>`_ and of
+ `pip <https://pip.pypa.io/>`_. You can then use ``pip install -U mongoengine``.
+ You may also have `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_ and thus
+ you can use ``easy_install -U mongoengine``. Otherwise, you can download the
+ source from `GitHub <http://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine>`_ and run ``python
+ setup.py install``.
+ Dependencies
+ ============
+ - pymongo>=2.7.1
+ - sphinx (optional - for documentation generation)
+ Optional Dependencies
+ ---------------------
+ - **Image Fields**: Pillow>=2.0.0
+ - dateutil>=2.1.0
+ .. note
+ MongoEngine always runs it's test suite against the latest patch version of each dependecy. e.g.: PyMongo 3.0.1
+ Examples
+ ========
+ Some simple examples of what MongoEngine code looks like:
+ .. code :: python
+ class BlogPost(Document):
+ title = StringField(required=True, max_length=200)
+ posted = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
+ tags = ListField(StringField(max_length=50))
+ class TextPost(BlogPost):
+ content = StringField(required=True)
+ class LinkPost(BlogPost):
+ url = StringField(required=True)
+ # Create a text-based post
+ >>> post1 = TextPost(title='Using MongoEngine', content='See the tutorial')
+ >>> post1.tags = ['mongodb', 'mongoengine']
+ >>> post1.save()
+ # Create a link-based post
+ >>> post2 = LinkPost(title='MongoEngine Docs', url='hmarr.com/mongoengine')
+ >>> post2.tags = ['mongoengine', 'documentation']
+ >>> post2.save()
+ # Iterate over all posts using the BlogPost superclass
+ >>> for post in BlogPost.objects:
+ ... print '===', post.title, '==='
+ ... if isinstance(post, TextPost):
+ ... print post.content
+ ... elif isinstance(post, LinkPost):
+ ... print 'Link:', post.url
+ ... print
+ ...
+ >>> len(BlogPost.objects)
+ 2
+ >>> len(TextPost.objects)
+ 1
+ >>> len(LinkPost.objects)
+ 1
+ # Find tagged posts
+ >>> len(BlogPost.objects(tags='mongoengine'))
+ 2
+ >>> len(BlogPost.objects(tags='mongodb'))
+ 1
+ Tests
+ =====
+ To run the test suite, ensure you are running a local instance of MongoDB on
+ the standard port, and run: ``python setup.py nosetests``.
+ To run the test suite on every supported Python version and every supported PyMongo version,
+ you can use ``tox``.
+ tox and each supported Python version should be installed in your environment:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ # Install tox
+ $ pip install tox
+ # Run the test suites
+ $ tox
+ If you wish to run one single or selected tests, use the nosetest convention. It will find the folder,
+ eventually the file, go to the TestClass specified after the colon and eventually right to the single test.
+ Also use the -s argument if you want to print out whatever or access pdb while testing.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ python setup.py nosetests --tests tests/fields/fields.py:FieldTest.test_cls_field -s
+ Community
+ =========
+ - `MongoEngine Users mailing list
+ <http://groups.google.com/group/mongoengine-users>`_
+ - `MongoEngine Developers mailing list
+ <http://groups.google.com/group/mongoengine-dev>`_
+ - `#mongoengine IRC channel <http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=mongoengine>`_
+ Contributing
+ ============
+ We welcome contributions! see the `Contribution guidelines <https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>`_
+Platform: any
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+Classifier: Topic :: Database
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 548737c..08e9502 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -2,35 +2,55 @@
:Info: MongoEngine is an ORM-like layer on top of PyMongo.
+:Repository: https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine
:Author: Harry Marr (http://github.com/hmarr)
:Maintainer: Ross Lawley (http://github.com/rozza)
.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/MongoEngine/mongoengine.png?branch=master
:target: http://travis-ci.org/MongoEngine/mongoengine
+.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/MongoEngine/mongoengine/badge.png?branch=master
+ :target: https://coveralls.io/r/MongoEngine/mongoengine?branch=master
+.. image:: https://landscape.io/github/MongoEngine/mongoengine/master/landscape.png
+ :target: https://landscape.io/github/MongoEngine/mongoengine/master
+ :alt: Code Health
MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB.
Documentation available at http://mongoengine-odm.rtfd.org - there is currently
a `tutorial <http://readthedocs.org/docs/mongoengine-odm/en/latest/tutorial.html>`_, a `user guide
-<http://readthedocs.org/docs/mongoengine-odm/en/latest/userguide.html>`_ and an `API reference
+<https://mongoengine-odm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/guide/index.html>`_ and an `API reference
-If you have `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_
+We recommend the use of `virtualenv <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/>`_ and of
+`pip <https://pip.pypa.io/>`_. You can then use ``pip install -U mongoengine``.
+You may also have `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_ and thus
you can use ``easy_install -U mongoengine``. Otherwise, you can download the
source from `GitHub <http://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine>`_ and run ``python
setup.py install``.
-- pymongo 2.1.1+
+- pymongo>=2.7.1
- sphinx (optional - for documentation generation)
+Optional Dependencies
+- **Image Fields**: Pillow>=2.0.0
+- dateutil>=2.1.0
+.. note
+ MongoEngine always runs it's test suite against the latest patch version of each dependecy. e.g.: PyMongo 3.0.1
-Some simple examples of what MongoEngine code looks like::
+Some simple examples of what MongoEngine code looks like:
+.. code :: python
class BlogPost(Document):
title = StringField(required=True, max_length=200)
@@ -62,15 +82,10 @@ Some simple examples of what MongoEngine code looks like::
... print 'Link:', post.url
... print
- === Using MongoEngine ===
- See the tutorial
- === MongoEngine Docs ===
- Link: hmarr.com/mongoengine
>>> len(BlogPost.objects)
- >>> len(HtmlPost.objects)
+ >>> len(TextPost.objects)
>>> len(LinkPost.objects)
@@ -84,7 +99,26 @@ Some simple examples of what MongoEngine code looks like::
To run the test suite, ensure you are running a local instance of MongoDB on
-the standard port, and run ``python setup.py test``.
+the standard port, and run: ``python setup.py nosetests``.
+To run the test suite on every supported Python version and every supported PyMongo version,
+you can use ``tox``.
+tox and each supported Python version should be installed in your environment:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ # Install tox
+ $ pip install tox
+ # Run the test suites
+ $ tox
+If you wish to run one single or selected tests, use the nosetest convention. It will find the folder,
+eventually the file, go to the TestClass specified after the colon and eventually right to the single test.
+Also use the -s argument if you want to print out whatever or access pdb while testing.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ python setup.py nosetests --tests tests/fields/fields.py:FieldTest.test_cls_field -s
@@ -92,11 +126,8 @@ Community
- `MongoEngine Developers mailing list
-- `#mongoengine IRC channel <irc://irc.freenode.net/mongoengine>`_
+- `#mongoengine IRC channel <http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=mongoengine>`_
-The source is available on `GitHub <http://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine>`_ - to
-contribute to the project, fork it on GitHub and send a pull request, all
-contributions and suggestions are welcome!
+We welcome contributions! see the `Contribution guidelines <https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>`_
diff --git a/benchmark.py b/benchmark.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 247baeb..0000000
--- a/benchmark.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import timeit
-def cprofile_main():
- from pymongo import Connection
- connection = Connection()
- connection.drop_database('timeit_test')
- connection.disconnect()
- from mongoengine import Document, DictField, connect
- connect("timeit_test")
- class Noddy(Document):
- fields = DictField()
- for i in xrange(1):
- noddy = Noddy()
- for j in range(20):
- noddy.fields["key" + str(j)] = "value " + str(j)
- noddy.save()
-def main():
- """
- 0.4 Performance Figures ...
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - Pymongo
- 1.1141769886
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine
- 2.37724113464
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False
- 1.92479610443
- 0.5.X
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - Pymongo
- 1.10552310944
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine
- 16.5169169903
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False
- 14.9446101189
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False, cascade=False
- 14.912801981
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, force=True
- 14.9617750645
- Performance
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - Pymongo
- 1.10072994232
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine
- 5.27341103554
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False
- 4.49365401268
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False, cascade=False
- 4.43459296227
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, force=True
- 4.40114378929
- """
- setup = """
-from pymongo import Connection
-connection = Connection()
- stmt = """
-from pymongo import Connection
-connection = Connection()
-db = connection.timeit_test
-noddy = db.noddy
-for i in xrange(10000):
- example = {'fields': {}}
- for j in range(20):
- example['fields']["key"+str(j)] = "value "+str(j)
- noddy.insert(example)
-myNoddys = noddy.find()
-[n for n in myNoddys] # iterate
- print "-" * 100
- print """Creating 10000 dictionaries - Pymongo"""
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
- print t.timeit(1)
- setup = """
-from pymongo import Connection
-connection = Connection()
-from mongoengine import Document, DictField, connect
-class Noddy(Document):
- fields = DictField()
- stmt = """
-for i in xrange(10000):
- noddy = Noddy()
- for j in range(20):
- noddy.fields["key"+str(j)] = "value "+str(j)
- noddy.save()
-myNoddys = Noddy.objects()
-[n for n in myNoddys] # iterate
- print "-" * 100
- print """Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine"""
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
- print t.timeit(1)
- stmt = """
-for i in xrange(10000):
- noddy = Noddy()
- for j in range(20):
- noddy.fields["key"+str(j)] = "value "+str(j)
- noddy.save(safe=False, validate=False)
-myNoddys = Noddy.objects()
-[n for n in myNoddys] # iterate
- print "-" * 100
- print """Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False"""
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
- print t.timeit(1)
- stmt = """
-for i in xrange(10000):
- noddy = Noddy()
- for j in range(20):
- noddy.fields["key"+str(j)] = "value "+str(j)
- noddy.save(safe=False, validate=False, cascade=False)
-myNoddys = Noddy.objects()
-[n for n in myNoddys] # iterate
- print "-" * 100
- print """Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, safe=False, validate=False, cascade=False"""
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
- print t.timeit(1)
- stmt = """
-for i in xrange(10000):
- noddy = Noddy()
- for j in range(20):
- noddy.fields["key"+str(j)] = "value "+str(j)
- noddy.save(force_insert=True, safe=False, validate=False, cascade=False)
-myNoddys = Noddy.objects()
-[n for n in myNoddys] # iterate
- print "-" * 100
- print """Creating 10000 dictionaries - MongoEngine, force=True"""
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
- print t.timeit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/docs/_themes/nature/static/nature.css_t b/docs/_themes/nature/static/nature.css_t
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b0379..0000000
--- a/docs/_themes/nature/static/nature.css_t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Sphinx stylesheet -- default theme
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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- at import url("basic.css");
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... 28460 lines suppressed ...
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