[Python-modules-commits] [faker] branch master created (now 5b9ebda)

Christopher Baines cbaines-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Mar 19 22:01:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

cbaines-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository faker.

        at  5b9ebda   Rename source package to faker (was fake-factory)

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  e61f45f   Import fake-factory_0.5.3.orig.tar.gz
       new  27b2b1b   Initialize git-dpm
       new  09653de   Initial packaging
       new  0f754c8   Add gbp.conf
       new  ad667dc   Support running the testsuite
       new  4142504   Run cme fix dpkg-control
       new  fc947c5   Add a build dependency on mock
       new  bbec5cf   Correct the maintainer
       new  c7c0acb   Fix the description
       new  bfd4daa   Add copyright file
       new  fbeba5d   Include the python major version in the console script name
       new  b1e4149   merge patched into master
       new  dba0f91   Update changelog with ITP bug
       new  c243b49   Add man pages for faker2 and faker3
       new  04121dc   Set the maintainer to the Debian Python Modules Team
       new  0166af2   Remove debugging output from debian/rules
       new  00c4349   Remove copyright statement from License paragraph
       new  7d9898e   Correct license
       new  34a9002   Set changelog entry date to now
       new  267a219   Bump standards version
       new  6b0a392   Add Vcs urls
       new  7d18b11   Expand copyright range
       new  6f9efe4   Add tags per the Debian Python Modules team policy
       new  6cc434b   merge patched into master
       new  710d43b   Package the faker script in a separate package
       new  3e7903c   Import fake-factory_0.5.7.orig.tar.gz
       new  a0bf81d   record new upstream branch created by importing fake-factory_0.5.7.orig.tar.gz and merge it
       new  d06e8ba   Update changelog for new version
       new  15f7b6a   Add new dependency on python-dateutil
       new  7235ea5   Add new dependency on python-ipaddress
       new  e92248d   Use help2man directly to generate a manpage
       new  998026d   Remove the gbp.conf
       new  5b9ebda   Rename source package to faker (was fake-factory)

The 33 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/faker.git

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