[Python-modules-commits] [django-pipeline] 04/06: merge patched into master
Brian May
bam at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 23 00:29:08 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bam pushed a commit to branch master
in repository django-pipeline.
commit 5919f7e51cccf188d4c7b457609bfc2ffdf2b0ba
Merge: 81e305b 96b2c88
Author: Brian May <bam at debian.org>
Date: Wed Mar 23 11:21:56 2016 +1100
merge patched into master
HISTORY.rst | 32 +
MANIFEST.in | 3 +
PKG-INFO | 43 +-
README.rst | 9 +
debian/.git-dpm | 6 +-
debian/patches/make_jsmin_optional | 2 +-
django_pipeline.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 43 +-
django_pipeline.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 111 +-
django_pipeline.egg-info/requires.txt | 1 -
docs/compilers.rst | 4 +-
docs/compressors.rst | 2 +-
docs/conf.py | 2 +-
docs/configuration.rst | 41 +-
pipeline/collector.py | 12 +-
pipeline/compilers/__init__.py | 38 +-
pipeline/compressors/__init__.py | 3 +-
pipeline/conf.py | 13 +-
pipeline/exceptions.py | 6 +-
pipeline/glob.py | 7 +-
pipeline/jinja2/__init__.py | 4 +-
pipeline/templates/pipeline/compile_error.html | 31 +
pipeline/templatetags/pipeline.py | 42 +-
pipeline/utils.py | 24 +
pipeline/views.py | 38 +
setup.py | 2 +-
tests/assets/compilers/coffee/expected.js | 12 +
.../compilers/coffee/input.coffee} | 0
tests/assets/compilers/es6/expected.js | 27 +
tests/assets/compilers/es6/input.es6 | 19 +
tests/assets/compilers/less/expected.css | 3 +
tests/assets/compilers/less/input.less | 5 +
tests/assets/compilers/livescript/expected.js | 6 +
tests/assets/compilers/livescript/input.ls | 2 +
tests/assets/compilers/scss/expected.css | 5 +
tests/assets/compilers/scss/input.scss | 10 +
tests/assets/compilers/stylus/expected.css | 3 +
tests/assets/compilers/stylus/input.styl | 2 +
tests/assets/compressors/closure.js | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/cssmin.css | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/csstidy.css | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/jsmin.js | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/slimit.js | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/uglifyjs.js | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/yuglify.css | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/yuglify.js | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/yui.css | 1 +
tests/assets/compressors/yui.js | 1 +
tests/package.json | 27 +
tests/scripts/npm_install.py | 42 +
tests/settings.py | 46 +
tests/static/admin/css/base.css | 967 --
tests/static/admin/css/changelists.css | 341 -
tests/static/admin/css/dashboard.css | 30 -
tests/static/admin/css/fonts.css | 20 -
tests/static/admin/css/forms.css | 499 --
tests/static/admin/css/login.css | 78 -
tests/static/admin/css/rtl.css | 256 -
tests/static/admin/css/widgets.css | 565 --
tests/static/admin/fonts/LICENSE.txt | 202 -
tests/static/admin/fonts/README.txt | 2 -
tests/static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Bold-webfont.woff | Bin 82564 -> 0 bytes
tests/static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Light-webfont.woff | Bin 81348 -> 0 bytes
.../static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff | Bin 80304 -> 0 bytes
tests/static/admin/img/LICENSE | 20 -
tests/static/admin/img/README.txt | 7 -
tests/static/admin/img/calendar-icons.svg | 14 -
tests/static/admin/img/gis/move_vertex_off.svg | 1 -
tests/static/admin/img/gis/move_vertex_on.svg | 1 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-addlink.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-alert.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-calendar.svg | 9 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-changelink.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-clock.svg | 9 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-deletelink.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-no.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-unknown-alt.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-unknown.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/icon-yes.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/inline-delete.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/search.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/selector-icons.svg | 34 -
tests/static/admin/img/sorting-icons.svg | 19 -
tests/static/admin/img/tooltag-add.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/img/tooltag-arrowright.svg | 3 -
tests/static/admin/js/SelectBox.js | 135 -
tests/static/admin/js/SelectFilter2.js | 198 -
tests/static/admin/js/actions.js | 146 -
tests/static/admin/js/actions.min.js | 6 -
tests/static/admin/js/admin/DateTimeShortcuts.js | 364 -
.../static/admin/js/admin/RelatedObjectLookups.js | 181 -
tests/static/admin/js/calendar.js | 178 -
tests/static/admin/js/collapse.js | 26 -
tests/static/admin/js/collapse.min.js | 2 -
tests/static/admin/js/core.js | 263 -
tests/static/admin/js/inlines.js | 275 -
tests/static/admin/js/inlines.min.js | 9 -
tests/static/admin/js/jquery.init.js | 8 -
tests/static/admin/js/prepopulate.js | 42 -
tests/static/admin/js/prepopulate.min.js | 1 -
tests/static/admin/js/timeparse.js | 106 -
tests/static/admin/js/urlify.js | 171 -
.../admin/js/vendor/jquery/LICENSE-JQUERY.txt | 26 -
tests/static/admin/js/vendor/jquery/jquery.js | 9210 --------------------
tests/static/admin/js/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js | 4 -
.../admin/js/vendor/xregexp/LICENSE-XREGEXP.txt | 21 -
.../static/admin/js/vendor/xregexp/xregexp.min.js | 18 -
tests/static/pipeline/css/first.css | 3 -
tests/static/pipeline/css/nested/nested.css | 6 -
tests/static/pipeline/css/second.css | 3 -
tests/static/pipeline/css/unicode.css | 4 -
tests/static/pipeline/css/urls.css | 27 -
tests/static/pipeline/fonts/pipeline.eot | 0
tests/static/pipeline/fonts/pipeline.svg | 0
tests/static/pipeline/fonts/pipeline.ttf | 0
tests/static/pipeline/fonts/pipeline.woff | 0
tests/static/pipeline/images/arrow.png | Bin 107 -> 0 bytes
tests/static/pipeline/images/embed/arrow.png | Bin 107 -> 0 bytes
tests/static/pipeline/images/sprite-buttons.png | 0
tests/static/pipeline/js/application.js | 3 -
tests/static/pipeline/js/first.js | 5 -
tests/static/pipeline/js/second.js | 5 -
tests/static/pipeline/templates/photo/detail.jst | 6 -
tests/static/pipeline/templates/photo/list.jst | 6 -
tests/static/pipeline/templates/video/detail.jst | 6 -
tests/static/screen.css | 0
tests/static/scripts.js | 3 -
tests/static/scripts_async.js | 3 -
tests/static/scripts_async_defer.js | 3 -
tests/static/scripts_defer.js | 3 -
tests/tests/__init__.py | 10 +
tests/tests/test_collector.py | 41 +
tests/tests/test_compiler.py | 90 +-
tests/tests/test_compressor.py | 93 +-
tests/tests/test_conf.py | 9 +
tests/tests/test_glob.py | 1 -
tests/tests/test_storage.py | 13 +-
tests/tests/test_views.py | 93 +
tests/utils.py | 57 +-
139 files changed, 997 insertions(+), 14737 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index 80a3128,0000000..99b23bc
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
+# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- e57248ca545fb290aae3baa36398d9209e4ab16b
- e57248ca545fb290aae3baa36398d9209e4ab16b
- bb4f66f4ed05a786ea05c8ad0af1888db1d043ba
diff --cc debian/patches/make_jsmin_optional
index abbeef9,0000000..bebf688
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/make_jsmin_optional
+++ b/debian/patches/make_jsmin_optional
@@@ -1,33 -1,0 +1,33 @@@
- From e57248ca545fb290aae3baa36398d9209e4ab16b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From 96b2c88a16df4ae37176323b6dca092de073f3dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dmitry Nezhevenko <dion at dion.org.ua>
+Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 08:55:54 -0700
+Subject: Make JSMin dependency optional
+ JSMin is a JavaScript compressor. It's known to be non-free due to
+ additional statement to MIT license (The Software shall be used for Good,
+ not Evil.)
+ .
+ This patchs stubs out JSMin usage. Instead uncompressed JS will be
+ returned. This should be ok since it is not default compressor at all.
+Bug: https://github.com/cyberdelia/django-pipeline/issues/99
+Patch-Name: make_jsmin_optional
+ pipeline/compressors/jsmin.py | 8 ++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/pipeline/compressors/jsmin.py b/pipeline/compressors/jsmin.py
+index dd1fc73..3ed6c66 100644
+--- a/pipeline/compressors/jsmin.py
++++ b/pipeline/compressors/jsmin.py
+@@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ class JSMinCompressor(CompressorBase):
+ (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsmin/).
+ """
+ def compress_js(self, js):
+- from jsmin import jsmin
+- return jsmin(js)
++ try:
++ from jsmin import jsmin
++ return jsmin(js)
++ except ImportError:
++ # JSMin is not available
++ return js
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/django-pipeline.git
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