[Python-modules-commits] [python-pgspecial] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 1.3.0

ChangZhuo Chen czchen at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 28 15:59:17 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

czchen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-pgspecial.

commit e720edcab4d31af777a9e727379b58f77a612385
Author: ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czchen at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 28 23:47:53 2016 +0800

    Imported Upstream version 1.3.0
 .gitignore                              | 108 ---------
 .travis.yml                             |  23 --
 DEVELOP.rst                             | 121 ----------
 License.txt                             |  27 ---
 PKG-INFO                                | 100 ++++++++
 changelog.rst                           |  28 ---
 pgspecial.egg-info/PKG-INFO             | 100 ++++++++
 pgspecial.egg-info/SOURCES.txt          |  15 ++
 pgspecial.egg-info/dependency_links.txt |   1 +
 pgspecial.egg-info/pbr.json             |   1 +
 pgspecial.egg-info/requires.txt         |   1 +
 pgspecial.egg-info/top_level.txt        |   1 +
 pgspecial/__init__.py                   |   2 +-
 pgspecial/dbcommands.py                 | 395 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 pgspecial/main.py                       |  37 ++-
 release.py                              | 113 ---------
 requirements-dev.txt                    |   4 -
 scripts/README.rst                      |  21 --
 scripts/docparser.py                    |  52 -----
 setup.cfg                               |   5 +
 tests/conftest.py                       |  36 ---
 tests/dbutils.py                        |  71 ------
 tests/pytest.ini                        |   2 -
 tests/test_specials.py                  |  90 --------
 tox.ini                                 |   7 -
 25 files changed, 563 insertions(+), 798 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf58a0..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-### Python template
-# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
-# C extensions
-# Distribution / packaging
-# PyInstaller
-#  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
-#  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
-# Installer logs
-# Unit test / coverage reports
-# Translations
-# Django stuff:
-# Sphinx documentation
-# PyBuilder
-### JetBrains template
-# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio
-## Directory-based project format:
-# if you remove the above rule, at least ignore the following:
-# User-specific stuff:
-# .idea/workspace.xml
-# .idea/tasks.xml
-# .idea/dictionaries
-# Sensitive or high-churn files:
-# .idea/dataSources.ids
-# .idea/dataSources.xml
-# .idea/sqlDataSources.xml
-# .idea/dynamic.xml
-# .idea/uiDesigner.xml
-# Gradle:
-# .idea/gradle.xml
-# .idea/libraries
-# Mongo Explorer plugin:
-# .idea/mongoSettings.xml
-## File-based project format:
-## Plugin-specific files:
-# IntelliJ
-# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
-# JIRA plugin
-# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
-# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5494afc..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-language: python
-  - "2.6"
-  - "2.7"
-  - "3.3"
-  - "3.4"
-  - pip install . pytest mock codecov psycopg2
-  - coverage run --source pgspecial -m py.test
-  - codecov
-  webhooks:
-    urls:
-    on_success: change  # options: [always|never|change] default: always
-    on_failure: always  # options: [always|never|change] default: always
-    on_start: false     # default: false
diff --git a/DEVELOP.rst b/DEVELOP.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 1342f84..0000000
--- a/DEVELOP.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Development Guide
-This is a guide for developers who would like to contribute to this project.
-GitHub Workflow
-If you're interested in contributing to pgcli, first of all my heart felt
-thanks. `Fork the project <https://github.com/dbcli/pgspecial>`_ in github.
-Then clone your fork into your computer (``git clone <url-for-your-fork>``).
-Make the changes and create the commits in your local machine. Then push those
-changes to your fork. Then click on the pull request icon on github and create
-a new pull request. Add a description about the change and send it along. I
-promise to review the pull request in a reasonable window of time and get back
-to you. 
-In order to keep your fork up to date with any changes from mainline, add a new
-git remote to your local copy called 'upstream' and point it to the main
-``pgspecial`` repo.
-   $ git remote add upstream git at github.com:dbcli/pgspecial.git
-Once the 'upstream' end point is added you can then periodically do a ``git
-pull upstream master`` to update your local copy and then do a ``git push
-origin master`` to keep your own fork up to date. 
-Local Setup
-The installation instructions in the README file are intended for users of
-``pgspecial``. If you're developing ``pgspecial``, you'll need to install it in
-a slightly different way so you can see the effects of your changes right away
-without having to go through the install cycle every time you change the code.
-It is highly recommended to use virtualenv for development. If you don't know
-what a virtualenv is, this `guide
-will help you get started.
-Create a virtualenv (let's call it ``pgspecial-dev``). Activate it:
-    virtualenv ./pgspecial-dev
-    source ./pgspecial-dev/bin/activate
-Once the virtualenv is activated, `cd` into the local clone of pgspecial folder
-and install pgspecial using pip as follows:
-    $ pip install --editable .
-    or
-    $ pip install -e .
-This will install the necessary dependencies as well as install pgspecial from
-the working folder into the virtualenv. By installing it using `pip install -e`
-we've linked the pgspecial installation with the working copy. So any changes
-made to the code is immediately available in the installed version of
-Adding PostgreSQL Special (Meta) Commands
-If you want to add a new meta-command, you'll write a function that accepts 3
-parameters. Then you'll mark it with a ``@special_command`` decorator. For
-an example, look at ``list_roles`` in ``dbcommands.py``:
-  ::
-    @special_command('\\du', '\\du[+] [pattern]', 'List roles.')
-    def list_roles(cur, pattern, verbose):
-        # some code here
-        return [(None, cur, headers, cur.statusmessage)]
-Things to note:
-* Your function should return 4 items: ``title, cur, headers, status``.
-* ``title`` is optional. It is something you can print out as first line of your
-  output.
-* ``cur`` is cursor that contains records to iterate.
-* ``headers`` is result table's list of column headers.
-* ``status`` is optional. If provided, it will be printed out last.
-Now, take a closer look at the decorator. The first item in a tuple of
-arguments is the command's name. It should be unique. The second item is this
-command's syntax. The third item in the tuple is a string which is
-the documentation for that special command.
-The example command here, ``\du``, is a meta-command that lists all roles in
-the databases. The way you can see the SQL statement issued by PostgreSQL when
-this command is executed is to launch `psql -E` and entering ``\du``.
-That will print the results and also print the sql statement that was executed
-to produce that result. In most cases it's a single sql statement, but
-sometimes it's a series of sql statements that feed the results to each other
-to get to the final result.
-Running the tests
-The tests are using default user ``postgres`` at ``localhost``, without
-the password (authentication mode ``trust``). This can be changed in
-First, install the requirements for testing:
-    $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
-After that, tests can be run with:
-    $ cd tests
-    $ py.test
diff --git a/License.txt b/License.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 087af3a..0000000
--- a/License.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, dbcli
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
-  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of pgspecial nor the names of its
-  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-  this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c5a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: pgspecial
+Version: 1.3.0
+Summary: Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database.
+Home-page: http://pgcli.com
+Author: Amjith Ramanujam
+Author-email: amjith[dot]r[at]gmail.com
+License: LICENSE.txt
+Description: Meta-commands for Postgres
+        --------------------------
+        |BuildStatus|  |PyPI|
+        This package provides an API to execute meta-commands (AKA "special", or
+        "backslash commands") on PostgreSQL.
+        Quick Start
+        -----------
+        This is a python package. It can be installed with:
+        ::
+            $ pip install pgspecial
+        Usage
+        -----
+        Once this library is included into your project, you will most likely use the
+        following imports:
+        ::
+            from pgspecial.main import PGSpecial
+            from pgspecial.namedqueries import NamedQueries
+        Then you will create and use an instance of PGSpecial:
+        ::
+                pgspecial = PGSpecial()
+                for result in pgspecial.execute(cur, sql):
+                    # Do something
+        If you want to import named queries from an existing config file, it is
+        convenient to initialize and keep around the class variable in
+        ``NamedQueries``:
+        ::
+            from configobj import ConfigObj
+            NamedQueries.instance = NamedQueries.from_config(
+                ConfigObj('~/.config_file_name'))
+        Contributions:
+        --------------
+        If you're interested in contributing to this project, first of all I would like
+        to extend my heartfelt gratitude. I've written a small doc to describe how to
+        get this running in a development setup.
+        https://github.com/dbcli/pgspecial/blob/master/DEVELOP.rst
+        Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help.
+        My email: amjith.r at gmail.com, Twitter: `@amjithr <http://twitter.com/amjithr>`_
+        Projects using it:
+        ------------------
+        This module is being used by pgcli_: A REPL for Postgres.
+        If you find this module useful and include it in your project, I'll be happy
+        to know about it and list it here.
+        .. |BuildStatus| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/dbcli/pgspecial.svg?branch=master
+            :target: https://travis-ci.org/dbcli/pgspecial
+        .. |PyPI| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pgspecial.svg
+            :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pgspecial/
+            :alt: Latest Version
+        .. _pgcli: https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
+Classifier: Operating System :: Unix
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: SQL
+Classifier: Topic :: Database
+Classifier: Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
diff --git a/changelog.rst b/changelog.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 261db23..0000000
--- a/changelog.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-* Add support for ``\h``. (Thanks: `stuartquin`_)
-  Users can now run ``\h [keyword]`` to checkout the help for a keyboard.
-* Support for ``\x auto`` by `stuartquin`_ with `darikg`_ (ported over from `pgcli`_).
-* First release as an independent package.
-.. _`pgcli`: https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli
-.. _`stuartquin`: https://github.com/stuartquin
-.. _`darikg`: https://github.com/darikg
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/pgspecial.egg-info/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c5a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: pgspecial
+Version: 1.3.0
+Summary: Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database.
+Home-page: http://pgcli.com
+Author: Amjith Ramanujam
+Author-email: amjith[dot]r[at]gmail.com
+License: LICENSE.txt
+Description: Meta-commands for Postgres
+        --------------------------
+        |BuildStatus|  |PyPI|
+        This package provides an API to execute meta-commands (AKA "special", or
+        "backslash commands") on PostgreSQL.
+        Quick Start
+        -----------
+        This is a python package. It can be installed with:
+        ::
+            $ pip install pgspecial
+        Usage
+        -----
+        Once this library is included into your project, you will most likely use the
+        following imports:
+        ::
+            from pgspecial.main import PGSpecial
+            from pgspecial.namedqueries import NamedQueries
+        Then you will create and use an instance of PGSpecial:
+        ::
+                pgspecial = PGSpecial()
+                for result in pgspecial.execute(cur, sql):
+                    # Do something
+        If you want to import named queries from an existing config file, it is
+        convenient to initialize and keep around the class variable in
+        ``NamedQueries``:
+        ::
+            from configobj import ConfigObj
+            NamedQueries.instance = NamedQueries.from_config(
+                ConfigObj('~/.config_file_name'))
+        Contributions:
+        --------------
+        If you're interested in contributing to this project, first of all I would like
+        to extend my heartfelt gratitude. I've written a small doc to describe how to
+        get this running in a development setup.
+        https://github.com/dbcli/pgspecial/blob/master/DEVELOP.rst
+        Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help.
+        My email: amjith.r at gmail.com, Twitter: `@amjithr <http://twitter.com/amjithr>`_
+        Projects using it:
+        ------------------
+        This module is being used by pgcli_: A REPL for Postgres.
+        If you find this module useful and include it in your project, I'll be happy
+        to know about it and list it here.
+        .. |BuildStatus| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/dbcli/pgspecial.svg?branch=master
+            :target: https://travis-ci.org/dbcli/pgspecial
+        .. |PyPI| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pgspecial.svg
+            :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pgspecial/
+            :alt: Latest Version
+        .. _pgcli: https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
+Classifier: Operating System :: Unix
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: SQL
+Classifier: Topic :: Database
+Classifier: Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/pgspecial.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1bb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/pgspecial.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/pbr.json b/pgspecial.egg-info/pbr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bde1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/pbr.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"is_release": false, "git_version": "77fb297"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/requires.txt b/pgspecial.egg-info/requires.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86a836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+click >= 4.1
diff --git a/pgspecial.egg-info/top_level.txt b/pgspecial.egg-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ad873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgspecial.egg-info/top_level.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pgspecial/__init__.py b/pgspecial/__init__.py
index 8a0fb6b..008ca77 100644
--- a/pgspecial/__init__.py
+++ b/pgspecial/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 __all__ = []
-__version__ = '1.2.0'
+__version__ = '1.3.0'
 def export(defn):
diff --git a/pgspecial/dbcommands.py b/pgspecial/dbcommands.py
index 041d630..127fd93 100644
--- a/pgspecial/dbcommands.py
+++ b/pgspecial/dbcommands.py
@@ -25,16 +25,40 @@ def list_roles(cur, pattern, verbose):
     Returns (title, rows, headers, status)
-    sql = '''SELECT r.rolname, r.rolsuper, r.rolinherit,
-    r.rolcreaterole, r.rolcreatedb, r.rolcanlogin,
-    r.rolconnlimit, r.rolvaliduntil,
-    ARRAY(SELECT b.rolname
-    FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members m
-    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles b ON (m.roleid = b.oid)
-    WHERE m.member = r.oid) as memberof''' + (''',
-    pg_catalog.shobj_description(r.oid, 'pg_authid') AS description'''
-    if verbose else '') + """, r.rolreplication
-    FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles r """
+    if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+        sql = '''
+            SELECT r.rolname,
+                r.rolsuper,
+                r.rolinherit,
+                r.rolcreaterole,
+                r.rolcreatedb,
+                r.rolcanlogin,
+                r.rolconnlimit,
+                r.rolvaliduntil,
+                ARRAY(SELECT b.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members m JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles b ON (m.roleid = b.oid) WHERE m.member = r.oid) as memberof,
+            '''
+        if verbose:
+            sql += '''
+                pg_catalog.shobj_description(r.oid, 'pg_authid') AS description,
+            '''
+        sql += '''
+            r.rolreplication
+        FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles r
+        '''
+    else:
+        sql = '''
+            SELECT u.usename AS rolname,
+                u.usesuper AS rolsuper,
+                true AS rolinherit,
+                false AS rolcreaterole,
+                u.usecreatedb AS rolcreatedb,
+                true AS rolcanlogin,
+                -1 AS rolconnlimit,
+                u.valuntil as rolvaliduntil,
+                ARRAY(SELECT g.groname FROM pg_catalog.pg_group g WHERE u.usesysid = ANY(g.grolist)) as memberof
+            FROM pg_catalog.pg_user u
+            '''
     params = []
     if pattern:
@@ -177,24 +201,41 @@ def list_functions(cur, pattern, verbose):
         verbose_columns = verbose_table = ''
-    sql = '''
-        SELECT  n.nspname as "Schema",
-                p.proname as "Name",
-                pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid)
-                  as "Result data type",
-                pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid)
-                  as "Argument data types",
-                 CASE
-                    WHEN p.proisagg THEN 'agg'
-                    WHEN p.proiswindow THEN 'window'
-                    WHEN p.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype
-                        THEN 'trigger'
-                    ELSE 'normal'
-                END as "Type" ''' + verbose_columns + '''
-        FROM    pg_catalog.pg_proc p
-                LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
-                        ''' + verbose_table + '''
-        WHERE  '''
+    if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+        sql = '''
+            SELECT  n.nspname as "Schema",
+                    p.proname as "Name",
+                    pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid)
+                      as "Result data type",
+                    pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid)
+                      as "Argument data types",
+                     CASE
+                        WHEN p.proisagg THEN 'agg'
+                        WHEN p.proiswindow THEN 'window'
+                        WHEN p.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype
+                            THEN 'trigger'
+                        ELSE 'normal'
+                    END as "Type" ''' + verbose_columns + '''
+            FROM    pg_catalog.pg_proc p
+                    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
+                            ''' + verbose_table + '''
+            WHERE  '''
+    else:
+        sql = '''
+            SELECT  n.nspname as "Schema",
+                    p.proname as "Name",
+                    pg_catalog.format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) as "Result data type",
+                    pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) as "Argument data types",
+                     CASE
+                        WHEN p.proisagg THEN 'agg'
+                        WHEN p.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype THEN 'trigger'
+                        ELSE 'normal'
+                    END as "Type" ''' + verbose_columns + '''
+            FROM    pg_catalog.pg_proc p
+                    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
+                            ''' + verbose_table + '''
+            WHERE  '''
     schema_pattern, func_pattern = sql_name_pattern(pattern)
     params = []
@@ -253,18 +294,27 @@ def list_datatypes(cur, pattern, verbose):
         sql += '''  pg_catalog.obj_description(t.oid, 'pg_type')
                         as "Description" '''
-    sql += '''  FROM    pg_catalog.pg_type t
-                        LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
-                          ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
-                WHERE   (t.typrelid = 0 OR
-                          ( SELECT c.relkind = 'c'
-                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
-                            WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid))
-                        AND NOT EXISTS(
-                            SELECT 1
-                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_type el
-                            WHERE el.oid = t.typelem
-                                  AND el.typarray = t.oid) '''
+    if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+        sql += '''  FROM    pg_catalog.pg_type t
+                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
+                              ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
+                    WHERE   (t.typrelid = 0 OR
+                              ( SELECT c.relkind = 'c'
+                                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+                                WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid))
+                            AND NOT EXISTS(
+                                SELECT 1
+                                FROM pg_catalog.pg_type el
+                                WHERE el.oid = t.typelem
+                                      AND el.typarray = t.oid) '''
+    else:
+        sql += '''  FROM    pg_catalog.pg_type t
+                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
+                              ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
+                    WHERE   (t.typrelid = 0 OR
+                              ( SELECT c.relkind = 'c'
+                                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+                                WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid)) '''
     schema_pattern, type_pattern = sql_name_pattern(pattern)
     params = []
@@ -370,17 +420,46 @@ def describe_one_table_details(cur, schema_name, relation_name, oid, verbose):
         suffix = "''"
-    sql ="""SELECT c.relchecks, c.relkind, c.relhasindex,
-                c.relhasrules, c.relhastriggers, c.relhasoids,
-                %s,
-                c.reltablespace,
-                CASE WHEN c.reloftype = 0 THEN ''
-                    ELSE c.reloftype::pg_catalog.regtype::pg_catalog.text
-                END,
-                c.relpersistence
-            FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
-            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid = tc.oid)
-            WHERE c.oid = '%s'""" % (suffix, oid)
+    if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+        sql = """SELECT c.relchecks, c.relkind, c.relhasindex,
+                    c.relhasrules, c.relhastriggers, c.relhasoids,
+                    %s,
+                    c.reltablespace,
+                    CASE WHEN c.reloftype = 0 THEN ''
+                        ELSE c.reloftype::pg_catalog.regtype::pg_catalog.text
+                    END,
+                    c.relpersistence
+                 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid = tc.oid)
+                 WHERE c.oid = '%s'""" % (suffix, oid)
+    elif cur.connection.server_version >= 80400:
+        sql = """SELECT c.relchecks,
+                    c.relkind,
+                    c.relhasindex,
+                    c.relhasrules,
+                    c.relhastriggers,
+                    c.relhasoids,
+                    %s,
+                    c.reltablespace,
+                    0 AS reloftype,
+                    'p' AS relpersistence
+                 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid = tc.oid)
+                 WHERE c.oid = '%s'""" % (suffix, oid)
+    else:
+        sql = """SELECT c.relchecks,
+                    c.relkind,
+                    c.relhasindex,
+                    c.relhasrules,
+                    c.reltriggers > 0 AS relhastriggers,
+                    c.relhasoids,
+                    %s,
+                    c.reltablespace,
+                    0 AS reloftype,
+                    'p' AS relpersistence
+                 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid = tc.oid)
+                 WHERE c.oid = '%s'""" % (suffix, oid)
     # Create a namedtuple called tableinfo and match what's in describe.c
@@ -403,13 +482,42 @@ def describe_one_table_details(cur, schema_name, relation_name, oid, verbose):
         seq_values = cur.fetchone()
     # Get column info
-    sql = """SELECT a.attname, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
-        (SELECT substring(pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128)
-        FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum =
-        a.attnum AND a.atthasdef), a.attnotnull, a.attnum, (SELECT c.collname
-        FROM pg_catalog.pg_collation c, pg_catalog.pg_type t WHERE c.oid =
-        a.attcollation AND t.oid = a.atttypid AND a.attcollation <>
-        t.typcollation) AS attcollation"""
+    if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+        sql = """SELECT a.attname,
+                    pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
+                    (
+                        SELECT substring(pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128)
+                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
+                        WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid
+                            AND d.adnum = a.attnum
+                            AND a.atthasdef
+                    ),
+                    a.attnotnull,
+                    a.attnum,
+                    (
+                        SELECT c.collname
+                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_collation c,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_type t
+                        WHERE c.oid = a.attcollation
+                            AND t.oid = a.atttypid
+                            AND a.attcollation <> t.typcollation
+                    ) AS attcollation
+                """
+    else:
+        sql = """SELECT a.attname,
+                    pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
+                    (
+                        SELECT substring(pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128)
+                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
+                        WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid
+                            AND d.adnum = a.attnum
+                            AND a.atthasdef
+                    ),
+                    a.attnotnull,
+                    a.attnum,
+                    NULL AS attcollation
+                """
     if tableinfo.relkind == 'i':
         sql += """, pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(a.attrelid, a.attnum, TRUE)
@@ -545,17 +653,58 @@ def describe_one_table_details(cur, schema_name, relation_name, oid, verbose):
     if (tableinfo.relkind == 'i'):
         # /* Footer information about an index */
-        sql = """SELECT i.indisunique, i.indisprimary, i.indisclustered,
-        i.indisvalid, (NOT i.indimmediate) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM
-        pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = i.indrelid AND conindid =
-        i.indexrelid AND contype IN ('p','u','x') AND condeferrable) AS
-        condeferrable, (NOT i.indimmediate) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM
-        pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = i.indrelid AND conindid =
-        i.indexrelid AND contype IN ('p','u','x') AND condeferred) AS
-        condeferred, a.amname, c2.relname, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred,
-        i.indrelid, true) FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_class c,
-        pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_am a WHERE i.indexrelid = c.oid
-        AND c.oid = '%s' AND c.relam = a.oid AND i.indrelid = c2.oid;""" % oid
+        if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+            sql = """SELECT i.indisunique,
+                        i.indisprimary,
+                        i.indisclustered,
+                        i.indisvalid,
+                        (NOT i.indimmediate) AND EXISTS (
+                            SELECT 1
+                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint
+                            WHERE conrelid = i.indrelid
+                                AND conindid = i.indexrelid
+                                AND contype IN ('p','u','x')
+                                AND condeferrable
+                        ) AS condeferrable,
+                        (NOT i.indimmediate) AND EXISTS (
+                            SELECT 1
+                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint
+                            WHERE conrelid = i.indrelid
+                                AND conindid = i.indexrelid
+                                AND contype IN ('p','u','x')
+                                AND condeferred
+                        ) AS condeferred,
+                        a.amname,
+                        c2.relname,
+                        pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid, true)
+                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_class c,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_class c2,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_am a
+                        WHERE i.indexrelid = c.oid
+                            AND c.oid = '%s'
+                            AND c.relam = a.oid
+                            AND i.indrelid = c2.oid;
+                """ % oid
+        else:
+            sql = """SELECT i.indisunique,
+                        i.indisprimary,
+                        i.indisclustered,
+                        't' AS indisvalid,
+                        'f' AS condeferrable,
+                        'f' AS condeferred,
+                        a.amname,
+                        c2.relname,
+                        pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid, true)
+                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_class c,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_class c2,
+                            pg_catalog.pg_am a
+                        WHERE i.indexrelid = c.oid
+                            AND c.oid = '%s'
+                            AND c.relam = a.oid
+                            AND i.indrelid = c2.oid;
+                """ % oid
@@ -624,17 +773,57 @@ def describe_one_table_details(cur, schema_name, relation_name, oid, verbose):
         #/* Footer information about a table */
         if (tableinfo.hasindex):
-            sql = "SELECT c2.relname, i.indisprimary, i.indisunique, i.indisclustered, "
-            sql += "i.indisvalid, "
-            sql += "pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid, 0, true),\n  "
-            sql += ("pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid, true), "
-                    "contype, condeferrable, condeferred")
-            sql += ", c2.reltablespace"
-            sql += ("\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, "
-                    "pg_catalog.pg_index i\n")
-            sql += "  LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint con ON (conrelid = i.indrelid AND conindid = i.indexrelid AND contype IN ('p','u','x'))\n"
-            sql += ("WHERE c.oid = '%s' AND c.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid\n"
-                    "ORDER BY i.indisprimary DESC, i.indisunique DESC, c2.relname;") % oid
+            if cur.connection.server_version > 90000:
+                sql = """SELECT c2.relname,
+                                i.indisprimary,
+                                i.indisunique,
+                                i.indisclustered,
+                                i.indisvalid,
+                                pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid, 0, true),
+                                pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid, true),
... 647 lines suppressed ...

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