[Python-modules-commits] [python-pskc] branch master updated (64f8256 -> 4e7008d)
Arthur de Jong
adejong at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 28 20:06:36 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
adejong pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-pskc.
from 64f8256 Update Vcs fields for git migration
new e979262 Import python-pskc_0.3.orig.tar.gz
new e2f6a55 Import python-pskc_0.3.orig.tar.gz
new 816c2f2 Import python-pskc_0.4.orig.tar.gz
new 0af3be1 New upstream release (0.4)
new 3891781 Use https in Vcs-Git field (thanks lintian)
new 0c2d140 Update package description
new a7a6cee Add a python-pskc-doc package
new b080547 Upgrade to standards-version 3.9.7 (no changes needed)
new 4e7008d Release 0.4-1
The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
ChangeLog | 482 +++++++++++++++++++++
MANIFEST.in | 2 +-
NEWS | 28 ++
PKG-INFO | 22 +-
README | 26 +-
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/changelog | 23 +
debian/control | 40 +-
...thon-pskc.doc-base => python-pskc-doc.doc-base} | 4 +-
debian/{python-pskc.docs => python-pskc-doc.docs} | 0
debian/python-pskc.docs | 1 -
debian/python3-pskc.doc-base | 9 -
debian/python3-pskc.docs | 1 -
docs/conf.py | 2 +-
docs/encryption.rst | 94 +++-
docs/exceptions.rst | 6 +-
docs/mac.rst | 33 +-
docs/policy.rst | 31 +-
docs/usage.rst | 160 ++++---
pskc/__init__.py | 57 ++-
pskc/crypto/__init__.py | 0
pskc/{ => crypto}/aeskw.py | 22 +-
pskc/{ => crypto}/tripledeskw.py | 10 +-
pskc/encryption.py | 413 +++++++++++++-----
pskc/key.py | 337 ++++++++++----
pskc/mac.py | 175 +++++---
pskc/parse.py | 102 -----
pskc/policy.py | 90 +++-
pskc/xml.py | 191 ++++++++
pskc2csv.py | 149 +++++++
python_pskc.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 22 +-
python_pskc.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 75 ++--
setup.py | 10 +-
.../actividentity-3des.pskcxml} | 0
.../ocra.pskcxml} | 0
.../securid-aes-counter.pskcxml} | 0
.../totp.pskcxml} | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/aes128-cbc.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/aes192-cbc.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/aes256-cbc.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes128.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes192.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes256.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/kw-tripledes.pskcxml | 0
tests/{ => encryption}/tripledes-cbc.pskcxml | 0
tests/feitian/20120919-test001-4282.xml | 58 +++
tests/feitian/file1.pskcxml | 158 +++++++
.../mac-algorithm.pskcxml} | 0
.../mac-value.pskcxml} | 0
.../missing-encryption.pskcxml} | 13 +-
.../no-mac-method.pskcxml} | 0
tests/invalid/not-boolean.pskcxml | 15 +
tests/invalid/not-integer.pskcxml | 15 +
tests/invalid/not-integer2.pskcxml | 15 +
.../notxml.pskcxml} | 0
.../unknown-encryption.pskcxml} | 18 +-
.../wrongelement.pskcxml} | 0
.../wrongversion.pskcxml} | 0
tests/misc/SampleFullyQualifiedNS.xml | 100 +++++
tests/misc/checkdigits.pskcxml | 54 +++
tests/misc/integers.pskcxml | 47 ++
tests/{ => misc}/odd-namespace.pskcxml | 0
tests/misc/policy.pskcxml | 81 ++++
tests/nagraid/file1.pskcxml | 114 +++++
.../figure10.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure2.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure3.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure4.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure5.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure6.pskcxml} | 0
.../figure7.pskcxml} | 0
tests/test_aeskw.doctest | 87 ++--
tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest | 21 +-
tests/test_encryption.doctest | 176 ++++++--
tests/test_invalid.doctest | 91 ++--
tests/test_misc.doctest | 156 ++++++-
tests/test_rfc6030.doctest | 67 ++-
tests/test_tripledeskw.doctest | 13 +-
tests/test_vendors.doctest | 104 +++++
tests/test_write.doctest | 416 ++++++++++++++++++
80 files changed, 3697 insertions(+), 753 deletions(-)
rename debian/{python-pskc.doc-base => python-pskc-doc.doc-base} (64%)
copy debian/{python-pskc.docs => python-pskc-doc.docs} (100%)
delete mode 100644 debian/python3-pskc.doc-base
create mode 100644 pskc/crypto/__init__.py
rename pskc/{ => crypto}/aeskw.py (88%)
rename pskc/{ => crypto}/tripledeskw.py (92%)
delete mode 100644 pskc/parse.py
create mode 100644 pskc/xml.py
create mode 100755 pskc2csv.py
rename tests/{draft-keyprov-actividentity-3des.pskcxml => draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/actividentity-3des.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{draft-keyprov-ocra.pskcxml => draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/ocra.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{draft-keyprov-securid-aes-counter.pskcxml => draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/securid-aes-counter.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{draft-keyprov-totp.pskcxml => draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/totp.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/aes128-cbc.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/aes192-cbc.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/aes256-cbc.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes128.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes192.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/kw-aes256.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/kw-tripledes.pskcxml (100%)
rename tests/{ => encryption}/tripledes-cbc.pskcxml (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/feitian/20120919-test001-4282.xml
create mode 100644 tests/feitian/file1.pskcxml
rename tests/{invalid-mac-algorithm.pskcxml => invalid/mac-algorithm.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{invalid-mac-value.pskcxml => invalid/mac-value.pskcxml} (100%)
copy tests/{invalid-no-mac-method.pskcxml => invalid/missing-encryption.pskcxml} (56%)
rename tests/{invalid-no-mac-method.pskcxml => invalid/no-mac-method.pskcxml} (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/invalid/not-boolean.pskcxml
create mode 100644 tests/invalid/not-integer.pskcxml
create mode 100644 tests/invalid/not-integer2.pskcxml
rename tests/{invalid-notxml.pskcxml => invalid/notxml.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{invalid-encryption.pskcxml => invalid/unknown-encryption.pskcxml} (63%)
rename tests/{invalid-wrongelement.pskcxml => invalid/wrongelement.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{invalid-wrongversion.pskcxml => invalid/wrongversion.pskcxml} (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/misc/SampleFullyQualifiedNS.xml
create mode 100644 tests/misc/checkdigits.pskcxml
create mode 100644 tests/misc/integers.pskcxml
rename tests/{ => misc}/odd-namespace.pskcxml (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/misc/policy.pskcxml
create mode 100644 tests/nagraid/file1.pskcxml
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure10.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure10.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure2.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure2.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure3.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure3.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure4.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure4.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure5.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure5.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure6.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure6.pskcxml} (100%)
rename tests/{rfc6030-figure7.pskcxml => rfc6030/figure7.pskcxml} (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/test_vendors.doctest
create mode 100644 tests/test_write.doctest
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pskc.git
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