[Python-modules-commits] [python-django] annotated tag debian/1.9.rc2-3 created (now 7fbf578)

Chris Lamb lamby at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 7 06:13:45 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lamby pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.9.rc2-3
in repository python-django.

        at  7fbf578   (tag)
   tagging  99b780acc751a0aa9cdf2ae409910fb76746f276 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.8.3-1
 tagged by  Chris Lamb
        on  Thu Dec 3 16:19:50 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package python-django version debian/1.9.rc2-3
Version: GnuPG v1


Brett Parker (2):
      Update manual page to refer to django-admin instead of django-admin.py
      Update manual page to refer to django-admin instead of django-admin.py

Brian May (16):
      Initialize git-dpm
      Initialize git-dpm
      git-dpm config
      git-dpm config
      Added a dummy class for HTMLParserError.
      merge patched-debian/sid into debian/sid
      change version to 1.7.9-2 (UNRELEASED)
      Import python-django_1.7.10.orig.tar.gz
      record new upstream branch created by importing python-django_1.7.10.orig.tar.gz
      Added a dummy class for HTMLParserError.
      merge patched-debian/sid into debian/sid
      change version to 1.7.10-1
      Expand on changelog entry.
      Add numpy 1.9 support
      Add numpy 1.9 support. Closes: #801554.
      change target to unstable

Chris Lamb (10):
      Import python-django_1.9rc2.orig.tar.gz
      record new upstream branch created by importing python-django_1.9rc2.orig.tar.gz
      merge patched-debian/experimental into debian/experimental
      change version to 1.9~rc2-1 (UNRELEASED)
      Add myself to Uploaders.
      Releasing 1.9~rc2-1
      Move {app,project}_template to python-django-common to prevent byte-compilation (via pycompile) on installation, causing failure. They are not valid Python files until variables have been interpolated.
      releasing package python-django version 1.9~rc2-2
      Adjust uversionmangle in debian/watch to mangle "1.9rc2" scheme (previously only "1.9-rc-2" would have matched).
      releasing package python-django version 1.9~rc2-3

Luke Faraone (9):
      Update debian/copyright to copyright-format 1.0.
      Imported Upstream version 1.8.4
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.4' into debian/experimental
      New upstream security release
      Syntax, details for debian/copyright
      record new upstream branch created by importing python-django_1.8.7.orig.tar.gz
      Import python-django_1.8.7.orig.tar.gz
      merge debian/patched-master into debian/master
      releasing package python-django version 1.8.7-1

Raphaël Hertzog (36):
      Imported Upstream version 1.7.9
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.7.9' into debian/sid
      New upstream security release
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      Add README.source with explanations about our git workflow
      Add README.source with explanations about our git workflow
      Import python-django_1.8.5.orig.tar.gz
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      record new upstream branch created by importing python-django_1.8.5.orig.tar.gz
      merge debian/patched-experimental into debian/experimental
      Add new changelog entry
      Add a lintian override for a false positive
      Update patched tag format to match DEP-14 recommendation
      Update patched tag format to match DEP-14 recommendation
      Merge branch 'debian/experimental' into debian/sid
      Prepare release to unstable
      Update debian/gbp.conf to point to the correct branch
      Import python-django_1.8.6.orig.tar.gz
      record new upstream branch created by importing python-django_1.8.6.orig.tar.gz
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      merge debian/patched-master into debian/master
      New upstream bugfix release.
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      Rely on C.UTF-8 to run the tests instead of building our locale ourselves.
      Fix #25761 -- re-raised exceptions need __cause__.__traceback__
      merge debian/patched-master into debian/master
      Update changelog with new patch added
      Extend lintian overrides to cover more false positives of source-is-missing.
      Cleanup debian/copyright for dropped/renamed files.
      Use high priority to reach testing sooner and close the security issue
      Run tests for all supported Python versions.
      Release to unstable
      Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
      Fix #25761 -- re-raised exceptions need __cause__.__traceback__

Tapio Rantala (7):
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
      Use Debian GeoIP database path as default


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  99b780a   releasing package python-django version 1.9~rc2-3

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-django.git

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