[Python-modules-commits] [python-hypothesis] branch upstream updated (61c11c2 -> 63f5cef)
Tristan Seligmann
mithrandi at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 15 01:09:54 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mithrandi pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository python-hypothesis.
from 61c11c2 Import python-hypothesis_3.1.0.orig.tar.gz
new 63f5cef Import python-hypothesis_3.1.3.orig.tar.gz
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.travis.yml | 4 +
Makefile | 16 +-
README.rst | 52 +-
appveyor.yml | 17 +-
benchmarks/test_strategies.py | 9 +-
docs/changes.rst | 39 ++
docs/conf.py | 9 +-
docs/endorsements.rst | 11 +
docs/examples.rst | 27 +-
docs/extras.rst | 53 ++
docs/index.rst | 4 +-
docs/usage.rst | 6 +-
examples/test_binary_search.py | 9 +-
examples/test_rle.py | 9 +-
hypothesislegacysupport/LICENSE | 662 +++++++++++++++++++++
hypothesislegacysupport/README.rst | 9 +
hypothesislegacysupport/setup.py | 46 ++
.../src/hypothesislegacysupport/__init__.py | 30 +
.../src/hypothesislegacysupport/compat.py | 54 ++
.../src/hypothesislegacysupport/version.py | 24 +
scripts/basic-test.sh | 11 +-
scripts/check-ancient-pip.sh | 17 +
scripts/check_encoding_header.py | 9 +-
scripts/enforce_header.py | 2 +-
scripts/header.py | 9 +-
scripts/install.sh | 5 +
scripts/unicodechecker.py | 9 +-
setup.py | 17 +-
src/hypothesis/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/_settings.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/configuration.py | 13 +-
src/hypothesis/control.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/core.py | 13 +-
src/hypothesis/database.py | 25 +-
src/hypothesis/errors.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/executors.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/datetime.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/django/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/django/models.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/fakefactory.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/numpy.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/extra/pytestplugin.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/charmap.py | 25 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/classmap.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/compat.py | 36 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/data.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/engine.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/minimizer.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/utils.py | 28 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/debug.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/floats.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/intervalsets.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/internal/reflection.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/reporting.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/collections.py | 15 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/deferred.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/fixed.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/flatmapped.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/misc.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/numbers.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/recursive.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/reprwrapper.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/shared.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/strategies.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/streams.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/strings.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/searchstrategy/wrappers.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/stateful.py | 10 +-
src/hypothesis/strategies.py | 10 +-
src/hypothesis/strategytests.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/tools/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/tools/mergedbs.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/types.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/utils/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/utils/conventions.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/utils/dynamicvariables.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/utils/size.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/vendor/__init__.py | 9 +-
src/hypothesis/vendor/pretty.py | 11 +-
src/hypothesis/version.py | 11 +-
tests/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/common/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/common/setup.py | 9 +-
tests/common/utils.py | 9 +-
tests/conftest.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_arbitrary_data.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_bad_repr.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_caching.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_charmap.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_choices.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_classmap.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_composite.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_conjecture_engine.py | 11 +-
tests/cover/test_conjecture_minimizer.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_conjecture_test_data.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_conjecture_utils.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_control.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_conventions.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_core.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_custom_reprs.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_database_agreement.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_database_backend.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_database_usage.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_deferred_errors.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_direct_strategies.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_draw_example.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_dynamic_variable.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_eval_as_source.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_example.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_executors.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_explicit_examples.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_fancy_repr.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_filestorage.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_filtering.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_find.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_fixed_strategies.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_flakiness.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_flatmap.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_float_nastiness.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_given_error_conditions.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_health_checks.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_imports.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_integer_ranges.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_interleaving.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_internal_helpers.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_intervalset.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_limits.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_map.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_nothing.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_numerics.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_permutations.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_phases.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_pretty.py | 16 +-
tests/cover/test_random_module.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_randomization.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_recursive.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_reflection.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_reporting.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_runner_strategy.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_sampled_from.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_searchstrategy.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_sets.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_settings.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_setup_teardown.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_sharing.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_shrinking_limits.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_simple_characters.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_simple_collections.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_simple_numbers.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_simple_strings.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_sizes.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_stateful.py | 22 +-
tests/cover/test_strategytests.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_streams.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_testdecorators.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_timeout.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_uuids.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_validation.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_verbosity.py | 9 +-
tests/cover/test_weird_settings.py | 9 +-
tests/datetime/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/datetime/test_dates.py | 9 +-
tests/datetime/test_datetime.py | 9 +-
tests/datetime/test_times.py | 9 +-
tests/django/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/django/manage.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toys/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toys/settings.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toys/urls.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toys/wsgi.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/admin.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/models.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/test_basic_configuration.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/test_given_models.py | 9 +-
tests/django/toystore/views.py | 9 +-
tests/fakefactory/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/fakefactory/test_fake_factory.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_choices.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_collective_minimization.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_compat.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_descriptortests.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_example_quality.py | 35 +-
tests/nocover/test_floating.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_git_merge.py | 23 +-
tests/nocover/test_pretty_repr.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_recursive.py | 24 +-
tests/nocover/test_statistical_distribution.py | 17 +-
tests/nocover/test_strategy_state.py | 9 +-
tests/nocover/test_streams.py | 9 +-
tests/numpy/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/numpy/test_gen_data.py | 9 +-
tests/py2/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/py2/test_destructuring.py | 9 +-
tests/py3/__init__.py | 9 +-
tests/py3/test_asyncio.py | 9 +-
tests/py3/test_unicode_identifiers.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_capture.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_compat.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_mark.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_profiles.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_reporting.py | 9 +-
tests/pytest/test_runs.py | 9 +-
tox.ini | 11 +-
212 files changed, 2135 insertions(+), 882 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 CITATION
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/LICENSE
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/README.rst
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/setup.py
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/src/hypothesislegacysupport/__init__.py
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/src/hypothesislegacysupport/compat.py
create mode 100644 hypothesislegacysupport/src/hypothesislegacysupport/version.py
create mode 100755 scripts/check-ancient-pip.sh
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-hypothesis.git
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