[Python-modules-commits] [python-testing.mysqld] 06/07: merge patched into master

Dominik George natureshadow-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 13 15:20:36 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

natureshadow-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-testing.mysqld.

commit 4f7f4e478edc5721ff647e0a4bf42722c8996e62
Merge: 07b29ac 5b00df5
Author: Dominik George <nik at naturalnet.de>
Date:   Thu Oct 13 17:15:37 2016 +0200

    merge patched into master

 debian/.git-dpm                                                       | 4 ++--
 ...> 0001-Include-upstream-test-suite-missing-in-source-tarbal.patch} | 4 ++--
 debian/patches/series                                                 | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index bb17004,0000000..eee44f0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
 +# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- 2f2a299f56008f1bcd56efec5aea369ec9bf1b99
- 2f2a299f56008f1bcd56efec5aea369ec9bf1b99
diff --cc debian/patches/0001-Include-upstream-test-suite-missing-in-source-tarbal.patch
index 7d59bc9,0000000..d0e7380
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Include-upstream-test-suite-missing-in-source-tarbal.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Include-upstream-test-suite-missing-in-source-tarbal.patch
@@@ -1,296 -1,0 +1,296 @@@
- From 2f2a299f56008f1bcd56efec5aea369ec9bf1b99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
++From 5b00df5e53b49298d887e99ee644f346bf9c5297 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 +From: Dominik George <nik at naturalnet.de>
 +Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 16:59:55 +0200
 +Subject: Include upstream test suite missing in source tarball
- Bug: https://github.com/tk0miya/testing.mysqld/issues/4
++Bug: https://github.com/tk0miya/testing.mysqld/issues/4
 + tests/test_mysql.py | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 + 1 file changed, 279 insertions(+)
 + create mode 100644 tests/test_mysql.py
 +diff --git a/tests/test_mysql.py b/tests/test_mysql.py
 +new file mode 100644
 +index 0000000..b9deae2
 +--- /dev/null
 ++++ b/tests/test_mysql.py
 +@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
 ++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 ++import os
 ++import sys
 ++import signal
 ++import tempfile
 ++import testing.mysqld
 ++from mock import patch
 ++from time import sleep
 ++from shutil import rmtree
 ++from contextlib import closing
 ++import pymysql
 ++import sqlalchemy
 ++if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
 ++    import unittest2 as unittest
 ++    import unittest
 ++class TestMysqld(unittest.TestCase):
 ++    def test_basic(self):
 ++        try:
 ++            # start mysql server
 ++            mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++            self.assertIsNotNone(mysqld)
 ++            self.assertEqual(mysqld.dsn(),
 ++                             dict(unix_socket=mysqld.base_dir + '/tmp/mysql.sock',
 ++                                  user='root',
 ++                                  db='test'))
 ++            # connect to mysql (w/ pymysql)
 ++            conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++            self.assertIsNotNone(conn)
 ++            self.assertRegexpMatches(mysqld.read_bootlog(), 'ready for connections')
 ++            # connect to mysql (w/ sqlalchemy)
 ++            engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(mysqld.url())
 ++            self.assertIsNotNone(engine)
 ++            # shutting down
 ++            pid = mysqld.server_pid
 ++            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(mysqld.base_dir + '/tmp/mysql.sock'))
 ++            self.assertTrue(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++        finally:
 ++            mysqld.stop()
 ++            sleep(1)
 ++            self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(mysqld.base_dir + '/tmp/mysql.sock'))
 ++            self.assertFalse(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++            with self.assertRaises(OSError):
 ++                os.kill(pid, 0)  # process is down
 ++    def test_stop(self):
 ++        # start mysql server
 ++        mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(mysqld.base_dir))
 ++        self.assertTrue(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++        # call stop()
 ++        mysqld.stop()
 ++        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(mysqld.base_dir))
 ++        self.assertFalse(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++        # call stop() again
 ++        mysqld.stop()
 ++        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(mysqld.base_dir))
 ++        self.assertFalse(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++        # delete mysqld object after stop()
 ++        del mysqld
 ++    def test_dsn_and_url(self):
 ++        mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(auto_start=0)
 ++        self.assertEqual({'db': 'test', 'unix_socket': mysqld.my_cnf['socket'], 'user': 'root'},
 ++                         mysqld.dsn())
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+pymysql://root@localhost/test?unix_socket=%s" % mysqld.my_cnf['socket'],
 ++                         mysqld.url())
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+pymysql://root@localhost/test?unix_socket=%s&charset=utf8" % mysqld.my_cnf['socket'],
 ++                         mysqld.url(charset='utf8'))
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+mysqldb://root@localhost/test?unix_socket=%s" % mysqld.my_cnf['socket'],
 ++                         mysqld.url(driver='mysqldb'))
 ++        mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'port': 12345}, auto_start=0)
 ++        self.assertEqual({'db': 'test', 'host': '', 'port': 12345, 'user': 'root'},
 ++                         mysqld.dsn())
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+pymysql://root@", mysqld.url())
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+pymysql://root@", mysqld.url(charset='utf8'))
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysql+mysqldb://root@", mysqld.url(driver='mysqldb'))
 ++    def test_with_mysql(self):
 ++        with testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None}) as mysqld:
 ++            self.assertIsNotNone(mysqld)
 ++            # connect to mysql
 ++            conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++            self.assertIsNotNone(conn)
 ++            self.assertTrue(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++        self.assertFalse(mysqld.is_alive())
 ++    def test_multiple_mysql(self):
 ++        mysqld1 = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++        mysqld2 = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++        self.assertNotEqual(mysqld1.server_pid, mysqld2.server_pid)
 ++        self.assertTrue(mysqld1.is_alive())
 ++        self.assertTrue(mysqld2.is_alive())
 ++    @patch("testing.mysqld.find_program")
 ++    def test_mysqld_is_not_found(self, find_program):
 ++        find_program.side_effect = RuntimeError
 ++        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
 ++            testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++    def test_fork(self):
 ++        mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++        if os.fork() == 0:
 ++            del mysqld
 ++            mysqld = None
 ++            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)  # exit tests FORCELY
 ++        else:
 ++            os.wait()
 ++            sleep(1)
 ++            self.assertTrue(mysqld.is_alive())  # process is alive (delete mysqld obj in child does not effect)
 ++    def test_stop_on_child_process(self):
 ++        mysqld = testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None})
 ++        if os.fork() == 0:
 ++            mysqld.stop()
 ++            os.kill(mysqld.server_pid, 0)  # process is alive (calling stop() is ignored)
 ++            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)  # exit tests FORCELY
 ++        else:
 ++            os.wait()
 ++            sleep(1)
 ++            self.assertTrue(mysqld.is_alive())  # process is alive (calling stop() in child is ignored)
 ++    def test_copy_data_from(self):
 ++        try:
 ++            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
 ++            # create new database
 ++            with testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None}, base_dir=tmpdir) as mysqld:
 ++                conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++                cursor = conn.cursor()
 ++                cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE hello(id int, value varchar(256))")
 ++                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hello values(1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')")
 ++                conn.commit()
 ++            # create another database from first one
 ++            data_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'var')
 ++            with testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None}, copy_data_from=data_dir) as mysqld:
 ++                conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++                cursor = conn.cursor()
 ++                cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM test.hello ORDER BY id')
 ++                self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), ((1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')))
 ++        finally:
 ++            rmtree(tmpdir)
 ++    def test_copy_data_from_with_passwd(self):
 ++        try:
 ++            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
 ++            # create new database
 ++            with testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None}, base_dir=tmpdir) as mysqld:
 ++                conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++                cursor = conn.cursor()
 ++                cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE hello(id int, value varchar(256))")
 ++                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hello values(1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')")
 ++                cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('secret'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;")
 ++                conn.commit()
 ++            # create another database from first one
 ++            data_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'var')
 ++            with testing.mysqld.Mysqld(my_cnf={'skip-networking': None},
 ++                                       copy_data_from=data_dir, passwd="secret") as mysqld:
 ++                conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++                cursor = conn.cursor()
 ++                cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM test.hello ORDER BY id')
 ++                self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), ((1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')))
 ++        finally:
 ++            rmtree(tmpdir)
 ++    def test_skipIfNotInstalled_found(self):
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotInstalled
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++    @patch("testing.mysqld.find_program")
 ++    def test_skipIfNotInstalled_notfound(self, find_program):
 ++        find_program.side_effect = RuntimeError
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotInstalled
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, testcase.__unittest_skip__)
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysqld not found", testcase.__unittest_skip_why__)
 ++    def test_skipIfNotInstalled_with_args_found(self):
 ++        path = testing.mysqld.find_program('mysqld', ['sbin'])
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotInstalled(path)
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++    def test_skipIfNotInstalled_with_args_notfound(self):
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotInstalled("/path/to/anywhere")
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, testcase.__unittest_skip__)
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysqld not found", testcase.__unittest_skip_why__)
 ++    def test_skipIfNotFound_found(self):
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotFound
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(False, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++    @patch("testing.mysqld.find_program")
 ++    def test_skipIfNotFound_notfound(self, find_program):
 ++        find_program.side_effect = RuntimeError
 ++        @testing.mysqld.skipIfNotFound
 ++        def testcase():
 ++            pass
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, hasattr(testcase, '__unittest_skip_why__'))
 ++        self.assertEqual(True, testcase.__unittest_skip__)
 ++        self.assertEqual("mysqld not found", testcase.__unittest_skip_why__)
 ++    def test_MysqldFactory(self):
 ++        Mysqld = testing.mysqld.MysqldFactory(cache_initialized_db=True)
 ++        with Mysqld() as mysqld1:
 ++            self.assertTrue(mysqld1.settings['copy_data_from'])
 ++            copy_data_from1 = mysqld1.settings['copy_data_from']
 ++            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(copy_data_from1))
 ++        with Mysqld() as mysqld2:
 ++            self.assertEqual(copy_data_from1, mysqld2.settings['copy_data_from'])
 ++        Mysqld.clear_cache()
 ++        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(copy_data_from1))
 ++    def test_MysqldFactory_with_initialized_handler(self):
 ++        def handler(mysqld):
 ++            conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++            with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
 ++                cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE hello(id int, value varchar(256))")
 ++                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hello values(1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')")
 ++            conn.commit()
 ++            conn.close()
 ++        Mysqld = testing.mysqld.MysqldFactory(cache_initialized_db=True,
 ++                                              on_initialized=handler)
 ++        try:
 ++            with Mysqld() as mysqld:
 ++                conn = pymysql.connect(**mysqld.dsn())
 ++                with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
 ++                    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM hello ORDER BY id')
 ++                    self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), ((1, 'hello'), (2, 'ciao')))
 ++                conn.close()
 ++        finally:
 ++            Mysqld.clear_cache()
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index a460a55,0000000..746c146
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- 0001-From-Dominik-George-nik-naturalnet.de.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-testing.mysqld.git

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