[Python-modules-commits] [libcloud] 03/08: Imported Upstream version 1.3.0

Hans-Christoph Steiner eighthave at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 19 02:49:23 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eighthave pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcloud.

commit 22c32a1582b147158b36d45afe8afa939e07b13f
Author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 17 16:27:58 2016 -0400

    Imported Upstream version 1.3.0
 .pylintrc                                          |   35 +
 CHANGES.rst                                        |  708 +++++-
 MANIFEST.in                                        |    1 +
 PKG-INFO                                           |    7 +-
 README.rst                                         |   11 +
 apache_libcloud.egg-info/PKG-INFO                  |    7 +-
 apache_libcloud.egg-info/SOURCES.txt               |  649 ++++--
 apache_libcloud.egg-info/requires.txt              |    1 -
 demos/__init__.py                                  |    0
 demos/compute_demo.py                              |    2 +-
 demos/example_aliyun_ecs.py                        |   86 +
 demos/example_aliyun_oss.py                        |   84 +
 demos/example_aliyun_slb.py                        |   56 +
 demos/gce_demo.py                                  |  112 +-
 libcloud/__init__.py                               |   15 +-
 libcloud/backup/__init__.py                        |    0
 libcloud/backup/base.py                            |  489 ++++
 libcloud/backup/drivers/__init__.py                |    0
 libcloud/backup/drivers/dimensiondata.py           |  693 ++++++
 .../test_runabove.py => backup/drivers/dummy.py}   |   30 +-
 libcloud/backup/drivers/ebs.py                     |  413 ++++
 libcloud/backup/drivers/gce.py                     |  478 ++++
 libcloud/backup/providers.py                       |   38 +
 libcloud/backup/types.py                           |   69 +
 libcloud/base.py                                   |   81 +
 libcloud/common/abiquo.py                          |    4 +-
 libcloud/common/aliyun.py                          |  250 ++
 libcloud/common/aws.py                             |   76 +-
 libcloud/common/azure.py                           |    1 +
 libcloud/common/base.py                            | 2311 ++++++++++---------
 libcloud/common/buddyns.py                         |   77 +
 libcloud/common/cloudsigma.py                      |   10 +
 libcloud/common/cloudstack.py                      |    2 +-
 libcloud/common/digitalocean.py                    |   71 +-
 libcloud/common/dimensiondata.py                   | 1017 ++++++++-
 libcloud/common/dnspod.py                          |   78 +
 libcloud/common/durabledns.py                      |    2 +
 libcloud/common/exceptions.py                      |    2 +-
 libcloud/common/gandi.py                           |    1 +
 libcloud/common/gogrid.py                          |    3 +
 libcloud/common/google.py                          |  231 +-
 libcloud/common/liquidweb.py                       |    4 +-
 libcloud/common/luadns.py                          |   69 +
 libcloud/common/nfsn.py                            |  114 +
 libcloud/common/nsone.py                           |   62 +
 libcloud/common/onapp.py                           |    5 +-
 libcloud/common/openstack.py                       |   65 +-
 libcloud/common/openstack_identity.py              |  210 +-
 libcloud/common/{runabove.py => ovh.py}            |   59 +-
 libcloud/common/providers.py                       |  107 +
 libcloud/common/worldwidedns.py                    |    7 +-
 libcloud/common/xmlrpc.py                          |    1 +
 libcloud/common/zonomi.py                          |    2 +
 libcloud/compute/base.py                           |   18 +-
 libcloud/compute/deployment.py                     |    2 +-
 libcloud/compute/deprecated.py                     |   55 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/abiquo.py                 |   13 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/auroracompute.py          |    4 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/azure.py                  |   36 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/bluebox.py                |    1 -
 libcloud/compute/drivers/bsnl.py                   |   53 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/cloudframes.py            |  435 ----
 libcloud/compute/drivers/cloudsigma.py             |    8 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/cloudstack.py             |   64 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/digitalocean.py           |  355 +--
 libcloud/compute/drivers/dimensiondata.py          | 2376 +++++++++++++++++--
 libcloud/compute/drivers/ec2.py                    |  507 ++++-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/ecp.py                    |    4 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/ecs.py                    | 1625 +++++++++++++
 libcloud/compute/drivers/gce.py                    | 2060 ++++++++++++++---
 libcloud/compute/drivers/hostvirtual.py            |    9 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/hpcloud.py                |   99 -
 libcloud/compute/drivers/ibm_sce.py                |  753 ------
 libcloud/compute/drivers/indosat.py                |   56 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/internetsolutions.py      |   56 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/kili.py                   |    1 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/libvirt_driver.py         |  133 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/linode.py                 |   24 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/medone.py                 |   56 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/nephoscale.py             |   14 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/ntta.py                   |   56 +
 libcloud/compute/drivers/openstack.py              |  112 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/opsource.py               |  620 -----
 libcloud/compute/drivers/{runabove.py => ovh.py}   |  159 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/profitbricks.py           |   26 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/rackspace.py              |    4 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/rimuhosting.py            |    2 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/vcl.py                    |    2 +-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/vcloud.py                 |  277 ++-
 libcloud/compute/drivers/vsphere.py                |    2 +-
 libcloud/compute/providers.py                      |   91 +-
 libcloud/compute/ssh.py                            |   57 +-
 libcloud/compute/types.py                          |  307 +--
 libcloud/container/__init__.py                     |    0
 libcloud/container/base.py                         |  416 ++++
 libcloud/container/drivers/__init__.py             |    0
 libcloud/container/drivers/docker.py               |  676 ++++++
 libcloud/container/drivers/dummy.py                |   46 +
 libcloud/container/drivers/ecs.py                  |  627 +++++
 libcloud/container/drivers/joyent.py               |   73 +
 libcloud/container/drivers/kubernetes.py           |  410 ++++
 libcloud/container/drivers/rancher.py              |  720 ++++++
 libcloud/container/providers.py                    |   42 +
 libcloud/container/types.py                        |   83 +
 libcloud/container/utils/__init__.py               |    0
 libcloud/container/utils/docker.py                 |  177 ++
 libcloud/data/pricing.json                         |  960 ++++----
 libcloud/dns/base.py                               |    2 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/auroradns.py                  |  416 +++-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/buddyns.py                    |  153 ++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/cloudflare.py                 |    3 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/dnspod.py                     |  347 +++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/durabledns.py                 |    2 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/gandi.py                      |   14 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/godaddy.py                    |   26 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/google.py                     |    1 +
 libcloud/dns/drivers/liquidweb.py                  |    7 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/luadns.py                     |  293 +++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/nfsn.py                       |  198 ++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/nsone.py                      |  359 +++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/pointdns.py                   |    4 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/powerdns.py                   |  460 ++++
 libcloud/dns/drivers/rackspace.py                  |   45 +-
 libcloud/dns/drivers/softlayer.py                  |    2 +
 libcloud/dns/drivers/worldwidedns.py               |    2 +-
 libcloud/dns/providers.py                          |   29 +-
 libcloud/dns/types.py                              |   76 +-
 libcloud/httplib_ssl.py                            |  106 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/base.py                      |    2 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/dimensiondata.py     |  129 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/elb.py               |   68 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/rackspace.py         |   34 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/slb.py               |  831 +++++++
 libcloud/loadbalancer/providers.py                 |   19 +-
 libcloud/loadbalancer/types.py                     |   27 +-
 libcloud/pricing.py                                |    8 +-
 libcloud/security.py                               |   23 +
 libcloud/storage/base.py                           |    4 +-
 libcloud/storage/drivers/azure_blobs.py            |    9 +-
 libcloud/storage/drivers/backblaze_b2.py           |  531 +++++
 libcloud/storage/drivers/cloudfiles.py             |   30 +-
 libcloud/storage/drivers/google_storage.py         |  310 ++-
 libcloud/storage/drivers/{s3.py => oss.py}         |  997 ++++----
 libcloud/storage/drivers/rgw.py                    |  125 +
 libcloud/storage/drivers/s3.py                     |   73 +-
 libcloud/storage/providers.py                      |   36 +-
 libcloud/storage/types.py                          |   84 +-
 libcloud/test/__init__.py                          |   16 +-
 .../test_runabove.py => backup/__init__.py}        |   25 +-
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_DISABLE.xml     |    7 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_ENABLE.xml      |   18 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_EXISTS.xml      |    7 +
 .../backup/fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_INFO.xml |   16 +
 .../dimensiondata/_backup_INFO_DISABLED.xml        |    7 +
 .../dimensiondata/_backup_INFO_NOCLIENT.xml        |    2 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_INFO_NOJOB.xml  |   11 +
 ...1ff76_c76d_4d7c_b39d_3b72be0384c8_cancelJob.xml |    7 +
 ..._c76d_4d7c_b39d_3b72be0384c8_cancelJob_FAIL.xml |    7 +
 .../dimensiondata/_backup_client_SUCCESS_PUT.xml   |   13 +
 .../_backup_client_schedulePolicy.xml              |    5 +
 .../dimensiondata/_backup_client_storagePolicy.xml |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_client_type.xml |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/_backup_modify.xml      |    7 +
 .../dimensiondata/_remove_backup_client.xml        |    7 +
 .../dimensiondata/_remove_backup_client_FAIL.xml   |    7 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata}/oec_0_9_myaccount.xml  |    0
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/server_server.xml}      |    0
 .../dimensiondata/server_server_NOBACKUP.xml}      |   14 +-
 ...erver_e75ead52_692f_4314_8725_c8a4f4d13a87.xml} |    2 +-
 ...5ead52_692f_4314_8725_c8a4f4d13a87_DEFAULT.xml} |    2 +-
 .../ninefold.py => test/backup/test_base.py}       |   20 +-
 libcloud/test/backup/test_dimensiondata.py         |  502 ++++
 libcloud/test/common/test_aliyun.py                |   60 +
 libcloud/test/common/test_aws.py                   |   68 +-
 libcloud/test/common/test_base.py                  |   59 +
 libcloud/test/common/test_base_driver.py           |   70 +
 libcloud/test/common/test_digitalocean_v1.py       |   82 -
 libcloud/test/common/test_google.py                |  135 +-
 libcloud/test/common/test_nfsn.py                  |   81 +
 libcloud/test/common/test_openstack_identity.py    |   62 +
 .../test/common/{test_runabove.py => test_ovh.py}  |    4 +-
 libcloud/test/common/test_retry_limit.py           |   15 +
 .../abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_5_vm_3_not_allocated.xml     |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_5_vms.xml   |    2 +-
 .../compute/fixtures/abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3.xml  |    2 +-
 .../abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_allocated.xml         |    2 +-
 .../fixtures/abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_deployed.xml |    2 +-
 .../abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_creation_ok.xml         |    2 +-
 .../compute/fixtures/abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vms.xml   |    2 +-
 .../fixtures/abiquo/vdc_4_vapp_6_vms_allocated.xml |    2 +-
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_cloudspace_find.xml      |   18 -
 .../compute/fixtures/cloudframes/_lan_find.xml     |   18 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_createFromTemplate.xml    |   17 -
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_delete.xml       |   17 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_find_physical.xml         |   18 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_find_templates.xml        |   18 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_find_virtualdesktop.xml   |   17 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_find_virtualserver.xml    |   24 -
 .../cloudframes/_machine_listSnapshots.xml         |   82 -
 ...neguid_01dedf71-0c37-441e-9687-085f8bb116ea.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_0c4da918-9f88-4049-a09c-8ab69142736a.xml |  105 -
 ...neguid_1dd57d0d-0e23-471d-9f34-b673c7c18bc3.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_2aea45ee-3ea5-4b4f-88f0-7d4d48bed643.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_64f325ef-28ac-4907-bd37-572a13178edd.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_96b2af78-88a0-48a6-a5bd-258e1d00c0b9.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_9a6b3101-b4ac-4ecb-b114-67d89994ac9b.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_c52e4a42-72fe-4f34-bb80-c57d237fcbf9.xml |  103 -
 ...neguid_d3c98151-f064-45fc-a90a-23c481723895.xml |  104 -
 ...neguid_dea11e50-1b53-4046-8589-cf52eb7b0d25.xml |  104 -
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_reboot.xml       |   17 -
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_rollback.xml     |   17 -
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_snapshot.xml     |   17 -
 .../fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_start.xml        |   17 -
 .../compute/fixtures/cloudframes/_machine_stop.xml |   17 -
 .../cloudstack/createVolume_withvolumetype.json    |    1 +
 .../listDiskOfferings_withvolumetype.json          |    1 +
 .../cloudstack/listVirtualMachines_default.json    |    2 +-
 .../cloudstack/listZones_withvolumetype.json       |    1 +
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/create_node.json      |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/destroy_node.json     |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/digitalocean_v1/error.txt     |    1 -
 .../digitalocean_v1/error_invalid_image.json       |    1 -
 .../digitalocean_v1/ex_create_ssh_key.json         |    1 -
 .../digitalocean_v1/ex_destroy_ssh_key.json        |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/ex_list_ssh_keys.json |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/ex_rename_node.json   |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/list_images.json      |  145 --
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/list_locations.json   |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/list_nodes.json       |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/list_nodes_empty.json |    1 -
 .../digitalocean_v1/list_nodes_page_2.json         |   95 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/list_sizes.json       |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v1/reboot_node.json      |    1 -
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v2/attach_volume.json    |   34 +
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v2/create_volume.json    |   32 +
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v2/detach_volume.json    |   34 +
 .../fixtures/digitalocean_v2/list_volumes.json     |   38 +
 .../digitalocean_v2/list_volumes_empty.json        |    7 +
 ..._9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_network_addPublicIpBlock.xml |    7 -
 ...4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_network_firewallRule.xml |  210 --
 .../dimensiondata/detailed_usage_report.csv        |   42 +
 ...e_customerImage.xml => image_customerImage.xml} |    0
 ...rImage_2ffa36c8_1848_49eb_b4fa_9d908775f68c.xml |   17 +
 ...rImage_5234e5c7_01de_4411_8b6e_baeb8d91cf5d.xml |   17 +
 .../image_customerImage_BAD_REQUEST.xml            |    6 +
 ...5a7d0e4_image_osImage.xml => image_osImage.xml} |    0
 ...sImage_6b4fb0c7_a57b_4f58_b59c_9958f94f971a.xml |   11 +
 .../dimensiondata/image_osImage_BAD_REQUEST.xml    |    6 +
 ...sImage_c14b1a46_2428_44c1_9c1a_b20e6418d08c.xml |   12 +
 ...atacenter.xml => infrastructure_datacenter.xml} |    0
 .../infrastructure_datacenter_NA9.xml              |   54 +
 .../dimensiondata/ip_address_list_create.xml       |    9 +
 .../dimensiondata/ip_address_list_delete.xml       |   10 +
 .../dimensiondata/ip_address_list_edit.xml         |   10 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/ip_address_lists.xml    |   46 +
 .../ip_address_lists_FILTERBYNAME.xml              |   14 +
 .../dimensiondata/network_addPublicIpBlock.xml     |    7 +
 ...wallRule.xml => network_createFirewallRule.xml} |    0
 ...createNatRule.xml => network_createNatRule.xml} |    0
 ...wallRule.xml => network_deleteFirewallRule.xml} |    0
 ...deleteNatRule.xml => network_deleteNatRule.xml} |    0
 ...kDomain.xml => network_deleteNetworkDomain.xml} |    0
 ...twork_deleteVlan.xml => network_deleteVlan.xml} |    0
 ...kDomain.xml => network_deployNetworkDomain.xml} |    0
 ...twork_deployVlan.xml => network_deployVlan.xml} |    0
 ...rewallRule.xml => network_editFirewallRule.xml} |    0
 ...orkDomain.xml => network_editNetworkDomain.xml} |    0
 ...4_network_editVlan.xml => network_editVlan.xml} |    0
 ...twork_expandVlan.xml => network_expandVlan.xml} |    0
 .../dimensiondata/network_firewallRule.xml         |   35 +
 ...lRule_d0a20f59_77b9_4f28_a63b_e58496b73a6c.xml} |    0
 ...0e4_network_natRule.xml => network_natRule.xml} |    0
 ...tRule_2187a636_7ebb_49a1_a2ff_5d617f496dce.xml} |    0
 ...networkDomain.xml => network_networkDomain.xml} |    0
 ...omain_8cdfd607_f429_4df6_9352_162cfc0891be.xml} |    0
 ...publicIpBlock.xml => network_publicIpBlock.xml} |    0
 ...Block_4487241a_f0ca_11e3_9315_d4bed9b167ba.xml} |    0
 ...Block_9945dc4a_bdce_11e4_8c14_b8ca3a5d9ef8.xml} |    0
 ...IpBlock.xml => network_removePublicIpBlock.xml} |    0
 ...be5a7d0e4_network_vlan.xml => network_vlan.xml} |    0
 ..._vlan_0e56433f_d808_4669_821d_812769517ff8.xml} |    0
 ...a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_antiAffinityRule_create.xml |   11 +
 ...c_8dabe5a7d0e4_antiAffinityRule_create_FAIL.xml |    7 +
 ...a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_antiAffinityRule_delete.xml |    7 +
 ...c_8dabe5a7d0e4_antiAffinityRule_delete_FAIL.xml |    7 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/port_list_create.xml    |    9 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/port_list_delete.xml    |   10 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/port_list_edit.xml      |    8 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/port_list_get.xml       |   15 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/port_list_lists.xml     |   38 +
 ...geMonitoring.xml => report_usageMonitoring.xml} |    0
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/server_addDisk.xml      |    9 +
 ...5a7d0e4_server_addNic.xml => server_addNic.xml} |    0
 .../dimensiondata/server_antiAffinityRule_list.xml |   42 +
 .../server_antiAffinityRule_list_PAGINATED.xml     |   42 +
 ...n.xml => server_changeServerMonitoringPlan.xml} |    0
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/server_cleanServer.xml  |    9 +
 ...er_deleteServer.xml => server_deleteServer.xml} |    0
 ...SY.xml => server_deleteServer_RESOURCEBUSY.xml} |    0
 ...er_deployServer.xml => server_deployServer.xml} |    0
 ...ring.xml => server_disableServerMonitoring.xml} |    0
 ...oring.xml => server_enableServerMonitoring.xml} |    0
 ...owerOffServer.xml => server_powerOffServer.xml} |    0
 ...SS.xml => server_powerOffServer_INPROGRESS.xml} |    0
 ...er_rebootServer.xml => server_rebootServer.xml} |    0
 ...SY.xml => server_rebootServer_RESOURCEBUSY.xml} |    0
 ...gureServer.xml => server_reconfigureServer.xml} |    0
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/server_removeDisk.xml   |    6 +
 ...4_server_removeNic.xml => server_removeNic.xml} |    0
 ...rver_resetServer.xml => server_resetServer.xml} |    0
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/server_server.xml       |  176 ++
 ...0e4_server_server.xml => server_server_NA3.xml} |    5 +-
 ...erver_e75ead52_692f_4314_8725_c8a4f4d13a87.xml} |    0
 ...rver_server.xml => server_server_paginated.xml} |    3 +-
 .../server_server_paginated_empty.xml              |    1 +
 ...hutdownServer.xml => server_shutdownServer.xml} |    0
 ...SS.xml => server_shutdownServer_INPROGRESS.xml} |    0
 ...rver_startServer.xml => server_startServer.xml} |    0
 ...GRESS.xml => server_startServer_INPROGRESS.xml} |    0
 ...mwareTools.xml => server_updateVmwareTools.xml} |    0
 .../dimensiondata/summary_usage_report.csv         |   13 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_applyTags.xml       |    6 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_applyTags_BADREQUEST.xml     |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_createTagKey.xml    |    7 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_createTagKey_BADREQUEST.xml  |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_deleteTagKey.xml    |    6 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_deleteTagKey_BADREQUEST.xml  |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_editTagKey.xml      |    6 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_editTagKey_BADREQUEST.xml    |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_removeTag.xml       |    6 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_removeTag_BADREQUEST.xml     |    6 +
 ...tagKey_5ab77f5f_5aa9_426f_8459_4eab34e03d54.xml |    6 +
 ...7f5f_5aa9_426f_8459_4eab34e03d54_BADREQUEST.xml |    6 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_tagKey_list.xml     |   19 +
 .../dimensiondata/tag_tagKey_list_SINGLE.xml       |    8 +
 .../fixtures/dimensiondata/tag_tag_list.xml        |   36 +
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/attach_disk.xml |    4 +
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/copy_image.xml  |    5 +
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_disk.xml |    5 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_image.xml     |    5 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_instance.xml  |    5 +
 .../ecs/create_node_describe_instances.xml         |   56 +
 .../compute/fixtures/ecs/create_security_group.xml |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_snapshot.xml  |    5 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/create_volume_describe_disks.xml  |   36 +
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_disk.xml |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_image.xml     |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_instance.xml  |    4 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/delete_security_group_by_id.xml   |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_snapshot.xml  |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_disks.xml   |   62 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_images.xml  |   41 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/describe_instance_types.xml       |   18 +
 .../compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_instances.xml    |   56 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_regions.xml |   42 +
 .../ecs/describe_security_group_attributes.xml     |   26 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/describe_security_groups.xml      |   18 +
 .../compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_snapshots.xml    |   25 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/describe_zones.xml   |   42 +
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 .../fixtures/ecs/detach_volume_describe_disks.xml  |   36 +
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 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/start_instance.xml   |    4 +
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ecs/stop_instance.xml    |    4 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/stop_node_describe_instances.xml  |   56 +
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 .../fixtures/fcu/ex_describe_product_types.xml     |   18 +
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 .../fixtures/fcu/ex_modify_instance_keypair.xml    |    5 +
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 .../fixtures/gce/aggregated_subnetworks.json       |   66 +
 .../gce/global_images_family_notfound.json         |   13 +
 .../fixtures/gce/global_instanceTemplates.json     |   67 +
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 .../compute/fixtures/gce/global_networks_cf.json   |   14 +
 .../gce/global_networks_custom_network.json        |   14 +
 ...ation_regions_us-central1_subnetworks_post.json |   15 +
 .../gce/projects_coreos-cloud_global_images.json   |    9 +
 ...s_coreos-cloud_global_images_family_coreos.json |   17 +
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 .../compute/fixtures/gce/regions_europe-west1.json |   64 +
 .../compute/fixtures/gce/regions_us-central1.json  |   65 +
 .../gce/regions_us-central1_subnetworks.json       |   18 +
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 .../compute/fixtures/gce/zones_asia-east1-b.json   |   10 +
 .../zones_us-central1-a_instanceGroupManagers.json |   30 +
 ...us-central1-a_instanceGroupManagers_insert.json |   16 +
 ...l1-a_instanceGroupManagers_myinstancegroup.json |   24 +
 ...s-central1-a_instanceGroup_myinstancegroup.json |   14 +
 ...zones_us-central1-a_instances_sn-node-name.json |   49 +
 ...ntral1-a_instanceGroupManagers_insert_post.json |   16 +
 ...l1-b_instanceGroupManagers_myinstancegroup.json |   24 +
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 .../zones_us-east1-b_instanceGroupManagers.json    |   30 +
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 .../zones_us_central1_a_instances_custom_node.json |   48 +
 ...tral1_a_instances_node_name_setMachineType.json |   15 +
 ...l1_a_instances_stopped_node_setMachineType.json |   15 +
 ...ral1_a_operations_operation_setMachineType.json |   15 +
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 .../compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/create_volume.xml     |    1 -
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 .../compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/detach_volume.xml     |    1 -
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 .../test/compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/instances.xml    |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/instances_deleted.xml |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/list_addresses.xml    |    1 -
 .../fixtures/ibm_sce/list_storage_offerings.xml    |    1 -
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/list_volumes.xml |    1 -
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/locations.xml    |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/ibm_sce/reboot_active.xml     |    1 -
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 .../fixtures/openstack_v1.1/_servers_detail.json   |   22 +
 ...8a8f6abc_2745_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server.xml |    6 -
 ...6abc_2745_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_datacenter.xml |   12 -
 ..._4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_networkWithLocation.xml |   11 -
 ...745_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_delete.xml |    7 -
 ...bc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_delete_INPROGRESS.xml |    7 -
 ...5_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_poweroff.xml |    7 -
 ..._8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_poweroff_INPROGRESS.xml |    7 -
 ...45_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_restart.xml |    6 -
 ...c_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_restart_INPROGRESS.xml |    7 -
 ...5_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_shutdown.xml |    6 -
 ..._8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_shutdown_INPROGRESS.xml |    7 -
 ...2745_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_start.xml |    7 -
 ...cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_11_start_INPROGRESS.xml |    7 -
 ...2745_4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_deployed.xml |   46 -
 ...4d8a_9cbc_8dabe5a7d0e4_server_pendingDeploy.xml |   26 -
 .../fixtures/opsource/oec_0_9_base_image.xml       |  339 ---
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/auth_time_get.json  |    0
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ovh/flavor_get.json |    1 +
 .../{runabove => ovh}/flavor_get_detail.json       |    0
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/image_get.json      |    0
 .../{runabove => ovh}/image_get_detail.json        |    0
 .../test/compute/fixtures/ovh/instance_get.json    |    1 +
 .../compute/fixtures/ovh/instance_get_detail.json  |    1 +
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/instance_post.json  |    0
 libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ovh/region_get.json |    1 +
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/ssh_get.json        |    3 +-
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/ssh_get_detail.json |    2 +-
 .../fixtures/{runabove => ovh}/volume_get.json     |    0
 .../{runabove => ovh}/volume_get_detail.json       |    0
 .../test/compute/fixtures/runabove/flavor_get.json |    1 -
 .../compute/fixtures/runabove/instance_get.json    |    1 -
 .../fixtures/runabove/instance_get_detail.json     |    1 -
 .../test/compute/fixtures/runabove/region_get.json |    1 -
 ...i_task_2518935e_b315_4d8e_9e99_9275f751877c.xml |   32 +
 .../fixtures/vcloud_1_5/api_task_deploy.xml        |    7 +
 ...i_task_fab4b26f_4f2e_4d49_ad01_ae9324bbfe48.xml |   32 +
 ...i_task_fe75d3af_f5a3_44a5_b016_ae0bdadfc32b.xml |   32 +
 ...e61b_48ca_8a78_3b70ee65ef6b_create_snapshot.xml |   32 +
 ...61b_48ca_8a78_3b70ee65ef6b_remove_snapshots.xml |   32 +
 ...e61b_48ca_8a78_3b70ee65ef6b_revert_snapshot.xml |   32 +
 libcloud/test/compute/test_azure.py                |    2 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_cloudframes.py          |  292 ---
 libcloud/test/compute/test_cloudstack.py           |   60 +
 libcloud/test/compute/test_digitalocean_v1.py      |  202 --
 libcloud/test/compute/test_digitalocean_v2.py      |   81 +
 libcloud/test/compute/test_dimensiondata.py        | 2408 ++++++++++++++++++--
 libcloud/test/compute/test_ec2.py                  |  193 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_ecs.py                  |  935 ++++++++
 libcloud/test/compute/test_elasticstack.py         |   10 -
 libcloud/test/compute/test_gce.py                  | 1026 +++++++--
 libcloud/test/compute/test_ibm_sce.py              |  325 ---
 libcloud/test/compute/test_libvirt_driver.py       |   88 +
 libcloud/test/compute/test_openstack.py            |   71 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_opsource.py             |  251 --
 .../test/compute/{test_runabove.py => test_ovh.py} |   68 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_profitbricks.py         |   10 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_rackspace.py            |    8 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_ssh_client.py           |   85 +-
 libcloud/test/compute/test_types.py                |   70 +
 libcloud/test/compute/test_vcloud.py               |   96 +
 .../ninefold.py => test/container/__init__.py}     |   19 +-
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/container_a68.json   |  163 ++
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/containers.json      |  143 ++
 .../docker/linux_121/create_container.json         |    4 +
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/create_image.json    |    1 +
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/images.json          |   50 +
 .../container/fixtures/docker/linux_121/logs.txt   |    1 +
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/search.json          |  202 ++
 .../fixtures/docker/linux_121/version.json         |   10 +
 .../fixtures/docker/mac_124/containers.json        |  242 ++
 .../fixtures/docker/mac_124/create_container.json  |    4 +
 .../fixtures/docker/mac_124/create_image.json      |    1 +
 .../container/fixtures/docker/mac_124/search.json  |  152 ++
 .../container/fixtures/docker/mac_124/version.json |   11 +
 .../v2_repositories_library_ubuntu.json            |   15 +
 .../v2_repositories_library_ubuntu_tags.json       |  975 ++++++++
 ...v2_repositories_library_ubuntu_tags_latest.json |   11 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/createcluster.json |   11 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/createservice.json |   30 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/deletecluster.json |   11 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/deleteservice.json |   30 +
 .../container/fixtures/ecs/describeclusters.json   |   14 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/describerepositories.json         |    8 +
 .../container/fixtures/ecs/describeservices.json   |   33 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/describetasks.json |   35 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/getauthorizationtoken.json        |    9 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/listclusters.json  |    1 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/listimages.json    |    7 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/listservices.json  |    6 +
 .../test/container/fixtures/ecs/listtasks.json     |    8 +
 .../fixtures/ecs/registertaskdefinition.json       |   21 +
 libcloud/test/container/fixtures/ecs/runtask.json  |   26 +
 libcloud/test/container/fixtures/ecs/stoptask.json |   42 +
 .../fixtures/kubernetes/_api_v1_namespaces.json    |   44 +
 .../kubernetes/_api_v1_namespaces_default.json     |   19 +
 .../_api_v1_namespaces_default_DELETE.json         |   20 +
 .../_api_v1_namespaces_default_pods_POST.json      |   47 +
 .../kubernetes/_api_v1_namespaces_test.json        |   19 +
 .../fixtures/kubernetes/_api_v1_nodes.json         |   81 +
 .../kubernetes/_api_v1_nodes_127_0_0_1.json        |   73 +
 .../fixtures/kubernetes/_api_v1_pods.json          |   94 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/deploy_container.json         |  109 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_activate_service.json      |  198 ++
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_activate_stack.json        |   52 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_deploy_service.json        |   66 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_deploy_stack.json          |   40 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_destroy_service.json       |   66 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_destroy_stack.json         |   40 +
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_list_services.json         |  536 +++++
 .../container/fixtures/rancher/ex_list_stacks.json |  310 +++
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_search_containers.json     |  212 ++
 .../fixtures/rancher/ex_search_services.json       |  346 +++
 .../fixtures/rancher/list_containers.json          |  336 +++
 .../container/fixtures/rancher/stop_container.json |  109 +
 .../ninefold.py => test/container/test_base.py}    |   20 +-
 libcloud/test/container/test_docker.py             |  231 ++
 libcloud/test/container/test_docker_utils.py       |   78 +
 libcloud/test/container/test_ecs.py                |  206 ++
 libcloud/test/container/test_kubernetes.py         |  150 ++
 libcloud/test/container/test_rancher.py            |  243 ++
 .../test/dns/fixtures/auroradns/zone_create.json   |   11 +
 .../dns/fixtures/auroradns/zone_example_com.json   |   11 +
 .../auroradns/zone_example_com_health_check.json   |   14 +
 .../auroradns/zone_example_com_health_checks.json  |   44 +
 .../zone_example_com_record_localhost.json         |   12 +
 .../auroradns/zone_example_com_records.json        |   38 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/auroradns/zone_list.json     |   24 +
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/create_zone_success.json  |    8 +
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/delete_zone_success.json  |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/empty_zones_list.json     |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/get_zone_success.json     |    7 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/buddyns/list_zones.json |   18 +
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/zone_already_exists.json  |    3 +
 .../dns/fixtures/buddyns/zone_does_not_exist.json  |    1 +
 .../fixtures/cloudflare/{nul.json => nul_.json}    |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/create_zone_success.json   |   12 +
 .../delete_record_record_does_not_exist.json       |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/delete_record_success.json |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/delete_zone_success.json   |    0
 .../test/dns/fixtures/dnspod/empty_zones_list.json |    1 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/dnspod/get_record.json  |   26 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/dnspod/get_zone_success.json |   28 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/dnspod/list_records.json     |   93 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/dnspod/list_zones.json  |   42 +
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/record_already_exists.json |    8 +
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/zone_already_exists.json   |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/dnspod/zone_does_not_exist.json   |    1 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/gandi/list_records.xml  |   26 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/create_record_success.json |   10 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/create_zone_success.json   |   10 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/delete_record_success.json |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/delete_zone_success.json   |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/empty_records_list.json    |    1 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/luadns/empty_zones_list.json |    1 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/luadns/get_record.json  |   10 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/luadns/get_zone.json    |   42 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/record_does_not_exist.json |    1 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/luadns/records_list.json     |   22 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/zone_already_exists.json   |    4 +
 .../dns/fixtures/luadns/zone_does_not_exist.json   |    1 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/luadns/zones_list.json  |   22 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/nfsn/list_one_record.json    |    9 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/nfsn/list_records.json  |   16 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nfsn/list_records_created.json    |   23 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/nfsn/record_not_removed.json |    4 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/nfsn/zone_not_found.json     |    4 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/create_zone_success.json    |   38 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/delete_record_success.json  |    0
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/delete_zone_success.json    |    0
 .../test/dns/fixtures/nsone/empty_zones_list.json  |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/get_record_success.json     |  117 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/nsone/get_zone_success.json  |   48 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/list_records_empty.json     |   24 +
 libcloud/test/dns/fixtures/nsone/list_zones.json   |   40 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/record_does_not_exist.json  |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/zone_already_exists.json    |    1 +
 .../dns/fixtures/nsone/zone_does_not_exist.json    |    1 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/powerdns/list_records.json   |   49 +
 .../test/dns/fixtures/powerdns/list_zones.json     |   30 +
 libcloud/test/dns/test_auroradns.py                |  324 +++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_buddyns.py                  |  155 ++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_cloudflare.py               |    3 +-
 libcloud/test/dns/test_dnspod.py                   |  266 +++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_gandi.py                    |   10 +-
 libcloud/test/dns/test_luadns.py                   |  306 +++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_nfsn.py                     |  148 ++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_nsone.py                    |  259 +++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_powerdns.py                 |  190 ++
 libcloud/test/dns/test_rackspace.py                |   15 +-
 libcloud/test/file_fixtures.py                     |   19 +-
 ...mber.xml => networkDomainVip_addPoolMember.xml} |    0
 ...ateNode.xml => networkDomainVip_createNode.xml} |    0
 ...atePool.xml => networkDomainVip_createPool.xml} |    0
 ... => networkDomainVip_createVirtualListener.xml} |    0
 ...l => networkDomainVip_defaultHealthMonitor.xml} |    0
 ...Irule.xml => networkDomainVip_defaultIrule.xml} |    0
 ...networkDomainVip_defaultPersistenceProfile.xml} |    0
 ...eteNode.xml => networkDomainVip_deleteNode.xml} |    0
 ...etePool.xml => networkDomainVip_deletePool.xml} |    0
 ... => networkDomainVip_deleteVirtualListener.xml} |    0
 ..._editNode.xml => networkDomainVip_editNode.xml} |    0
 ..._editPool.xml => networkDomainVip_editPool.xml} |    0
 ...ber.xml => networkDomainVip_editPoolMember.xml} |    0
 ...omainVip_node.xml => networkDomainVip_node.xml} |    0
 ..._node_34de6ed6_46a4_4dae_a753_2f8d3840c6f9.xml} |    0
 ...omainVip_pool.xml => networkDomainVip_pool.xml} |    0
 ...lMember.xml => networkDomainVip_poolMember.xml} |    0
 ...ember_3dd806a2_c2c8_4c0c_9a4f_5219ea9266c0.xml} |    0
 ..._pool_4d360b1f_bc2c_4ab7_9884_1f03ba2768f7.xml} |    0
 ...r.xml => networkDomainVip_removePoolMember.xml} |    0
 ...er.xml => networkDomainVip_virtualListener.xml} |    0
 ...tener_6115469d_a8bb_445b_bb23_d23b5283f2b9.xml} |    0
 .../loadbalancer/fixtures/elb/describe_tags.xml    |   18 +
 .../fixtures/slb/add_backend_servers.xml           |   11 +
 .../fixtures/slb/create_load_balancer.xml          |   10 +
 .../slb/create_load_balancer_http_listener.xml     |    4 +
 .../fixtures/slb/delete_load_balancer.xml          |    4 +
 .../fixtures/slb/delete_server_certificate.xml     |    4 +
 .../slb/describe_load_balancer_attribute.xml       |   38 +
 .../fixtures/slb/describe_load_balancers.xml       |   20 +
 .../fixtures/slb/describe_server_certificates.xml  |   15 +
 .../fixtures/slb/remove_backend_servers.xml        |   11 +
 .../fixtures/slb/set_server_certificate_name.xml   |    4 +
 .../fixtures/slb/start_load_balancer_listener.xml  |    4 +
 .../fixtures/slb/upload_server_certificate.xml     |    7 +
 libcloud/test/loadbalancer/test_dimensiondata.py   |  155 +-
 libcloud/test/loadbalancer/test_elb.py             |   49 +
 libcloud/test/loadbalancer/test_rackspace.py       |    3 +-
 libcloud/test/loadbalancer/test_slb.py             |  566 +++++
 libcloud/test/secrets.py-dist                      |   16 +-
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_create_bucket.json    |    6 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_delete_bucket.json    |    6 +
 .../backblaze_b2/b2_delete_file_version.json       |    4 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_get_upload_url.json   |    5 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_hide_file.json        |    7 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_list_buckets.json     |   22 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_list_file_names.json  |   34 +
 .../backblaze_b2/b2_list_file_versions.json        |   69 +
 .../fixtures/backblaze_b2/b2_upload_file.json      |   10 +
 .../fixtures/google_storage/get_container.json     |   13 +
 .../fixtures/google_storage/get_object.json        |   18 +
 .../google_storage/list_container_acl.json         |   74 +
 .../fixtures/google_storage/list_object_acl.json   |   86 +
 .../fixtures/oss/complete_multipart_upload.xml     |    7 +
 .../oss/ex_iterate_multipart_uploads_p1.xml        |   22 +
 .../oss/ex_iterate_multipart_uploads_p2.xml        |   17 +
 .../fixtures/oss/initiate_multipart_upload.xml     |    6 +
 .../fixtures/oss/list_container_objects.xml        |   33 +
 .../oss/list_container_objects_chinese.xml         |   32 +
 .../fixtures/oss/list_container_objects_empty.xml  |    9 +
 .../fixtures/oss/list_container_objects_prefix.xml |   33 +
 .../test/storage/fixtures/oss/list_containers.xml  |   19 +
 .../storage/fixtures/oss/list_containers_empty.xml |    9 +
 libcloud/test/storage/test_backblaze_b2.py         |  238 ++
 libcloud/test/storage/test_cloudfiles.py           |   11 +-
 libcloud/test/storage/test_google_storage.py       |  473 ++--
 libcloud/test/storage/{test_s3.py => test_oss.py}  |  783 +++----
 libcloud/test/storage/test_rgw.py                  |   99 +
 libcloud/test/storage/test_s3.py                   |    6 +-
 libcloud/test/test_httplib_ssl.py                  |  104 +
 libcloud/test/test_init.py                         |    9 +
 .../drivers/ninefold.py => utils/escape.py}        |   17 +-
 libcloud/utils/files.py                            |    2 +-
 libcloud/utils/misc.py                             |  141 +-
 libcloud/utils/networking.py                       |    2 +-
 libcloud/utils/py3.py                              |   19 +-
 requirements-tests.txt                             |    8 +-
 setup.py                                           |   16 +-
 tox.ini                                            |   68 +-
 701 files changed, 44454 insertions(+), 11018 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d02c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Add <file or directory> to the black list. It should be a base name, not a
+# path. You may set this option multiple times.
+# Pickle collected data for later comparisons.
+# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load,
+# usually to register additional checkers.
+# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
+# system, and so shouldn't trigger E0201 when accessed. Python regular
+# expressions are accepted.
+# Tells wether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
+# A regular expression matching names used for dummy variables (i.e. not used).
+# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
+# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.
diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index c70933e..4a56a4b 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,667 @@
+Changes in current version of Apache Libcloud
+- Introduced new base API for instantiating drivers
+  (GITHUB-822)
+  [Anthony Shaw]
+- Added certificate path for SLES12/OpenSUSE12
+  (GITHUB-884)
+  [Michael Calmer]
+- Deprecate DigitalOcean v1 API support in favour of v2 API
+  (GITHUB-889)(GITHUB-892)
+  [Andrew Starr-Bochicchio]
+- Deprecate RunAbove cloud drivers in favour of new OVH cloud driver
+  (GITHUB-891)
+  [Anthony Monthe]
+- Fix reporting function for detailed admin logs in Dimension Data Driver
+  (GITHUB-898)
+  [Anthony Shaw]
+- Added edit firewall functionality to Dimension Data driver
+  (GITHUB-893)
+  [Samuel Chong]
+- Bugfix - Fixed listing nodes issue in Python 3
+  (LIBCLOUD-858, GITHUB-894)
+  [Fahri Cihan Demirci]
+- Added FCU (Flexible Compute Unit) support to the Outscale driver.
+  (GITHUB-890)
+  [Javier M. Mellid]
+- [google compute] Add "WINDOWS" guestOsFeatures option.
+  (GITHUB-861)
+  [Max Illfelder]
+- When creating volumes on OpenStack with defaults for `location` or `volume_type`,
+  newer OpenStack versions would throw errors. The OpenStack driver will now only
+  post those arguments if non-`NoneType`.
+  (GITHUB-857)
+  [Allard Hoeve]
+- When fetching the node details of a non-existing node, OpenStack would raise a
+  `BaseHTTPError` instead of returning `None`, as was intended. Fixed tests and code.
+  (GITHUB-864)
+- Added `ex_stop_node` to the OpenStack driver.
+  (GITHUB-865)
+- When creating volume snapshot, the arguments `name` and `description` are truely
+  optional when working with newer OpenStack versions. The OpenStack driver will now
+  only post thost arguments if they are non-`NoneType`.
+  (GITHUB-866)
+- StorageVolumeSnapshot now has an attribute `name` that has the name of the snapshot
+  if the provider supports it. This used to be `.extra['name']`, but that is inconsistent
+  with `Node` and `StorageVolume`. The `extra` dict still holds `name` for backwards
+  compatibility.
+  (GITHUB-867)
+  [Allard Hoeve]
+- Introduced new Racher driver
+  (GITHUB-876)
+  [Mario Loria]
+- Fixed bug in Docker util library for fetching images from the docker hub API. API
+  was returning 301 and redirects were not being followed.
+  (GITHUB-862)
+  [Anthony Shaw]
+Load Balancer
+- Added fetch tags support in elb driver
+  (GITHUB-848)
+  [Anton Kozyrev]
+- Added storage permissions for Google Cloud Storage
+  (GITHUB-860)
+  [Scott Crunkleton]
+Changes in Apache Libcloud 1.2.1
+- Fix issue enabling backups on Dimension Data driver
+  (GITHUB-858)
+  [Mark Maglana][Jeff Dunham][Anthony Shaw]
+Changes in Apache Libcloud 1.2.0
+- Fix caching of auth tokens in the Google Compute Engine drivers. Now we make
+  sure that the file is truncated before writing a new token. Not truncating
+  the file would cause issues if the new token is shorted then the existing one
+  which is cached in the file.
+  (GITHUB-844, LIBCLOUD-835)
+  [Paul Tiplady]
+- [gce] Fix image undeprecation in GCE
+  (GITHUB-852)
+  [Max Illfelder]
+- [gce] Added Managed Instance Groups
+  (GITHUB-842)
+  [Tom Melendez]
+- [gce] Allow undeprecation of an image.
+  (GITHUB-851)
+  [Max Illfelder]
+- [cloudstack] BUGFIX Values with wildcards failed signature validation
+  (GITHUB-846)
+  [Ronald van Zantvoot]
+- [cloudstack] Added StorageState-Migrating to the cloudstack driver.
+  (GITHUB-847)
+  [Marc-Aurèle Brothier]
+- [google compute] Update copy image logic to match create image.
+  (GITHUB-828)
+  [Max Illfelder]
+- Removed HD attribute from the Abiquo compute driver to support the 3.4 API
+  (GITHUB-840)
+  [David Freedman]
+- Add image and size details to `list_nodes` response in Dimension Data driver
+  (GITHUB-832)
+  [Anthony Shaw]
+- Add support for changing VM admin password in VMware driver
+  (GITHUB-833)
+  [Juan Font Alonso]
+- Add Barcelona (Spain) region to the Aurora Compute driver.
+  (GITHUB-835)
+  [Wido den Hollander]
+- Various improvements in the libvirt driver.
+  (GITHUB-838)
+  [Rene Kjellerup]
+Load balancer
+- Add support for temporary IAM role credentials (token) to the AWS ELB driver.
+  (GITHUB-843)
+  [Anton Kozyrev]
+- Updated the 'extra' parameter in `update_record()` to be optional in aurora driver
+  (GITHUB-830)
+  [Wido den Hollander]
+- Support for iterating over records and zones in the Aurora DNS driver
+  (GITHUB-829)
+  [Wido den Hollander]
+- Add support for DS, PTR, SSFHFP and TLSA record type to the Aurora DNS
+  driver.
+  (GITHUB-834)
+  [Wido den Hollander]
+- Add network mode and labels when creating containers within
+  docker driver
+  (GITHUB-831)
+  [Jamie Cressey]
+- Fix authentication issue in S3/China region, disabled multipart uploads as not supported
+  by region.
+  (GITHUB-839)
+  [Luke Morfitt]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 1.1.0
+- Add support for automatic SNI (SSL extension) using the hostname
+  supplied to connect to.
+  Note: This functionality is only available in Python 2.7.9 and
+  Python >= 3.2.
+  (LIBCLOUD-827, GITHUB-808)
+  [David Freedman]
+- Add support image guest OS features in GCE driver
+  (GITHUB-825)
+  [Max Illfelder]
+- Added forceCustimization option for vcloud director driver
+  (GITHUB-824)
+  [Juan Font]
+- Add node lookup by UUID for libvirt driver
+  (GITHUB-823)
+  [Frank Wu]
+- Add block storage support to DigitalOcean node driver
+  (GITHUB-807)
+  [Adam Wolfe Gordon]
+- Add SASL auth support to libvirt driver.
+  (GITHUB-809)
... 67776 lines suppressed ...

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/libcloud.git

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