[Python-modules-commits] [twisted] 03/06: Imported Upstream version 16.3.0
Free Ekanayaka
freee at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 19 18:55:00 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
freee pushed a commit to branch master
in repository twisted.
commit ab6374f028c74b2240fe7626f3fde8e1720f0677
Author: Free Ekanayaka <free.ekanayaka at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Oct 19 18:22:32 2016 +0000
Imported Upstream version 16.3.0
.coveragerc | 14 +
.gitignore | 9 -
INSTALL | 32 -
INSTALL.rst | 42 +
LICENSE | 17 +-
MANIFEST.in | 76 +
NEWS | 1467 +++++++-
PKG-INFO | 16 +
README | 116 -
README.rst | 112 +
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Twisted.egg-info/requires.txt | 71 +
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bin/tap2rpm | 19 -
bin/tapconvert | 12 -
bin/{conch => }/tkconch | 0
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bin/twistd | 6 +-
code_of_conduct.md | 58 +
doc/.buildinfo | 4 -
doc/_downloads/1st_example.html | 12 -
doc/_downloads/MulticastClient.py | 19 -
doc/_downloads/MulticastServer.py | 28 -
doc/_downloads/a_lore_plugin.py | 11 -
doc/_downloads/adopt_datagram_port.py | 27 -
doc/_downloads/ampclient.py | 34 -
doc/_downloads/ampserver.py | 40 -
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doc/_downloads/chatserver.py | 37 -
doc/_downloads/chatserver1.py | 65 -
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doc/_downloads/echoclient_ssh.py | 137 -
doc/_downloads/echoclient_udp.py | 38 -
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doc/_downloads/factory.py-2 | 20 -
doc/_downloads/factory.py-3 | 21 -
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doc/_downloads/finger21.tac | 319 --
doc/_downloads/finger22.py | 337 --
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doc/_downloads/ftpclient.py | 113 -
doc/_downloads/gethostbyname.py | 76 -
doc/_downloads/gpsfix.py | 78 -
doc/_downloads/ipv6_listen.py | 14 -
doc/_downloads/ircLogBot.py | 162 -
doc/_downloads/jabber_client.py | 37 -
doc/_downloads/lj.rpy.py | 48 -
doc/_downloads/longex.py | 66 -
doc/_downloads/longex2.py | 105 -
doc/_downloads/minchat.py | 140 -
doc/_downloads/mouse.py | 80 -
doc/_downloads/msn_example.py | 70 -
doc/_downloads/new_module_template.py | 12 -
doc/_downloads/nmealogger.py | 54 -
doc/_downloads/oscardemo.py | 108 -
doc/_downloads/pb_client.py | 107 -
doc/_downloads/pb_exceptions.py | 36 -
doc/_downloads/pbbenchclient.py | 42 -
doc/_downloads/pbbenchserver.py | 54 -
doc/_downloads/pbecho.py | 51 -
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