[Python-modules-commits] [notebook] 01/02: Add individual js files for caja to missing-source

Gordon Ball chronitis-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 19 21:17:20 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

chronitis-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository notebook.

commit 971008be0fec53ead4a1163f0e4b0ee4a2b9b37c
Author: Gordon Ball <gordon at chronitis.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 19 22:46:26 2016 +0200

    Add individual js files for caja to missing-source
 debian/contrib/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js | 4820 ---------------------------
 debian/copyright                            |    2 +-
 debian/missing-source/css-defs.js           |  748 +++++
 debian/missing-source/csslexer.js           |  285 ++
 debian/missing-source/cssparser.js          |  321 ++
 debian/missing-source/html-sanitizer.js     | 1090 ++++++
 debian/missing-source/html4-defs.js         |  641 ++++
 debian/missing-source/sanitizecss.js        | 1016 ++++++
 debian/missing-source/uri.js                |  744 +++++
 debian/rules                                |   12 +-
 10 files changed, 4856 insertions(+), 4823 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/contrib/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js b/debian/contrib/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ee5f3a4..0000000
--- a/debian/contrib/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4820 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright Google Inc.
- * Licensed under the Apache Licence Version 2.0
- * Autogenerated at Wed Feb 26 17:25:09 PST 2014
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-          ], L[ 75 ] ],
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-          'rgb()', 'rgba()' ]
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-            49 ], L[ 69 ], L[ 72 ], L[ 77 ] ],
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-            69 ], L[ 71 ] ],
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-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 71 ] ],
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-      'right': 'bottom',
-      'speak': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 71 ], L[ 72 ], L[ 78 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'speak-header': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 51 ], L[ 73 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'speak-numeral': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 35 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'speak-punctuation': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 58 ], L[ 71 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'speech-rate': {
-        'cssPropBits': 5,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 14 ], L[ 69 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'stress': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'table-layout': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 52 ], L[ 61 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'text-align': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 42 ], L[ 56 ], L[ 66 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'text-decoration': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 19 ], L[ 71 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'text-indent': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'text-overflow': {
-        'cssPropBits': 8,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 33 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'text-shadow': 'box-shadow',
-      'text-transform': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 26 ], L[ 71 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'text-wrap': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 46 ], L[ 71 ], L[ 72 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'top': 'bottom',
-      'transform': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 71 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ 'matrix()', 'perspective()', 'rotate()', 'rotate3d()',
-          'rotatex()', 'rotatey()', 'rotatez()', 'scale()', 'scale3d()',
-          'scalex()', 'scaley()', 'scalez()', 'skew()', 'skewx()', 'skewy()',
-          'translate()', 'translate3d()', 'translatex()', 'translatey()',
-          'translatez()' ]
-      },
-      'transform-origin': 'perspective-origin',
-      'transform-style': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 37 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'transition': {
-        'cssPropBits': 1029,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 10 ], L[ 48 ], L[ 50 ], L[ 71 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ 'cubic-bezier()', 'steps()' ]
-      },
-      'transition-delay': 'animation-delay',
-      'transition-duration': 'animation-delay',
-      'transition-property': {
-        'cssPropBits': 1024,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 48 ], L[ 50 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'transition-timing-function': 'animation-timing-function',
-      'unicode-bidi': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 30 ], L[ 72 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'vertical-align': {
-        'cssPropBits': 5,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 12 ], L[ 31 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'visibility': 'backface-visibility',
-      'voice-family': {
-        'cssPropBits': 8,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 27 ], L[ 48 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'volume': {
-        'cssPropBits': 1,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 17 ], L[ 69 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'white-space': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 22 ], L[ 72 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'width': 'min-height',
-      'word-break': {
-        'cssPropBits': 0,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 32 ], L[ 72 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'word-spacing': 'letter-spacing',
-      'word-wrap': 'overflow-wrap',
-      'z-index': 'bottom',
-      'zoom': 'line-height',
-      'cubic-bezier()': 'animation-delay',
-      'steps()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 5,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 36 ], L[ 48 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'image()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 18,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 0 ], L[ 48 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ 'rgb()', 'rgba()' ]
-      },
-      'linear-gradient()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 7,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 0 ], L[ 31 ], L[ 42 ], L[ 48 ], L[ 79 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ 'rgb()', 'rgba()' ]
-      },
-      'radial-gradient()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 7,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 0 ], L[ 11 ], L[ 31 ], L[ 42 ], L[ 48 ], L[ 56 ],
-          L[ 57 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ 'rgb()', 'rgba()' ]
-      },
-      'repeating-linear-gradient()': 'linear-gradient()',
-      'repeating-radial-gradient()': 'radial-gradient()',
-      'rgb()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 1,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 48 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'rgba()': 'rgb()',
-      'rect()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 5,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 48 ], L[ 52 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'alpha()': {
-        'cssPropBits': 1,
-        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 28 ] ],
-        'cssFns': [ ]
-      },
-      'matrix()': 'animation-delay',
-      'perspective()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'rotate()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'rotate3d()': 'animation-delay',
-      'rotatex()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'rotatey()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'rotatez()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'scale()': 'animation-delay',
-      'scale3d()': 'animation-delay',
-      'scalex()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'scaley()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'scalez()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'skew()': 'animation-delay',
-      'skewx()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'skewy()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'translate()': 'animation-delay',
-      'translate3d()': 'animation-delay',
-      'translatex()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'translatey()': 'border-bottom-left-radius',
-      'translatez()': 'border-bottom-left-radius'
-    };
-    if (true) {
-      for (var key in schema) {
-        if ('string' === typeof schema[ key ] &&
-          Object.hasOwnProperty.call(schema, key)) {
-          schema[ key ] = schema[ schema[ key ] ];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return schema;
-  })();
-if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
-  window['cssSchema'] = cssSchema;
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * A lexical scannar for CSS3 as defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax .
- *
- * @author Mike Samuel <mikesamuel at gmail.com>
- * \@provides lexCss, decodeCss
- * \@overrides window
- */
-var lexCss;
-var decodeCss;
-(function () {
-  /**
-   * Decodes an escape sequence as specified in CSS3 section 4.1.
-   * http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
-   * @private
-   */
-  function decodeCssEscape(s) {
-    var i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 16);
-    // If parseInt didn't find a hex diigt, it returns NaN so return the
-    // escaped character.
-    // Otherwise, parseInt will stop at the first non-hex digit so there's no
-    // need to worry about trailing whitespace.
-    if (i > 0xffff) {
-      // A supplemental codepoint.
-      return i -= 0x10000,
-        String.fromCharCode(
-            0xd800 + (i >> 10),
-            0xdc00 + (i & 0x3FF));
-    } else if (i == i) {
-      return String.fromCharCode(i);
-    } else if (s[1] < ' ') {
-      // "a backslash followed by a newline is ignored".
-      return '';
-    } else {
-      return s[1];
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an equivalent CSS string literal given plain text: foo -> "foo".
-   * @private
-   */
-  function escapeCssString(s, replacer) {
-    return '"' + s.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\\\"<>]/g, replacer) + '"';
-  }
-  /**
-   * Maps chars to CSS escaped equivalents: "\n" -> "\\a ".
-   * @private
-   */
-  function escapeCssStrChar(ch) {
-    return cssStrChars[ch]
-        || (cssStrChars[ch] = '\\' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ' ');
-  }
-  /**
-   * Maps chars to URI escaped equivalents: "\n" -> "%0a".
-   * @private
-   */
-  function escapeCssUrlChar(ch) {
-    return cssUrlChars[ch]
-        || (cssUrlChars[ch] = (ch < '\x10' ? '%0' : '%')
-            + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Mapping of CSS special characters to escaped equivalents.
-   * @private
-   */
-  var cssStrChars = {
-    '\\': '\\\\'
-  };
-  /**
-   * Mapping of CSS special characters to URL-escaped equivalents.
-   * @private
-   */
-  var cssUrlChars = {
-    '\\': '%5c'
-  };
-  // The comments below are copied from the CSS3 module syntax at
-  // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax .
-  // These string constants minify out when this is run-through closure
-  // compiler.
-  // Rules that have been adapted have comments prefixed with "Diff:", and
-  // where rules have been combined to avoid back-tracking in the regex engine
-  // or to work around limitations, there is a comment prefixed with
-  // "NewRule:".
-  // In the below, we assume CRLF and CR have been normalize to CR.
-  // wc  ::=  #x9 | #xA | #xC | #xD | #x20
-  var WC = '[\\t\\n\\f ]';
-  // w  ::=  wc*
-  var W = WC + '*';
-  // nl  ::=  #xA | #xD #xA | #xD | #xC
-  var NL = '[\\n\\f]';
-  // nonascii  ::=  [#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF]
-  // NewRule: Supplemental codepoints are represented as surrogate pairs in JS.
-  var SURROGATE_PAIR = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]';
-  var NONASCII = '[\\u0080-\\ud7ff\\ue000-\\ufffd]|' + SURROGATE_PAIR;
-  // unicode  ::=  '\' [0-9a-fA-F]{1,6} wc?
-  // NewRule: No point in having ESCAPE do (\\x|\\y)
-  var UNICODE_TAIL = '[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}' + WC + '?';
-  var UNICODE = '\\\\' + UNICODE_TAIL;
-  // escape  ::=  unicode
-  //           | '\' [#x20-#x7E#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF]
-  // NewRule: Below we use escape tail to efficiently match an escape or a
-  // line continuation so we can decode string content.
-      + '|[\\u0020-\\u007e\\u0080-\\ud7ff\\ue000\\ufffd]|'
-      + SURROGATE_PAIR + ')';
-  var ESCAPE = '\\\\' + ESCAPE_TAIL;
-  // urlchar  ::=  [#x9#x21#x23-#x26#x28-#x7E] | nonascii | escape
-  var URLCHAR = '(?:[\\t\\x21\\x23-\\x26\\x28-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7e]|'
-      + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
-  // stringchar  ::= urlchar | #x20 | '\' nl
-  // We ignore mismatched surrogate pairs inside strings, so stringchar
-  // simplifies to a non-(quote|newline|backslash) or backslash any.
-  // Since we normalize CRLF to a single code-unit, there is no special
-  // handling needed for '\\' + CRLF.
-  var STRINGCHAR = '[^\'"\\n\\f\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S]';
-  // string  ::=  '"' (stringchar | "'")* '"' | "'" (stringchar | '"')* "'"
-  var STRING = '"(?:\'|' + STRINGCHAR + ')*"'
-      + '|\'(?:\"|' + STRINGCHAR + ')*\'';
-  // num  ::=  [0-9]+ | [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+
-  // Diff: We attach signs to num tokens.
-  var NUM = '[-+]?(?:[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]+)?|[.][0-9]+)';
-  // nmstart  ::=  [a-zA-Z] | '_' | nonascii | escape
-  var NMSTART = '(?:[a-zA-Z_]|' + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
-  // nmchar  ::=  [a-zA-Z0-9] | '-' | '_' | nonascii | escape
-  var NMCHAR = '(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]|' + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
-  // name  ::=  nmchar+
-  var NAME = NMCHAR + '+';
-  // ident  ::=  '-'? nmstart nmchar*
-  var IDENT = '-?' + NMSTART + NMCHAR + '*';
-  // ATKEYWORD  ::=  '@' ident
-  var ATKEYWORD = '@' + IDENT;
-  // HASH  ::=  '#' name
-  var HASH = '#' + NAME;
-  // NUMBER  ::=  num
-  var NUMBER = NUM;
-  // NewRule: union of IDENT, ATKEYWORD, HASH, but excluding #[0-9].
-  var WORD_TERM = '(?:@?-?' + NMSTART + '|#)' + NMCHAR + '*';
-  // PERCENTAGE  ::=  num '%'
-  var PERCENTAGE = NUM + '%';
-  // DIMENSION  ::=  num ident
-  var NUMERIC_VALUE = NUM + '(?:%|' + IDENT + ')?';
-  // URI  ::=  "url(" w (string | urlchar* ) w ")"
-  var URI = 'url[(]' + W + '(?:' + STRING + '|' + URLCHAR + '*)' + W + '[)]';
-  // UNICODE-RANGE  ::=  "U+" [0-9A-F?]{1,6} ('-' [0-9A-F]{1,6})?
-  var UNICODE_RANGE = 'U[+][0-9A-F?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9A-F]{1,6})?';
-  // CDO  ::=  "<\!--"
-  var CDO = '<\!--';
-  // CDC  ::=  "-->"
-  var CDC = '-->';
-  // S  ::=  wc+
-  var S = WC + '+';
-  // COMMENT  ::=  "/*" [^*]* '*'+ ([^/] [^*]* '*'+)* "/"
-  // Diff: recognizes // comments.
-  var COMMENT = '/(?:[*][^*]*[*]+(?:[^/][^*]*[*]+)*/|/[^\\n\\f]*)';
-  // FUNCTION  ::=  ident '('
-  // Diff: We exclude url explicitly.
-  // TODO: should we be tolerant of "fn ("?
-  var FUNCTION = '(?!url[(])' + IDENT + '[(]';
-  // INCLUDES  ::=  "~="
-  var INCLUDES = '~=';
-  // DASHMATCH  ::=  "|="
-  var DASHMATCH = '[|]=';
-  // PREFIXMATCH  ::=  "^="
-  var PREFIXMATCH = '[^]=';
-  // SUFFIXMATCH  ::=  "$="
-  var SUFFIXMATCH = '[$]=';
-  // SUBSTRINGMATCH  ::=  "*="
-  var SUBSTRINGMATCH = '[*]=';
-  // NewRule: one rule for all the comparison operators.
-  var CMP_OPS = '[~|^$*]=';
-  // CHAR  ::=  any character not matched by the above rules, except for " or '
-  // Diff: We exclude / and \ since they are handled above to prevent
-  // /* without a following */ from combining when comments are concatenated.
-  var CHAR = '[^"\'\\\\/]|/(?![/*])';
-  // BOM  ::=  #xFEFF
-  var BOM = '\\uFEFF';
-  var CSS_TOKEN = new RegExp([
-      CDO, CDC, S, COMMENT, CMP_OPS, CHAR].join("|"), 'gi');
-  var CSS_DECODER = new RegExp('\\\\(?:' + ESCAPE_TAIL + '|' + NL + ')', 'g');
-  var URL_RE = new RegExp('^url\\(' + W + '["\']?|["\']?' + W + '\\)$', 'gi');
-  /**
-   * Decodes CSS escape sequences in a CSS string body.
-   */
-   decodeCss = function (css) {
-     return css.replace(CSS_DECODER, decodeCssEscape);
-   };
-  /**
-   * Given CSS Text, returns an array of normalized tokens.
-   * @param {string} cssText
-   * @return {Array.<string>} tokens where all ignorable token sequences have
-   *    been reduced to a single {@code " "} and all strings and
-   *    {@code url(...)} tokens have been normalized to use double quotes as
-   *    delimiters and to not otherwise contain double quotes.
-   */
-  lexCss = function (cssText) {
... 8767 lines suppressed ...

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