[Python-modules-commits] [dask.distributed] 02/05: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.20.2+ds.1'

Diane Trout diane at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 10 05:34:42 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

diane pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dask.distributed.

commit 174e911f2b68200f9ce1704d9c68998793bb2fcb
Merge: 6fb1388 1dfce3c
Author: Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 8 08:27:33 2017 -0800

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.20.2+ds.1'
    Update to upstream version '1.20.2+ds.1'
    with Debian dir 438a707a95e5ed4dda9b969d93b1f0578393f4c2

 .travis.yml                                        |  46 +-
 conftest.py                                        |  17 +
 continuous_integration/Dockerfile                  |  27 -
 continuous_integration/README.md                   |  37 --
 continuous_integration/docker-files/core-site.xml  |   7 -
 continuous_integration/docker-files/hdfs-site.xml  |  51 --
 continuous_integration/docker-files/start.sh       |  22 -
 continuous_integration/run-hdfs.sh                 |  33 -
 continuous_integration/setup_conda_environment.cmd |   2 +-
 continuous_integration/travis/install.sh           |  15 +-
 continuous_integration/travis/run_tests.sh         |  12 +-
 distributed/__init__.py                            |   4 +-
 distributed/asyncio.py                             |  65 +-
 distributed/batched.py                             |   6 +-
 distributed/bokeh/background/__init__.py           |   0
 distributed/bokeh/background/main.py               |   0
 distributed/bokeh/background/server_lifecycle.py   | 139 -----
 distributed/bokeh/components.py                    | 214 +------
 distributed/bokeh/core.py                          |  23 +-
 distributed/bokeh/memory-usage.py                  |  13 -
 distributed/bokeh/processing-stacks.py             |  13 -
 distributed/bokeh/resource-profiles.py             |  14 -
 distributed/bokeh/scheduler.py                     |  60 +-
 distributed/bokeh/scheduler_html.py                | 144 +++++
 distributed/bokeh/task-progress.py                 |  13 -
 distributed/bokeh/task-stream.py                   |  14 -
 distributed/bokeh/task_stream.py                   |   5 +-
 distributed/bokeh/template.html                    |   1 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/call-stack.html        |  15 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/json-index.html        |  11 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/logs.html              |   8 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/main.html              |  13 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/task.html              | 127 ++++
 distributed/bokeh/templates/worker-table.html      |  30 +
 distributed/bokeh/templates/worker.html            |  52 ++
 distributed/bokeh/templates/workers.html           |   9 +
 distributed/bokeh/tests/test_components.py         |  25 +-
 distributed/bokeh/tests/test_scheduler_bokeh.py    |   2 +-
 .../bokeh/tests/test_scheduler_bokeh_html.py       |  41 ++
 distributed/bokeh/tests/test_worker_bokeh.py       |   1 +
 distributed/bokeh/tests/test_worker_monitor.py     |  52 --
 distributed/bokeh/worker-table.py                  |  14 -
 distributed/bokeh/worker.py                        |   4 +
 distributed/bokeh/worker_monitor.py                | 101 ---
 distributed/cli/dask_mpi.py                        |  23 +-
 distributed/cli/dask_scheduler.py                  |  34 +-
 distributed/cli/dask_worker.py                     |  50 +-
 distributed/cli/dcluster.py                        |  11 -
 distributed/cli/dscheduler.py                      |  11 -
 distributed/cli/dworker.py                         |  11 -
 distributed/cli/tests/test_dask_mpi.py             |  26 +-
 distributed/cli/tests/test_dask_scheduler.py       |  10 +-
 distributed/cli/tests/test_dask_worker.py          |   4 +-
 distributed/cli/utils.py                           |  44 +-
 distributed/client.py                              | 677 ++++++++++++++-------
 distributed/comm/inproc.py                         |   1 +
 distributed/comm/tcp.py                            |   6 +-
 distributed/comm/tests/test_comms.py               | 164 +++--
 distributed/config.py                              |   6 +-
 distributed/config.yaml                            |   5 +
 distributed/core.py                                |  48 +-
 distributed/counter.py                             |  11 +-
 distributed/deploy/adaptive.py                     |  30 +-
 distributed/deploy/local.py                        |  84 ++-
 distributed/deploy/tests/test_adaptive.py          |  37 +-
 distributed/deploy/tests/test_local.py             |  23 +-
 distributed/diagnostics/progressbar.py             |   5 +-
 distributed/diagnostics/scheduler.py               |  71 ---
 distributed/diagnostics/tests/test_progress.py     |   3 +-
 .../diagnostics/tests/test_progress_stream.py      |   6 +-
 distributed/diagnostics/tests/test_progressbar.py  |   4 +-
 .../tests/test_scheduler_diagnostics.py            |  59 --
 distributed/diskutils.py                           | 219 +++++++
 distributed/hdfs.py                                |  80 ---
 distributed/http/__init__.py                       |   4 -
 distributed/http/core.py                           |  92 ---
 distributed/http/scheduler.py                      | 116 ----
 distributed/http/tests/test_scheduler_http.py      | 189 ------
 distributed/http/tests/test_worker_http.py         | 106 ----
 distributed/http/worker.py                         |  70 ---
 distributed/lock.py                                | 146 +++++
 distributed/locket.py                              | 198 ++++++
 distributed/nanny.py                               |  30 +-
 distributed/process.py                             |  33 +-
 distributed/proctitle.py                           |  44 ++
 distributed/profile.py                             |  12 +-
 distributed/protocol/core.py                       |   5 +-
 distributed/protocol/serialize.py                  |   9 +-
 distributed/protocol/tests/test_pickle.py          |  28 +-
 distributed/publish.py                             |  32 +
 distributed/pytest_resourceleaks.py                | 438 +++++++++++++
 distributed/queues.py                              |  21 +-
 distributed/scheduler.py                           | 347 +++++++----
 distributed/security.py                            |   5 +-
 distributed/stealing.py                            | 227 +++++--
 distributed/system_monitor.py                      |  12 +-
 distributed/tests/py3_test_asyncio.py              |  44 +-
 distributed/tests/py3_test_client.py               |  14 +-
 distributed/tests/test_asyncprocess.py             |  11 +-
 distributed/tests/test_batched.py                  |  20 +-
 distributed/tests/test_client.py                   | 427 +++++++++++--
 distributed/tests/test_client_executor.py          |   2 +-
 distributed/tests/test_diskutils.py                | 257 ++++++++
 distributed/tests/test_hdfs.py                     | 436 -------------
 distributed/tests/test_ipython.py                  |  35 +-
 distributed/tests/test_locks.py                    |  95 +++
 distributed/tests/test_nanny.py                    |  25 +-
 distributed/tests/test_profile.py                  |   9 +-
 distributed/tests/test_publish.py                  |  50 ++
 distributed/tests/test_queues.py                   |  14 +
 distributed/tests/test_resources.py                |  22 +-
 distributed/tests/test_scheduler.py                | 183 ++++--
 distributed/tests/test_security.py                 |   6 +-
 distributed/tests/test_steal.py                    |  95 +--
 distributed/tests/test_stress.py                   |  30 +-
 distributed/tests/test_system_monitor.py           |  16 +-
 distributed/tests/test_threadpoolexecutor.py       |  80 ++-
 distributed/tests/test_tls_functional.py           |   5 +-
 distributed/tests/test_utils.py                    | 277 +++++++--
 distributed/tests/test_utils_test.py               |  17 +-
 distributed/tests/test_variable.py                 |  46 +-
 distributed/tests/test_worker.py                   | 122 ++--
 distributed/threadpoolexecutor.py                  |  51 +-
 distributed/utils.py                               | 385 +++++++++++-
 distributed/utils_comm.py                          |   3 -
 distributed/utils_test.py                          | 448 ++++++++------
 distributed/variable.py                            |  10 +-
 distributed/worker.py                              | 337 +++++-----
 docs/Makefile                                      |   2 +-
 docs/source/api.rst                                |   8 +
 docs/source/changelog.rst                          |  91 +++
 docs/source/locality.rst                           |   2 +-
 docs/source/protocol.rst                           |   5 +-
 docs/source/publish.rst                            |  18 +
 docs/source/related-work.rst                       |   2 +-
 docs/source/resources.rst                          |   4 +-
 docs/source/scheduling-policies.rst                |   2 +
 docs/source/scheduling-state.rst                   | 414 +++++++++----
 docs/source/setup.rst                              |   9 +
 docs/source/work-stealing.rst                      |  20 +-
 requirements.txt                                   |  15 +-
 setup.cfg                                          |   4 +-
 setup.py                                           |   7 +-
 143 files changed, 5846 insertions(+), 3758 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/dask.distributed.git

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