[Python-modules-commits] [qscintilla2] branch patch-queue/debian/master updated (6d9d122 -> 6fb9411)

Scott Kitterman kitterman at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Dec 16 06:50:25 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

kitterman pushed a change to branch patch-queue/debian/master
in repository qscintilla2.

      from  6d9d122   build_debug_libs
      adds  8303745   Refresh patches after git-dpm to gbp pq conversion
      adds  f46d4f7   Imported Upstream version 2.10+dfsg
      adds  034f88b   Merge tag 'upstream/2.10+dfsg' into debian/master
      adds  104ccdd   New upstream release
      adds  7d4a7d9   Rebase patches for new upstream release
      adds  1edcd0b   Add python3-all to d/tests/control
      adds  9efb4a1   Update symbols files for GCC 7 and Qt 5.9
      adds  720ad74   Release to unstable.
      adds  b0a48d6   Merge branch 'debian/master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/qscintilla2 into debian/master
      adds  769bdbb     - Bump minimum python/python3-sip-dev requirement to (>= 4.19)
      adds  97a03af   Delete obsolete patch files
      adds  f753eba   Update symbols and install files for new package names
      adds  707304d   Rename binary packages to match upstream library naming scheme
      adds  5ee19d3   Try to fix patch mess
      adds  982270b   Fixed up gbp to get rid of old patches
      adds  4fc413e   Add 0007-Fix-sip_file-path-detection.patch to fix infinite loop in Python/ configure.py
      adds  a7473d0   Update symbols files, more binary name fixes, and update debian/rules for new soname/package names
      adds  c1fb4e5   More futzing with package renames - this time with Breaks/Replaces
      adds  b4e9674   Add Suggests: libqscintilla2-doc to library and designer plugin packages
      adds  72ad062   Restore incorrectly removed 0007-qsci_link.patch
      adds  57ac094   Bump standards-version to 4.1.2 without further change
      adds  48c632b   Update -dbg package priorities to match archive
      adds  832febe   Imported Upstream version 2.10.2+dsfg
      adds  1c9169d   Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.2+dsfg' into debian/master
       new  2d21a7c   sip_install_loc
       new  e4141cc   configure.py-objdir-support.diff
       new  e1e7ec2   fix-lib-install-dir.diff
       new  c69f107   remove-logo-privacy-issue.diff
       new  d6067d8   qt5_includes
       new  861028e   build_debug_libs
       new  630854c   Fix sip_file path detection
       new  04c7355   Link python modules to QScintilla2 libs
       new  6fb9411   Merge branch 'patch-queue/debian/master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/qscintilla2 into patch-queue/debian/master

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                          |  807 ++--
 NEWS                                               |   76 +
 Python/configure-old.py                            |   10 +-
 Python/configure.py                                |  559 ++-
 Python/sip/qsciabstractapis.sip                    |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qsciapis.sip                            |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscicommand.sip                         |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscicommandset.sip                      |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscidocument.sip                        |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexer.sip                           |   12 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexeravs.sip                        |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerbash.sip                       |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerbatch.sip                      |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercmake.sip                      |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercoffeescript.sip               |    9 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercpp.sip                        |    8 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercsharp.sip                     |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercss.sip                        |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexercustom.sip                     |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerd.sip                          |    8 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerdiff.sip                       |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerfortran.sip                    |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerfortran77.sip                  |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerhtml.sip                       |    5 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexeridl.sip                        |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerjava.sip                       |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerjavascript.sip                 |    2 +-
 Python/sip/{qscilexerlua.sip => qscilexerjson.sip} |   52 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerlua.sip                        |    6 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexermakefile.sip                   |    2 +-
 .../{qscilexerbatch.sip => qscilexermarkdown.sip}  |   45 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexermatlab.sip                     |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexeroctave.sip                     |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerpascal.sip                     |    8 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerperl.sip                       |    7 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerpo.sip                         |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerpostscript.sip                 |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerpov.sip                        |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerproperties.sip                 |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerpython.sip                     |    8 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerruby.sip                       |    7 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerspice.sip                      |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexersql.sip                        |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexertcl.sip                        |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexertex.sip                        |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerverilog.sip                    |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexervhdl.sip                       |    4 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexerxml.sip                        |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscilexeryaml.sip                       |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscimacro.sip                           |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscimod4.sip                            |    3 +-
 Python/sip/qscimod5.sip                            |    5 +-
 Python/sip/qscimodcommon.sip                       |    6 +-
 Python/sip/qsciprinter.sip                         |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qsciscintilla.sip                       |   35 +-
 Python/sip/qsciscintillabase.sip                   |  160 +-
 Python/sip/qscistyle.sip                           |    2 +-
 Python/sip/qscistyledtext.sip                      |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/InputMethod.cpp                             |  259 +-
 Qt4Qt5/ListBoxQt.cpp                               |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/ListBoxQt.h                                 |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/MacPasteboardMime.cpp                       |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/PlatQt.cpp                                  |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciabstractapis.h                     |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciapis.h                             |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscicommand.h                          |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscicommandset.h                       |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscidocument.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciglobal.h                           |   14 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexer.h                            |   49 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexeravs.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerbash.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerbatch.h                       |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercmake.h                       |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercoffeescript.h                |   13 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercpp.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercsharp.h                      |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercss.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexercustom.h                      |   19 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerd.h                           |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerdiff.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerfortran.h                     |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerfortran77.h                   |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerhtml.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexeridl.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerjava.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerjavascript.h                  |   10 +-
 .../Qsci/{qscilexerfortran77.h => qscilexerjson.h} |  132 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerlua.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexermakefile.h                    |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexermarkdown.h                    |  148 +
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexermatlab.h                      |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexeroctave.h                      |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerpascal.h                      |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerperl.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerpo.h                          |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerpostscript.h                  |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerpov.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerproperties.h                  |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerpython.h                      |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerruby.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerspice.h                       |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexersql.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexertcl.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexertex.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerverilog.h                     |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexervhdl.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexerxml.h                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscilexeryaml.h                        |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscimacro.h                            |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciprinter.h                          |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciscintilla.h                        |  138 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qsciscintillabase.h                    |  182 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscistyle.h                            |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/Qsci/qscistyledtext.h                       |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/SciClasses.cpp                              |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/SciClasses.h                                |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/SciNamespace.h                              |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/ScintillaQt.cpp                             |   22 +-
 Qt4Qt5/ScintillaQt.h                               |    4 +-
 Qt4Qt5/features/qscintilla2.prf                    |   17 +-
 Qt4Qt5/features_staticlib/qscintilla2.prf          |    8 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qsciabstractapis.cpp                        |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qsciapis.cpp                                |   64 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscicommand.cpp                             |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscicommandset.cpp                          |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscidocument.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexer.cpp                               |    8 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexeravs.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerbash.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerbatch.cpp                          |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercmake.cpp                          |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercoffeescript.cpp                   |    8 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercpp.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercsharp.cpp                         |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercss.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexercustom.cpp                         |   10 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerd.cpp                              |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerdiff.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerfortran.cpp                        |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerfortran77.cpp                      |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerhtml.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexeridl.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerjava.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerjavascript.cpp                     |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerjson.cpp                           |  298 ++
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerlua.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexermakefile.cpp                       |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexermarkdown.cpp                       |  289 ++
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexermatlab.cpp                         |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexeroctave.cpp                         |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerpascal.cpp                         |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerperl.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerpo.cpp                             |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerpostscript.cpp                     |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerpov.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerproperties.cpp                     |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerpython.cpp                         |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerruby.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerspice.cpp                          |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexersql.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexertcl.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexertex.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerverilog.cpp                        |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexervhdl.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexerxml.cpp                            |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscilexeryaml.cpp                           |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscimacro.cpp                               |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla.pro                              |   45 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_cs.qm                            |  Bin 43917 -> 44358 bytes
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_cs.ts                            | 1629 +++----
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_de.qm                            |  Bin 72708 -> 76266 bytes
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_de.ts                            | 1629 +++----
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_es.qm                            |  Bin 75784 -> 79384 bytes
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_es.ts                            | 1629 +++----
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_fr.qm                            |  Bin 48736 -> 53045 bytes
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_fr.ts                            | 1975 +++++----
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_pt_br.qm                         |  Bin 48783 -> 49395 bytes
 Qt4Qt5/qscintilla_pt_br.ts                         | 1629 +++----
 Qt4Qt5/qsciprinter.cpp                             |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qsciscintilla.cpp                           |  153 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qsciscintillabase.cpp                       |   48 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscistyle.cpp                               |    2 +-
 Qt4Qt5/qscistyledtext.cpp                          |    2 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |   31 +
 debian/control                                     |  118 +-
 ...-12v5.install => libqscintilla2-qt4-13.install} |    0
 ...-12v5.symbols => libqscintilla2-qt4-13.symbols} | 4385 ++++++++++++++++++-
 ...install => libqscintilla2-qt4-designer.install} |    0
 ...-dev.install => libqscintilla2-qt4-dev.install} |    0
 ...10n.install => libqscintilla2-qt4-l10n.install} |    0
 ...-12v5.symbols => libqscintilla2-qt5-13.symbols} | 4481 ++++++++++++++++++--
 ...nstall_loc.patch => 0001-sip_install_loc.patch} |    5 +-
 ...=> 0002-configure.py-objdir-support.diff.patch} |   11 +-
 ...ir.diff => 0003-fix-lib-install-dir.diff.patch} |    3 +-
 ...f => 0004-remove-logo-privacy-issue.diff.patch} |   20 +-
 ...{qt5_includes.patch => 0005-qt5_includes.patch} |    5 +-
 ...ebug_libs.patch => 0006-build_debug_libs.patch} |   15 +-
 .../patches/0007-Fix-sip_file-path-detection.patch |   21 +
 ...8-Link-python-modules-to-QScintilla2-libs.patch |   24 +
 debian/patches/qsci_link.patch                     |   26 -
 debian/patches/qt5_libname.patch                   |   66 -
 debian/patches/series                              |   16 +-
 debian/rules                                       |   32 +-
 debian/tests/control                               |    3 +-
 designer-Qt4Qt5/designer.pro                       |    4 +-
 doc/README.doc                                     |   32 +-
 doc/Scintilla/Design.html                          |   43 +-
 doc/Scintilla/Icons.html                           |    5 +-
 doc/Scintilla/Lexer.txt                            |   18 +-
 doc/Scintilla/Privacy.html                         |   70 +
 doc/Scintilla/SciCoding.html                       |   40 +-
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaDoc.html                    | 3621 +++++++++-------
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaDownload.html               |   11 +-
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaHistory.html                | 1052 ++++-
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaRelated.html                |  111 +-
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaToDo.html                   |    3 +-
 doc/Scintilla/ScintillaUsage.html                  |   15 +-
 doc/Scintilla/index.html                           |   23 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/annotated.html                     |   56 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciAPIs-members.html         |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciAPIs.html                 |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciAbstractAPIs-members.html |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciAbstractAPIs.html         |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciCommand-members.html      |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciCommand.html              |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciCommandSet-members.html   |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciCommandSet.html           |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciDocument-members.html     |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciDocument.html             |    2 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexer-members.html        |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexer.html                |  215 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerAVS-members.html     |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerAVS.html             |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerBash-members.html    |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerBash.html            |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerBatch-members.html   |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerBatch.html           |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCMake-members.html   |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCMake.html           |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCPP-members.html     |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCPP.html             |  135 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCSS-members.html     |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCSS.html             |   82 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCSharp-members.html  |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCSharp.html          |   28 +-
 .../classQsciLexerCoffeeScript-members.html        |  109 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCoffeeScript.html    |  141 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCustom-members.html  |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerCustom.html          |   32 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerD-members.html       |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerD.html               |  135 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerDiff-members.html    |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerDiff.html            |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerFortran-members.html |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerFortran.html         |   28 +-
 .../classQsciLexerFortran77-members.html           |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerFortran77.html       |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerHTML-members.html    |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerHTML.html            |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerIDL-members.html     |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerIDL.html             |   28 +-
 ...embers.html => classQsciLexerJSON-members.html} |  110 +-
 ...sQsciLexerBash.html => classQsciLexerJSON.html} |  382 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerJava-members.html    |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerJava.html            |   28 +-
 .../classQsciLexerJavaScript-members.html          |   22 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerJavaScript.html      |   28 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerLua-members.html     |   62 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerLua.html             |  167 +-
 .../classQsciLexerMakefile-members.html            |   36 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerMakefile.html        |   62 +-
 .../classQsciLexerMarkdown-members.html            |  137 +
 ...erMakefile.html => classQsciLexerMarkdown.html} |  225 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerMatlab-members.html  |   40 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerMatlab.html          |   70 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerOctave-members.html  |   40 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerOctave.html          |   50 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPO-members.html      |   52 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPO.html              |   94 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPOV-members.html     |   56 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPOV.html             |  102 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPascal-members.html  |   52 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPascal.html          |  201 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPerl-members.html    |  104 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPerl.html            |  278 +-
 .../classQsciLexerPostScript-members.html          |   54 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPostScript.html      |   98 +-
 .../classQsciLexerProperties-members.html          |   34 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerProperties.html      |   58 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPython-members.html  |   54 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerPython.html          |  177 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerRuby-members.html    |   84 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerRuby.html            |  239 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerSQL-members.html     |   66 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerSQL.html             |  122 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerSpice-members.html   |   40 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerSpice.html           |   70 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerTCL-members.html     |   66 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerTCL.html             |  122 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerTeX-members.html     |   34 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerTeX.html             |   58 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerVHDL-members.html    |   54 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerVHDL.html            |   98 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerVerilog-members.html |   60 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerVerilog.html         |  110 +-
 doc/html-Qt4Qt5/classQsciLexerXML-members.html     |   22 +-
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 lexlib/SubStyles.h                                 |    3 +-
 lexlib/WordList.cpp                                |   64 +-
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 src/Editor.cpp                                     | 1527 ++++---
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 src/Position.h                                     |   29 +
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 src/Selection.h                                    |    3 +
 src/SparseVector.h                                 |  186 +
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 src/Style.cpp                                      |    5 +-
 src/Style.h                                        |    2 +-
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 src/ViewStyle.h                                    |   30 +-
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 create mode 100644 lexers/LexEDIFACT.cpp
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 copy qsci/api/python/{Python-3.5.api => Python-3.6.api} (94%)
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/qscintilla2.git

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