[Python-modules-commits] [pyasn1] 01/11: New upstream release.
Vincent Bernat
bernat at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 26 07:22:22 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bernat pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/0.4.2-1
in repository pyasn1.
commit 3dca0b5baaa51c70eabd57c2388ff2582be2ff68
Author: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>
Date: Tue Dec 26 07:23:59 2017 +0100
New upstream release.
CHANGES.txt => CHANGES.rst | 289 +-
LICENSE.txt => LICENSE.rst | 2 +-
MANIFEST.in | 8 +-
PKG-INFO | 21 +-
README.md | 184 +
README.txt | 67 -
THANKS.txt | 10 -
TODO.rst | 92 +
TODO.txt | 36 -
doc/codecs.html | 503 ---
doc/constraints.html | 478 ---
doc/constructed.html | 377 ---
doc/intro.html | 156 -
doc/pyasn1-tutorial.html | 2405 -------------
doc/scalar.html | 794 -----
doc/tagging.html | 233 --
docs/Makefile | 192 ++
docs/source/.static/logo.svg | 95 +
docs/source/changelog.rst | 6 +
docs/source/conf.py | 326 ++
docs/source/contents.rst | 161 +
docs/source/download.rst | 27 +
docs/source/example-use-case.rst | 193 ++
docs/source/license.rst | 6 +
docs/source/pyasn1/codec/ber/contents.rst | 7 +
docs/source/pyasn1/codec/cer/contents.rst | 7 +
docs/source/pyasn1/codec/der/contents.rst | 7 +
docs/source/pyasn1/codec/native/contents.rst | 7 +
docs/source/pyasn1/contents.rst | 214 ++
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/bmpstring.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/contents.rst | 30 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/generalstring.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/graphicstring.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/ia5string.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/iso646string.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/numericstring.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/printablestring.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/t61string.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/teletexstring.rst | 21 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/universalstring.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/utf8string.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/videotexstring.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/char/visiblestring.rst | 20 +
.../type/constraint/constraintsexclusion.rst | 10 +
.../type/constraint/constraintsintersection.rst | 10 +
.../pyasn1/type/constraint/constraintsunion.rst | 10 +
.../pyasn1/type/constraint/containedsubtype.rst | 10 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/constraint/contents.rst | 67 +
.../pyasn1/type/constraint/permittedalphabet.rst | 10 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/constraint/singlevalue.rst | 10 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/constraint/valuerange.rst | 10 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/constraint/valuesize.rst | 10 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/namedtype/contents.rst | 40 +
.../pyasn1/type/namedtype/defaultednamedtype.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/namedtype/namedtype.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/namedtype/namedtypes.rst | 15 +
.../pyasn1/type/namedtype/optionalnamedtype.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/namedval/contents.rst | 43 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/namedval/namedval.rst | 13 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/opentype/contents.rst | 40 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/opentype/opentype.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/tag/contents.rst | 54 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/tag/tag.rst | 18 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/tag/tagmap.rst | 14 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/tag/tagset.rst | 14 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/any.rst | 22 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/bitstring.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/boolean.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/choice.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/contents.rst | 38 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/enumerated.rst | 18 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/integer.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/null.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/objectidentifier.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/octetstring.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/real.rst | 17 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/sequence.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/sequenceof.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/set.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/univ/setof.rst | 19 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/useful/contents.rst | 15 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/useful/generalizedtime.rst | 37 +
.../source/pyasn1/type/useful/objectdescriptor.rst | 20 +
docs/source/pyasn1/type/useful/utctime.rst | 34 +
pyasn1.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 21 +-
pyasn1.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 153 +-
pyasn1/__init__.py | 3 +-
pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py | 1488 +++++---
pyasn1/codec/ber/encoder.py | 782 +++--
pyasn1/codec/ber/eoo.py | 24 +-
pyasn1/codec/cer/decoder.py | 101 +-
pyasn1/codec/cer/encoder.py | 344 +-
pyasn1/codec/der/decoder.py | 91 +-
pyasn1/codec/der/encoder.py | 115 +-
{test => pyasn1/codec/native}/__init__.py | 0
pyasn1/codec/native/decoder.py | 214 ++
pyasn1/codec/native/encoder.py | 229 ++
pyasn1/compat/binary.py | 31 +-
pyasn1/compat/calling.py | 20 +
pyasn1/compat/dateandtime.py | 22 +
pyasn1/compat/integer.py | 110 +
pyasn1/compat/octets.py | 34 +-
pyasn1/compat/string.py | 26 +
pyasn1/debug.py | 105 +-
pyasn1/error.py | 32 +-
pyasn1/type/base.py | 739 +++-
pyasn1/type/char.py | 331 +-
pyasn1/type/constraint.py | 512 ++-
pyasn1/type/error.py | 10 +-
pyasn1/type/namedtype.py | 628 +++-
pyasn1/type/namedval.py | 225 +-
pyasn1/type/opentype.py | 75 +
pyasn1/type/tag.py | 381 ++-
pyasn1/type/tagmap.py | 148 +-
pyasn1/type/univ.py | 3561 +++++++++++++++-----
pyasn1/type/useful.py | 188 +-
requirements.txt | 0
setup.cfg | 4 +-
setup.py | 104 +-
test/codec/ber/suite.py | 22 -
test/codec/ber/test_decoder.py | 727 ----
test/codec/ber/test_encoder.py | 483 ---
test/codec/cer/suite.py | 22 -
test/codec/cer/test_decoder.py | 41 -
test/codec/cer/test_encoder.py | 176 -
test/codec/der/suite.py | 22 -
test/codec/der/test_decoder.py | 31 -
test/codec/der/test_encoder.py | 51 -
test/codec/suite.py | 29 -
test/suite.py | 26 -
test/type/suite.py | 20 -
test/type/test_namedtype.py | 91 -
test/type/test_namedval.py | 22 -
test/type/test_univ.py | 601 ----
{test/codec => tests}/__init__.py | 0
tests/__main__.py | 22 +
tests/base.py | 23 +
{test/codec/ber => tests/codec}/__init__.py | 0
tests/codec/__main__.py | 22 +
{test/codec/cer => tests/codec/ber}/__init__.py | 0
tests/codec/ber/__main__.py | 20 +
tests/codec/ber/test_decoder.py | 1435 ++++++++
tests/codec/ber/test_encoder.py | 1377 ++++++++
{test/codec/der => tests/codec/cer}/__init__.py | 0
tests/codec/cer/__main__.py | 20 +
tests/codec/cer/test_decoder.py | 71 +
tests/codec/cer/test_encoder.py | 723 ++++
{test/type => tests/codec/der}/__init__.py | 0
tests/codec/der/__main__.py | 20 +
tests/codec/der/test_decoder.py | 79 +
tests/codec/der/test_encoder.py | 409 +++
{test => tests/codec/native}/__init__.py | 0
tests/codec/native/__main__.py | 19 +
tests/codec/native/test_decoder.py | 125 +
tests/codec/native/test_encoder.py | 146 +
{test => tests/compat}/__init__.py | 0
tests/compat/__main__.py | 21 +
tests/compat/test_binary.py | 56 +
tests/compat/test_integer.py | 53 +
tests/compat/test_octets.py | 117 +
tests/test_debug.py | 42 +
{test => tests/type}/__init__.py | 0
tests/type/__main__.py | 26 +
tests/type/test_char.py | 175 +
{test => tests}/type/test_constraint.py | 167 +-
tests/type/test_namedtype.py | 140 +
tests/type/test_namedval.py | 58 +
tests/type/test_opentype.py | 106 +
{test => tests}/type/test_tag.py | 81 +-
tests/type/test_univ.py | 1909 +++++++++++
tests/type/test_useful.py | 143 +
171 files changed, 18931 insertions(+), 9954 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.rst
similarity index 52%
rename from CHANGES.txt
rename to CHANGES.rst
index c5a870d..3c06812 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,274 @@
+Revision 0.4.2, released 23-11-2017
+- Fixed explicit tag splitting in chunked encoding mode at
+ OctetString and BitString encoders
+Revision 0.4.1, released 23-11-2017
+- ANY DEFINED BY clause support implemented
+- Encoders refactored to take either a value (as ASN.1 object)
+ or a Python value plus ASN.1 schema
+- BitString decoder optimised for better performance when running on
+ constructed encoding
+- Constructed types' .getComponentBy*() methods accept the `default`
+ parameter to return instead if schema object is to be returned
+- Constructed types' .getComponentBy*() methods accept the `instantiate`
+ parameter to disable automatic inner component instantiation
+- The ASN.1 types' `__repr__` implementation reworked for better readability
+ at the cost of not being `eval`-compliant
+- Most ASN.1 types' `__str__` magic methods (except for OctetString and
+ character types) reworked to call `.prettyPrint()` rather than
+ `.prettyPrint` calling `__str__` as it was before. The intention is
+ to eventually deprecate `.prettyPrint()` in favor of `str()`.
+ The other related change is that `str()` of enumerations and boolean
+ types will return string label instead of number.
+- Fixed Choice.clear() to fully reset internal state of the object
+- Sphinx documentation rearranged, simplified and reworded
+- The `isValue` singleton is now the only way to indicate ASN.1 schema
+ as opposed to ASN.1 schema instance. The legacy `None` initializer
+ support has been removed.
+- Changed `Null` object initialization behaviour: previous default
+ value (`''`) is not set anymore. Thus `Null()` call produces a
+ ASN.1 schema object, while `Null('')` - value object.
+- Migrated all docs and references from SourceForge
+- Imports PEP8'ed
+- Fixed ASN.1 encoder not to omit empty substrate produced for inner
+ component if the inner component belongs to the simple class (as
+ opposed to constructed class)
+- Fixed CER/DER encoders to respect tagged CHOICE when ordering
+ SET components
+- Fixed ASN.1 types not to interfere with the Pickle protocol
+- Fixed Sequence/SequenceOf types decoding heuristics in schema-less
+ decoding mode
+Revision 0.3.7, released 04-10-2017
+- Fixed ASN.1 time types pickling/deepcopy'ing
+Revision 0.3.6, released 21-09-2017
+- End-of-octets encoding optimized at ASN.1 encoders
+- The __getitem__/__setitem__ behavior of Set/Sequence and SetOf/SequenceOf
+ objects aligned with the canonical Mapping and Sequence protocols in part
+- Fixed crash in ASN.1 encoder when encoding an explicitly tagged
+ component of a Sequence
+Revision 0.3.5, released 16-09-2017
+- Codecs signatures unified and pass the options kwargs through the
+ call chain
+- Explicit tag encoding optimized to avoid unnecessary copying
+- End-of-octets sentinel encoding optimized
+- Refactored ASN.1 codecs properties to silently enforce proper
+ length and chunk size encoding modes
+- Fixed DER encoder to always produce primitive encoding
+- Fixed crash at SequenceOf native decoder
+- Fixed Real.prettyPrint() to fail gracefully on overflow
+- Fixed a couple of crashes when debug mode is enabled
+Revision 0.3.4, released 07-09-2017
+- Fixed Native encoder to handle SEQUENCE/SET objects without
+ the componentType property
+- Added missing component-less SEQUENCE/SET objects dict duck-typing support
+- Fixed unnecessary duplicate tags detection at NamesType.tagMap
+- Fixed crash at SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE OF CER encoder when running
+ in schemaless mode
+- Fixed Character types instantiation from OctetString type -- double
+ unicode decoding may have scrambled the data
+Revision 0.3.3, released 27-08-2017
+- Improved ASN.1 types instantiation performance
+- Improved BER/CER/DER decoder performance by not unconditionally casting
+ substrate into str/bytes.
+- Fixed exponential index size growth bug when building ambiguous
+ NamedTypes tree
+- Fixed constructed types decoding failure at BER codec if running
+ in schema-less mode
+- Fixed crash on prettyPrint'ing a SEQUENCE with no defined components
+- Fixed SetOf ordering at CER/DER encoder
+- Fixed crash on conditional binascii module import
+- Fix to TagSet hash value build
+Revision 0.3.2, released 04-08-2017
+- Fixed SequenceOf/SetOf types initialization syntax to remain
+ backward compatible with pyasn1 0.2.*
+- Rectified thread safety issues by moving lazy, run-time computation
+ into object initializer.
+- Fixed .isValue property to return True for empty SetOf/SequenceOf
+ objects
+- Fixed GeneralizedTime/UTCTime CER/DER codecs to actually get invoked
+- Fixed DER/CER encoders handling optional SEQUENCE/SET fields containing
+ nested SEQUENCE/SET with optional fields.
+- Fixed crash in SequenceOf/SetOf pretty printing and decoding (in some
+ cases)
+- Fixed documentation markup issues.
+Revision 0.3.1, released 26-07-2017
+- ASN.1 types __init__(), .clone() and .subtype() signatures
+ refactored into keyword arguments to simplify their signatures.
+- ASN.1 types initialization refactored to minimize the use of
+ relatively expensive isNoValue() call
+- Lazily pre-populate list of values of Sequence/Set/Choice types
+- NamedTypes comparison made more efficient
+- More efficient constraints computation and code clean up
+- The __getitem__() implementation of some ASN.1 types & tag object
+ refactored for better performance
+- BER/CER/DER value encoders refactored to produce either tuple of
+ bytes or octet-stream depending on what is more optimal
+- Reduced the frequency of expensive isinstance() calls
+- Tag-related classes optimized, refactored into properties and
+ documented.
+- The NamedValues implementation refactored to mimic Python dict, its use
+ in ASN.1 types refactored into properties and better documented.
+ WARNING: this change introduces a deviation from original API.
+- NamedType family of classes overhauled, optimized and documented.
+- The `componentType` attribute of constructed ASN.1 types turned
+ read-only on instances.
+- Sequence/Set DER/CER/DER decoder optimized to skip the case of
+ reordered components handling when not necessary.
+- Tags and constraints-related getter methods refactored into read-only
+ instance attributes.
+- The .hasValue() method refactored into .isValue property. All ASN.1
+ objects now support them, not just scalars.
+- The Real.{isInfinity, isPlusInfinity, isMinusInfinity} methods
+ refactored into properties and renamed into IsInf, IsPlusInf and isMinusInf
+- The end-of-octets type refactored to ensure it is a singleton. Codecs
+ changed to rely on that for better performance.
+- Codecs lookup made more efficient at BER/CER/DER decoder main loop by
+ assigning `typeId` to every ASN.1 type, not just ambiguous ones.
+- The .getComponent*() methods of constructed ASN.1 types changed
+ to lazily instantiate underlying type rather than return `None`.
+ This should simplify its API as initialization like `X[0][1] = 2` becomes
+ possible.
+ WARNING: this change introduces a deviation from the original API.
+- The .setComponent*() methods of SetOf/SequenceOf types changed not
+ to allow uninitialized "holes" inside the sequences of their components.
+ They now behave similarly to Python lists.
+ WARNING: this change introduces a deviation from the original API.
+- Default and optional components en/decoding of Constructed type
+ refactored towards better efficiency and more control.
+- OctetsString and Any decoder optimized to avoid creating ASN.1
+ objects for chunks of substrate. Instead they now join substrate
+ chunks together and create ASN.1 object from it just once.
+- The GeneralizedTime and UTCTime types now support to/from Python
+ datetime object conversion.
+- Unit tests added for the `compat` sub-package.
+- Fixed BitString named bits initialization bug.
+- Fixed non-functional tag cache (when running Python 2) at DER decoder.
+- Fixed chunked encoding restriction on DER encoder.
+- Fixed SET components ordering at DER encoder.
+- Fixed BIT STRING & OCTET STRING encoding to be always non-chunked (e.g.
+ primitive) at DER encoder
+- Fixed `compat.integer.from_bytes()` behaviour on empty input.
+Revision 0.2.3, released 25-02-2017
+- Improved SEQUENCE/SET/CHOICE decoding performance by maintaining a single shared
+ NamedType object for all instances of SEQUENCE/SET object.
+- Improved INTEGER encoding/decoding by switching to Python's built-in
+ integer serialisation functions.
+- Improved BitString performance by rebasing it onto Python int type and leveraging
+ fast Integer serialisation functions.
+- BitString type usability improved in many ways: for example bitshifting and
+ numeric operation on BitString is now possible.
+- Minor ObjectIdentifier type performance optimization.
+- ASN.1 character types refactored to keep unicode contents internally
+ (rather than serialised octet stream) and duck-type it directly.
+- ASN.1 OctetString initialized from a Python object performs bytes()
+ on it when running on Python 3 (used to do str() which is probably
+ less logical).
+- Missing support for NoValue.__sizeof__ added.
+- Added checks to make sure SEQUENCE/SET components being assigned
+ match the prototypes.
+- Setter methods for constructed types consistently accept matchTags
+ and matchConstraints flags to control the strictness of inner
+ components compatibility verification. Previously, these checks
+ were tied to verifyConstraints flag, now they are all independent.
+- General documentation improvements here and there.
+- Fix to __reversed__() magic to make it returning an iterator.
+- Test suite simplified and unified.
+- The __all__ variable added to most of the Python modules.
+- The "test" directory renamed into "tests" not to collide with
+ the "test" module.
+Revision 0.2.2, released 07-02-2017
+- FIX TO A SECURITY WEAKNESS: define length only decoders could have successfully
+ processed indefinite length serialisation.
+- FIX TO A SECURITY WEAKNESS: canonical decoders (CER/DER) may have successfully
+ consumed non-canonical variations of (otherwise valid) serialisation.
+- Broken Enumerated subtyping fixed.
+Revision 0.2.1, released 05-02-2017
+- FIX TO A SECURITY WEAKNESS: BER decoder improperly cached long tags.
+- New "native" codec implemented to transform pyasn1 types to Python built-in types and back.
+- Switched to new-style classes.
+- Sphinx documentation added.
+- BitString improvements:
+ * simple string of binary digits is now supported as initializer
+ * default str() yields string of binary digits (used to yield str(tuple())
+ * binValue and hexValue initializers added
+ * .asNumbers(), .asOctets() and asInteger() representation added
+- Components of constructed ASN.1 types can now be populated with
+ uninitialized ASN.1 objects by assigning either noValue sentinel or
+ setupComponent() function return in addition to now-legacy None sentinel.
+ This should improve code readability.
+- NoValue class improved to become a singleton and catch more kinds
+ of access to it.
+- Compatibility wrappers str2octs() and oct2strs() fixed to run over
+ iso-8859-1 encoding.
+- Integer changed to emit Real instance if division produces a float.
+- True division operation now supported by Integer type.
+- The __contains__(), __reverse__() methods implemented for container types
+- Iterator protocol support implemented for all container types.
+ Warning, warning, warning: this change may potentially affect backward
+ compatibility when:
+ * user class overrides __getitem__() without overriding __iter__()
+ * when user code iterates over SEQUENCE object to get its components (now keys will be yielded)
+- Almost complete Python list and dict protocols added to SequenceOf/SetOf and
+ Sequence/Set respectively
+- Fix to divmod operation implementation in Integer type.
+- Fix to IntegerDecoder's precomputed value map on Python 3.
+- Fix to base ASN.1 types to run in "unicode_literals" mode.
+- Fix to composite constraints "+" operands ordering (AbstractConstraintSet.__radd__)
+- Fix to constraints merge in .subtype() -- on merge existing constraints are
+ expanded to accommodate new constraints, not the other way round. When existing
+ constraints are wrapped in ConstraintsIntersection composite, additional
+ constraints being added on subtyping effectively further narrow the set of
+ allowed values, which aligns well with the notion of subtyping.
+- Fix to NamedTypes methods to handle .getTagMap() returning None
+- Fix to Set/Sequence.setDefaultComponents() to return self
+- Copyright notice added to non-trivial source code files.
+- Author's email changed, copyright extended to 2017
Revision 0.1.9, released 28-09-2015
- Wheel distribution format now supported.
- Extensions added to text files, CVS attic flushed.
-- Fix to make uninitilaized pyasn1 objects failing properly on hash().
+- Fix to make uninitialized pyasn1 objects failing properly on hash().
- Fix to ObjectIdentifier initialization from unicode string.
- Fix to CER/DER Boolean decoder - fail on non single-octet payload.
@@ -14,7 +279,7 @@ Revision 0.1.8, released 22-06-2015
- Explicit limit on ObjectIdentifier arc value size removed.
- Unicode initializer support added to OctetString type and derivatives.
- New prettyPrintType() abstract method implemented to base pyasn1 types
- to facilitate encoding errors analisys.
+ to facilitate encoding errors analysis.
- The __str__() method implemented to Tag, TagSet and TagMap classes to
ease encoding errors troubleshooting.
easing encoding errors
@@ -66,11 +331,12 @@ Revision 0.1.8, released 22-06-2015
- Fix to broken REAL type decoding handling.
- Fix to BitString and OctetString decoders dealing with constructed
encoding -- it used to be possible to embed other types in substrate.
+- DER codec hardened not to tolerate indefinite length encoding/decoding.
- Fix to end-of-octest sentinel handling:
- * require strict two-zeros sentinel encoding
- * recognize EOO sentinel only when explicitly requested by caller
+ + require strict two-zeros sentinel encoding
+ + recognize EOO sentinel only when explicitly requested by caller
of the decoder via allowEoo=True parameter (warning: API change)
-- DER codec hardened not to tolerate indefinite length encoding/decoding.
Revision 0.1.7
@@ -172,14 +438,14 @@ Revision 0.1.1
+ switch to rich comparation
+ drop explicit long integer type use
+ map()/filter() replaced with list comprehension
- + apply() replaced with */**args
+ + apply() replaced with \*/\*\*args
+ switched to use 'key' sort() callback function
+ support both __nonzero__() and __bool__() methods
+ modified not to use py3k-incompatible exception syntax
+ getslice() operator fully replaced with getitem()
+ dictionary operations made 2K/3K compatible
+ base type for encoding substrate and OctetString-based types
- is now 'bytes' when running py3k and 'str' otherwise
+ is now 'bytes' when running py3k and 'str' otherwise
+ OctetString and derivatives now unicode compliant.
+ OctetString now supports two python-neutral getters: asOcts() & asInts()
+ print OctetString content in hex whenever it is not printable otherwise
@@ -198,7 +464,8 @@ Revision 0.0.13b
- Objects of Constructed types now support __setitem__()
- Set/Sequence objects can now be addressed by their field names (string index)
and position (integer index).
-- Typo fix to ber.SetDecoder code that prevented guided decoding operation.
+- Typo fix to ber.SetDecoder code that prevented with schema decoding
+ operation.
- Fix to explicitly tagged items decoding support.
- Fix to OctetString.prettyPrint() to better handle non-printable content.
- Fix to repr() workings of Choice objects.
@@ -216,12 +483,14 @@ Revision 0.0.13a
- Fix to proper behaviour of PermittedAlphabetConstraint object.
- Fix to improper Boolean substrate handling at CER/DER decoders.
- Changes towards performance improvement:
+ all dict.has_key() & dict.get() invocations replaced with modern syntax
(this breaks compatibility with Python 2.1 and older).
+ tag and tagset caches introduced to decoder
+ decoder code improved to prevent unnecessary pyasn1 objects creation
+ allow disabling components verification when setting components to
- structured types, this is used by decoder whilst running in guided mode.
+ structured types, this is used by decoder whilst running with schema
+ mode.
+ BER decoder for integer values now looks up a small set of pre-computed
substrate values to save on decoding.
+ a few pre-computed values configured to ObjectIdentifier BER encoder.
@@ -323,7 +592,7 @@ Revision 0.0.5a
Revision 0.0.4a
-* Asn1ItemBase.prettyPrinter() -> *.prettyPrint()
+* Asn1ItemBase.prettyPrinter() -> \*.prettyPrint()
Revision 0.0.3a
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.rst
similarity index 95%
rename from LICENSE.txt
rename to LICENSE.rst
index 53158c7..02b45c4 100644
--- a/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/LICENSE.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2005-2015, Ilya Etingof <ilya at glas.net>
+Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Ilya Etingof <etingof at gmail.com>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 940c86e..c605b0e 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-include *.txt
-recursive-include test *.py
-recursive-include doc *.html
+include *.rst *.md
+recursive-include tests *.py
+recursive-include docs Makefile *.rst *.svg conf.py
+prune docs/build
+prune docs/source/.templates
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 58794be..3be9753 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: pyasn1
-Version: 0.1.9
+Version: 0.4.2
Summary: ASN.1 types and codecs
-Home-page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyasn1/
-Author: Ilya Etingof <ilya at glas.net>
-Author-email: ilya at glas.net
+Home-page: https://github.com/etingof/pyasn1
+Author: Ilya Etingof <etingof at gmail.com>
+Author-email: etingof at gmail.com
License: BSD
-Description: A pure-Python implementation of ASN.1 types and DER/BER/CER codecs (X.208).
+Description: Pure-Python implementation of ASN.1 types and DER/BER/CER codecs (X.208)
Platform: any
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Topic :: Communications
-Classifier: Topic :: Security :: Cryptography
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
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+ASN.1 library for Python
+This is a free and open source implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs
+as a Python package. It has been first written to support particular
+protocol (SNMP) but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range
+of protocols based on
+[ASN.1 specification](https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin_pub.asp?lang=e&id=T-REC-X.208-198811-W!!PDF-E&type=items).
+* Generic implementation of ASN.1 types (X.208)
+* Standards compliant BER/CER/DER codecs
+* Dumps/loads ASN.1 structures from Python types
+* 100% Python, works with Python 2.4 up to Python 3.6
+* MT-safe
+* Contributed ASN.1 compiler [Asn1ate](https://github.com/kimgr/asn1ate)
+Why using pyasn1
+ASN.1 solves the data serialisation problem. This solution was
+designed long ago by the wise Ancients. Back then, they did not
+have the luxury of wasting bits. That is why ASN.1 is designed
+to serialise data structures of unbounded complexity into
+something compact and efficient when it comes to processing
+the data.
+That probably explains why many network protocols and file formats
+still rely on the 30+ years old technology. Including a number of
+high-profile Internet protocols and file formats.
+Quite a number of books cover the topic of ASN.1.
+[Communication between heterogeneous systems](http://www.oss.com/asn1/dubuisson.html)
+by Olivier Dubuisson is one of those high quality books freely
+available on the Internet.
+The pyasn1 package is designed to help Python programmers tackling
+network protocols and file formats at the comfort of their Python
+prompt. The tool struggles to capture all aspects of a rather
+complicated ASN.1 system and to represent it on the Python terms.
+How to use pyasn1
+With pyasn1 you can build Python objects from ASN.1 data structures.
+For example, the following ASN.1 data structure:
+Record ::= SEQUENCE {
+ house [1] INTEGER DEFAULT 0
+Could be expressed in pyasn1 like this:
+class Record(Sequence):
+ componentType = NamedTypes(
+ NamedType('id', Integer()),
+ OptionalNamedType(
+ 'room', Integer().subtype(
+ implicitTag=Tag(tagClassContext, tagFormatSimple, 0)
+ )
+ ),
+ DefaultedNamedType(
+ 'house', Integer(0).subtype(
+ implicitTag=Tag(tagClassContext, tagFormatSimple, 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+It is in the spirit of ASN.1 to take abstract data description
+and turn it into a programming language specific form.
+Once you have your ASN.1 data structure expressed in Python, you
+can use it along the lines of similar Python type (e.g. ASN.1
+`SET` is similar to Python `dict`, `SET OF` to `list`):
+>>> record = Record()
+>>> record['id'] = 123
+>>> record['room'] = 321
+>>> str(record)
+ id=123
+ room=321
+Part of the power of ASN.1 comes from its serialisation features. You
+can serialise your data structure and send it over the network.
+>>> from pyasn1.codec.der.encoder import encode
+>>> substrate = encode(record)
+>>> hexdump(substrate)
+00000: 30 07 02 01 7B 80 02 01 41
+Conversely, you can turn serialised ASN.1 content, as received from
+network or read from a file, into a Python object which you can
+introspect, modify, encode and send back.
+>>> from pyasn1.codec.der.decoder import decode
+>>> received_record, rest_of_substrate = decode(substrate, asn1Spec=Record())
+>>> for field in received_record:
+>>> print('{} is {}'.format(field, received_record[field]))
+id is 123
+room is 321
+house is 0
+>>> record == received_record
+>>> received_record.update(room=123)
+>>> substrate = encode(received_record)
+>>> hexdump(substrate)
+00000: 30 06 02 01 7B 80 01 7B
+The pyasn1 classes struggle to emulate their Python prototypes (e.g. int,
+list, dict etc.). But ASN.1 types exhibit more complicated behaviour.
+To make life easier for a Pythonista, they can turn their pyasn1
+classes into Python built-ins:
+>>> from pyasn1.codec.native.encoder import encode
+>>> encode(record)
+{'id': 123, 'room': 321, 'house': 0}
+Or vice-versa -- you can initialize an ASN.1 structure from a tree of
+Python objects:
+>>> from pyasn1.codec.native.decoder import decode
+>>> record = decode({'id': 123, 'room': 321, 'house': 0}, asn1Spec=Record())
+>>> str(record)
+ id=123
+ room=321
+With ASN.1 design, serialisation codecs are decoupled from data objects,
+so you could turn every single ASN.1 object into many different
+serialised forms. As of this moment, pyasn1 supports BER, DER, CER and
+Python built-ins codecs. The extremely compact PER encoding is expected
+to be introduced in the upcoming pyasn1 release.
+More information on pyasn1 APIs can be found in the
+compiled ASN.1 modules for different protocols and file formats
+could be found in the pyasn1-modules
+How to get pyasn1
+The pyasn1 package is distributed under terms and conditions of 2-clause
+BSD [license](http://snmplabs.com/pyasn1/license.html). Source code is freely
+available as a GitHub [repo](https://github.com/etingof/pyasn1).
+You could `pip install pyasn1` or download it from [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyasn1).
+If something does not work as expected,
+[open an issue](https://github.com/etingof/pyasn1/issues) at GitHub or
+post your question [on Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask)
+or try browsing pyasn1
+[mailing list archives](https://sourceforge.net/p/pyasn1/mailman/pyasn1-users/).
+Copyright (c) 2005-2017, [Ilya Etingof](mailto:etingof at gmail.com).
+All rights reserved.
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-ASN.1 library for Python
-This is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming
-language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP)
-but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols
-based on ASN.1 specification.
-* Generic implementation of ASN.1 types (X.208)
-* Fully standard compliant BER/CER/DER codecs
-* 100% Python, works with Python 2.4 up to Python 3.4
-* MT-safe
-* No ASN.1 compiler (by-hand ASN.1 spec compilation into Python code required)
-* Codecs are not restartable
-The pyasn1 package uses setuptools/distutils for installation. Thus do
-$ easy_install pyasn1
-$ tar zxf pyasn1-0.1.8.tar.gz
-$ cd pyasn1-0.1.8
-$ python setup.py install
-$ python setup.py test # run unit tests (optional)
-Perhaps a typical use would involve [by-hand] compilation of your ASN.1
-specification into pyasn1-backed Python code at your application.
-For more information on pyasn1 APIs, please, refer to the
-doc/pyasn1-tutorial.html file in the distribution.
-Also refer to example modules. Take a look at pyasn1-modules package -- maybe
-it already holds something useful to you.
-The pyasn1 package is distributed under terms and conditions of BSD-style
-license. See LICENSE file in the distribution. Source code is freely
-available from:
-Please, send your comments and fixes to mailing lists at project web site.
-mailto: ilya at glas.net
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-Denis S. Otkidach
-Gregory Golberg
-Bud P. Bruegger
-Jacek Konieczny
-Tanya Tereschenko
-Matěj Cepl
-Alex Gaynor
-Geoffrey Thomas
-Daniel Bratell
-Kim Gräsman
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+Things to be done
+Big things to tackle, anyone interested is welcome to fork pyasn1, work on
+it and come up with a PR!
+New codecs
+* PER
+* OER
+* XER
+* JSON (alinged with existing experimental schemas)
+Lazy codecs
+Implement a thin layer over base types to cache pieces
+of substrate being decoded till the very moment of ASN.1
+object access in the parse tree.
+Codecs generator interface
+For indefinite length or chunked encoding mode, make codecs
+iterable producing/consuming substrate/objects.
+ASN.1 schema compiler
+Ideally, the compiler should parse modern schema files and be
+designed to emit code for arbitrary languages (including SQL).
+Base types
+Implement X.680 constructs, including information schema.
+Add examples, including advanced/obscure use cases.
+Document more API, add notes and example snippets.
+More fresh modules
+Compile and ship more Pythonized ASN.1 modules for
+various ASN.1-based protocols (e.g. Kerberos etc).
+Refresh outdated modules in pyasn1-packages.
+Minor, housekeeping things
+* more PEP8'ing at places
+* consider simplifying repr(), otherwise it tend to be too hard to grasp
+* Specialize ASN.1 character and useful types
+* ber.decoder:
+ * suspend codec on underrun error ?
+ * present subtypes ?
+ * component presence check wont work at innertypeconst
+ * type vs value, defaultValue
+* ber.encoder:
+ * Asn1Item.clone() / shallowcopy issue
+ * large length encoder?
+ * lookup type by tag first to allow custom codecs for non-base types
+* type.useful:
+ * may need to implement prettyIn/Out
+* type.char:
+ * may need to implement constraints
+* type.namedtypes
+ * type vs tagset name convention
+* how untagged TagSet should be initialized?
+* type and codecs for Real needs refactoring
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-* Specialize ASN.1 character and useful types
-* Come up with simpler API for deeply nested constructed objects
- addressing
-* suspend codec on underrun error ?
-* class-static components map (in simple type classes)
... 30817 lines suppressed ...
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