[Python-modules-commits] [pytest-qt] 01/03: New upstream version 2.1.0
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 9 16:45:44 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pytest-qt.
commit 65169a9946547981e35acfcc4548c278cd455515
Author: Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Feb 8 15:03:02 2017 +0000
New upstream version 2.1.0
.gitattributes | 1 +
.gitignore | 18 +
.project | 17 +
.pydevproject | 8 +
.travis.yml | 59 ++
CHANGELOG.rst | 412 ++++++++++++
LICENSE | 21 +
Manifest.in | 3 +
PKG-INFO | 195 ++++++
README.rst | 171 +++++
appveyor.yml | 27 +
docs/.gitignore | 1 +
docs/Makefile | 153 +++++
docs/_static/find_files_dialog.png | Bin 0 -> 31437 bytes
docs/app_exit.rst | 35 +
docs/changelog.rst | 7 +
docs/conf.py | 242 +++++++
docs/index.rst | 32 +
docs/intro.rst | 97 +++
docs/logging.rst | 244 +++++++
docs/make.bat | 190 ++++++
docs/modeltester.rst | 55 ++
docs/note_pyqt4v2.rst | 25 +
docs/reference.rst | 34 +
docs/signals.rst | 232 +++++++
docs/tutorial.rst | 69 ++
docs/virtual_methods.rst | 75 +++
docs/wait_until.rst | 72 +++
pytest_qt.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 195 ++++++
pytest_qt.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 56 ++
pytest_qt.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 +
pytest_qt.egg-info/entry_points.txt | 3 +
pytest_qt.egg-info/requires.txt | 5 +
pytest_qt.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 +
pytestqt/__init__.py | 3 +
pytestqt/_version.py | 4 +
pytestqt/exceptions.py | 101 +++
pytestqt/logging.py | 292 +++++++++
pytestqt/modeltest.py | 683 ++++++++++++++++++++
pytestqt/plugin.py | 186 ++++++
pytestqt/qt_compat.py | 194 ++++++
pytestqt/qtbot.py | 633 ++++++++++++++++++
pytestqt/wait_signal.py | 574 +++++++++++++++++
requirements.txt | 1 +
scripts/install-qt.py | 88 +++
scripts/link_pyqt.py | 221 +++++++
setup.cfg | 8 +
setup.py | 62 ++
tests/conftest.py | 87 +++
tests/test_basics.py | 360 +++++++++++
tests/test_exceptions.py | 316 +++++++++
tests/test_logging.py | 520 +++++++++++++++
tests/test_modeltest.py | 272 ++++++++
tests/test_qtest_proxies.py | 32 +
tests/test_wait_signal.py | 1066 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/test_wait_until.py | 65 ++
tox.ini | 35 +
57 files changed, 8559 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a14c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+CHANGELOG.md merge=union
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d76704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# auto-generated by setuptools_scm
diff --git a/.project b/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9fb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+ <comment></comment>
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+ <name>org.python.pydev.PyDevBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
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+ <natures>
+ <nature>org.python.pydev.pythonNature</nature>
+ </natures>
diff --git a/.pydevproject b/.pydevproject
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a946dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pydevproject
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
+<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.7</pydev_property>
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..febef69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+language: python
+sudo: required
+dist: trusty
+ - "2.7"
+ - "3.4"
+ system_site_packages: true
+ exclude:
+ - env: PYTEST_QT_API=pyqt5
+ python: "2.7"
+ - PYTEST_QT_API=pyqt4
+ - PYTEST_QT_API=pyqt4v2
+ - PYTEST_QT_API=pyside
+ - PYTEST_QT_API=pyqt5
+ - sudo apt-get update
+ # Xvfb
+ - sudo apt-get install -y xvfb
+ # Qt
+ - python scripts/install-qt.py
+ # PyTest
+ - pip install -U pytest
+ # Tox
+ - pip install -U tox
+ # others
+ - pip install coveralls --use-wheel
+ - python setup.py develop
+ # change screen size and depth in attempt to fix waitActive test (#160)
+ - catchsegv xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 640x480x24" coverage run --source=pytestqt setup.py test
+ - tox -e lint
+ - coveralls
+ provider: pypi
+ user: nicoddemus
+ password:
+ secure: Uj4XhkIUGE8CkE9mbP4y2wrp1s+jODkEi+wXCL1ZDhcCxxs3gjEOtAlqIXS/4PMLZcxeV2rXNGzGJ6n+i6Ruj2T1wfar7hmy2faaur6tcUDhEpXLkAl6DAKlMiZbEyT4C7OpunBoYmw8Gh/3kaDeGgz4FxEiJakAqzEmmeyFvFY=
+ on:
+ tags: true
+ distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
+ repo: pytest-dev/pytest-qt
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc9cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+- ``waitSignal`` and ``waitSignals`` now provide much more detailed messages
+ when expected signals are not emitted. Many thanks to `@MShekow`_ for the PR
+ (`#153`_).
+- ``qtbot`` fixture now can capture Qt virtual method exceptions in a block using
+ ``captureExceptions`` (`#154`_). Thanks to `@fogo`_ for the PR.
+- New `qtbot.waitActive`_ and `qtbot.waitExposed`_ methods for PyQt5.
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the request (`#158`_).
+- ``SignalTimeoutError`` has been renamed to ``TimeoutError``. ``SignalTimeoutError`` is kept as
+ a backward compatibility alias.
+.. _qtbot.waitActive: http://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#pytestqt.qtbot.QtBot.waitActive
+.. _qtbot.waitExposed: http://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#pytestqt.qtbot.QtBot.waitExposed
+.. _#153: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/153
+.. _#154: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/154
+.. _#158: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/158
+Breaking Changes
+With ``pytest-qt`` 2.0, we changed some defaults to values we think are much
+better, however this required some backwards-incompatible changes:
+- ``pytest-qt`` now defaults to using ``PyQt5`` if ``PYTEST_QT_API`` is not set.
+ Before, it preferred ``PySide`` which is using the discontinued Qt4.
+- Python 3 versions prior to 3.4 are no longer supported.
+- The ``@pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore`` mark now defaults to ``extend=True``, i.e.
+ extends the patterns defined in the config file rather than overriding them.
+ You can pass ``extend=False`` to get the old behaviour of overriding the
+ patterns.
+- ``qtbot.waitSignal`` now defaults to ``raising=True`` and raises an exception
+ on timeouts. You can set ``qt_wait_signal_raising = false`` in your config to
+ get back the old behaviour.
+- ``PYTEST_QT_FORCE_PYQT`` environment variable is no longer supported. Set ``PYTEST_QT_API``
+ to the appropriate value instead or the new ``qt_api`` configuration option in your
+ ``pytest.ini`` file.
+New Features
+* From this version onward, ``pytest-qt`` is licensed under the MIT license (`#134`_).
+* New ``qtmodeltester`` fixture to test ``QAbstractItemModel`` subclasses.
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the initiative and port of the original C++ code
+ for ModelTester (`#63`_).
+* New ``qtbot.waitUntil`` method, which continuously calls a callback until a condition
+ is met or a timeout is reached. Useful for testing asynchronous features
+ (like in X window environments for example).
+* ``waitSignal`` and ``waitSignals`` can receive an optional callback (or list of callbacks)
+ that can evaluate if the arguments of emitted signals should resume execution or not.
+ Additionally ``waitSignals`` has a new ``order`` parameter that allows to expect signals
+ and their arguments in a strict, semi-strict or no specific order.
+ Thanks `@MShekow`_ for the PR (`#141`_).
+* Now which Qt binding ``pytest-qt`` will use can be configured by the ``qt_api`` config option.
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the request (`#129`_).
+* While ``pytestqt.qt_compat`` is an internal module and shouldn't be imported directly,
+ it is known that some test suites did import it. This module now uses a lazy-load mechanism
+ to load Qt classes and objects, so the old symbols (``QtCore``, ``QApplication``, etc.) are
+ no longer available from it.
+.. _#134: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/134
+.. _#141: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/pull/141
+.. _#63: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/pull/63
+.. _#129: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/129
+Other Changes
+- Exceptions caught by ``pytest-qt`` in ``sys.excepthook`` are now also printed
+ to ``stderr``, making debugging them easier from within an IDE.
+ Thanks `@fabioz`_ for the PR (`126`_)!
+.. _126: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/pull/126
+.. note::
+ The default value for ``raising`` is planned to change to ``True`` starting in
+ pytest-qt version ``1.12``. Users wishing to preserve
+ the current behavior (``raising`` is ``False`` by default) should make
+ use of the new ``qt_wait_signal_raising`` ini option below.
+- New ``qt_wait_signal_raising`` ini option can be used to override the default
+ value of the ``raising`` parameter of the ``qtbot.waitSignal`` and
+ ``qtbot.waitSignals`` functions when omitted:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [pytest]
+ qt_wait_signal_raising = true
+ Calls which explicitly pass the ``raising`` parameter are not affected.
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for idea and initial work on a PR (`120`_).
+- ``qtbot`` now has a new ``assertNotEmitted`` context manager which can be
+ used to ensure the given signal is not emitted (`92`_).
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR!
+.. _92: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/92
+.. _120: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/120
+- ``SignalBlocker`` now has a ``args`` attribute with the arguments of the
+ signal that triggered it, or ``None`` on a time out (`115`_).
+ Thanks `@billyshambrook`_ for the request and `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
+- ``MultiSignalBlocker`` is now properly disconnects from signals upon exit.
+.. _115: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/115
+- Exception capturing now happens as early/late as possible in order to catch
+ all possible exceptions (including fixtures)(`105`_). Thanks
+ `@The-Compiler`_ for the request.
+- Widgets registered by ``qtbot.addWidget`` are now closed before all other
+ fixtures are tear down (`106`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for request.
+- ``qtbot`` now has a new ``wait`` method which does a blocking wait while the
+ event loop continues to run, similar to ``QTest::qWait``. Thanks
+ `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR (closes `107`_)!
+- raise ``RuntimeError`` instead of ``ImportError`` when failing to import
+ any Qt binding: raising the latter causes `pluggy` in `pytest-2.8` to
+ generate a subtle warning instead of a full blown error.
+ Thanks `@Sheeo`_ for bringing this problem to attention (closes `109`_).
+.. _105: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/105
+.. _106: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/106
+.. _107: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/107
+.. _109: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/109
+- ``pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore`` now supports an ``extend`` parameter that will extend
+ the list of regexes used to ignore Qt messages (defaults to False).
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR (`99`_).
+- Fixed internal error when interacting with other plugins that raise an error,
+ hiding the original exception (`98`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR!
+- Now ``pytest-qt`` is properly tested with PyQt5 on Travis-CI. Many thanks
+ to `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR!
+.. _99: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/99
+.. _98: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/98
+- ``PYTEST_QT_API`` can now be set to ``pyqt4v2`` in order to use version 2 of the
+ PyQt4 API. Thanks `@montefra`_ for the PR (`93`_)!
+.. _93: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/93
+- Reduced verbosity when exceptions are captured in virtual methods
+ (`77`_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_).
+- ``pytestqt.plugin`` has been split in several files (`74`_) and tests have been
+ moved out of the ``pytestqt`` package. This should not affect users, but it
+ is worth mentioning nonetheless.
+- ``QApplication.processEvents()`` is now called before and after other fixtures
+ and teardown hooks, to better try to avoid non-processed events from leaking
+ from one test to the next. (67_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_).
+- Show Qt/PyQt/PySide versions in pytest header (68_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_!).
+- Disconnect SignalBlocker functions after its loop exits to ensure second
+ emissions that call the internal functions on the now-garbage-collected
+ SignalBlocker instance (#69, thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR).
+.. _77: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/77
+.. _74: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/74
+.. _67: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/67
+.. _68: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/68
+- Exceptions are now captured also during test tear down, as delayed events will
+ get processed then and might raise exceptions in virtual methods;
+ this is specially problematic in ``PyQt5.5``, which
+ `changed the behavior <http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/incompatibilities.html#pyqt-v5-5>`_
+ to call ``abort`` by default, which will crash the interpreter.
+ (65_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_).
+.. _65: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/65
+- Fixed log line number in messages, and provide better contextual information
+ in Qt5 (55_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_);
+- Fixed issue where exceptions inside a ``waitSignals`` or ``waitSignal``
+ with-statement block would be swallowed and a ``SignalTimeoutError`` would be
+ raised instead. (59_, thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for bringing up the issue and
+ providing a test case);
+- Fixed issue where the first usage of ``qapp`` fixture would return ``None``.
+ Thanks to `@gqmelo`_ for noticing and providing a PR;
+- New ``qtlog`` now sports a context manager method, ``disabled`` (58_).
+ Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the idea and testing;
+.. _55: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/55
+.. _58: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/58
+.. _59: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/59
+- Messages sent by ``qDebug``, ``qWarning``, ``qCritical`` are captured and displayed
+ when tests fail, similar to `pytest-catchlog`_. Also, tests
+ can be configured to automatically fail if an unexpected message is generated.
+- New method ``waitSignals``: will block untill **all** signals given are
+ triggered (thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for idea and complete PR).
+- New parameter ``raising`` to ``waitSignals`` and ``waitSignals``: when ``True``
+ will raise a ``qtbot.SignalTimeoutError`` exception when
+ timeout is reached (defaults to ``False``).
+ (thanks again to `@The-Compiler`_ for idea and complete PR).
+- ``pytest-qt`` now requires ``pytest`` version >= 2.7.
+.. _pytest-catchlog: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-catchlog
+Internal changes to improve memory management
+- ``QApplication.exit()`` is no longer called at the end of the test session
+ and the ``QApplication`` instance is not garbage collected anymore;
+- ``QtBot`` no longer receives a QApplication as a parameter in the
+ constructor, always referencing ``QApplication.instance()`` now; this avoids
+ keeping an extra reference in the ``qtbot`` instances.
+- ``deleteLater`` is called on widgets added in ``QtBot.addWidget`` at the end
+ of each test;
+- ``QApplication.processEvents()`` is called at the end of each test to
+ make sure widgets are cleaned up;
+- pytest-qt now supports `PyQt5`_!
+ Which Qt api will be used is still detected automatically, but you can choose
+ one using the ``PYTEST_QT_API`` environment variable
+ (the old ``PYTEST_QT_FORCE_PYQT`` is still supported for backward compatibility).
+ Many thanks to `@jdreaver`_ for helping to test this release!
+.. _PyQt5: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/introduction.html
+- Now the module ````qt_compat```` no longer sets ``QString`` and ``QVariant`` APIs to
+ ``2`` for PyQt, making it compatible for those still using version ``1`` of the
+ API.
+- Now it is possible to disable automatic exception capture by using markers or
+ a ``pytest.ini`` option. Consult the documentation for more information.
+ (`26`_, thanks `@datalyze-solutions`_ for bringing this up).
+- ``QApplication`` instance is created only if it wasn't created yet
+ (`21`_, thanks `@fabioz`_!)
+- ``addWidget`` now keeps a weak reference its widgets (`20`_, thanks `@fabioz`_)
+.. _26: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/26
+.. _21: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/21
+.. _20: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/20
+- Fixed 16_: a signal emitted immediately inside a ``waitSignal`` block now
+ works as expected (thanks `@baudren`_).
+.. _16: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/16
+This version include the new ``waitSignal`` function, which makes it easy
+to write tests for long running computations that happen in other threads
+or processes:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def test_long_computation(qtbot):
+ app = Application()
+ # Watch for the app.worker.finished signal, then start the worker.
+ with qtbot.waitSignal(app.worker.finished, timeout=10000) as blocker:
+ blocker.connect(app.worker.failed) # Can add other signals to blocker
+ app.worker.start()
+ # Test will wait here until either signal is emitted, or 10 seconds has elapsed
+ assert blocker.signal_triggered # Assuming the work took less than 10 seconds
+ assert_application_results(app)
+Many thanks to `@jdreaver`_ for discussion and complete PR! (`12`_, `13`_)
+.. _12: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/12
+.. _13: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/13
+- Added ``stop`` as an alias for ``stopForInteraction`` (`10`_, thanks `@itghisi`_)
+- Now exceptions raised in virtual methods make tests fail, instead of silently
+ passing (`11`_). If an exception is raised, the test will fail and it exceptions
+ that happened inside virtual calls will be printed as such::
+ E Failed: Qt exceptions in virtual methods:
+ E ________________________________________________________________________________
+ E File "x:\pytest-qt\pytestqt\_tests\test_exceptions.py", line 14, in event
+ E raise ValueError('mistakes were made')
+ E
+ E ValueError: mistakes were made
+ E ________________________________________________________________________________
+ E File "x:\pytest-qt\pytestqt\_tests\test_exceptions.py", line 14, in event
+ E raise ValueError('mistakes were made')
+ E
+ E ValueError: mistakes were made
+ E ________________________________________________________________________________
+ Thanks to `@jdreaver`_ for request and sample code!
+- Fixed documentation for ``QtBot``: it was not being rendered in the
+ docs due to an import error.
+.. _10: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/10
+.. _11: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/11
+Python 3 support.
+Minor documentation fixes.
+Small bug fix release.
+First working version.
+.. _ at baudren: https://github.com/baudren
+.. _ at billyshambrook: https://github.com/billyshambrook
+.. _ at datalyze-solutions: https://github.com/datalyze-solutions
+.. _ at fabioz: https://github.com/fabioz
+.. _ at fogo: https://github.com/fogo
+.. _ at gqmelo: https://github.com/gqmelo
+.. _ at itghisi: https://github.com/itghisi
+.. _ at jdreaver: https://github.com/jdreaver
+.. _ at montefra: https://github.com/montefra
+.. _ at MShekow: https://github.com/MShekow
+.. _ at Sheeo: https://github.com/Sheeo
+.. _ at The-Compiler: https://github.com/The-Compiler
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368cf99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bruno Oliveira and others
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Manifest.in b/Manifest.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078d55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manifest.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include LICENSE
+include README.rst
+include tox.ini
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349d0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: pytest-qt
+Version: 2.1.0
+Summary: pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications
+Home-page: http://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt
+Author: Bruno Oliveira
+Author-email: nicoddemus at gmail.com
+License: MIT
+Description: =========
+ pytest-qt
+ =========
+ pytest-qt is a `pytest`_ plugin that allows programmers to write tests
+ for `PySide`_ and `PyQt`_ applications.
+ The main usage is to use the `qtbot` fixture, responsible for handling `qApp`
+ creation as needed and provides methods to simulate user interaction,
+ like key presses and mouse clicks:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ def test_hello(qtbot):
+ widget = HelloWidget()
+ qtbot.addWidget(widget)
+ # click in the Greet button and make sure it updates the appropriate label
+ qtbot.mouseClick(widget.button_greet, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)
+ assert widget.greet_label.text() == 'Hello!'
+ .. _PySide: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide
+ .. _PyQt: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt
+ .. _pytest: http://pytest.org
+ This allows you to test and make sure your view layer is behaving the way you expect after each code change.
+ .. |version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt
+ .. |downloads| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt
+ .. |travis| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/master.svg
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/pytest-dev/pytest-qt
+ .. |coverage| image:: http://img.shields.io/coveralls/pytest-dev/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://coveralls.io/r/pytest-dev/pytest-qt
+ .. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pytest-qt/badge/?version=latest
+ :target: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io
+ .. |appveyor| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/master.svg
+ :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/nicoddemus/pytest-qt
+ .. |python| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt/
+ :alt: Supported Python versions
+ |python| |version| |downloads| |travis| |appveyor| |coverage| |docs|
+ Features
+ ========
+ - `qtbot`_ fixture to simulate user interaction with ``Qt`` widgets.
+ - `Automatic capture`_ of ``qDebug``, ``qWarning`` and ``qCritical`` messages;
+ - waitSignal_ and waitSignals_ functions to block test execution until specific
+ signals are emitted.
+ - `Exceptions in virtual methods and slots`_ are automatically captured and
+ fail tests accordingly.
+ .. _qtbot: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#module-pytestqt.qtbot
+ .. _Automatic capture: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/logging.html
+ .. _waitSignal: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/signals.html
+ .. _waitSignals: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/signals.html
+ .. _Exceptions in virtual methods and slots: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/virtual_methods.html
+ Requirements
+ ============
+ Works with either PySide_ or PyQt_ (``PyQt5`` and ``PyQt4``) picking whichever
+ is available on the system, giving preference to the first one installed in
+ this order:
+ - ``PyQt5``
+ - ``PySide``
+ - ``PyQt4``
+ To force a particular API, set the configuration variable ``qt_api`` in your ``pytest.ini`` file to
+ ``pyqt5``, ``pyside``, ``pyqt4`` or ``pyqt4v2``. ``pyqt4v2`` sets the ``PyQt4``
+ API to `version 2`_.
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [pytest]
+ qt_api=pyqt5
+ Alternatively, you can set the ``PYTEST_QT_API`` environment
+ variable to the same values described above (the environment variable wins over the configuration
+ if both are set).
+ .. _version 2: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/incompatible_apis.html
+ Documentation
+ =============
+ Full documentation and tutorial available at `Read the Docs`_.
+ .. _Read The Docs: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io
+ Change Log
+ ==========
+ Please consult the `changelog page`_.
+ .. _changelog page: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html
+ Bugs/Requests
+ =============
+ Please report any issues or feature requests in the `issue tracker`_.
+ .. _issue tracker: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues
+ Contributing
+ ============
+ Contributions are welcome, so feel free to submit a bug or feature
+ request.
+ Pull requests are highly appreciated! If you
+ can, include some tests that exercise the new code or test that a bug has been
+ fixed, and make sure to include yourself in the contributors list. :)
+ Running tests
+ -------------
+ Tests are run using `tox`_. The simplest way to test is with `PySide`_, as it
+ is available on pip and can be installed by ``tox`` automatically::
+ $ tox -e py34-pyside,py27-pyside,docs
+ If you want to test against `PyQt`_, install it into your global python
+ installation and use the ``py27-pyqt4``, ``py34-pyqt4`` or ``py34-pyqt5``
+ testing environments, and ``tox`` will copy the appropriate files into
+ its virtual environments to ensure isolation.
+ Contributors
+ ------------
+ Many thanks to:
+ - Igor T. Ghisi (`@itghisi <https://github.com/itghisi>`_);
+ - John David Reaver (`@jdreaver <https://github.com/jdreaver>`_);
+ - Benjamin Hedrich (`@bh <https://github.com/bh>`_);
+ - Benjamin Audren (`@baudren <https://github.com/baudren>`_);
+ - Fabio Zadrozny (`@fabioz <https://github.com/fabioz>`_);
+ - Datalyze Solutions (`@datalyze-solutions <https://github.com/datalyze-solutions>`_);
+ - Florian Bruhin (`@The-Compiler <https://github.com/The-Compiler>`_);
+ - Guilherme Quentel Melo (`@gqmelo <https://github.com/gqmelo>`_);
+ - Francesco Montesano (`@montefra <https://github.com/montefra>`_);
+ **Powered by**
+ .. |pycharm| image:: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/docs/logo_pycharm.png
+ :target: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm
+ .. |pydev| image:: http://www.pydev.org/images/pydev_banner3.png
+ :target: https://www.pydev.org
+ |pycharm|
+ |pydev|
+ .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io
+Keywords: pytest qt test unittest
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Framework :: Pytest
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4fec66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+pytest-qt is a `pytest`_ plugin that allows programmers to write tests
+for `PySide`_ and `PyQt`_ applications.
+The main usage is to use the `qtbot` fixture, responsible for handling `qApp`
+creation as needed and provides methods to simulate user interaction,
+like key presses and mouse clicks:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def test_hello(qtbot):
+ widget = HelloWidget()
+ qtbot.addWidget(widget)
+ # click in the Greet button and make sure it updates the appropriate label
+ qtbot.mouseClick(widget.button_greet, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)
+ assert widget.greet_label.text() == 'Hello!'
+.. _PySide: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide
+.. _PyQt: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt
+.. _pytest: http://pytest.org
+This allows you to test and make sure your view layer is behaving the way you expect after each code change.
+.. |version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt
+.. |downloads| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt
+.. |travis| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/master.svg
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/pytest-dev/pytest-qt
+.. |coverage| image:: http://img.shields.io/coveralls/pytest-dev/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://coveralls.io/r/pytest-dev/pytest-qt
+.. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pytest-qt/badge/?version=latest
+ :target: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io
+.. |appveyor| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/master.svg
+ :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/nicoddemus/pytest-qt
+.. |python| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pytest-qt.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-qt/
+ :alt: Supported Python versions
+|python| |version| |downloads| |travis| |appveyor| |coverage| |docs|
+- `qtbot`_ fixture to simulate user interaction with ``Qt`` widgets.
+- `Automatic capture`_ of ``qDebug``, ``qWarning`` and ``qCritical`` messages;
+- waitSignal_ and waitSignals_ functions to block test execution until specific
+ signals are emitted.
+- `Exceptions in virtual methods and slots`_ are automatically captured and
+ fail tests accordingly.
+.. _qtbot: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#module-pytestqt.qtbot
+.. _Automatic capture: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/logging.html
+.. _waitSignal: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/signals.html
+.. _waitSignals: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/signals.html
+.. _Exceptions in virtual methods and slots: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/virtual_methods.html
+Works with either PySide_ or PyQt_ (``PyQt5`` and ``PyQt4``) picking whichever
+is available on the system, giving preference to the first one installed in
+this order:
+- ``PyQt5``
+- ``PySide``
+- ``PyQt4``
+To force a particular API, set the configuration variable ``qt_api`` in your ``pytest.ini`` file to
+``pyqt5``, ``pyside``, ``pyqt4`` or ``pyqt4v2``. ``pyqt4v2`` sets the ``PyQt4``
+API to `version 2`_.
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [pytest]
+ qt_api=pyqt5
+Alternatively, you can set the ``PYTEST_QT_API`` environment
+variable to the same values described above (the environment variable wins over the configuration
+if both are set).
+.. _version 2: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/incompatible_apis.html
+Full documentation and tutorial available at `Read the Docs`_.
+.. _Read The Docs: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io
+Change Log
+Please consult the `changelog page`_.
+.. _changelog page: https://pytest-qt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html
+Please report any issues or feature requests in the `issue tracker`_.
+.. _issue tracker: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues
+Contributions are welcome, so feel free to submit a bug or feature
+Pull requests are highly appreciated! If you
+can, include some tests that exercise the new code or test that a bug has been
+fixed, and make sure to include yourself in the contributors list. :)
+Running tests
+Tests are run using `tox`_. The simplest way to test is with `PySide`_, as it
+is available on pip and can be installed by ``tox`` automatically::
+ $ tox -e py34-pyside,py27-pyside,docs
+If you want to test against `PyQt`_, install it into your global python
+installation and use the ``py27-pyqt4``, ``py34-pyqt4`` or ``py34-pyqt5``
+testing environments, and ``tox`` will copy the appropriate files into
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