[Python-modules-commits] [portalocker] 02/04: record new upstream branch created by importing portalocker_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz and merge it

Josué Ortega josue at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 19 21:29:49 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

josue pushed a commit to branch master
in repository portalocker.

commit 915303edd8d74365054be81a44e59ab08e37c1d5
Merge: da144d0 992243e
Author: Josue Ortega <josue at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Feb 19 15:18:15 2017 -0600

    record new upstream branch created by importing portalocker_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz and merge it

 .coveragerc                               |  16 ++
 .gitignore                                |   6 +
 .travis.yml                               |  34 +++
 CHANGELOG.rst                             |  39 +++
 PKG-INFO                                  | 108 --------
 appveyor.yml                              |  16 ++
 debian/.git-dpm                           |  14 +-
 docs/Makefile                             | 153 +++++++++++
 docs/_theme/LICENSE                       |  46 ++++
 docs/_theme/flask_theme_support.py        |  86 ++++++
 docs/_theme/wolph/layout.html             |  16 ++
 docs/_theme/wolph/relations.html          |  19 ++
 docs/_theme/wolph/static/flasky.css_t     | 431 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/_theme/wolph/static/small_flask.css  |  70 +++++
 docs/_theme/wolph/theme.conf              |   7 +
 docs/changelog.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/conf.py                              | 353 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/index.rst                            |  21 ++
 docs/license.rst                          |   4 +
 docs/make.bat                             | 190 +++++++++++++
 docs/portalocker.rst                      |  15 ++
 portalocker.egg-info/PKG-INFO             | 108 --------
 portalocker.egg-info/SOURCES.txt          |  19 --
 portalocker.egg-info/dependency_links.txt |   1 -
 portalocker.egg-info/top_level.txt        |   1 -
 portalocker/__about__.py                  |   2 +-
 portalocker/exceptions.py                 |   4 +
 portalocker/portalocker.py                |  23 +-
 portalocker/utils.py                      |   8 +-
 pytest.ini                                |  25 ++
 setup.cfg                                 |  12 +-
 tests/requirements.txt                    |   7 +
 tests/tests.py                            |   3 +-
 tox.ini                                   |  10 +
 34 files changed, 1608 insertions(+), 266 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
index 6b019a5,0000000..d89b07a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
 +# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- 374bc558dbb3d5829422dafdd20fae5c36f5ed0e
- 374bc558dbb3d5829422dafdd20fae5c36f5ed0e
- 374bc558dbb3d5829422dafdd20fae5c36f5ed0e
- 374bc558dbb3d5829422dafdd20fae5c36f5ed0e
- portalocker_1.0.1.orig.tar.gz
- fe8adcf138c31f379c9ad2ea06bf8b95c38f2d76
- 9244

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/portalocker.git

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