[Python-modules-commits] [python-pygraphviz] branch master updated (48d5bb7 -> 294fe3b)
Sandro Tosi
morph at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 8 20:06:45 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
morph pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-pygraphviz.
from 48d5bb7 releasing package python-pygraphviz version 1.3.1-1
new 182b7ee Import Debian patch 1.3.1-1.1
new eee5591 Acknowledge NMU, thanks!! Closes: #840845
new 6f8380a record new upstream branch created by importing python-pygraphviz_1.4~rc1.orig.tar.gz
new 4df25c6 Import python-pygraphviz_1.4~rc1.orig.tar.gz
new dc1fb23 dont_install_data
new 2083587 merge patched into master
new 8085526 New upstream release candidate
new 7527632 extend packaging copyright years
new 07877e1 add mock to b-d, needed by tests
new d6142ad remove X-P-V fields, no longer needed
new 269f956 compat level 10
new 942909a remove doc/build in clean target, this allows the package to be built twice in a row; Closes: #825922
new f094dbb make tests errors fail the build; Closes: #842539
new 294fe3b releasing package python-pygraphviz version 1.4~rc1-1
The 14 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
PKG-INFO | 5 +-
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/changelog | 26 ++++
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/patches/dont_install_data.patch | 6 +-
debian/rules | 8 +-
doc/source/conf.py | 4 +-
pygraphviz.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 5 +-
pygraphviz.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 1 +
pygraphviz/agraph.py | 33 ++--
pygraphviz/graphviz.i | 29 +++-
pygraphviz/graphviz.py | 269 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
pygraphviz/graphviz_wrap.c | 159 ++++++++++++++++---
pygraphviz/release.py | 5 +-
pygraphviz/tests/test_clear.py | 2 +-
pygraphviz/tests/test_graph.py | 21 ++-
pygraphviz/tests/test_readwrite.py | 27 ++--
pygraphviz/tests/test_setup.py | 51 +++++++
pygraphviz/version.py | 4 +-
setup.py | 10 +-
setup_commands.py | 8 +-
setup_extra.py | 74 ++++++---
tox.ini | 9 +-
25 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 239 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 pygraphviz/tests/test_setup.py
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pygraphviz.git
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