[Python-modules-commits] [sphinx] 01/07: Import sphinx_1.5.2.orig.tar.gz

Dmitry Shachnev mitya57 at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 22 09:17:54 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mitya57 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sphinx.

commit a9046c8dcc41ac1476c357ea8f9a2c049cd09160
Author: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jan 22 12:01:35 2017 +0300

    Import sphinx_1.5.2.orig.tar.gz
 CHANGES                                            |   61 +-
 CHANGES.old                                        | 1249 ++++++
 doc/devguide.rst => CONTRIBUTING.rst               |    3 +
 MANIFEST.in                                        |   11 +-
 Makefile                                           |   17 +-
 PKG-INFO                                           |    2 +-
 README.rst                                         |   43 +-
 Sphinx.egg-info/PKG-INFO                           |    2 +-
 Sphinx.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                        |   26 +-
 Sphinx.egg-info/requires.txt                       |    2 +-
 doc/_templates/index.html                          |   36 +-
 doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html                   |    4 +-
 doc/config.rst                                     |   10 +-
 doc/devguide.rst                                   |  332 +-
 doc/domains.rst                                    |    5 +
 doc/install.rst                                    |    4 +-
 doc/intl.rst                                       |    4 +-
 doc/invocation.rst                                 |    9 +
 doc/latex.rst                                      |   29 +-
 setup.cfg                                          |    4 +-
 setup.py                                           |    2 +-
 sphinx/__init__.py                                 |    6 +-
 sphinx/addnodes.py                                 |    2 +-
 sphinx/apidoc.py                                   |    4 +-
 sphinx/application.py                              |   11 +-
 sphinx/builders/__init__.py                        |    2 +-
 sphinx/builders/changes.py                         |    2 +-
 sphinx/builders/html.py                            |    6 +-
 sphinx/builders/htmlhelp.py                        |   10 +-
 sphinx/builders/latex.py                           |   35 +-
 sphinx/builders/linkcheck.py                       |   11 +-
 sphinx/builders/qthelp.py                          |   16 +-
 sphinx/builders/texinfo.py                         |    4 +-
 sphinx/builders/websupport.py                      |    2 +-
 sphinx/directives/code.py                          |    6 +-
 sphinx/directives/other.py                         |    4 +-
 sphinx/domains/c.py                                |    6 +-
 sphinx/domains/cpp.py                              |   36 +-
 sphinx/domains/javascript.py                       |    2 +-
 sphinx/domains/python.py                           |    2 +-
 sphinx/domains/std.py                              |   10 +-
 sphinx/environment/__init__.py                     |    2 +-
 sphinx/environment/managers/toctree.py             |   16 +-
 sphinx/errors.py                                   |    9 +-
 sphinx/ext/autodoc.py                              |   16 +-
 sphinx/ext/autosummary/__init__.py                 |   13 +-
 sphinx/ext/doctest.py                              |    4 +-
 sphinx/ext/imgmath.py                              |    2 +-
 sphinx/ext/intersphinx.py                          |   22 +-
 sphinx/ext/pngmath.py                              |    2 +-
 sphinx/ext/todo.py                                 |    2 +-
 sphinx/highlighting.py                             |    2 +-
 sphinx/locale/.DS_Store                            |  Bin 8196 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/locale/.tx/config                           |    8 -
 sphinx/locale/__init__.pyc                         |  Bin 9704 -> 9694 bytes
 sphinx/make_mode.py                                |    9 +-
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2-sphinx1.2.pickle         |  Bin 18705 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2-sphinx1.3.pickle         |  Bin 18705 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2-sphinx1.4.pickle         |  Bin 18705 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2-sphinx1.5.pickle         |  Bin 18705 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py2.pickle                   |  Bin 18705 -> 18705 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py3-sphinx1.4.pickle         |  Bin 19963 -> 0 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/Grammar-py3.pickle                   |  Bin 19546 -> 19546 bytes
 sphinx/pycode/__init__.py                          |    2 +-
 sphinx/pycode/nodes.py                             |    4 +-
 sphinx/pycode/pgen2/parse.c                        | 4544 ++++++++++++++++++++
 sphinx/pycode/pgen2/parse.pyx                      |  165 +
 sphinx/quickstart.py                               |    8 +-
 sphinx/roles.py                                    |    4 +-
 sphinx/search/__init__.py                          |    2 +-
 sphinx/texinputs/footnotehyper-sphinx.sty          |    6 +-
 sphinx/texinputs/sphinx.sty                        |  125 +-
 sphinx/transforms/i18n.py                          |    4 +-
 sphinx/util/__init__.py                            |   19 +-
 sphinx/util/console.py                             |    4 +-
 sphinx/util/docutils.py                            |    2 +-
 sphinx/util/fileutil.py                            |    4 +-
 sphinx/util/i18n.py                                |   17 +-
 sphinx/util/inspect.py                             |    7 +
 sphinx/util/jsdump.py                              |    4 +-
 sphinx/util/nodes.py                               |   25 +-
 sphinx/util/osutil.py                              |    4 +-
 sphinx/util/parallel.py                            |    7 +-
 sphinx/util/requests.py                            |    7 +-
 sphinx/util/stemmer.py                             |   16 +-
 sphinx/util/texescape.py                           |   40 +-
 sphinx/websupport/search/__init__.py               |    2 +-
 sphinx/websupport/search/xapiansearch.py           |    6 +-
 sphinx/writers/html.py                             |   62 +-
 sphinx/writers/latex.py                            |   53 +-
 sphinx/writers/manpage.py                          |    2 +-
 sphinx/writers/texinfo.py                          |   12 +-
 sphinx/writers/text.py                             |   12 +-
 test-reqs.txt                                      |   18 +
 tests/conftest.py                                  |  230 +
 tests/coverage.py                                  | 1158 -----
 tests/path.py                                      |   27 +-
 tests/{ => py35}/test_autodoc_py35.py              |   11 +-
 tests/roots/test-add_enumerable_node/conf.py       |    2 +-
 ...{test_enumerable_node.py => enumerable_node.py} |    0
 .../conf.py                                        |    2 +-
 .../{test_source_parser.py => source_parser.py}    |    0
 tests/roots/test-add_source_parser/conf.py         |    2 +-
 .../{test_source_parser.py => source_parser.py}    |    0
 tests/roots/test-autosummary/dummy_module.py       |    2 +-
 tests/roots/test-domain-cpp/any-role.rst           |    4 +
 tests/roots/test-domain-cpp/index.rst              |    7 +-
 tests/roots/test-domain-cpp/roles.rst              |    4 +
 tests/run.py                                       |   21 +-
 tests/test_api_translator.py                       |   37 +-
 tests/test_apidoc.py                               |  192 +-
 tests/test_application.py                          |   35 +-
 tests/test_autodoc.py                              |   68 +-
 tests/test_build.py                                |   83 +-
 tests/test_build_applehelp.py                      |    9 +-
 tests/test_build_gettext.py                        |   56 +-
 tests/test_build_html.py                           | 1524 +++----
 tests/test_build_latex.py                          |  204 +-
 tests/test_build_linkcheck.py                      |    9 +-
 tests/test_build_manpage.py                        |    4 +-
 tests/test_build_texinfo.py                        |    7 +-
 tests/test_catalogs.py                             |   28 +-
 tests/test_config.py                               |  133 +-
 tests/test_correct_year.py                         |   60 +-
 tests/test_directive_code.py                       |   48 +-
 tests/test_directive_only.py                       |    5 +-
 tests/test_docutilsconf.py                         |   19 +-
 tests/test_domain_cpp.py                           |   66 +-
 tests/test_environment.py                          |    8 +-
 tests/test_environment_toctree.py                  |   58 +-
 tests/test_ext_autodoc.py                          |    5 +-
 tests/test_ext_autosectionlabel.py                 |    4 +-
 tests/test_ext_autosummary.py                      |   12 +-
 tests/test_ext_coverage.py                         |    4 +-
 tests/test_ext_doctest.py                          |    5 +-
 tests/test_ext_githubpages.py                      |    4 +-
 tests/test_ext_graphviz.py                         |   39 +-
 tests/test_ext_ifconfig.py                         |    4 +-
 tests/test_ext_inheritance_diagram.py              |   21 +-
 tests/test_ext_intersphinx.py                      |    9 +-
 tests/test_ext_math.py                             |   18 +-
 tests/test_ext_todo.py                             |    7 +-
 tests/test_ext_viewcode.py                         |    6 +-
 tests/test_highlighting.py                         |    3 -
 tests/test_intl.py                                 |  876 ++--
 tests/test_markup.py                               |  264 +-
 tests/test_metadata.py                             |   12 +-
 tests/test_quickstart.py                           |   12 +-
 tests/test_search.py                               |   17 +-
 tests/test_setup_command.py                        |  100 +-
 tests/test_templating.py                           |    6 +-
 tests/test_theming.py                              |   27 +-
 tests/test_toctree.py                              |    6 +-
 tests/test_util_fileutil.py                        |   41 +-
 tests/test_util_i18n.py                            |  153 +-
 tests/test_util_nodes.py                           |  150 +-
 tests/test_versioning.py                           |    4 +-
 tests/test_websupport.py                           |  219 +-
 tests/test_writer_latex.py                         |    5 +-
 tests/util.py                                      |  294 +-
 tox.ini                                            |   52 +
 utils/CHANGES_template                             |   17 +
 utils/bump_version.py                              |  170 +
 utils/check_sources.py                             |   28 +-
 utils/jssplitter_generator.py                      |    4 +-
 utils/regression_test.js                           |  124 -
 utils/reindent.py                                  |   18 +-
 utils/release-checklist                            |   22 +-
 168 files changed, 9809 insertions(+), 4402 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 54a8ae0..4bca0f8 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
+Release 1.5.2 (released Jan 22, 2017)
+Incompatible changes
+* Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above (refs: #3268, #3310)
+Features added
+* #3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref #3210)
+* #3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine ``make`` command
+* Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: #3142)
+* #978: `intersphinx_mapping` also allows a list as a parameter
+* #3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:`parsed-literal` are wrapped like in
+  :rst:dir:`code-block`, inline math and footnotes are fully functional.
+Bugs fixed
+* #3246: xapian search adapter crashes
+* #3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned
+  toctree produces ``None`` captions
+* #185: References to section title including raw node has broken
+* #3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn't support documentation for
+  attributes of Enum class correctly.
+* #3261: ``latex_use_parts`` makes sphinx crash
+* The warning type ``misc.highlighting_failure`` does not work
+* #3294: ``add_latex_package()`` make crashes non-LaTeX builders
+* The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: #3287)
+* #3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie
+* #3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises
+  unserializable exception
+* #3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass 'memoir'
+* #3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly
+* #3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can't read it. Also writing mo too
+* #3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term's classifier
+* #3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list
+* #2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions.
+* Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:`code-block` and
+  parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref #3342)
+* LaTeX writer: leave ``"`` character inside parsed-literal as is (ref #3341)
+* #3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories
+* #3158: too much space after captions in PDF output
+* #3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if
+  with hyphen
+* LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal
+  via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref #3340)
+* LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong (ref #3340)
+* Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref #3340)
+* #3308: Parsed-literals don't wrap very long lines with pdf builder (ref #3340)
+* #3295: Could not import extension sphinx.builders.linkcheck
+* #3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice
+* LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents (ref #3363)
 Release 1.5.1 (released Dec 13, 2016)
@@ -38,8 +95,8 @@ Incompatible changes
 * latex, package ifthen is not any longer a dependency of sphinx.sty
 * latex, style file does not modify fancyvrb's Verbatim (also available as
   OriginalVerbatim) but uses sphinxVerbatim for name of custom wrapper.
-* latex, package newfloat is no longer a dependency of sphinx.sty (ref #2660;
-  it was shipped with Sphinx since 1.3.4).
+* latex, package newfloat is not used (and not included) anymore (ref #2660;
+  it was used since 1.3.4 and shipped with Sphinx since 1.4).
 * latex, literal blocks in tables do not use OriginalVerbatim but
   sphinxVerbatimintable which handles captions and wraps lines(ref #2704).
 * latex, replace ``pt`` by TeX equivalent ``bp`` if found in ``width`` or
diff --git a/CHANGES.old b/CHANGES.old
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b94a99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES.old
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+For the changelog from version 1.0, look at the file CHANGES.
+Release 0.6.7 (Jun 05, 2010)
+* #440: Remove usage of a Python >= 2.5 API in the ``literalinclude``
+  directive.
+* Fix a bug that prevented some references being generated in the
+  LaTeX builder.
+* #428: Add some missing CSS styles for standard docutils classes.
+* #432: Fix UnicodeErrors while building LaTeX in translated locale.
+Release 0.6.6 (May 25, 2010)
+* Handle raw nodes in the ``text`` writer.
+* Fix a problem the Qt help project generated by the ``qthelp``
+  builder that would lead to no content being displayed in the Qt
+  Assistant.
+* #393: Fix the usage of Unicode characters in mathematic formulas
+  when using the ``pngmath`` extension.
+* #404: Make ``\and`` work properly in the author field of the
+  ``latex_documents`` setting.
+* #409: Make the ``highlight_language`` config value work properly
+  in the LaTeX builder.
+* #418: Allow relocation of the translation JavaScript files to
+  the system directory on Unix systems.
+* #414: Fix handling of Windows newlines in files included with
+  the ``literalinclude`` directive.
+* #377: Fix crash in linkcheck builder.
+* #387: Fix the display of search results in ``dirhtml`` output.
+* #376: In autodoc, fix display of parameter defaults containing
+  backslashes.
+* #370: Fix handling of complex list item labels in LaTeX output.
+* #374: Make the ``doctest_path`` config value of the doctest
+  extension actually work.
+* Fix the handling of multiple toctrees when creating the global
+  TOC for the ``toctree()`` template function.
+* Fix the handling of hidden toctrees when creating the global TOC
+  for the ``toctree()`` template function.
+* Fix the handling of nested lists in the text writer.
+* #362: In autodoc, check for the existence of ``__self__`` on
+  function objects before accessing it.
+* #353: Strip leading and trailing whitespace when extracting
+  search words in the search function.
+Release 0.6.5 (Mar 01, 2010)
+* In autodoc, fix the omission of some module members explicitly
+  documented using documentation comments.
+* #345: Fix cropping of sidebar scroll bar with ``stickysidebar``
+  option of the default theme.
+* #341: Always generate UNIX newlines in the quickstart Makefile.
+* #338: Fix running with ``-C`` under Windows.
+* In autodoc, allow customizing the signature of an object where
+  the built-in mechanism fails.
+* #331: Fix output for enumerated lists with start values in LaTeX.
+* Make the ``start-after`` and ``end-before`` options to the
+  ``literalinclude`` directive work correctly if not used together.
+* #321: Fix link generation in the LaTeX builder.
+Release 0.6.4 (Jan 12, 2010)
+* Improve the handling of non-Unicode strings in the configuration.
+* #316: Catch OSErrors occurring when calling graphviz with
+  arguments it doesn't understand.
+* Restore compatibility with Pygments >= 1.2.
+* #295: Fix escaping of hyperref targets in LaTeX output.
+* #302: Fix links generated by the ``:doc:`` role for LaTeX output.
+* #286: collect todo nodes after the whole document has been read;
+  this allows placing substitution references in todo items.
+* #294: do not ignore an explicit ``today`` config value in a
+  LaTeX build.
+* The ``alt`` text of inheritance diagrams is now much cleaner.
+* Ignore images in section titles when generating link captions.
+* #310: support exception messages in the ``testoutput`` blocks of
+  the ``doctest`` extension.
+* #293: line blocks are styled properly in HTML output.
+* #285: make the ``locale_dirs`` config value work again.
+* #303: ``html_context`` values given on the command line via ``-A``
+  should not override other values given in conf.py.
+* Fix a bug preventing incremental rebuilds for the ``dirhtml``
+  builder.
+* #299: Fix the mangling of quotes in some literal blocks.
+* #292: Fix path to the search index for the ``dirhtml`` builder.
+* Fix a Jython compatibility issue: make the dependence on the
+  ``parser`` module optional.
+* #238: In autodoc, catch all errors that occur on module import,
+  not just ``ImportError``.
+* Fix the handling of non-data, but non-method descriptors in autodoc.
+* When copying file times, ignore OSErrors raised by ``os.utime()``.
+Release 0.6.3 (Sep 03, 2009)
+* Properly add C module filenames as dependencies in autodoc.
+* #253: Ignore graphviz directives without content instead of
+  raising an unhandled exception.
+* #241: Fix a crash building LaTeX output for documents that contain
+  a todolist directive.
+* #252: Make it easier to change the build dir in the Makefiles
+  generated by quickstart.
+* #220: Fix CSS so that displaymath really is centered.
+* #222: Allow the "Footnotes" header to be translated.
+* #225: Don't add whitespace in generated HTML after inline tags.
+* #227: Make ``literalinclude`` work when the document's path
+  name contains non-ASCII characters.
+* #229: Fix autodoc failures with members that raise errors
+  on ``getattr()``.
+* #205: When copying files, don't copy full stat info, only
+  modification times.
+* #232: Support non-ASCII metadata in Qt help builder.
+* Properly format bullet lists nested in definition lists for LaTeX.
+* Section titles are now allowed inside ``only`` directives.
+* #201: Make ``centered`` directive work in LaTeX output.
+* #206: Refuse to overwrite an existing master document in
+  sphinx-quickstart.
+* #208: Use MS-sanctioned locale settings, determined by the
+  ``language`` config option, in the HTML help builder.
+* #210: Fix nesting of HTML tags for displayed math from pngmath
+  extension.
+* #213: Fix centering of images in LaTeX output.
+* #211: Fix compatibility with docutils 0.5.
+Release 0.6.2 (Jun 16, 2009)
+* #130: Fix obscure IndexError in doctest extension.
+* #167: Make glossary sorting case-independent.
+* #196: Add a warning if an extension module doesn't have a
+  ``setup()`` function.
+* #158: Allow '..' in template names, and absolute template paths;
+  Jinja 2 by default disables both.
+* When highlighting Python code, ignore extra indentation before
+  trying to parse it as Python.
+* #191: Don't escape the tilde in URIs in LaTeX.
+* Don't consider contents of source comments for the search index.
+* Set the default encoding to ``utf-8-sig`` to handle files with a
+  UTF-8 BOM correctly.
+* #178: apply ``add_function_parentheses`` config value to C
+  functions as promised.
+* #173: Respect the docutils ``title`` directive.
+* #172: The ``obj`` role now links to modules as promised.
+* #19: Tables now can have a "longtable" class, in order to get
+  correctly broken into pages in LaTeX output.
+* Look for Sphinx message catalogs in the system default path before
+  trying ``sphinx/locale``.
+* Fix the search for methods via "classname.methodname".
+* #155: Fix Python 2.4 compatibility: exceptions are old-style
+  classes there.
+* #150: Fix display of the "sphinxdoc" theme on Internet Explorer
+  versions 6 and 7.
+* #146: Don't fail to generate LaTeX when the user has an active
+  ``.docutils`` configuration.
+* #29: Don't generate visible "-{-}" in option lists in LaTeX.
+* Fix cross-reference roles when put into substitutions.
+* Don't put image "alt" text into table-of-contents entries.
+* In the LaTeX writer, do not raise an exception on too many section
+  levels, just use the "subparagraph" level for all of them.
+* #145: Fix autodoc problem with automatic members that refuse to be
+  getattr()'d from their parent.
+* If specific filenames to build are given on the command line,
+  check that they are within the source directory.
+* Fix autodoc crash for objects without a ``__name__``.
+* Fix intersphinx for installations without urllib2.HTTPSHandler.
+* #134: Fix pending_xref leftover nodes when using the todolist
+  directive from the todo extension.
+Release 0.6.1 (Mar 26, 2009)
+* #135: Fix problems with LaTeX output and the graphviz extension.
+* #132: Include the autosummary "module" template in the distribution.
+Release 0.6 (Mar 24, 2009)
+New features added
+* Incompatible changes:
+  - Templating now requires the Jinja2 library, which is an enhanced
+    version of the old Jinja1 engine.  Since the syntax and semantic
+    is largely the same, very few fixes should be necessary in
+    custom templates.
+  - The "document" div tag has been moved out of the ``layout.html``
+    template's "document" block, because the closing tag was already
+    outside.  If you overwrite this block, you need to remove your
+    "document" div tag as well.
+  - The ``autodoc_skip_member`` event now also gets to decide
+    whether to skip members whose name starts with underscores.
+    Previously, these members were always automatically skipped.
+    Therefore, if you handle this event, add something like this
+    to your event handler to restore the old behavior::
+       if name.startswith('_'):
+           return True
+* Theming support, see the new section in the documentation.
+* Markup:
+  - Due to popular demand, added a ``:doc:`` role which directly
+    links to another document without the need of creating a
+    label to which a ``:ref:`` could link to.
+  - #4: Added a ``:download:`` role that marks a non-document file
+    for inclusion into the HTML output and links to it.
+  - Added an ``only`` directive that can selectively include text
+    based on enabled "tags".  Tags can be given on the command
+    line.  Also, the current builder output format (e.g. "html" or
+    "latex") is always a defined tag.
+  - #10: Added HTML section numbers, enabled by giving a
+    ``:numbered:`` flag to the ``toctree`` directive.
+  - #114: Added an ``abbr`` role to markup abbreviations and
+    acronyms.
+  - The ``literalinclude`` directive now supports several more
+    options, to include only parts of a file.
+  - The ``toctree`` directive now supports a ``:hidden:`` flag,
+    which will prevent links from being generated in place of
+    the directive -- this allows you to define your document
+    structure, but place the links yourself.
+  - #123: The ``glossary`` directive now supports a ``:sorted:``
+    flag that sorts glossary entries alphabetically.
+  - Paths to images, literal include files and download files
+    can now be absolute (like ``/images/foo.png``).  They are
+    treated as relative to the top source directory.
+  - #52: There is now a ``hlist`` directive, creating a compact
+    list by placing distributing items into multiple columns.
+  - #77: If a description environment with info field list only
+    contains one ``:param:`` entry, no bullet list is generated.
+  - #6: Don't generate redundant ``<ul>`` for top-level TOC tree
+    items, which leads to a visual separation of TOC entries.
+  - #23: Added a ``classmethod`` directive along with ``method``
+    and ``staticmethod``.
+  - Scaled images now get a link to the unscaled version.
+  - SVG images are now supported in HTML (via ``<object>`` and
+    ``<embed>`` tags).
+  - Added a ``toctree`` callable to the templates, and the ability
+    to include external links in toctrees. The 'collapse' keyword
+    argument indicates whether or not to only display subitems of
+    the current page.  (Defaults to True.)
+* Configuration:
+  - The new config value ``rst_epilog`` can contain reST that is
+    appended to each source file that is read.  This is the right
+    place for global substitutions.
+  - The new ``html_add_permalinks`` config value can be used to
+    switch off the generated "paragraph sign" permalinks for each
+    heading and definition environment.
+  - The new ``html_show_sourcelink`` config value can be used to
+    switch off the links to the reST sources in the sidebar.
+  - The default value for ``htmlhelp_basename`` is now the project
+    title, cleaned up as a filename.
+  - The new ``modindex_common_prefix`` config value can be used to
+    ignore certain package names for module index sorting.
+  - The new ``trim_footnote_reference_space`` config value mirrors
+    the docutils config value of the same name and removes the
+    space before a footnote reference that is necessary for reST
+    to recognize the reference.
+  - The new ``latex_additional_files`` config value can be used to
+    copy files (that Sphinx doesn't copy automatically, e.g. if they
+    are referenced in custom LaTeX added in ``latex_elements``) to
+    the build directory.
+* Builders:
+  - The HTML builder now stores a small file named ``.buildinfo`` in
+    its output directory.  It stores a hash of config values that
+    can be used to determine if a full rebuild needs to be done (e.g.
+    after changing ``html_theme``).
+  - New builder for Qt help collections, by Antonio Valentino.
+  - The new ``DirectoryHTMLBuilder`` (short name ``dirhtml``) creates
+    a separate directory for every page, and places the page there
+    in a file called ``index.html``.  Therefore, page URLs and links
+    don't need to contain ``.html``.
+  - The new ``html_link_suffix`` config value can be used to select
+    the suffix of generated links between HTML files.
+  - #96: The LaTeX builder now supports figures wrapped by text, when
+    using the ``figwidth`` option and right/left alignment.
+* New translations:
+  - Italian by Sandro Dentella.
+  - Ukrainian by Petro Sasnyk.
+  - Finnish by Jukka Inkeri.
+  - Russian by Alexander Smishlajev.
+* Extensions and API:
+  - New ``graphviz`` extension to embed graphviz graphs.
+  - New ``inheritance_diagram`` extension to embed... inheritance
+    diagrams!
+  - New ``autosummary`` extension that generates summaries of
+    modules and automatic documentation of modules.
+  - Autodoc now has a reusable Python API, which can be used to
+    create custom types of objects to auto-document (e.g. Zope
+    interfaces).  See also ``Sphinx.add_autodocumenter()``.
+  - Autodoc now handles documented attributes.
+  - Autodoc now handles inner classes and their methods.
+  - Autodoc can document classes as functions now if explicitly
+    marked with `autofunction`.
+  - Autodoc can now exclude single members from documentation
+    via the ``exclude-members`` option.
+  - Autodoc can now order members either alphabetically (like
+    previously) or by member type; configurable either with the
+    config value ``autodoc_member_order`` or a ``member-order``
+    option per directive.
+  - The function ``Sphinx.add_directive()`` now also supports
+    docutils 0.5-style directive classes.  If they inherit from
+    ``sphinx.util.compat.Directive``, they also work with
+    docutils 0.4.
+  - There is now a ``Sphinx.add_lexer()`` method to be able to use
+    custom Pygments lexers easily.
+  - There is now ``Sphinx.add_generic_role()`` to mirror the
+    docutils' own function.
+* Other changes:
+  - Config overrides for single dict keys can now be given on the
+    command line.
+  - There is now a ``doctest_global_setup`` config value that can
+    be used to give setup code for all doctests in the documentation.
+  - Source links in HTML are now generated with ``rel="nofollow"``.
+  - Quickstart can now generate a Windows ``make.bat`` file.
+  - #62: There is now a ``-w`` option for sphinx-build that writes
+    warnings to a file, in addition to stderr.
+  - There is now a ``-W`` option for sphinx-build that turns warnings
+    into errors.
+Release 0.5.2 (Mar 24, 2009)
+* Properly escape ``|`` in LaTeX output.
+* #71: If a decoding error occurs in source files, print a
+  warning and replace the characters by "?".
+* Fix a problem in the HTML search if the index takes too long
+  to load.
+* Don't output system messages while resolving, because they
+  would stay in the doctrees even if keep_warnings is false.
+* #82: Determine the correct path for dependencies noted by
+  docutils.  This fixes behavior where a source with dependent
+  files was always reported as changed.
+* Recognize toctree directives that are not on section toplevel,
+  but within block items, such as tables.
+* Use a new RFC base URL, since rfc.org seems down.
+* Fix a crash in the todolist directive when no todo items are
+  defined.
+* Don't call LaTeX or dvipng over and over again if it was not
+  found once, and use text-only latex as a substitute in that case.
+* Fix problems with footnotes in the LaTeX output.
+* Prevent double hyphens becoming en-dashes in literal code in
+  the LaTeX output.
+* Open literalinclude files in universal newline mode to allow
+  arbitrary newline conventions.
+* Actually make the ``-Q`` option work.
+* #86: Fix explicit document titles in toctrees.
+* #81: Write environment and search index in a manner that is safe
+  from exceptions that occur during dumping.
+* #80: Fix UnicodeErrors when a locale is set with setlocale().
+Release 0.5.1 (Dec 15, 2008)
+* #67: Output warnings about failed doctests in the doctest extension
+  even when running in quiet mode.
+* #72: In pngmath, make it possible to give a full path to LaTeX and
+  dvipng on Windows.  For that to work, the ``pngmath_latex`` and
+  ``pngmath_dvipng`` options are no longer split into command and
+  additional arguments; use ``pngmath_latex_args`` and
+  ``pngmath_dvipng_args`` to give additional arguments.
+* Don't crash on failing doctests with non-ASCII characters.
+* Don't crash on writing status messages and warnings containing
+  unencodable characters.
+* Warn if a doctest extension block doesn't contain any code.
+* Fix the handling of ``:param:`` and ``:type:`` doc fields when
+  they contain markup (especially cross-referencing roles).
+* #65: Fix storage of depth information for PNGs generated by the
+  pngmath extension.
+* Fix autodoc crash when automethod is used outside a class context.
+* #68: Fix LaTeX writer output for images with specified height.
+* #60: Fix wrong generated image path when including images in sources
+  in subdirectories.
+* Fix the JavaScript search when html_copy_source is off.
+* Fix an indentation problem in autodoc when documenting classes
+  with the option ``autoclass_content = "both"`` set.
+* Don't crash on empty index entries, only emit a warning.
+* Fix a typo in the search JavaScript code, leading to unusable
+  search function in some setups.
+Release 0.5 (Nov 23, 2008) -- Birthday release!
+New features added
+* Markup features:
+  - Citations are now global: all citation defined in any file can be
+    referenced from any file.  Citations are collected in a bibliography
+    for LaTeX output.
+  - Footnotes are now properly handled in the LaTeX builder: they appear
+    at the location of the footnote reference in text, not at the end of
+    a section.  Thanks to Andrew McNamara for the initial patch.
+  - "System Message" warnings are now automatically removed from the
+    built documentation, and only written to stderr.  If you want the
+    old behavior, set the new config value ``keep_warnings`` to True.
+  - Glossary entries are now automatically added to the index.
+  - Figures with captions can now be referred to like section titles,
+    using the ``:ref:`` role without an explicit link text.
+  - Added ``cmember`` role for consistency.
+  - Lists enumerated by letters or roman numerals are now handled like in
+    standard reST.
+  - The ``seealso`` directive can now also be given arguments, as a short
+    form.
+  - You can now document several programs and their options with the
+    new ``program`` directive.
+* HTML output and templates:
+  - Incompatible change: The "root" relation link (top left in the
+    relbar) now points to the ``master_doc`` by default, no longer to a
+    document called "index".  The old behavior, while useful in some
+    situations, was somewhat unexpected.  Override the "rootrellink"
+    block in the template to customize where it refers to.
+  - The JavaScript search now searches for objects before searching in
+    the full text.
+  - TOC tree entries now have CSS classes that make it possible to
+    style them depending on their depth.
+  - Highlighted code blocks now have CSS classes that make it possible
+    to style them depending on their language.
+  - HTML ``<meta>`` tags via the docutils ``meta`` directive are now
+    supported.
+  - ``SerializingHTMLBuilder`` was added as new abstract builder that
+    can be subclassed to serialize build HTML in a specific format.  The
+    ``PickleHTMLBuilder`` is a concrete subclass of it that uses pickle
+    as serialization implementation.
+  - ``JSONHTMLBuilder`` was added as another ``SerializingHTMLBuilder``
+    subclass that dumps the generated HTML into JSON files for further
+    processing.
+  - The ``rellinks`` block in the layout template is now called
+    ``linktags`` to avoid confusion with the relbar links.
+  - The HTML builders have two additional attributes now that can be
+    used to disable the anchor-link creation after headlines and
+    definition links.
+  - Only generate a module index if there are some modules in the
+    documentation.
+* New and changed config values:
+  - Added support for internationalization in generated text with the
+    ``language`` and ``locale_dirs`` config values.  Many thanks to
+    language contributors:
+    * Horst Gutmann -- German
+    * Pavel Kosina -- Czech
+    * David Larlet -- French
+    * Michał Kandulski -- Polish
+    * Yasushi Masuda -- Japanese
+    * Guillem Borrell -- Spanish
+    * Luc Saffre and Peter Bertels -- Dutch
+    * Fred Lin -- Traditional Chinese
+    * Roger Demetrescu -- Brazilian Portuguese
+    * Rok Garbas -- Slovenian
+  - The new config value ``highlight_language`` set a global default for
+    highlighting.  When ``'python3'`` is selected, console output blocks
+    are recognized like for ``'python'``.
+  - Exposed Pygments' lexer guessing as a highlight "language" ``guess``.
+  - The new config value ``latex_elements`` allows to override all LaTeX
+    snippets that Sphinx puts into the generated .tex file by default.
+  - Added ``exclude_dirnames`` config value that can be used to exclude
+    e.g. CVS directories from source file search.
+  - Added ``source_encoding`` config value to select input encoding.
+* Extensions:
+  - The new extensions ``sphinx.ext.jsmath`` and ``sphinx.ext.pngmath``
+    provide math support for both HTML and LaTeX builders.
+  - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` half-automatically
+    creates links to Sphinx documentation of Python objects in other
+    projects.
+  - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.todo`` allows the insertion of
+    "To do" directives whose visibility in the output can be toggled.
+    It also adds a directive to compile a list of all todo items.
+  - sphinx.ext.autodoc has a new event ``autodoc-process-signature``
+    that allows tuning function signature introspection.
+  - sphinx.ext.autodoc has a new event ``autodoc-skip-member`` that allows
+    tuning which members are included in the generated content.
+  - Respect __all__ when autodocumenting module members.
+  - The `automodule` directive now supports the ``synopsis``,
+    ``deprecated`` and ``platform`` options.
+* Extension API:
+  - ``Sphinx.add_node()`` now takes optional visitor methods for the
+    HTML, LaTeX and text translators; this prevents having to manually
+    patch the classes.
+  - Added ``Sphinx.add_javascript()`` that adds scripts to load in the
+    default HTML template.
+  - Added new events: ``source-read``, ``env-updated``,
+    ``env-purge-doc``, ``missing-reference``, ``build-finished``.
+* Other changes:
+  - Added a command-line switch ``-Q``: it will suppress warnings.
+  - Added a command-line switch ``-A``: it can be used to supply
+    additional values into the HTML templates.
+  - Added a command-line switch ``-C``: if it is given, no configuration
+    file ``conf.py`` is required.
+  - Added a distutils command `build_sphinx`: When Sphinx is installed,
+    you can call ``python setup.py build_sphinx`` for projects that have
+    Sphinx documentation, which will build the docs and place them in
+    the standard distutils build directory.
+  - In quickstart, if the selected root path already contains a Sphinx
+    project, complain and abort.
+Bugs fixed
+* #51: Escape configuration values placed in HTML templates.
+* #44: Fix small problems in HTML help index generation.
+* Fix LaTeX output for line blocks in tables.
+* #38: Fix "illegal unit" error when using pixel image widths/heights.
+* Support table captions in LaTeX output.
+* #39: Work around a bug in Jinja that caused "<generator ...>" to be
+  emitted in HTML output.
+* Fix a problem with module links not being generated in LaTeX output.
+* Fix the handling of images in different directories.
... 18778 lines suppressed ...

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/sphinx.git

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