[Python-modules-commits] [celery] 03/13: Updated version 4.1.0 from 'upstream/4.1.0'
Michael Fladischer
fladi at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 31 16:05:21 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fladi pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository celery.
commit 708cba91d49e8b426c00e9292300f06a530b2673
Merge: 5038c1d d7b396a
Author: Michael Fladischer <FladischerMichael at fladi.at>
Date: Mon Jul 31 10:04:12 2017 +0200
Updated version 4.1.0 from 'upstream/4.1.0'
with Debian dir 9995b5158164f6e424f4e3db429bd98e927ce126
Changelog | 382 +++++++++++++--------
LICENSE | 2 +-
PKG-INFO | 37 +-
README.rst | 34 +-
celery.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 37 +-
celery.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 5 +
celery.egg-info/requires.txt | 9 +-
celery/__init__.py | 2 +-
celery/app/amqp.py | 31 +-
celery/app/backends.py | 3 +-
celery/app/base.py | 18 +-
celery/app/defaults.py | 10 +-
celery/app/task.py | 6 +-
celery/app/trace.py | 9 +-
celery/app/utils.py | 2 +-
celery/apps/worker.py | 4 +
celery/backends/base.py | 4 +-
celery/backends/database/__init__.py | 2 +-
celery/backends/dynamodb.py | 275 +++++++++++++++
celery/backends/elasticsearch.py | 31 +-
celery/backends/mongodb.py | 9 +-
celery/backends/redis.py | 9 +
celery/beat.py | 45 ++-
celery/bin/beat.py | 2 +-
celery/bin/graph.py | 2 +-
celery/canvas.py | 21 +-
celery/contrib/abortable.py | 2 +-
celery/contrib/rdb.py | 2 +-
celery/contrib/sphinx.py | 2 +-
celery/events/state.py | 25 +-
celery/fixups/django.py | 2 +-
celery/platforms.py | 6 +-
celery/result.py | 13 +-
celery/schedules.py | 16 +-
celery/signals.py | 5 +-
celery/states.py | 1 -
celery/utils/functional.py | 8 +-
celery/utils/iso8601.py | 2 +-
celery/utils/log.py | 2 +-
celery/utils/time.py | 7 +-
celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py | 6 +-
celery/worker/loops.py | 4 +-
celery/worker/state.py | 2 +-
celery/worker/strategy.py | 6 +-
docs/AUTHORS.txt | 6 +
docs/community.rst | 6 +-
docs/contributing.rst | 48 +--
docs/copyright.rst | 2 +-
docs/django/first-steps-with-django.rst | 25 +-
docs/faq.rst | 14 +-
docs/getting-started/brokers/rabbitmq.rst | 7 +-
docs/getting-started/brokers/sqs.rst | 4 +-
docs/getting-started/first-steps-with-celery.rst | 91 +++--
docs/getting-started/introduction.rst | 6 +-
Changelog => docs/history/changelog-4.0.rst | 2 +-
docs/history/index.rst | 1 +
docs/images/celeryevshotsm.jpg | Bin 86251 -> 77397 bytes
docs/images/dashboard.png | Bin 95365 -> 88879 bytes
docs/images/favicon.ico | Bin 3364 -> 4286 bytes
docs/images/monitor.png | Bin 152710 -> 146412 bytes
docs/includes/installation.txt | 5 +-
docs/includes/introduction.txt | 18 +-
docs/includes/resources.txt | 6 +-
docs/internals/guide.rst | 2 +-
docs/internals/protocol.rst | 4 +-
.../reference/celery.backends.dynamodb.rst | 11 +
docs/internals/reference/index.rst | 1 +
docs/internals/worker.rst | 4 +
docs/sec/CELERYSA-0001.txt | 8 +-
docs/sec/CELERYSA-0002.txt | 6 +-
docs/sec/CELERYSA-0003.txt | 2 +-
docs/templates/readme.txt | 6 +-
docs/userguide/calling.rst | 4 +-
docs/userguide/canvas.rst | 3 +-
docs/userguide/configuration.rst | 168 +++++++--
docs/userguide/extending.rst | 4 +-
docs/userguide/periodic-tasks.rst | 12 +-
docs/userguide/routing.rst | 13 +-
docs/userguide/signals.rst | 31 +-
docs/userguide/tasks.rst | 74 ++--
docs/userguide/testing.rst | 9 +-
docs/userguide/workers.rst | 2 +-
docs/whatsnew-3.1.rst | 2 +-
docs/whatsnew-4.0.rst | 12 +-
examples/django/README.rst | 2 +-
examples/django/proj/celery.py | 2 +-
extra/generic-init.d/celerybeat | 2 +-
extra/generic-init.d/celeryd | 2 +-
extra/systemd/celery.conf | 2 +-
extra/systemd/celery.service | 4 +-
requirements/docs.txt | 1 +
requirements/extras/dynamodb.txt | 1 +
requirements/pkgutils.txt | 2 +-
requirements/test-ci-default.txt | 2 +-
requirements/test-integration.txt | 1 +
setup.cfg | 3 +-
setup.py | 4 +-
t/integration/tasks.py | 32 +-
t/integration/test_canvas.py | 46 ++-
t/integration/test_tasks.py | 7 +-
t/unit/app/test_amqp.py | 41 +++
t/unit/app/test_app.py | 46 ++-
t/unit/app/test_beat.py | 73 +++-
t/unit/app/test_schedules.py | 17 +-
t/unit/backends/test_base.py | 19 +-
t/unit/backends/test_dynamodb.py | 243 +++++++++++++
t/unit/backends/test_elasticsearch.py | 63 +++-
t/unit/backends/test_redis.py | 29 ++
t/unit/bin/test_worker.py | 14 +
t/unit/conftest.py | 4 +-
t/unit/contrib/test_migrate.py | 10 +-
t/unit/tasks/test_canvas.py | 15 +
t/unit/tasks/test_result.py | 18 +
t/unit/tasks/test_tasks.py | 21 ++
t/unit/utils/test_functional.py | 14 +-
t/unit/utils/test_time.py | 7 +
t/unit/worker/test_consumer.py | 32 +-
t/unit/worker/test_strategy.py | 8 +-
119 files changed, 1995 insertions(+), 530 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/celery.git
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