[Python-modules-commits] [chardet] 03/12: record new upstream branch created by importing chardet_3.0.4.orig.tar.gz and merge it
Daniele Tricoli
eriol-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 18 21:58:34 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eriol-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository chardet.
commit 2c6c6a9ccde751eec6ff5c53e773eed816bc323a
Merge: 50759fc 3225b88
Author: Daniele Tricoli <eriol at mornie.org>
Date: Sun Jun 18 16:50:33 2017 +0200
record new upstream branch created by importing chardet_3.0.4.orig.tar.gz and merge it
MANIFEST.in | 8 +-
NOTES.rst | 140 ++
PKG-INFO | 38 +-
README.rst | 28 +-
chardet.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 38 +-
chardet.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 409 +++-
chardet.egg-info/entry_points.txt | 2 +-
chardet/__init__.py | 31 +-
chardet/big5freq.py | 545 +----
chardet/big5prober.py | 15 +-
chardet/chardistribution.py | 146 +-
chardet/charsetgroupprober.py | 110 +-
chardet/charsetprober.py | 119 +-
chardet/cli/__init__.py | 1 +
chardet/{ => cli}/chardetect.py | 21 +-
chardet/codingstatemachine.py | 67 +-
chardet/compat.py | 16 +-
chardet/constants.py | 39 -
chardet/cp949prober.py | 19 +-
chardet/enums.py | 76 +
chardet/escprober.py | 97 +-
chardet/escsm.py | 128 +-
chardet/eucjpprober.py | 82 +-
chardet/euckrfreq.py | 415 +---
chardet/euckrprober.py | 15 +-
chardet/euctwfreq.py | 719 +++---
chardet/euctwprober.py | 19 +-
chardet/gb2312freq.py | 195 +-
chardet/gb2312prober.py | 19 +-
chardet/hebrewprober.py | 157 +-
chardet/jisfreq.py | 250 +-
chardet/jpcntx.py | 124 +-
chardet/langbulgarianmodel.py | 25 +-
chardet/langcyrillicmodel.py | 82 +-
chardet/langgreekmodel.py | 28 +-
chardet/langhebrewmodel.py | 17 +-
chardet/langhungarianmodel.py | 24 +-
chardet/langthaimodel.py | 13 +-
chardet/langturkishmodel.py | 193 ++
chardet/latin1prober.py | 48 +-
chardet/mbcharsetprober.py | 85 +-
chardet/mbcsgroupprober.py | 6 +-
chardet/mbcssm.py | 298 +--
chardet/sbcharsetprober.py | 150 +-
chardet/sbcsgroupprober.py | 30 +-
chardet/sjisprober.py | 85 +-
chardet/universaldetector.py | 326 ++-
chardet/utf8prober.py | 58 +-
chardet/version.py | 9 +
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
docs/.gitignore | 1 +
docs/Makefile | 177 ++
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tests/UTF-32/bom-utf-32-le.srt | Bin 0 -> 3428 bytes
tests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-35.pyc | Bin 0 -> 125 bytes
.../__pycache__/test_chardet.cpython-35-PYTEST.pyc | Bin 0 -> 4295 bytes
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451 files changed, 81383 insertions(+), 2914 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/.git-dpm
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mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/.git-dpm
+++ b/debian/.git-dpm
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
+# see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
- bad2c808cef705bdfdcd34fa09e5432e95de032a
- bad2c808cef705bdfdcd34fa09e5432e95de032a
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- chardet_2.3.0.orig.tar.gz
- 50af8f8771ecbeb7a22567129c6c281b8bec3b1c
- 164346
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/chardet.git
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