[Python-modules-commits] [python-digitalocean] branch master created (now 138b04b)
Andrew Starr-Bochicchio
asb at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jun 20 00:01:38 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
asb pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-digitalocean.
at 138b04b Add debian/.git-dpm
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 128df42 Initial commit
new 236e701 Created Droplet Object
new e16e854 Created file requirements to automatically install dependencies via pip
new f85a078 Created Image Object
new 0f0f1f1 Created Size Object
new 44a967e Created Region Object
new 507bc0e Created Manager object
new 803f5b2 Implemented __init__.py with new objects
new b86e0a2 Created setup.py file
new fd0930e Updated package information with current github repository as URL.
new ffeb943 Fixed problem with indentation
new deb0a29 Renamed digitalocean packate to python-digitalocean
new 8525123 Upgraded to 0.2 version
new 199221c Changed Description
new 43eab4b Added MANIFEST to ignore file
new c3c7397 Improved Readme.md with an example
new cec8441 Improved long_description when installing from source
new 2eb5676 Upgraded to 0.2.2 version
new ab00a31 Remove all trailing whitespace.
new b6b9a96 Correct arguments for Droplets.take_snapshot()
new 8f8b1b7 Correct API used by Droplet.rebuild()
new a1b6c96 Merge pull request #1 from darylyu/master
new 01bfcb6 New version 0.2.3
new 83c3d96 Adding Events, to be able to check tasks status and develop mode support on setup.py
new b496f48 Adding the ip_address field on the Droplet class.
new 670e188 Merge pull request #2 from rdgreis/master
new 25b4fc8 Improved code to use "load" function instead of call API when Event object is defined.
new 3a302b8 0.2.4
new 8dd4b0b Removed client_id and api_key from __init__ of Event
new c59eb43 Adding some exception handling and droplet creation example.
new 3b64167 Merge pull request #3 from rdgreis/master
new e174ca7 Version = 0.2.5
new eb1dd46 Keeping the response.
new 528237d Version = 0.2.6
new 6d58ca1 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rdgreis/python-digitalocean into rdgreis-master
new bb00e62 Updated elements in Readme file
new f795cfc Updated to 0.2.6 version
new fd07e00 Fixed author
new 2afdea2 Readme now is web-site ready.
new 54e3038 Improved Header
new 41c82b6 Fixed links
new e5a19e0 Fix ImportError in Python3
new 7f03f84 Use explicit relative imports for consistency
new 4d048ca Add dependency on requests for pip installation
new f6cdb6c Fix typos
new 55cf403 Merge pull request #5 from samdobson/master
new c9971a2 Upgraded to 0.2.7 version
new bff65c5 Merge branch 'rdgreis-master'
new ba76899 Increased version
new 7c98e91 Add Domain object
new 5896a8c Implement Record
new 220ddc6 Allow for ssh_key_ids and virtio options when creating droplets
new 389b0de Merge branch 'droplet_options'
new 8622589 Accept client_id and api_key on initialization
new a858be9 DigitalOcean api docs are incorrect
new cd9e5f9 Merge pull request #6 from peterlandry/master
new 8532b13 New version
new df6dd41 Added SSHKey object
new 518a8da Added Create/Edit/Destroy methods for SSHKey
new 840d86d Merge pull request #8 from clumsical/master
new ca466e8 Version 0.3 released!
new 24fd56b Added ip_address parsing in get_all_droplets
new c76bf66 Merge pull request #9 from pomarec/master
new f6539e7 Implemented rnwolf suggestion
new 70cc613 New version
new 298b8c5 Added Image function to handle images.
new 46a93a7 New version
new e063ae1 fixed key error bug
new e6383cc Merge pull request #11 from xela7/master
new 4d7f34c Using the new error message in API
new 4b2f2a3 New Release 0.4.2
new 6c3761d Added error message handling
new 8755dce Merge pull request #12 from sztanko/master
new 793b258 fix syntax error under Python3
new 9f0fb97 Merge pull request #13 from kkurian/master
new d1705e9 Removed "print" function.
new db61642 New release
new a3c4adc Merge pull request #14 from koalalorenzo/pr/13
new 7c933fc Add private networking to droplet.
new 96aee17 Remove droplet.private_network variable, since it doesn't comply with project handling of similar variable 'virtio'.
new eb031f1 Merge pull request #15 from katnegermis/master
new 31c819b Using a single style to get value from dictionary.
new 8b4d9a5 Removed non used moduled imported
new 3db0bd0 New release ( 0.5 )
new a5365f9 Fixed SSH keys (at least for me)
new 8bd1d7c Merge pull request #16 from herrbuerger/master
new 95c9d42 New Version 0.5.1
new 9d4368c Fixing a example problem. ( issue #18 )
new 2a5ec09 Add scrub_data option to destroy.
new 66597e9 Merge pull request #20 from yanatan16/patch-1
new 706f759 Set scrub_data to True by default.
new ac64e50 Adhere to DigitalOcean's spec on data scrub
new 234a559 Merge pull request #21 from rgbkrk/patch-1
new 91791a0 Added License
new 1a541f5 New version!
new 4da0b1e Added additional items to the Size class.
new 70bcdf4 Merge pull request #23 from hypatia1/master
new 2d75d88 added option to enable backup on droplet creation
new 411c19e Merge pull request #24 from atrniv/master
new 8bf2363 New version released
new 909752c support for editing DNS records
new 5b86b7a remove unused lines
new 7b8e974 update comment
new 7ace84c Merge pull request #25 from francescortiz/master
new 5b35122 Updating my personal website.
new 784311e Fixed example syntax
new 4ab511e Merge pull request #26 from kylestev/patch-1
new ebac57e added rename and call_api
new d5a6a15 Merge pull request #28 from munhitsu/master
new 3c9b93b Add 'created_at' to Droplet object
new f652202 Merge pull request #31 from davidquintana/master
new a83b417 Pulling SSHKey into package variables.
new b991407 JSON requirements fix.
new 087edbb requests uses JSON property instead of method.
new e37ba7d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dmaust/python-digitalocean
new 9b847a2 Merge pull request #32 from dmaust/master
new d53b656 Use v1 of Digital Ocean API
new ddf89c5 Use requests >= 2.0.0
new 6e2b75a typo
new aef5306 Merge pull request #34 from peterlandry/master
new 8afe186 New version.
new b11f03e Initial work on porting to DigitalOcean's APIv2.
new 6d2cc96 Port Region object and get_all_regions().
new e9d934e Port Size object and get_all_sizes().
new 96004db Port digitalocean/Image.py, get_all_images(), get_my_images(), and get_global_images().
new 4bfff62 Support renaming Images.
new a4772e8 We're POSTing not PUTing, so call it that.
new 6788e73 Initial work on Domains.
new 7ff87a8 Fix hair pulling stupidity. :boom:
new 6d6c280 Complete porting of Domain.
new db84b30 Port SSHKeys.
new 0996fc4 Port the examples in README.md
new 92e27b1 Merge pull request #35 from andrewsomething/apiv2
new d5639ea Use PHP "arg[]" syntax when specifying ssh_keys.
new cac012d Update README.md
new 0fa7112 Update README.md
new f03d9cc Initial work on a test suite. Currently only tests read actions, but it's a start.
new 278bb34 Merge pull request #40 from andrewsomething/tests
new d6037d0 Merge pull request #39 from lamby/master
new 5ed5a78 Created a new Ideal basic API class.
new de3231d Created __call_api (basic example version, it will be overwritten)
new 5056bcc Importing request module
new 2803aec Renamed __call_api into __get_data to make a KISS method that will get the data from a URL. This is a big improvement because will help to understand what URL is called in a specific method.
new c4da2d7 Action object "migrated" to the new base api class.
new 7a1eac1 Defining properties in the right place/method.
new f984987 Renamed the method to get_data to have a KISS access to it :)
new 89e0f65 Removed call_api (not useful anymore)
new 86a6415 Raising an error in case the token is not provided and returning the data from the call in get_data method.
new 2b6ae6d Using the new BaseAPI class (to be tested)
new c89f9e5 If no endpoint is specified ( we add it automatically )
new 54c5d3f Hiding the full URL, but writing it in a comment. In this way all the developers can choose or switch to a "testing machine"
new f57a632 Better style in the code ( space = readability! )
new bd229a2 Droplet object now uses the knew BaseAPI class
new 9a9393e Using the new end_point method.
new 88e19bd Using a customized version of the get_data method to perform some actions on POST calls.
new b80d36b Improved Action class using a better class "style"
new 5b99cc6 Rewrote Image class using the new BaseAPI and fixed bugs.
new 148756d Removed call_api: not useful anymore
new b4af900 Manager rewritten using the new BaseAPI class and a better description for pagination methods.
new 4f27422 Using the new BaseAPI for Record class
new e83807f Size now is a BaseAPI subclass
new 460e766 Region is a BaseAPI subclass too
new 3f5bc54 Removed __call_api method from Record object
new 5553257 SSHkey class rewritten with BaseAPI as "mother" class.
new 66d5af4 Removed from SSHKey class the __call_api method: obsolete
new e582a1c Fixed a bug caused by a wrong class name
new e4ab97c Created a new method to get all the snapshots ( Images )
new 90d4e74 Bugfixes
new ed7e61e Using the correct class type
new 00214f8 Loading objects using the __init__ method of the classes
new abc6948 Implementing the method to get attributes and properties from the args & kwargs in all the __init__ methods
new 6520088 One too many 'not's
new 2e06dc9 urlparse does strange things.
new 7ace1d4 Merge pull request #41 from andrewsomething/fixes
new 5f87208 Loading all the data inside a specific dictionary as attributes of the class
new 13a3d9b Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean
new 788922a Starting using a method that will help building correctly the classes
new 8c8096b Declaring the attributes inside the Action class.
new d8714fb Implemented the new declaration process inside the Domain class.
new c949e2b New declaration process for attributes inside the Droplet class
new 92c7930 Image now has the new attribute declaration inside __init__
new 37771ef Record as Manager has the new declaration method.
new 6201a9b Region and Size has the new declaration
new c078dc7 Do we want to leave SSHKey alone with the old declaration? naaah?
new 107ed5d Loading the details as attributes from the dictionary.
new 2a74faa Space means KISS and readability
new 31c13fa Fixed a problem when loading elements as dictionary
new 80004a2 loading elements as unicode and using the right API-URL path.
new 8879ade Fixed a bug that was not loading correctly the Actions.
new ef2ed8d Loading the Image/snapshot in a different style
new d023bea Loading custom headers.
new aab9c80 Generic bug fix and improved __check_actions_in_data method.
new 5596710 Created a new method to change the kernel in the droplet.
new e7e15e6 Created a method to download the list of kernels available.
new be3bfa1 Created a new Kernel class
new f3e3c6c Using the Kernel object in the method change_kernel.
new 6439dab Renamed the module to the right name
new 66d5657 Fix setting attributes for Kernel objects
new 602b4f4 get_kernel_available() gets kernels from all pages
new 1e7ed4e Set the "type" attribute to change_kernel
new d3fd129 typo fix
new cb12c12 HTTP has more than one success code
new a470f13 Merge pull request #44 from avagin/master
new 9ec8a69 The action should return the ID, type and the status when used as string.
new 2bb62f4 using zone_file property instead of live_zone_file.
new 7baf743 The domain should return the ID and the name when used as string.
new fb9f62a The domain should return the ID and the name when used as string.
new 41f57ef The domain should return the ID, the distribution name and the name when used as string.
new 90e8981 The kernel should return the name and the version when used as string.
new bad1ac7 Should the manager return the token when used as string (?)
new 54d36e0 The domain_name is optional in the Record class.
new 01ae04c The record domain should return the name when used as string.
new 7ca98cd The region should return the name when used as string.
new 9503122 The Size should return the slug name when used as string.
new 5be26a0 The ssh key should return the ID and the name when used as string.
new 6c13175 Using the unicode method as string method.
new 799a132 Fix URL to create a droplet
new d428dac ssh_keys must be an array
new adcb29a The creation response doesn't have the "actions" key
new 6269691 Merge pull request #45 from avagin/master
new 4952a48 Fix infinite loop when dealing with pagination.
new 708ebe9 Merge pull request #46 from andrewsomething/pagination_fix
new 611b406 Update tests for the release of the NYC3 region.
new 8122da1 Test that all 'global' images are public, and that all 'my' images are private.
new 84d0a5c Merge pull request #47 from andrewsomething/nyc3
new 7f278d6 Loading the Image using the "standard" method load()
new 0807261 Created a method to access directly to the "response" of the request.
new 871bb2a If the request generated a 204 HTTP status code, then return True, because there should be no content.
new 06e16eb The method now returns True as the Droplet when we delete a Domain.
new c7463e4 Updated to the version 1.0
new 87228e8 Considering the action_ids list only if that is available
new 4d6a33b Released 1.0.1 after the prerelease
new 764bfb0 Loading all the actions from a specific API
new 863c11a Fixed problem reported in the issue #51
new 04f2a2a New minor release.
new bd2fd16 Imported Upstream version 1.0.2
new fe0bcbd Created the new domain record method to add a new domain_record. ( #53 )
new b704b03 Added some documentation to the method #53
new 22a2d68 Fixed issue #52
new d4a9275 New small release
new 3d4a5c3 Fixed stupid syntax problem #53
new 4fa1094 Using UTF-8 as required text encoding.
new cd3515f Allow passing in user_data when creating Droplets
new 63f6cae Merge pull request #54 from merlin83/userdata
new 2115db8 New version 1.0.4 #54
new ce5fb9c Added a new class method that will return a Droplet object by its id. #55
new 7462af4 Added a new class method that will return a Action object by its id and the droplet ID. #55
new 9a77899 Using the new way of declaring properties of objects
new 668859e Added a new class method that will return a SSHKey object by its id. #55
new 776000f Added a new class method that will return a Domain object by its domain name. #55
new e201979 Added a new class method that will return a Image object by its id. #55
new dd59c07 Added a new class method that will return a Record object by its id and its domain name. #55
new bc22768 Created a new get_action method that will return a specific Action by its ID.
new 26f21b5 Added a specific method that will return a specific Droplet by its ID.
new 0f1f144 Added a specific method that will return a specific Image by its ID.
new 7e1ade5 Added a specific method that will return a specific SSHKey by its ID.
new 205664c Added a specific method that will return a specific Domain by its domain name.
new bfceeed bugfix added self.user_data assignment
new fe7f780 Created a method that will use the "direct" API to get an action without using the droplet id.
new d77c657 The class method to get the object from a specific ID does not required the Droplet ID anymore.
new dbfe3be Implemented the method to get an Action directly from the Manager #55
new 7d08906 droplet_id is not required anymore to get an Action object.
new e23e1d1 Merge pull request #56 from mfallone/master
new 0e9f281 Added 1.0.4b release
new da5c79e Added missing Action import
new 98f1439 Merge pull request #57 from mfallone/master
new 364deab Updated to 1.0.5b
new 79954d5 Basic implementation of Digital Ocean Metadata.
new f621c08 Removed urlparse module, it is a native module.
new 48f3a26 If urlparse is not available, maybe is because it is running python3
new 61131a0 call_response is not used anymore.
new ad21106 Implemented a custom get_data to get directly the request without authentication.
new 67da058 A new option will force or not the json rendering of the response.
new 1e10c09 Loading the parameters as property of the object. Now we can use Droplet().create() by passing parameters to create too.
new 835fdc5 Added a comment that will probably help to understand how the #61 issue is fixed.
new d6ea69d Created a method that will clean the ssh_keys-list property of the droplet object. In this way we will add ssh_keys and send only a list of ID.
new afd2a82 Assigning object properties before data dictionary is specified. Loading ssh_keys with the new method.
new 2e70fc9 Created a new method that will load an ssh key by the public_key provided.
new 105f4a0 Using the method to load the public key. In this way we avoid the error when creating a droplet with a ssh key already saved on DigitalOcean but given in string format.
new 08896d0 New release 1.0.6b
new 5d123c4 Fix url to create a new domain record
new 15ab983 Merge pull request #62 from mbugeia/patch-3
new d2f7ba8 Implementing the new size slugs as defined here:
new 1833970 Providing by default the new Image property about the minimum size required to deploy a specific image. Read more here: https://developers.digitalocean.com/changelog/api-v2/change-size-to-size-slug/
new 912e74a Example updated using the right size_slug.
new 2107449 New release 1.0.7
new eb1526b The size property has not changed, but is using the slug information when creating a new Droplet.
new 887756d Also the resize method uses doesn't changed.
new 18cb9d6 Droplet.py - add class docstring
new cf49ac3 Merge pull request #64 from tomscytale/master
new 694234e more docstrings for Droplet.py
new e4d53e1 don't raise Exception - use custom exception classes
new c8d73c5 add new exception classes to package exports
new 7fc9419 Merge pull request #65 from tomscytale/master
new 747b9ec Fixed bug #66
new e625637 New Release 1.0.8
new baef1f2 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean into upstream
new 5e8bcb3 Droplet.rebuild should use self.image['id'] not self.image_id
new 4fd0484 Merge pull request #68 from andrewsomething/issue67
new bd71bb2 Fix missing has_key in python3
new 808a834 Merge pull request #69 from viktorkrivak/master
new d5d9e4d Use 'responses' library to mock the requests for testing.
new a41e03a Don't use assertItemsEqual as it is not available in Python3
new 41ec0d8 Mock test_auth_fail as well
new 41e9a81 Merge pull request #70 from andrewsomething/test-improvements
new 42bce22 Test Droplet actions.
new 4134612 Only try self.image['id'] if an image_id is not passed.
new 7831077 Fix loading a droplet with IPv6 enabled.
new 3bb493a Test droplet creation.
new ecb9898 Add action ids on droplet creation.
new 1127dd2 Provide backwards compatibility with droplet size on create.
new e899f1e Add more tests Droplet class: get_kernel, get_action
new 104919a Handle cases where there is only one page of kernels.
new c0076e8 Test Domain class.
new a972305 Fix loading of domains.
new fe9185b Merge pull request #72 from andrewsomething/more-tests
new 650f2ad Add support for an Account object and a get_account funtion to the Manager class.
new f22f1d7 Merge pull request #74 from andrewsomething/get_account
new 732899e Some style fixes and release 1.1 ready to be uploaded
new f05a79a Optionally return Action when doing Droplet action
new 6462517 Merge pull request #75 from moyamo/master
new fb2eb63 Specify SSH Key by fingerprint in Droplet
new 275504c SHHkeys can be loaded by fingerprint
new 4bdc87e Fix typo in Droplet.__get_ssh_keys_id
new 1200b4b Merge pull request #77 from moyamo/master
new b6d61ae Increase per_page to 200
new 6ed79f8 Merge pull request #78 from moyamo/master
new 9a188d1 Added a comment and implemented the code as described in the comment at #78
new 0c9aec4 Preparing everything for a new release
new d3cb2a2 Added testing requirements
new 2135e88 Fixed problem in #79
new 3a02812 Using a small trick to check the type of unicode and strings since python 3 and python 2 treat them differently
new a3ca206 Long and integer are different in python 3. Thanks @moyamo #80
new f09b8ee Fix errors on tests using Python 3
new 61c6644 Fix fails on unit tests in Python 3
new a86703e Merge pull request #83 from moyamo/python3-tests
new 6ee4440 New version for a new release!
new d15f204 fix handling of mutable default params
new 4fc5af4 Use JSON data instead of query paramaters PUT/POST
new 5bfa68d Merge pull request #85 from tomscytale/master
new 9ef30d1 remove [] from ssh_keys param in Droplet.create()
new 94dd1b5 add logging
new 9025370 fix tests - check JSON payload rather than params
new 5de1fed Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
new 1ab36fe Merge pull request #86 from tomscytale/master
new 547fd81 code cleanup
new d080816 bugfix
new c5e7f13 Forcing this release to use requests 2.4.2 or higher.
new 62140a0 Added a docker file to perform tests.
new a06c3c2 Updating and running tests when the container runs.
new e1a9fbb Using both python 2 and python 3 tests
new eca0f01 Using a better path for tests files
new 4071f7f Added a docker section in the readme file.
new d872a55 Using the right command
new 3964a00 Removed GA from ReadMe file
new c99fc88 New release.
new 0ad03d2 don't use requests' json paramater
new 9674c4f Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
new 3f74fb2 whitespace
new 48a5bf9 README - add section about testing with py.test
new 9cb71d2 Merge pull request #89 from tomscytale/master
new 7c8d969 Requiring requests >= 2.2.1
new 862e717 Small release to support requests >= 2.2.1
new 1f2da42 Better examples
new 52e087d Added .travis.yml file
new f064571 They suggest to --use-mirrors
new 8436b5e Testing only on python 2.7 and 3.4
new 961b79e Added travis logo
new aaec898 ...with the right link
new 029cf95 raise custome exception for bad JSON responses
new 2328a60 Merge pull request #91 from tomscytale/master
new 2dc495f Pass domain record as argument to Record
new 0d9b015 Merge pull request #93 from moyamo/domain-record-destroy
new fd40510 Removed tips4commit badge.
new f611096 New small release 1.4.2
new d25357d Add Action.region_slug
new 7624ec6 Merge pull request #95 from andrewsomething/action-object-region-slug
new eb4ebe6 added properties for lazy instantiation
new 37e25ec Merge pull request #96 from corndogcomputers/master
new 9ce1621 New license file. LGPL v3
new 6005e3b Updating the version and the metadata
new 324cde0 Updated the description
new 48877b6 Added the option
new 2628716 Pass API token to any Action created by Droplet
new 956c9cf Merge pull request #100 from moyamo/master
new 1f0bf4a Merge pull request #99 from koalalorenzo/features/snapshot-shutdown
new f230e28 fixed property indentations
new 729d1c3 Merge pull request #101 from corndogcomputers/master
new abe36ec Style updates
new 6c3221b Merge branch 'master' into features/snapshot-shutdown
new a682696 Small code-style/readability changes
new 5dcb532 Changed docker file and the indentation.
new abd5ca0 Now the options should wait until the action is completed correctly.
new d812ddc Added "waiting" method as suggested by @moyamo in #99 / #98
new 1932f7c Implemented Action.wait()
new 5f23a0e Fix typo in comment
new 9eaffc5 Merge pull request #102 from pdericson/master
new 2af3d2a Removed method imported, but not used.
new da60917 Merge pull request #103 from koalalorenzo/features/snapshot-shutdown
new d13b94f Removed Properties
new 2dc5e8b Merge pull request #104 from koalalorenzo/feature/remove-properties
new 9cd1607 Filter image results using query parameters.
new a847894 Implement a get_images() method which accepts filtering options.
new d890579 Merge pull request #106 from andrewsomething/image-filters
new 039afed add flexible droplet resize
new 3d7bc34 add flexible droplet resize
new b1120db fix tests
new 683e845 Merge pull request #110 from atuchak/master
new d2041d6 Using the same structure and parameters as described by DO APIs
new 2b913bf New version, 1.6!
new 5b15766 Removed wrong comment #112
new fe83f30 Add support for account statuses.
new 104e515 Merge pull request #117 from andrewsomething/account_status
new 1992a39 Pass params into get_records call
new 1cd74c6 Merge pull request #118 from frutik/pass_parameters_to_get_records_call
new eb5a803 Update Image.py
new 9b011c4 Update Image.py
new 5e56868 Initial support for Floating IPs.
new 4656357 Add test for Floating IPs.
new 934ea1c Merge pull request #121 from andrewsomething/floating_ips
new a824884 New Version!
new 5894542 Merge pull request #120 from dmyerscough/display-distribution-and-version-repr
new 0370f42 Pagination fix (broken when more than one page of results).
new c393b42 Merge pull request #122 from randomir/pagination-bug
new b1a82a3 Set the bool values for Droplet features on load.
new 6bee300 Allow enabling Droplet backups after creation.
new fa526e5 Merge pull request #125 from andrewsomething/enable_backups
new 84afd4c Merge pull request #123 from andrewsomething/droplet_features
new 438479d New release
new e03820a added floating_ip_limit support to account
new 5bdbf08 Merge pull request #127 from nharasym/master
new d4d3d0e Add Image.size_gigabytes and tests for Image.
new f628007 Merge pull request #132 from andrewsomething/size_gigabytes
new a5daa71 New feature.
new 148bad5 fix: invalid json response handling
new e2bb8e9 Merge pull request #133 from melor/json_decode_error
new cf12fc1 fixes #140
new a088a8b Initial support for creating multiple droplets with one API call - no ssh_keys option.
new 6f767f8 Fixes after testing.
new 2d4a798 Removed some debug output
new 3978a8b Merge pull request #141 from stantonk/issue/140
new 770b6d6 Add support for using ssh_keys.
new 3441d98 Use static instead of a class method.
new 4e1201b Added an example to help using the SSHKeys (Issue #144)
new dc94ff6 Fixing #138 with a type mistake
new 89a37f8 Ignoring pyc and __pycache__ when building docker container
new 6ab29fa Using pytest as module (instead of the script)
new 63820b7 Merge pull request #145 from koalalorenzo/features/ssh-fix
new d7892af Add SSH key into account
new d97e50d Merge pull request #148 from sandeep048/master
new ab74335 Add support for Block Storage volumes.
new e4801db Merge pull request #149 from andrewsomething/storage
new d5e651d Add a unit test for create_multiple.
new 67f4044 Merge branch 'master' into create-multiple-droplets
new c22f38b Merge pull request #143 from goodcode/create-multiple-droplets
new ef7be29 Version 1.9.0!
new f4f27cb Droplet: Add support for adding volumes at droplet creation time
new 6335015 Merge pull request #150 from Ormod/volumes
new c724939 Don't pass --use-mirrors to pip
new c7f13ae Merge pull request #154 from jwilk/pip-use-mirrors
new f0726df Catch only ImportError in conditional imports
new 30cd9f8 Merge pull request #155 from jwilk/bare-except
new 2afca2a README: Capitalize "i" in "PyPI"
new d4ce63b Merge pull request #153 from jwilk/spelling
new e582b18 Use urljoin() unconditionally
new 5b280e2 Merge pull request #152 from jwilk/urljoin
new 0a6bad4 Imported Upstream version 1.6
new 06aaa4b Imported Upstream version 1.9.0
new 4458815 Imported Upstream version 1.10.1
new 7422e12 New upstream version 1.11
new 6d0a885 Import initial packaging from github.com/andrewsomething/python-digitalocean
new baf3856 Modify packaging for Debian.
new 74256ba Ensure docs and Python 3 packages are installed.
new ab8d6a4 Initialize git-dpm
new 138b04b Add debian/.git-dpm
The 475 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-digitalocean.git
More information about the Python-modules-commits
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