[Python-modules-commits] [python-amqp] 04/12: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.4' into debian/experimental
Christopher Stuart Hoskin
mans0954 at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 19 09:29:12 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mans0954 pushed a commit to branch debian/experimental
in repository python-amqp.
commit 6d28df2f65b36d1500f1f0bce5ec4cd1871f73f9
Merge: eb99c10 3e149e5
Author: Christopher Hoskin <mans0954 at debian.org>
Date: Wed Mar 15 19:44:22 2017 +0000
Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.4' into debian/experimental
Upstream version 2.1.4
Changelog | 289 +++++-
LICENSE | 505 +--------
MANIFEST.in | 7 +-
PKG-INFO | 54 +-
README.rst | 38 +-
amqp.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 54 +-
amqp.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 54 +-
amqp.egg-info/requires.txt | 1 +
amqp/__init__.py | 68 +-
amqp/abstract_channel.py | 105 +-
amqp/basic_message.py | 153 +--
amqp/channel.py | 1093 ++++++--------------
amqp/connection.py | 1050 +++++++------------
amqp/exceptions.py | 80 +-
amqp/five.py | 191 +---
amqp/method_framing.py | 360 +++----
amqp/platform.py | 73 ++
amqp/protocol.py | 3 +-
amqp/serialization.py | 916 ++++++++--------
amqp/spec.py | 122 +++
amqp/tests/case.py | 85 --
amqp/tests/test_channel.py | 35 -
amqp/transport.py | 303 ++++--
amqp/utils.py | 142 +--
demo/amqp_clock.py | 78 --
demo/demo_receive.py | 83 --
demo/demo_send.py | 66 --
docs/.templates/page.html | 4 -
docs/.templates/sidebarintro.html | 4 -
docs/.templates/sidebarlogo.html | 3 -
docs/Makefile | 223 +++-
docs/_ext/applyxrefs.py | 92 --
docs/_ext/literals_to_xrefs.py | 173 ----
docs/{.static => _static}/.keep | 0
docs/_templates/sidebardonations.html | 10 +
docs/_theme/celery/static/celery.css_t | 401 -------
docs/_theme/celery/theme.conf | 5 -
docs/changelog.rst | 545 +---------
docs/conf.py | 151 +--
docs/images/celery_128.png | Bin 0 -> 26250 bytes
docs/images/favicon.ico | Bin 0 -> 3364 bytes
docs/includes/{intro.txt => introduction.txt} | 6 +-
docs/index.rst | 2 +-
docs/make.bat | 272 +++++
docs/reference/amqp.abstract_channel.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.basic_message.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.channel.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.connection.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.exceptions.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.five.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.method_framing.rst | 2 +-
.../{amqp.protocol.rst => amqp.platform.rst} | 6 +-
docs/reference/amqp.protocol.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.serialization.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/{amqp.five.rst => amqp.spec.rst} | 6 +-
docs/reference/amqp.transport.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/amqp.utils.rst | 2 +-
docs/reference/index.rst | 2 +
docs/templates/readme.txt | 27 +-
extra/README | 10 -
extra/generate_skeleton_0_8.py | 377 -------
extra/release/bump_version.py | 181 ----
extra/release/sphinx-to-rst.py | 75 --
extra/update_comments_from_spec.py | 8 +-
funtests/run_all.py | 38 -
funtests/settings.py | 91 --
funtests/test_basic_message.py | 132 ---
funtests/test_channel.py | 317 ------
funtests/test_connection.py | 127 ---
funtests/test_exceptions.py | 47 -
funtests/test_serialization.py | 411 --------
funtests/test_with.py | 70 --
requirements/default.txt | 1 +
requirements/docs.txt | 3 +-
requirements/pkgutils.txt | 13 +-
requirements/test-ci.txt | 2 +
requirements/test.txt | 7 +-
setup.cfg | 14 +-
setup.py | 90 +-
{amqp/tests => t}/__init__.py | 0
{amqp/tests => t/unit}/__init__.py | 0
t/unit/test_abstract_channel.py | 122 +++
t/unit/test_basic_message.py | 19 +
t/unit/test_channel.py | 408 ++++++++
t/unit/test_connection.py | 316 ++++++
t/unit/test_exceptions.py | 22 +
t/unit/test_method_framing.py | 101 ++
t/unit/test_platform.py | 14 +
t/unit/test_serialization.py | 195 ++++
t/unit/test_transport.py | 374 +++++++
t/unit/test_utils.py | 80 ++
91 files changed, 4807 insertions(+), 6820 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-amqp.git
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