[Python-modules-commits] [python-geoip2] branch master updated (8f00b2e -> 892c47c)

Ondřej Nový onovy at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 12 14:12:51 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

onovy pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-geoip2.

      from  8f00b2e   releasing package python-geoip2 version 2.4.2+dfsg1-1
       new  cba45d4   Import python-geoip2_2.5.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
       new  77fe299   record new upstream branch created by importing python-geoip2_2.5.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz and merge it
       new  6d97a79   New upstream release
       new  bd4adcf   d/copyright - Add myself for Debian part - Bumped upstream copyright year
       new  892c47c   releasing package python-geoip2 version 2.5.0+dfsg1-1

The 5 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 HISTORY.rst                                        |   7 ++
 PKG-INFO                                           |  28 ++++-
 README.rst                                         |  26 +++-
 debian/.git-dpm                                    |  14 +--
 debian/changelog                                   |   9 ++
 debian/copyright                                   |   3 +-
 geoip2/__init__.py                                 |   4 +-
 geoip2/compat.py                                   |   2 +
 geoip2/database.py                                 |  15 ++-
 geoip2/models.py                                   |  42 ++++++-
 geoip2/records.py                                  |  34 +++---
 geoip2/webservice.py                               |  17 +--
 setup.cfg                                          |   1 -
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Test.mmdb | Bin 3919 -> 4024 bytes
 .../GeoIP2-City-Test-Broken-Double-Format.mmdb     | Bin 20377 -> 19041 bytes
 .../GeoIP2-City-Test-Invalid-Node-Count.mmdb       | Bin 20759 -> 19423 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb         | Bin 20739 -> 19403 bytes
 .../test-data/GeoIP2-Connection-Type-Test.mmdb     | Bin 3779 -> 2463 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Country-Test.mmdb      | Bin 17561 -> 16189 bytes
 .../data/test-data/GeoIP2-DensityIncome-Test.mmdb  | Bin 0 -> 1650 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Domain-Test.mmdb       | Bin 6326 -> 4947 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Enterprise-Test.mmdb   | Bin 3828 -> 6545 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-ISP-Test.mmdb          | Bin 76196 -> 75113 bytes
 .../data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-City-Test.mmdb | Bin 21360 -> 0 bytes
 .../GeoIP2-Precision-Enterprise-Test.mmdb          | Bin 0 -> 8625 bytes
 .../data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-ISP-Test.mmdb  | Bin 76443 -> 0 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/GeoLite2-ASN-Test.mmdb        | Bin 0 -> 1753 bytes
 .../test-data/MaxMind-DB-no-ipv4-search-tree.mmdb  | Bin 2251 -> 1614 bytes
 .../test-data/MaxMind-DB-string-value-entries.mmdb | Bin 1341 -> 579 bytes
 .../MaxMind-DB-test-broken-pointers-24.mmdb        | Bin 1289 -> 527 bytes
 .../MaxMind-DB-test-broken-search-tree-24.mmdb     | Bin 1313 -> 551 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-decoder.mmdb  | Bin 3944 -> 2732 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-24.mmdb  | Bin 1298 -> 536 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-28.mmdb  | Bin 1462 -> 573 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-32.mmdb  | Bin 1626 -> 610 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-24.mmdb  | Bin 2806 -> 1545 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-28.mmdb  | Bin 3222 -> 1751 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-ipv6-32.mmdb  | Bin 3638 -> 1957 bytes
 .../MaxMind-DB-test-metadata-pointers.mmdb         | Bin 2258 -> 2198 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-24.mmdb | Bin 3066 -> 1847 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-28.mmdb | Bin 3511 -> 2089 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-32.mmdb | Bin 3956 -> 2331 bytes
 tests/data/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-nested.mmdb   | Bin 3802 -> 2590 bytes
 tests/database_test.py                             |  28 ++++-
 tests/models_test.py                               |  59 +++++++---
 tests/webservice_test.py                           | 131 ++++++++++++---------
 46 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-DensityIncome-Test.mmdb
 delete mode 100644 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-City-Test.mmdb
 create mode 100644 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-Enterprise-Test.mmdb
 delete mode 100644 tests/data/test-data/GeoIP2-Precision-ISP-Test.mmdb
 create mode 100644 tests/data/test-data/GeoLite2-ASN-Test.mmdb

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-geoip2.git

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