[Python-modules-commits] [afew] 01/01: New upstream version 1.2.0

Free Ekanayaka freee at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 31 21:12:19 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

freee pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository afew.

commit 515866770ff8828931f6ab7e6110b3d82b04cb41
Author: Free Ekanayaka <freee at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 30 13:47:20 2017 +0000

    New upstream version 1.2.0
 .gitignore                               |   2 +
 .travis.yml                              |  23 +++
 PKG-INFO                                 |  19 +++
 README.md                                | 256 -------------------------------
 README.rst                               | 245 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 afew.egg-info/PKG-INFO                   |  19 +++
 afew.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                |  51 ++++++
 afew.egg-info/dependency_links.txt       |   1 +
 afew.egg-info/entry_points.txt           |  14 ++
 afew.egg-info/requires.txt               |   2 +
 afew.egg-info/top_level.txt              |   1 +
 afew/DBACL.py                            | 112 --------------
 afew/Database.py                         |  17 --
 afew/MailMover.py                        |   7 +-
 afew/NotmuchSettings.py                  |   3 +-
 afew/Settings.py                         |   6 +-
 afew/{NotmuchSettings.py => __main__.py} |  21 +--
 afew/commands.py                         | 164 ++++++++------------
 afew/defaults/afew.config                |   1 -
 afew/filters/BaseFilter.py               |  11 +-
 afew/filters/ClassifyingFilter.py        |  41 -----
 afew/filters/FolderNameFilter.py         |  21 ++-
 afew/main.py                             |  37 -----
 afew/tests/test_settings.py              |  11 +-
 afew/tests/test_utils.py                 |  12 ++
 afew/utils.py                            |  92 +----------
 afew/version.py                          |   4 +
 docs/source/classification.rst           |  57 -------
 docs/source/commandline.rst              |  38 +----
 docs/source/configuration.rst            |   1 -
 docs/source/filters.rst                  |  21 ++-
 docs/source/implementation.rst           |  10 --
 docs/source/index.rst                    |   7 +-
 docs/source/installation.rst             |  10 +-
 docs/source/quickstart.rst               |   2 -
 setup.cfg                                |   4 +
 setup.py                                 |  27 +++-
 37 files changed, 546 insertions(+), 824 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9869866..0774894 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ bin/
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f758bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+dist: trusty
+language: python
+  - "2.7"
+  - "3.4"
+  - "3.5"
+  - "3.6"
+  apt:
+    packages:
+     - notmuch
+     - python-notmuch
+     - python3-notmuch
+  - ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/notmuch ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python*/site-packages
+  - pip install codeclimate-test-reporter
+  - python setup.py install
+  - coverage run --source=afew setup.py test
+  - codeclimate-test-reporter
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00c196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: afew
+Version: 1.2.0
+Summary: UNKNOWN
+Home-page: UNKNOWN
+Author: UNKNOWN
+Author-email: UNKNOWN
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Environment :: Console
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Communications :: Email
+Classifier: Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
+Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
+Classifier: Topic :: Database
+Provides: afew
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1dd6e..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-afew is an initial tagging script for notmuch mail:
-* http://notmuchmail.org/
-* http://notmuchmail.org/initial_tagging/
-Its basic task is to provide automatic tagging each time new mail is registered
-with notmuch. In a classic setup, you might call it after 'notmuch new' in an
-offlineimap post sync hook.
-In addition to more elementary features such as adding tags based on email
-headers or maildir folders, handling killed threads and spam, it can do some
-heavy magic in order to /learn/ how to initially tag your mails based on their
-In move mode, afew will move mails between maildir folders according to
-configurable rules that can contain arbitrary notmuch queries to match against
-any searchable attributes.
-fyi: afew plays nicely with alot, a GUI for notmuch mail ;)
-* https://github.com/pazz/alot
-Current NEWS
-afew is quite young, so expect a few user visible API or configuration
-format changes, though I'll try to minimize such disruptive events.
-Please keep an eye on NEWS.md for important news.
-* text classification, magic tags aka the mailing list without server
-* spam handling (flush all tags, add spam)
-* killed thread handling
-* tags posts to lists with `lists`, `$list-id`
-* autoarchives mails sent from you
-* catchall -> remove `new`, add `inbox`
-* can operate on new messages [default], `--all` messages or on custom
-  query results
-* can move mails based on arbitrary notmuch queries, so your sorting
-  may show on your traditional mail client (well, almost ;))
-* has a `--dry-run` mode for safe testing
-* works with python 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2
-You'll need dbacl for the text classification:
-    # aptitude install dbacl
-And I'd like to suggest to install afew as your unprivileged user.
-If you do, make sure `~/.local/bin` is in your path.
-    $ python setup.py install --prefix=~/.local
-    $ mkdir -p ~/.config/afew ~/.local/share/afew/categories
-Make sure that `~/.notmuch-config` reads:
-Put a list of filters into `~/.config/afew/config`:
-# This is the default filter chain
-And configure rules to sort mails on your disk, if you want:
-folders = INBOX Junk
-max_age = 15
-# rules
-INBOX = 'tag:spam':Junk 'NOT tag:inbox':Archive
-Junk = 'NOT tag:spam AND tag:inbox':INBOX 'NOT tag:spam':Archive
-Commandline help
-$ afew --help
-Usage: afew [options] [--] [query]
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
-  Actions:
-    Please specify exactly one action (both update actions can be
-    specified simultaniously).
-    -t, --tag           run the tag filters
-    -l LEARN, --learn=LEARN
-                        train the category with the messages matching the
-                        given query
-    -u, --update        update the categories [requires no query]
-    -U, --update-reference
-                        update the reference category (takes quite some time)
-                        [requires no query]
-    -c, --classify      classify each message matching the given query (to
-                        test the trained categories)
-    -m, --move-mails    move mail files between maildir folders
-  Query modifiers:
-    Please specify either --all or --new or a query string. The default
-    query for the update actions is a random selection of
-    -a, --all           operate on all messages
-    -n, --new           operate on all new messages
-  General options:
-    -C NOTMUCH_CONFIG, --notmuch-config=NOTMUCH_CONFIG
-                        path to the notmuch configuration file [default:
-                        $NOTMUCH_CONFIG or ~/.notmuch-config]
-    -e ENABLE_FILTERS, --enable-filters=ENABLE_FILTERS
-                        filter classes to use, separated by ',' [default:
-                        filters specified in afew's config]
-    -d, --dry-run       don't change the db [default: False]
-    -R REFERENCE_SET_SIZE, --reference-set-size=REFERENCE_SET_SIZE
-                        size of the reference set [default: 1000]
-    -T DAYS, --reference-set-timeframe=DAYS
-                        do not use mails older than DAYS days [default: 30]
-    -v, --verbose       be more verbose, can be given multiple times
-Boring stuff
-Adding `--dry-run` to any `--tag` or `--sync-tags` action prevents
-modification of the notmuch db. Add some `-vv` goodness to see some
-Initial tagging
-Basic tagging stuff requires no configuration, just run
-    $ afew --tag --new
-To do this automatically you can add the following hook into your
-    postsynchook = ionice -c 3 chrt --idle 0 /bin/sh -c "notmuch new && afew --tag --new"
-Tag filters
-Tag filters are plugin-like modules that encapsulate tagging
-functionality. There is a filter that handles the archiving of mails
-you sent, one that handles spam, one for killed threads, one for
-mailing list magic...
-The tag filter concept allows you to easily extend afew's tagging
-abilities by writing your own filters. Take a look at the default
-configuration file (`afew/defaults/afew.config`) for a list of
-available filters and how to enable filters and create customized
-filter types.
-Move mode
-To invoke afew in move mode, provide the `--move-mails` option on the
-command line.  Move mode will respect `--dry-run`, so throw in
-`--verbose` and watch what effects a real run would have.
-In move mode, afew will check all mails (or only recent ones) in the
-configured maildir folders, deciding whether they should be moved to
-another folder.
-The decision is based on rules defined in your config file. A rule is
-bound to a source folder and specifies a target folder into which a
-mail will be moved that is matched by an associated query.
-This way you will be able to transfer your sorting principles roughly
-to the classic folder based maildir structure understood by your
-traditional mail server. Tag your mails with notmuch, call afew
-`--move-mails` in an offlineimap presynchook and enjoy a clean inbox
-in your webinterface/GUI-client at work.
-For information on how to configure rules for move mode, what you can
-do with it and what you can't, please refer to `docs/move_mode`.
-The real deal
-Let's train on an existing tag `spam`:
-    $ afew --learn spam -- tag:spam
-Let's build the reference category. This is important to reduce the
-false positive rate. This may take a while...
-    $ afew --update-reference
-And now let's create a new tag from an arbitrary query result:
-    $ afew -vv --learn sourceforge -- sourceforge
-Let's see how good the classification is:
-    $ afew --classify -- tag:inbox and not tag:killed
-    Sergio López <slpml at sinrega.org> (2011-10-08) (bug-hurd inbox lists unread) --> no match
-    Patrick Totzke <reply+i-1840934-9a702d09342dca2b120126b26b008d0deea1731e at reply.github.com> (2011-10-08) (alot inbox lists) --> alot
-    [...]
-As soon as you trained some categories, afew will automatically
-tag your new mails using the classifier. If you want to disable this
-feature, either use the `--enable-filters` option to override the default
-set of filters or remove the files in your afew state dir:
-    $ ls ~/.local/share/afew/categories
-    alot juggling  reference_category  sourceforge  spam
-You need to update the category files periodically. I'd suggest to run
-    $ afew --update
-on a weekly and
-    $ afew --update-reference
-on a monthly basis.
-Have fun :)
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b25b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+|GithubTag| |TravisStatus|
+afew is an initial tagging script for notmuch mail:
+* http://notmuchmail.org/
+* http://notmuchmail.org/initial_tagging/
+Its basic task is to provide automatic tagging each time new mail is registered
+with notmuch. In a classic setup, you might call it after 'notmuch new' in an
+offlineimap post sync hook.
+It can do basic thing such as adding tags based on email headers or maildir
+folders, handling killed threads and spam.
+In move mode, afew will move mails between maildir folders according to
+configurable rules that can contain arbitrary notmuch queries to match against
+any searchable attributes.
+fyi: afew plays nicely with alot, a GUI for notmuch mail ;)
+* https://github.com/pazz/alot
+Current NEWS
+afew is quite young, so expect a few user visible API or configuration
+format changes, though I'll try to minimize such disruptive events.
+Please keep an eye on NEWS.md for important news.
+Also, feel free to ask your questions and discuss usage in the [#afewmail IRC Channel](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#afewmail) on freenode.
+* spam handling (flush all tags, add spam)
+* killed thread handling
+* tags posts to lists with ``lists``, ``$list-id``
+* autoarchives mails sent from you
+* catchall -> remove ``new``, add ``inbox``
+* can operate on new messages [default], ``--all`` messages or on custom
+  query results
+* can move mails based on arbitrary notmuch queries, so your sorting
+  may show on your traditional mail client (well, almost ;))
+* has a ``--dry-run`` mode for safe testing
+* works with python 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2
+Make sure you have already installed your distribution's `notmuch`
+package, and the notmuch python bindings, which might come in separate
+`python-notmuch` and `python3-notmuch` packages.
+Note: if you are installing `notmuch` using Homebrew on macOS, make sure
+to run ``$ brew install --with-python3 notmuch``, because the brew formula
+doesn't install python3 notmuch bindings by default.
+It is recommended to install `afew` itself inside a virtualenv as an unprivileged
+user, either via checking out the source code and installing via setup.py, or
+via pip.
+.. code:: bash
+  # create and activate virtualenv
+  $ python -m venv --system-site-packages .venv
+  $ source .venv/bin/activate
+  # install via pip from PyPI:
+  $ pip install afew
+  # or install from source:
+  $ python setup.py install
+You might want to symlink `.venv/bin/afew` somewhere inside your path
+(~/bin/ in this case):
+.. code:: bash
+  $ ln -snr .venv/bin/afew ~/.bin/afew
+Make sure that ``~/.notmuch-config`` reads:
+.. code:: ini
+  [new]
+  tags=new
+Put a list of filters into ``~/.config/afew/config``:
+.. code:: ini
+  # This is the default filter chain
+  [SpamFilter]
+  [KillThreadsFilter]
+  [ListMailsFilter]
+  [ArchiveSentMailsFilter]
+  [InboxFilter]
+And configure rules to sort mails on your disk, if you want:
+.. code:: ini
+  [MailMover]
+  folders = INBOX Junk
+  max_age = 15
+  # rules
+  INBOX = 'tag:spam':Junk 'NOT tag:inbox':Archive
+  Junk = 'NOT tag:spam AND tag:inbox':INBOX 'NOT tag:spam':Archive
+Commandline help
+.. code:: ini
+  $ afew --help
+  Usage: afew [options] [--] [query]
+  Options:
+    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+    Actions:
+      Please specify exactly one action.
+      -t, --tag           run the tag filters
+      -m, --move-mails    move mail files between maildir folders
+    Query modifiers:
+      Please specify either --all or --new or a query string.
+      -a, --all           operate on all messages
+      -n, --new           operate on all new messages
+    General options:
+      -C NOTMUCH_CONFIG, --notmuch-config=NOTMUCH_CONFIG
+                          path to the notmuch configuration file [default:
+                          $NOTMUCH_CONFIG or ~/.notmuch-config]
+      -e ENABLE_FILTERS, --enable-filters=ENABLE_FILTERS
+                          filter classes to use, separated by ',' [default:
+                          filters specified in afew's config]
+      -d, --dry-run       don't change the db [default: False]
+      -R REFERENCE_SET_SIZE, --reference-set-size=REFERENCE_SET_SIZE
+                          size of the reference set [default: 1000]
+      -T DAYS, --reference-set-timeframe=DAYS
+                          do not use mails older than DAYS days [default: 30]
+      -v, --verbose       be more verbose, can be given multiple times
+Boring stuff
+Adding ``--dry-run`` to any ``--tag`` or ``--sync-tags`` action prevents
+modification of the notmuch db. Add some ``-vv`` goodness to see some
+Initial tagging
+Basic tagging stuff requires no configuration, just run
+.. code:: bash
+  $ afew --tag --new
+To do this automatically you can add the following hook into your
+.. code:: ini
+  postsynchook = ionice -c 3 chrt --idle 0 /bin/sh -c "notmuch new && afew --tag --new"
+Tag filters
+Tag filters are plugin-like modules that encapsulate tagging
+functionality. There is a filter that handles the archiving of mails
+you sent, one that handles spam, one for killed threads, one for
+mailing list magic...
+The tag filter concept allows you to easily extend afew's tagging
+abilities by writing your own filters. Take a look at the default
+configuration file (``afew/defaults/afew.config``) for a list of
+available filters and how to enable filters and create customized
+filter types.
+Move mode
+To invoke afew in move mode, provide the ``--move-mails`` option on the
+command line.  Move mode will respect ``--dry-run``, so throw in
+``--verbose`` and watch what effects a real run would have.
+In move mode, afew will check all mails (or only recent ones) in the
+configured maildir folders, deciding whether they should be moved to
+another folder.
+The decision is based on rules defined in your config file. A rule is
+bound to a source folder and specifies a target folder into which a
+mail will be moved that is matched by an associated query.
+This way you will be able to transfer your sorting principles roughly
+to the classic folder based maildir structure understood by your
+traditional mail server. Tag your mails with notmuch, call afew
+``--move-mails`` in an offlineimap presynchook and enjoy a clean inbox
+in your webinterface/GUI-client at work.
+For information on how to configure rules for move mode, what you can
+do with it and what you can't, please refer to ``docs/move_mode``.
+Have fun :)
+.. |GithubTag| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/afewmail/afew.svg
+    :target: https://travis-ci.org/afewmail/afew
+.. |TravisStatus| image:: https://travis-ci.org/afewmail/afew.svg?branch=master
+    :target: https://github.com/afewmail/afew/releases
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/afew.egg-info/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00c196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: afew
+Version: 1.2.0
+Summary: UNKNOWN
+Home-page: UNKNOWN
+Author: UNKNOWN
+Author-email: UNKNOWN
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Environment :: Console
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Communications :: Email
+Classifier: Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
+Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
+Classifier: Topic :: Database
+Provides: afew
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/afew.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd7d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/afew.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/entry_points.txt b/afew.egg-info/entry_points.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b0c837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ArchiveSentMailsFilter = afew.filters.ArchiveSentMailsFilter:ArchiveSentMailsFilter
+Filter = afew.filters.BaseFilter:Filter
+FolderNameFilter = afew.filters.FolderNameFilter:FolderNameFilter
+HeaderMatchingFilter = afew.filters.HeaderMatchingFilter:HeaderMatchingFilter
+InboxFilter = afew.filters.InboxFilter:InboxFilter
+KillThreadsFilter = afew.filters.KillThreadsFilter:KillThreadsFilter
+ListMailsFilter = afew.filters.ListMailsFilter:ListMailsFilter
+SentMailsFilter = afew.filters.SentMailsFilter:SentMailsFilter
+SpamFilter = afew.filters.SpamFilter:SpamFilter
+afew = afew.commands:main
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/requires.txt b/afew.egg-info/requires.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa6a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/afew.egg-info/top_level.txt b/afew.egg-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f769f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afew.egg-info/top_level.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/afew/DBACL.py b/afew/DBACL.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb82b8..0000000
--- a/afew/DBACL.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
-# Copyright (c) Justus Winter <4winter at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
-# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
-# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-import os
-import glob
-import logging
-import functools
-import subprocess
-class ClassificationError(Exception): pass
-class BackendError(ClassificationError): pass
-default_db_path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME',
-                                              os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share')),
-                               'afew', 'categories')
-class Classifier(object):
-    reference_category = 'reference_category'
-    def __init__(self, categories, database_directory = default_db_path):
-        self.categories = set(categories)
-        self.database_directory = database_directory
-    def learn(self, category, texts):
-        pass
-    def classify(self, text):
-        pass
-class DBACL(Classifier):
-    def __init__(self, database_directory = default_db_path):
-        categories = glob.glob1(database_directory, '*')
-        super(DBACL, self).__init__(categories, database_directory)
-    sane_environ = {
-        key: value
-        for key, value in os.environ.items()
-        if not (
-            key.startswith('LC_') or
-            key == 'LANG' or
-            key == 'LANGUAGE'
-        )
-    }
-    def _call_dbacl(self, args, **kwargs):
-        command_line = ['dbacl', '-T', 'email'] + args
-        logging.debug('executing %r' % command_line)
-        return subprocess.Popen(
-            command_line,
-            shell = False,
-            stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
-            stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
-            stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
-            env = self.sane_environ,
-            **kwargs
-        )
-    def get_category_path(self, category):
-        return os.path.join(self.database_directory, category.replace('/', '_'))
-    def learn(self, category, texts):
-        process = self._call_dbacl(['-l', self.get_category_path(category)])
-        for text in texts:
-            process.stdin.write((text + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
-        process.stdin.close()
-        process.wait()
-        if process.returncode != 0:
-            raise BackendError('dbacl learning failed:\n%s' % process.stderr.read())
-    def classify(self, text):
-        if not self.categories:
-            raise ClassificationError('No categories defined')
-        categories = functools.reduce(list.__add__, [
-            ['-c', self.get_category_path(category)]
-            for category in self.categories
-        ], [])
-        process = self._call_dbacl(categories + ['-n'])
-        stdout, stderr = process.communicate(text.encode('utf-8'))
-        if len(stderr) == 0:
-            result = stdout.split()
-            scores = list()
-            while result:
-                category = result.pop(0).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
-                score = float(result.pop(0))
-                scores.append((category, score))
-            scores.sort(key = lambda category_score: category_score[1])
-        else:
-            raise BackendError('dbacl classification failed:\n%s' % stderr)
-        return scores
diff --git a/afew/Database.py b/afew/Database.py
index 4b38f0c..59b9a6a 100644
--- a/afew/Database.py
+++ b/afew/Database.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import logging
 import notmuch
 from .NotmuchSettings import notmuch_settings, get_notmuch_new_tags
-from .utils import extract_mail_body
 class Database(object):
@@ -111,22 +110,6 @@ class Database(object):
                 for message in self.walk_thread(thread):
                     yield message
-    def mail_bodies_matching(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        '''
-        Filters each message yielded from
-        :func:`Database.get_messages` through
-        :func:`afew.utils.extract_mail_body`.
-        This functions accepts the same arguments as
-        :func:`Database.get_messages`.
-        :returns: an iterator over :class:`list` of :class:`str`
-        '''
-        query = self.get_messages(*args, **kwargs)
-        for message in query:
-            yield extract_mail_body(message)
     def walk_replies(self, message):
         Returns all replies to the given message.
diff --git a/afew/MailMover.py b/afew/MailMover.py
index faa89c7..718e4d8 100644
--- a/afew/MailMover.py
+++ b/afew/MailMover.py
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class MailMover(Database):
         # identify and move messages
         logging.info("checking mails in '{}'".format(maildir))
         to_delete_fnames = []
+        moved = False
         for query in rules.keys():
             destination = '{}/{}/cur/'.format(self.db_path, rules[query])
             main_query = self.query.format(folder=maildir, subquery=query)
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ class MailMover(Database):
                                   if maildir in name]
                 if not to_move_fnames:
+                moved = True
                 self.__log_move_action(message, maildir, rules[query],
                 for fname in to_move_fnames:
@@ -99,9 +101,10 @@ class MailMover(Database):
         # update notmuch database
-        logging.info("updating database")
         if not self.dry_run:
-            self.__update_db(maildir)
+            if moved:
+                logging.info("updating database")
+                self.__update_db(maildir)
             logging.info("Would update database")
diff --git a/afew/NotmuchSettings.py b/afew/NotmuchSettings.py
index 13655e0..83b78e6 100644
--- a/afew/NotmuchSettings.py
+++ b/afew/NotmuchSettings.py
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ def read_notmuch_settings(path = None):
 def get_notmuch_new_tags():
-    return notmuch_settings.get_list('new', 'tags')
+    # see issue 158
+    return filter(lambda x: x != 'unread', notmuch_settings.get_list('new', 'tags'))
 def get_notmuch_new_query():
     return '(%s)' % ' AND '.join('tag:%s' % tag for tag in get_notmuch_new_tags())
diff --git a/afew/Settings.py b/afew/Settings.py
index fe2ed61..ed3edc5 100644
--- a/afew/Settings.py
+++ b/afew/Settings.py
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def get_filter_chain(database):
     return filter_chain
 def get_mail_move_rules():
-    rule_pattern = re.compile(r"'(.+?)':(\S+)")
+    rule_pattern = re.compile(r"'(.+?)':((?P<quote>['\"])(.*?)(?P=quote)|\S+)")
     if settings.has_option(mail_mover_section, 'folders'):
         all_rules = collections.OrderedDict()
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ def get_mail_move_rules():
                 raw_rules = re.findall(rule_pattern,
                                        settings.get(mail_mover_section, folder))
                 for rule in raw_rules:
-                    rules[rule[0]] = rule[1]
+                    query = rule[0]
+                    destination = rule[3] or rule[1]
+                    rules[query] = destination
                 all_rules[folder] = rules
                 raise NameError("No rules specified for maildir '{}'.".format(folder))
diff --git a/afew/NotmuchSettings.py b/afew/__main__.py
similarity index 59%
copy from afew/NotmuchSettings.py
copy to afew/__main__.py
index 13655e0..a5b71a5 100644
--- a/afew/NotmuchSettings.py
+++ b/afew/__main__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
-# Copyright (c) Justus Winter <4winter at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
+# Copyright (c) Lucas Hoffmann
 # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
@@ -17,20 +17,5 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import os
-from .configparser import RawConfigParser
-notmuch_settings = RawConfigParser()
-def read_notmuch_settings(path = None):
-    if path == None:
-        path = os.environ.get('NOTMUCH_CONFIG', os.path.expanduser('~/.notmuch-config'))
... 1003 lines suppressed ...

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