[Python-modules-commits] [jupyter-notebook] branch master updated (a1386f1 -> bb666ca)
Gordon Ball
chronitis-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 17 21:08:58 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
chronitis-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository jupyter-notebook.
from a1386f1 Add preactCompat empty functions to shim.js
new af8b814 record new upstream branch created by importing jupyter-notebook_5.1.0.orig.tar.gz
new 011fc69 Import jupyter-notebook_5.1.0.orig.tar.gz
new 5f3532f Nodejs binary and import names
new 27916ba Use local MathJax in documentation
new 180545a Unmask setuptools in setup.py so dependencies are detected
new 3c892da jquery-ui 1.12 compatibility changes
new a352534 Call lessc with --source-map-basepath option for reproducibility
new e7062bf Work around https://github.com/less/less.js/pull/3002
new 15e7289 Debian-specific hack to fix upstream's (non-)incremental build
new 381389a Ignore errors in documentation notebooks during build
new fd0056d merge patched into master
new fd97b8f New upstream: 5.1.0
new 89e35ad Standards-Version 4.1.0
new ca4836b Use moment-with-locales.js instead of moment.js
new c8deffd New dependency: libjs-jed
new 833430f New dependency: libjs-requirejs-text
new c8bb8c0 Add local copy of requirejs-plugins/src/json.js
new a704fe0 Fix symlink for requirejs-text
new bb666ca Fix: moment.js still required also
The 19 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 4 +-
.travis.yml | 15 +-
MANIFEST.in | 2 +-
bower.json | 9 +-
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/README.source | 8 +
debian/changelog | 8 +-
debian/control | 8 +-
debian/copyright | 23 +
.../missing-sources/requirejs-plugins/src/json.js | 72 +
.../0001-Nodejs-binary-and-import-names.patch | 6 +-
.../0002-Use-local-MathJax-in-documentation.patch | 7 +-
...ptools-in-setup.py-so-dependencies-are-de.patch | 2 +-
...0004-jquery-ui-1.12-compatibility-changes.patch | 8 +-
...with-source-map-basepath-option-for-repro.patch | 6 +-
...d-https-github.com-less-less.js-pull-3002.patch | 6 +-
...ific-hack-to-fix-upstream-s-non-increment.patch | 2 +-
...rs-in-documentation-notebooks-during-buil.patch | 15 +-
debian/rules | 13 +-
docs/doc-requirements.txt | 3 +-
docs/source/_static/images/cell-tags-toolbar.png | Bin 103041 -> 89424 bytes
docs/source/changelog.rst | 31 +-
docs/source/conf.py | 2 +
.../examples/Notebook/Importing Notebooks.ipynb | 5 +-
.../source/examples/Notebook/Notebook Basics.ipynb | 2 +-
.../Notebook/What is the Jupyter Notebook.ipynb | 3 +-
.../Notebook/Working With Markdown Cells.ipynb | 14 +-
docs/source/frontend_config.rst | 2 +-
docs/source/notebook.rst | 33 +-
docs/source/public_server.rst | 2 +-
docs/source/security.rst | 5 +-
notebook/_sysinfo.py | 14 +-
notebook/_version.py | 2 +-
notebook/allow76.py | 311 -
notebook/base/handlers.py | 47 +-
notebook/base/zmqhandlers.py | 11 +-
notebook/files/handlers.py | 13 +-
notebook/i18n/README.md | 122 +
notebook/i18n/babel_nbjs.cfg | 11 +
notebook/i18n/babel_nbui.cfg | 4 +
notebook/i18n/babel_notebook.cfg | 2 +
notebook/i18n/nbjs.json | 12 +
notebook/i18n/nbjs.pot | 1927 +++++
notebook/i18n/nbui.pot | 731 ++
notebook/i18n/notebook.pot | 480 +
notebook/jstest.py | 2 -
notebook/nbconvert/handlers.py | 4 +-
notebook/nbextensions.py | 132 +-
notebook/notebookapp.py | 383 +-
notebook/services/contents/filemanager.py | 41 +-
notebook/services/contents/handlers.py | 27 +-
notebook/services/contents/manager.py | 10 +-
.../services/contents/tests/test_contents_api.py | 4 +-
notebook/services/contents/tests/test_manager.py | 15 +-
notebook/services/kernels/handlers.py | 19 +-
notebook/services/kernels/kernelmanager.py | 107 +-
notebook/services/security/handlers.py | 6 +-
notebook/services/shutdown.py | 15 +
notebook/static/auth/js/loginmain.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/auth/js/logoutmain.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-1.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-2.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-3.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy.ico | Bin 32038 -> 0 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-file.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-notebook.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/images/favicon-terminal.ico | Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
notebook/static/base/js/dialog.js | 72 +-
notebook/static/base/js/i18n.js | 54 +
notebook/static/base/js/i18nload.js | 26 +
notebook/static/base/js/namespace.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/base/js/page.js | 18 +-
notebook/static/base/js/promises.js | 26 +
notebook/static/base/js/utils.js | 86 +-
notebook/static/base/less/page.less | 17 +-
notebook/static/custom/custom.js | 24 +-
notebook/static/edit/js/editor.js | 80 +-
notebook/static/edit/js/main.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/edit/js/menubar.js | 2 +
notebook/static/edit/js/savewidget.js | 5 +
notebook/static/edit/less/edit.less | 4 +
notebook/static/favicon.ico | 1 +
notebook/static/notebook/js/about.js | 26 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/actions.js | 266 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/cell.js | 13 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/celltoolbar.js | 7 +-
.../notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/attachments.js | 9 +-
.../notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/default.js | 9 +-
.../notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/example.js | 7 -
.../notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/rawcell.js | 15 +-
.../notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/slideshow.js | 18 +-
.../static/notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/tags.js | 13 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/clipboard.js | 22 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/codecell.js | 29 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/commandpalette.js | 28 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/completer.js | 11 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/kernelselector.js | 23 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/main.js | 6 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/maintoolbar.js | 18 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/mathjaxutils.js | 19 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/menubar.js | 15 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/notebook.js | 207 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/notificationarea.js | 154 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js | 92 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/pager.js | 11 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/promises.js | 22 +
notebook/static/notebook/js/quickhelp.js | 136 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/savewidget.js | 31 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/searchandreplace.js | 38 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/shortcuteditor.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/textcell.js | 16 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/toolbar.js | 41 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/tooltip.js | 17 +-
notebook/static/notebook/js/tour.js | 62 +-
notebook/static/notebook/less/kernelselector.less | 2 -
notebook/static/notebook/less/renderedhtml.less | 34 +-
notebook/static/notebook/less/savewidget.less | 22 +-
notebook/static/notebook/less/tagbar.less | 1 +
notebook/static/notebook/less/toolbar.less | 4 +
notebook/static/robots.txt | 2 +
notebook/static/services/contents.js | 10 +
notebook/static/services/kernels/comm.js | 16 +-
notebook/static/services/kernels/kernel.js | 2 +-
notebook/static/terminal/js/main.js | 4 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/kernellist.js | 7 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/main.js | 4 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/newnotebook.js | 13 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/notebooklist.js | 350 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/sessionlist.js | 19 +-
notebook/static/tree/js/terminallist.js | 7 +-
notebook/templates/404.html | 2 +-
notebook/templates/edit.html | 36 +-
notebook/templates/error.html | 2 +-
notebook/templates/login.html | 10 +-
notebook/templates/logout.html | 11 +-
notebook/templates/notebook.html | 229 +-
notebook/templates/page.html | 22 +-
notebook/templates/terminal.html | 11 +-
notebook/templates/tree.html | 79 +-
notebook/tests/services/serialize.js | 4 -
notebook/tests/test_files.py | 2 +-
notebook/tests/test_nbextensions.py | 28 +-
notebook/tests/test_notebookapp.py | 36 +
notebook/transutils.py | 14 +
notebook/utils.py | 45 +-
notebook/view/handlers.py | 2 +-
scripts/less-watch | 42 -
setupbase.py | 16 +-
tools/build-main.js | 5 +-
tools/patches/codemirror.js | 9124 --------------------
150 files changed, 5959 insertions(+), 10846 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/missing-sources/requirejs-plugins/src/json.js
delete mode 100644 notebook/allow76.py
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/README.md
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/babel_nbjs.cfg
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/babel_nbui.cfg
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/babel_notebook.cfg
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/nbjs.json
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/nbjs.pot
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/nbui.pot
create mode 100644 notebook/i18n/notebook.pot
create mode 100644 notebook/services/shutdown.py
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-1.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-2.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy-3.ico
delete mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-busy.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-file.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-notebook.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/images/favicon-terminal.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/js/i18n.js
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/js/i18nload.js
create mode 100644 notebook/static/base/js/promises.js
create mode 120000 notebook/static/favicon.ico
create mode 100644 notebook/static/notebook/js/promises.js
create mode 100644 notebook/static/robots.txt
create mode 100644 notebook/transutils.py
delete mode 100755 scripts/less-watch
delete mode 100644 tools/patches/codemirror.js
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/jupyter-notebook.git
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