[Python-modules-commits] [django-sass-processor] 02/05: New upstream version 0.5.4

Hans-Christoph Steiner eighthave at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 22 20:56:17 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eighthave pushed a commit to branch master
in repository django-sass-processor.

commit 003da18fa8b1be8517663b0f27ae5451d297e42e
Author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 22 13:07:03 2017 +0200

    New upstream version 0.5.4
 LICENSE-MIT                                        |  22 +
 MANIFEST.in                                        |   3 +
 PKG-INFO                                           | 447 +++++++++++++++++++++
 README.md                                          | 362 +++++++++++++++++
 django_sass_processor.egg-info/PKG-INFO            | 447 +++++++++++++++++++++
 django_sass_processor.egg-info/SOURCES.txt         |  34 ++
 .../dependency_links.txt                           |   1 +
 django_sass_processor.egg-info/not-zip-safe        |   1 +
 django_sass_processor.egg-info/requires.txt        |   1 +
 django_sass_processor.egg-info/top_level.txt       |   1 +
 sass_processor/__init__.py                         |  26 ++
 sass_processor/__init__.pyc                        | Bin 0 -> 345 bytes
 sass_processor/apps.py                             |  35 ++
 sass_processor/apps.pyc                            | Bin 0 -> 2072 bytes
 sass_processor/finders.py                          |  31 ++
 sass_processor/finders.pyc                         | Bin 0 -> 1739 bytes
 sass_processor/jinja2/__init__.py                  |   0
 sass_processor/jinja2/ext.py                       |  33 ++
 sass_processor/management/__init__.py              |   0
 sass_processor/management/__init__.pyc             | Bin 0 -> 180 bytes
 sass_processor/management/commands/__init__.py     |   0
 sass_processor/management/commands/__init__.pyc    | Bin 0 -> 189 bytes
 sass_processor/management/commands/compilescss.py  | 331 +++++++++++++++
 sass_processor/management/commands/compilescss.pyc | Bin 0 -> 14208 bytes
 sass_processor/processor.py                        | 123 ++++++
 sass_processor/processor.pyc                       | Bin 0 -> 5072 bytes
 sass_processor/storage.py                          |  20 +
 sass_processor/storage.pyc                         | Bin 0 -> 1343 bytes
 sass_processor/templatetags/__init__.py            |   0
 sass_processor/templatetags/__init__.pyc           | Bin 0 -> 182 bytes
 sass_processor/templatetags/sass_tags.py           |  50 +++
 sass_processor/templatetags/sass_tags.pyc          | Bin 0 -> 2906 bytes
 sass_processor/utils.py                            |  10 +
 sass_processor/utils.pyc                           | Bin 0 -> 604 bytes
 setup.cfg                                          |   5 +
 setup.py                                           |  44 ++
 36 files changed, 2027 insertions(+)

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+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2015 Jacob Rief
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
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index 0000000..e28c523
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+include LICENSE-MIT
+include README.md
+recursive-include sass_processor *
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+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: django-sass-processor
+Version: 0.5.4
+Summary: SASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or offline.
+Home-page: https://github.com/jrief/django-sass-processor
+Author: Jacob Rief
+Author-email: jacob.rief at gmail.com
+Description: django-sass-processor
+        =====================
+        Processor to compile files from markup languages such as SASS/SCSS.
+        **django-sass-processor** converts ``*.scss`` or ``*.sass`` files into
+        ``*.css`` while rendering templates. For performance reasons this is
+        done only once, since the preprocessor keeps track on the timestamps and
+        only recompiles, if any of the imported SASS/SCSS files is younger than
+        the corresponding generated CSS file.
+        Introduction
+        ------------
+        This Django app provides a templatetag
+        ``{% sass_src 'path/to/file.scss' %}``, which can be used instead of the
+        built-in templatetag ``static``. Since version 0.3.4 this also works for
+        Jinja2 templates.
+        If SASS/SCSS files shall be referenced through the ``Media`` class, or
+        ``media`` property, the SASS processor can be used directly.
+        Additionally, **django-sass-processor** is shipped with a management
+        command, which can convert the content of all occurrences inside the
+        templatetag ``sass_src`` as an offline operation. Hence the **libsass**
+        compiler is not required in a production environment.
+        During development, a
+        `sourcemap <https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/css-preprocessors>`__
+        is generated along side with the compiled ``*.css`` file. This allows to
+        debug style sheet errors much easier.
+        With this tool, you can safely remove your Ruby installations "Compass"
+        and "SASS" from your Django projects. You neither need any directory
+        "watching" daemons based on node.js.
+        Project's Home
+        --------------
+        On GitHub:
+        https://github.com/jrief/django-sass-processor
+        Please use the issue tracker to report bugs or propose new features.
+        Installation
+        ------------
+        ::
+            pip install libsass django-compressor django-sass-processor
+        ``django-compressor`` is required only for offline compilation, when
+        using the command ``manage.py compilescss``.
+        ``libsass`` is not required on the production environment, if SASS/SCSS
+        files have been precompiled and deployed using offline compilation.
+        Configuration
+        -------------
+        In ``settings.py`` add to:
+        .. code:: python
+            INSTALLED_APPS = [
+                ...
+                'sass_processor',
+                ...
+            ]
+        Optionally, add a list of additional search paths, the SASS compiler may
+        examine when using the ``@import "...";`` statement in SASS/SCSS files:
+        .. code:: python
+            import os
+                os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'extra-styles/scss'),
+                os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'node_modules'),
+            ]
+        Additionally, **django-sass-processor** will traverse all installed
+        Django apps (``INSTALLED_APPS``) and look into their static folders. If
+        any of them contain a file matching the regular expression pattern
+        ``^_.+\.(scss|sass)$`` (read: filename starts with an underscore and is
+        of type ``scss`` or ``sass``), then that app specific static folder is
+        added to the **libsass** include dirs. This feature can be disabled in
+        your settings with
+        .. code:: python
+        If inside of your SASS/SCSS files you also want to import (using
+        ``@import "path/to/scssfile";``) files which do not start with an
+        underscore, then you can configure another pattern in your settings, for
+        instance
+        .. code:: python
+            SASS_PROCESSOR_INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERN = r'^.+\.scss$'
+        will look for all files of type ``scss``. Remember that SASS/SCSS files
+        which start with an underscore are intended to be imported by other
+        SASS/SCSS files, while files starting with a letter are intended to be
+        included by the HTML tag
+        ``<link href="{% sass_src 'path/to/file' %}" ...>``.
+        During development, or when ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ENABLED = True``, the
+        compiled file is placed into the folder referenced by
+        ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT`` (if unset, this setting defaults to
+        ``STATIC_ROOT``). Having a location outside of the working directory
+        prevents to pollute your local ``static/css/...`` directories with
+        auto-generated files. Therefore assure, that this directory is writable
+        by the Django runserver.
+        **django-sass-processor** is shipped with a special finder, to locate
+        the generated ``*.css`` files in the directory referred by
+        ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT`` (or, if unset ``STATIC_ROOT``). Just add it to
+        your ``settings.py``. If there is no ``STATICFILES_FINDERS`` in your
+        ``settings.py`` don't forget to include the **Django** `default
+        finders <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#std:setting-STATICFILES_FINDERS>`__.
+        .. code:: python
+            STATICFILES_FINDERS = [
+                'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder',
+                'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder',
+                'sass_processor.finders.CssFinder',
+                ...
+            ]
+        Fine tune SASS compiler parameters in ``settings.py``.
+        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+        Integer ``SASS_PRECISION`` sets floating point precision for output css.
+        libsass' default is ``5``. Note: **bootstrap-sass** requires ``8``,
+        otherwise various layout problems *will* occur.
+        ::
+            SASS_PRECISION = 8
+        ``SASS_OUTPUT_STYLE`` sets coding style of the compiled result, one of
+        ``compact``, ``compressed``, ``expanded``, or ``nested``. Default is
+        ``nested`` for ``DEBUG`` and ``compressed`` in production.
+        Note: **libsass-python** 0.8.3 has `problem encoding result while saving
+        on Windows <https://github.com/dahlia/libsass-python/pull/82>`__, the
+        issue is already fixed and will be included in future ``pip`` package
+        release, in the meanwhile avoid ``compressed`` output style.
+        ::
+            SASS_OUTPUT_STYLE = 'compact'
+        Jinja2 support
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        ``sass_processor.jinja2.ext.SassSrc`` is a Jinja2 extension. Add it to
+        your Jinja2 environment to enable the tag ``sass_src``, there is no need
+        for a ``load`` tag. Example of how to add your Jinja2 environment to
+        Django:
+        In ``settings.py``:
+        .. code:: python
+            TEMPLATES = [{
+                'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
+                'DIRS': [],
+                'APP_DIRS': True,
+                'OPTIONS': {
+                    'environment': 'yourapp.jinja2.environment'
+                },
+                ...
+            }]
+        Make sure to add the default template backend, if you're still using
+        Django templates elsewhere. This is covered in the `Upgrading templates
+        documentation <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/upgrading/>`__.
+        In ``yourapp/jinja2.py``:
+        .. code:: python
+            from jinja2 import Environment
+            def environment(**kwargs):
+                extensions = [] if 'extensions' not in kwargs else kwargs['extensions']
+                extensions.append('sass_processor.jinja2.ext.SassSrc')
+                kwargs['extensions'] = extensions
+                return Environment(**kwargs)
+        Usage
+        -----
+        In your Django templates
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        .. code:: django
+            {% load sass_tags %}
+            <link href="{% sass_src 'myapp/css/mystyle.scss' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+        The above template code will be rendered as HTML
+        .. code:: html
+            <link href="/static/myapp/css/mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+        You can safely use this templatetag inside a Sekizai's
+        ``{% addtoblock "css" %}`` statement.
+        In Media classes or properties
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        In Python code, you can access the API of the SASS processor directly.
+        This for instance is useful in Django's admin or form framework.
+        .. code:: python
+            from sass_processor.processor import sass_processor
+            class SomeAdminOrFormClass(...):
+                ...
+                class Media:
+                     css = {
+                        'all': (sass_processor('myapp/css/mystyle.scss'),)
+                    }
+        Offline compilation
+        -------------------
+        If you want to precompile all occurrences of your SASS/SCSS files for
+        the whole project, on the command line invoke:
+        ::
+            ./manage.py compilescss
+        This is useful for preparing production environments, where SASS/SCSS
+        files can't be compiled on the fly.
+        To simplify the deployment, the compiled ``*.css`` files are stored
+        side-by-side with their corresponding SASS/SCSS files; just run
+        ::
+            ./manage.py collectstatic
+        afterwards.
+        In case you don't want to expose the SASS/SCSS files in a production
+        environment, deploy with
+        ::
+            ./manage.py collectstatic --ignore=.scss
+        In case you want to get rid of the compiled ``*.css`` files in your
+        local static directories, simply reverse the above command:
+        ::
+            ./manage.py compilescss --delete-files
+        This will remove all occurrences of previously generated ``*.css``
+        files.
+        Or you may direct compile results to the ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT``
+        directory (if not specified - to ``STATIC_ROOT``):
+        ::
+            ./manage.py compilescss --use-processor-root
+        Combine with ``--delete-files`` switch to purge results from there.
+        If you use an alternative templating engine set its name in ``--engine``
+        argument. Currently ``django`` and ``jinja2`` are supported, see
+        `django-compressor
+        documentation <http://django-compressor.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`__
+        on how to set up ``COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT`` to configure jinja2
+        engine support.
+        During offline compilation **django-sass-processor** parses all Python
+        files and looks for invokations of
+        ``sass_processor('path/to/sassfile.scss')``. Therefore the string
+        specifying the filename must be hard coded and shall not be concatenated
+        or being somehow generated.
+        Alternative templates
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        By default, **django-sass-processor** will locate SASS/SCSS files from
+        .html templates, but you can extend or override this behavior in your
+        settings with:
+        .. code:: python
+            SASS_TEMPLATE_EXTS = ['.html','.jade']
+        Configure SASS variables through settings.py
+        --------------------------------------------
+        In SASS, a nasty problem is to set the correct include paths for icons
+        and fonts. Normally this is done through a ``_variables.scss`` file, but
+        this inhibits a configuration through your projects ``settings.py``.
+        To avoid the need for duplicate configuration settings,
+        **django-sass-processor** offers a SASS function to fetch any arbitrary
+        configuration from the project's ``settings.py``. This is specially
+        handy for setting the include path of your Glyphicons font directory.
+        Assume, Bootstrap-SASS has been installed using:
+        ::
+            npm install bootstrap-sass
+        then locate the directory named ``node_modules`` and add it to your
+        settings, so that your fonts are accessible through the Django's
+        ``django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder``:
+        .. code:: python
+            STATICFILES_DIRS = [
+                ...
+                ('node_modules', '/path/to/your/project/node_modules/'),
+                ...
+            ]
+            NODE_MODULES_URL = STATIC_URL + 'node_modules/'
+        With the SASS function ``get-setting``, you now can override any SASS
+        variable with a configurable value. For the Glyphicons font search path,
+        add this to your ``_variables.scss``:
+        ::
+            $icon-font-path: unquote(get-setting(NODE_MODULES_URL) + "bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/");
+        and ``@import "variables";`` whenever you need Glyphicons. You then can
+        safely remove any font references, such as
+        ``<link href="/path/to/your/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-whatever.ttf" ...>``
+        from you HTML templates.
+        Changelog
+        ---------
+        -  0.5.3
+        -  Fixed compilescss: Did not find calls of sass\_processor within a
+           dict, list or tuple
+        -  0.5.2
+        -  Fixed Python 3 incompatibility. Open files as binaries, since they
+           may contain unicode characters.
+        -  0.5.1
+        -  Add ``APPS_INCLUDE_DIRS`` to the SASS include path.
+        -  0.5.0
+        -  SASS/SCSS files can also be referenced in pure Python files, for
+           instance in ``Media`` class or ``media`` property definitions.
+        -  The SASS processor will look for potential include directories, so
+           that the ``@import "..."`` statement also works for SASS files
+           located in other Django apps.
+        -  0.4.0 - 0.4.4
+        -  Refactored the sass processor into a self-contained class
+           ``SassProcessor``, which can be accessed through an API, the Jinja2
+           template engine and the existing templatetag.
+        -  0.3.5
+        -  Added Jinja2 support, see `Jinja2 support <#jinja2-support>`__.
+        -  0.3.4
+        -  Fixed: ``get_template_sources()`` in Django-1.9 returns Objects
+           rather than strings.
+        -  In command, use ``ArgumentParser`` rather than ``OptionParser``.
+        -  0.3.1...0.3.3
+        -  Changed the build process in ``setup.py``.
+        -  0.3.0
+        -  Compatible with Django 1.8+.
+        -  bootstrap3-sass ready: appropriate floating point precision (8) can
+           be set in ``settings.py``.
+        -  Offline compilation results may optionally be stored in
+           ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT``.
+        -  0.2.6
+        -  Hotfix: added SASS function ``get-setting`` also to offline compiler.
+        -  0.2.5
+        -  Compatible with Python3
+        -  Replaced ``SortedDict`` with ``OrderedDict`` to be prepared for
+           Django-1.9
+        -  Raise a ``TemplateSyntax`` error, if a SASS ``@include "..."`` fails
+           to find the file.
+        -  Added SASS function ``get-setting`` to fetch configuration directives
+           from ``settings.py``.
+        -  0.2.4
+        -  Forcing compiled unicode to bytes, since 'Font Awesome' uses Unicode
+           Private Use Area (PUA) and hence implicit conversion on
+           ``fh.write()`` failed.
+        -  0.2.3
+        -  Allow for setting template extensions and output style.
+        -  Force Django to calculate template\_source\_loaders from
+           TEMPLATE\_LOADERS settings, by asking to find a dummy template.
+        -  0.2.0
+        -  Removed dependency to **django-sekizai** and **django-classy-tags**.
+           It now can operate in stand-alone mode. Therefore the project has
+           been renamed to **django-sass-processor**.
+        -  0.1.0
+        -  Initial revision named **django-sekizai-processors**, based on a
+           preprocessor for the Sekizai template tags ``{% addtoblock %}``.
+Platform: OS Independent
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
+Classifier: Framework :: Django
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+# django-sass-processor
+Processor to compile files from markup languages such as SASS/SCSS.
+**django-sass-processor** converts ``*.scss`` or ``*.sass`` files into ``*.css`` while rendering
+templates. For performance reasons this is done only once, since the preprocessor keeps track on
+the timestamps and only recompiles, if any of the imported SASS/SCSS files is younger than the
+corresponding generated CSS file.
+## Introduction
+This Django app provides a templatetag ``{% sass_src 'path/to/file.scss' %}``, which can be used
+instead of the built-in templatetag ``static``. Since version 0.3.4 this also works for Jinja2
+If SASS/SCSS files shall be referenced through the ``Media`` class, or ``media`` property, the SASS
+processor can be used directly.
+Additionally, **django-sass-processor** is shipped with a management command, which can convert
+the content of all occurrences inside the templatetag ``sass_src`` as an offline operation. Hence
+the **libsass** compiler is not required in a production environment.
+During development, a [sourcemap](https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/css-preprocessors) is
+generated along side with the compiled ``*.css`` file. This allows to debug style sheet errors much
+With this tool, you can safely remove your Ruby installations "Compass" and "SASS" from your Django
+projects. You neither need any directory "watching" daemons based on node.js.
+## Project's Home
+On GitHub:
+Please use the issue tracker to report bugs or propose new features.
+## Installation
+pip install libsass django-compressor django-sass-processor
+``django-compressor`` is required only for offline compilation, when using the command
+``manage.py compilescss``.
+``libsass`` is not required on the production environment, if SASS/SCSS files have been precompiled
+and deployed using offline compilation.
+## Configuration
+In ``settings.py`` add to:
+    ...
+    'sass_processor',
+    ...
+Optionally, add a list of additional search paths, the SASS compiler may examine when using the
+``@import "...";`` statement in SASS/SCSS files:
+import os
+    os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'extra-styles/scss'),
+    os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'node_modules'),
+Additionally, **django-sass-processor** will traverse all installed Django apps (``INSTALLED_APPS``)
+and look into their static folders. If any of them contain a file matching the regular expression
+pattern ``^_.+\.(scss|sass)$`` (read: filename starts with an underscore and is of type ``scss`` or
+``sass``), then that app specific static folder is added to the **libsass** include dirs. This
+feature can be disabled in your settings with
+If inside of your SASS/SCSS files you also want to import (using ``@import "path/to/scssfile";``)
+files which do not start with an underscore, then you can configure another pattern in your
+settings, for instance
+will look for all files of type ``scss``. Remember that SASS/SCSS files which start with an
+underscore are intended to be imported by other SASS/SCSS files, while files starting with a letter
+are intended to be included by the HTML tag ``<link href="{% sass_src 'path/to/file' %}" ...>``.
+During development, or when ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ENABLED = True``, the compiled file is placed into the
+folder referenced by ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT`` (if unset, this setting defaults to ``STATIC_ROOT``).
+Having a location outside of the working directory prevents to pollute your local ``static/css/...``
+directories with auto-generated files. Therefore assure, that this directory is writable by the
+Django runserver.
+**django-sass-processor** is shipped with a special finder, to locate the generated ``*.css`` files
+in the directory referred by ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT`` (or, if unset ``STATIC_ROOT``). Just add it to
+your ``settings.py``. If there is no ``STATICFILES_FINDERS`` in your ``settings.py`` don't forget
+to include the **Django** [default finders](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#std:setting-STATICFILES_FINDERS).
+    'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder',
+    'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder',
+    'sass_processor.finders.CssFinder',
+    ...
+#### Fine tune SASS compiler parameters in ``settings.py``.
+Integer `SASS_PRECISION` sets floating point precision for output css. libsass'
+default is ``5``. Note: **bootstrap-sass** requires ``8``, otherwise various
+layout problems _will_ occur.
+`SASS_OUTPUT_STYLE` sets coding style of the compiled result, one of ``compact``,
+``compressed``, ``expanded``, or ``nested``. Default is ``nested`` for ``DEBUG``
+and ``compressed`` in production.
+Note: **libsass-python** 0.8.3 has [problem encoding result while saving on
+Windows](https://github.com/dahlia/libsass-python/pull/82), the issue is already
+fixed and will be included in future `pip` package release, in the meanwhile
+avoid ``compressed`` output style.
+SASS_OUTPUT_STYLE = 'compact'
+### Jinja2 support
+`sass_processor.jinja2.ext.SassSrc` is a Jinja2 extension. Add it to your Jinja2 environment to enable the tag `sass_src`, there is no need for a `load` tag. Example of how to add your Jinja2 environment to Django:
+In `settings.py`:
+    'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
+    'DIRS': [],
+    'APP_DIRS': True,
+    'OPTIONS': {
+        'environment': 'yourapp.jinja2.environment'
+    },
+    ...
+Make sure to add the default template backend, if you're still using Django templates elsewhere.
+This is covered in the [Upgrading templates documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/upgrading/).
+In `yourapp/jinja2.py`:
+from jinja2 import Environment
+def environment(**kwargs):
+    extensions = [] if 'extensions' not in kwargs else kwargs['extensions']
+    extensions.append('sass_processor.jinja2.ext.SassSrc')
+    kwargs['extensions'] = extensions
+    return Environment(**kwargs)
+## Usage
+### In your Django templates
+{% load sass_tags %}
+<link href="{% sass_src 'myapp/css/mystyle.scss' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+The above template code will be rendered as HTML
+<link href="/static/myapp/css/mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+You can safely use this templatetag inside a Sekizai's ``{% addtoblock "css" %}`` statement.
+### In Media classes or properties
+In Python code, you can access the API of the SASS processor directly. This for instance is useful
+in Django's admin or form framework.
+from sass_processor.processor import sass_processor
+class SomeAdminOrFormClass(...):
+    ...
+    class Media:
+         css = {
+            'all': (sass_processor('myapp/css/mystyle.scss'),)
+        }
+## Offline compilation
+If you want to precompile all occurrences of your SASS/SCSS files for the whole project, on the
+command line invoke:
+./manage.py compilescss
+This is useful for preparing production environments, where SASS/SCSS files can't be compiled on
+the fly.
+To simplify the deployment, the compiled ``*.css`` files are stored side-by-side with their
+corresponding SASS/SCSS files; just run
+./manage.py collectstatic
+In case you don't want to expose the SASS/SCSS files in a production environment,
+deploy with
+./manage.py collectstatic --ignore=.scss
+In case you want to get rid of the compiled ``*.css`` files in your local static directories, simply
+reverse the above command:
+./manage.py compilescss --delete-files
+This will remove all occurrences of previously generated ``*.css`` files.
+Or you may direct compile results to the ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT`` directory (if not specified - to
+./manage.py compilescss --use-processor-root
+Combine with ``--delete-files`` switch to purge results from there.
+If you use an alternative templating engine set its name in ``--engine`` argument. Currently
+``django`` and ``jinja2`` are supported, see
+[django-compressor documentation](http://django-compressor.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) on how to
+set up ``COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT`` to configure jinja2 engine support.
+During offline compilation **django-sass-processor** parses all Python files and looks for
+invokations of ``sass_processor('path/to/sassfile.scss')``. Therefore the string specifying
+the filename must be hard coded and shall not be concatenated or being somehow generated.
+### Alternative templates
+By default, **django-sass-processor** will locate SASS/SCSS files from .html templates,
+but you can extend or override this behavior in your settings with:
+SASS_TEMPLATE_EXTS = ['.html','.jade']
+## Configure SASS variables through settings.py
+In SASS, a nasty problem is to set the correct include paths for icons and fonts. Normally this is
+done through a ``_variables.scss`` file, but this inhibits a configuration through your projects
+To avoid the need for duplicate configuration settings, **django-sass-processor** offers a SASS
+function to fetch any arbitrary configuration from the project's ``settings.py``. This is specially
+handy for setting the include path of your Glyphicons font directory. Assume, Bootstrap-SASS has
+been installed using:
+npm install bootstrap-sass
+then locate the directory named ``node_modules`` and add it to your settings, so that your fonts are
+accessible through the Django's ``django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder``:
+    ...
+    ('node_modules', '/path/to/your/project/node_modules/'),
+    ...
+NODE_MODULES_URL = STATIC_URL + 'node_modules/'
+With the SASS function ``get-setting``, you now can override any SASS variable with a configurable
+value. For the Glyphicons font search path, add this to your ``_variables.scss``:
+$icon-font-path: unquote(get-setting(NODE_MODULES_URL) + "bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/");
+and ``@import "variables";`` whenever you need Glyphicons. You then can safely remove any font
+references, such as ``<link href="/path/to/your/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-whatever.ttf" ...>``
+from you HTML templates.
+## Changelog
+* 0.5.3
+- Fixed compilescss: Did not find calls of sass_processor within a dict, list or tuple
+* 0.5.2
+- Fixed Python 3 incompatibility. Open files as binaries, since they may contain unicode characters.
+* 0.5.1
+- Add ``APPS_INCLUDE_DIRS`` to the SASS include path.
+* 0.5.0
+- SASS/SCSS files can also be referenced in pure Python files, for instance in ``Media`` class or
+  ``media`` property definitions.
+- The SASS processor will look for potential include directories, so that the ``@import "..."``
+  statement also works for SASS files located in other Django apps.
+* 0.4.0 - 0.4.4
+- Refactored the sass processor into a self-contained class ``SassProcessor``, which can be accessed
+  through an API, the Jinja2 template engine and the existing templatetag.
+* 0.3.5
+ - Added Jinja2 support, see [Jinja2 support](#jinja2-support).
+* 0.3.4
+ - Fixed: ``get_template_sources()`` in Django-1.9 returns Objects rather than strings.
+ - In command, use ``ArgumentParser`` rather than ``OptionParser``.
+* 0.3.1...0.3.3
+ - Changed the build process in ``setup.py``.
+* 0.3.0
+ - Compatible with Django 1.8+.
+ - bootstrap3-sass ready: appropriate floating point precision (8) can be set in ``settings.py``.
+ - Offline compilation results may optionally be stored in ``SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT``.
+* 0.2.6
+ - Hotfix: added SASS function ``get-setting`` also to offline compiler.
+* 0.2.5
+ - Compatible with Python3
+ - Replaced ``SortedDict`` with ``OrderedDict`` to be prepared for Django-1.9
+ - Raise a ``TemplateSyntax`` error, if a SASS ``@include "..."`` fails to find the file.
+ - Added SASS function ``get-setting`` to fetch configuration directives from ``settings.py``.
+* 0.2.4
+ - Forcing compiled unicode to bytes, since 'Font Awesome' uses Unicode Private Use Area (PUA)
+   and hence implicit conversion on ``fh.write()`` failed.
+* 0.2.3
+ - Allow for setting template extensions and output style.
+ - Force Django to calculate template_source_loaders from TEMPLATE_LOADERS settings, by asking to find a dummy template.
+* 0.2.0
+ - Removed dependency to **django-sekizai** and **django-classy-tags**. It now can operate in
+   stand-alone mode. Therefore the project has been renamed to **django-sass-processor**.
+* 0.1.0
+ - Initial revision named **django-sekizai-processors**, based on a preprocessor for the Sekizai
+   template tags ``{% addtoblock %}``.
diff --git a/django_sass_processor.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/django_sass_processor.egg-info/PKG-INFO
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+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: django-sass-processor
+Version: 0.5.4
+Summary: SASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or offline.
+Home-page: https://github.com/jrief/django-sass-processor
+Author: Jacob Rief
+Author-email: jacob.rief at gmail.com
+Description: django-sass-processor
+        =====================
+        Processor to compile files from markup languages such as SASS/SCSS.
+        **django-sass-processor** converts ``*.scss`` or ``*.sass`` files into
+        ``*.css`` while rendering templates. For performance reasons this is
+        done only once, since the preprocessor keeps track on the timestamps and
+        only recompiles, if any of the imported SASS/SCSS files is younger than
+        the corresponding generated CSS file.
+        Introduction
+        ------------
+        This Django app provides a templatetag
+        ``{% sass_src 'path/to/file.scss' %}``, which can be used instead of the
+        built-in templatetag ``static``. Since version 0.3.4 this also works for
+        Jinja2 templates.
+        If SASS/SCSS files shall be referenced through the ``Media`` class, or
+        ``media`` property, the SASS processor can be used directly.
+        Additionally, **django-sass-processor** is shipped with a management
+        command, which can convert the content of all occurrences inside the
+        templatetag ``sass_src`` as an offline operation. Hence the **libsass**
+        compiler is not required in a production environment.
+        During development, a
+        `sourcemap <https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/css-preprocessors>`__
+        is generated along side with the compiled ``*.css`` file. This allows to
+        debug style sheet errors much easier.
+        With this tool, you can safely remove your Ruby installations "Compass"
+        and "SASS" from your Django projects. You neither need any directory
+        "watching" daemons based on node.js.
+        Project's Home
+        --------------
+        On GitHub:
+        https://github.com/jrief/django-sass-processor
+        Please use the issue tracker to report bugs or propose new features.
+        Installation
+        ------------
+        ::
+            pip install libsass django-compressor django-sass-processor
+        ``django-compressor`` is required only for offline compilation, when
+        using the command ``manage.py compilescss``.
+        ``libsass`` is not required on the production environment, if SASS/SCSS
+        files have been precompiled and deployed using offline compilation.
+        Configuration
+        -------------
+        In ``settings.py`` add to:
+        .. code:: python
+            INSTALLED_APPS = [
+                ...
+                'sass_processor',
+                ...
+            ]
+        Optionally, add a list of additional search paths, the SASS compiler may
+        examine when using the ``@import "...";`` statement in SASS/SCSS files:
+        .. code:: python
+            import os
+                os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'extra-styles/scss'),
+                os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'node_modules'),
+            ]
+        Additionally, **django-sass-processor** will traverse all installed
... 1254 lines suppressed ...

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