[Python-modules-commits] [sphinx] branch debian/master updated (ca275ba -> 0390302)
Dmitry Shachnev
mitya57 at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 9 16:02:35 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mitya57 pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository sphinx.
from ca275ba Release to unstable.
new 452186e New upstream version 1.6.6
new 2ba6d0b Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.6.6'
new 0390302 Update patches for the new release.
The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CHANGES | 51 +++++++++++
LICENSE | 2 +-
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
Sphinx.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 2 +-
Sphinx.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 33 ++++---
debian/changelog | 9 ++
debian/patches/disable_js_version_check.diff | 4 +-
debian/patches/reproducible_dicts.diff | 31 -------
debian/patches/reproducible_htmlhelp.diff | 39 --------
debian/patches/series | 2 -
debian/patches/skip_tests_network.diff | 6 +-
doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html | 2 +-
doc/_themes/sphinx13/static/sphinx13.css | 2 +-
doc/conf.py | 2 +-
doc/config.rst | 102 +++++++++++++++++----
doc/ext/math.rst | 2 +-
doc/ext/napoleon.rst | 9 +-
doc/latex.rst | 20 +++-
doc/markup/code.rst | 6 +-
doc/markup/inline.rst | 18 ++--
setup.cfg | 2 +-
sphinx-apidoc.py | 2 +-
sphinx-autogen.py | 2 +-
sphinx-build.py | 2 +-
sphinx-quickstart.py | 2 +-
sphinx/__init__.py | 8 +-
sphinx/__main__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/addnodes.py | 2 +-
sphinx/apidoc.py | 16 ++--
sphinx/application.py | 6 +-
sphinx/builders/__init__.py | 8 +-
sphinx/builders/_epub_base.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/applehelp.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/changes.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/devhelp.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/gettext.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/html.py | 4 +-
sphinx/builders/htmlhelp.py | 4 +-
sphinx/builders/latex.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/linkcheck.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/manpage.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/qthelp.py | 6 +-
sphinx/builders/texinfo.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/text.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/websupport.py | 2 +-
sphinx/builders/xml.py | 2 +-
sphinx/cmdline.py | 2 +-
sphinx/config.py | 13 ++-
sphinx/deprecation.py | 2 +-
sphinx/directives/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/directives/code.py | 2 +-
sphinx/directives/other.py | 2 +-
sphinx/directives/patches.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/c.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/cpp.py | 21 +++--
sphinx/domains/javascript.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/python.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/rst.py | 2 +-
sphinx/domains/std.py | 18 ++--
sphinx/environment/__init__.py | 62 ++++++++++---
sphinx/environment/adapters/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/adapters/asset.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/adapters/indexentries.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/adapters/toctree.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/asset.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/dependencies.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/indexentries.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/metadata.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/title.py | 2 +-
sphinx/environment/collectors/toctree.py | 4 +-
sphinx/errors.py | 2 +-
sphinx/events.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/autodoc.py | 16 +++-
sphinx/ext/autosectionlabel.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/autosummary/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/autosummary/generate.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/coverage.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/doctest.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/extlinks.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/githubpages.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/graphviz.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/ifconfig.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/imgconverter.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/imgmath.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/inheritance_diagram.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/intersphinx.py | 3 +-
sphinx/ext/jsmath.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/linkcode.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/mathbase.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/mathjax.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/napoleon/__init__.py | 8 +-
sphinx/ext/napoleon/docstring.py | 24 ++---
sphinx/ext/napoleon/iterators.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/pngmath.py | 2 +-
sphinx/ext/todo.py | 5 +-
sphinx/ext/viewcode.py | 8 +-
sphinx/extension.py | 2 +-
sphinx/highlighting.py | 2 +-
sphinx/io.py | 14 ++-
sphinx/jinja2glue.py | 2 +-
sphinx/locale/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/make_mode.py | 2 +-
sphinx/parsers.py | 9 +-
sphinx/pycode/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/pycode/nodes.py | 4 +-
sphinx/pygments_styles.py | 2 +-
sphinx/quickstart.py | 27 +++---
sphinx/roles.py | 2 +-
sphinx/search/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/search/en.py | 2 +-
sphinx/search/ja.py | 2 +-
sphinx/search/jssplitter.py | 2 +-
sphinx/search/zh.py | 2 +-
sphinx/setup_command.py | 12 +--
sphinx/testing/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/testing/fixtures.py | 2 +-
sphinx/testing/path.py | 2 +-
sphinx/testing/util.py | 4 +-
sphinx/texinputs/sphinx.sty | 76 +++++++++++----
sphinx/themes/agogo/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/agogo/static/agogo.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/defindex.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/domainindex.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/genindex-single.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/genindex-split.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/genindex.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/globaltoc.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/localtoc.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/page.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/relations.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/search.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/searchbox.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/searchresults.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/sourcelink.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/basic.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/doctools.js_t | 4 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/searchtools.js_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/basic/static/websupport.js | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/classic/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/classic/static/classic.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/classic/static/sidebar.js_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/epub/epub-cover.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/epub/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/epub/static/epub.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/haiku/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/haiku/static/haiku.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/nature/static/nature.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/nonav/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/nonav/static/nonav.css | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/epub.css | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/pyramid/static/pyramid.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/scrolls/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/scrolls/static/scrolls.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/sphinxdoc/layout.html | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/sphinxdoc/static/sphinxdoc.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/themes/traditional/static/traditional.css_t | 2 +-
sphinx/theming.py | 4 +-
sphinx/transforms/__init__.py | 6 +-
sphinx/transforms/compact_bullet_list.py | 8 +-
sphinx/transforms/i18n.py | 2 +-
sphinx/transforms/post_transforms/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/transforms/post_transforms/images.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/__init__.py | 10 +-
sphinx/util/compat.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/console.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/docfields.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/docstrings.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/docutils.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/fileutil.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/i18n.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/images.py | 4 +-
sphinx/util/inspect.py | 10 +-
sphinx/util/inventory.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/jsdump.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/jsonimpl.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/logging.py | 59 ++++++++----
sphinx/util/matching.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/nodes.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/osutil.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/parallel.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/png.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/pycompat.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/requests.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/rst.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/smartypants.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/stemmer/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/tags.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/template.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/texescape.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/typing.py | 2 +-
sphinx/util/websupport.py | 2 +-
sphinx/versioning.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/errors.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/nullsearch.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/whooshsearch.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/search/xapiansearch.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/storage/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/storage/differ.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/storage/sqlalchemy_db.py | 2 +-
sphinx/websupport/storage/sqlalchemystorage.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/__init__.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/html.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/html5.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/latex.py | 57 ++++++++----
sphinx/writers/manpage.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/texinfo.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/text.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/websupport.py | 2 +-
sphinx/writers/xml.py | 2 +-
tests/conftest.py | 2 +-
tests/py35/test_autodoc_py35.py | 2 +-
.../roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/__init__.py | 0
tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/main.py | 16 ++++
.../roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/no_init/foo.py | 1 +
.../test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/resource/__init__.py | 0
.../mypackage/resource/resource.txt | 1 +
.../mypackage/something/__init__.py | 1 +
.../bom.po | 0
.../bom.rst} | 0
.../conf.py | 0
.../test-builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo/index.rst | 6 ++
tests/roots/test-directive-code/emphasize.rst | 7 ++
.../{test-doctest => test-ext-doctest}/conf.py | 0
.../{test-doctest => test-ext-doctest}/doctest.txt | 0
tests/roots/test-ext-todo/index.rst | 2 +
tests/roots/test-ext-viewcode/index.rst | 5 +
tests/roots/test-ext-viewcode/spam/mod1.py | 7 ++
tests/roots/test-ext-viewcode/spam/mod3.py | 2 +
.../expects/longtable_having_verbatim.tex | 1 +
.../expects/table_having_verbatim.tex | 1 +
tests/roots/test-root/_static/README | 1 -
tests/roots/test-root/_static/excluded.css | 1 -
tests/roots/test-root/_static/subdir/foo.css | 1 -
tests/roots/test-root/conf.py | 5 -
tests/roots/test-root/robots.txt | 2 -
tests/roots/test-root/subdir.po | 9 --
tests/roots/test-root/templated.css_t | 2 -
.../test_theme/staticfiles}/layout.html | 0
.../test_theme/staticfiles}/static/staticimg.png | Bin
.../staticfiles}/static/statictmpl.html_t | 0
.../test_theme/staticfiles}/theme.conf | 0
.../roots/{test-root => test-theming}/ziptheme.zip | Bin
tests/run.py | 2 +-
tests/test_api_translator.py | 2 +-
tests/test_apidoc.py | 79 +++++++++++++++-
tests/test_application.py | 2 +-
tests/test_autodoc.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build.py | 10 +-
tests/test_build_applehelp.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build_gettext.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build_html.py | 59 ++++--------
tests/test_build_html5.py | 6 +-
tests/test_build_latex.py | 54 ++++++++---
tests/test_build_linkcheck.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build_manpage.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build_texinfo.py | 2 +-
tests/test_build_text.py | 2 +-
tests/test_catalogs.py | 2 +-
tests/test_config.py | 2 +-
tests/test_correct_year.py | 2 +-
tests/test_directive_code.py | 10 +-
tests/test_directive_only.py | 2 +-
tests/test_docutilsconf.py | 2 +-
tests/test_domain_cpp.py | 2 +-
tests/test_domain_js.py | 2 +-
tests/test_domain_py.py | 2 +-
tests/test_domain_rst.py | 2 +-
tests/test_domain_std.py | 2 +-
tests/test_environment.py | 2 +-
tests/test_environment_indexentries.py | 2 +-
tests/test_environment_toctree.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_autodoc.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_autosectionlabel.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_autosummary.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_coverage.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_doctest.py | 4 +-
tests/test_ext_githubpages.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_graphviz.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_ifconfig.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_imgconverter.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_inheritance_diagram.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_intersphinx.py | 10 +-
tests/test_ext_math.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_napoleon.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_napoleon_docstring.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_napoleon_iterators.py | 2 +-
tests/test_ext_todo.py | 10 +-
tests/test_ext_viewcode.py | 8 +-
tests/test_highlighting.py | 2 +-
tests/test_intl.py | 28 +++---
tests/test_markup.py | 5 +-
tests/test_metadata.py | 2 +-
tests/test_quickstart.py | 2 +-
tests/test_search.py | 2 +-
tests/test_setup_command.py | 2 +-
tests/test_templating.py | 2 +-
tests/test_theming.py | 25 ++++-
tests/test_toctree.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_fileutil.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_i18n.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_images.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_inspect.py | 22 ++++-
tests/test_util_logging.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_matching.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_nodes.py | 2 +-
tests/test_util_rst.py | 2 +-
tests/test_versioning.py | 2 +-
tests/test_websupport.py | 2 +-
tests/test_writer_latex.py | 2 +-
utils/bump_version.py | 2 +-
utils/check_sources.py | 2 +-
utils/jssplitter_generator.py | 2 +-
320 files changed, 1067 insertions(+), 661 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/reproducible_dicts.diff
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/reproducible_htmlhelp.diff
copy debian/dh-sphinxdoc/empty.rst => tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100755 tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/main.py
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/no_init/foo.py
copy debian/dh-sphinxdoc/empty.rst => tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/resource/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/resource/resource.txt
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-apidoc-toc/mypackage/something/__init__.py
rename tests/roots/{test-root => test-builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo}/bom.po (100%)
copy tests/roots/{test-intl/bom.txt => test-builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo/bom.rst} (100%)
copy tests/roots/{test-basic => test-builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo}/conf.py (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo/index.rst
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-directive-code/emphasize.rst
rename tests/roots/{test-doctest => test-ext-doctest}/conf.py (100%)
rename tests/roots/{test-doctest => test-ext-doctest}/doctest.txt (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/roots/test-ext-viewcode/spam/mod3.py
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/_static/README
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/_static/excluded.css
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/_static/subdir/foo.css
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/robots.txt
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/subdir.po
delete mode 100644 tests/roots/test-root/templated.css_t
rename tests/roots/{test-root/testtheme => test-theming/test_theme/staticfiles}/layout.html (100%)
rename tests/roots/{test-root/testtheme => test-theming/test_theme/staticfiles}/static/staticimg.png (100%)
rename tests/roots/{test-root/testtheme => test-theming/test_theme/staticfiles}/static/statictmpl.html_t (100%)
rename tests/roots/{test-root/testtheme => test-theming/test_theme/staticfiles}/theme.conf (100%)
rename tests/roots/{test-root => test-theming}/ziptheme.zip (100%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/sphinx.git
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