Bug#422556: Info received ([Python-modules-team] Bug#422556: python-pyusb: Fails to install)

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Mon May 7 00:43:45 UTC 2007



I've fixed this bug and committed the changes to svn[1], including some
other minor fixes.
Please upload it ASAP, as this bug is really grave, as the postinst and
prerm scripts fail.
I think this is also a bug in python-support, it should handle packages
with missing /usr/share/python-support/*/ directories more gracefully,
but it's too late in the night to investigate there now.



[1]: svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/python-modules/packages/pyusb/trunk
Bernd Zeimetz
<bernd at bzed.de>                         <http://bzed.de/>

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