[Python-modules-team] Bug#464784: python-numpy: After transition to gfortran _dotblas.so is lost

otizonaizit at yahoo.com otizonaizit at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 23 19:28:22 UTC 2008

I think I found out where the problem is.
In upstream numpy svn repository, in numpy/core/setup.py I found the
following log entry:
Fix: _dotblas will not ork with fortran compiled blas.
r3834 | cookedm | 2007-05-28 19:47:47 +0200 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines

and the following code snippet was added to the file:
 if ('NO_ATLAS_INFO',1) in blas_info.get('define_macros',[]):
                return None # dotblas needs ATLAS, Fortran compiled blas will not be sufficient.

which clearly indicates that dotblas is now, for some reason which I really
 don't know, dependent on ATLAS. To get dotblas built in, it is enough to
 remove the debian patch:  02_dontuse_lapack.diff . I tested it and the
 resulting python-numpy packages contain _dotblas.so correctly linked to
 the optimized atlas library.

This of course would mean Depends: libatlas3-headers, libatlas3gf-base |
 libatlas3gf-sse2 | etc...
I would think that the bug actually is not a bug but a wishlist item and
that it has nothing to do with the gfortran transition.
Would you add dependency to atlas and give numpy a manyfold speed

thank you!


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