[Python-modules-team] Bug#411487: libapache2-mod-python issues perhaps fixed with python2.4 2.4.4-7

Robert Edmonds edmonds at debian.org
Thu Jan 3 16:09:01 UTC 2008

Hi, submitters:

According to the changelog for python2.4,

 python2.4 (2.4.4-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Rename all exported symbols to avoid conflicts with similarly named
     symbols in other libraries (Robert Edmonds). Closes: #440272.

Can you please try to replicate #411487 (md5 calculation conflicts with
php5-mhash module) or #433038 (mod_python collides with mod_php5,
rendering psp ususuable without proper error messages) to see if the
issues are still present with python2.4 2.4.4-7?

Robert Edmonds
edmonds at debian.org
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