[Python-modules-team] Bug#474941: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/rst.el: untollerable slowness of rst.el

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sat Jul 19 01:45:30 UTC 2008

The upstream BTS claims that all the performance problems of rst.el were fixed
shortly after the 0.5 release (which I just uploaded to experimental).

However, I don't (know how to) use emacs, and as far as I know neither does
my co-maintainer...

Would you mind trying out an updated version of rst.el? Please replace it
with the one from:

If this works better for you than the one in experimental, I'll apply the
corresponding patch in the 0.5-2 upload (which might go to unstable, if
we think we can get it into lenny before the freeze).

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