[Python-modules-team] 'pyamf' uploaded to mentors.debian.net

mentors.debian.net support at mentors.debian.net
Sun Sep 21 11:02:01 UTC 2008

The upload of the package 'pyamf' to mentors.debian.net was
successful. URL of your package is:

Uploaded version: 0.3.1-1
Package maintainer: Daniel Watkins <daniel at daniel-watkins.co.uk>

(You receive this mail as you are listed in the 'Uploaders' field of
the pyamf package. Please tell the package maintainer if you
no longer participate in the maintenance of that package so that you
can get removed there.)

The mentors.debian.net team

#Import run: 2008-09-21T13:01:58.659090

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