[Python-modules-team] Bug#540057: python-qt4: needs to Break: python-kde4 (<< 4:4.2.4)

Adeodato Simó adeodato at debian.org
Wed Aug 5 12:13:46 UTC 2009

Package: python-qt4
Version: 4.5.1-1.1
Severity: serious

Apparently, python-qt4 4.5.1 breaks python-kde4 4.2.2:

  % dpkg -l python-kde4 python-qt4
  ii  python-kde4    4:4.2.2-3
  ii  python-qt4     4.5.1-1.1

  % python
  >>> from PyKDE4 import kdecore
  zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  python

So, I think a "Breaks: python-kde4 (<< 4:4.2.4)" is in order.

Additionally, the versioning of python-qt4 in unstable has left
python-kde4 4.2.4 uninstallable (though that's arguably a bug in
python-kde4 itself that'll get fixed in the next upload). Despite this,
I've verified python-kde 4.2.4 works fine with python-qt4 4.5.1-1.1.


- Are you sure we're good?
- Always.
        -- Rory and Lorelai

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